HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 4You Should Have a
•rm ome ter
A Cheluit'al Thermometer.
A t is indispensable in the •iter:
room, and only 50c-
Hair Renewer
Is h true you want to look old ? Then keep your gray hair. If not,
then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color
of early life rc°:()Ied to your hair.
A Daily Thermometer. It The Surrounding News
is a great convenience that
B.. be found in every
hail v and kitchen. Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
.A 'Chel'ntoluete. al. t, ft,:• the
regulation of the tempe,,iture
of your. 11Onle', etc.
By Our Correspondefts.
IIENSALL 1 I t 1 4I11W0u11
comp i1S901tlllf;lit Of Bev. Medd '�l c c �' up-
A i 1)1.. 1 nownt r ui„ t
on his fuurt h year, t he lon eesc term
permitted by, 'the conference and
%hich Testifies do the happy rela-
tions cxistin; between pastor and
people. and the appreciation of hi;:
earnest, axle and successful minis-
—Mr. Henry 'Taylor has the foun-
dation laid for his new dwelling
the east end of the villa ze and Mr.
Thomas Welsh of the wet end hag
1 n twos.
pew etc. •Ira atoll under his n t 1 c1Li - t t d ,
Both ane of brick and trill be a cre-
dit to the villas. Mr. 'Welsh is us-
anz cement blocks for the base of his
which zives a very food appearance
4 —The Rev. E. A. Shaw, o fthe Kip -
5 pen. Chise1hurst, and Hills Green cir-
6 cult of 411e Methodist church, who
7 is ono of our most respected and es -
1 wag in -
21 S teemed townsmen. and tvho
9 vitt(' to remain for another year on
3 10 his present circuit, has been appoint-
ed by 'the Conference to Lyons. The
Revorered gentleman will be areal -
sly missed from our village and by a
very tarn circle of friends.
—Mrs. C. A. Redmond. of !lay
township, was in Kinlou31i durinz
the past week visitinz her father,
Mr. John jtousom, and had the .,:rd
duty of nttendin; his funeral before
returning •here the first of the week.
Mr. Rousom hid attained the rood
old are of 84 years and had been in
the enjoyment of good health until
within 'the past year, being a re-
markably 'smart man for one so ad-
vanced ;in years. Ile was well read
and look an active part in public
matters and was possessed of many
exccl!ent qualities.
the cheapest and best at.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
11 19 25
12 1f) 28
13 20 27
14 21 28
15 22 21)
10 23 30
17 21
'f11URS11.1Y, JUNE. 151L, 1905
Thee road work is; new bein; done
n thin part of the ntiehboraaood.
Report.+ are circulating that there
he :a few tune w:ddine sin the
ear future.
---Jlr. „toe. Speare had a t rn rais-
e; on Thursday alst.
—Mr. \Wel. Glenn, of til' bound;ty,
ouehi a fine new bike from !Jr. S,
. \filtt'r a few days azo.
—Miss Agnes Park left tie week
or Alpena, Michigan.
---Miss Anna alartin spoilt S:atur-
a; with her sister, Mrs. Cranston
—Rev. It. A. Cranston has purc-
esed a new driver.
---The contract for the bi.; ditch
now }Rini. pushed forward, -there
'tiz seven men workin t :.t it at
-Mrs. John Ilo!arth :,(tended the
•eddine of her ncicc. '.!:'3 ern;
=mitt', at 1Milvc'rton, t his e. ^^k.
No one knows butter than those
•ho have used Carter's Lillie Liver
MIs what relisf thoy, have given
%lien taken fir dyspepsia, dizziness,
sin is the side, constipation, and
lsordercd stomach.
—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McNair, Evan -
(lisle, who have oeen lwldeag mcet-
r13s itt this vicinity of late, stave
le=ad their season for the work and
•111 :;o to their home for the sum-
po.not despair of curing your sick
adache when you can so easily ob-
ain Carter',. Little Liver I'i11s. They
ill effect a prompt anti perman-
nt cure. Their action is mill and
—The church of En;land p:•ople of
'taffa intend zivitz an entertain-
ment and ice cream social on Thurs-
day evenin z next. This con; re z•1 -
Lion spare no pains in makinz their
uncial a success and eivtne the peo-
ple a rood *tot.
