HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-08, Page 2Fashion ...Talk IHA'fS AND PARASOLS. The small hat continues a favorite. Tho old-fashioned Leghorn is having a great vogue, and certainly no other straw has quite tho grace and stand- ing quality of this braid. It com- bines well with velvet and roses, and is substantial enough to be an excel- lent foundation for ostrich plumes. Linen coats will be a bigger vogue than ,ver this year. Some of them wilt bo sack coats, and some of than fitted just a little, and some rudiegutes. The surplice 5vnist is the waist of the season, and next to this in pop. ularity comes the draped bodice. The th•aped sleeve, shirred in the Inner sear and sometimes in both scales is a grout favorite. The soft and clinging fabrics which everyone is wearing lend themselves well to draped efTecta. Very good indeed is the light gray! maple furniture made along mission' lines. The grain o the wood shoes lines. The grain of the wood shows and the Holt gray makes a perfect background for draperies in Oriental tones. • WEAK LUNGS. Made Sound and Strong by, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ]f your blood is weak, if it is poor and %catesy, a touch of cold or intlu- ('nea Will settle in your lungs and the apparently harmless cough of to -day will become the racking consump- tive's cough of to-inorrow. 11'eak Hood is an °pee invitation for con- sumption to lay upon you the Bund PERSONAL POINTERS.• Interesting Gossip About Sotue Prominent People. The Shah of Persia is fond of knit- ting as u hubby, and likes to knit silk stockings for his pereonal friends. lie once presented the Prince of \%'ales with a pair, his own hand- Iw•ork. Tho German Emperor has a very curious hobby. Ile is fond of col - of death. The only way to avoid 6 !retie • neckties and scarves of all consumption and to Mrengthen and ages and of all countries, and is brace the whole systCIO is by enriche bald to have no fewer than 18,000, ieo your blood and strengthening your lungs with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ']hes make new, rich, wane blood. They add resisting power to the luugs. They have saved scores (rola a consumptive's gravt—not af- ter the lungs are hopelessly diseased, but when taken when the cough first attacks the enfeebled system. here is positive proof. Mrs. harry Stead, St. Catharines, (int., aays: "A few some of a very glaring description. Lady Carlisle at one time institut- ed a custom at Naworth Castle which recalls the Admirable Crichton. She had all the servants to dine daily frith the family in the great hall, as Stas the custom in the olden days. This, however, soon fell into abeyance, as it did not ir.creasc the comfort of either side. Lord Ashton has benefited the years ago I was attacked with lung town of lis birth lurd) to thetue tune et fvr1100,000 trouble, and the doctor, after teat - in; me for a time, thought I was go- within a period of three mouths. ing into consumption. I grew pale Within a little over twelve t►umths and emaciated, had no appetite, was ho has devoted nearly ,£250,000 to troubled withn hacking cough, and various good works. Itis riches come 1 fell that 1 was fast going from the great carpet and linoleum towards factory which his father founded in the grave. Neither the doctor's Lancaster when last century was medicine nor other medicine that I comparatively young, but which owes took seemed to help me. Then a its enormous development to Lord estod friend urged me to take I)r. Ashton hiwse'f. To -day the business Williams' Pink fills. By the time 1 is reputed to bring hint in £1,000, - had used four boxes it was plait that 000 sterling every four years. they were helping ane. I began to re - Black and white sce►ns to be very cover my appetite, and in other w'uys much in vogue for evening wear. At felt better. I took six boxes Irene., some of the smartost functions in and was as well as ever, and had . Paris many of the gowns were of gamed in weight. I relieve Dr. Wil - tulle and satin, all in black, except Barns' Pink Pills 8aw'ed me from a for a white boa, a corsago bouquet consumptive's grave, and I feel very of roses, or white at the revers or grateful." on the edges of tho bolero or jacket. With the white gowns black is used very