HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-01, Page 7olulE ECURITYI Cenuin© rter S e Liver Pills. et Boar Sia aturo of ilo l\'rapeer Gelow. null as easy a i sugar. • FOR MACRE. FOR DIiZINESS. FOR liILiDUSNE$3. FCB TORPID LiVER. FIM CONSTIPATION. • FOR SALLOW SKIN. f FOf T eCMPLEX!OH .. OE1'rLZBIle eJ.p M. M ,.YA,V.... y YctestiatIa j <k,...�'/i .G RE SICK HF.:.DACHE. - • • - .. • - . t r f WILD**".`. • . •. •c i• • is nature's specific for RRHCEA, DYSENTERY, PS, PAiN IN THE STOM• COLIC, CHOLERA MOR. CHOLERA INFANTUM, SICKNESS, and all SUM. COMPLAINTS is Children s• effects ars wanellon,. asant and Harmless to take. Id, Reliable and Effectual la Its n. HAS BEEN A HOUSEHOLD EDY FOR NEARLY SIXTY RS. PRICE 30 CENTS. arnr,n rr.A TazY Rs DARQLLOV& I'OTA'I'0 A FAD. thing for Berlin dinner "black potato salad." A to has recently made its o in the Berlin vegetable d has been greeted with Not only is its skin e flesh is .•( a dark red- o taste it is indistin- runt other potatoes. It tom South Africa, but has hnd to grow readily in the rhood of Merlin, Germany. RACE TRACK GAMRLIN Ruinous to Business Habits and Opposed to the Spirit of Modern Industry. What seelost thou?" as the garden -1 er might have inquired. Note that Mary herself never refers to the; holy of Jesus as such; with her it is may "the Lord." and yet afore' persont.l, "toy Lord." She Inas not yet brought herself to think of him as dead, and to her the lifeless forth is still' himself. This state ,t Will(' on her part. is the point of contract from which .Jesus gently leads her f-144-14-1-1- II•.i'� 4-1444 1 back to a recognition of himself, her . living Lord. • SFASO NABLE Cot )HSERY. The gardener -Tho tomb with A despatch from Brooklyn, IQ, Y., but what is more inmportant, they Struwbernv Shortcake -Make the others was in a garden, just us a bays: net•. Dr. Newell Dwight 11)1115 tnnko nunhood. Wealth t hat is modern cemetery is a garden spot, dough as usitul. 1nsteutl of lolling preached from the following subject: rightly produced supports the work- carefully tendril and cared fur. 'Cho out aull placing nn that. tins to bake. Bookmaking and gambling- at the er, but also gives hint self-reliance, g,irdener vas Iho one person whom roll and then cut out with a large - races represent an economic folly. large - industry, courage and the power of she might expect to meet there nt size biscuit cutter or coffee cup, The opening of the Belmont race persewe*mice. that (early hour. placing one on aiotli'r and butter- IIOUSI:1101.1) IttNTS. track and the scenes incident there- But gambling reverses the whole 113. liars -Hua kleh of tenderness ing lietween as you would the large To keep ants from nnv dish or to have brought to Many people economy of life. The gambler is love. Beale reproneh, authority, and cakes. When dram, have the berries pail draw a circle of chalk aro curl hereuboet a sudden revelation of the supported by the productive industry comfort u,ny not t he \I,estet h;t\,, lightly- crushed and augured, pull it. growth of the gambling spirit in our of others, and this pauperizes slim. pert into this one word' apart the lilt le rakes, laying the Tar may be removed from either young :nen. The quality of the 'ibe gambler's pleasure is at t he ex -Sha tutneth herself -Not hue ing. ex -lower hales on n platter, bailor and hands or elething by rubbing well teen anal women following the races pens.• of another's pain. This brutal- waited for t he gardcner•s (as sb • cover with the strawberries, then put neinh lard, then washing thoroughly is the quality that usually is found ties hila. '1 he gambler gets without supposed) answer, she had Duro,,,, on the t op parts. 1.ay some of the with soap and wetter. wherever gambling and vice are pre- };ring, setting aside the law of fair agent toward the t I), lost once finest berries on the tops of the cakes if the scat of a cane -bottom chair tale tit. On the highways leading t o 'e..chauge, an•l 1 his slakes him n uuiry in grief, without having caught foul sprinkle w rth sugar. 