Roan 1 Trip
(return Thursday. June 22
AI 11 1]1 eR e:RRr11OO'el.
Two Day. to 1,et,,.s
F:. 11. Ay.r, Tarn
Children Halt Fern
Ors Way with Baggage. a' )')
The Special Excursion Trawl
tt ill leave Stratford and trate
stations to Goderich Tuesday
morning, June 20.
From \Vinghanl and way
stations, take morning train
June zo, connecting at Clinton
(7.40 a. tn.) milli Special Train
for (,odcrich.
1'IEC1.tI, TRAIN L1;.1VI. s
For Dotrolt
Lea% c Galericll f er,I)etrolt .
a.m., Tnesaay, June 20, Ca114.l
Return to Qodorich
Leave Detroit for t:alcrich t p
nl., Thursday, June 22, htetn-
d:ird Time.
Return to Dotrolt
(.cave Cotlerkb for Detroit 8..'j )
a m., Friday, June 23, Canal11
—Doter forget The Foresters picnic
at Grand !lend on the 22nd init.
—Mrs. Schneider tvlto has been vis-
itine -her son-in-law at Elkton.Mich.
for some time. returned hotite last
—Mr. Chris. Fainter is busy tlraw-
iny coal for our citizens.
—A wedding will take place in our
village next week. More particulars
1 o follow.
— Mr. Ab. Walker's condition con-
Tinuea to be tlao same.
— Miss Dorrington and friend of
Exeter visited at Mr. and Mr...Claude
Bluets's on Sunday.
—Our boys load two hall •zaunca this
past week. Otte i ook place friday
('%;chin; between the Stars and Duf-
fers, resultin; in a score of 18 to 3 in
favor of the former ; on Monday even
ine Centralia played our boys )rut
were sadly defeated by a score of 17
to 0. Our boys are t.ot trout:ledwith
t he swelledhead. They aro workinz
'Jinni to defeat the Lucan people on
Friday ,renin;.
— Mr. S. Brown has recently re-
moved into his newly re -modelled
store which is replete in every par-
ticular. The new appearance adds
.greatly to the very complete and
full stock of all kind sof up-to-date
roods. During the next two tvecka
Mr. Brown is offering immense re-
ductions in all lines, and a visit to
this st oro will not only convince sod
but you will he induced to take ad-
vantaze of the rare bar_:tins offered.
See add in another coluttua.
—\I r. Geo.'•Mil!er, of Mt. Clemens,
Dlich•, (las (leen here visit int his
father and sister and rencwinr old
— Geo. Godbolt paid friends of Ar-
thur a short visit hast week.
—tliss Blanche (took and father
of Eden left Last Friday for Roch-
ester, where ; hey intend vi.itinz
friends for a couple of weeks.
— air. Georg:' Heywood and son
\Wesley, left last week for Iowa
where they will pass n few weeks
in visitinz friends and relative..
—Master Leslie Robinson made :i
trip to London on Monday of t his
week and returnin r con Tuesday w i1 h
two new bu zzics.
Doctor hackney and wife. of lotto
1on, Mich., called -at the school on
— Mr. It. Delbrid re, who has been EDEN
spending a month in Manitoba, re- —We :ire )leased to 1141i 1.• :id can•
turned last week. M r. Delbrid.•e has ;ratulate awn of our 111011 and en -
recently purchased some hind from erzetic and prosperous teachers who
Mr. It. Pickard, and (las been out) tanzht in our school here. The To-
ront o (:lobe retorts the ,result of
1 he medical examination ;here. Me4 •
ars. It. E. Ito -well and R..1. Hamil-
ton were both successful in passiu z
1 heir exams. while the Int ler pissed
wit h honors, , akin: I hi 1 plat; ' on
the honor list. We eisli thee. enl,-
t irall'•d 'illeet':'a ill 1 I- 111' ,1st•.
H AW "AItllll':It A 'CIIA('h. — Now is the
• • time to cell ;Cud get price- en our Louden
!rouble steel Trick, we hate Oa hand a few
Hound Track tare which we are offering at a
snap, the -e care made in Oshawa and there
i are' 111
large number in s
1, use in this neighborhood.
