HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 6} Fashion Hints. X suma.lgt :r;\'LEH. PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS. A Great Responsibility Rests on Mothers of Growing Girls. WELL KEPT SECRETS. Two Trade Formulas That Have Not Been Discovered. A great and serious responsibility '"There are two trade secrets," said rests upon every mother whose daughter is passing the threshold of an artist, "shut the outside world, it girlhood into womanhood. silo is at nt ss•rs. will noter learn. One Is a a crisis, and if she is to be a (tones° secret—the making of tho healthy. happy wumue, she trust dr- bright and beautiful color called ver- velup rightly now. Shu must nut""11111°°' r:;illiun, or Ches ine red. T" other ho pale. sunken-ey041, sallow, )an- is a Turkish secret—the inlaying of geld and bloodless at this time. She t Ito hat dest steel with gold and The craze for matching every do- mutt have additiuuttl strength and sower• tail of the costume has extended to rich, pure blood to help her to "Aunng the Chinese and among handkerchiefs, which aro snored w1:11 toning, healthy womanhood. 'There is the Syrians these two secrets aro dainty colored borders and decora- only ono absolutely certain way to guarded well. Apprentices, before tions. get new rich, health -giving blood, they aro taken for either trade, 'ousts ('oats for young girls of gray and and that is through the use of Dr. swear a strung oath to rot eel no - white fancy woolen mixtures are use- Williams' Pink tills. Every pill thing of what passisii in tha workshop tul for cool days. The roll collar helps to make rich, life-giving Woad, 'l'heso appr''t'tices. furthermore, must and curls are of blues colored cloth, that brings strength to every organ belong to families of Wending, must. white linen, or pique. The buttons in the body and the glow of health pay a t:u•go mini by was of premium, may be of pearl or barn metal. to pale. sallow cheeks. 'Thousands and must furnish certificates of good The medium length and the long of pale, anaemic girls in all parts of character and honesty. coats of lace worn over chiffon skirts Canada have boon made toll and "Yoe have won damascened steel, of course, and you have sten Ivor - are charmingly attractive, very strong through the use of Dr. 11'11- smetrt and becoming, and shute off (tams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Rachel John - the beauty of the heavier laces to son, Menton!, N.S., says:—"As a perfection. Ono of the fads of tho result of overstudy in school, the season is a gown of all-over salon- health of my daughter, Ellen, bo- nennes, or chiffon, with valeuIc onnes came greatly impaired. She grew flounces and entre(leux, and a coat of extreuuiu • nervous, was pale and Irish lace. thin, and suffered from most severe headucbes. She bad no appet ite, Princess(' slips of soft silk can now and notwithstanding all we did for bit obtained ready made, which is a her in the way of medical treat - great boon to those who like to wear ment, her suffering continued, and 1 dil'erent colored linings under their began to feel that her condition was tununer muslin. They aro well hopeless. indeed I began to fear made. and can bo altered to any her mental powers wcro failing. Ono figure with very little trouble. of my friends strongly urged too to Rare and artistic parasol handles try 1)r. Williams' fink fills. and as aro extremely expensive. Itut a good I was willing to do anything that one lasts well, and can bo trausferr- Wright help her I sent for a supply. ed to a new sunshade over and over After using the pills for less than a again. month, we saw that her vigor was That ever -fascinating garment, the returning, and in less than three tengown, is shown in most tasteful designs in tho shops. Most of thorn are still called dressing gowns or lounging robes, but they aro too elaborate and beautiful to bo always relegated to tho bedroom. All gowns of lace are fashionable this year, the Lierro lace, the hlal- hies Taco, the allover valonciennes, the Trish point, and so on, indefinite- ly through a long list of names that were never known before, as well as tho names that are well known to all lace lovers. Petticoats are as simple or as ela- borate us one may prefer. ley all odds the most beautiful to wear with thin gowns are the hand embroidered batiste petticoats. These are as ex- quisite as human ingenuity and skill gut make than, and some of them are of almost fabulous price. A pair of Russian green stockings woven of the finest of silk is ent- broidered in black and white in a ;onventional design, in which there are several circles about an inch in diamoter. In these are set each a letwel or sequin, which, in turn, is u:rrounded by French knots. HE'S ONLY ONE OUT OF SCORES BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE IHIM A NEW DAN. Richard Quirk Doctored for a Dozen Years and Thought His The satisfaction of having tho Case Incurablo—Dodd's Kidney washing done early in the day, Pills Cured Hint. and well done, belongs to every Furtuno harbor, Nfld.. J une 5.