much in the sante manner. Domestic pongees are making up some of the handsomest, as well as useful coats and gowns of summer wardrobes. Very rich effects are withob- tained 1 them, their coarse,rough g surface lending e tut ing itself to excellent color and fabric combinations. Now, Dr. 1illiams' Pink 1911s build up the strength in just one way— they actually make new flood. That is all they do, but they do it well. They don't act on the bowels. They don't bother with mere symptoms. They won't cure any disease that isn't caused I . sed b ,y bad blood. But then, nearly all columon diseases spring Among summer furnishings, sots from that one cause—anaemia, for the bedroom of beautiful creton_ gesUon. biliousness, headaches, side - nes are displayed in the shop wilt alien, backaches, kidney trouble, lows. These include laundry bag, lumbago, rhemnatisnl, sciatica, neur- vo%ting cases, work bag, handkerchief 'algin, narvousncss, general weakness Nod glove boxes and other necessities and the special secret ailments that lr life. They are well and sulistnn- growing girls and women no not like tinily made and are very summery to talk about even to their doctors. to look upon. But s must get the genuine with the full The walking skirt of the season is mute, "!)r. Williams' Pink of umbrella shape: that is to say, Pills for Fade People," on the wrnp- it is a circular skirt, but cut wider per around each box. If in doubt than of yore. A favorite skirt is send the rice -50 cents a box or the box -pleated one, fitting closely 82.50 for six boxes, to the Dr. Wil - round lite hips and having a great liaanv Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., deal of fullness at the feet. '%'his is and get the pills by natil postpaid. admirable in soft -faced cloths. In ♦_ heavy fabrics the circular skirt looks DEATHS IN Iiltl'l'ISIi MINES, best when made perfectly plain on S• the hips and full and long round the feet. The gown most frequently seen on the street is the coat and skirt suit, worn over the thinnest of lingerie blouses. Despite the warm weather, the cont is ns often long ns short. Materials are silk, mohair or voile, as a rtic. ])lack and white checks, or some shade of gray, appear to be the favorites, ns far as color is con- cerned. Plenty of brown, blue, green and violet are semi, but tho gray effects are numerous enough to claim predominance. A new shoe is an oxford do with a projecting solo and high Cubaneel. Instead of being buttoned or laced, the shoe is closed with 'three straps and buckles. This conies in tan or black Russian calf and in can- vas. Tan and black are the only permissible shoes for ordinary wear Tho Duke of Athol! spends most of his linin on 1118 Perthshire estates. Ho is a pronounced pluralist in the matter of titles. Apart (rem his dukedom, he is twice a Marquis, four tint's an earl, four times a vis- count, and four times a baron in the peerage of Scotland, once an earl and five times a baron in the English peerage, and co -heir to five other baronies. It is conceivable, therefore, that he might hold at one and the same time fourteen baronies, making the total of his titles twen- ty-six. Few members of the British House of Commons can ,Hake a long speech without drinking something. Mr. Bal- four sips at a glass of water that contains a slice of lemen. The late Sir %%illinul Harcourt, in his Parlia- mentary ditys;- lilted a little claret and water when speaking. Viscount. Goschen, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, is said to have introduc- ed Budgets on 1► glass of ruin. Al- most unknown among the leaders, neither Mr. Chamberlain nor !lir. Asquith has been known to drink anything during a speech in the HIouse, Lord Gr imtl►orpe, who has been devoting his eighty-ninth year to de- signing n cluck for the toner of the parish church at %%'est. Melton, York- shire, is sorry the most remarkable Tito Scottish Trade Union Congress °f 1'virig clockmakers. It is more which has just concluded its annual that half nt century since he was sessions at Ilawick, adopted several busy superintending the design of resolutions for the betterment of the the great clock nt 1lestuiuster; the working class, the more important original "Big Ilea" was rho child being for the increase of Government of los inventive brain, and its suc- inspeCtors in coal mines, and favor- ing eight hours as a day's work in legend thnt it was cast —wider the all trades. Speaking of the inade- quacy direction of Edmund Beckett Ilcni- quacy of mine inspection, Mr. UTI- son, Q.