HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 8>u 1JX E I k k •I: M i S. .JUNE 15th (90:) Its a Beauty (JUST I NI, a new 4 1'a td wide Linoleum, rtoy ground with Scrub! the effect in the new wood colorings. This H one of the prettiest efli'cte in 4 yards wide 1,ineleunl we have yet, shown. Yes, its a beat'ty, and only $_'. lb the yard. We are doing a great carpet trade this season. Unions, Wools, Tap(tst.rys, lirussells and Velvets. A big stock to select from. Special Values in Wool and Tapestry Room RUGS -We can fit any ordinary sized room at prices that will r iekle your pure string:3. What about a nice Velvet Stair Carpet. We have a beauty, rich cardinal %:round with soft greets shaded border. This carpet is so soft and nice chat you can hardly hear yourself thinking when walking- on it. Come in and try. Yes, Oh Yes, we are•leading then all on Butter Egg prices. We are open for any gnantity of Butter Eggs at prices a little better than the combination. we are not its tIR' combination. and and No, 4. A. STEWART The June Wedding The June bride, the groom. and the present cause a deal of excitement in homes where they are in evidence The presents are a very important part of the occasion indeed, and just • s, . sib!c to have a a. it would be it os t n I wedding without a bride, it is im- possible to have presents tcitliont a jewellery store. We would Iikc 10 make it plain to ,gift -givers that this store will undertake to supply them with attractive artistic articles that are in every senco suitable and in every particular worthy the occa • • lion. It doesn't take so very touch money to own thous either, not nearly so much as it used to. We will gladly assist you in every possible way to make selections. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. $I6 arid $18 or somewhere around there, is a tavorite point for sum- mer suit prices. We've Dozens of Choices for you Around $16 & $18 TO ADVERTISERS. Sumo of the farmers report that 1w :aloes th.rt Iwv'• beets planted hat.. strut of tot and in ►atne s.a_ have to Le ie -p hunted. Victoria fine Ones for ladi^s, price 412.25. '2JU ;Lod ligan. Meet le- i titigh•d e- luuded t., you wLen 1.uri out if they are not that we clay they ate. lief . !tlau.+on. Moots and Slx ' . t•n'! fur: ( 1l•.• ll:•soltie l•:}.eul� n to G ode ric b. Thursday, 'uly 6t h. The Masonic l:xc!: ..,,,i to Goder- ich Civic Holiday. 11111 stray, July 6111 Hill he 't 1.+ hes Ic: lh scasou. Dlt. OV ENS. London. Sur Seo. EYE. EAIt. NOSE and TIfitOAT.Fi s Glasses properly. Oftiee, Coiumer• rill hotel. Exeter.. Next visit Sat- 11rday. July lilt. TO CUItE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. It pays to Advertise. -A good rain coat Has found recently by Mr. I). Wood, who followed the finding by advert it in the Times. with the result that the owner called for it in a few days. A number of men were busily en- gaged 011 Tuesday last its drawing sand for \Ir. Thos. 811:aptol1 for the re-buildiur of his barn shell was last week tvrecked by the wind s o•m. George Bunter & Son %till hold not her lig cattle sate at CCM ralia, on Saturday, June 27111. consisting of tnilch cotes, heifers, and two and three year old steers. Exh:•:1 rood stock. flutter. London, will bo at the Central hotel. Exeter, on Thursday Jura: 29th 1905, all day for Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat con- sultation. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. The exterior of the Commercial hotel has been grcatiy iutproved dur- ing the past week,tlie bricks having all been re -painted a beautiful tone of red wills grey trimmings. The interior has also received many rcno- yat ions and improvement s. Ttie copy for changes must be left s The sale of Turkish Scalp Food not later than Tuesday noon. Casual ;' increasing daily. It restores -grey' adveatisements accepted up to noon :Le to the natural color. relieves Wednesday of each week, dandruff and itching of the scalp and promotes the ,growth of the hair. The best on the market. Sold THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1905 by C. Lutz. Exeter. •••••••••••••••••r••••••••• '�AI1 arr:ul*euents Jaye been con►- pleled for the grand excursion to • Goderich on July 6th. 