15'hipped •sags, dampen with cold water, then the Itch/tont race truck are the auto- thief. Physicians tell us that there the deeper significance of tho quos- ocean poured U\'el• just before sere- set it in the sunshine until dry. mobiles of the wurthl0ss aid fust are certain skin diseases ill which lion, -Witten steeliest thou?" But at ing slakes a handsome attention to To set the. color in blue wash rich and the cars crowded with the the "numbers of parasites give the Ute speaking of her name she turns looks and taste. (goods, soak for tone hours in two worthless and Inst poor. s nsatiun of bodily gratification, and again in sudden recognition to Him fish Chowder -lav a few slices of gallons of water in which one ounce Our city incudes two classes of parasites. 'There are the idle rich, supported by their fathers' what and who go everywhere seeking flesh- nerves." So the Iaeusures 0f ga'llb- ly excitement. 'fico there are the !ling are morbid, diseased, unnatural idle poor, who are parasites, ampand destructive. • `!'herefore the state these also live on tette a u1 others la. IF1luulll protect the gambler against produced. The idle rich are the par- t himself. it punishes the would-be tiei8tn paupers; the idle poor tau the ( suicide and murderer, and it sh olid plebian peepers. punish the gentleman race promoters The races are also followed by a and bookmakers. What is morally third kind of parasite, namely - the men and women who get their lining by feeding the passions of their fel- lowe-evil persons of both sexes, drunkard -makers, gamblers, with all who belong to P11F SPORTING CLASSES. But there are also the curiosity seeker and the voting men, clerks and employes out in search of a good time. 7'hese are there to be fleeced. soruetiu•es within a few days or 0n the race track they make their weeks, in the courts. What inwhdus- first bets and lose or, what is mucin trial waste is this? ThinThinkof at worse, win. Afterward the descent ThQ Home ing hardened, the space so treate.1 was shined and given n coat of Eng- lish floor -wax, and the woodwork in 'ho room was varnished. 1n this roost rugs wore used for flour -cover- ing. All tho other rooms were treated in the same manner, except that the crack -filling and floor -finish extended only fifteen inches from the 'culls, and 0 0 1111110 11 putty was nseel for filling. The edges of the care to were cut otT, leaving about 111l•, e inches of the finished flour expoe..41 On all sides of the room. 'The sec - cess of the effort is proven :n the fact that this year nota trace of a moth was found. the aulloror screams with hollow who had addressed her. salt pork in adeep kettle;,ronlove the, of sugar o[ lend has been dissolved. laughter, occasioned by the writ h- Itahhuni-in the Hebrew literally, pork and put In sliced potato in al- I For purple, b18c1 and lavender use ings of these parasites upon the My Muster, a form of address used ternale layers with slid: of code or two tablespoonfuls of tine•gar to tele by pupil:; in speaking to their teach- haddock, each layer to be sprinkled quart of water. Starch !lace wash or. with flour and pepper. four in boil- materials in milk, to which a iit(1e Which is to say, 'reacher -The fact ing water enough to cover, and Ins bluing has been added. A little that Mary at this moment used just a few- crackers on the top; cover acetic acid in the rinafng water will this expression and spoke in Hebrew closely, cook forty minutes, and pour revive many of the delicate tints, throws u flood of light on.the whole in a cupful of milk before taking up. such as blue, purple and grey. To scene. For just one moment it is Marblehead C'ho'wder -Fry several Jesus, her beloved teacher and friend, Abseil use one pint of salt. to foto whom she had found agate'slices of pork, and break up a dozen gallons of water or two ounces of 17. Touch it. not -Jesus had not 1 hard crackers; cut lino four or five alum to each gallon of stater. and returned to life to renew the old onions. 