P. 1'.tu1.ts, Hardware, Stove., Les.
Ilc—rid.e r.. Wilson ha- moved to Groot
—Mr. Andrew Birk, •of Seattle,
Wash.. i+ vi'itin; Itis+ farther, who
is very
1n ill. it is seventeen years
azo that Mr. Birk left this place
and 110 110• res many clean 105 i,l 1 ha 1
— Ilase 1,111 has coal:• t o lift' a Otin•
lovers of the ;game run he seen pries
Heinz eveninzs in D1r. John Snell's
\\-e learn that t he Dashwood band
has been re-orzenized with some 12
players, Prof. Jones of Exeter,will
give them Aheir first lesson Monday
— 11r. lleldidrand is lei vine his
house painted.
—The house ndjournine. the plan-
in,z twill, formerly owned by Dave
Bet -schen, has been sold to Herman
Tyler, anal •1.1 bein,-r moved -to the
'1'iedman properly.
—Lonzo Foster of t l.e Babylon Line
lost a valuable marc and foal Mon-
day morning'. .lir. foster had refus-
ed $240 just a :bort time azo.
—The roai scraper is doing much
needed work itt i his heel' torllood at
—Mr. John hall of London, was
in the villaze Friday and Saturday.
—Sunday next will be quarterly
services in -Ila- Evangelical church
when the presidin1 elder dill con-
duct t ho service.
—Friday, June 101.h. 1+ Zurich's
Civic 'holiday.
Mr. C. Either solid •t handsome
driver 'to his brother, !Harry, of
Crediton, last week.
— Mr. 8. Geizer, of Pizeott, Dlich.,
is visiiine itis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Geizer. at present.
—Mr. Ed. Dcichert, of Armada.
Mich., is spending this week at his
parent's - 'home here.
— :\lessrs. Donald and Robert Man-
son. of \Vinnipee, Man., are visiting
at their home on the Goshen line.
Stanley. at present.
—Miss Kate Truetnner returned
from Detroit on Tuesday evening to
spend the summer with her mother
in town.
To got relief from indigestion. bit-
loneness, constipation or torpid liver
without disturbing the stomach or
purging the bowels, take a few doses
of Carter's Little Liver Pills they
will please you.
—A very succi•-_iatl raisinz was
held a1 Mr. Casper \Walper's recent-
ly. Althourh the a:•:other was un-
favorable the frame of 'the lar;e
barn wag put into place, Messrs. Pet-
er Lamont and Chas. Fritz had chos-
en sides, but 1 he latter'- sten prov-
ed a little too fest for the others,
Mr. Jas. Oesch, of the Bronson Zine,
was considered the hest Haan of the
raisin r.
U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba
during the Spanish wear know what
this disease is, and that ordinary
remedies have little more effect
than so tnuch water. Cuban dinr-
Hose'1 is almaat- as severe an:1
dangerous as a mild at k of
cholera. There is one remetfy. how-
ever, that can always be depended
upon es will be seen by the follon-
inz certificate front Mrs. Minnie Ja-
cobs of ilouston, Texas ; '•1 hereby
certify 1 hat Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy
cured my husband of a severe at-
tack of Cuban diarrhoea, which he
brought home from Cuba. We had
several doctors but t hey did him no
3oocl. One bottle of this remedy
cured him, as our neizhbors will tes-
tify. I thank God for so valuable a
madicine." For sale in Exeter by \V.
8. Howey.
Iocatinr it.
— Tile annual School picnic 2234
held on Friday, 9th incl, at Grand
Bend park and was one of the most
successful picnics ever ileld front this
section, nearly every rete -payor ana
his family loin" pre,ent. A prozralu
which w l+ prep:arc:I by the te.aeh^r
'ass i :dint-
, n l r. 1. r-, consist in t n[ re
at ions, sinoin t an:1 speeches
were rendered on the: zround4 ana
tv15 a credit 10 the section and those
who prepare! alae children. Th: b Very often a Mired,
music of n h • :lay was rendered to ug
M r. Geo. Sutton on his b3 z pipes in •
most sucre-.Tui manner. The Bad ,f &,aipjr.
!poria were fine. the feature bcinz I water are amo its causes.
f man's race. Bob drew the1
polo .in 1 held it to the first quarter
whsle Ln mi+sed his tooth's' and felt
ant 1' who was driven by Joe
won 1'. • 1 I0". The ie:• rt exam 22:1+
fins 1111 watt serval fret• 10 all.
