HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 5LAST YEAR'S
silk \Vaist4 or Clothe% seem iike
brand new when cleaned with
OSorle•e Non-poteenoux
Non -inflammable
Works wonders beyond belief on the
' coarsest and driest of fabrics, carpet -
or delicate dress goods.
](Ills alt scans in e ar pc t +, et.•.
extracts all dust
Restores colors like new
Renews tho sizing
All In few moments fora few cents 1
and a child can do 1t with
IMakes old things new nnd remoc; .
(;ren:e:and stain from new things.
A -k roar grocer for Sap -o -ran -o.
Tho Huf lttan & Tooter Co.
TSN K$ L 't a R T M b, JUNE 15th U)U.).
$. Brown CREDITON 1 S. Brown
some again
Re -Opening in Our Old Stand.
fete 11101111ati aro tcc lef, humae- uhoved into 1emtpursry preruise.., i order to have our old st;tlel-
tr here %%c've been (tails! bu.ineae forth" past 1ti yt•.trs-re-Modelled. And now, after ocrupyiez :1 tempo' -
ary business home for 10 week:, we're zoinz hack to the old -nets stand, -and are now ready for businee.
We will Celebrate this Home•Coming by
.A Special Big Bargai i,, Sale
We cannot celebrate in n rizh, to sat style ALONE. \1.1• mune Lave \ 01' with us. We're very pious u:
our It'hno(lel'cd Store. tVc think its the finest ill thi: part of the country. We know you'll find it much
snore pleasant than you did before use made all the alterations, but, :atter, all, it is not the more that you
are interested in -it+ the GOOD5 W E SELL and Ilue PRICES \\'E SELL'THEM AT, j, i in order to b• sur:•
you'll come and oetebrate with us on our "Ite-openin;" Days we've prepared a list Of genuine bargain>.
\\'e enumerate a few samples below. You'll find Many more equally -food that space forbids •inent iunin
Our re -modelled stere is filled to overflowing with a fine new stock of Spring Goods. Our word fu: i; •
-a visit to our store Burin; this ten days' sale will he profitable ae well as pleasant to you.
It is needless to say tint durinz this ten days sale•we'11 pay you the very highest possible ]'rices fele
Csme :aid brin z your friends, we'll be ,,lad to see you even if you don't 511(•ud a rent.
This Sale Ends Thursday June 29. It will be a time of Great Bargains.
Here are a few Samples.
2 pieces black Peau(1st Suit. wv
Silk, inns and orsteds in plains, over -
Dry Goods worth $IMO for 611c. ' checks and stripe.. 1Ve furnish best
We (have taken into stock the past trimmings. Please call and get our
week a large (shipment of NEW, 1,1,- Staples price (•fore ordering. No trouble to
10 pieces, 27 inch. heavy Flannel- shote roods.
purchased while in Montreal a fete eUe, regular 7c, during our sale al I[ you want a nice. nifty, up -to -
weeks azo, at a Big Reduction in 5c date 11AT corno to us. We have
Price. The goods are all fresh 1111(1 l0 pieces of regular 7 :1tx1 8c ]'riot what you waist at richt prices.
new, t sus season's stiles and nutkes fur 5c. House Furnishings
-reed by clearing ou Several Large 15 ds are nearly of Mullins, regualr Lel
Lots we got ahem at a Ili; Iteduc-
and 25c. :goods for 15c. Our mooon new in
Large assortment of Ladies' Vest-, this line. Special prices Burins sale
on Carpets and Japanese Alattents,
Linoleums, Window shades and Cur-
Sion in Price, and can eel L them r
VRICFS. (sere arc a few :-
5 i Bess ends, 54 inch. colored .goods
11150 few black Crespine and Satin
Cloths; regular $1.25 for 87 1-2.
10 pieces of tine Black Dress Goods
French and En;lisp makes, 40 to 42
inch. wide, all this season's ,roods.
inns. We (,tart them at 20 to 45c.
per yard.
