HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 2NUSSIA SEEKS JAPAN'S TERMS
The Bear Wants to Know the Con=
(Aldous of Peace.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
ease: Ada moult of the meeting of
ilho Council of Ministers heltl tet
penrskot'-Selo on Tuesday, iustruc-
lMiuue wcro telegraphed on Wednesday
afternoon to the Russian Antbassn-
s.lors et %%'ushingtun nod Paris to the
effect that Russia is desirous of
learning .lapan'a peace conditions.
'A despatch Bonn Paris says: The
fit. Pctenlburg correspowknt of tho
troops rays that as a result of the
conference at Tsarsi:oe - 'elo the par-
tisans of peace are cmieidcrnbly die
roni ited. A war to the fritter end
is foreeton.
The Ilritisli and American Anti,as-
sndors deny that they have been
charged to take any steps toward
oyettinc any negotiations for peace.
11OUIi'PF.D 11' IN LONDt►N.
A despatch from London says: The
tstntement from St. Petertiturg that
'Russlia is anxious to learn .lapan's
conditions of pence is not supported
.from any source in Paris or ere. else
whin Europe. On thn contrary,
Russia's determination to continuo
.fighting at all costs is reasserted,
•coupled with a report that the wholo
'western frontier of Russia will bo
denutk•d of troops to reinforce Oen.
' Linevitch.
A despatch trots St. Petersburg
nose: An official report of the battle
in Tsushima Straits iia» been receiv-
ed from Admiral itojestvensky. In
at he states that ho was unconscious
owing to his wounds, when he was
:removed front hi» flagship, the Kniaz
IrJuve.., T.
not mentioned. attacked Machatun,
two miles north of Weiyuautpau,
early in the morning of Monday, but
were repulsed.
'"The sumo day our force, which
had advanced to Shahotse, nine miles
east of (Shantu, dislodged the enemy
heading for that vicinity. and occu-
pied u neighboring eminence. A
portion of our cavalry drove the
energy northward toward Chichi a-
tzu, 15 miles north of Kwangplr►g.
and Mnchatun, seven miles east of
Chipatun, and our troops occupied
their vicinitierr."
lifotrlow, Juno 7. -It Is reported
!that Gen. Kuroki, who cotnnmisIJ
the right wing of Marshal Oyalna's
tinny, is making a wide turning
A despatch from Tokio says. A de-
o-spatch from the headquarters of the
Japanese) armies in tho field, made
public on Wettne day afternoon. says:
he enemy's infantry, strength,
Prices of Cattle, Grain. Cheeses
and Other Dairy Produce
at Home and Abroad.
Toronto, June 13. -Wheat -Tho
market is litut for Ontario grades.
and priccs to -day are 117 to 91/c out-
side for No. 2 white end red Win-
'in says:-Submarineubunt "A-8" was y g '
ler. No. 2 goose is purely nominal.tic letters from foster purent.e !who, he, found In the reports of burveyura. south has been written and %hour
>ttunitoba wheat is ua.t:u higher; No. lost off the breakwater here on h tyr found new joy in lite Hiner they i wht n so little is known, is out
Thursday morning. Three explusiuc,y j unit it it could he tau.:tl, the flu%'ern-'atm►
1 Northern quoted at $ 1 .0:31 to $1•- aro said to have occurred uu board %dui ted a little one. The following tttent would {o•esent it to rho House.' ally a reserved roan au<t docs not -
01, Georgian Buy ports; No. 2 Nor before she foundered. She had on is a sample letter recently received: -
Gaon at $1 to $1.01, and Nu. 3� "1 dare not trust r►t}welf mence to write of littlo -to com-
erwas informedMr.an on behalf of the Pustutnster-Gen-I type of the Javanese officer.
Sheep and Lambs -Sheep are quot-
ed lower at $J to Watt. and splicer;
lambs I rnt at 53 to $5.95. Homes Brightened by Their Pres NOTES or PROCEEDINGS IN SKETCH OF CARER OF JA -
liege -The market is steady and ence-A Foster Mother's Letter.
quoted uttchungt•d at $6.ti5 per cwt. Some o! the wor]<I's bei blest noel
for :Meets and $6.40 fur lights and F
tuts. cleverest men and worsen have been
�- adopted children taken in infancy by
childless people and realist reith all
SUBMARINE BOAT SUNK. the care nrd tenderness that love
Carried Down Fourteen of the
Crew With Her.