Since picnic day every one is wishin
Fret would make another l.i'nic if
lie eoula do as well azain and
hope t' r• atilt t.' under h - 1u 11134e-
meni awe ter yrtr ind 1. 't• a Jelly
good time .
CA19129CD L.
Agan the lie >t A Yoe Haa+ i't1a►s
QQ��•�� •-b
S ct'a-e � CGIG�Fl
it is cued " soil for
tubercles," and where it is
allowed to remain tttberco•
logs or consumpton is
pretty sore to take root.
od sSarsaparilla
Removes every trace of
scrofula. Get Hood's.
For t.stl monlals of remarkable (awe,
ssmd for Book on Scrofula No. 1.
C. 1. Hood Co.. Lowell. ill. s.
—Rev. Couzcits, of \1't/tnnuttu oc-
cupied the pulpit Li -L Sued:1y morn -
in ' :tn l cvenitt . ltcv. U. W. Atl.lrewa
preached :uutivc'rsary sgrviera at
W oodles .
The Ceutrali1 !Methodist church
purpose holdinz their annual Straw-
berry festival on Jtily the first.
Mr. Zedrie (licks. of Toronto, is
spcndin1 his vacation .it his lease
Mr. .Cones Quarry. of Toronto. t-
speudinz his holidays at his ht,ut••
1t. re.
—Mr. :Melville ILutdford. of Snott-
fItke, Man., is vi.it,ine at Iris hots
—Mr. awl Mr'. Charles Foster. of
Gr;ulton, visited at Mr. James Iianl •
fuel's "u Tuesday.
elisi I: a Abbott left for \lu--
koka on Monday 't!,t•ro site oit!
rens-tin for the summer.
J1r. J. T. Barber, of Irwinville, lin,
always keeps a bottle of Chanber-
1 tn's Colice Cholera r an Diarrhoeaoe
Remedy at
hand ready for instant
use. Attacks of colic, cholera mor-
bus and diarrhoea come 011 80 ttutl-
denly that there 18 no time to hunt
a doctor or zo to the store furine-
dicine. Mr. (Barber says: "1 have
tried Chamberlain',, Colic, Cholera
end Diarrhoea Remedy which is one
of the best medicines 1 ever saw. 1
keep a bottle of it in any room as 1
have had several attacks of colic and
it has proved to be the best medicine
1 ever used." Sold in Exeter by W.
8. 1tow-es%
A Soldier's
Our newly epitointed Sergt. Maj-
or Frederick Evelyn }lector, comes
from an old Enzli:dl stock. beitt;
born at West Morden, in the Coun-
ty 'of Drs eland, M a •
Dorset Euzl uI 1, .1 }
1869. His father, who died on Jan.
31st last, at the ripe old age of 85
years, was n cattle dealer and farm-
er. At the early axe of 17 years
just after finishing his school duties,
Mr. Hector left home and eulisled
in the Fifth Northumberland Fusil-
iers, (The Fizhtinz Fifth) a name
they mine, in the Peninsular War.
was sent to Newcastle -on -Tyne, in
the north of England, to start his
military career, after three months
recruits traittinz he was Fent to his
regiment, stationed then at Newry,
County Down. Ireland, just as the
riots were rife in Belfast and the
north of Ireland. After se.rvin t 12
months in Ireland he returned to
England with his reel. to take part
in Queen Victoria's Jubilee 1887.
After the Jubilee at Aldcrshott, he
accompanied his regiment to Colches-
ter, Essex. then under the command
of Lieut. General Sir Evelyn Wood
and from there proceeded. To East
India with a draft to re-inforce the
2nd Battalion of the Northumber-
land Fusiliers, •then stationed at Ra-
wal Guide, I'unjaub, in 111e Items!
Presidency, (;a frontier station) and
1 hrou;h Navine a severe dose of
ague and fever, Hector was sent to
the convalescent Depot at Murree, a
beautiful spot, situated on the Him-
alayas. After rccruilinz his health
sufficiently, he was clninled by itis
elder brother, who was then serving
in India, leo serve with hon in the
(25tH Foot) known as the Kin;'
Own Scottish Borderers, another old
famous regiment and was then sta-
tioned at Meerut, Benzal Presidency.
