HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE22Ild 1905.
ou Should Have a •••••••••••••••t•••9t'•••••• , The Surrounding News
erm ome ter �••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Death of Jlr.l. $c•ptimu; Ilot.lrt11.-
A Chronical Thermometer, Mrs. Jane lfoearth, of Stephen til.
I near Exeter, passed away on Satur-
i is ill(lispensable itt the sick clay (Iled 80 years. The deceascl was
►om. and only 50c. one of t he few reulainin; pioneers
of Huron County, havinz moved in-
to the township of Stephen with
her husband, the late Septimua Ilu-
zartif, fifty-seven years tie% when it
was necessary -to cut n road -way in
front of their farm. Mrs. ilo_aith
was :t consistent member of the
Methodist church and wtts beloved
for her many womanly qualitica.
She is surrounded by a family of
seven children, who include, Misses
ltimtila nt hum(, and Jennie, of Lon-
don; J. S. lanzua;e master, Ilatnl!-
t on Normal Coheir ; ,Fred on t Iu
homestead; J. \V., trachea-. Mlle -
green ; 15. J., farmer in Stephen t p. ;
and J. C. in \ianitoba. Death was
• due so the burst inz of a blood-ve.:-
sel in • he brain. The funeral on
t 111
Monday 4o Exeter cemetery was
larzely a1I(nded.
A Dairy 'lihernlometel'. It
a great convenience that
10111(1 be found in every
tiry and kitchen.
A Thermometer ;ilio for the
)gulation of the temperature
f your home, etc,
A complete assortment of
le cheapest and best at
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
AY 4 11 18 25
NDAY 5 12 10 28
DAY 6 13 20 27
DNE8DAY... . 7 11 21 28
1 S 15 22 29
LAY 2 0 lt3 LJ 30
URDAY 3 10 17 21
TlltItS "'
Dai-, JUNE ._t.vl, rl 1.0.
M1i.,41 Mabel Gildillan, of ICirkton,
will Izratittate tibia Slack from
Mawr Ladies Colic 3e, Toroneo, i9
tied home Friday (venin;.
r. 1t. Iteatty, 1
MFletcher, r. It.
it att
y, and David Feeler left
n hr: West on Tuenday mornin;.
Miss Kathleen McCurdy, of To-
o is visiting at Beatrioe Park's.
1r, Burton, of Moloswort h. has
r l tees tailor shop in 1Kirklon.
F. 8. Lindsay, of Fort William.
rso, Canada, who has suffered
a number of years from dys-
in and Great pains in the atom -
was advised by her druzzist to
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Tablets. She did so and says,
'nd that they have done me a
t deal of tzood. I have never
any sufferin; since I began u.)•
then!." If troubled with dys-
ia or indigestion why not take
e Tablets, ret well and May well
sate in Exeter, by W. 8. Howey.
ee. Cooper, of Etimville. preach-
wo brizh4 and irapirin: ..ermens
here will be a first-class. Straw-
y festival held ('n the persona. r('
nds-on July lat. In the evening
ieaties' Aia intend ,;ivine, .8 con -
.in the church.
'Miss Lillian Elliott is visiting
aunt, Mr,. French. of Clinton.
Miss 1' atiu Elliott, of London,
t Sunday :,1 her home here.
The Misses Ethel and Myrtle
kt r and Miss Vera Eatery vis-
friend9 in Hayfield on Sunday.
Bev. S. Salton. Of London, .n for-
I•astor of this circuit wee pleas -
y surprised by the pre,cntotion
two well-filled purses. the Rich -
t' itreot presc•nbinz him with
00 and Kenaigg;ton with $50.00.