'Sou cannot afford to miss it. Fare 80c and 40e. ►••••N80c for adults aed 400 for child- ren will buy a ticket for the Masonic An exchange says it has rained 1':acursion to Goderich July fth. every Monday since the snow left. Rev. Win. Godwin is now conval- escing. each day growing dtron;er. Mr. Horton left lolls week for n visit with friends in London and In- gersoll, Jr John Evans ofLoad spent t Sunday and Monday at 1i house here. Mrs. (Dr.) McDowell. of Listoweh is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. G. Bisset t. Mrs. John Ovens and Mrs. (Dr.) .tones, of Clandeboye, were guests of Mrs. E. Jones, last week. Dr. L. L. and Mabel Follick, of St. Marys spent Sundry under the par- ental roof. A number of our citizens attended th.e Johns -Passmore nuptials in Us - borne on Tuesday lint. Mrs. Monroe is visiting her broth- er at Rochester. Mich., also rel•atiyes at Sarnia. Mrs. C. H. Horsey, of Usborne, i-s� suffering with blood-poisoninr in her. left foot. Messrs. S. Fitton and J. Willis l'owell attended court this week al Goderich as Petit Jurors. Lo+1t. - Good axe, between Credi- ton and Exeter. Finder please leave salve at John Ferguson's Exeter. Mr. Richard Gidley, jr., has accept- ed a position in the, store of Mr. Edwards at Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs .(.. A. K. McLeod at- tended the Squire -Earl nuptial's nt Zion on Wednesday last. Wanted - At once a house keep- er on farts, middle aged person pre- ferred. Apply at Times Office. LOCALS \Irs. Garfield Sheers!, accompanied It's a sensible price to pay, by I'r Iitllr d:luzhler, is visilinx too . That much money %lith Mrs. it .511Iere. ll present subscriber• of the Tim - spent her( buys suits that 05 r Aetry leave (he Family herald and arc really good enough for stir to Jan. ist 1906 for 40c. anybody to wear anywhere. Mrs. Geo. Saltiwcll attended the wedding of her ncice, Miss Earl. of Whalen, In \I r. II. Squirt'. on Wed - All arc clrrrect Fabrics. nesd:►y 11.1. Will you call some day ? \lrs. Gla►1%ille, of London, is 111 her mot her, Mrs. John Sweet, 1 o has 1,0(11 seriously ill but is new -� - T'" r. very Indy sl•ould call uad eaW W. Tamanse reel ori, rine sores. s Isar • ,.trill be in Ih:• store this tweak. '. Manson, Albert fine shoes for men. \lon- e•y refunded wive!' worn out if they are .no what we say they are. Gee. Manson, Borba and Shoes. air. and Mrs. Frank Lutz. and tle flan zit( or, of Gnnanoquc, Ont., Miss Fannie Itreeler is visitant lir. :Ile at present vlsitinr the formner's and Mrs. Geo. Barnwell. I parents, Dr. and Mrs. Lut z. Mrs. M. Mitchell,of London, is vi -it - Itev. It. .T. Phillips, of t he Ira 1 inz her fa/her, Mrs. Thos. Itoutley. hyterian church, 8t. Thomas, ..pent ili partr, of last weak with Mrs. It. Doe - Merchant Tailor. Mr. 1'. rrayne spent Sunday Mitchell. a1 I had a %•.tlu, ,1 ♦ .1r 31 Rulon 1 1 .Ir. .101 tri e 'e last neck. horse dl i 1 Lawn mowere sharpened on short- est notice 11 1). ltartleib's, Exeter. ++++++++.1-:••1•+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + '.Vetch This SpaceEvery \Ve.k. + WANTED Men and Women in City. Town and Country. •11 over 1, sell hnjoylii 4 Toilet 'i preparations and Purity Non-alcoholic Flavoring Ettrset4. Wo offer liberal corn -r4 .i. mission. and give ep•rial discounts to hustlers. If you want 5 clean, easy ern •t• ploymen: write ns. You can work whole or part time. We h,rnl.h rho- inform■ *4 tion we tWnk will enable •n make a emcees, of the work, yellowing k a list of �: our nreparatIona and retail price. k oyme Vegetable Hair Restorer for (tray hair. lar En oyme Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic for dandruff, ;be E oyme Th moleme Tooth ('ream 2.5c I( eyrue Quince and Almond Cream, t. I ton, t E oyme Favorite Pomade ter burns, 25e En oyme Medicinal Jelly skin food. 2..c Nameless (torn t Hanlon emedy 2S.' Namele,r Catarrh itemedy 21c Purity Flavoring Extractrn powder form, 25e Lemon. Vanilla an Almond A nice l,ne to handle.:a1 neat cIa.'