Upon joining his brother at Nfcerut
he proceeded with him to Calcutta
with 500 others of IIIe Kinn':+ Own
Scottish Borderers, and took the
boat at Calcutta for Raul;oon, Ilur-
mah, 10 zo on an expedition. known
then an the Chin-Luehai expedition
through Iturmalt to the borders of
East India and China, under the
command of Brigadier General Genn.
Squonds, who unfortunately w:as
kilted in the early ata zea of the
South African War. Many and
varied were (lector's experiences
on lltis expedition, very many of his
comrades dyinz with sickness. Fin-
ally receiving Queen Victoria's Silver
Medal and Ctnsp, known as the Ind-
ian Frontier Medal, for services on
the expedition. Throuzit ha vi0r con-
tracted slow rerniltinz fever, he was
scent back with n hatch of others to
the Military llospitnl at Itanzoon,
for treatment. After brinz in hos-
pital 1 month and 9 d:Irs, he wee
selected with 50 other mcn (all con-
valemcants) to proceed to \Wellinzton,
a hill stat icon, situated on the Neil; -
!terry Hills. Madras, Presidency, af-
ter spcndin; the hot eunnmcr in the
hills he returned to Calcutta. to
talc • this 1 oil for Ban:eon once mote
and from Ilanxoon to Bombay,
across i he Indian Ocean, an omen he
crossed four times, and a sea which
tornadoes often sweep. His regiment
was supposed to i;e t ran! -shipped to
'the t roop-ship Crocodile, but ryas un •
able to on acountc of the Crocodile
breakin z down just previous to
reaciane Bombay from Enzlancl,
with Indian drafts, (ice., consequent-
ly he and his regiment went tender
canvas for 10 days at Bombay, until
the Crocodile had been sufficiently
repaired, 11ae+n Ilcctor and his rezi-
nlenl left Itomhay for Plymouth,
Enzland, and all went well until the
Crocodile reached l'orl Said. and af-
ter Bailin; fromthat (ort the shin
encountered a moat violent :.tor».
Instinet 5 days, and the weasel .only
able to precool at 1.111 speed, made
the journey ihoorah the Mediterran-
ean nen, vet) tiresome and weary.
upon reacl,in`allot the Sen bee dm•
ed sconce heti, and t h•' reit of the
Journey was more pleasant. Ile cn-
ally reach", Plymouth with his rrzi-
rnt•nI after a Inns sea journey of 12
drays, and wit :affirmed to Rilln
Itirracks. Deas sport, and from 1 here
to the citadel Plymouth, and went
on the let Class Army Reserve, :ti-
ter 'rein; one month away from the
Army. he joined the Derby ltorou;h
Police F'orrr and serve,! o.a 111.11
force for six and one half years, w3• !
t%vice recommended for merit oriou4,
conduct while on duty. and suitably
rewarded. When the South African 1
War broke out in Oct. 99, (lector
'olunlet'ree his services and went 1
.alt If Oh his oil tt Timent to South :
1feel I •ndin: 4 here jugs as the I
'.fodder !thee f. Ott Awls pain: nn,1
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••••• -
Wedding Gifts
for Jure Brides
• i guarantee. —
t t e Potteries. le in
Immense assortment of
beautiful new goods both
useful and ornamental
that will please the fancy
of any bride, and if you
buy here, the question of
what to buy or what will
so new and
please the bride will be
easily solved. Our line
is so large d the goods •
(leasing that
anything you
be y and every
piece bears our personal
the Stafford-
tatford- ♦ ZZ
AI F \ O. Al{'T WARE direct
♦ s ni • •' s100usefulpieces.
i• JA PANE 3E RANI) PAINTED CHINA in the mcst richly decor-
ated Table Lines. Oyer 200 lines to select from.
French Factories. Nothing like it shown anywhere.
• • Austrian China, Biartiz China, German
• • Decorated China, Dresden Patterns.
I z ENGLISH CHINA including the celebrated Imperial and Tuscan
titian( y.
• • DINNER SETS—Very rat fie assortment in all snakes, splendid
• • decorations and designs. A taple is well set when our Dinner
• Ware is used. Prices from $6 up to $60.
