HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-15, Page 1Neter THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 165g HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT �'► 1 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 15th 1905, lee•♦♦t►♦♦♦NN♦N♦N♦!♦♦♦♦ ♦♦NN♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦NN♦♦+►♦N 1 • Locals School Reports County Council • T. HAWKINS & SON ♦- - STEP IEN --- The So1eh'i;n (lank t10ws pays :t lite follu%tiu- is tlu report for 11e: June. session of the cutlet., Zdividend o[ six per cent bnaiy and \la) of 13. H. \u. _', titcphcn. .11 Council opened at 3 p. m. ou 'Tuesday %%ill soot be 1'st d of last Meek, Warden Miller in the chair,alul Incu1bers all nrcccnt exceni 11r. Lautont, The Warden addressed the Council respx'eting the bridge (work under contract the addition to the Mouse of Refuge, and other matters to be considered by the Council. Communications were read Trout the County of Lambton rclatin, to trustees of Collegiate 1natitutr; and IIT;h Schools. Sent to special com- mittee. Also from Listowel Park- hill and St. Marys high Schools re- garding fees for out Nit,' notate. These, with notice to ,,, • t t the award of the arbitrate': et tee matter of inion School Section, llul- lett and Godcrich town -ships, tyre sent to Education Committer, Hardware and Seed Store ' ' ° numbers d, 82; percentage, Sr. 1V. 2 Miss 1'ortcrticlf and Miss Ander- -)toy Hill, 8•.; Stewart llitcllell,53; ♦ son, of Mitchell. 'were t he guests of Eva Hirtzel, 51; Herbert Jlitcltell, • Mrs. penny (Gould, on Sunday. 49; liwerctt Sims, 31; Laura Sims, is the place for Builders and those intending to build The Veterans of '66, who have re- 33; Clayton Sims, 26. Jr. IV.-Iicryl should go to get Cheap Hardware as we Carry a full ceived •zrants of land in New Omar -Hill, 71); Olive King, 45; Mary Chatn- iD, are requested to moot in the. hers, 10. Jr, 111. -Percy Lawson, 05; line of ♦`Town Hall on Saturday, June 17th, Eli Sines, 58; Tillie Edttards, 4:3; Lil- • Mr. and Mrs .A. Hooper, of Clin- flan Stilus, 3-: ; Juutes Carroll. 26; • ♦ tau attended It he tcedin3 0( their Ethel Rims, Q. .1 r. 11, -Viola Corn- Nalls Paints • Olds Glass &c. Z sister, Miss Kate Atkinson, on Wed- . :'ed- isle Gordon Marshall, 57; frying Corn - Nails, f Z ucsday. Stalls, 4_; Andrew Flanagan, 15; ♦ Dr. Hannon, lvltose pastorate of Sydney Smart, 7. • t he James st reet Methodist church NI. A. ROBERTSON, Teacher. clo1Itis conference •sear, left on \\'edsesnesd.ly (.venin.[ 1'CCAIi.i,;n'nit it by M rs, flannel' for 'Toronto, where In Cements we carry the two leading Brands of Canada National and Star [fiV ETROUOtI 1 NO We also make a specialty of Eavetroughing as we have a machine to make all our own Troughs and can give you firstclass material. Try us and you will be conuinced. T. H A W K I NS & SON 1 • A man named Sherwood, who was employed on 'the dock t hat is being built at Grand fiend, is sutferin; from blood poisoning in his hand. It is a serious case but the doctor hones to save his hand. For Fifty Cents. -New Subscribers uiay have The Times till January 1906, for fifty -cents. We have dur- ing the past week added many new nautcs to our list we would like to }icor front more. Other •papers clubbed ot reasonably low rates. Mrs. Hoist, Mrs . Proust., Mrs. ♦ Cornish, of Deford; also Mr. John ♦ Dearing, Flint, all of :Ilichi. 'iii, Mrs. Isaac, of Lucan, and Mrs. Isaac, of Harptey. attended the funeral of their fat her, rhe late \Vna. Dearing Zon Wednesday last. There will be offered for sale on Monday June lOth, at the residence of Joshua Huxtable, Centralia, the household furniture etc, of the late Farmers' Institute Win. Baker. John Gill, Auctioneer, Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors for Executors. �►.!