Special values in Latask:t Voiles, 10
121-2 and 15c.
Mistral Voiles at 20c.
Case Mill Knd.+, white Cotton, re;
ular 8 to 12c; jet 5 and 6c.
Hale Mill Ends Denems. worth 20
rAtnon; the lot wilt( be found Satin to 25c for 13c.
eloteas Lace cloths,Eoliennes, Mo -
hairs -all [good plain and fancy wen_
• ist.
s a1
yes -suitable for 6kiris, Shirt-waist
Suits, etc., Iterular l'rice 75 to 85c
for 69c.
5 pieces all wool fancy voile, worth turer's prices -
50c., for sale while -they last nt 30c. $8.00 to $10.00 Suits for $6.011
10 pieces of all wool Dres4 Goods $7.51) Suits for $5.00
in Greys, Browns, Blues. Greens. Youth 3 piece Suits we start at$2.90
flIlack, White. Champagne, etc., in 1 Boys 2 piece Suits, x+1.00 to 3.50 •
rltl, and medium tyei.rhts, suitable Job litre Men's Shirts. results!' price
for Shirt -waist suits, Fancy Dresses. 50c., sale price 25c.
etc. Regular 60c, to 75c per yard. 39 Ladies' and Men's Rain and
*ale price 50c. Waterproof Coats -all this year's
10 ends of Plain and Fancy Dress styles. This is aleo a line we clear -
Goods. (Regular 75e. 85c. and $1.00 ed while in Montreal at less than
Now 65c. Manufacturer's price. Regulntly
11 Dress Ends worth 45c. 50. and sold at $5 to $10: sell to clear $3.50.
60c for 35c. t 10 Ladies' Rain Coats, regular price 2ac. 6 lbs. Rice for 25c. 7 bars of
Silks 82.25 to $3.50 -your choice $1.00. Castile Soap for 25c. 111c. a can for
Ready Made Clothing
t have Leen fort
Welt c 1cle:a
In; out several linea of new, up-to-
date-Clothin;, less than M:tnufac-
Sometimes the hair is not
properly nourished. ft suffers
for food, starves. Then it
falls out, turns prematurely
gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a
Hair Vigor
hair food. It feeds, nourishes.
The hair stops falling, grows
long and heavy, and all dan-
•drufi disappears.
several check., it -tired 10 the elite-
) t inn of t 1,. to ides r(1 11 ices anal
friends. The happy couple will re-
side in Port Elvin.
'1 Ie. martiazc of Alis: Chris-t:.ut.l
' Air( h, only dau_hter of 4he late
Junes Air( h, formerly of llsborne,
to \Ir. T. E. Coombes. of Exeter. was
solemnized at the home of the brides
j mut her, Mrs. AIM Ai rt h. Exeter
!North, on Thursday, June et le 1905,
at the hoar of three p. m., only near
relatives and f ien(14 tenor present.
The bride, who was unattended was
liven away by her brother, Mr. Jas.
Ana h, and looked charutiur in a
beautiful ;scan of bruttn chiffon t:lf-
feta with ciasin applique, ee;uitr a
tul' • It'idal veil, :Intl carrying a ho-
tlt''t of white c Ir11alinns. The cet:•-
111011y teas preformed 1•y Hey. \V, '1.
Martin under a floral arch and lead.-
zround of cvor_reet''s, Miss M. llor-
'ley lenderiilg tttddi'e.z mart -Ate:.
Mier he ceremony a dainty
Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Are Usuallx.
Due to Uterine Disorders
Perhaps Unsuspected
Canada's Finest1
A MEDICINE THAT CURES For June w e arc offering soec-
ial bargains in Pianos. We hand -
Can we dispute le the finest goods Canada pro.
the well - known
fact that Canadian duces and at moderate prices and
women are ner- easy terms.