• 1OILE'I.'S SETS to snit the furnishings for any room. In all the
t •• latest shadings and shapes from $1.'715 to 1018 set.
to -The Biggest and Best line of Crockery, Glassware, China, etc
• • found in Western Ontario in here,
•i London Crockery Co. - •
ti 169 Dundas Street,London. Ii.
tWE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of •
• Z 810.00 or over. Z
is ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••N••••••••••••••••••••• -
A good baking oven is
what every housewife re-
quires in a range. Other
advantages add to the
usefulness of the range,
but an easily regulated,
perfect baking and roast-
ing oven is an indispens-
able feature. It is the
perfection in operation ol
the oven of the
Imperial Oxford Range
that has made it such a striking susses;.
It is in the oven construction that the great-
est difference is found between the Imperial
Oxford and any other range on the market.
The diffusive oven flue draws the cold air from
thefloor, super -heats it, and distributes it through-
out the oven, keeping it at an even temperature
in all parts. This flue also ,Hakes it easy to
regulate the heat of the oven and secures a
marked saving in fuel. l your dealer doesn't
handle the Imperial Oxford, write to us direct
and we will send you our catalogue and tell
you where you can see the range.
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited lg
Toronto ]Montreal Winnipeg 1aneout,:
For sale by T. IIAWKINS & SON, Exeter.
his regiment proceeded hence with-
out delay, and unto I'aardeberz. and
was present at the capture of Gen.
Cronje and his 4000 prisoners, and
from .1 here Ao Bloemfontein, and
from .ehere to the battle of Karee
Sidinz, where (lector received a
wound in the t hi eh and w•as sent
back To No. 6 General hospit al,
leaaur1,00Ml, Cape Colony, after bcinz
laid tip Aix months With his wound
1►e was appointed Arlin; S0re't Maj-
or of I he Colonial Divisional Depot
at Naauw•polrt, after ser%inr in that
capacity for 4 monills he proceeded
to his rezimcnt al Eerste-Fahrieken,
which means (first Manufactory or
factory) in Dutch, shortly after join -
in; 'them azain took the field att:tin-
st t -h^ ilo'rs and was there until
peace was proclaimed in May '02 hav-
in,( served 2 year!, 5 months in the
South African War he wens gent
home will" the first batch of ih'seo-
visls and accompanied Generals Bo-
tha, Drlaeey, 1)e Wet, ('1 the B. \i.
8. Saxon from Capetown 10 South-
ampton, reachinz t here in Auzual,
1902. A zrand oration awaited near-
ly everybody on hoard, and Hector
tts restored to his wife and two
sen.+ after an absence of nearly three
years tvnr eeTwice, front the time he
left 110111e 1114 he came back and took
up his dutiO3 a,xnin on the
folic^ Force teci•i%itlZ Quern
") ' a':
rti .1 I.I and Ihrce
Clasps ar►:1 Kinz Edward's Medal and
2 clamp; for • •rvices durin South
African War. lie reulaitte-t 17 /I 111e
I'olict• Force until he finally left
!inflate! and came to settle in our
midst in Canada. He accompanied
the Huron Rezinlent to camp at
Landon end was appointed Coln
Serz't of No. 6, Exeter ('ompany.
This year he has been nppointcrl by
Colonel Yonne. Conunandinz the
33r1 Huron Itezintent, to 1110 to.l
of ti •, , M , jar.
WANTED — hien and Women in
this country and adjoining territories
to represent and establish nn oldes-
tablished house of solid financial
standing. Hilary to men 821 week-
ly to women 812 to $18 weekly with
Expenses advanced enols Monday by
cheek direct from headquarter..
Horse- :Ind buggy furnished when
necessary : position permanent. Ad-
tlrras, Blew Bros. & Ce., Dept. 5, ate
non i11de.. Chicago, 111.
Ili KEi{—In Dasliwood, on \Tae 1'i,
to Mr, and Mrs. R. Baker a d:tuzh-
JONES.—In McGillivray, (North
Boundary) on 10111 inst to Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Jones a son.
IIODCiNS.—LI Hiddulpla, con. 2, on
Sunday 11111 inst, to \tr, and Mr,:.
Chas. 1iodzina a son.
ROSS.—At Nampa. idahe, on Sunday.
