HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 5Cedar Pots
Ilita large Iuantity of Cedar Posts for
e of the hest quality. Must Le sold
at once.
We would be pleased to quote you
our prices On any Building material
you may requite. 1Ve can supply
you with.
Sash and Door Frames
Member, Lath & Shingles
on shortest notice
In filet we are in a better position
than ever to supply our ;nattycustom-
ers with all they may require either
from shop or yards.
Bee keepers supplies ready for
delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Call and see the wood we have for
sale. Just the kind you require for
glummer cooking.
The RoTdoI0r
G0. Ltd,
4+44 ++++++++++++++++++++
To Farmers and
the Public in
As the spring is coming on
now, gather up all your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers,
4' Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, 't'
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to
Mein -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's + iwhere you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
+++•1•'t'•1 ++++++++•i••'-44
We are dealers in all kinds of farm-
ing implements and below we give a
partial list of what we have in stock.
Buggies from $00 up. Waggons
from $44 up, Binders, Mowers,
Hay Tedders, Sulky Plows.
gee Our Hay Loaders and
IP Side Rake
'We have several Washing Machines
and SVrepers that we will sell cheap.
incubators and Brooders.
A few second-hand Buggies and
Waggons to he sole! cheap.
Largest Show Rooms, Exeter.
Roller Mills
Oristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
H. Sweitzer�
CENTR . //; 1'
• l.��lili(/G�
You can get a general educt- •
tion in any F(hool but Lowe to
the C,jral for Practical 13us,i•
lost /'raining. This cortege has
ra rout emcee' reputation fel.
thoroughness. Oppottunilies are
for those who are prepared Our
giadmit es always Ftl((t't'd. 1 ou
I'tiny enter our (•lns'es aat any
time. W'ri1e for a free catalogue.
W. J. }:'}.L1OTT, j ,
= I)..1. MIcLA('Fti.:1N, ) 1 rincipa,,
'1' H ri 6 X E '1 est .R 1' 1. M S, .1 U N E 2 2ntl 11,05,
The Bind You have Always Bought, and which has been
in 11:0 i.;r tr..'l' 30 years, has borne the signatrtre of
and has been trade under his per.
...��% :zonal supervision since Its infancy.
�v Allow no one to decei tee yon in this.
All ('ulutterf4'it-., Imitations and “Just -as -good" are but
l:vperirttettts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Int:u►1s ;tut! Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria ie a hornless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
t,(►ri(', Drop. ;trod Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
c•ont;aius neither (pinna, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. it., ago is its guarantee. It destroys `fornix
and :Maas 1'(•t cr N/IlleSS• It cures Diarrheett and Wind
Cone. It relieves 'Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the
Stout:telt soil Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Chiltlrett's Panacea—Tile !Mutter's friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have
Always Bougbt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
7Nr CrNTAUA 0•Y.ANT, 7/ a•YRRAT .TR[n, N[w rolls C,T7.
tJ• W.BROWNING,• P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni-
versity. office and recidenence. Dominion)Laboratory, Exeter.
'J. EISS.IMAN, L. 1). 8. AND
). S. 1)D. D. S., Honor KINSMAN
f Toronto University, Dentist.
eeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects Office in Fan.
eon's block. Wrist side of Main
meet,' Exeter
Honor araduste of tag Toronto Unlveralty
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also l'ost•gradast of
Chicago School of Prosthetic 1)outis �ith
konorable mention.
Ioneiinthhinotblce. bwn ridge wohe rk, crowns, ntal Pei/ lon
lnminnm, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
bhs neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office ono door month of Carling Br•o's store
£zetcr, On t.
We have unlimited private funds for times.
cot) upon farm or village property at towels
Mee 0f 1111ere it.
We have a large amount of private funds fo
can on farm and village properties at Iowratee
M interest,
Barristers Bollcttors, Stain St. Exeter
Barristers Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers,
Oommlastonera, Solicitors for the Molsoma
Bank. Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
The Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
an6e Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President:—T, RYAN, Drra1.IN. P. O.
Vice-Pree.:— J. A. NoitHisj
F.t1grn AHP 1),
F. Moneev, WHALEN P. 0,
1y, 11. 1'Ass51ottF., CitOM ti(Ty P. 0,
Wu. Roy, Hoesam1M 1'. O.
7, L. RtSSE:r,r., RVSSELDALF. P.O.