A Plymouth, Fnglond, despatch
N.1 \' It; A BLE 11AT1•:it.
Mr. Ames was 'p(urmed by Sir
Wilfrid that the tw,yrrolneal had 00
official information us ie the moaner
lie Is Very Commonplace in Ap-
pearaoce But a Brilliant
anti regard for child filo can suggest.. of r►tiles of navigable water suitable One of the gre:►test naval booker
Mr. J. .1. Kelso, who is the general for light -draught btetuuers within in htitory has been fought, end unti-
supe•rintendent of work for homelteee, the northern part of the propo',e+l titer hero has taken bis place
children in Ontario, states that al -
Province of Alberto. If there amongst the wont "asset ()breis of cell
roost ever mail brie s in eMhusino- ens any iufortuutiun uE all it wouldtime. Admiral 'Togo, %Bout %%kora so
Northern ret 9:Ic.
Oats -Sales of No. 2 white aro lo -
ported ut 43 to 44: at outside
points. Cars on track here quoted at
450 to 4tic.
Marley -No. 2 quot3•l at 46 to 47c
middle freights; No. 2 extra at 44 to
45 N 'i at 43c nttc'.Ii. irui••hts
A despatch front 'Tokio saes: A
correseoident has been permitted to
inspect the Russian battleship Orel,
now lying at Muiruru. The Orel re-
ceived a terrible battering. flet• hull
shows forty gaping holes, pierced by
largo shells, and many smaller,
where she had been bit, while the
superstructure, her upper works and
upper "lecke were riddled by shells,
steel fragments and s{,linters. The
starboard forward 12 -inch gun was
sioaohed ten feet from the muzzle,
either by shell or by explosion. A
fragment of the gun went over the
bridge, smashand smashing the rail, after
carrying away the breech of a 12 -
pounder, buried itself in the signal
locker. From the !main deck upward
the condition of the vessel was ter-
rible to behold. Steel partitions
were Smashed, the gangway was
broken, and stanchions wrecked.
Gear of various kinds covered the
decks, and the state of tho alley-
ways shows that the ship was afire
several tithes. 'the !nark of the
fames inereaged the scene of desola-
tion. The tonin armor belt is In-
tact. The turret armor generally
withstood the battering front shells,
although two of the 6 -inch turrets
were rendered unserviceable by shots
which struck close to their base. Sev-
eral smaller guns were dismounted
and smashed. A gruesome sight was
a bulkhead bespattered with blood,
fragments of flesh and hair.
The Orel is sound structurally, al-
though it will be necessary to prac-.
tically reconstruct her from the
waterline 1111. The condition of the)
ship shows that the crew underwent
a terrible ordeal before they Burton-
board eighteen officers and teen, in-
cluding her regular crew and !men
who were 10 training. Fourteen of
the number were drowned anti the
others mere picked up. The disaster
occurred while the "A-8" was pr-
eceding to sea for practice accom-
panied by another submarine boat
Peas -The market is limo, with No., and a torpedo boat. 'three explo-
2 quoted outside at 71% and nillingl sinus were seen froth the shore to oc-
cur inc.
bard rho "A-13" 8" which sud-
('orn-The market for Canadian is
dull; with cur lots purely nominal.
American kiln dried, No. 3 yell ,w,
601 to Ole, on truck. Toronto.
Rye -Tito market is dull, with
prices nominal at 61 to 63c outi;do
for No. 2.
Buckwheat -11a diet quiet, with
none otTering, and prices nominal at
51) to t)0c outside.
Flour -Ninety per rent. patents aro
quot.ed at $4.35 to $'!.40 in borers'! -_-
secks, east or west; straight roll!rs1 saved were standing in the vicinity baby prnttic, showing great infolds
of special brands for detnostic trot:e,� of the cunning tower at the limo of gence. We intend having her por-
in bblss. $4!75 to 54.85. Manit.rba the disaster, and were picked up by -trait pointed. We know the photo -
flours aro steady. No. 1 palenis,l a passing trawler. They were Lieut. gra('her here would not do her jus
$5.30 to 55.50; No. 2 patents, $8.15 Candy, commander of the boat; Sub -
tire and been waiting to take
to $5.20; strong bakers', $5 to $5.- Lieut. Murdock, a petty officer and a her to the City for her photo. My
10 on track, Toronto. seaman. little son is at a private school for
Alillfeud-At outside points bran is The lost boat was of about :300 boys and wo often say Cod sent bits
quoted at $13.75 to $14.25, tied torts displacement and was )auncllal
sweet girlie to help us bear the
Large Export Trade With Britain
THE GLOBE. A despatch from Ottawa says:
(Dar Own From reports' received at the Trade
rind Commerce Department from Air.