Salton has been appointee an
('llarinz Cross circuit in the
tLoin( Diet Het. -
s one of tele meanest thin ;a in
c• orld. To prevent biliousness
Dr. J1amilt.on's ('ills which keep
sy stem clean and pure, reeulnte
bowels, .rive tone to kidneys and
e.. You'll never have a hendachc
'I! never Bare a sour atomach,n,ll
tk ill have vi zoruus nracinz health
:1•' : )r
1 kin i Hamilton's i last Your
mist ,ells 1)r. Hamilton.% Pills,
per 1•os or lite boxes for ane dol
)o you know t Is. place,' If trot,
it pleasure lei. suffered. Take a
ct drip. a Me111 '1 little journey
trouzh Muskoka by askinz for that
noisome Muskoka folder issued by
le (;ran 1 Trunk Railway syalen1,-
contaula a Viralma '1 nine ee
kk 1 11 w it ll a beautiful .roman in New
re. and n fund of facie. lake 1h, ' yore the o'her day." - Clevelan.t
tunes- some eveninz after supper Plain Dealer.
t1. yout wife and children. Then
am the dour on the doctor for 1905
ylakin: sour family on a rest
ru•y 1 l,rou r1i the Muskok 1 Di 1 -
et (.hit rummer. 'fhe ldt.11 1' utily
sort. i'.'r :,ll 1 ii lC%llers.
Death of a Huron Pioneer. -One of
neersoldest and oat resected 1
tin I l
neers of Osborne township passed
away from glas life at his kite resi-
dence James street, Exeter, on Sat-
urday, June 17(11, 1905, in t he per-
son of Mr. John Howoliffe, at the
age of 69 years and 2 months. Mr.
Rowcliffc was a native of Devon-
shire, Enzland, and came 4o thitc
country with his parents when it lad
of thirteen years, hero they made for
themselves a comfortable home in
tTsborne, near Elimvildc. Forty-six
years •azo he was married to Cath-
erine Kydd, who survives her hus-
band, with a family of three sons
and one dauzleter, Robert, of flay ;
John, of Rozerville; David in Exe-
ter and Eliza (Mrs. S. Pym) of V+-
bor e who have esympathy to th ut
all 'lair friends '.Ind acquaintances
in the Doss the have sustained. The
deceased had been in failin; health
for some gime past and retired from
the farm cominz to Exeter n year
azo last April. IIe was able to reo
about up until about four weeks -ago
and 110b►t of that time was unablcato
leave hit) bed. the end corrin; as be-
fore 'stated. Mr. ltowcliffe was a
member of the l'resbyterian church
and was always in his place at the
services when his bodily stre►zth per
mined. He was a liberal in polities,
a man of a retiring quiet disposition
always w•inuinz !the esteem nnrl eo❑-
fidence of those shit whorl 11e wee
more closely associated. The funeral
procession on Monday to the Exeter
cemetery .vasa large one, an evid-
ence of qhe reneral esteem in which
the departed was held by his ncizh-
hers and acquaintances.
• • • • •
Death of Mrs. Oke. -Our citizcn.a
•4encrlly were nhocked on Saturday
evenin3 and early on Sunday to hear
of th.e sudden death of Elizabeth
Hicks, refice of the Late James Oke.
which occurred at, Ler late 'residence,
London Road, south, on Saturday
evening last. Mrs, Oke .vas around
as usual alt ending to her little dut-
ies about the home until after tea
on Saturday and lead retired label'
home of 'the membera of ;the family
hearinr her moan .vent to ler bed-
side and ere Ion; her spirit took its
everinslin; Mehl, •Hoath being due
-to neural zia of the heart. her end
was peace. Mr:+. Oke was born in
Devonshire, Enz., and came 'to Can-
ada with her parents in 1849 setllinz
in McGillivray Township, and after-
wards married in 1852. !ler death
removes one of the old landmarks.
Mrs. Oke w•as converted to God 35
years azo, and by her love and de-
votion to Christ and her fidelity to
all the mean' of trace was an ex-
nmrle to her family bovine •the, bles-
sinz of Ft•cine them all following in
the chrislian life. Her life was a
busy and active one and her kindness
and sympathy endeared her 4o a
)aree circle of friends. The .'or-
row•in: fancily are icer daurhlers.