('." (as he then was) as long mote•, of Hamilton, said the death ago as 1M58' roll in mines {yea 1,000 a year, and Tho (:rand Duke of Ilesse, who thin might be reduced to 500 with a ma•ri'd the Princess Elenor of Solmis system of proper inspection by prat_ recently, is one of the few male tnem- tieni men. There were 400 mines in bers of Royalty who are experts at Scotland, and only six inspectors. needlework. Embroidery is His Tho Congress agreed to call upon all Serene Highness's si„cinl delight, co-operative societies to employ only and often when lie has a particular - trade union labor. ly faiseit;aling piece of to rk on hand �♦ ho %till breakfast in 1:.•d and remain SAFETY 1•'OIt CHILDREN. tvorl.ing with his nee tle until the doyley, ur whatever tl p U•if:e may be, is finished. Mese- is his other hobby, especially Ola'. ing 111e piano. Iio composes a little. tett, end is the author of several sonatas, ballads, told waltzes. Afrue. Patti, who recently vele:irnt- ed her sixty-second birthday, may be said to have discovered the sec- ret of eternal youth. "1 will be young as long as 1 live," she is slid to have declared as a child, and few have kept a vow with more fidelity then she his. Perhaps the s.cret of her routn,fel appearance and unim- paired vitality is her love of &fresh air and her careful dieting. In win- ter and mummer she is always out for three hours daily, and the ele- ments possess no terrors for her. 3iu.e. Adeline Patti is a greet ad- mirer of the Jewish people, and al- ways near:e what is k,owII ns n Mes- sotissitli, n Jewish merle" which hears Mothers should never give their lit - with white canvas and linen tnken tle ones a medicine that they do not for granted, but for evening wear it know to be absolutely safe and is proper to have the shoes innatch harmless. All so-called soothing the gown exactly. medicines contain poisonous opiates Yellow bedrooms are especially cool that stupefy the helpless little ono and fresh looking in suulmer. Select without curing its ailments. Baby's n pale yellow, not the wormer Own Tablets is the only medicine for shades. Topples, tulips and small infants and young children that gives rosen are to bo had in wallpapers. the mother a positive guarantee that There should be plenty of green fol- It contains no opiate or harmful Inge, and the effect is better if tho drug. Milton L. Mersey, M.Sc., (Mc - white ceiling he brought down as far (fill University). has analyzed these as the picture molding, which, In Tablets and says: "I hereby certify turn, should be no higher than the that 1 hnve era. .' n careful nnualysis of Baby's Own Tablets, which I per- sonally purchns,• 1 in a drug store in Montreal, 81111 the said analysis has failed to detect the presence of any opiate or nnrcotic in them." '%'his means that mothers can give their little ones these Tablets with nn as - tops of doors aid Windows. With the yellow paper green stained furni- ture is very good, or white enamel may he used. SUMMER FASHIONS, Taffeta and veiling gowns nre np- surance that they will do good—that Teti pnrently to he wwithiit the reach of they cannot possibly (10 harm. The; the Teti (.'ommandments in Hebrew every woman who can afford even a 'Tablets cure indigestion, colic, cots- characters, and was given to her by small amount for her summer ward- stipntiun, diarrhoea. simple fever, Diaz de Snriit. robe. 'The department. shops are fill- teething troubles and all minor nil- The (0re(•r of Lord Milner illus - ed with most attractive models of in,.iits. Sold by druggists every- Ira!" how a private secret art ship to gowns in both these materials, and, %%hero or sent lty mnil nt 25 cents a a statesman often lends to appoint - the prices asked are surprisingly low l,,,x by writing the 1)r. Williams. trent to the most distinguished and in comparison with 'the priers de Medicine Co., Ilorkville. Ont. highly-snlaritdl positions under the mantled by private dressmakers. But' ♦ e Crown. 