of Re- 11;111, conuncrcinl agent at Birming-
ham, it is evident hint. Canadian
Toronto customs receipts lnat cider makers have a gots! chance for
Month were $751,135.61, an increase a large export trade with England.
of 58,146.88 over last year. Tho agent statos that ltritish cider
Itather than give up dealing in real manufacturers are anxious to have
estate, three old members of the such a trade. Canadian apples, it
'Toronto police force have resigned. appears. produce utmost ora: -half
more juice than English apples, and
are. as a comee<luence, lit great de-
mand. Several large exportations of
cider were made last year to Ei,gland
from Canada and they turned out
very satisfactory.
'I hero will Ile a gene ertl shortage of
()atoll fruits in (treat. Britain this
year anti it. will pay Canadians; to
give more attention to the trade in
this respect.
Mr. Alexander Maclean, Canadian
commercial ngent in Japan, writing
to the Trade and (:otnncerce Depart-
ment, states that there 19 an abund-
ant rice crop there this year. The
value of the crop in 1')04 was esti-
mnted at $275,150,0(10. What and
bat ley also did well and large crops
are reported. The cotton spinning
Telegraphic Briefs From
and Other Countries
W. II. P. Anderson, T.C.1.A., of
Guelph, will sail for India in Sep-
tember. to devote himself to leper
allusion work.
The C. P. R. Imperial Limited
daily summer train ser%ice between
Montreal and Vancouver was inau-
gurateti on Saturday.
Building permits issued in 'Toronto
for the first live months of the year
aggregate $3,191,118, an increase of
51,666,055 over last year.
1'ort Arthur hoard of 'Prude will
purchase a largo portion of the
waterfront, and place it at tho dis-
posal of manufacturing concerts.
Nanninto, B.C., mine owners dolor
it impessib►e to work their proper-
ties at n profit 'niter the new eight-
hour tiny law. The Wren must accept
smaller wages or the mines will be induetry, which Is yet in its infancy
closed. tin .Inpan, is prospering well, and is
Canada's military undertakings at gitin. ccs( loyrnent to thousands of
Halifax and 1•:squiannit will cost nun atad women.
about $2,000,000. 'Towards this
tray be placed nn annual reduction BIG RAILWAY DEAL.
of $75,000 from the expenditure red-
wised by Lord Dundonald. C. P. R. Acquires a Railway On
Negotiations between the Canadian Vancouver Islnnd,
Northern Railway and the Grand A dem >ntch from Victoria, it. C.,
Trunk Pacific for the erection of a 1
union depot at Winnipeg are pro- saes: The i?septimaIt and Nanalmo
gressing. It is understood that the Itnilway tool a land grant of a mil -
Northern radio aro also interested lsn l it t half acres
1n the project. ,
would at once conclude I was a fool- clad that an order had berm sent to
ish person. We think there never postutusters nut to distribute postal
was or ever can be again such a
matter sent to thele ice bulk. It was
beautiful little couture. Shu (Ramat
s a considered that in distributing such! the quick thought e'f it Nelson.
joy anti delight all the ()lase nn<i matter they were itttertering with ILe Togo has been compared to Net-
red bei •ht- department, and it it son, but no comparison is mere ab -
weeks and makes sunshinea 1+ revenue of the do t u i
Hess wherever she goes, and often were allowed the postmasters would i surd. ]Selsun was magnetic. rest-
often we wonder it it Is possira° hnvu to use their tiiseretiml. thus less. impulsive, and in a sense senti-
cur on o . - sho is really and truly ours. In 7endering theta liable to eretao Ilion tal, though eminently {.ractleaf
denly disappeared. 'rugs and divers forret and figure slip le a model, with trouble. when in sight of the enemy, 'L'ugo is
immediately proceeded to the scone. a taco and hair artists rave over. CANADA IS CAREFUL. reserved, plain, patient, cumnton-
The submarine boat lies in cigtt- Her hair hams in long loeye curls liuforo the Commons Agriculture place, but wonderfully resolute.