Mary (Mrs. Hepburn, Stephen) Grace
Int home. Sarah (Mrs. Win. Essery,
London Road, north)„ and James and
\Villiain at home, who have the sym-
1 1' 4
t l a of a h 't 'r
p o of (Hellas. nd.. The
funeral on Wednesday was very
hearty alt ended 'tc:stifyint to the
l izh esteem in whirl' 4 11? deceased
was held .
Es'tA D L 1 s 111': I)
"I/o you 011u.1e t o the autonlooilc
as 'he' or 'slie'f"
Mile; of course."
"Why of courser
"ltecauoe one of there ran relay
Mr. .1. T. !teener, of Irwinville, Ga.
Bey lv ,n always keeps a bottle of Clulm er-
lain's (soli:, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy nt Hand ready for instant
use. Attacks of colic. cholera mor-
• bus and diarrhoea come on so sud-
denly 1 n y 11x11 there is no time to hunt
a doctor or zo to the store for me -
idicine. Mr. Herber mays; "1 have
tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one
of the best medicines 1 ever saw. 1
keep a bottle of it in any room as 1
have had several attacks of colic and
it has proved to be the lest medicine
I ever used." Sold in F.xeter by W.
;. llowey,
To be sure, you are growing
old. But why let everybody
sec It, io your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and ria
and postpone age. 1f you
air Vigor
ly use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
our gray hair will soon have
1 the deep, rich color of
uth. Sold for 60 years.
I Era new over 14 years old, and f ha.,
lei, trot', Lead of lose h.•, lent: h 11
ail to every one who mil ,l And n
y twit In tic, 111 doe to A r e r. aur Vito,.'
Yu. 1t It. (tram,. fl.cida, 11'n,
1X411*, J. ,• AYtt. „
WS. for 1^ler'. •,�.,
hite Hair
) Mrs. Chas. Smith, of .limes, Ohio.
ernes; '•1 have use ' every remedy
i for sick headache I could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's
!Little Liver Pills did me more good
! than all tie rest.
In zilin! 11,1vic^ 10 %ours M. l).'
Careen 1 Iivrr•.ity I lIt. 1 )Ioth'.•t :14.,
II . 1;.1i. `.I!.n.'•n4. "f ('hica zo, 4 11111
of . • .1.,',' • ' ..f 11• • American .\--
.so, e,till, . i "1'ou will tet pole -
1 ate if ;. .►u not slake too II1.111.1
blunder', reel ;t, havinz made them,
you see that they are not di.eov. •
ei." In °eta r tit to ds, let 11. • bleed
era be put nn•i• r rroun•l.
OAIL saw Oii. x11L.
Baaaathe 1" '. 1. 'Ila 11.1,f1toys Bi3uM
8tgaatnro 1�i�//�/�`�
t of JtL
MAY .'AR1UE1t xTRAIT . -- Now the
tittle to call and get prices on our Louden
Double, Steel Tract:, we have on hand a few
Hound Truck ('ars whielt we are offering at a
snap, there ,aro made in Oshawa and there
a largo number in lac in this neighborhood. E.
1'. Paul ix, Hardware, Stoves, hto.
-air. 151key- put in a steel b:,k.•
01(11 .hit•li i9 rivin; the best of - , i -
- Mr. Jacob Kellerman unloaded a
ball load, about 9000 cedar posts on
Wednesday last at Grand 11011d,i hey
arc a splendid sample of poets..
-Mr. Joe Wambold took hitt tent
to Grand !tend \Weducs lay Iast,t here
heal; a large picnic 'that day and
reostets a •road day business,
Rollo inset i., hawut„ her
newly peinte'1 house beautified by
puttin up a new wire fence. air.
Harry Silber of Crediton 14 (loin; 11.1•
_Base 11.111.-Tl:c iJenedicts of the
village hereby chn11,n;e the Betelle-
loreto a frienilla !entitle of base ball
to 'ba played on 4lie ball ;rounds on
Friday e•enine, June :10th. G,aine to
commence at 7 o'clock.
-Sir. and Mrs. Beaver of Crediton
spent Sunday with friends in the vil-
-Mrs. harry Guenther spent Sun-
day with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Rennie, of Zurich.