How often do we
Lear the expres-
sion, "1 am so ner-
vous, it seems as if
1 should fly ; '' or,
Don't speak to
me." Little things
annoy you and
"My bale was cousin; out terribly. I was 1'• tl5 s:'t vcd in the dinin;-twat , •a matte you irritable; you can't sleep,
almost afraid to comb 11. But weer. n,', which all did ample justice. 1'!: you are unable to quietly and calmly
Vigor protaptly stopped 11. fallIi,,;,ard alt:
ts•tored th•aatural roles." bride was the recipient of many u..e- perform your daily tasks or care for
Was.E.O.H.WARD, Landing. N J. fur and beautiful gifts. Mr. and your children.
£N • betels °• r. "'%a ea , V Mrs. Coonibex left on t he evcuitt; The relation of the nerves and gen-
Udrtesal. t.,..;!. then I erative or
Y for�t..�...�-1 train for points north, the bride guns in women is so close
tycarin z a ;�ott n of green ere po d/ that nine -tenths of the nervous mes,os-
I tration, nervous debility, the bluchene. They have now liken up CC'S- I'I
r�i�a �
idence (with tlu hi ide's moi her where I sleeplessness and nervous irritability
zttrgesmair+i they toe r(•ceivins the see aseliss of arise from some derangement of the
many friends. organism which makes her a woman.
Fits of depros.sion or restlessness and
i'ASSMORE-CA\ N irritability. Spirits easily affected, so
A very phme tntoothat one minute she laughs, the next
place. un \Vednesdrettyo
ay, ,Tuneeeddi7trh, atl: minute weeps. fain in the ovaries and
the Home of Mr. and 111 Chas. between the shoulders. Loss of voice;
Canes, con. 6 .Osborne, orlon their nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry
second daughter, Miss Olive, was un- at the leastrovocation. All this points
ited in marriage to Mr. John Pas;- to nervous prostration.
more, electrical cnrineer at Strat- Nothing will relieve this distressing
ford. The strains o[ Mendelsshons condition and prevent months of pros -
wedding march, played by Miss Tena tration and su ffering so surely as Lydia
McDonald, announced the entrance
June Weddings
A (appy event was celebrated at
the home of Mrs. Manson, Stanley,
on 1Vednesday, lune 7th, when her
dauthter, Miss Katie, became the
bride of Mr. Allan •Esser. The knot
was securely tied by Rev. Mr. Dav-
idson. Mr, and Mrs .Esler will re-
side on the old homestead on the
Gosheiellnne which he recently pur-
chased. 11'e join with n hosi of
friends in wishin; them a happy and
prosperous marries( life.
Married in Toronto. - Announce-
ments havc been received of the
mural rz.IP \V±•dnesday, June 11th,
of Mr. Elijah Hiss -ilia, youngest son
of Oil late 11. L 111r. ins, toren, to
Miss Flora Deveretl, daughter of
Mrs. E. Deverell, 291 Palmerston
Av.., Toronto. Mr. Ilirlins I:as for
Was never offered and may itches, some time past been in Toronto, pre -
be again at such prices as Burin, the parinz for the missionary work and
Great 10 Days Sale. has now paseec) his examina•lions, ex -
A full, complete Tea 841, Malvern, pec(inr to leave this fall for the ens -
41 pieces for $3.00. sioa fields in India.
Fancy Dinner Sett, regular $12.00
for$ '10.011.
Fancy ])inner Sett, regular $10.00
for $8.00.
4 beautiful Malvern Dinner Set to
97 pieces, special $8.75 for $7.00.
Fancy 10 piece Toilet Set $2,25 and
:maps in White %V..etr.
Our stock is coniplcly and fre
Try our re ruler 25c Tea durin
sale 6 lbs. for $1.110 Green Itio Cof-
fee Rib for $1.011 7 lbs. Tapioca for
In Suits to Order
nice red Salmon. 17 lbs. best zranu-
9 piece Taffeta Silk in black, car- I laced Sugar for $1.110. 19 lbs. yellow
dinal, Li;ht blue, light Green, Gar- We ietve increased our stock Sugar for $1.00. 4 lbs. Raisins for
\\'now show you a 25c. 4 lbs. Currants for 25;. Fore',
act, Navy Cream, Fawn and tote. �rcally and can
itegular 75 for 50c. , sat', a (.tock of nobby up-to-date emit - City Ilekin! Powder 211r.