7. CARsortr.u.t., STAFFA. OST, 1
A. D['N('AN FAi3Qr1IAR, ONT.
7. Wiest". } 1'I.LA1iT(a\, ONT, 1
I. S. GII.Fit.t..sx, Lt'c•:►v, ONT ;
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
JOSEPH 11' i11'1'1•:
Licensed Audience;. Counties of Il
Perth Middlesex, Boron, Oxford 1
and Tuavn of St. Marys. I
I Charges moderate. Orders left at
' his residence, Queen St., St. Marys.
will be promptly at tended to. Phone .
at -gluts house.
Special attention eivrn to live
t stork sales. Orders b ft (it The
Time% wi11 h^ prom p' ly a' tended to.
S1101111101(NS FOR SALE — The
1, A7 under. ''red has f„r s Ile on
Lot 16, Con. 2, 11 Iy, 11 number of
up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn
bulli. They are of 11.4. low a(• 11
• blocky 1)}M, (lark red in color :and of
choice tort breeding. 'I1,4.c are all elig-
ible for reeisti It n,:;, Ind vill he sold
reasonablti. -- John filer, llensell 1
1'. 0,
FOIt SALE — Lot 8, Con. 3. (:s
borne, 100 acres. alt under cu
tivation, 2 wells. On the proper
is a frame (muse, -good bank barn
one frame barn. For further par
titulars apply to Jas. Es'e•y, Exete
1'. 0.
F011 SALE. — I have 81 acres in
grass looking not too bad which
I will sell on lire ground not less
than 5 acre lots and upwards, .any-
one •requiring such apply soots. I
also have n quantify of brick in
building to se11) cheap, by .the lump
or hundred, nista a largo quantity of
stone at 4.Ite barn to dispose of. Ap-
ply to Ilay I'. 0.. L. McTAGGAIt'1'.
Proclamation for Civic
Holiday, 1905.
1'pon the petition of 1'. Wood,
lin; Urns., 1t. N. Rowe, Thos. Haw-
kins & Son, Samuel Martin and thir-
ty other rate -payers of tl:c village
of Exeter, 1 do hereby proclaim
Thursday, the 6111 (lay of July, 1905
a day to be observed by the citizens
of Exeter as a civic holiday. Let all
good citizens •govern themselves ac-
cordingly. God grave the King:.
W. 0. BISSETT, Reeve.
r�P • - •1
Carr�c� c•
lhlilv►piik vu dop
Mew, Cnrriope
(2einioe. - .
Make a carriage more
comfortable to ride in.
Worth their cost in the
wear and tear they
save, Lasts as long as
iron rims on ail ordin-
ary roads.
Dunlop Tire Co.
Sir )Onq
To Cure a Cold in One DayLaxative.. �"� �.,".
Bromo Quinine Tablets. on every
amen beset said la pat 12 wombs. This , V• i�'/.'�j „ box. 23c,
Third Annual Report.
ovcrcin Bank o?Ganad
The third annual 01(011nz of Shareholders of the Sove•rei;n flank of
Canada was held :at the Head Office, Toronto, on the 13th inst, and waa
1ar;ely attended
Amongst t hose prawn t Isere:
AtchtRaCs Campbell, M.P..tJohti 1 u,. A. /,I ynA. E. Uylnent• d l..ewart. Hon S. E. McKie
non, H. 11. Beck, Jas .W, Pyke, Frank Turner, E. 11, Strathy, John 11.
Kay, Andrew Smith. lion. Jas. Tonna, J. 1•'. Juukin, Alex. Graham. \1'.
Graham Browne, L. 1'. Snyder, 8. 1!. McDougall and of tu•rs.
The Directors be; t o present to the Shareholders the Third Annual
Report, showing. the result of the business of the Bank for the year end-
ed 2911) of April, 1995.
Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Accout►t on 30t h of Aprils.; fi 6.11`2.65
.Not profits for the year ended '29th April. 1905, after deduct-
` in; Char;es of Management. Provincial Government and
l Municipal Taxes, all advertising expenses .and accrued in-
terest on Deposit, and after naakin; full provision fur all i
? !lad and Doubtful Debit
133,975.67 .
$140,088,32 1
This has been appropriated as follows
Quarterly dividends at 5 per cent. per a
No. 5, paid 15th of Au;ust, 1904 l
No. 6, paid 15tH November, 1904
No. 7, paid 15th F'cbru:arr, 199u ...
