HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-22, Page 310G11 RFPORT OF NAVR UGHT Official Report of the Battle of Sea of Japan. 'J'IIF GREAT SEA FIGHT. sia more than half Tray. narking un- tllowing is Admiral 'l'ogo's otli- expectedly r(asortubbe denials's. ('er- 1 ciul report of the Battle of the Sea, tai" intimations havo been r(•c•eir•e(1 of .1ap;u1: l here that Japan's terms are sal>st:In- 1.:,a1` r urder for action was given at tinily as ((Moue:- ).m. 11'( headed heath-W(st fur; First, thio recognition of the Ja- e sh.,rt time, as if taking a course' { tutee• protoc•lorute over Corea. directly opposite to that of the en- I Second, tato return of Manchuria to t•Iuy. aiuthlcnly, at 2.U5, %Vi turned, ('hilus. east, changing front, and pressed 'third, international control of the diagonally against the enemy's bead. I Eastern Chinese railroad. liar armored cruiser squadron closely! Fourth. regarding fort. Arther, the followed our course, while tho divi-'stratogield value of this fortress hats aiuus of :Winirals Jk'wn and Uri., liven overestimated and l+ Sail: that the (miser squadl•un,st and the divi-' its ultimate disposal will not sive Sion cuu.11andcd by the younger rise to any cuntruvcrseee Togo, followed a course previously Fifth -It is net !Much! that Jri- plannetl. and proceeded southward to lata .•11 d'"sand tit:• demolition of attack tho enemy's rear. tho fortifications at Vtndivosto;Ie the enemy opened fire at 2.08 p. Sixth -Thu surrender of the Island m. 1\e did nut reply until w4) bad of Snlrhnlicn will not bo demanded by bought our ships within 6,000 Ja{•an, prirripally because Japan has metres. Then we concentrated our fire on the two leading ships. Thu not yet carried tho war int, Itus.sia a:netny found himself pressed more territory. toward the south-east, and both his `ov(n!h-An und'rstarnI''. regard - lines %ver e' gradually to the east- Ing an indemnity 19 not impossible, ward, assuming an irregular vertical because it is declared .Japan will formation. In this position tho content herself with demanding the enemy continued a course parallel cost of the war. 10 ours. The Russian battleship Os- Tho Japanese Minister !mere in an Bahia caught fire and left tho lino. interview said that if Russia hoe est- 111eant imo our cruisers appeared In ly desired peace slie could brave it. fho cnetny's rear. -- INCREASED IN EFFECTIVENESS. LIN1:V}TCib SURROUNDED. "As wo neared our (ire increased in A deepatcli from St. Petersburg c:T4ctivenes9. The Kniaz SouvurotT says: The Gazette published on r.nd the Alexander 111. burned fierce- %Anesday an interview with the ly. The enemy's line became con- secretary of the Chinese Legation fused, and smoke concealed then!. here, who ie represented 99 saying ▪ Therefore, we suspended fire. The re- that Russia mustnuke peace int- %alo t of the battle was decided at. mediately, as ie. in able to affirm 2.18 p.m. The Osliabie sank at 3 that (ten. Li nevittli is surrounded. p.m. Wo pressed the enemy south- ward, firing when any of their ships IN A TtEL1'1J:SS CONil'1'iUN. w•ete visible. Ily 3 o'clock we hall already appeared in front of tiro on - telly's lino of advance, our course bee ing about south-west. "Suddenly the enemy headed north, evidently planning to escape in that direction around our rear. Our main squadron turned 16 points to port. reversing its order and steering northwest. Our armored cruisers al- so changed front., following the sumo course, and pressing the enemy southward. Tho energy then changed to the east, and we promptly turned • 1(3 points to starboard, our armored cruisers following suit. Ily 4.40 o'clock the enemy seemed to be head- ed south. Later we lost sight of RAiNY SEASON STARTS. head- Abed in the smoke and wrist. The Moji correseondent of the Lon - "By 4.80 o'clock our main squad- don 'I'.degra(•h says the rainy season ren was again steaming northwardhas started its A{autchurilt. 