Remember the Stand
Brown's Corner Store, Crediton S. BROWN
MEDICAL ' Ott SALE - Lot 8, Con. 3, U.: -
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. borne, 100 acres, all under cul-
• P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni• ovation, 2 wells. 011 the property
its. office and reefdcnence. Dominion is ca frame House, rood bank barn,
pot story, Exeter. one frame barn. For further par -
DENTAL ticul•irs apply to Jas. Essery, Exeter
P. O.
D. 8. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
Toronto University. Dentist-
eeth extracted without pain or
bad after efforts. Office in Fan•
eon's block. West sMe of Main
wet' Exeter
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. 8. L•D'8.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto L'nlvers117
amid Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
,with honors At -o I'oct•graduate 0f
School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
bees[& le mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
ttfaseta this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
Isainnm, gold and vulcanite plate+ all done In
Sae neateet tly
MMrmleoss anaesthetic used for painless extra,.
Oelse one door month of Carling Brae store
teeter, Ont.
ye have f upon farm orddviillage property at 1 weerivate funds for n
ea of Interest.
w e
bave a isrge amount of private funds to
eau so and village properties at lowrstee
14arriaters Solicitors, Main 81. Exeter.
F011 SALE. -- 11 have 84 acres in
,crass look in not too bad which
i will sell on lit !round not les:
than 5 acre lots and upwards, any-
one requirinz ouch apply soon. 1
alto have a quantity of brick in
building to 14011 cheap, by the lump
or hundred, also a hr ze quantity of
stone at 61,e barn to dispose of. Ap-
ply to (lay 1'. 0.. 1.. \IcTAGGAI(T.
.IOSF.1'll \VItiTE:
Licensed Auctioneer, Canities of
Perth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford
and Town of 81. Marys.
Charges moderate. Orders lett at
his residence, Queen St., St. Marys,
till be promptly attended to. Phone
at house.
his u o
Special al tent ion given to live
stock sales.
Ordersris left nt The
Tithes will be promptly attended to.
The Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanp
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President: -'1'. RYAN, DU111.tN. P. 0.
Vice -Pres.:-- J. A. N'
,DICKSON &CABLING, FAnju it Ait1'.0.
0m -rimers, Solicitors Notaries t onveyeacera, W. 11. 1•ASBtoI1•:, ('KOMARTY P. 0.
adhLbmm.isut••erv. solicitors for tbeolsone VM. ROY. BOBNHo1.M P. 0.
one at lowest rate- of interest.
J. I,. 1tu8ssLL, Itt'ssEI.I I R P. 0.
ey to h
t. R. CARTING h. a. t. n. DIC=OON 1. OARMICi AEI., STAFFA. ()NT.
A. Dt•NraN FARgt'llAIt, ONT.
SIIOI(TllORNS holt SALE - The J. WIisoN, Ft t.t..tttru., ONT.
I. 8. (;11-FtI.t.AN, LUCAN, ONT
undersigned has (or sal.. o" B. W. F. tiE:AVER5,
Lot • p -Con. 2, stay, n number of
tip- t!► -(issue thoroughbred Shorthorn Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
buil,. They are of the 11.w set
blocky type, dark red in color .nil of
choice breeding. They are n11 elig-
ible for registration, rind will be sold
reteonably. - John Elder. liens;►II
1'. 0.
k. Eta
:\ pctilitnl is 1 'n rirctala1e.I in
Sarni, to pre w t le • Govern-
ment prayinz ..t ha ferry holt.
and Del roil 1.,, , ..p rennin - 10
and from 8arn..1 nm 1und:aya.