No. 8, paid 15th May, 1905
Transferred to Reserve fund
Written off Rank Premises
Reserved for Rebate of Discount onHills not
yet due... 5,000.00
f, 10,088.:32
Balance carried fora and •
Balance at credit of account, hf:391 h Apr 1, 1904
Transferred from l'rofit and Loa Account
Total, 29t h April, 1905 ----~--
Branches or sub -it ;cosies have been opened at the follow11142 i)I1Icels
durin; the past year:—Arkona, Dunham, Galt, Linwood, London, Monk -
ton, Niagara, Rockland, St. Josephs, Thedfgr(l, Thessalon, Torontp, Mar-
ket, Tweed, Wyontin;.
At four of these points the Bank took over the business of private
bankers, and at all of them the outlook is satisfactory.
The crops in Ontario were below the avers ;c last year, and the
pant winter was one of the hardest for amny years but in spite of these
circumstances every department of the Bank's business has made zood
progress and the outlook at the. present limo is distinctly favorable. The
increase of x$'2,621,751.50 in deposits and $106,325 in note circulation can-
not fail to be gratifying to the shareholders, as it affords convincin; ev-
evidence of a growth of public confidence in the Bank, of which any
Canashan Institution mitght be proud.
The asscls ',how *an increase 0[$3,065,831.49 over Last year, and
amount to $11, 659,905.58. Of this there is in gctual cash or at credit
with our bankers $1,569,68.2.57 or more than the entire capital of the
The Bank.
purchase of a valuablesitte on Premises"
the principalaccount
t nancialc111h
lorou;hfare the
Montreal and the erection of a first class ten -storey building. the
ground floor of which will be occupied by the Montreal Branch and the
Gnu floor by the General Manager and his staff.
Mr. If. S. holt, President, and Mr. James Carruthers, Director. re-
tired from the Board during the year, and the vacancies thereby creat-
ed were filled by the election of Mr. W. K, McNaught, one of the orig-
inal tahareholders of the Bank, and Mr. D. M. Stewart the General Man-
ager. The Presidency was filled by the Vice-president, Mr. Randolph
Mac lonald, and Mr. Alexander A. Allan became Vice -President, whilst
Mr. Stewart, in recognition of his valuable services, was made 2nd Vice -
President as well as General Yana;cr.
with 841 ian 1 04, represeniin; an areholrs avera};April.
holding ofwas
14.647shares per
stockholder. This is a very wide distribution and affords satisfactory
security to the public.
The directors n;ain wish to place on record their :appreciation of
he zeal and energy displayed by the staff of the Bank front the junior
larks up to and including the General Manager .
3001 April. 1904. 29111 April, 1905.
Notes of the Bank in cir-
Deposits not bearin; in-
terest ... ..... 51,079,762,10
Deposits bearing interest 4,611.691.23
Balance]] duo to hanks in
Great Britain ... 148-393,11
TO SHAREHOLDERSof *8.1131,711.44
Capital Stock paid up $1.3094010.)
Reserve Fund 350,000.00
Dividend No. 4, payabte
1611i May, 1904 ... 18,250.00
Dividend No. 8, payai,ic
15th May 1905
Former Dividends un-
Valance of Profits carried
:3 —~— $ 8,316,204.83
6,112.65 •
ASSETS -- - —
(;old and Silver coin Q 151,237,13
I Notes of t Ire Dominion
IGovernment ... .., .., .., ',35,130,50
Cash deposited wit 1 Do-
minion Government for
security of note circula-
tion ... 1....
!Notes of and Cheques on
other Henke (Clenrinc
!louse Exchate,zes) ..
Balances duo by vttor
Banks in Canada
Due by of her Banks in
Foreign Countries
Railway, Municipal and
other Ronde
C:111 and ot her Demand
Loins secured by Bonds
Stocks, Grain, etc ...
* 9,943 79.76
------ $ 1,726,625.82
$ 716,68560
37,719.18 $ 56,868,10
$ 276,891.6:,
G 48.148.70
• 108,170.02
* 661,158.18
$ 1.960.159.76
$ 437,199,79
$ 58,741,91
$ 173,207,99
$ 832,931.00
1 rtent loans and ili1J�$$3,782,118.72 .