-Arthur Kellerman flout Naper-
ville Collar() is hone for holiday 3.
-MIs.' Ethel Kellerman of London
is home for holidays.
.- fin rrea-t\'euntsaar CV�911P!
evcninz last was he SCCIne of a hhapl.v
event at The home of :lir. Fred Rak-
er of •the t'illnee. when his deo-elder
11111101 was uuitNI in marrinze to
Mr. Godkey, of Seaforth. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. el.
Clemens a' 1 s
n the presence cnce of a few im-
mediate relatives. We join tho many
friends of t l e younz people in wine -
in; them a Ion; happy wedded
-Mrs. Claes. Fritz, of Zurich. was
visitin; her sister, Mrs. Jacob Kel-
lerman, Friday and Saturday.
-Dashwood Civic Holiday. Thurs-
day, 22nd. Everybody is looking For-
ward 'to a zood time at •t he Bend.
Mr. Sam. Mills raised his barn on
-Robert Neil returned hone on
Saturday from* Goderich where lie
has been attending court.
-Mr. Ed. Colgan and Thos. John-
stone returned home on Saturday
front Stratford where they were
actin; as Jurors.
- A lane nuniber gook in the soc-
il at Cooper's on Monday nicht.
-Richard Allen is very busy these
days selling North West lands. Suc-
cess Dick.
-Sam Crirr i.a takin, o trip East
this week.
-Mr .and a[rs. Gilford Copeland's
baby girl is very .sick.
- Mrs. l'orter, of Clinton, is vis-
ion; at Mrs. Johnstone's, town line.
- 51iss -Bary [!rook spent Sunday
at Zion.
- Mr. 1111d airs .Wes. Mille took in
the Presbyterian picnic on Monday
- F:d,r:1r Jliikv spent Sunday even-
inz in Winchelsea.
-T. itussel has sot his new meanie
home front London.
Ninety per cent of i,he "lun;ers"
consutnplion by allowinz power of
resistance a obccomc so low that a
favorable condition for the develop-
ment ,of the haccilli is provided. In
a 1lealthy system consumption can't
take roat. Hui sultere tiere ty .weak-
ness and debility, there you find tub-
erculosis. For (Icvelopin3 strength
and buntline up bile week, netlike;
equals Ferrozone. It makes Ilse
blood nutritious and the nerves c-n-
durine. The way it converts food
into nutriment, tLe appetite it ,zives
19 eeurprisinr. Just what the man
ver;in; on consumption-needa,-
Ferrozone. if tired and weak don't
put off. Fifty cents buys a box of
fifty tablets -at nil dealers.
The. !ailment. Council tail) Illi'('(
next Saturday, June 211h. instead of
July let.
- Mies Alice Gowlcy, and alike
Helene I:out Icy left on the i tr li for
a I1i1, to Cal eery, where they will
spend :t few weeks, 1 hen '1 hey CI -
;tend In slop awhile in Dakota and
other Territories. WO wish for Ihern
a pleasant time.
-As 51rs. Ftrzie Harrah ani her
husband were toinz out to feed the
canes Sunday rnorninr last Mrs.
Harrah .vas czlrryint a pail with
boilint water in one hand to warn)
the milk for the relives, t. hen in the
act of ,zoint down t he steps Icad-
inz from the veranda her feet map-
ped front under her anis the banns
water flew oN over her. Dust it nal
been tail her llu.aban't was there
she would have seen scalded 10
death, he 1 ore the hat clot hes off
her as quickly 83 possible and then
sent for nedic:11 aid. When the doc-
tor rot there she w•n9 •till iu zrise
dist re:as as her face. reek and arms
and breast were badly eel Irk I.
Is a constitutional disease
originatin in impure blood
and constitutional
treatment, the blood for through
and pur�'yulg or
its radical and permanent
cure. Be sure to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Nasal and other Doul forms of catarrh
are quickly relieved by Catarriets,
y inflammation and deodorises
Hood's Sarsaparilla, all druggists, $1.