• scoops. 'We don't give maniple + b tit w do give sable.Purity Mfg. Co., Exeter,. Ont. +++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.4: J. tnnual llectiti of Woman's In- str te.-The annual meeting of the Woman's Institute will. he held in the Town Hall, on Friday, June 10th at 3 o'clock. It is requested that all members be present as it is election of officers for ensuing year. -Airs. 11 Wickwire, r s. . t r Hastings, e Mrs. John W. Eedy, of St. Marys, arrived 11o110 last week from Ca li- fornia where she has leen living for nearly two years. Mr. Eedy oleo in- tended returning home but the con- dition of his health would not per- mit. Mrs. Ecdy, after a few weeks' Visit in Ontario will return to Cali- fornia. Word has been received here Bur- in; the past week of the illness of Mr. Will Willis, who with his mother left here last sprin, for Springside, Ansa., He is now some- what unproved and his numerous friends here hope for hit speedy re- covery. Planes, Plants -20.000 plants for ( tale. All kinds of Tomato, early and Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery. Stocks, Asters, Verbena, Pettuta, Daisy Pansy, Foliage and Geranium plants at lowest a ' r o L c sh pec for bedding out �--•At Louis Day's, .Market Gardener, 1L.xe11'r. OOOOOO FUn UVi'IISIXTY 11CAH8 AN OLD ♦sn WFLL-Terkn HziraDy.-Mrs WInelow'aSoothing Syrup has been need for over etxtyears by mm million, of others for their children while teething. with perfect eueceso. It Boothes the child, softens the gums. allays ell pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrheas. It le pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 oentea bottle. lot palm; is incalcnlablo. He sure and take Mrs Winslow', Soothing 8yrugand ask for no other kind. Mrs. (I)r.) F:. 1t. rollick, of Grand Forks, B. C.. arrived )sere on Thurs- day evening last on a visit with lir. and Mrs. E. II. rollick. On Tuesday of this week the Misses 11nttie and Edna F.oll•ick, Mrs. E, 1t. and Dr. L. L. Rollick left for :I short visit al If miltoti and Niarat. Falls. The directors of the Stephen and 'shortie Agricultural Society meet or the revision of the prize lists on Saturday next, 170h, inst. Any sug- zeslions from parties in regards to any changes in the, list can he hand- ed to any o ft he directors or the secretary on or !afore Saturday )i0011. Lecros-P.-A 1 •a u1 cornett -+'d of Messrs. W. .1. Statham. 1. Gilles- pie, it. kinsman, T. Carling, 11. iters• dlr. II. Muir, 1i. Ifissett, 11. (tend' It. Farmer, 11. T. 'tinsel 1. 1. Ford, rind Earl Brow 'tin; drove to 1fens:,11 and rnzn;ed in a „ante of lacrosse. 'fh^ playing- put on by both teams was rood and resulted in 3.1 in fav- or of Exeter. Sirs. A. F:. Iludgert :and little daughter, licalrice, were away last week attending the wedding of her ncice, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Na - smith, of itilvertnn, and Mr. James rA. Scots, of Glencoe. The In..rria;e ceremony was preformed by t.lnc Her. Mr. 110Kinnnn, in iturns, church, \lilvert on, in Or. presence of the immediate relatives of 11ar bride and room. / i)on't pay ra hi r1. price for your flour and feed %then you can buy Oiilivio., pure Manitoba Glenor t brand, Goderich Three Star lir. nil. or (wok's nest Family Flour at 113.5(1 per hundred at Ihr Hensall Flour Mills. Other dealers are telling just t he same flour at $2.80 per hundred. ennsequcntly 1•r are saving yeti 60c 1er barrel!. Shorts 0211 and Brat, 16 per inn. -H. (took ,F Son.. stew. 1)r. Mannon has been unable for some weeks to take his- regular wm k at Me ,ynbbni ).. Services, and nn Sundsy last Her. A. L. Wicket 1 rook both servitea. it is 41 years I aro t bat Mr. \Virkel t pre.aehed his H first sermon iq t hat church, loin hen a young pian 's lot+ zin,t to the bible Christian chntrh. Hey. David • BSC SNAP Ire LadieR' Cotton Vests 120G QURLITY FOR 1261 25 Dozen Ladies' Cotton Vest with half sleeves, fne quality, full size, worth 20c, to clear at 2.2 Cts. SNELL az ROWS \'ren, of llensall, %vitt take the sot- to do