Tune soh, 1905, to 51r. anti 51,4.
II. P. 'toss, n dau. l ter.
FOSTER—At James ltnndford'.+, Lon-
don Road, on .inns 801, 1a : \1 r.
and Mrs, Wm. Foster n son.
GALL-AG11En.—in McGillivray, cots.
3. on .June 8th inst, to Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Gallazher a d1url.ler.
\\'AGNK11.—On Saturday, .lune :It d,
11r. and Mrs. \V. C. \Waznrr,
Town Line, (lay Tott•nship, la son,
McDONALII—At Guelph, on 'noir 4 -
day, June gbh, 1905, In Mr. and
Mts. E. A. :McDonald (nee 51i,- Su -
sic \WCt•kcs) a son.
IIAMILTON—\1'AilD— in Si. \I •1 c+,
on ,inne art, by itev. A. 0r+tn., 511.
Ilum1 )i, c Hamilton, St. Mar.
and Sta.- Mary Ward, of Ftillar-
COO\IBF:111--AiRT1i. — Un 'I'hurs:ley,
June K • Ifs. \'
th 1 c• \
1. n Iles'. M.
Martin, T. E. Cooinlns to Miss
Christ joie Airt1,, dauzhter of M.rt.
Ann Ait t 1!, of Exeter.
JOHNS — I'ASSMOItt.—In late -now
on Jute. 13th, 1905, o}• the iter.
W. 11. Cooper, Mr. William Johns
to Miss ida thrice, dau(hler of
Mr, an:I Mrs .Thos. l'a•amore.
SQUIB Zion on Wed-
nesday. June 701, I905, by Rev.
Colin Elm cher. Thatnes !toad, 5Ir.
.lames Squire to Miss Nary Earl,
daurluer of Mr. end Mrs. Won.
Earl. :1)1 of Zion.
.10 s ES. -0u .tune 2nd, on 3rd con.
8ten103', \Tee. John Jotv4. 1124. •1 Iix
y.• tel,
111•:,\It1�I; -- t►n Monday. ,Tune 1211,.
Willi 11 1) ,r 1) Con. 3, 81111p1:''tt,
a Zed 71 '. t ;.
1.u..111 ,•a Tneaaa . June
1311:, I I . Ann Sw1' t. beloved wife
of 5I • . \W 111. 1.110, and din;leer
01 alt. sto 1 11,+. T. Sweet. Exeter,
.,r.1 Cy )' 1,..
Cedar Posts
A large quantity of Cedar Posts for
sale of the best quality. Must ht• sold
at once.
We would he pleased to quote you
our priced on any Building material
you may require. We can supply
you with.
Sash and Door Frames
Lumber, Lath & Shingles
on shorter t notice
Itt tact the ate in a better position
than ever to supply our many custom-
ers with al! they may require either
from shop or yards.
Bee keepers supplies ready for
delivery. Tanks made to order
Wood for Sale
Call and see the wood we have for
sale. Just the kind you require for
summer cooking.
Th6 RossTduIor
GD. Ltd.
. .
i: • ...,
To Farmers and 1::
t the Public in T
4. General
As the spring is coming ons
now gather up all your old:
,1, truck such as Rags, Rubbers, ,
1,Vool•l'ickings, Horse Bair, ;
+ Old Rope, Bones, all kinds*
• of old iron, Brass, Copper, 'li
•Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to
1 Main St. Exeter. t
j. One door south of the ;
Metropolitan hotel. That's •J.,
.1.1where you will get the high-
est cash price for them.
++++++++++ 2'++++++++++++++44
We are deale►s in all kinds of farm-
ing iilplen.ents and below we give a•
partial list of what we have ,n stock.
Buggies from 860 up, Waggons
frctu 811 up, Binders, Mowers,
Hay Tedders, Sulky Plows.
See Our Hay Loaders and
Side Rake
\\'e have several Washing Machines•
and Wringers that we will bell cheap.
incubators and Brooders.
A few second-hand Buggies and
Waggons to be sold cheap. +'
Largest Show Rooms, Exeter.
Your own two hands and
a pair of these tires and
your bicycle is ready for
the road.
Every pair guaranteed
for a year.
The Dunlop Tire Co.
Si. Jobe TORONTO Wiaaipea
Vancouver at 1 Montreal