Discounted ,.$4,773,:162.9`i $6,619,105.17
Less rebate of Dis-
count 20,000.00 �';, 000,0u
1'a n! Dun Bills (zc►od, no .,-----_?f,753,3G2 98
logs to provide for)
Bank Premises, Safes. Of-
fice Furniture, etc 53,713.00
lubei A�aet1 ' 2
7,209.79 5.393.87
$8,604.071.09 e.11,609,905.58
1). M. Steuart,
1905. 2nd Wien Pres. and' Gen. Manager.
in moving t he adopt ion of the Direct or's Report, t he President
spoke as follows:
I was one of the orlxinal applicants for the Charter of incnrlrorl-
tiot► of Ihis Institution, nntl it is wit feelinre of pride I stand before
yntt to -day ae its 1 eeei(1('lit. The conservative principles which have
always zovernctl t he H.tnk u ill not he departed from while i hold office.
As you have Leen informed, it was found desire:1/21,}e to rogue $325,000
additional stock, :and the spanner in which this has been taken ti
most zratifyinz
k tare , .vr suff sufficientself feel
to, �•arrentact
anal CAincreaseain theand
l1 fOr the prevent nu Lr•ter will he 1 1-2 per cent., or 6 per
c I: . per annum. We fully expect to be able fo maintain Phis rale,
a 11.1 •alto make handsome edItione to the Reserve Fund, and ether]] lee
a1ren ztl:r'n the flank.
The General Manta ver spent t hrcernont hs in Great Britain and tho
Continent, end was very eucceeeful in flirt het in z the interests of .111(
• hank in i.nzalnd and in the financial centres of Europe.
The Vice -President, Mr. A. A. Allen, in eecantlinz Ole nano ion
a'Ioptinr the Dittreclor'q Repot!. referred in ,:lowing fora,, to 1t1e
energy and ability displayed by the staff, 1nd stated filet the ioerd al•
$ 7.249.51)
• i's.•
Vont real, I.9, 11 April,
Mr. Otto A. KIDNEYS *Ilk"
cRt _-� -
Fleissner's S0'� WTI CATARRIII
Pet-ru•na Promptly Cured Him.
'9eo1 roszr� T/Yfl''e 1
.Fuirter �n ore ,
See ttle,WAshtnoton.
Mr, Otto A. Fletssner, American Epicurean, faro Chet to Col. W. J.Coady,
(Buffalo Hill), now chef at tho Rainier Grand Ilotel, Seattle, Wash., writes:
"I suffered with kidney and bladder trouble until Life did not seem
worth living. I had tried many medicines, but did not get any re-
lief until I took Peruna. It was really wonderful how much better I
was after I had used this medicine only a week. I did not expect that it
would help me permanently, but as long as it Was doing me good I con-
tinued to use it. At the end of six months I found to my relief that it
hadridmy system of all poisons, and that I was cured to stay cured. Yon
certainly have a splendid medicine and I gladly elttlorse it."—Otto A•
Catarrh of the Kidneys a Common
Disease—Kidney Trouble Often
rails to Be Regarded as
Catarrh by Physicians.
Catarrh of the kidneys is very com-
mon indeed. Itis a pity that this fact
is not better known to the physicians as
woU as to the people.
Peeplo have kidney disease, They
take some diuretic, hoping to get better.
They never onco think of catarrh. Kid:
ney disease and catarrh aro seldom as-
socted in the minds of the people, and,
sass, they are not very often associated
in the minds of the
physicians. T o 0
few physicians
recognize catarrh
of the kidneys. They doctor for Boole -
thing else. They try thio remedy and
that remedy. The trouble may bo ca-
tarrh all the time. A. few bottles of Pc-
rana would cure them.
Pe-ru-na Removes the Cause of the
Kidney Trouble.
I'eruna strikos at the very centre of
tho difficulty by eradicating the Catarrh
from the kidneys. Catarrh is the catgle
of kidney difficulty. Remove the our
and you remove the effect. With �"
erring to -curacy I'eruna goes right
the spot. The kidneys aro soon doing
their work with perfect regularity.
Thousands of Testimonials.