— User of Sunlight Soap. IJB (Special).—Scores of people in this e_ --- neigh burhuud are living proofs that Dodd 's IVidn y 1'i11s cure all KWiley A ROVA1, 1100KLI':1'. ailments from Backache to Bright's The Grano 'flunk Railway system Disease. Among the most remark- aro distributing a very handsome able cures is that of 31r. Richard booklet dcscrti,ttte of the l c,cal \!us - Quirk, nod hu gives the story of it koka llutel, that is situated in Lake to tho public as follows: tics' eau, in the Muskoka I_ekes, "1 mil -Sired fur over t twenty years "Iiibhktuds of Ontario." The publi- f•ont Lurubugu and Kidney Disease, cation Is one giving a full description trillion, or Chinese red. Remember and at ilttervaIs 11'118 totally unable of the altracttuns that may bo found the next lime you look at t hese Mello work. After Ice or toolvo years' this popular resort, handsomely il- things that their secrets have been of doctors' treatment, 1 had uuade!Iustrated with colored prints of lake guarded inviolable', havo been )toad- tilt my mind Ono my complaint wasand Islam: scenery, the hotel itself. ell don faithfully from ono genera- incurable. Reeding of cures by; and ni.tny of the special features that tion to another for thousands of ))cull's hldnty filly 1entptect Ilia to, may be found there. it Is printed 011 scars." try them. 1 did no with little faith.: tine enameled paper, bound in a cover ...-4.--- but to my lie en t. surprise 1 had not giting the appearance of Morocco SECONi) 'I'IiOUGIITS. taken more than half a box before I: Isether, will, a picture of tho hotel felt relief, and after the use 01 Su?V0il '10(1 surroundings on the snore, and Et -o was not the only woman whose or eight boxes, 1 was fully cured and' the crest of the hotel embossed in curiosity influenced her entire future. a nett• mon. 1 high relief A glance through this 11'ontnn likes to be called a bird "Yes, imild'8 Kidney fills cured ; booklet makes one long for tho plea- tint lea- u l it she sudlienly Iu,neubcrs that. my Lumbago and Kiduoy Disease, ! ores of tium•1*'r and outdoor flfrw parrots are birds. and tho best of it is 1 havo stayed end •cul,ies may bo secured gratuit- 10 the Garden of Memory there aro cured." lady by apple Ing to any Grand more forget-me-nots than any other Trunk ticket uuice- flow•e•s. No who advertises for a wife may "If you steal—I don't care whet it get what he advertised for, but hu 'Iho 1'ne 1:sh hfetin; oIit;ut Police ls—you'l1 repent it some day." seldom gets what ho wanted. )tate a e u 1 t'tton o[ ;1) 0uu Bets of "link! Didn't ,you ever steal a kiss!" months her health( was fully rester- When a woman begins (o feel ha huger -prints of crit,•inals. Jt Ilan "yes, and 1 married the girl!" ed. Considering the fact that she 1 6 hem completely e::tablished that the had been ill for two years and that' py she begins to be miserable for ---- doctor's treatment did her not one, fear that ouch happiness is too per - the. fingercapills ridges) on the fila of pain is a Punishment.—Palm is a pro- tect to Inst. the fingers undergo no natural change teat of nature against neglect of the A goad method of having your own of characteristic from the cradle to bodily health, against carelessness re- g nrding the physical condition. It steals way, if you are a married u•nn, is to the Grote, in at the first opportunity and takes • 1'1 ti(; Pall -1'11I NTS. particle of good, I think her cure speaks volumes for the wonderful merit of Dr. Williams' Pink I'itls." The new blood which Dr. 11'illiams' Pink fills actually make, is the whole secret of their great power to cure diseases. That is the reason these pills cure anaemia, heart pal- pitation, headaches and backaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney trou- bles, and a host of other ailments duo to bad blood and weak nerves. But be sure you have the genuine with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink fills for Palo People," on the wrapper around each box. if in doubt, write direct to the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent by moil at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50. find out your wiG�'s opinion, and t up its nhode inn mon and it is snn.