with Mr. Locke•s sad condi- vices on Sunday next and on the tion. Mr. Locke had been appointed following Sunday Rev. C. Down will at the recent London Conference to preach. the charge of the Methodist church I. O. F. -The Independent Order of at Kincardine. Forresters %will cclel,rat0 the twenty- Woman's Institute. -- On Saturday fourth anniversary of the founding Last, not withstanding the inalemen- of the Order by :11 tending divine ser- cy of the weather :and the a1mott vice in the Trit•it t Memorial church 1 steady downpour of rain t ]tare Wan on Sunday next, June 18th, at 2.:10 •' good attendance at the Woman's p. In. when appropriate sermons Will Institute meetings, %when practical he preached by the recl or, Rev, H. demonstrations 'were given by the J. M. Perkins.'flu' brethren are delegates, Mrs, Jean Joy. of Toronto, asked •to remember the data•:u►d al -!and Miss Slnrttleworth, of Guelph. hour of 1.30 p. so to meet at 1ho court room at 111c'In the afternoon Mrs. Joy ;:tve a few lessons on how to prepare cer- lain vegetables. also how to cook meats. (laving it little; stove at hand and the necessary cooking utensils she prepared and cooked a very savory lamb chop, some cream - rd potatoes, also spinach soup, which were sampled by the ladies present and pronounced very good indeed. A short Salk was also given on "Cool Dishes for Summer". Mrs. Shone!. worth gave a talk on Canning Pre- serving etc." These ladies gave an- other address in t he evening but no practical demonstrations. Mrs. Joy took the subject "Valanced Rations for man" describing the different kinds of foods and Their relation to to the human body, what kinds were most beneficial and the neceastry foods required for buidlin; up bone, muscle and tissue. Iter address was Ati exchange speaks of a roan who recently procured a wife through a matrimonial ,a gency but is now try- in; to get a divorce. This is simply mother instance of the mail order bargain not being up to the mark, and that a much better article could have been procured at home. We say it serves hint right, he ought o have patronised home industry. 'he home grown article is usually he best. Young mai, don't be dup- ed Through the mail order ; ;sways deal at home and thus secure best quality. The Independent Order of Forres- t.ers of Exeter, Crediton and Dash- wood will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend or Thursday, June 22nd. A rood program of sports have been arrntled for which some practical and many valuable hints special .. prizes a •r• • . b y Leen donated dEx hMiss s wort It's S Situ tle thrown nut. 1 t the Crediton, baslntood and Eseler • subject was ••Evenings at Home". merchants. :♦ base ball match is be- Iler remarks were 81011,1 1 he line of in; arranged for botwccn Crediton and providing suitable and prolitable Centralia for w ]rich a suitable prize amusements at home, never be loo is being ,offered. All those wishing busy to entertain your children and to leave Exeter by bus will p'.erre allow them to feel that they occupy leave 'their names early as po<sible ;, frost import ant place in the home. at II. Spackmaal's Hardware Store. Geo. E. Anderson, Secty. of Com. Deli t Alter of Mr, \\'itI;am Dearing. - Death of Mrs. Isaac. -The remains After a long and 1 Iinful illness from inward 1 rouhl• U r. Wm. Dear - .of Mrs. Wm. Isaac, whose. death oc- in,g, of the 3rd con.phrn, pas,tcd carred in Luran, on Tuesday, after a 1119)' on Monday la 1l, cea,ed was short illness were brought to the born in 8ortl•n, U-t.,•,,,I,iro, esenz. ill: home of her parents. Mr. and Atrs. 1811, sed ca(' ,tit in 851 Thos. 81•cvt, lin Wednesday. the fun- settling in 11..v..;1:uuntliil, of 8lephen, eral taking place t o the Exeter ceu- la ►vin; rased: ,1 1.111'11, -.' ail, iuuuusly 1 }tete etery le -day (Thursday). Mrs. Isaac ever since. Iso w a� 1111I reed in 11ae (nee Ida Sweet) was a native of I. following ye•:r to l,re 1l11chrl1. Ex- eter and after her marriage and a ffano he• L•u.