110 begun Ills official enreer it is possible to make most nttrac-! A WEAL'i'iHY CONSTAItLE ns private secretary to Mr. Goschen five veiling and taffeta gowns at; ns Chancellor of the i:xcherluer in home in this season's styles, and at: A 11udapesth police coristable nnrn- 1887, nt 1:100 n year. in 1881) he n cost that is within the limits of ed l'nul Robnskn, has unexpectedly was promoted to the office of [Inder- e very moderate dress allowance, i inherited a fortune of $500.000 from Secretary for I'intuice in Egypt . Ito The distinction between the gown ln wealthy relative. Hee is still to boibecame ('hrtirmnn oftheBoard of thnt has skirt and waist of the sa11le,scen on his beat in !lathery street, Inland Itesi ue in 1802 et a salary material and the regular shirt -waist : 0s he does not intend to leave the of .C2,110110 n yens. in 18o he was guw n is not easily discernible, but :service until his tipple:at non for per- . appointed high Commissioner of the termer is always on more Knish- 'inisslnti to retire with a pension, nf- South Africk nt n salary of £:1000 a year; and in 1!)111 the new post of Governor of the 'I'rnnsvnnl nil Or- ange River Colony was conferred upon hits, bringing his salary up to 18,000 a year. Lord Curzon begun his oflirinl career while M i'. for Southport ns assistant private sec- retary to Lord Salisbury, and In 1898 he tons appoint ed V irery of India with a salary of 125,000 per annum. ed Ines, as it were, very simple In detail. and )Wade without lining, on the same order of garment as the original shirt -waist. 'I'alTeta silks, plain and changeable, ter eighteen yearsservice, is dealt with in the ordinnry way. 1 Charitable 1.ncl•—"hot n nine last week told me exactly the same nt•e more fashionable this season story." Trnnlp—"\'es, Indy. Yer see, than are the figured foulards. They 1 rnr.(e a stupid mistake in not are to he hail In n softer, lighter, »twist' the history of Inc life copy - texture than ever, but under the righter' " best of circumstances they do not snake such cool gowns for summer a9 fourlards, se for that reason the pur- nrds, so for that reason the pur- chase of n foulard is quite a wise thing. There never were so many different colorings and designs. DRY 1N SOUTH AF'RIC'A. Owing to the continued dry sensone in South Africk, which have calmed the instruction of )urge (lro%ee of Cottle, n large demand for pumps nn(1 wvind-mills has sprung up. The sink - hie of wells line become a f ronounc- cel oice,eity, Even the government boring niaebeieet nye been culled in- to use to supply c e with the nec- eeery quantity of w life. to sustain ORi(:IN 01.' TI)F: I'OS'I'MAJRK, (Treat Britain, it is mid, can. with- out ftnr of contradiction, claim the honor of having originntcd the iost- ►nark. The first one. which Was used in Lenton 8s long eco as 1(100, was n very Pimply_nllnir• consisting of n small circleivided into two parts. in the top portion were two letters indicating the month, while in the lower half the day of tho month was shown. No endeavor was male to denote the year, and it Is only by the dates of the letters on which the mnrk is impressed that it is possible to fix the date of its use. 'Phe ear- li. st known Was on a letter written in 1((I0, RAINY RIVER MAN Results from common soaps: HAD TROUBLES' eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEYS. Then His Rheumatism and Other Pains Vanished Once and For All—His Case Only One in Many. Barwick, Ont., May 2t)—(Special), —That Dodd's Kidney Pills will euro ltheumatis►u, or any other discaso resulting from disordered Kidneys is the experience of many of the set- tlers in this Rainy !fiver county. The case of William John Dixon of this place, 18 a fair sample of the work the great Canadian Kidney iteuedy is doing. "I had Itheuntatisni so bad I had to use a stick to walk. I half pails in my tack and right hip, and I had no comfort in sleeping. "I could) no more than dress or un- (lrtss Myself for nearly two months, and 1 was for nearly three weeks I could not lace my right shoe. "My brother advised Inc to try 1)odd's Kidney fills and I did so. After taking three Loxes I could walk, aro;aal and lace up my shoes and do n work. Six boxes cured ale comp!' rely." Dodd's Kidney Pills aro the one sure cure fire sick Kidneys. Sick Kidneys are the cause of nine -tenths of (ho ills the human family sutlers from. ANOTHER WAR? Russian Activity on the Frontier of Afghanistan. Russia's aggressive policy on the Afghan frontier continues. A now branch lino of railway is now being ct;nstructed from Samarkand to 'I'( e ernopposite s on the 1 iiv cr Oxus Balkh, which will bo completed with- in n year. Balkh, in Afghan Turkistan, is about 1:1 days' journey from Kabul, across thee maoluttais, though in a straight line the distance is not above. 