� i PACIFIC COAST 1':SCURSiONS, flumes d1111cu1L to eject it. Dr. Thomas' then agree with h'r. I:clectric Oil win drive it out in ~hart About the most convincing proof During June, July, August and order. but inicannot t ty tayfleeswhero (4. is of man's superiority over woman In September the Chicago and North common-sense is evidenced by the e;tern Ity. will sell from Chicago. NOT EXACTLY PERFECT. fact that hardly any of his clothes round trip occursion tickets to Sun A scotch laboring rano, who had button at tho back. Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, married a rich allow exceptional for { Orr. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se her plainness, was accosted by his PERSONALLY CONDUCTED low Victoria, Vette-tower at very employer. lots rale. Correspondingly cheap "Well, Thomas," he said, "I hear TOUR farts froth all points in Canada. you aro married. What sort of a -- - Choice of routes, test of train ser- lotto have you got?" To California and Lewis and vice, favorable stopovers end liberal "We 1, sir,' was the response, Clarke Exposition, Port- return limits. Matas, folders and "she's the Lord's handiwork, but I land, Oregon. full information can be obtained canna say she's his masterpiece." A personally conducted excursion from It. 11. Bennett, Gcneral Agent, to rho Pacific coast via tlio (:rand 2 hast King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 60 tfp•claaats on the Case.—ln the ♦ 'Trunk Railway Se•stent and connect- c}fALf, NATIONAL bE)iT, ordinary run of practice a grouter num- CHARITABLE NOVELTIES. Ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, anti ger than this hole treats cases of 3iontrcu? and Toronto .tuts G. The A Colony with a "national debt" chronic dyspepsut and have failed to route will ha cis Chicago, thence of only $1,000 is something of a cure --but 1)r. Von Stan's Pineapple through Cotu:cil ))turas to Omaha, novelly in this age of Imperial and Tnblc(s (00 In a Sox ut 85 cents cost) Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops nwuieipnl extravngunee, but that IK have made the cure, giving relief in will be trade at each of theca paces the total tnt•lebtodness of 1'itcairn's O1O lay. These little _specialists.. Savo and side trips taken to Manitou, Island, a there speck in the Pacific Cripple Creek, Carden of the (iod.c, Ocean, which was discovered nearly eta. 1•'rnnt there the party will con. a hundred and fifty years ago. 'f he tinuo through the famous scenic island was colonized by ten inutin- route of tho Denver and Ilio Grande. pees front a ship named the llouuty, through the Royal Gorge to Snit who remained on the island unknown Lake City, thence to I.os Angeles, to England until discovered accident -- San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, fort- ally in 1814. Ender the care of land. Oregon. Seattle, Spokane, and their chief, the mutineers became re - home through St. Paul anti Minnea- see table either;. As (heir number polis. Tho trip will occupy nbout increased the Itilnud proved incapable thirty days, tet days being spent on of their auntie( , end in 1856 the the Pacific coast. ilritish Government removes the is - The price for the round trip, in- !antlers to Norfolk Island, where they eluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- were provided with cattle and stores. ist sleeping cars. all meals in the 10 1879 the population was only dining car, hotels, side trips, etc.. is Wilety-three: now it is nearly double O165.50 G5.50 froth Quebec, or *160.50 that number. The people are ex. from Montreal and $150.00 from tro,rely poor, and the Colonial Of - Toronto. This first trip is designed floe has been recently requested to as a vacation trip for teachers, al- enncel the "national debt" of $1,000 though mangy who ore not teachers loaned by tho Lords Co emissio'lOrs will improve tho opportunity of tak- of Itis Majesty's Treasury. lag the trip at the remarkably low _+ price afforded. HARD DYING MULE. I''ur full particulars address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conduc- A correspondent who was with tor, 1{oont 308, Union Station, '1'o- Cot Younghusband's mission to 'l'i- ronto• bet, tells a mule story: "Mules, n))- "} 'I'i- "Volum mon," angrily thundered ----4 parently, do not die front any cause. Farmer Fodder to his son, "yo'ro a FORTS ON WAR FOOTING. 