Catarrlets, mail order only, 50 cts.
For testimonials of remarkable cures
send for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4.
C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound
is a positive cure for all those painful
ailments of women. It will entirely
cure the worst forms of Female Com-
9lets, all Ovarian troubles, Inflam-
alja Ulceration, Falling and
Displacements of the \Volub and con-
sequent Spinal Weakness, and is
peen iarly adapted to the Change of
Life. Every time it will cure
It has cured more cases of Leucor-
rhoea than any other remedy the world
hu ever known. It is almost infallible
in such cases. It dissolve, and expels
Tumors from the Uterus an an early
stage of development. That
Bearing -down Fooling,
causing pain, weight and headache, is
instantly relieved and permanently
cured by its use. Under all circum -
Stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or l'ainful Menstruation,
Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion,
Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostra-
tion,l3eadache. General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Faintness,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't -care" and
"want -to -be -left -alone" feeling, excit-
ability, ita•itability, nervousness, sleep-
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the
"blues," and backache. These a t
sure indications of Female Weakness%
some derangement of the Uterus. For
Kidney Oo.nplaletts
and Backache of either sex the Vegeta-
ble Compound is unequaled,
You can write Mrs. Pinkham about
ybtr * in strictest confidence.
EITDL Z. MIMI ■eD. to.. Lyse, Matt,
Owin; to remarks o[ a deroratory
nature made by certain jealous- na•
lured and selfish individuals of this
town, 51r. Lloyd 1'. .Ione.. t1::
orzanist of the Trivitt Memorial
church, considers it not out of
place to state the followinz, relative
to his credentials: -that he possesses
't number of certificates in carious
branches includin, not only a Con-
scrvalot•y (Toronto University affil-
liaton) Senior Piano Certificate but
also a full Teacher's Certificate be-
sides a number in Pipe Orran and
Sinzinx. In the tatter lie holrla sev-
eral certificates from a well known
London, l:n;land college. Itis last
vocal leacher is now 1 k.idinz bar-
itone in the henry Severe Grand
Opera Co. Iie also has iiizh quali-
fications in harmony and Theory of
Music, obtaining not only firs. class
honors, but headinz the class 0•1111 a
hundred per cent. Ile %las awarded
second prize ill a competition at
Philadelphia open to the world, for
the test entirely original composi-
tion submitted. For a number of
years he was solo clarinetist of As
Grand Opera (louse Orchest.ra and
25111 Hatt. Hand ; also cr!Jist of the
Conservatory orches a. The princi-
pal with. whom he studied (an Enr-
lish Cathedral Or;anist) js one of
the scoff of Alma Colleze and lin,
a provincial reputation as a musician
of •111e hl;Lest slandine, tho leacher
of she Tatler bejn; chosen Ip play
before Mendclssohn, .the zreat com-
poser, oft the occasion of his visit to
London. Mr. Jones has .vri.leli a
n►nnber of compositions in various
forme. One of hese particularly it
necominz a fast favorite in .the
States. lie has received several com-
missions 4o write onli•ratos In classic
standard vocal solos for a flute plac-
er in New York city. Mr. Jones has
also a wealth of flatterin; press no-
tices in refercncev to Itis purr 411.1
01'2-111 playinZ. singing and choir
1rainina work of which he is justly
proud. Thin .eenticman, who is not
of a boastful disposition, intorno; us
of i ho shore facts in order to ,lis -
prole ,the untruths referred to pre-
viously and enlighten the above men-
tioned ignorant individuate. Ile also
believes that prozressivenes' is jut
as essential ;o music-tcachinz as in
other branches of art and science in
•Ibis prozressive nee and constantly
ke••I'( in 1ouc)t with the fest and
newest in t io' nlnsic''1 world. "One
of tis' most. strikinz discoveries of
fhe a ze" as a famous En ;digit mu•-
ictan styles it, is (la principle of full
contraction applied to musical tech-
pique. This is .riven zrAlit to a.