• .John Mitchell, short residence IK•re, removed with nn,l •Ibteris hofappty t ' ►n ttI S hless^d by a family of titelto children, all of %whom are. groan up healthy and in her now sorrow int husband to Luc:rn The Crows of her earily demise is heard will' sorrow h r t % h r man)* friend.. comfortable eircuul4tnncc•. The To her sorrowing husband, pa rens s. family were ail Lorre i,a .;11endance .It brothers and siytcrs, and to 1he help- the funeral on `.' .inesday. They less ba h0 of a fe;%y days trach sympn- ;are: -Mrs. Ilam , \II-. 11. 1'rouse, of tby is extended. 1)I lel le, MI:•t,.;111s. W Cornish, Mr. J. Statham received word Iasi Delford, Mich.: John. of Flint, gni- of tbu dell recentlyLof 11 cots- Mich.; Mrs. Charles I -:roc, Lu- 1'sin in F.nland, Councillorhuko Tom can ; 'irs. \Wil•-. I• agile, ll.arplcy ; \W. Lu - Fox, of Starkbolme. The Derbyshire 11. settled neat Ole homestead; (rinses contains a long and pathetic fames, W;'sley, ('•Iain, Clutrlotte. account of 1 he rieceased, expressing Hose It home, Ili-- t .1 her now cal - 1 lie toes hi• ,cnun'al was to the led awry Iaeinz 11 lir�I break by church and community in -teeteral, death in t his 11a1•p' hun•ohold. On The late Mr. Fox was an ardent the 251h of m-ct•naler last Mr. and church worker, deceased !whit a lo- Mrs. Dearing. had I h honor of col - cal preacher of the I'rinii:ive Meth. (+rating 11veir 2n1.! •u wodlliter, :an event which 001111 ," tory few. Ile• ceased was -1 run. -t ..rill member of the Trivets Nit tee:ii1 church, a !cod citizen and 1e:10 CI. .1 Ii :I talion of friends furhis in t rIity and upright dealings. Itis funer.11 nn 1Vodtuesd;ny W31 al1elided !y s lirte circle of friends who wished I n pay n Irwin r tribute to his the -y. '1'o the wid- ow• and fat her 1... v,i .•%((1111 1-y111pa- :tway creak 111:111Y vac:uroios. thy. �L00 Excursion io D1.1roil.-Tues- d:ay, .rune 20111, 19N1:1 :Ind tet urn Thursday ,lune 22nd 011 -t lu• ma t- nificcnt steel siva mer Greyhound. Will leave Giwlericll at 11.311 a. n1. ;Canadian time) '.1 upping only a1 Poi t Iluro t. Itc I urnint. leave De - roil al 1 p. m„ Thursday, Julie 22nd This will .give exeaa sionixts time for shopping and visit: iar tle. and friend^, Don't miss 1 his !rand op- por7unity for an ou(ing. A rood moots for d he 1 ide house. l'arl ies of ten or mare, 0110 :Ind one -t bird fare, .rood three days. A spacial train will leave Goderich fur Clinton and way - stations to Stratford on arrival of steamer, Thursday night. Band moonlight al Goderich, Monday even- ing 25c. One way with haz,rtg0, *1 Cluldrr•i half faro. Recycles and baby earriarem 09rried free, NV laic Star Line. odist church. a 1 rustec, a choir -mas- ter, Sunday school Superintendent, president of Chri-t i in Endeavor, :and associated 01os:•ly with oil her public duties. Ile was :also fil•Icd 1(11[1 phil- atitrophy :and ,rave of his suletaacc to every wort by enterprise or object. His death removes one of the most prominent :and highly respected men from that pit is and his coIlin t ifeo:lule Der.ln: ed. - The 131;14 f riends here of the Hew. Ii. W. Locke •l former pastor of Main st. church, beaten wit li sorrow of buss very serious illness. Mr. Locke his for some lime past suff,•rinr from influcnxl, fol- lowed by :111 obsess in his ear. from which he suffered greatly. Ile has liven in the Chatham hospital for sone months past for treatment and about three leeks :1,10 1•as able to retort) to leis horse at Leamington, snmew hat improved, hut still suffer - 111t treat 11:1i D. On Saturday 1 Ist he beeline temporarily deranged and was el Otter removed l0 the London Asylum for treatment. Mrs. i.ncke has .11%o boon ill and is at present in Chi I him hospital. Worry on her aerutlIil. in addition 10 hie own nrs. i• .uppnsc.) In have had much CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of 144 GRAND TRUNK Railway System LEWIS & CLARK CEN•l'ENN I A1. EXPOSITION PORTLAND. ORE., $07.70 from Exeter Good going daily until September80tli Valid returning within !Ml days from date of issue. Special side hips to California points, HOME SEEKERS 1•:N('l'It9IONS To points in Manitoba, Assinahnia, Saskatchewan and Albiotn. Ra'es $:10.1wl to 839.30 Good going Jnne 13th, 27th and July 12th, Valid returning within 00 days, For ticket* and full information. call on J. J. KNIGiIT. Depot ticket aloof, Exeter. .1. i). McT'U)\ALI) District passenger agent. 