111ten the mission first crossed the disgrace to this ere niftily! it's a .Iclnpio n mule slipped in the dusk good thing fer }•ou tint I ain't. rich. ' "Why?" asked his son, sheep - Experts oat An Have the British and fell into the lake at the bettom ishly. "Because l'd disinherit yo-- , Ready y Moment. of the pass. it was thought to be that's why!" the Royal United Service fneti- drottneel. Next morning a convoy tution at London last week 1. oil found it with its nose just aboverho Ellenborough, retired commander it. ice, the rest of its body Illegally M., read a paper on the possibtl►ty frozen in. Pickaxes were brought, of England's fleets and ))arbors being and the anirrxtl was dug out. It is surprised. now working as usual." Admiral 'l'ogo's attacks upon fort Arthur, ho said, furnished II lesson to Portsmouth and Portland. It simultaneous attempts to sink Y I1g- lish battleships—the pu-itions of which were shown on charts that could be bought for n few pt'nce—toad to block harbors were successful, the enemy might then be able to prot.e:t his transports from turpeilo .11t eks and so reinforce an invading array. Germany is ahead in novelties of a charitable nature. In the town of Ifasclimann prizes are offered yearly Linen holds its own. especially [n for the men who *ill starry the ugli- the long -coat suits, which are practi- est and most crippled women, andtit! and becoming. The plaited skirts for the women over forty years 11110 are popular and pretty, but tho cir- have seen jilted at least twice. The mine skirt with rows of narrow money was left by a big financier, stitched bands round the bottom is who, realizing that beauty is nn at - growing in favor on account of its traction hard to overcome, made a greater durability. Tho favorite Provision to his will that out of the color is, of course, white, but gray, income of the fund not less than 580 elite. pink, mauve. green and the shall go wit)i the ugliest girl in any natural color are seen in good mod -1 year, and the cripple shall receive els. Most of the separate coats aro $60. The poor women over forty In plain tailored styles, with colored who have been jilted by a lover re - velvet collars. ccive, when the funds per►nit, $50 each, but the trustee can vary this amount, and, at his own discretion, offer a larger prize to someone who will marry an unusually ugly girl, or ono to whom Nature has been speci- ally unkind. The smartest skirts are those that hnwe n good sheep around tho foot. The hair length train in the fine i nts- lius and lace gowns is necessary, but In all the heavier qualities, such es linen, the short skirt is a necessity. l'he pleated skirt is the favorite for the moment, but it is too universally made up In every kind of material to have it rank among rho smartest models of the season. 'Tile silk skirts are in various (M- alone. The newest seems to be t hat with the jersey top, which its closo to the figure, and does not run the risk of splitting. Many of tho petti- coat:: have flounces of five or six two-inch frills of bins silk or ribbon, ecnntly gathered and joined one be- low the other. Another pattern lens n flounce trimmed with many crisply pinked ruffles that stand out very jauntily. Almost tho prettiest have deep buttonhnld(1 flounces wit grad- uated embroidered spots, whose siin- plicity and durability should recom- mend thent to the practical woman. the Tablets he began to improve at 1Tnderekirts. the best of which are once and is now in good health. made of hand embroidered lawn and also gave tho Tablets to my three. muslin. aro very full at tho fret, anti year old boy who was troubled with require ahnost as much cutting as worms and they cured 111111 ns well. the overskirt. Nearly all the new doth children are now the picture of silk petticoats with a deep flounce health, and I tint alway:a praising the have n cord placed under the frill to Tablets to ntv friends." You can get provide thn necessary stiffness. For Baby's Ottn Tablets from any drug - slimmer wear these are made in very gist or (Roc( by snail at 25 cents it soft makes of taffetas and some box by writing the hr. Williams' dainty light chines, very pale shades Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. being n good deal worn. HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY. The healthy child is a happy child. All its little troubles vanish when it is digesting