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ta♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦•N♦♦• ♦ WE'RE SUIT SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the Butts-yott wear them out. We make then as well as we can, so that they will not wear out sooner than they ought. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your next Suit. And no ono could blame you. So much money ought to buy leo much Suit worth. And Suit. worth -iii fashionableness of fabric -style in Crit-flt-finish-looks - dressyncss - ' ,IIsi length of service. �s good a place as there is within 4)411es to get sit this and not pay too dnuch Is W. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $18.00. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor • SEEING C1H0OK1•:0 Is about ns batt as not seeing it all To t Lr dist or tett vision t he 1 bin gs of life must seem ugly and gni•+bap- AtExeter and Centralia (OW('1•v:iliwt• cau;e. en, and what wag intended to be one Lawn Bow 11111.-A close and exeit- .of t he zreati1 pleasure, is 1urnedl Storehouses inz match hrt%cern 1he mcml,cof into a nizhtinIre, Ibr Exctcr Lawn )to111in; Crylub, 1'1' IS NOT Now end members vs.. soul ll end ow ready for use, the best nlenlbers took place en Tuesday :►f- and �n vi ter will tcrnnnn u l Y pus r 10 u % I suffer u [c .t o f r• t necessary , Cement and Lime for 11.e smolt by two shots. The consult practical opticians such as we are known to be. We can over That money can buy following were the pinyrts and •he Come any defect or distorsion h}' ) Y score, viz: means of properly adjusted ;losses. also NOIITII SOI'TII You should not fail to have the stat- Coal for Everybody \1'. M. Btalchfor,llW• II. Lovett ter attended to al once if you ,rt 1f. E. iii....,... W. W. Taman so :afflicted. at 10west prices Rev. Mr. Perkins 11. S. O'Neil W. S. fjJohn Muir N. Dyer lhudun OWE V, Phm. B. i J GOBBLEDIGK (skip) 17 hwere ,\11 te players cr(e►k;p,) 19 on their mettle Chemist and Optician, Exeter, Ont. and some wally excellent play. was 1 _ made. Tartan for the south did very good (work. The 'tort h made • - THE slat Of %%Miiiter. but there is not It - in t certain in this life except drat(. .• M,rchants of Canada annsr ►rntnrbntr1qfroisrihemulaaenn1d Fli ii7strlottkEtt;.106014)141:r4)11111:11:: up :leanest our brick wall it will In. HVAD OF 1. ICE. MONTREAL. hurt 1 . Success in gout unb•rlakin t, $6,000,000 torn of L''''..• CAPITAL (all paid up) • • • • RESERVE • • $3,2OO,000 IIIWKEN S1.EEP_TiHEI) NEXT .... $ 18,959 MORNING. geRPL15 PROFITS.... slept, not only rests, but builds Up E. F. HOIDEN, the body. Cut down the hours of 1'gOe:FYSHIC Superintendent of liraneho+ sleepyou cut down health in the l (.neral J1+tna1ace I 05 Branches In Canada some proportion. Itebuildin; then (.cries, nerves to to smash. you grow tired weak •and %wretched. SAVINGS BANK To restore sleep you must tel more bodily '1ren,ttle more nut ritloss interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings blood 'healthier nerves. I'crrosunc solves the t% hole problen►, makes you • Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts, ANA,soun,tly, gives endurance, vin( Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- ambition. No more Inorninz %%eak- men, to whom loans arc made on anproved names, nrss-instead tho fire yout1.(bun, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the run in dour vein r•I pplying dunce of energy and vigo, Witch- run world. cry expresses the ins, 'et effect of A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Ferre••ntae: try it. tOAIITOA=d• Are CREDITON BRANCH s,.,,v, 1MKIndYrs 11111Ana secJiti F, B, HOLTBY, Manager. 