200 suites. New military roads are also being made towards various !points on the Afghan frontier, and in spite of her need of troops in Manchuria, her forces have not been depleted in this part of the world. They amount to five army corps, or about 200,000 men. Preparations aro now in progress which clearly indicate that after the conclusion of peace Itussia intends to endeavor to rehabilitate her shatter- ed prestige by a movement south- ward. No invasion of India is pro- jected, hut the opinion prevails that stet proposes to cross the tipper Oxus, and occupy Northern Afghanis- tan to the line of the Hindu Kush, to seize 'Herat and occupy Khorns- san, and to make her influence su- premo in '1'theran and Northern Per- sia. This program could be carried out even now without tho slightest dif- ficulty, and without the possibility of its being prteelitet by Great Bri- tain. Itussia would make nt present 00 further advance beyond that in- dicated, and if Great llr•itolin netive- ly resented Russia's action, she would have to operate far from her bases. II remains for the Imperial Government to decide promptly %that polity is to be pursued when the in- evitable advance occurs. This, it is thought, will constitute the first greet move of Itussia to- wards the Persian Gulf, and will pre- pare the %toy for the ultimate chal- lenge of British supremacy in I lin. A good husband is always sympa- thetic. Sympathy is love's heeling balm, sprena by pity's tender hand. 4 BOOK OF BOOKS. Over 30,000,C00 Published. An Oakland Indy who has a taste for good literature, telly whet n Irnppv Hine she had un "The (toad (n IV'-llvflle." She says: "i drank coffee freely for eight years before 1 began to perceive 01137 evil effects from it. Thee I noticed that, 1 was becoming very nervone, and that my stomach was gradually losing the power to properly assimi- late guy food. In time 1 got so weak thnt I (leaded to leave the house -- for no reason whatever but because of the miserable condition of my nerves and stomach. I attributed the trouble to anything in the world but coffee, of course. I dosed my- self writh•nedi.inee, which in the end a ,u!d leave me fn 11 worse C(00111 001 than nt first. 1 was most wretched and discournged—not 30 years old and feeling that life was a failure! "1 had given up all hope of ever enloying myself lite other people, till one day I road the little book "'The Road to Wellville." It opened my eyes, and taught me n Irsson I shall never forget and cannot value tun highly. 1 immediately quit the use of the old kind of coffee and be- gan o-gan to drink Poston! Food Coffee. I your neighbors: noticed 1110 beginning of a1 improve -I of prises of mcnt in the w•hote tone of my sys- tem, niter only wo (lays 1150 of the new drink, and In a very short time realized that I could go abort like other people without the least re- turn of the nervous (tread thnt formerly gave me so much (rouble. In fnct my nervousness (IiSnitpenre(1 entirely and has never returned, al- though it is now n year that 1 have been drinking Puston' food Coffee. And my stomach is now like iron— nothing ca.t upset It! "Last week. during the big Con- clave in San Francisco, j was on the go day and night without the slight- est fatigue; and ns I stood in the immense crowd watching the Arent parade that lasted for hours. I hought to myself. 'This strength iv whnt l'ostum food Coffee has given le!' " :ane given by 1'ostuin Co., fettle Creek, Mich. 'There's a reason. 