its food well and is free front childish ailments. The greater part of these ailments arise from stomach and bowel troubles, fever- ishness, teething and worms. Baby's Own Tablets act like magic in these cases, and when children are restless at night they always give sound re- freshing sleep. Mrs. A. LePage, St. Flore.ce. Que., says: "Baby's Own Tablets hall marvellous results in rho case of my two months old baby. Ile was nervous, troubled with colic and Sadly constipated, but after giving Practically all sleeve:a are short, SEEING IN T1ih. DARK. either elbow -length or terminating several inches above the wrist. Many A man liwing nt Pittsficlo, Massa- vatleties of lawn end lace under- chnsetts, recently lost his wife, and sltevcs are sold to wear with these while he was weeping bitterly over short sleeves. and one may bo as her grave hie sight suddenly became extravagant as she chooses in the affected. Ile is now able to seg matter of these dainty accessories, clearly in the dark, but In the day - Some of the imported guimpe and light le is quite blind. Tie sleeps woke -sleeve sets are Incredibly expert- during the day end rises at dusk. sive. On the other hand, many pret all of Cm furls that prnlcr.t Laval ty s ts(tsure t / a mrnl forwilvery t Nmail Onil "Why, oh, why," rertnrked the oh- anchorages should be constantly kept sumserver of events and things. "will n on a war footing, ready to open fro the sets hard to get up at home, woman smile with delight when she One can buy n hnnd-embroidered sees a hnt in a milliner's window, front of it shirt waist for from $2.50 and frown when she sees the same to $4.75. The work is exquisite in hat on her neighbor's head?" all caves, the ditTerenrn in price meaning more or less of the work. Irish linen lawn to match the em- broidered fronts is $1 a yard. It is a yard wide. proven their real merit. -72 "Iter complexion is very clear," said tho casual acquaintance. "Yes, indeed," her delimit friend agreed; "anybody can lice through it." Worms cnuso feverishness. moaning and nstlersness during sleep. Mother 11 raves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant, sure and enerlual. 11 your druggist has none in stock, get him to procure it fur you. Quality is Everything The production of TEA is the crowning event of the Tea Grower's art, TRY it once and nothing will tompt you to give It up, Tho Flavor Is Perfect Try the RED LABEL seseSseeesseissesreetseesse 3 Natural, Flavor o Producti 7!:1 o: ..•;r:•, r same encs •al•frinq q'iwlitr nr 1.111IIY'S Porreo Aon nEPli.[1) MEATS le dw :o (..o ...1 of the Libor chere and to rico ew..f and e:reezah df the feaive:onte weld. Libby's t e ;to(fi' Food Products • For Urea'.:fa,a, Dinner oriel Corned Boof F:as}t Brltket Beef iilonelose Chicken Veal Loaf :.oups Vienna Sausage They ara ready to s:rc.'e -hour Grocer Ana them tiny. r.: • %;1:1 & Li5!ly, Chicago No Breakfast Table complete without An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resif.Z winter's extreme cold, It In a valuable diet for children. The Most Nutritious and Economical. :1Tother—"Ethel, you naughty child, what have you been doing -to make Charley cry so?" 1 the)—I've only been sharing my cod-liver oil with hint, dear mamma. You said it was so trice." Use Lever's )try Soap (n powder) to wwesh woolens and ilunuels,— you'll like it. — — Miss Anteck—"Well, well, there's Mrs. Woodley! I haven't seen her for A ;;maubin an age." Miss Popprey—"Indte• l! trotiuleeedislative at 11'isconsinesre provlhasdIi)geen for Not siuco you were a little girl. eh?" a tax on bachelors over thirty, with power to exempt those unable to Hoa't-Sick People -1)r. Agnew's Cure pay for the Heart is a tenet tonic that never fails to cure—Is swift in its effects ENGLISH SPAVIN LINH'IENTbora closer to the "border land" and snatches from death's grip more suffer - Removes all hard soft or calloused ccs than any other remedy for any lumps and blemishes from homes, bloodspavi(netts of diseases and ailments In the [mescurbs, splints, ringbone, category of human sufferings. (fives aweeuiey, 1(110.5, sprains• sero and relief in 80 n.hiutes.