teen fathoms of water. The first in- to the waist; her soft brown eyes Depurtnleut, W. L. Scott, Superin- As is commonly known, 'Pogo lo -
lunation of the 4isaster came from are very expressive; her velvety white tendert of Immibraliun, rend 1)r. I. mired the whole of his neral educu-
tho hunt herself signaling that she hands not arms are most beautiful; . 11'Bryce, mcdicul ins{'ector of tl•e tion at (Greenwich, England. He disc
sus submerged and could not come and the whole contour of her faro same department, both declared that tinguished himself while there for
to tho aortal(). A signal was recent.- and figure is of good birth nncf oris tho medical tests to keep out discos() his assiduity in study, and his coln-
tocraii bearing. the is perfectly, and prevent diseased grants pleto devotion to his work. In this
healthy-n-eighs 38 Ike. Is three landing in Canada are more strictly he was entirely Japanese, kw appli-
cation is the most {runlhneut trait of
d Status ports. The lane'.' declared c'.- the Eastern nations.
LI -
But his quietness must not be !Mis-
understood. Underneath it all is the
determination of a Wclliegton and
ed shortly before noon which said:
"All right up to the present."
Diving parties luunodiately pro-
ceeded to the scene. Those who were
shorts gt $17.50. Manitoba bran, in
sacks. 517, and shorts at $19.
Butter -Pound rolls aro jobbing at
16 to 17c, and largo dairy rolls at
15 to 16c; medium grades, 13 -to
14c; tubs, 15 to 16c, tho latter for
choice. Creamery prises sell at 20c,
and solids at 18 to 19c.
Eggs -Tho market ie unchanged,
with sales of case lots at 15 to tic
per dozen, the latter fu: selections.
Cheos� Nowchteso aro quoted ut
10 to 101c per lb.
agreelneet to the C. P. It. on Wed-
(il1E:\'l' BRITAIN. n'sday afternoon. Mr. I)uttsntuir re -
Earl Derby told n gathering of tains the coal righte. Tho consider -
English agriculturists that Canadian ntion is not knower. 'file old board
farmers acre for in solvate -to especial- of directors re signed, ani a new
1y in co-operation. hoard of C. P. It. officials was elect -
The British battleship Caesar col- el. with Wlt%. \%byte president. and
lided with n sailing vessel on Sntur- .1. `;. Dennis vice-president. The C.
clay, and it is believed that twenty- 1'. (1. takes immmedinte control, with -
three sailors were drowned. `out n change on the %taff of officials
Tho ('hnncellor of the British Ex- , for the present. it is understood the
chequer says thnt. tl,n Conation sys- new directors contemplate an active
tem of a Government guarantee of I policy in the development of the land
the age of liquors could not be grant. anti will place men in the field
applied in Great Britain. to explore find prospect the land,
Sir Edward (Trey, 10 an addra:„ be- i thither and minerals. People are
fore the "Nighty Club." said that n , plensvd ret the prospect of develop -
colonial conference before a gtmeral' tlter.ts.
election would be uttelesq. free trade,
he said, was the sof! basis ter the
110(1 PRODUCT'S,
Bacon, long clear, sells at 10 to
l01c per !b. in case tots, mess pork,
$1 5 to $15.50; short cut, $19.50 to sentence which brought a burst of liberal supply of rnuisturc and fay -
applause, when McConnell made a prattle weather continue to contr•i-
Cured meats -hams, light to moa- clash toward the speaker. His right bute to the vigorous maturing of
tunl, 13 to 131c; tie;, heavy, 121c; hand rested in his pocket nn a lo- the crop. In only scattered instances)
rolls, 10 to 7 c; shoulders, 191,"; volver covered with rust. which con- are untoward conditions reported.
backs, 141 to 75c; breakfast bre; ln' tented a 32 -calibre cartridge. Social- Yorkton branch shows tlie moot ad-
tm, a•ancement, the wheat being reported
as eight, ten and twelve itches high
at 13irtle, Russell and Yorkton.
in 1904.
Lunatic Threatens the Life
A 1lint, Mich., despatch says: -
While addressing a crowd of twenty
thousand persons on Wednesday af-
ternoon Vice -President Fnirbanks
was interrupted by James McConnell,
anti saved from possible injury or
death by three Detroit detectives,
who threw McConnell to the plat-
form, handcuffed him and rushed hien
to a police station. A mob followed
tho waggon, clamoring for McCon-
nell's life.