1•ancel pupils. The (01111e system
.1auxilt in New York City by n n•t-
ed teacher at tae rate of six doll. r.+
per lesson.
slit .I:\Meat WATSON'S OI'INI
I I .o • 1 1. t 111e eomtn0ne'I of . I
., •r -, .1` 1 one from which le.
tante• ;= , it'rrli. Sir .lames firmly
i,��.c. in fxaI treatment which in
Lest supplied by eC:Itarrl:ozone". No
r i'e of catarrh c to -ate eli .re C, -
t arrhezon i.t us^d : It i' :1 miracle
.work^r, relieves a!mc (r I1.1 :1411y ant
sure' after other retneclir•a fail. Olh-
/ r tree( anent s C'1 n't reach the die -
eased parts like Catarrhozone be-
cause it rzoee In lite tourer of the
trouble sloth with the 'lir you
breathe. Calnrrhmone iN flee from
cocaine. it leaves no after effects,
it is simply tial Ilse'' man cure. Ac-
cept no substitute for Calarrhozone
which alone ran cure Catarrh.
Beers the 41(? gird Y�uY:uNva,! Peals 8,94
fhg or nre -�Ql�i'! zu4-fat
The Sovereign Bank
The quantity of information elven
to sharcholdet a told the public is the
strikin; feature of the Sovereizn
Bank's third annual repot t polkas
ed in these columns yesterday. l'el%
if any, financial institutions are so
open about 1 I:eir affairs as is t Ilii
one. Almost everyt bine is 10vealtel
except the condition of its indili.l-
ual customers' accounts. in fact the
management seems to have adnpie.1
the new doctrine of -publicity" up
to the hilt, and in doin; so we 1 hintk
it has made :1 wise mole towards
nlaint 1inine the confidence of the
public. The
• -,
h details 1 more c 1
1 l s c_a 1
1 11 1 1 C 11
1 d -
,t`7 finances an inetit.utiust rives 4o
the people, the less likely will the
' a corpor-
r ior-
fuu resat Bialcmcnls of such o t
n e c Not
all. n b subject d to "cookie;.'
that any of our Iii;h-class banks ev-
er resort. 40 such methoit9 (0 make a
zood s w'lse hut some other com-
have done so. For this rea-
son publicity is a thine touch to be
desired and encouraged.
It may be partly due to the pur-
suit of this frank policy that the
.bank boasts nearly 900 shareholders,
with an nveraze of 15 slmre:a apiece.
This is a wide distribution of stock
and alone with this stands another
fact of similar character, viz.: the
Sovereizn hank's customers• number
in the aggregate nearly 33,000 Of
these customers 26,000 are depositors
with an average of $311 per head on
deposit. '1 his rcenline, 10 indicate Mat
the bank's catorine to the e;ma11
saver has met with no inconsiderable
success. It may likewise be saitl
that ibis institution's discount cus-
tomers include 6,185 individual.( awl
firms, which reduces the averatc•
amount borrowed by each to $1,400.
All 41►ese fizures, taken toeether.
indicate elle larze field over which
�' •owl . onk business 115( in
three Sears been spread. The rapidi-
ty with. which the new stock offered
to t ho public has been subscribed for
is another 1111n; worthy of note
h r
Aes for the year's slalement, it
shows not profits of $133,975 for
the twelve months ended April 29,
1905, as against $119.760 the previous
year, an increase of $14,215 on the
same paid-up capital. The past
year's profits illus equalled 10.3
per cent. on capital. This is a ;ood
showin3, especially considerinz the
fact 1 hal consideraole expense was
incurred during the year in opaline.
up no less than fifteen new branch-
es and in other wise extending the
ousiness. This a;;ressive extenion
might under certain conditions be
pursued to loo ;reap fenzth,. too
many small branches might thus be
opened up and be a disadvent:tee
in a periol of hard times, but the
president assures his shareholders
that alio manazenlent will stick to
conservative lines. After the pay-
ment of dividends $10,0110 was wri:-
t en off Bank promisee, $50.000 a rans-
ferred 4o rest and 810.088 carried
forward to profit and loses account.