141'"1" 1 EXCURSION The Exeter school scandal ,way set - i eld by Mr. Fleming apologizing To Ontario Agricultural and agreeing to certain conditions College,Guelph. that Ito has not carried oft, so there is :mother suit entered against him. Tu6SdaY, Jae 20 '05 JIr. d in full np noth will be printed in full in another -issue :11 - so the trustee's apology. 1'IRST SI'ECIA1. Ihey will spend a few days prior to Time Fare taking a trip •1Itrou_h the Northwest Adult Child They expect t o spend t he summerGoderich.. -.7.40 a.m. $1.25 65c months in 4he Okanagan Valley, 11. Holmesville....7.53 a.m. 1,20 OOc C., wit h 4. he hope T hat 1 hat climate Clinton.... ....8.10 a.m.1,20 00c only do much to benefit the throat Seaforth .8.25 a.m. 1,15 00c trouble with which the Dr. has been St. Columban..8.33 a.m. 1.15 OOc seriously affected. The Dr. has been Dublin.... ..8.45 a.m. 1.10 55c pastor of James street church here lilelgrave.... ..1.•,►g 05c for i he past three years and the Myth1.25 0 best swishes of its members and fal- Londesboro .... 1,20 00c low citizens follow 1 hent (where ever they may go. Arriving at Guelph at 10.45 a. in. Market Report. -The following is Excursionists from Bel;rave, Blytl' the report of Exeter markets, cot-+ and Londesboro will leave Ly the rected up to June 15th regular morning (rain loin; sou le I'cas 60 to 65 cents p.r bushel. ionnection with the excursion heti s Itran $17 per ton. at Clinton. Shorts $20 per ton. SECOND SPECIAL Family Flour, $2.73 per cwt. Centralia.... 7,16 a.m. 1.211 00c Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Exeter...... . 7.25 a.m. 1.25 05eHay, $7.00 per ton. Hensall.... 7.411 a.m. 1.25 Mk Wheat 90 to 95 cents per bushel. Kippen.... .. 7.50 a.m. 1.25 Otic itarley, 40c. per bushel. ,Brucetield 8.05 a.m. 1.20 OOc Eggs, 14 cents per dozen. Iinton8.23a.m. 1.20 60e{ Outs 35 to 36 cents per bushel Arriving at Guelph at 11 a. In. fork, live weight, $6.25 per cwt. al 5.30 p. Returning trains piill leave .,, the Guelph t'orllok dressedlive ��$8.50 $6.30per lcwtcn-t. leaving first. A special train %vitt flutter 14 cents per pound. meet excursionists for Londestaro, Potatoes 80 cents per bag. Myth and Itel,grave at Clinton. Al the bye -elections on Tuesday Tickets will be good ;going only on lion. Chas. 8. Ilyln:tn. of London. ne train, vali1 to return the fol- Minister of I'ubilc Works was re - owing day. turned by a majority of 329. With COMMITTEE. OF ARRANGE- Navin; the prestige of a Cabinet MENT8:- Thom is !McMillan Sea- Minister, the treasury of Canada and forth 1'. 0.;.11. M. Yount, Carlow ; the Cabinet stumps to aid 1' a S. Sinillit', 1lensall ; \W111. Itaille, ()Un- Wroth larger majority could 1101 WI have leen a surprise. in North Ox- ford the Conservative candidate, Mr. Wallace was successful in lowering Scr41, Major hector, of No. 6 Co. the liberal majalrity of last Nevem- 33rd Huron Re-timcnt, now in camp bet. of that of 1,502 to 319. not at London, gives our readers a brief enough to defeat the candidate, Mr, sketch of his career which will be Stltiti,, yet rhe avalanche of wales found in anot her column. from the Liberal ranks to the Op- ---- position is moot gratifying to the \VINCIIELSEA • The following is the report u[ S. 5. No. 6, Esboritc, for month int May. 'Namesin ord r of merit. V. -Cecil Camel, Hazel Hagar, Olive Berryhill. Sr. 1V.- A1tnenn lleytvood, Vera Washburn„ Willie Elford. Jr, IV.- Lilla Heywood, Lulu Godlx►It, Hat tie Col. Young and Capt. Shaw, by let - Hunter. Sr. 111 (a) .