• Mr. Fairbanks had just finished a
of Mr.
so, from personal observation, that
we aro getting a more desirable cuss
of'lettIers from Europe than Clod
their way to the United Statist. One-
half of the total immigration in th's
country now comes from (treat dei- made sonic terrible naval blunders
'1410 official records showed Canada and certainly gave 110 indication of
is far more particular in the class of tho brillijlncy of to -day.
she 'mils as setNern. 'the 'Pogo was then in command of the
1894 war broke out with China.
as fortunate for tho island king-
dom that her enemy in those days
waa not,a European power. Japan
It ill b p opt()
back one in 200, whilethoUnited tons, attached to the first fly i�
Stutes officials claimed that over equadron of the Japanese navy. He
2,000 immigrants were stopped ret earned a reputation for promptness
e' the border, yet the fact was, i)r.
Bryce said, that only 117 were ue-
4 tually shut out.
Mr. Monk was told. ley Mr. Fitzptt-
parting with him. w e a e
pleasure for me from time to time Canadian officials last year turned Naniwa, a cruiser of some 4,000
to acquaint you with ll.'s growth
and development and I can never.
never begin to thank yott Inc your
kindness and interest in us "
in action, and resolution and attest-#
tion to duty. As at Port Arthur-
Japan commenced tear with Chtna
before an ultimatum had actually nr-
tived at the Imperial court, and it
Canadian Pacific Railway Crop rick that hd had not 'ettltffiinaC1yt set-osed of shoogo who
was the precipitator
p taquiet,
Report. tled upon tete terms o 1
bill in regard to trailing stamps, as Togo the resolute, allows nothing,
A despatch from Winnipeg says: ho had not had nccses to the juin- not even principle, to stood in his
'Thursday's crop report. of the Can- went. of the Court of Appeal upon a way.
atian Pacific Raiiway notes rapid
growth during the week, some points;
stating that the grain has risen three
inches in about as many days. A
1'NITI:1) S'1'ATI':-S.
Thomas ().thea, the leader of tho
teamsters' strike at Chicago, has
been arrested charged with libel.
The Frick report. on the Equitable
I.ife Assurance Society severely cert month Inst y.a, phew that import»
bores' the officers and recommends a increases) t2.ar.=,8R9, and exports
change of policy.
A city ticket has been notoh•nte({ 11)••()rued X4,1411,: 1_,
by the secinl democrats of New York, �--
)leaded by Algernon Lee for Mayor. Strikers in Lode, ttucsinn Polntltl,
The platform demands, among other aro forcing manufacturers to close
'things, tmumicipnl ownership of public their uritis. The (iovernment to be.
itIIlties, Ing asked to proclaim martini taw.
124 to 13c. •
Lard -Tierces, 91c; tubs, 92 to 10c
pails, 10 to 10,c.
Large Increase for May in Imports
and Exports.
A <hapatch from London say's: The
ifclnrd of 'Trade roturnv for the Unit-
ed Kins;dom during the month of
Map, ns compnred with the mime
ist documents' sero foxed on h
ns well as several cartridges. Doc-
oo-tors will examine McConnell to -
McConnell is said to have been cone
Montreal, .Tune 1:I.--(:rain-Prices fined in several insane asylums. Ho
hold steady at 45 to 451c for No. succeeded in escaping from two, and
3 opts in store, rind 96 to 461e. for was released from one several weeks
No. 2. flour -Manitoba Spring ago. Ile reached town shortly after
wheat patents. $5.60 to $5.80; the Vice -President's train arrived
strong bakers'. $5.30 to 55.40; `vin-' here. Ile followed the carriage which
tet' wheat patents, 55.60 to 55.70;
and straight rollers, 55.25 to $5.45
in wood; in bags, 5'2.55 to $2.65.
Rolled oats -$2.2'31 per bag. 1'eed-
Ontario bran, in bulk, at $18 to
$18.50; shorts, 519 to 520; Manito-
ba bran, in bugs, $13 tc. $19; shorts,
$20 to $21. Beans -Choice primes,
$1.70 to $1.75 per busisel, $1.50 to
$1.60 in car lots. Iloncy-White
clover, in cotnbs, 121 to 1:31c ler
section, in 1-1h. sections; extract, in
10 -Ib. tins, 7 to 71c: In 60 -lb. tins,
6 to Glc; buckwhent, 6 to 61c, as
to quality. Provisions -Heavy Can-
adian short cut pork, $16.50 to
$17.50; light short cut, 510.50 to
$17; Ameul' an cut clear fat backs,
$20; compound lard, 64 to 7c, Can-
adian lard, 61 to 71c; kettle render-
ed, 81 to 91e; hares, 12 to tic;
bacon, 18 to 14c; fresh killed abat-
toir hogs, 59.75 to $10; mixed, $7;
select M. 57.50 off cars. Eggs -
Straight stock, 16 to 161c; selects,
17c; No. 1, 1R1c. Butter -Choice
creamery, 19 to 191•; under grades,
187 to 19e; dairy, 10 to 160; roils,
151 to 16.',t'. l'hceste-Ontario, 91c;
rolls, 151 to lti1c. Quebec, 04 to
Duluth, Tune 18. -Wheat -No. 1
Northern, $1,1144: No. 2 Northern,
51.0731: July, 51.111: September, (t't
841c; September, nervi 79c.