'I'httre i4) search of tho mein body of the is a continuous dower;lour except for enemy. Our armored cruisers moved southwest against the enemy's cruis- a fete hours at night. The. roads aro knee deep in crud. Nevertheless r thelessr mill- ers. Our main squadron sank the 1.try operations will trot be interfered Veal, and found six of the enemy's with. Glad tidbas aro expected in ships running north-east. We par- a few days. elied and caught them and opened Inc.iThe enemy changed his course O111)1:It1\(: A\INfU NIT ION. westward and then north-westward. One of the enemy's battleships was A despatch from Berlin says: Rus - disabled and another was sunk. Ol!rr s'n lets ord;rod 200,000,000 cart - armored cruisers, pursuing the el- ridges of the Ludwig Loewe arum emy southward, observed the Alexan- factory. Berlin, Holl intend to give • der Its. uppronch the Admiral Nak- the same limn n large order for hitr(olT and overturn and sink her. rifles. "At twilight our destroyers and *� asirpodo boats gradually closet} in from the north, east and south. KING'S NIECE WEDS. Finding them placed, our rutin squallron let loose their horde of Marriage of Prince Adolphus to tc r(j tea. Princess Margaret. 4. E110(:.\'T0F[•":i SURRENDER. A dt•s:atch re) the London Daily .flail from Seoul, ('ores. says that the movements of the .1apan:se armies against (ion. Linevitch aro progressing rapidly. ')ho next few days should sea the opening of what will probably prove the decisive ac- tion of the, campaign. Gen. Lin. viten is In an almost helpless po- sition. 11 lis force is much inferior to that, of the Japanese. The Russians aro sla.k.en by their repented reverses and the catastrophe in the Sea of Japan cause consternation among then!. "1 ordered all my ships to nssem- A 11'it,dsor, Ung., despatch says: 1)10 al Mien Island next morning."Winelsor, the seine of nanny historic .\d1111ral Togo then describes tl:.• I'1i rats, particularly during the reign attack of Admirals UMta and Uriu .'f the lute (Peen Victoria, tang in upon the Mission rear on 'Allay 27. 11,' dl,,;: attire on Thursday for the 1►rscrlbing tho events of Sunday, %%4I tl tsg of Princess Margaret of Con- A.Inlirad Togo decln15 that his lint- naught. eldest daughter of the Duke tleships, Knmiunlra's cruisers, trill's of Connaught, to Prince Gustavus division, and the younger 'l'ogo's Adolphus, eldest son of Crown Prince division completely envel.'ped Admit.- Gustavus of Swrd:n. St. George's of Niehogato0's ships, rendering I0- Chapel was a blaze of uniforms and sistance useless. The Japanese Corn- dccor•utio1s, and lathes in full court nalndel•-i4)-Chir( amino ed of the sur- dress with coronet 9 and tinrus and render, and allowed Admire! Niebo- wenring tunny jewels. g.ton' and his officers to retain their Shortly niter the guests were sent.- aw•urds• ed the bridegroom nude his appear- ance necompunied by his support 1.1W, TIM PEACE: CONFERENCE. Prince Eugene nn(1 William of Swiel- A despotch from Washington says; e1>, with the gentlemen u n in attendance. • jilieinl nu11ounelnl(ent is made that. The bridegroom Vns followed by the Washington has been selected for the ro}al Party br.luding Kine Edward, he -Mimi 4)t the (enc( conference. The Quern Alesandrn, and other 'swat - announcement came in the form 4)l 1liee '1 -he bridal party passed up the . nn official statement Issued by Secre- aisle preceded by the (•hoir to the tnry Loci► by direction of the I'resi_ chancel. where a quarter of n cen- t rat, The titcn►e.t follows:- tory ago the bride's mother and fa - ''When the two (ioterier •rats were then went through the Run4 cert livable to agree upon either Ch.foo moray. The A•rchhh►rhop of ('anter - or Paris, the President suggested bury, assist. d by the Bishop of Ox - 'the Hague, but both Govei llnentg ford and other,, rend the simple ser- htte now roque+rod that Washington !'ice of the (.11101)) of En•:Intl+I. After he chi's 11 as the place of "meeting. the ceremeny 1hi' members of the • ,e nal 1 he 1't•. est, rat hes accordingly ro) al families ret tailed 10 1 hi' cas- es 1,.rn,n11y nnlite•1 hot ([uv01)11101)14 tit•, %%here luncheon was served. (111! 1Sa+hits>ftin trill be selected."'the wedding cake which formed *110 centro I i4ce of the table 1.1.418 live feet t , • AN ARMIS'I'IC1:, in height, 'I h • tit Petersburg currevpnt , •rat 4 THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPGET:; FROM THF, LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Route and Abroad. MARKETS 01' WORLD. Toronto, .lune 20. -Wheat -Ne. 2 white anti red are quoted at 97 to 98c outside. No. 2 goose is purely niii inul. Dlanituha wheat is easier; No. 1 Northern quoted at $1.05 at Georgian Bay ports; No. 2 Northern at 81.02. and No. 3 Northern at 92c. Oats -No. 2 elide are quoted at 43c wast, and at 44c east. Cars on track here, 46e. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 40 to 47c middle freights; No. 2 extra at 44 to 45e; No. 3 at 43c middle freights. Peas -No. 2 quoted outside at 71c, and milling at 72e. LIVE S'l'um MARKETS. ' DOMINION PARLIAMENT Toronto, June 20.-.\n Increased demand for cultic wits the t.ulury --•- at the Western Market to -day. The NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS IN deli'erieS were moderate, serving to THE HOUSE OF e031.110N:i. milky the improvement more notice- -- utile, mud all were sold. }'0 t 11.1 NT11•'ICA'l'ION. Export cattle, chuiee..$3.00 $3.55 Mr. Bergeron moved that the clerk 1►u., medium 9.73 5.00 of the !louse bo instructed to sign 1)o., hulls 3.75 4.25 and furnish to the members cel litl- Du., light 3.UU 8.75 1)o., curs 7.00 3.7.'1 elites of identification for U'nns(:urtu „ lion upon railwnThe in Canada. lu Butchers' picked 5.00 5. motion N:15 carried.Uo., choice 4.50 4,90 Du., medium 4.00 4.50 I'1 at\1.\X1:X'1' FORCE. Uu., common . 3.75 4.00 Sir Frederick 13orde,> s bill to Do., cows, choice...... 3.50 4.50 amend the Militia Act was taken up 1k1., bully .... 2.50 3.50 for at stt•uad reading. It provides for Feeders, short -keeps ... 5.00 0.00 increasing the strent11 of the polite - Do., medium4.00 4.50 Hent force from 2,000 to 5,000. Du., light ... 11 no 4.00 PACIFIC CABLE LOSSES. Du., bulls 2.50 3.00 Stockers 3.30 3.75 2.00 55.a.0u04) 1 1)o. bulls Dliiell cows, choice .33,.00 1lo., common ,,.... ...25.00 85.4411 Export ewes 4.00 4.25 Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 62c 1►u., backs 3.00 3.50 and No. 3 yellow, 61 to 611c, lake spring lambs, each 3.00 .5.25 and rail, Toronto. Call sheep, each... :3 00 33.34) 113 -is -The market is dull, with C ah'es 3.50 5.1„1 prices nominal at 61 to 6330 outside 1)t,•, each `3.00 10.1)4) for No. 2. [logs, select, 160 to 20(1 lbs... (1.(35 ltuckw•hent-Prices nominal at 60 Du., lights and tats 6.40 to 62c outside. _♦ Flour -Ninety per cent. patents are MILITARY SCANDAL quoted at $-1.40 to $4.15 in buyers' sacks, east or west; straight rollers of special brands for domestic trade, Report of Fraudulent Sale of in bids., $1.75 to $4.85. Manitoba South African Stores. !lours 'are steady. No. 1 {'utents'85A London despntc•h says: A Flue to 4053. to 55.30; No. 2 patents, 85.15 book containing the report of the to $:5.2(1; strong bakers'. $5 to $5.10 War Office Cou(unittar, headed by o4) track, Toronto. Lieut. -General Sir William Francis Millfeetl-AL outside Points brit" is }cutler, was issued on We(hteedny. It quoted rat $1.3.50 to $11, and shorts at $17.50. Dlanitoba bran in sacks, fully contlrltas the forecast cabled on $17, and shorts at $19. 'lune 2nd, showing that the iml"•oi,er die:•oral of ieilita •y stores at. the COUNTRY 1'1101)I7('E, conclusion of the South African tsar had revealed a huge scandal. Tho report censures n (lumber of officers, who are alleged to have w•orles1 in collusion with contractors. The lat- ter bought stores at absurdly low prices, and afterwards resold them to the military authorities at enornrl- ous profits. The value of the stores involved in these transactions is l;o- ttvcvn 830,000,000 ant 535,0(10,000. The officers involved all belong to the army service turps and pay de - parte ant. JAIL NOT FOR TRAMPS. Apples -Choice :;tock, 82.50 per bbl cooking apples, 51 to $1.50 per bbl. thews -Primes sell in small lots at $1.60 to $1.63, an(1 hand -lacked at 51.70 to 51.75 per bushel. Hops -The market is unchanged at 32 to 85e, according to quality. lfoney-\'rices firm 11t 71 to Sc per Ib. Cornb honey, $1.75 to 52 per dozen. Ilay-Car lots of No. 1. timothy are quoted at $8 on track, here and No. 2 at 86.50 to $7. Straw -Cor lots quoted at $6 on !track, 'Toronto. Potatoes -Car lots of ()Merles are quoted at 60 to 70c per bag on track, according to quality, and job- bing lots are 75c for the best stock. Poultry -Chickens. 12 to 1:3c per Ib.; turkeys, dry picked, 14 to 15c; do. scalded, 12c per lb. '1'IIE DAIRY MARKETS. In supply, the item of $125,000 for the probable losses on the Pacific cable were taken up. Sir Wilfrid said the agrcc•ulent was that Canada and Great Britain should each pay 5-18t1:s of the cost of ulaietenance, Australia 6-18ths, and New Zealand 2-18ths. 'l'L•o net earnings Inst year were 1x78,824, and the expenses £167,860. Thu deficit was £89.015. A stun of L77,000 was included in the expenses, to be paid annually for extinguishing lite cost of laying the cable. IN'l'EItCOLONI.