-llubcrl Jon- ter, extended an invitation to the es, Mary Cornisl►, Clarence' Creery, Counci Ito visit tho 33rd Regiment _ _ %while in camp at London. Filed.Conuuittntent of three children by the name of Brom° to the charge of the Children's Aid, and charging the county ::1._5 per head for each child %%•as sent to the Executive. Tenders for supplying coal to the various offices were read and sent to Executive committee. A large number of accounts were read and sent to Finance committee. (b). Eat I Jolut. , Ray Fletcher. t cl►et. Sher wood Brock. Jr. 111.-- Jno. Creery, Alex. iierryhiil, Lillis Golbol1. Sr. II. -Arnold Clark, John Brock, .Len- nie Campbell. Jr. 11.- l:mnrt Hey- wood. Pt. 1[. -Alice Creery. 1', . 1. Ilardwick Cornish, Inez Creery, 1)ia Cornish. 1). McDOt'GALL, \\'INNIE HOWARD. Teao) erg. CENTRALIA Following is ' Lt• PO 1)91' of Gibe Tie Jailer's report wan .road and Senior Division of S. S. No. 1, ;Mettle- sent to the County Property com- et), based on good conduct and Ten- mit tee,:ntd the report of t he Ward- er), proficiency. Class V - Hose en's committee, !louse of Refuge and Wilson, 760; Elva Windsor. 653; Ver- adopted. committees It -ere read and non Wilson, 614 ; Samuel McCoy, 591 ; adopted Enos Windsor, 490. Sr. IV.- Wit- Moved by Messrs. Camelot' and frid Hodgins, 788; Harold Dupla'', Spackman, that the Council mentor - 770 ; Frank Mitchell, 734;Willie Sims eilize the Legislature to amend the (V1tt Gladys Elsery, 507; Joseph High School Act by striking out sub- \Yhitc, 50(1 . Class IV. -Archie ob- inson, 80:3, Marzery 1[cpburn, 79.1R ; section 7 of section 2 of the High Lily Robinson. 788; Gifford Ilozarth, Sshool Act of 1903. Carried The clause referred to }s the ono confer - 787 ; Gordon Wilson, 680; Czar Wil- son, 65t: Murray Elliott. Jr. IV.- f°3 on High Schools the power to Hazel flicks, 895; Eddie Simi, 755; charge fees for pupils of neighbor - Austin Duplin, 631. Sr. IIi. -Mal_ in; counties. van Callfas, 761 ; Ross Wallis, 687; Applications for it mane of $'15 to John llo artle 670; Iva Essery, 547: the Huron Poultry Association and John White, 504; Maxwell R nhap,, one for 'the ante sum to repair the bridge at \\ Inghnm leadingto the 383; Norman lBOTT"' driving park tverc sett.( to lite Execu• �tI\HIE 130TTERILL, Teacher five committee. 'Ile following is the report of the SECOND DAY - WEDNESDAY Junior Department No. 1, Stephen, A Iteler akin; for a grant of $2110 arranged in ordor of uteri(. Jr. III t•o assist in building a lockup in the Ella Baker, Earle Cantos, )toy Call- tolwa hall, Wroxeter. nag scot to Call- fas. hlymer \Nilson, Hubert White' Executive Committee. Edna Davey. Flossie Davey, Bessie )report of Executiveittee.committee Anderson, Willie Alexander, harry ,.end adopted. Windsor, Flossie Mortimore. Sr. ll. Dr andBurowsadop was appointed --Elt•t Brooks, Anthony White, Fred o,; the Seaforth Co1rgiloInstitute oe t rt, )►all, Lloyd rv:'11Engnd. Fred Ess- --Eli ss- Board, vice Itev. Dean 1fod ins, re- try, 3r. 11.-Mercan Catlfas, Ever- si red. ett Callfas, Estella Neil, \Willie. Bak- Ever - Moved by 11 r. ,ileNau;hton, sec- signed. Wilson Culbert. 1't 11.- Made onded byMr. Spackman, t hat the np- leine Hoist, Malvin England, Hubert proach to the bridge smith of Clin- Neil, Habcllo lleanlan, Eddie Alexall ton, crossing the ldnyfirld river hr - der, Jial►el Elliott, Tera 11o1z, Oth- ,(ween Stanley and Goderich Town- ellra Mot z. Pt I. Rr.-}•:rdu•1 Bowden, shi ► be fenced. sent 1 o Btt oab.uld Ralph Wallis, Carry Dove;. 1'1, 1• Bridge committee. ,1r. -Elmer Wilson, Art her Robinson.Moved by Mr. McKenzie, seconded George Hackney, Albert Hackney, I Iop. Mr. McLean, that in respect to Dora Hackney. the Port Albert washout, the Witter MAID .... TER, 'I'racher' be lett to arbitrators, composed of EXETER COUNCIL1110 competent engineers, who shoji The Court of Revision met p:nr.