Milwaukee, June 1:3 -Wheat -No.
1 Northern. $1.13 to 51.14; No. 2
Northern, 51.(15 to 51.101• July,
R61c. Rye -`o. 1, 82 to 821e. Nnr-
ley -No. 2, 51r; sample, 45 to 50c.
Corn -No. 3, 52 to 53e. July. 510.
Afinaeapolis. June 18. -Wheat -
Tune, $1.081: Septotnber, 8410; No.
1 bard, $1.131; No. 1 Northern. 51.-
111; No. 2 do., 51.061 to $1.081. Trust
Flour -First patents. $('.60 to $6.70:
second patents, 56.40 to $(1.60; first
clears, 5.1 to 5.1.10; second clears,
$2.75 to 52.85. bran -In bulk, $12. -
]lir. Fairbanks occupied in the parade
and the police noticed his actions.
At the station McConnell expressed
his disappointment of failing to
carry out his scheme. Ile was slight-
ly intoxicated, but he was emphatic
in his declaration that he would yet
succeed in killing Mr. Fairbanks.
In Case of Need Forces May
Raised to 5,000 Men.
An Ottawa tkspatcb says: -Phe
Governnletit have decided to increase
the permanent strength of the per-
manent militia corps to 5,000 man.
This docs not mean, though, that
4,000 more men are at once to `e.
enrolled, but it does mean that our
permanent defensive force limy be in-
creased from its present. strength to
five thousand of all ranks either this
year, next year or even later, aa re-
cessity requires. 'Those 5,000 ;,,en
when enrolled will be distributed
thus: -
Cavalry ,,,
Artillery ......
Army Medical Corps...
Ordnance Corps ...
Leaving 600 sten to spare.
Tho disproportion of cavalry to
tillory and infantry is explained
the (act that the cavalry figures
elude 000 mounted riles.
4 -
Mrs. Buazle Killed at Cherry
River, Quebec.
A despatch from Sherbrooke, Que.,
says: News has reached here of a
terrible accident that occurred at
Cherry Itiver on Monday. Mrs. Luci-
us nozzle sent two of her children
out to play, and a few minutes later
the younger, a stere tot, was in the
middle of the roadway in peril of
being run over by a team and card -
age that were being driven at a
high speed. The w•oenan ran out,
and in an effort to reach the child
was struck on the head by the car-
riage tongue with H•x•h force that
she expired on tho roadway nlnxtst
immediately. The child was unin-
in -
11 VI, STOCK MA1tKI,71'S.
Toronto, June 18. --To all appear -
«noes cattle prices are gradually
reaching n lower level. A fairly
good windier were offering 10-dav,
but. for tither than good cattle trade
wag slow', and prices had an easier
Export Cattle -Choice are quoted
at $5,50 to $5.70, geoid to !odium
at $5.1(1 to $5.411. others ret $5 to
$5.10, and hulls at $1.25 to $4.50.
Butcher Cattle -Picked otemoted
ret 55.30 to 55.45, and good
at $5 to $5.25, t»ixeil Iota medium
at $4 to $4.75, and common ret $3 to
$:?.50. Cows sold at $2.50 to $4.,.
50, and hulls at $2.00 to $3.50.
Stockers nncf Feeders-T•'eetlers are
glinted at 5.1 to 85.•10, 1)0115 at $:3.-
40 to 5:1.80. stockers at $2.50 to
$4,25, and stock bulls at 51.75 to
Milch ('owe--rrices he'd snooty at
580 to $51) each.
('obese --A lergo run woe offering,
at cl the market was again ensy in
tarn•. nn i Is quoted low'cr ret 3c to
be p. r 1h., and 52 to, $10 each.
lar Plant There.