FOR SALE. -Residence and 8 lots
with good stable, everything in
good repair. Residence recently re-
painted ; also a first-class well good
orchard, and ornamental trees on
the premises, The property must be
sold as the undersigned is leaving
town. I'or particulars and terms of
sale apply to It. F. Irene, Exeter.
Proclamation for Civic
Holiday, 1905.
Upon the petition of 1'. \Vook1, (' r -
lin; Bros., 1t. N. Rowe, Thos. 11 •:s-
kins & Son, Samuel Martin and it ;r-
ty other rate -payers of tin• vile.• n•
of Exeter, 1 do hereby proclai •t
Thursday, the 6th day of .1 uly, 1!'u i
a day to lae observed by the citizens
of Exeter as :a civic holiday. Let all
.rood citizens govern 1 hetuselve• ac-
cordingly. God Save the hint.
W. G. 11iSti1':•1.1•, Peeve.
MARE STRAYEi) - Strayed
Col motion on Jun,• •2nd, 19115, a
road stare 17 years old, about 15
hands hizh, large st tr, heft hind foot
while, branded C. C. on left should-
er, g I
larxl all 1
I round, bar shoes, on
front feet. Any information le:td-
int t., her recovery will be suitably
rew'ai dad. -Jacob Weber. ilotninion
Itnr.•1. nnhlin.
11 i+ s fid there re are at Ie.t•+t four
important laid rem in the county
which are unsafe for heavy travel.
If this is true it is not creditable to
to a county of this importance. It
it is also said 1 hat some of the new•
bridges twin; erected, which aro ex -
peel eel to have concrete floors, are
not being built heavy enough to car-
ry concrete. TIte roads :arc in such
zood shape that the tellies of 1{ou1
Commissioner t•eInte more to bridge
work than road stork, ,and it is im-
portant that clone attention sl:nuld
be 'given thereto.
What is needed is the strengthen-
ing influence of Dr. Hamilton's ('ills
-they work marvels where the atom
rich and digestion are poor. in one
day the nppetite increases end the
whole system is rapidly soren;th-
encil. No stomach specialist could
write a !Miler prescription tirtn 1)r.
Ifamilton'a Pills of Mandrake and
Butternut. At all dealers in a yel-
low line, price 25e., or fire boxes for
one dollar.
To Cure a Cold in One Day TM
Mike Laxative Br01110 Quinine Tablets. 61 � j on every
'jives Moe ne boon NM d post 12 ttontbS. This `ignatu re Va lr. box. 23c.
A very . , .,. x. happy t r I,.t .alt • nd li.l
1 � 1 py even'
took place on Tuesday lust, June
bah, when two popular your; people
of St. Joseph, joined hearts and
hands to :spend the rest of their life
tore: her in prosperity and peace.
'fief= zroonm was Mr. Oscar Duch amt.,
Jr., eldest on of Mr. Oscar 1)uch-
arme, Sr., and tate bride Miss Celina
Denontie, dau;titer of Mr, and Mrs.
Alexander Dcnonsie. The ceremony
was performed or t he St. Teter',
\church. St. Joseph, Itev. J. A. Loi -
elle Lied the knot. Tho happy coll-
ide will I ake up t Fair residence on
Mr. Oscar Duclulrnte, Sr's farm not
fair from St. Joseph.
A ver happy event was solemnized
, at t It ne of Mrs. Jane Atkinson
t June 14th, hcn her
dnu alder Kate was joined in mar -
ria :e to Mr. William Trout, of Vic-
toria, B. C. The ceremony was per-
formed by Gee Rev. R. J. M. Perkins
at high noon in the presance of only
the immediate rein!ives ole the con-
tracting parties. The bride was un-
altendcd and wore a handsome dress
of navy blue silk, her going away
gown Erin; a suit of brown with hat
to match. The .groom was n resi-
dent of this vicinity swine ihire y-
eizlr years neo, leaving Isere for
the West where he has prospered in
his uttlertakins s. Mr. and Mrs.