\L i1.111.WAY. llun. 11. R. Emmet -son presented 8 statement of the Interco:t uia! !Rail- way, estimating the deficit for Ulla year at between 81,500,000 and 82,- 000.000. '1'her0 were° extraordinary causes, such as severe snowstorms, causing heavy expenditure and de- creased revenues for the time being, and a generul increase in the w,t;o scale. 11e believed rates would soon have to be increased. SLEPT WITH DYNATIITE. Husband Arrested Because He Took Explosives to 13od. A despatch from New York says: - Because he insisted upon sleeping tU •:• •:• • 1• (1 •:4 (►.: l6, •:• •:• •:• e11. •:• •:• 1♦ •} e. j DAIRY NOTES .. 13Y 1'Rd )1', II. 11. DEAN. I IC. lb•: �'�•� ;•o•. v•; v•;••✓.•�•:•,a :•ib•.•• • ti1•:asoN'S 1'ltOSP}:CTS. So far as cnn bo sten at the pre- sent ro-sent tines everything pointy to a very favorable season for tho dairy- man in 1005. Old sleeks of butter ail chhese were possibly. never so low in the dairy markets of the world. tend production up to the pre- sent, for serious causes, hal; leen very 911"1:. The r estures aro now in excellent condition, though they have been sonemisat h+tckm'u.',t, anti evert using points to is yc;u• of good returns for the dairy ia:rner. DAIRY ORGANIZATIONS. The various organizations for pro- moting dairylatg were "ever so co:u- 1:lctely systelat lie.' nor so well manned as rat Areae rat. We are look- ing for good results from the syste- matic campaign of instruction and help now in hell swing. Everywhere we lied renewed interest and lute in <lair:. io;. l'actoryieen are im- proving their factories, dairy bon1•ds of trade aro starting out with amend- ed rules; the buyers of dairy pro- ducts are wearing a sati.Jti.-.1 smile ns tho tesult of large demand. good Prices and fair profits. It now re- mains for tho dairy farmer to keep up with the procession. Individual effort is needed as well as organised elTort. THE 1)Ai1tY FARMER. It would seem that the cliief weak- nesses of the dairy industry from the Farmers/ View point aro: 1. Not enough return, in some seasons, for labor and capital expended. During a great part of the season of 1901 ►clth two sitck, of dynamite under the money received for butter and his pillow, in spite of the protests of cheese slid not pay the man who his wife, J01111 Barden, forty -ono milked the cows, -and he grew dis- yrurs 01(1, of Jersey City, ryas 4)r- dis- couraged. It would stem as if thero rested on 'Tuesday. Barden 18 eat- should be some way to prevent thew played in tho construction of a street discouraging seasons. Tho chief sewer, and to prevent the dynamite cause is doubtless speculation. llow front getting stet by rain he took it to prevent this is a subject well }tome. worth the attention of politica! "1'l1 take this stuff to bed with economists. 2. Lack of paying (rows. Ise," Barden said to his wife, "us the child might take a notion to play witla it." Ile placed the two sticks of deur 'te under his pillow and calmly went to sleep. Mrs. Barden !sept us she sat In a chair, hugging her child to her breast. At the end of two hours she requested Policeman Mayes to arrest her husband and the dynamite. Ar- raigned on a charge of disorderly conduct, Barden said dynamite is perfectly safe without percussion cups. Ile agreed not to take any more dynamite house and was re- leased, laughed at his }site and took her' along on his arm. Grand Jury at Guelph Sessions When one considers how difficult a. is Advocates Hard Labor. to obtain and maintain a herd of first-class cows, some allowance must A Guelph despatch says: in tlicir be Made her the men who milks sotne pre:sentment. to Judge Chadwick at poor cows. But one of the greatest the General Sessions on Wednesday hindrances to the securing of better afternoon the grand jury took strong cows is the lack of systematic bre;td- gro Iv on the tranlp nuisance. In ing for a definite p: rposo. 'there is I3utter-Pound rolls are jobbing at the Nisit of inspection they found altogether too much "hit and miss" 151 to 16c, and large dairy rolls, 1.1 two inmates of the jail Nutt downin tho methods n !opted in breeding to 15e; medium grades, 13 to 14c;, for vagrancy and on,' for lunacy. 'Tho dairy stock. The use of pure heal tubs, 14 to 15c,,tho }atter for choice.' jury declare none of these should be sires and the sticking to one breed, Creamery prints sell at 19 to 20c; there. 