A Detroit, Mich., despatch says: -
It 114 now considered certain that the
United States Steel Company will
erect its $10,000,000 steel plant on
the properly formerly owned by
Daniel Scottcn of Detroit, n tract of
needy 1,000 acres, near Sandwich, the Children's Aid Societies, under
Ont. It Is stated on crccllent nu- the direction of Mr. .1. J. Kelso, is
thorny that, the options now hold
for the United States Steel ('om-
puny Will ho exercised very soon,
and work on the big plant will be
commenced as soon as the plans
therefor me complete. This will
menn the ucpringing up'o?n village of
n thousand inhabitants or more 1n
the neighborhood of the new plat►t.
Erect Ten-million-dol-
4,- --
recent case affecting legislation of
this kind.
Mr. 'Thompson was informed 1'y
Sir Wilfrid Laurier tha'. Mr. F. '1'.
Congdon had been appointed legal
adviser to the Yukon Territorial 1 made 'Togo stopped a British vessel
on the high »ens. fiying the British,
Ong, and manned by a British crew.
Prue. they were carrying Chinese sol-
diers, but n state of war did not e:li
ist, and Togo's peremptory order to
stop was a gross error. The incident
was sordid, and brutal. and un-
worthy of a man who to-day;is celled
great. Before an ultimatum had
In the sinking of the Kowshing,
Togo transgressed international law,
but he was probably not as well ac-
quainted with it as he is to -day. 11e -
fore a declaration of war had been
Council. Ho was not a member of
the Council, and would not bo al-
lowed to practise his legal profession
J. W. Lowther Chosen Speaker of
the British Conunons.
A desl.ntch from London tatys:
James William I.owther, Conserva-
tive Deputy Speaker and chairman
of the Committee on W'nys and Mean%,
way unanimously elected speaker of
the Hoerr of Commons on
Thursday afternoon, In succession
to %1'lllinn% Court Cully, who
recently resigned. This is the
first lime *ince 1833 that tho
('oeservatives have been able to put
one of their own party itt the ctiair.
After the election the Ifouse ad-
journed until June 20.
Twenty Thousand Tons for The
Standard Oil Co. Will Not Be Al-
lowed a Foothold.
A despatch to the London Daily
Mail from Simla says that the (toy -
eminent of Bunnell, with the view
of protecting the British Bunnell oil
industry, lute refused the Stnndard
Oil Co. n license to est abii th a pe-
trolet:ret store on the Rangoon Itiver.
The preventive work carried on by
Tonnage Through '•Soo" Cauals
Wn s the Largest.
A despatch from Detroit says: Re-
ports from the Soo indicate that the
tonnage through the canals %h.ring
May is the Inrgeet for a single
month in their history, the total
freight incitement being 5.77.7R7
tone, of which 4,1386.827 Ions moored
nn the. Anterlrnn refile an 1 1,1188,9(lit
tone on the Canadian side, On %toy
2nd a total of 2')5,531 tong were
moved, the 'record for a illy.
Intercolonial Railway. been issued 'Togo sent 1300 men to
the bottom of the China seas. It was
An Ottawa despatch says: -A con-
easyto do it. Therewasleo risk
tract has been awardtel to the Dom -
entailed; awell-planted shot and the
inion Iron & `.Ste:.4 Company of
Sydney. N.8., for 20,000 tons of
steel rails for the lnt.c:colonial ltail-
way. The contract trustbe filled 1 e -
fore the close of the present year.
Britain's Purchases From. Domin-
ion During May.
A T,ondon despatch says: -'Phe int -
affair was over.
It is just as well that the friends
of Togo should remember that tho
victor in the Korean Straits is the
victor of the Kowshing, with a dif-
ference, lie's better acquainted with
international law.
ITe was in numerous engagements
in the China war. He took part to
the first battle of Phungdo, in tit
battle of lialynng, In the bombard -
ports from Canada during Ilay were hent et Tangcliow, and saw the ut-
made up thus:to rain of the remnants of the Chin-
1:119,712 ese fleet at Wel-Hal-Wei.
7,203 After the war his promotion `was
�bfi� rapid, and he quickly rose to the
rank of rear admiral and •third in
com►mnnd of the Japanese fleet.
It was Togo who was sent to de-
stroy the Russian fleet inrnrcerated
in I'ort Arthur, and it wan 'Togo who
did it. 1iis tremendous gifts of ini-
tiative rind deliberation eminently
suited hila .or the task.