('rout left on 11K. evcnin t train for
an extended trip to Portland, Ore.,
and other points of interest. They
will reside in Victoria cit v, 11. C.
The best wishes of a hos: of friends
follow Ilse iral,y couple.
Great warmth, attended by high
humidity and very low barotnelcr,
will be warnings of probable danzt•r
that none can :afford to despise or
marled, 'fisc Wending of the Mara
influence with the .lune soletico per-
iod indicates that thunder SitOtvers
may transpire durinz the nfternoona
and evenin;s, up to and lhrou_h the
reactionary storm l:criod coverinz
the 11(11 to the 17th. Thio is a time
when hay makers will be tinder con-
straint in ba rvest inz their crop.
Grasses and trains t sat will stand
wit bout ►natcrin1 I(-. 1111111 the
June solstice subside 1. will IM iter
uncut, unless small quantities ate
reaped' at a time and handled ttith
treat promptness and care. The
barometer properly understood and
followed will play no sm•t11 part in
the important work of harvesting
durin; this month. The Vulcan
slorni period cxtcndin?from the 20th
to 21th, is central on the 21st, the
central dry of the summer solstice
period. This period will i,rinz very
hi zit temperature, low- haroni4',:•r
and Ihrcateninz storms.
A very pretty house tveddinz took
place on Wednesday, June, 7111, n:
Jut Cneta10", Clinton, the real -
dance o[ Mr. anti Mr.+ John Shaw,
when iir it youtizest (,tu rhter, '•I is,
C., was united in marriazo to W. .1.
Muir, ;Merchant of i'ort El gin. The
tvcddin z ceremony wag preformed by
llev, 1)r. Stewart. Only Ihe immedi-
ate rcla'ire' of the bride and groom
were present. The bride looked
most beautiful in a town of white
pcint de Paris over taffeta, aril an
exquisite bertha of rose point Ince
and pearl earniture, and ' carried
stl:ito roses, she was assisted as
bri lestneid by her noire, \lis' Marion
Marrs, of ]'ort i'I tin, in a dainty
whit ^ orr,ndy I imed with lace
and insertion, ant trryinr pink nr.r-
n It ions. Lnrn^ Muir, of l'ort El a it,,
brot I:er of the zroom, acted as
;ronmsntnn, (chile little Misses Jta-
sin Ilnllanlyne, niece of the etoom,
and Dorothy ?[arcs and Madeleine
Shaw, nieces of the bride, in dainty
white drease•, acted at floc' er ziri'.
At the close Of Ihe ceremony dain-
ty luncheon was served in the dinin;
room. Th^ presents. which included
of the bridal party. The bride who
was exquisitely gowned in a dainty
dress of white crepe de chene, her
boquct bein; bridal roses, was given
away by her father. Master Roy
Williams as pa ;e, carried the rin;
in a pretty basket of flowers, while
another pretty attendant ryas little
itlanche Cann, sister of the bride,
performitte the duties of flower .girl,
The ceremony was performed in the
prettily decorated drawing -room by
Rev. W. 11. Cooper, of Elimville, in
this presence of invited friends and
relatives. The ceremony over, con-
;ratulations were extended after
which a dainty dejeuner was served
the same color decorations also being
shown in the spacious dinin;-room.
The evcnin; afterwards was pleas-
antly spent, a very brilliant display
of fireworks bein; ,riven on tier.
lawn. There was atop recitations,
an music. There were
many useful anti 1enutiful presents
tes(ifyin r to aft hi;h esteem in
which the oyunz couple are held.
Mr. and Mrs .Passmore o.re followed
to their home by the best wishes of
a )cost of friends for t uccoss and
prosperity. 'I411ky will reside on Ceu-
ler street, Si rat r'ord.