'they considered 111(•11 who entice than mixing the breeds, are and solids at 18c.pc3ler people and terrorize women by the two main requisites for success Eggs -Good qualities sell at 161c Legging should be sent down end in eytabltshing and maintaining 0 17c per dozen in case lots, and splits given hard lator, an 1 if no other dairy herd. at 14 to 141c• w4),!; is forthconlin.: should be put 3. Lack of proper reward for i:n= ('Fees! --New cheese aro quoted at nt work brenl.ing sto►tr3. 'f hey ck- ♦ proved e'Torts is another w•enkn:•sv 9� to lOc per Ib. clure prism life r+honld be made a HELPING THE POOR. from the viewpoint of the dairy far- --punishment and dclerr4ut instead o[ mer. We still find the same price 110(1 • ) ! ,, ,S ] 1tUl t C( In being id for all kIis of milk and of house •of ref4) r which Bacon, long clear, sells aid 10 to should 1..• reserved for another , and crentn regardless of its true value. 101c per Ib. in ces0 lots; mess Pork, entirely different type of persons. Ax a result of this ninny of the hest fila► to $1.1.50; short cut, 519.50 to and most progressive patrons of our 520. -♦ _-- fat torics ore having the factory and Cured meats -linins, light to me- A RECORD WHEAT CROP. making the milk up at house, or are ilium, 13 to 131e; do. heavy, 121c; selling milk and cream to the city. rolls, 10 to 101c; shoulders, 91c; In consequence, 1.10 find market!) liko hacks, 141 to 15c; breakfast bacon, 'Toronto flooded with dairy butter 121 to 13c. 1 , w'hich often sells for a price Clint cnn Lard 'I ierces, 91c; tubs, t)1 to 10c; leave little or no profit for the far - pails, 10 to 101c. mer; yet he considers this better than the injustice meted out at many fate BUSINESS AT MONTREAi. tortes. (:radii,:; of cream rat crea.I- ories, and pnyrnent for milk accord- ing to its cheese 00 butter value are steps that should he taken by fac- tory owners in order to give justice to all and to retain the patronage of THE I 131 S'T FARMERS. I The farmer who lakes good care of his milk and crca., by cooling it and deliv,ring it to the creamery or t in e9e factory in good physical con- dition, iectiv's no pay for his extra rare and labor. iso !lien argues that it does not pity hint to do this as he receives no nioro for his share of the ❑1115114 d product than (lots his neigh- bor who takes little or no care of his raw uatteeiul. All share alike according to quantity and regardless of quality. 'this is manifestly unfair and retards improvement in Canadi- an dairy Products. Urnding an) testing woad.} secs to be the ream dy for (1119. Incidentally the patrons of cream - collecting creameries can produce a better duality of etenut by using the handl rsepnrator and cooling the creno) Liner separating. The present would Ilan to be a favoratae time to lour- ( hese separators as (110 various com- p ;,nits have u "rale war" on and prieen ore rcdiesel Wend one -t hird. 1. The labor prohleitt is also a <li:- hr.at car.; fur dairy farmers. l':speti- n:Il 19 the milking of cows a serious 'In.•stion. We had hoped to have n i l\ing lnru•hin • ins.1ailed in the 1. 11. Si( able at the ('allege Lefore the .•\e 'r 10,19 begat, ill Juuc, let it n rs as though we nitwit(' be disa1 .Muted. '1 he firm from whom A 01l>rnIt,ur d. sc}:nt(h says: During 11(1, 9 the ussnains are nr},rots, j w'0 01, s•ted to get the 11sWhine, is ei :h London Time!. setts that the 1)OI)i:S WANTED FOR BABIES. UNITED S'1'.\'I''S Nl\itK1.'ld. gran practice on board the 1111*ish �_ Inrnkin; some imProveu:•nt8 in the 1; ;,e I1.nipotentinries to the A 11.'1110 with.•u1 n Lathy is usually NIiuncupolis, .lune' 20. -Wheat- first-class' bn1tleshlp %Ionise'id, OT NO :SNAKES IN HONOLULU. 'Li'1'a.atuv, which they du nal exp(! 11.1.'11" i nice n'ubably trill be July, 81.07; Septetiil , r , 821 to , 2;c; 'Tetuan, o n \redoes! ray nfternoon, n 10 have run►plcl(d for s:'e+w tithe qct. i n ch.svlea }'hire. 911(3 time. v.h - Nu. t hard, $1.1'2; No. 1 Northern, Nix•h;ch shell ext lolled. • Eighteen Importation Intended for a Zoo ! 1%C A •I can.:dent, ho..• r• that n r d,' Martens. 4)t the I n{ter- egrt•r with this idea conn,'! ,4, Let- :31.10; No. 2 Northern, $1.0(3 persons, including tune officers, were Promptly Destroyed. 4)0'als1ie•1* :uilkln:: r. :•I, • will be t Petersburg. the .11.? nKu- ter than mrite .1. ,1. Kelso. 1.f" I. ;o $1.1)7 Flour - first nn- wuuts<hd, 11 of n, s•riuusly. he I YI{•Inred on the Inn. • eons fu- , .un9ult, and 11. \eI4t,dY, charge of the Or+tnrio ('hilt! rein.:'teel s. $iLho to $x3.50; second otlicers are tun„11 tit;• sel'ioualy A despatch from Honolulu saes:- aur'• i14 fie nu'nnt:s,• ,!. f.inners . 