'The little book "The ilond to Well - filo" may be found in every pkg KLIGIIT OAP REDVCE' Ea>rElvs>e Never Put Off Till Toa Morrow What should be done to -day, so go AT ONCE to vour !;sneer and get BLUE RIBBON TEA. "1'o TRV IT ONCE is never to he without it. Ask fee tie Ottasse tar ONLY ONE BEST TEA—BLUE RIBBON TEA PERSON- ALLY CONDUCTED A ROYAL BOOKLET. CLEANING — TOUR The (:rand Trunk Railway System LADIES' To Cali aro dlstributiug a very handsome forma and Lewis and booklet descriptive of the !loyal Mus - Clarke Exposition, Port- koka hotel, that is situated in Lake " land, Oregon, Itosseai;. in the Muskoka Lakes. !Highlands of Ontario," Tho publl- A personally conducted eycursioa cation is one giving a full description to the I'uc•ific const via (ho Grand, of the attractions that may bo found Trunk ltailvay System Hud connect- at this popular resort, handsomely 11' fug lines leaves (!octet July 5, a d i lustraled with colored prints of tato Muntrea! and Toronto July G. 'I'h0 I and island scenery, the hot;! itself, routo will 141 via Chicago, t1011ce and many of the special features that through Council B1ufls to Ontaba, Inlay be found there. It is printed on Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be trade at each of these paces and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the (:ods, etc. Frost there the party will con- tinuo through the famous scenic route of the -Denver and Rio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt L(tke City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. l'uul and Minnea- polis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on the Pacific coast. The trice for the round trip, in- cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cars, all meals in the dining cur, hotels, side trips, etc., is $165.50 from Quebec, or $1.60.50 from Montreal aim! $150.00 from Toronto. 7'his lust trip is designed as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though ninny who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing the trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, Room 308, Union Station, To- ronto, There e e was a maiden so unique. She daubed blue paint upon her chique. Her friends would sigh 8s they passed high, And nod, and call the girl a friquol "Pis a Marsellour 'rhino --When the cures effected by 1)r. 'Phomas' (electric Of1 aro considered, the speedy and per- manent relief it has brought to the suffering wherever ft has been used, it must he regarded as a marvellous thing that no potent a medicine .11011111 11, - Milt from the six simple ingredients which enter into its composition. A trial w111 convince the most skeptical of its healing virtues. Phil Ossifer—"The world is full of inconsistencies." Fred—"Why, what's the matter now?" Phil—"Well, I was just thinking that, although race- horses ncchorses aro undoubtedly stable crea- tures, you cannot depend upon them." Have You Eczema? —ffave you any skin disenre or eruptions? Are you subject to chafing or scalding? ler. Ag- new's Otntiu:nL prevents and cures any and all of these, and cures Itching. Bleeding 111111 Blind files hcstdes. Ono application brings relief in ten minutes, and cases cured in three to six nights. 85 cents. -71 iie—"Clara, I want to ask you a question." She—"This is so sud- den!" Ile—"1 know; but I can't stand it any longer. The fact is one of the legs of your chair is on my foot, and 1 was going to ask you if you would kindly remove it." Dr. .T. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial Is a speedy cure for dysentery, diar- rhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints incidental to children teething. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit. :ucumbors, etc. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No ono need fear cholera it they have a bottle of this medicine con. venient. Tourist (in retired village)—"So that's tho oldest inhabitant? One hundred and four years old? No wonder you're proud of hint." No- tive—"I Quenu; ho ain't. done nothirl' in this yer place 'cept grow 01(1, and it's took 11i111 a sight o' time to do that." Minard's (Aiwa! Bell :13; Neuralgia SOME •'.NEVI•:RB." Never leave until to -morrow what can be (Ione to -day. Never think that a men nlnrries for beauty; no nuttily man ever does. Never look on the %vurld with a and ince when you are able to senile at will. Never despise the homely woman: a good wife is one of nann's greatest blessings. Never worry: nothing is more fruit- less: nothing tnkesr so much from you for so little return. Never forfeit the good opinion of rope ntion is one existence. v • the fins enameled paper, bound in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of tho hotel and surroundings on the sane, and the crest of the hotel embossed In high relief A glance through this booklet makes one long for tho plea- sure of Simonet. mo'nlet. and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuity ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. A matt usually begins to appreclute his wife about the time that he has killed her appreciation of him. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruf, MAKING TALK. "I want to do something that will draw out the conversational abilities of nt friends," said th Yo hostess. "That's vereasy," answered Miss Gayemie. "Give a musicale."- Aro nusicule." Aro you a sufferer with you me. get a bottle of Coin Cure. It has never to fail. corns? If 1lolloway's been known Hubert—")lave you ever loved be- fore?" o-fore?" "No, dearie; I have often ad- mired men for their strength, cour- age, beauty, intelligence, or some- thing like that; but with you, Char- lie, it is all love—nothing else." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Itemoves all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemislies from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, sti114a, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. Warranted tho most wonder) i( 13:cuiislt Cur'o ever known. There would be a whole lot of money in inventing something that would make (Honey unnecessary. Indigestion, that menace to human happiness, pitiless in its assaults, and no respector of persons, has met its conqueror in south American Nervine. This graft stomach and nerve remedy stimulates digestion, tones tho nervcsp aids circulation• drives out impurities. dispels e,nacintio,: and brings back the glow of perfect health. Cures hun- (Ir;ds of "chronics'' that have battled physicians. -68 IIARD STUDY. "Itussia will one clay have univer- sal education." "Maybe so," misty. red the always doubtful Hrn. "Itut it looks to me as if it would take the average titan half n lifetime to get through tho spelling !lin • book " le 6 es11111111oM MESSRS. C. C. RICHARD, & CO., Gents,—I have used your MIN - AID'S LINIMENT in niv family and also in my stables for years and con- sider it the best medicine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFItI•:D 11OCIiAV, Proprietor Boston Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Roston fond, July 4, 11101. There are nine crematoriums in Great Britain, and during the last twenty years there .lutvc been 4,450 cremat ions. 31i1d in Their Action—1'armalco'a Vegetable Pills are very mild in ts eir action. They do not cause gripping 111 the stomach or cause disturbances there as so many pills do. Therefore. the most delicate can take them without fear of uUIlensant results. They cwt. too, be n(ministered to children with- out imposing the penalties which fol- low tho usu of pills not so carefully prepared. SOAKED Ti11: I'I►OFi•:asOR. Prof. Albert liofn, nn emient pay heavily for sending his motor *AL0UM. I s s s ' $OUTIUITeNp Cu be donii p•rt..liy by our ►rench Pilot. rp It, :IITlIN AYo0YSINO c 11_07S[uf. T0iaoNrutai, a orr.t15'A r o. vvtato AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE 20 Ayrshire Bulls --tour to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also int! roved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to 11ON. W. OWI:NS, Monte Bello, Que, A METHOD Oh' SELECTION, "W'here is your family going to spend the summer?" "It isn't decided yet," answered Mr. Cunirox, wearily. "Mother and the girls are still writing letters to find out which hotel chargt-s the most." They Aro a Powerful Nervine.