+a- have power to cjtoose a third, and ,int 4o adjournment 31 the Town 'that their decision be accepted as a settlement by Athticld and the coital - Hall on Monday at 8.15 11. tn. ty. Lost. All members present. The ReeveMovrd by Mr. .McQuillan, Seconded Mr. W. G .Bissett in eld chair. by.l r. Ist)i.ste that this Council re - Minutes of the meeting held on hri- 4 day, qday 26th were i''ad. pal the bylaw relating .to riimen- Mcssr.5. Joiiti Taylor, for .the )toss 5i0r's of county hridzes, and that the Taylor Cu.. Ltal.; Samuel Stnders county of Huron build and maintain and Chas. Snell ask •to have their all bridges eight feet long and over assessment totter, d. The ('Dort of on boundaries in said county.% Bend Revision confirming •their revision of to Road and Ili 1(1 a commit tee. Moved by Messrs. Cantelon and '16th. S scktu: 16 that the opinion of the No further appeal-, lite ^e►urt nn seconded h- solicitor be asked on glen" 617, Mini- tel t11 motion of .1. :•lair. Y icipal Act of 1903, relatin1 to brill- \\'. 11. Levitt. g' t P Scat to Road and Bridge cam - Council met at db.' close of the Court of Revision. pairs Minutes of the118011nt held en The report of M r. MrLean, re re- Court 5th read and approved. pairs 10 Council Chamber, wa sent Conununicatio,l from Breen Pao-. !o Count y Properly commit tee. Nurserymen the Hun . \\'m. \lalock, A petition sleeted by 97 residents of 1:. C. Ait ken, also t 1►a1 of E. North Grey and McKillop ask in; t ;rant Co., London, and I'a11"rs.u, tali; •of $500 to open up the boundary be - Co., Si. Marys, re concrete lite; read (wren Grey and Jlcl'iILop was ;cot and filed. Wood -1 cella- rhe nf- to I.S000Iive. couuniltro. Coun- ter of the (lacca City Oil Co., to salt- Dr. \\'Dods, 1L W. Ere in and Geo. ply ett lite ,aso!eno• at 19c. a :Ilan I:rttin, hayfield, addressed the Coun- be aceepled.-Ca1tied. taro Cud ntnr< ty Council with reference to Ibr i efusin z 1 n accept the st reel water - Moven of t he coup a erretin T a Lit f. 11)01 S11184 N. zivrn to .f. Sultan new band:(' ower 0110 tit, r Hay 1%4.111. his tender being ter next lowest. Moved by .11r. Cant. ton, aecunlell ;411.35 per week : I't'r \\'. If. Levee' by Mr. McNaughton, that no nalary seecatded by 3. \Vood.-Carried Lo- vett r- be nLtnched lm the office of 1111h vett-Artms'ron2-1 Inc eniumis'ion-er CDuslahlr, for this county, this to take affect at the end of this fluor- bevet l -Arms( ton z -I le• cons missioner ter, (':, rNrd. instructed to cut and trite tree. Report of Count I'ro w en Main Ai reel 'merle from the Main 1t rly (om- en (.hared►.-Carri'11. Arun+crone Halite %was read. Moved by Mr. _Woad -the clerk procure trzi.lr,• Spackman, seconded 1. Mr. Currie. for flit 11o, Marriagra and 1)••allis.-- that Ibr clerk and Mt. McLean 1►r Carri••,I. '1'h^ follow in/ arcotin., ins1'netell to purchase Moves and (were presented null orders drawn oft other supplie.► ntcnti0ned in o,. ►r- Treasurrr frr same :-\1'. .1. 1ii. 01 t, port, and get repairs made on roof, r \la% .of Court (louse ; also : n etl►ploy a ;xpres� 4 .r : ho., • •k, t } 1 n loom 1 0 i,Ia1 ,ret boiler. l'., rrit•d. '� $31.2,5;1W. J. Ilealila t►, rntl t '1'111111) DAN' - TIII'ltSl)A1" The reports of Finance Education. and road and brise enn►mi'1r(••: Were trill and passed in Council. Moved by Mr. !Moister, r'•rnnded by Mr. McQuillan, that 1h^ t'ullic school lnsp^cto•-s 1e aul.hot lied le :Ipp.tt:on 1 hr srvera1 pelmet monies no%% )yin T (;idle pie frei,zlrt, 8I.6A ; 1)0. ie:,tnn^' ill lttt1 hr+ 1131111M 11( till%1u It 11 11 lit i1tee. S. $5; Y,o ford, do., sl, A. 0. 1)y r j t rssor, $65 : IM., prep t e- %% Rich 1 hey belong, r.