1 n Authassndur to France. work, 14) send along n little 1.11 of ' e3o., 46.20 1.., $6.:30; first clears, 4.I woun.hsl, The 4xplu•...l tens, duo to The steamship Alameda hro'1gl,t n • hu111'I n't grow (I y to the correspondent, 4)r- humanity In n(rd of mother t.'1.. ;. ,•1 to $1.10; s.e•ond clears, 82.75 to a driest in the breoh. 'Tire shell Fox of ylnkes, 9441110 (11 them 10(11,•- dub•}in ie and will cure: 1e to be . ets for an arn'istue oil! care. Duthie the Past : 1 ,:r 2 4)5. Been in bulk, 812.73 to ours( *wide the gun. snakes, 4)u her Inst rip, for exhit.i the lest leaving bran' h o ,, riven:ire !,. when the { lenip44t, nli- user taco Iheus„n•l of thee. ne feete.l x 1:3 '•0, tion in n local zoo. 1' iTnrla worn tlu'o •r1,:t n form .,t I +{rlu►nutx (onnid.r that little 44n base h' n adopt, II h} rood \1•l.•e•:1, Juno 26.-R'he,tt-Xo. l p t mode at once to prevent them being! • li ,needs of Pence are distinctly , I'. o; 10 in t'nriulrs 1'41115 (11 the 1'ro- • 1�•'1 e, 3! 12; No. 2 Nutt' ern. FIRST RAIL AT SYDNEY. bolded, ns there aro ►1V snakes in tine. 51 :i t • �l.ot leis, ri01 t., •+rile _, Ihr. island, and it tins I,,.n n policy{ 2IPP00 TIB IS DEAD :set lie is officially assured that - !.i•! Irl, --\o. 1. 3:1. Marley ---No 2, Successful Test of the Dominion of lung stanr!in}*�i► kr+;> thr,n out.' AT•i'itl:('IA'i'1'!' 111:: o N It•sleeit. :•It': 311.;ple, .lo to 5)c. Colli -N11 Steel Mill. 1:acnpe9 frurn the zau'trern fence(}. Thi Noted Arab Chief and Slave Dealer. Giving Money Often the Worst Thing That Can be Done. '1110 greuteet harm to the poor is (lune by the kin.! -hearted, over-synt- palltelic people who say that every beggar should be I;ivu1 what he asks fur fear one 1)080rting case ahould go unaided, '1'o ghee a beggar on the etteet at quarter without investigttj.- Ing is story is (eine' to get ing hien a kick downwards, for so long as he can get money thus easily hu will never wails or endeavor to gain a respectable position, but will simply encourage other law drrn'<ards to emulate his exalt:pie. 7 has every cent that is given in inlieeriininato charity not only 1114v4w the irnlitide- al but ND -elle -them; the detes(nblo system of begging and impeeture which every citizul should anile to stamp out. '1 ho proper and only re - C. P. R. Estimates It at 125,000,- 000 Bushels. A Winnipeg(1 ; a1ch says: A tote! wheat crop of 125,4))0,000 Nasi) Is is She estimate trade by the Canadian i'acilic Railway of the yield In ''an - Montreal, June 20. -(train -Sales atla this year, according to a de - of No. 2 oats were reported all the ''patch reevivcd at the (:rain :''a- w•ny from 471 to 48c, quite a few cheiere from New lurk. If these curs having leen sold at. the latter figures are correct, it will mien n figure, according to all accounts. new epoch in the wheat tr told of Others were ettlut(d at 471e, but the ('anndn, and for the first time the general sentiment appeared l4) be in yield 'will helve exceeded 4(16 000,000 favor of 48c; solos of No. 3 oats ii ark. Local grain Inco, while not were made in the regular WON, at 47c { repaired to oink)" a (11511110 estintete store, and the range %vas 4;i1en as 1,.I that. with n coulinunnee of pro- lief that should be given is work at from 461 to 47c. Manitoba Spring sent conditions. lin' yield will be the fair wages, ea141*ary homes, small wheat pntenls, 85.60 to $5.80; go mist in the history of rho Uonain- parks rota playground., nod protec- strong bakers', $5.:10 to 55.40; 111n- }uta, tion against the rippreseor who in ter wheat patents, .85.(31) to 55.70; ♦ various forms n11d disguises is always and straight rollers, $5.25 to 85.4:1THE RUSSIAN CROPS seeking to wrong the poor and tho !n Wand; in hogs, 52.55 to 8'3.65. "' }awls. Rolled oats -8'2.2'21j per lag. Feed- J, J. i' E 0. Ontario bran, in bull:, nt. 818 to Wheat Good, Except in Central $18.31); 91111r19 $10 to 420; NLutito;,a Russia; Rye Less Satisfactory. lean, in bogs, 518 to t;19; !;hurls, FEUD COSTS TWO LIVES, A St. tlrrslu drsputclt says: $20 to $2). Beans -Choice prfnesI, The prospect14 of a good ltuvsiun Youth and a Girl Assassinated in $1.70 to $1.75 per bushel; 51.50 tl>ahont hurr0;t emit 01110. in the Georgia. 