The above named addition 10 the re-
serve hrinze t hat fund up to $400,-
000. The bank's assets are now $11,-
609,905. nn increase on nearly $3,000-
000, durinz the year. Of this •the
management has in actual cash with
its ,a;ents. $1.569,682, or more than
the entiret capital of the institution.
Deposits last year zrcw• by $2,624.751,
the note circulation by $106,325. a
fact indicating the extent of public
favor enjoyed.
As foe 'the Increase of the dividend
to n six per cent. basis, 'the mana;e-
anent maintains that this docs not
constitute any departure trona con-
servative bankinz. it is pointed out
that this is the first bank in lite his-
tory of Canada that rcfained from
payin; a dividend durinz the firer
year of Be existance, the directors
preterits; toe oft the early. profits go
to wipe out the initial orzanizalion
expenses. For the second year divi-
dends of five per cent. were paid,
but n.q 4 h shareholders •zavc 125 for
their stock the distribution amount-
ed (o only 4 per cent. On (his bas-
is of arzument, it is clear that for
'the first two years of its cnreor it
expended only 2 per cent. per nnnum
on dividends.-Toronio News, June
151h, 1905.
These nre three common ailments
for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is especially valuable. if promptly
applied it will save you time, money
and suftcrine when troubled with
any one of these ailments. For ante
in Exeter by W.S. Howey.
Nu','. i( 4lie time to see 1111001
thaI farm you intend 'myth t thin
summer. You can have lime awl
money by consullin; us. We have
hundreds of the best fauns in Ontar-
io for gale or exch:ln;e. (let'our list,
For sale: 200 acre farts in tate fp.
of I sborne, county of lluron ► tiff
acres 12 acres timber, soil clay teem,
3 .yell,a
tIvo windmills, 1 acres ` of
orchard, zomd 2 storey brick hound
9 room.. 2 bank barns .anti brie
basements, ':t•lblint under bods
barns, all buildin.'' in ru•ld repair,
one mite and a lit!f from Exeter,
price $13500.00.
No. 3078-290 :sere farts in the to.
of Stricken, County of Huron, 111(1
:teres cloaro.l, roil stark clay loam, :t
rood never failin.r weds, 2 acres of
orchard, zood brick house eit11 ter -
'ill acro" front, fr bink
' . l,linz under w;i,h cement
r bui!dii 1i. 111 in .road
.s from C. ntra)ia, price
repair, 3 t
For sale, nr vi/1 eachn1110 for
farm, a roes 1 en storey brick store
in 1.)' (own of Exeter, situated on
plain street. price $1200.00.
1f you want to s^11 or ecelcutze
your farm or other Ileal Estate
properly it will pay you to commun-
icate will' ue or with some of our
General Azents. We advertise in
oyer 200 Newspaper' in Canada,
United stales and Grout Britain. We
have nearly 200 i.ocil and General
,%,rent' working for ua Not bine to
pay unleel your properly is sobs, (A-
rh1,1(01 or %%Ole), ion from ':l1r•.
Western Reit I: (•i'r• I:vrhan n , Lim-
, ed, i.ondon. Ont i r io.
•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
At London Crockery 0o. I
lJune Brides Made Ha
• :
We study to please
"its our business to do
so." We buy goods in
every quarter of the
globe and bring them
here that you may al-
ways shale the newest
no best goods to
choose your Gifts from
New goods this week,
ENGLISH TUSCAN CHINA- iv ery best and mese dtvisr
able china, and this particular make is one of the beat .in England.
CUPS AND SAt'CERS-100 pretty designs to choose from,
every one new, and among the patterne are the tamous Anises,
Eton, York. Wynn, Florence -prices from 40c to $2.50 each and the i.
Real Old Willow Patterns in Tea Sets, Cake Plates, Bowls,
('ups and Saucers. Tea Plates, Dinner Plates, etc.