-75 cooker throat. coughs, etc. Save 550 by use of ono bottle. Warrat.ted the young I{hymen—"I tell you mar - age wonders 11 11Iei aish Cure 'Vett kmuwu. riage takes all the poetry out of a fellow." T•'riend—'"llicu it can't be a failure." FEED YOU MONEY. Very many persons dig annually from cholera and kindretlisumnuer complaints. who might have [Min saved if proper remedies had hem' used. if attacked do not delay in getting a boltlo of I)r. J. D. liellogg's Dysentery Cordial, the medicine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say It acts [weevily, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. Feed Your Brain, and It Will COLDIt BLINDNESS. Feed You Money and Fame. The most common form of color "laver since bothood I have been blindness is nn inability to distingu- cspcclelly fond of halms, and I ant ish red. Last yeur thirty-four ofll- cont Inced 1 ate too rapidly, end cors and wmilrl fro officers of tho )trll- fallevl to masticate my food properly.ish Mercantile Marine failed on their o } ' The result •ns that I found m- color test, twenty-three being red The doctrine of mare clausum blind and the remainder unable to would have to be partially re, i:eI self, a few years ago, afflicted whit distinguish green. '1 ho 4,600 candi- for rho next naval war, and the ailments of the stomach, and kid- date:a for certificates were also sub- mitted limit extended to the en- net's, which interfered seriously with milted to the fort, vision Leets, and envy's shores. my business. twenty-two of there failed to dis- Engltuul was in far greater longer "At last I took the advice of tinguitvh the forst of the object sul of attack when all of her fleets were friends and began to .at Grape -Nuts milted assembled at Spithead for a n•tval instead of the heavy Inerts, etc., that review than on any other occasion, hnd constituted env former diet.. ho added. "i found that I was at once beno- Lord Ellenborough ndvocated that (ted by the change, that 1 was soon relieved from the heart -burn and the indigestion that used to follow my meals, that the pains in my back from my kidney affection had muted, showing that those organs had been healed, and that ray nerves, which usr'di to be unsteady, and my brain, which was slow end lethargic front n heavy diet of treats and greasy fonds, had, not 1n n moment, but gradually, and none the loss surely, been restored to norma! efficiency. Now every nerve is ptendy reed n>_v bruin and thinking fnrtrltles nre quicker and more acute titan for yenrs past. "After Illy old style breakfasts I used to suffer during the forenoon from a feeling it weaknose which hindered me seriously in my work, but since 1 have begun to use Grape - food i con work till dinner time with nil ea'o and comfort." Nome Filen b -y l'ostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Vend the little book, "Tho Itoad to Welivilto." is each nka. linen pnrnsols for use with the linen frocks and conte flint aro a fail of the season aro a new feature. Some are mettle of fine Irish Iluen with two-inch tucks front top to bot- tom, fire edges of which are hand embroidered with a fancy scollop. Parasols of embroidered limn or bat- iste with tucked hordors are made over a lining of pole -hued wash- ing silk. Parasols of chiffon are tondo with fine nicking, shirring, or smocking With full frills of the same wluch have hemstitched borders. 1'ompndour silks and rihbeve are Mao combined wtih .'iAifon most cf- tcctivtil, that n postc•nptuin should he on duty night and day at the Admiral- ty, and that no pilots except those British born should ever ho nllu,vaa to exercise their profession on Eng- land's coasts. ile prophesied disneter from the freedom of tho English press, sdg- gesting that the folly or ser.9e of rivalry of some editor may valise I•:ngland's plane to fail, and Involve her in great disasters. Once a war began, a wuta of public opinion would probably carry a hill dealing with the press, but it Wright come ten days too late. Admiral Sir N. Bowden -Smith, in the discussion that followed said that he considered that the possibili- ties of surprise were exaggerated, but he thought tine ..n.• existed in the many thousands t.f foreign waiters who might be used es spies. Anoth- er grave danger existed in the forty tbeasand foreign seamen in our mer- ci.:tnt reel. Doctor—"Why don't you settle my account? You said when I was at- tending you that you could never repay me for all i was doing." l'a- ticut—"And I meant it." 20 Years of Vile Catarrh.