81.00 in car 1 ,ts. 11nnly--llhitu closer, in coughs, 121 to 1;)1c 1,00 south, southwest, northern (sue, seetion. in 1 -Ib. sections: extract, in l'istubt region and the Ura} al 1 i'not- 10-1b. tins, 7 to 71c; in (30 -ib. tins, 0 to 610; buckwheat, 6 to 61e. Pro- visiuns-ilesavy ('1wulinn short cut pork. 516.50 to $17.50; fight. short cut, 816.50 to $17; American cut clear fat backs, 426; cull:pounrl lard, 01 to 7c; ('o,.ndinn lard, (1; to 71c; Canadian lard. 6} to 71e: kettle ren- dered, 81 to 91c; hnu:s, 12 to lice bacon, 12 to 11c: (resit killed &bol- l4)n• 11ogn, 59.50 to 59.75; mixed!, 56.:0 to 56.75; 394e0 $7 10 $7.95. Eggs -`ltaigllt sleek, 1e3 to leile SHELL EXPLODED. s(•It'(•ts. 170: No. 1, 151c. flutter- • h••II eel I, (led cre,unery, 11' to 191c; under A despatch from Valdosta, (leeinc4s, 010 0011(11114)11 of the '1;4"is sates: Whin. is behoved to be the se - peel of a feud of long standing re- fer nliove the average. but. the Out- suited here on 'l'cesday night in (he look Is Torr(:spon'ingly had 11) someassassinationof the sev.,ltcr•n-year- of the centrail government 3 rind the old son and the sislet•n-year-old t•- Volga region. The outlook for rye (laughter of 11'. L. Carter, f innerlyy a is Is satisfactory, the (1111013' of Baptist nil,,1.aer. The ! ming people, the crops covering the pante arra as attracted he the harking of a dog the wheal failure, muni in practically in the \ard surrounding their home, complete in the upper Volga region. wen. out to investigate, followed I. F tett " Is predicted in some of tho a younger child. '!'hey were fired upon by someone from behind a--� smoke house. The girl fell dead, the young meal crntt}e(1 bark to ti,,, house, where he died, and the sato :- er child wale wounded. 31r. Carter fired upon someone prim ling in hi yard early on T1'erineielny. 111 sot . the intruder wits tt negro turd he grades, 11( to !Ile; (lair}, 10 1" Eighteen Men Injured on a British 101e; rolls, 1.11 to le;Ie. Cheese- a Warship. Ontario, 91c; Quebec, !1;e. 1 I. 4111 10 dirus. }rare will I, ' . .t • toll by 110.11h•n4 the een- u:.1.• in Manchuria du 4)r :,ay. .)A1'AN'S '}'1'I'3N. 1 ;ttle n,! e 1 a, :.11 to 311c: Jule, 5'21e. The reptiles were killed before they '19' "' old ut11, .1 wile "',..__W 1„,n1,,,_N„. 1 A 1ln'i(ax despatch says: The 1rst got through the custom house by ser!tied 44 ,• t. ., 4 • 1 ,•:e \,,*1114111, 51.10; ,o. 2 Northern, steel rail to be turned out by the Collector Stackable. r: :, f:;1 i : • t!, .1-4 .31:1y, 51.10 September, mow, 1►anlinion Steel ('ontPatry w•as trona- __-. .1 I. h.;..' t ! •, •t : d . f ::.... ,•:,.. eeptentler, ' 111, Spic. fractured at Sydney on W,'(Inesday. Kin; tionr may tallow his grandson A despatch from 1'itnen 513s: The eke 1 .:,1•,! 1. I, ! 1 .. N,. l(irk, June 2U. -Wheat -Spot The roil w•ns sixty feet long. 11'hile to take the savant throne of Nor - opinion ;/rtvnili!:g here is that the fns t, r 1•. ' .1• , ; . ;, . • 1" •...,.11t : 1..'1. •!.. steady; No. 2 red, $1.06 nom- the test of the n nchinery tram being way. putt:u n•got1ntiuu, between !tussle n1' a e. et 4,,.,1 le ....eet.,r end $1.071 n01811191 innate n w'orkmnn "tuned White got 31, ilclensos French Minister of rind or,;•nn trill el'ntunllp Provo sue -"A4444 . 1 ; • .1 a.' 1r .,, f ,. I, He'll. t: No. 1 northern Duluth. catieht. between two rollers of the Foreign Affairs. has resign.',. owing '1 , le: 1 fu: !....e4. 1. , I • I I 1 ; i . h. "(font; No. 1 hard .Ilan- mill, and one leg ions cut nIl at the to differences user the Nfun>ccnn sit- w�•fiel. This fe 11n9(•d prleetrily on to t •r ilu belief that Japan will meet Iles- le -see. I is •l .', t:1 08 f.o.b. afloat. hip. Ile was fatally injured. oat ion. A ileepn1eh trent Zanzibar annum)• cot lite death of Tippoo Tito the noted Aral Chief cold slave dealer. When travelling through the dark tonlinvnt in 1806 !leery 11. Stanley mel. Tih, and described him 09 n 111091 rental kettle rhnr,+cter. ile 1.I ler 0atnhlished the Chief rim Governor of the Stanley Falls Station on the Upper ('out;). CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IIAPPENINGS FROM ALL O'JE8 T1IE GLUIJE, Telegraphic Briefs From Cas Ow* and Other Countries of 11.o - CANADA. Fruit prospects in the Niagara Dis- trict are reported excellent. Six thousand live hundred volun- teers will go into camp at Niaearee un -the -lake. Ottawa Council has now power to expropritite the Cuasuulurs' Electric Company. Dlr. George S. Spencer, Police Mag- istrate of .Ow•eu Sound, died suddenly on 801.01day. AI. J. Hanley secured the contract for the construction of a tunnel tin• der 'Toronto hay at $260,000. The estate of the late Jetties Coch- ratie, •M.P., ex -Mayor of Aluniteal, is valued at $500,000. '!'here aro 5,152 vessels, measuring a total tonnage of 672,388 on the register of the Dominion. The C.P.R. have refused the totem offered by Stratford City Council for the railway entering that city. A charge of murder has been labI against airs. 1)y91ond of Queensi,uru'. in connection with the death of hue daughter-in-law front poison. Insanity will bo the plea put up for 1)esroche at the fall assizes. Ito lies at Borrie, charged with the murder of his w'ito and step -(laughter at l'enelnnguishene. A lot of }talions brought finny Mich:igen to work on the Chatham, 11'ullaceburg & I eke Erie Rade ay at Chadian, on Friday, were attacked by men %rhos, places they had taken. Their lodgings were raided ant the Italians put to fight. Air. C. C. Castle, warehouse com- missioner at Winnipeg,. est imatt's the total acreage under all crops in the Canadian west at 5,800,000. Last year's ncroage approximated 4,500,- 000, so that this year 1%111 show an increase of over 1.(100.000 acres. Through tho carelessness of a ruiner, who curried a live or six pound can of blasting powder un- corked, a terrible explosion occurred in the imperial urine Nu. 1 at Inver- ness, C.I1., on 'Thursday. by which sixteen miners were burned about the face and head, some of them very,. severely. GREAT 1110'T.\IN. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain will have luncheon with the Canadian menu- iecturers at Birmingham on Juno 27. William Court Gully, Speaker of the British House of Commons for a decade, has retired. and Premier 13a1 - four will stove to elevate Mr. Gully, to the peerage. UNI'l'h.l) STATES. A sea serpent forty-five feet long has been cast up on the beach, dead, at Old Orchard, Ale. A school with convict teachers will be established for all prisoners in thio New fork State prisons. Thomas 1•`. Ryan is said to have paid 55,000,000 for the Hyde hold- ings of Equitable stock. A Central Park, New York, animal - keeper had a rlal'r•O%V escape from he- ing killed by an alligator, on 'Thurs- day. A recklen+ chnufiou• drove a ma- chine into an open drew bridgo at Chicago, on Saturday, and three peo- ple were drowned. There have been twelve resignations from the directorate of the Equitable Life. Insurance Society. At n meet- ing a resolution providing for re- trenchment in snlarics and n com- plete supervision of expenditures was adopted. i WOIIIEN INJURED. Street Car Struck by a Train at the Falls. A despatch from Niagara falls, N.Y., says: -A score of people were injured in ct collision between ts. (reet cur and a New fork Central prts- ?enger train nt. the Second Street crossing mi 'Thursday night. F. Archer, a Brantford lacrosse player, who was on I:1, way to New York, wcs hurt interntally. His condition le serious. Uthcrs injured were: - Miss Emily Brown, 1907 fine Street. Philadelphia, t;piue and chest injur- ed; Mrs. lance Adams, Saginaw. Alit•h., ankles sprained; Mrs. Virginia 1'. Brown, 1907 Pine Street. Phila- delphia, right wria t sonde,. I and knee injured; Airs. G. 31. I• lliott, 490 Euclid avenue, 'Parente, right foot crushed; bliss Henrietta Mc- Martin, 'Thorndnle, Ont., severe in- juries to Fend; Mrs. W. L. Stillman, Toronto, buck injured; Mrs. Win. Barret, '1'oront(1, bruised about tho hip. $20,000,000 INVOLVED. Brooklyn, N.Y., Wonlr.n Will Sue For Part of Quebec City. A despatch from Now lurk says' Seeking In establish her claim to a $20,000,000 cstnto emit/intent for three genetatious by the British Gov- ernment in 17611, which includes e I act n 11,110 DIA it hal( long and a half mile wide through the heart of the 1'ity of (petite and eight acres of the Stewing Plains of Abraham, Mrs. Caroline Lambert Cnntphell. wile of Wm. A. Campbell, ran a531e- tarnl superintendent of eel Is in Brooklyn, has engaged counsel to push her ense in the Dominion and British courts. A LUNATIC 111'XS A terrible nfTntr occerre(} the other. clay at Naas, in County Kildare. fro - lend. A lunntie loomed l),wltr:c, t4)► inmate of the 10081 workhouse, ei- cnpe:) from his keeper. end, in a lit of frenzy. seizing n spade, ran among the other patients. lfilh ono stroke of the spade ho killed a Wren turned Nolan. Then he felled four eller men. one of whom, n men named 1 enry, has 1110( died. it was with consider. able difficulty (hat Dowli1 ; was so. cured and lucked In his cell.