Thousands of testimonials from peo
who have had kidney disease which
gouo beyond the control of the ph
clan aro received by Dr, Hartman _
year, giving Peruna the whole pr •
for marvelous cares.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Colnmbue,
All correspondence held strictly eon.
ways had pleasure in makin; a grant of money for the annual con-
ference of the Executive and manaaferial staff, which did much to pro-
mote a ;cod esprit de corps ntuorrz c
este of t he Bank. (he officers, and advance 1 he inter -
The General Manager hoped t hat t he statements submit tett would
be would enable the e shareholdand ers1t t ofhe form rano accur to estitna i eation 11 of their g
( nal posit ion of t he Hank.
The surplus over all public liabilities was $1,700,000 and over 40 per
cent, of the assets immediately available; the proportion of (he latter
being 57 pre cent. of the total deposits, which was a highly satisfactory
ehowin r.
were Jood,
ha writtenoff or provided �ltfora[llbad doubtfulast 11C�debtrs
out of the year's profits.%
The Bank had 26,725 depositors and 6,185 discount customers. mak-
ing a total of 32,910, which he consiitererf a splendid clientello to have
acquired in three years. The deposits average but $311 per customer,
and the loans show an average of $1,400 per borrower, which ought to
satisfy the most exacting shareholder
The General Manager stated that ho had intended from the Bank's
inception hhaat it should not be purely local, out that, if poesbible it
should become an international institution, with businea.s connections all
over (ho world. This bail 1nr.jely been accomplished already, and the
Hank's American and forcirn business had attained very important di -
Wit hin a week after the shareholders had been notified of the new
allotment of stock, application, hadbeen received for more than the to-
tal issue, end. although the first inst aliment is not duo until! the 15t!i
June, $125,00 had Leen actually received to date making tate paid-up
capital ;cl,400,000, 81111 I he Reserve Fund $425,00n, Excluding Direc-
tor's applicalzetl8, the Bank had received subscriptions for nearly 5,000•
shares out of a tote) issue of 3.250. There were only 272 shares left af-
ter allotment, and these have leen over subscribed for nearly ten times
Referring to these facts, Mr. Stewart stated that this was the ;rcat-
ereceist comvepliment the management of the Sovereign Bank could have
d, and it should boa powerful influence in fur -
t tier est ablishin; the confidence of (he publics in the institution.
In conclusion, Mr. Stewart said that the reautla ashieved by the
Sovereig3n Bank were due to his own immediate assistants and the staff
-generally, and ire considered the staff ono of the best assets *the share-
hotilers possessed.
The usual votes of thanks to the directors and staff were made arta
referred to in eulogistic tarns by the shareholders.
The follow in; directors were clected :—
Arch Campbell, M. 1'., SJohn rt. l'ulon. ;,sley t)W. 1'McMillan..
Me -
At uent
fres idcnt :eeMr; A. A1eAllan, 1, Mr. First Vice -President, anti Mr.i
D. M. Stewart Second Vice -President and General Manager.
Act directly on the liver.
C 1
S IIJ1s They cure constipation,
biliousness, ::ick -headache.
Sold for (r() VCPr5. Lowe
Lowe: 'Jr'''., Item•.
Want ----..— .....
your moustache or beard h t I; i L' e'" i 7!S
r•t�"'� ,r ) 1L
>Zteautifillbrown orrlct.h! ' , • :,.:ft . ,;,,,,.ii .
••••••••••••••••••••••••43'1 •••••••••••N••••••••••••••
ie(Iucotpora:ed ) y Art of Parliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAID UP• • • • S3.000,000.0• 0
RESERVE FUND • • • •S3.000.000.00
((t Rranche. in Ontario, Qucl,ce, All el ha. Waists ('ofumhta and M 1nitoba
Open etc•ry IA wft11 Day [rem 10 A. M. to a e. M. except Satnnlay 10 A. U. 101 P. n(,
Pnrnreree' Pinto Notew cashed or collected. Forme supplied
On application. DRAFTS en n11 points to the 1)ominlon, (:rent itritain and Un-
ited States, bought and ;,old at lowest rates of exchange,
Depossitts of *1.00 and upwards received, interest comt-
pounded half yearley, and added :o principal Jinn) JUth and December 314t. Ile.
poets lte' n
poets ell r alto lvued and hlsht"t current rare. of Interest allowed.
Aeivssncew made to farmer,, Hoek dealers and business men at
lowest rates see on most fa)erable term.. Agent. at Exeter for I)om. Oolernment,
Dickson 6c Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
•••••••••••••N••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••Z