-On Juno
SQl 7th,iIIE-Eat the home of Mr.
and Mrs. \1'111. Earl, Zion, was the
scene of a very pleasant and Nappy
event, when their dnu;titer Mary,
teats united in the holy bonds of
matrimony 10 Mr. James Squire, son
of Mr. henry Squire, Zion. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Mi', Fletcher, of Thames Road- Only
the' immediate friends of the con-
tractin; parties were present to tvit-
nesse the ceremony. Promptly at 5
o'clock while the strains of Lohen-
;rins weddin; march was being play-
ed by Miss Cook, of Kinburn, cousin
of the ;room, the _room took his
stand under an arch of ever;reens
and ferns from which suspended a
flower hell, proceeding the ;room
was the pretty little rin; bearer in
the person of Cecil Harris. Li'.ile
Miss Carrie Thompson, made a very
pretty flower girl dressed in white
organdy. Followin; carne the bride
leaning on the arta of her father.
looking most charming in a dress of
white silk, trimmed with Paris
ecru lace, ribbon and chiffon, carry-
ing :a boquet of white carnations.
After congratulations they repairedst.
to the dinin z room, in which was
spread a most sup( repa
The tables were tastefully decorated
with white flowers and green ferns,
etc, which were the only prevailin;
colors. Before Loin; to the evening
amusements, Mr. Fletcher tare his
ever welcome speech. and all drank
to the health of bride and groom.
A pro,ramrne was intelli;eptly pre-
pared which proved a success. 8olox
were zivcn by Miss Cook, and Miss
Squire, of Granton acted her part
well in elocution. also Mr. Stephen
Squire showed his nimbleness in the
swinzin; of the clubs. Mr. 0. Earl
next rave selections on the violin.
The { ano ra I t006
n importantorla
part and greatly amused the people.
were again
riven by
alias Cook. Not forret lin; the pre-
sents which were both coaly and
useful, ev'idericint Ilse esteem tis
which they were Iieltl. Al a reason-
able' hour 1hc'y all repaired to their
homes highly pleased with the even-
inr's proceedings, wishing the bride
and groom :a long and happy wedded
These are three common ailments
for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is especially valuable. if promptly
applied it will save you time, money
and suffering when troubled with
any one of these ailments. For sale
in Exeter by W. S. Howey.
Ears for llalchin; - I'ure Bred
White Leghorn for hitching frout
excellent winter layinz t' rain.
Flock headed by first prize cockerel
et Goderich 1'oultry Bhow•. 50e.
per Ilettin;.-S. Andrew-, ElimviIle.
You surely won't stop at a dollar
hill to cure that horrid snifflin;
cold! Go to nny druzgitt and get
"Catarrhozonc" and your cold will
be a thine of the past. There is
almost witchery in the swift way
Cttarrhozone kills cold'. Ilut when
you consider (tic penetratin;, heal -
in; and antise-lie qualities of Ca-
tarrhozone perhips it's not so won-
derful. Certainly there it no rem-
edy lislf so prompt for colds and ca-
tarrh as Catarrbozone . Refuse a
substitute and insist on bavina only
E P'111 kisams V tab! C
•egea ompound.
Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Welling-
ton St., Kingston, Ont , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkhani:-
" Your medicine is indeed a Godsend to suf-
fering women, and I onl • wish that they all
knew what it can do forytheta and there
would be no need of their dragging out
miserable lives in agony. I suffered for
years with bearing -down pains, extreme nem.
ousness and excntriatingheadaches, but e
fees bottles of your Vegetable Compound
made life look now and promising to me. I
am light and happy and I do not know what
sickness is, and I have enjoyed the best of
health now for over four years* Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has sent sun-
shine into thousands of homes and hearts."
\\'i11 not the volumes of letters from,
women made strong by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound convince
all women of its virtues? Surely you
cannot wish to remain sick and weak
and discouraged, exhausted each day,
when you can be as easily cured as
other women.
Such pain and endure the torture'
of nervous headache when 25c. buys Roller ••
a sure cure like Nerviline. A few
drops in sweetened water brings un -
failin„ 'relict. You feel better at
once, (you're braced up, invigorated
headache 1•;oes away after one dose.