—Dys- pepsia causes derangement of tho Derv - nus system, and nervous debility once engemlered le difficult to deal 'there tiro many testimonials as to the efficacy of 1'armelee's Vegeteblc I'ilis is treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce good ro.) ts. Ily giving proper tone to the digestive organs, they restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. Ethel—"Ma, I want some water to christen my doll." I?the 4.31a— "No, dem•, it is wrong, you know." Et cl h — "11' • (llth n I want t s nu w x to w•nxinnlo her. She's old; en to have something done to her. 4 Help the Overworkod Heart,—is the great engine which pumps lite through your systenthard pressed, overtaxed, groaning under Its load because disease has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is nature's lubricator and cleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest surest, and most speedy remedy that medical science knows. -67 Tess—"So Cholly is to marry 3Iiss Crabbe. He's entirely too young for her, don't you think?" Jess—"Oh! he'll ago rapidly enough after he's married to her." Minard's Linim;nt fur sli.', eturr ti "Freddy," said the teacher Freddy Mingle, "you have spelt word 'rabbit.' with two 't's.' must leave out ono of them." " miss," replied Freddy, "which on fe 0 '!'hero can be It difference of opinion on most subjects, but there is only ono opinion us ilio reliability of Mother (,raves' Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual. Conductor—"Tour little girl's fare, please." Fond Parent: But she's un- der six." Conductor—"She looks older." Fond Parent—"Yes, poor child! She has had lots of trouble!" A Ory for Help. —A fain in the is a cry of the kidneys for hely' American Kidney Cure Is tee that Hasn't a failure written it in cases of height's disease. dia. intim uuoation of 1110 bladder, gravel other kidney ailments. Don t e the appareute�ltly insignifcan This powerful ligtaf9 apeci1 and cures. -70 "Amt now," whispered tit he caught her in his arms,' ,,► t shall aye do about the rope ladder? We shouldn't leave it hanging there." Don't worry nt, at. it," replied rho eloping dnlns01. . 1'apn said he'd pull it up again so 1 couldn't get back.'- Minerd's Llnimnt CuresBuilt ete i Either people have )card work marrying those they love or loving those they marry. Lever's Y-? (Wiso Ilead) 1)islnfect• ant Soap Potwtler is a boon to any borne. It disinfectc ani cleans' at the same time. 11111NOIN(T IT 1'1'. "Is her voice cultivated?" "No, she raises it naturally. £Aft OV!:It SiX'TY S'i:A119. Mrs. 4Viosl)ii's Soothing Syrup he' been ured by iuilltons of mothers for their children while teething. It soothe' the child, Fufte,l' the g , allays prone tures windcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, niol 1s the best remedy for lilarrhoea. 'twenty-fho cents a bottle. bold by druggists throughout the (ler-, world. Ito 'sure and ask for '•n1•v. 1 Winslow's Soetion , syrup." 2s—ul men surgeon, bks been ordered to car, in the tank of which there was ! Di:FINI7'ION�1, 00 about three gallons of petrol, from i fhm Sinlplo Lift—Irving your p V slit' Munich to Ocnseneur. Petrol is reek-? %york, one(1 as a dangerous combustible, and I'he Strenuous Life—Doing l�oti(.ve t 1 he professor was accused of de- of her fellow's work.•• frnudinq the stale railway of the. The Modern Life—Get ting some amount due for the carriage of the other fellow to do your work. spirit. As combustibles are charge•! '~` =� "nF •'T • "Close up, boys, close up!" said rt p ti' --- ---- Colonel to his regiment. "If the According to their teiehl, including enemy were to fire on you when your that of the rtceptncle in which they are straggling along like that they wouldn't kill a single man of you. Close up!" tie Most people think too lightly of a cough. It is a serious matter and need:; prompt attentive. Take Shiloh'g Consumption ,tion CureCureTho ung Tr.iCL When tho first sign of a cough er cold appears. It will cure yotl casii% a;;d quickly then—later it will be harder to cure. Prices, 21e., 80e., and 1.1.00. :if are contained, the rnilway of}!cinls weighed the motor car with the j e - trot, and the professor line been ask ed to pay n line of 85,1185. 1'1tINCE OF WALES'S 1'f';A'l'iil:I{s On the apex of the I'iinre of Wales's crown,, which he wears on •-iridal occesiur.8, IS n (111•;011y bo- th. r, or rather a tuft of periwat: (, others, the toi, of ahi.11 %.:►•tut;. ith n geld thread. T his feather• , .1i(1 to Lc worth (i5tiato ►, ono h :: r lt.• ( ;St int ttou of being the 0111y .,1 its kind in the wntl(1. It 1.. • twenty y( ars to present• it, rind i'. en liSi (1 the death of more than a (toren hunters. The r. f o.!' the Our• suit of the p-riwak is do (lan,eroue is heeaties it Inhabits the jungles and ----•- j other haunts of t igei n. I:rf; ; r; No. :2' ssv3rsat' ;, LET TEE BABY SLECP USE 4) WI L.SO N .5 FLY DS