—Chia. 0. Brown, journalist, of Duluth. Minn., w•rItas- i have been n suil,•rer from Throat and Nasal ('Aterrh for over J0 )eers, during which time my head has °ren *topper. tip and my condition truly mlferab'e. Rithin 1.1 minutes af- ter using In. Agnew's catarrhal Pow- der 1 obtained relief. Three bottles have almost, If not entirely, cured me." h0e-78 REMARK ABLE VITALITY. Tho vitality of the snail is remark- able. ()ne that was glued to a card in a museum for four years canto to life on being immersed in warm water. Some specimens in the enl- iection of a naturalist revived after they apparently had been dead for fifteen years. Flo and Algy hnd ported after n Its there ung row, hint ho met her at n ('in:inrella than having your corn stepped upponit tong more annoyer and nskerl if he might have n den( "Thank you," she 8111(1, hn'tghtiiy. Is Dere rid nytoh(n more delightful than but i nm pnrticulnr whom I dance' Curo will do 11 Try It and con with." "Ah!" he !ci•lled, crlmly, M ataeed. Atv,or sew i •m not l" Impurities in rho /flood.—When the action of tho kt•h,eys becomes impaired. impurities in the blood aro almost sure to fullow, and general derangement of the system ensues. l'nrmelee's Vege- table ('Ills w,ll regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications which tea Dainty come when there is derange- ment of these delicate organs As restorative these Pills are in the first rtwk. Pundit—"'There's no doubt that Shakespeare borrowed a great many ideas from others." Dumley—"Itath- er! 11'hy, i've read aortic things in his books that were (hest nuts thirty years ago, when I was n how." You can't cure n cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. Shiloh's Consumption Cure TenThe ib Lung is the only rerncu"j that wilt do this, It Rea right to the root et the trouble, 11 li guaranteed to cure. rises: S. C. R'::r r.s & Co. g;4 See. ft Le!',y.Nee .T: reete,Can. . • es- y. t• +t e'-�"=•.�--�e-,r- . 1'1.AN-t'S Tit AT MINIM STONES. in South Africa a i )ant of the gurus Mesenubrynnthenntrn, growing on stony ground, so closely resembles a pebble that it has been picked up in mistake for a stone. Another species of the same plant geowin; on the hills round the Knrru produces two leaves about ne largo as ducks' eggs, having a surfer° resembling weathered stone of a brownish grey color, tinged with green. Theeo plants look Ilke stones, but for a short time they put forth bright yel- low flowers. Still another species of the sumo pinnt resembles the quartz pebble -I among which it grows. For Sale or Rent. harm 150 acres; Danbury, Conn Housed 70 tons cured hay font meadows last Benson. Very de,1irablr 'ferns rensonnble. Apply, O. c!1 Comeau. Owner, 30 West Fourth St., 00 New York City. Or I E a•831E11. Two Ayrdare butt!.. tt.tnq one year eht from d•,rp mllktg dams with good tcata Prise 810.0 swell, It. ltEl1) & 00., IIiatenbarg. Ont. CARPET DYEING sad 0.eastao. Thu soonalte with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. eolul perttoolets b1 post sad we ars wee to swiss, Wrote sex ala, Montreal. EOR LAMP tbL ECOX0MY Sarna USE Prime OKE. White No real need to hue the more expensive oils ii GOOI) BURNER ie used and KEIT' CLrAN. If you want a BIG LiGiIT—THRpa OR FOUR GAS JETS 1N 088— TRY A Queen cf i t y oli Lamp CEA'JTtria LIGIIT TI:e Choicest Oil :.Tale is PRATT'S ASTRAL AL For Sale by Dealers. TIla QUEEN CITY OIL CO., lemon oa USUALLY TIIE WAY. "lie always was a bad egg, AM nobody seemed to notice it whll e was rich." "Yes, ho was all tight until ho was broke." A Curo for tihenmaU*m.—Thr it (ru- tiloi' of uric acid into the blond teiird., Is a fruitful cause cf rheumatic pain, This Irregularity Is owing to n dernng- ed and unhealthy condition of the liver. Anyone sul.)oct to this painful nrt.•etinn will find a remedy In 1 arinelee's Vege- table Pills. Their action upon ilia kidneys fe pronounced and most beneft- cinl and ley restoring healthy action, they correct Impurities in tho blend. • The Wonsan—"George, this is the anniversary of tho day on which I promised to he yours. llnve you for- gotten it?" 'lho ilrute—"N,t, my dear, 1 couldn't. Ilut I've forgiven it.' Rh•unwntism will Succumb to South Anter):cn i:Ileumatc twee because 1t goes right to the seat of the trouble and removes the cans°. Many en-,.auerl cures but deaden pain temporarily only, to have it. return again with d0u1110 viftIeuce. Not mu with this greet rem- edy. it eradicates from the system the last vestige of the disease aud IIs cures ere pennnnent-74 44 1. 1''LYING MACHINE. A Son Frnncisro professor has in- 'tnted a flying machine_ Which experts , declare alights as softly ne a feather ...nil Is under complete control. 1t resembles a bird end lin'. eight wings which the operator directs with his' hande and feet. WILSON'S FLY RWS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT f1EWAR[ Of SUI35TITUTE!ii 1:LP r;E Stet u2.na