'I'•ii,ui , TUB GOODS Shirt Waist Suits A nice white & black Check Suit, nicely trimmed with silk and Steel buttons for only $3. So. A very nice white Suit with black dashes, a swell out- fit with eI.lbrcidery trimming only $3.25. Iglu'_ Duck with white spot,good and serviceable only $3 White Waists Good white Lawn \Vaists, 5 rows of insertion, .` good goods. $1. A better line with embroidery fronts very natty 1,2. One :)f the best Waists ever shown in Exeter, in Pure India Linen ,with real Torcheon Insertion also embroidered fronts $3 and $4. White Skirts & Gowns A very tine range of these from $1.03 up to $3.00. TAPESTRY CURTAINS Don't forget to see our big display of fine Tapestry Curtains All the new patterns and colors, fancy stripes, Roman stripes. Two tones and self colors. Heavy fringe on both ends, $2.50, $3.00, $1.00 and $5.00. We carry the very hest brands of Mixed Paint and Varnishes, and a full assortment of brushes. Just whet you require at house•eleaning time. CAiL,ING BIOS. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A $32 Complete Dining Room Set $25 FOR JUNE ONLY SIDEBOARD Large bevelled Plate Mirror, two small cutlery drawers,large linen drawer and extra large cupboard. EXTENSION TABLE Heavy 4 inch fluted leg. full extension. DINING CHAIRS One arm and five small chairs, leather seats. This whole outfit in Im. j oak and is agenuine bargain for $25,00 . C. HUSTON One Door South of Spackman'a Store. I • •si♦• 1. Z •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You'll Haub Som6tHInff To show for your years of work if you save part of your earnings now -as much as you ca spare. You may need it at some future time -- might as well save i;, anyway. it is not hard af- ter you once snake a start in the right direction. 81 is sufficient to start an account with this Hank to which you can add to when you like in any size•i amounts, and withdraw all or any part of it without any delay, and which earns interest at the highest current rates, which is added to the 'principal FOUR time§ a year, wilbotit it being necessary to go through the formality of presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you have pressing need for money. Make the resolution NOW and start on the right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business. , The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montr(' 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Baron: Exeter, Crediton, Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clinton JOSEPH SNELL, Manager of Exeter. Dashwood and Zurich Blpche.. • • Reduction in Prices No.2 Attend Our Summer Sale OF SUMMER GOODS 75c Silk and Wool Crcpclinc now 63c $1.00 Raw Silk Grenadines nOW • 88c Soc Lusttine Grenadine now 4oc Soc Crepe de Chenc now .... 403c 45c Fancy Crcatn Lustre now 34c 50c Cream Silk and Wool Fancies, now ....43c Soc Cream Fancy Stripe Lustre now 43c Soc Pale Blue Canvass Cloth now 43c 50c Cream Wove Panama now 43c 50c Hemstitched Lotus Waist- ing now . . 25C 20C White Mercerised now ... l6c 35c White Vesting now .... 25c 35c black and white Silver Cloth, very new and fancy now 28e 40c and Soc Linon Voiles in stripes and plain, now 2oc 75c Ivory Plain Voll new .. Soc Soc Ivory Plain Voil now ..'38c $z.00 ivory Bedford Cord .. 75c 1.0o Silk Warps now 75c 1 0o Silk Eolienncs now 7 Soc Albatros all shades now 4 35c black and white Waist- ings now 2 35c Fancy White Poplin now 28c 35c Fancy white Madras now 28c 35c Fancy Mercerised Stripes now 28C 25c Plain White Poplin now 24. 25c Fancy White Poplin now 21c 35c White Clover Leaf Pop- lin now .... .... 35c White Linen Waisting now 25C $1.25 Waist Ends, Champagn*inch Madras very fancy only 75c fur End SEE OUR SUMMER REDUCTIOFS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. 121e and 15. Batistes, Organdy, .Muslins, reduced to 12 Yards for $I.00 Poplestone & Gardiner.