The occasional use of Nervilinc
prevents indigestion and stomach
disorders -keeps up health and
strength. Every (woman needs Ner•
viline, and should use it 100. In 25c
bottles everywhere.
A few second hand Pia tit s and
Organs at bargain prices, Also
Sewing Machines on our own
If you
call and
to show
contt nlplate buying
see us. No trouble
Flour Fayed
I and Grocery
%Ye have opened an up-to-
date Flour, Feed and Grocery
store at Trevethick's old stand
and we solicit a shale of your
patronage when we will prove
to you that 0111)('ices are
goods right and our of the
best quality.
, We make a t.pecialty of Teas
IOc Teas sold at 25c
We have also a large stock
f Potatoes on hand. Pro -
lice t
:ken in exchange.
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
ne date: of 1 h '(.oriel: hall( hair tisfaction in flour since re -
have been fixed for Wednesday and modelling our mill
Thursday, Sept. 20th and 21st.
The laxative effect of Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets is
so :tameable and so natural that
Chamber -
you donot realize H
r 11ze it is the effect f 11 Sweitzer
n medicine. For sale in Exeter by
W. S. Howey.
Master Johnny Glew, son of Mr.
Nelson Glow, of Clinton, met with Manitoba & Northwest
a very painful etccident at tt,tte found-
ry on Monday evcninz, resulting in
the amputation of tw•o of his finver+.
11ca in some n'%he zl. hid hand The Saskatchewan Valley &
caught in a co! wheel, badly crush -
in; tete joint's of two fin cera. Manitoba Land Co. Ltd.
Mrs. 8. Linds,y, of Fort William,
Ontario, Canada, who has suffered
quite a number of years from dys-
pepsie and ;rent pains in the etom-
aole was advised by her dru;;ist to
take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. She did so and says,
"•I fin that they have done me a
;reital of zoo(. 1 have never
had any Bufferin; since I he;an Us -
in; them." If troubled ttith dys-
pepsia or indigestion why not take
these Tablets, ret well and stay well
For sale in Exeter, by W. 8. Howey.
Lands for Sale
Largest Land Company on the
C ntinent, controlling entire Can -
Man Northern Railway land
Two Million Acres
The cream of the wheat lands of
Western Canada
Parties purchasing now are
given until est of June to select
their land.
For Terms etc. apply to
Land Agents Office Main St. Exeter.
You can get a general educe- •
tion in any school but cotne to
the Central for Practical Busi-
ness Training. This college has
a continental reputation for
thoroughness. Opportunities are
for those who are prepared. Our
graduates always succeed. You
I• may enter our clssses at any
time. Write for a free catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, I Principals
•••••••••••••••••••see•••• ••••••••••••••••••s•••••••
(Ito or I °rated ).y Act of Parliament MA)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • •53,000.000.00
RESERVE FUND • •• S3.000.000.00
14 Branches in Ontario, Hushes. A: , :t a. Brill.h Columbia and Manitoba
Open eve:) Lawful Dnp 110 n 10 A. >:. 10 ;i 1• m. except Saturday iO A. L. to 1 r, St.
Fnr rrierta' Mrs:o Notes* cashed or collected. Forms supplied
on avowatinr, ',HAT' Ts on all pc ie's in the Dominion, Greet Britain and Un
11(1 Stales, bought And sold at low r -t rate* of exchange,
Depossitw colt 461.O01 ani upwards received. interest torn•
pounded hair )tall y, and odd, at to principal June 30111 and iieeember alit. De
posits Ittseip•s also is -wet and ( pct t.t current rates of interest allowed.
Advnncette made to farmers hock dealers Mitt business men nt
lowest rates end on mo -t fa% arab',! term#. Agents nt Exeter fir Dom. Oot ernment.
= Dics& h, Rnher.N. D. HURDON, .
N••••k••••••••••••••••.•••on :cugito. Manager.