Ile does not pretend to have a
wide kr:owlecdge of books, although
he has exhausted modern navel jit-
erhture. Chiefly has he devoted his
attention to the tactics and strategy
of Nelson, "the greatest sailor since
the world began."
Sheep and lambs. 6,118 9,
Wheat, ()wets ... ...199,400 69,
Wheat meal and
(lour, cwts . 93,000 41,
l'eas, cwts ..... 3,410 1,
Bacon, cwts. 5r1,7H14 130,
Ilunts, cwts .,. 1J,288 45,
Butter, ewes ....... 506
Cheese, cots.... 46,102 125,
Borges... ... 1
King Oscar No Longer Rules Nor-
A Christinin, Norway, despatch
nowhere more clearly shown than in
the statistics for the orphanages of
the Province. Notwithstanding the
nature! growth of the ewintry and
the tendency of charitable institu-
tion% to expand there has been a
falling off both In the number of
children cared Inc in thew institu-
tions and in the expense, as the fon
lowin,t figure..* will show:- In 189.1
the number of children cared for in
the orphanng's was 4,406, while in
1904 the number was 4,116, n re-
duction of 2:10. in 1894 the total
Government grant to the orphanages
of the Pros ince was 51.1,771.80,
while in 1904 the grant was only
511,689.05, or 58M.75 luso than ten
years ngu. it 1» no longer ttccesssnry
to ke^p children in orphanage' be -
cans, of lack of good foster hornet',
ns th, re are hundreds of homes avail-
able if the rnnnege'es of these insti-
tutions desired to take advantage of
sits -so -Norway from 'Thursday lee
is a fully independent and sovereign In appearance Togo Is not at a
State. 'This is the text of the iso_ icn{ncssive. A plain, commonplace
torials of the Norwegian newspniters, face, %tith nothing particularly noble
and it reflects the spirit with which 1
the people of Nornny accept the ac-
tion of tate Slot -thing. when it pro-
clai►rard King Oscar „o lunge►• Itltg
of Isore ny. The resolution was pees -
tet by the Storthiii4 unanimously' A SCENT', OF DANGER.
0nil witl, it debate. After tPe
Storthing had %()canted the res.,lu- A liitiltop was once invited to din -
tion, Presidentemphasized
Bernet, inn %hurt per at a certain house. During the
speech, eutphnsized enc' serious lu- course of the meal, 110 was anrprised
of the step taken, peal to hear the little daughter of tit
cottcludE•d with saying "Ates laud house state that it was dangerous tit
prulect the tnlherinnd." The wh.,loigo to church.
Assembly joined in the President's
devout wish.
or decal 'ter about it; shabby and
ill -fit t ing clot hes. and a sloven y
gait. 'These are tho most prominent
Canadian Northern Decides on
Important Link.
A Winnipeg despatch says: -The C.
N. 1t. has decided on the construction
of the most important line, from
strategic standpoint, that has been
inelertnkcn since the systems rea•heel
its plan of arrangement. As a re-
sult. by the season of the %heat rush
the troth() t( all the south-west
lines will have been diverted from
Winnipeg to a route more direct by
25 miles. The local yards w i11 bo
relieved of tho congestion of cars
from South-western llinnituba, while
the main line between Winnipeg 1114
Port Arthur will lie freed of the
handling bark of the trains of empty
cars. The new link will extend from
Emerson, at rho boundary, to Vas-
sar, on the main line between Winni-
peg and i'ort Arthus. and adjacent
to the border. It is expected that
the line will be ready for the wheat
rush of 1905.
"Why do you say that?" said tho
(►h," said 1 he little child, I
heard papa telling mamma 11 nt f
lett Sunday there was a blg gun in
the pulpit, and the (-'anon w'as in
the reading desk, nncf the choir
murdered the anthem, anti the organ-
ist drowned the choir."
During 1004 12,000 bulls were kill-
ed in bull -fights in Spain. The hu119
again killed some 10,000 horses.
The best and most valuable hulls in
the arena Mire raised on the vast
estates of the Duke of Veragua, in
Andalusia, who has made a fortune
out of this business.
A MOTili•:rt'S EXCUMS .
When the truant officer called to
see, why a certain small boy had Leen
absent from fichon' he received this
reply from the youngster's moll" r:
"I have got a new blouse whirl) bea-
ten!) an tho back, and ns 1 don't IGIe
to ask thn neighbors 1 have torp
Johnnie home to fasten it for mot" -