NEW TEA SETS in many patterns sed styles.
t '
• TOILET SETS The new Triumph Shape in 10 pieces, extra =
traced gold, rolled edge basins, very large
Zsizes. under glaze colors, worth $15,150 our price $4.130
1Vrite for one, colors Pink, AFplegreen, Peacock, White and Green
iVery special 03 pieces, every set a bargain
• DINNER SETS Heavily Gilded and best of shapes. combi-
nation Dinner, Tea and Berry Set, 3 patterns, worth 1.13.00 our t
if price 1.0.00.
s,s-Write for one, colors, Peacock, Pink and Florentine (Ireen,'ax •
London CrockeryCo. •=•
• 169 Dundas Street, London. ia
t s
1. WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of •
• $10,00 or over.
•••••••••••• •••-•••••••••••••••••••••♦ 2
THERE has only been one real im-
provement irl caul. ing ranges to
ntanyyears. That improvement i; the
Imperial Oxford Diffusive Oven Flue.
While other makers were adding
dampers, racks, door npenetu and
shakers in a vain attempt to make im-
provements, we studied the heart of
the range. We knew that the only
improvement you wanted was a better
oven, an oven that would help you bake
better bread, pies and cakes, roast beef
to a tarn, retaining its juice and flavor.
Our investigations and experiments produces the oven -heating system of the
,`}<O:aH5 Wni ?.. 4 s,w• �r lAv17•a.•wut.rnxl
Imperial Oxford Range
The important feature of this system
is the diffusive flue which draws in
fresh sir, superheats it and distributes
it evenly throughout the oven. The
article on the bottom shelf farthest
from the fire is getting as much heat
on all sides as the article on the top
shelf next the fire.
We would like to explain this more
fully. If your dealer doesn't handle
the Imperial Oxford Range, write uc
for particulars, 'We will send cata-
logue and tell you where you can see
the range. 14
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
101.8 1.'. NONTIIEA L. WI14NIPE.6, YANCOV.Ye
For sale by 1'. HAWKING & SON, Exeter.
Canada's Finest
For June we are offering soec-
sal bargains in Pianos. We lend -
le the finest goods Canada pro-
duces and at moderate prices and
easy terms.
A few second heed Pianos and
Organs at bargain prices. Also
Sewing Machines on your own
Flour Feed
and Grocery
We have opened an up-to-
date Flour, Feed and Grocery
stole at Trevetbick's old stand
and we solicit a share of your-
ourpatronage when we will prove
to .you that our prices are
right and our goods of the
best quality.
W. make a specialty of Teas
If you contemplate buying 40c Teas sold at 25c
call and see us. No trouble We have also a large stock
to show goods. of Potatoes on hand. Pro-
duce taken in exchange.
DON'T let the little
children play or creep on the carpet
.silk Iliwlr little fa. es clo-o to the
floor. (•arpet, at e receptacles for
' all tumuli ref
Many a healthy child ha+been taken
ill en.urount of brenthin in theme
I pnritlra fnnn the ell pet. Jeep Your
rugs 011.14. arpet4 purified by wing
t lite fiafiy or, our
01,rtets n-rleonou.
Non ,nnAlnIniii;:r
Absolutely destroys germs
Removes all dirt
Restores colors liko now
Ro.,cws tho sizing
Al: ria f,..,.• n'ntrf r e . for:, f,•wrent•
t . 1.11,1, :,heat'
The Huffman A rector Co.
" gestpry Your Now."
"Pictorial Perfection"
Conceded to Nell fleaerve it. p'•nular
title. "the most beautiful magazine in the
Nf.t ••
I I.
From 43 to 73 fine pictures earls month,
many Of them sn color, and all of them for
Portraits of Celebrities
Reproductions of Scenes
and Incidents
The ' ery perfection ' f Inc photographic
reproduction. Bnun•I with silk cord to
harmonize with Ihc color scheme of the
Th. tads Naganae of the
Bled la she World e- ss
(ri•-, f , c•. a year, incl•lding
Cie SP'ECI\I. t lllUaTM.\s \t'atfE:R,
1.1 ,11.. Y-'..' ,'.r r, ai ,•• • ^7►
Burr fib, Co.. 4 'Rost 274 St., Kew Tent