•.,rdin g : n 1 b•• salary �e . s:, : (! Nod- avers ze a11endance. (' ,: 1 ital. int Truant 11oet' is Li•: Moved by 11. MciA•:In, r• ennd. d by sen, labor al ermrrery, $1.511; alas, )' Creed., Constable f•r, $1 :.1•0, I1, .I n, It. !cool, 1.11 the CounlyConarillor' 111: C. Luker, do *2.50 : 'the. C't. •ch appointed to look aftrr cement .11)111 - labor, $1.50 Marry Statham, do, $9.37 mens be paid $2.50 a day. C.arti••11. W, Parsons. do, $7.87 :Wm. Davis, Moved by 1). C:uttelon,st'cotulyd Iiy 'dn, :?10.87: F. Elliott, Jr.. do, 50c: It.n \1cLean, that tet I.v1.itw for the mei.. Quince, do., 81.12: Ju••. Sul ton, incorporal10,, of Zuriet 1 t• laid over pt Te•iwatcrin T. $25. ;C. Snell, etc: - t ill 1 he December s• -on. 1' ,wird. (tic li,rhtint. $77.40: John I. p:1rt movedby st r. el, kn,an 9,,1 .,tl.try :,t cemete t%, 't27: n•r Levet 1 oy Mr. Cam rime t . • 1 h County .\, t.,` ,,.r, .,__l''r, 1, •i. P' , adjourn- l':112irlrer he granted o'teo for :1 41.-1. ,,, t,• rill of It c• , :MCP otld expenses for 1995. Carried. .1. SEN1011. Clerk. Moved by Mr. E. Ilrynrns. seron,1cd by It. Gauntlet, Ilett the Council do aA.tSTOXLZJ`. rte. ^djOtlrll In no she fir!( H.an th,pts Kiod Yc4 Ht Atia IIOt4tt Tut- silny in 1)ect•tnlw , , .n : he t n.111 8iattatx» of lir►tssrls, ('.,wird. 01 �A, (Cn•Irlud'11 ors' i.••k.t rope nrroulll, $:3.I0 .\. .1. ford, nit at for Itrinlarnntie. family, 8:3.47 ;Queen City Oil Co., nit and yasol^net 811.16; Ed. Maguire, dam ti to bu'tgy through tiro entitle, 81.25; 1t. Hicks, 0 months rent Bell. Telephn11t, $12.511 W. 11. Weekes, boo: h provincial elec- t n it +1 ; .1. Cti,blydirk. .'n $1 ; Fred JOHN WHITE & So>tei The Great North -Webb ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valiey and Manitoba Cos. Lands also a number of other improved and unitnnrov. dNorthWcst farm Lands. $3.50 per Acre All the above land•, are being offered to purchasers on very easy Lerma of payment and prices range from $3.50 and upwards. BEAR IN MIND we have fatal lands to sell in ..I1 parts of Manitoba Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance ‘Ve give Speculators 6 years in which tc, pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers 10 years in which to pay for Lands. $427.00 . down secures 320 acres, (halt section) of choice wheat land. This would be a great investment for YoIf. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 321) acres (half section) choico wheat land to an actual settler. No other payrnent required for two years. R. E. PICKARD, - EXETER, ONT. Bargains in Crockery Wo offer for two weeks only the following Crockery at reduced prices. One 97 piece Printed Dinner Set, regular price $10 now $9.25. 4641. One 97 piece Printed Dinner Set, regular price $7.00 now $6.25. One Toilet Set regular price $4.00 now $3.50 One Toilet Sit regular price $2.00 now $1.75 We keep a full line of Boots andirShoes, both fine and heavy, for Men Women and Children. Our shoes give satisfactiou. BEAVERS BROS., Farquhar. Strictly One Price. Ilighte t Pt ice for Produce. SOMETHING OF INTEREST TO MUNE BRIDES Fer the bcnctit of those about to go housekeeping we have placed on sale a cargo of Furni- ture of every kind and quality which we l,urhosc selling at ' special reduced )price during June month. We carry the largest stock of Furniture in the county and will quote you price; that cannot be -�- beaten in Ontario • Jam,. ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral dircct.'.a JUNE NEEDS SCREEN DOORS ('oitill. front .--;)1• 111). SCREEN WINDOWS t r f 111111 4- Comp. fl't,tit 204• 111). f4tt ,,r,r r -,'a • •;*#I1 .1'^r-.- : SCREEN WIRE '' `` �_� All Sizes MMOCKS lug I'CCeive(1 a ilice 3,-;,(.1t t1)l'11t • from )$1.50 up to $3.50, (_'omp. Lawn Mowers from $3.30 to '� (t() Poultry netting from 4e per yard Ltl. Oil Stoves from $1.40 up. HERMAN'S HARDWARE Tinsmithing a Specialty.