'fake out the pork and lay soak for an hour. faint spots luny tuilillnr fellowship with his disciples in half the crackers and halt the on- be removed with equal parts of anc- on earth. His ascension was to in- tons, then Iny in the slices of fish- monia nnd spirits of - turpentine. nugurate a new fellowship, a spill cod is preferred -and cover with the Saturate the spot 1w'o or three Dial union, between himsel( and his rest of the cracker and onion; season tinges, then wash out with some pure disciples, hence this warning corn- with salt and pepper, and cover with soap suds. 1'1'o remove stains oL mil- itia -nil to Mary. The verb hero used foiling water. Cook slowly an hour. dew, rub plenty of soap and chalk implies in the Greek a clinging to. Strawherry or Raspberry Jelly - upon the stain, then place the gar - My brethren -Emphasizing the fel- Neither strawberries or red raspber- ment where the bright sunshine will Iowship and oneness of Christ with ries give a jelly that is firm enough fall directly upon it. It. may , bre his disciples which is to continue. to retain its; shape when turned out necessary to apply the soap and My Father and your Father- of the mold, but by nading one part clinik more that, once. A likeness with a dillerence. .Jesus of red currant juice to two parts of A loaf of bread which has become nowhere identifies the sonship of be- either variety, it will mould well dried can be made nearly as nice as lievers with his own. and retain its distinctive flavor. when fresh baked by plunging it into Strawberries require a pound of cold water, then placing in a hot sugar to a pint of Juice, but three- oven for a few minutes. fourths of a pound is sufficient for Into a solution of gum arable stir raspterries. plaster of paris until the mixture as - Canning Strawberries, -.\fake a singes the consistency of cream; up - Lord Jesus Christ" (comp. Eph. 1. syrup of two and one-half cups of ply with a Inrush to the edges of 3; 1 'Yet. 1. 8, and other passages)• stigar and four cups of water boiled broken china. Join together, and It 19. The fast day of the week- together, skimmed and cooled. Fill three days the article cannot bo Fi•om this time forward observed by glass jars wit h ripe, (1•esli st•awber- broken in the sante place. Christians ns a day of worship and ries and fill with the syrup. Set the' _♦__„_--.,. Christian fellowship in cuu.ulernora- cans in a kettle of cold water, put tion of the resurrection of •Iesus the lids on. but do not screw them from the dead on that day. At first, down. Let the water come to a however, the Jewish Saliba th was boil slowly and boil five minutes; Rot. on this 'account disregarded. The screw down the covers lightly and complete substitution of the forger set away in a dark cool place, day for the latter came about grad- tininy. In the midst -An expression retain- ed by the Revised Version with some lexicographical authority though not approved of by many of the best writers of Eiglish. 22. Breathed on then' -A symbolic action signifying the imparting to them of his own Spirit (comp.I zok, be spotless, but what 8b9u1 the 11:pe. 37. 5). which is hidden from view? ,1•,e- The 1 loly Spirit -'rte article is many timet have ten leaves been wanting in the original, signifying washed down it; greasy water. half that the gift wens "1101 that of the cold, poured down; even water which personal Iloly Spirit, but rather :n has been used for cleaning out a earnest of that gift; an cflusion of room is thoughtlessly disposed of in the Spirit." the same way -water containing bits 23. Whose soever sins ye -111 these of fluff, matches. mei all kinds of Ilot- present, apcsties and oth •rs hake., sum and jetsam. aril• ss the room has One. apostle at least tuns uow•nt , end been previously and carefully swept of the temptations of young igen ,incl 1 others not apostles were pu e:erit; A tiny piece of string of a match. hence, whatever the power conferred lodged in a crevice of the pipe will by Christ nt this t ime, nil belie%erscatch other particles, lint i1 (.lite 8 alike sharp that power. 'There is no large accumulntion will have collect - warrant in Scripture for limiting- it td. ilair is the most harmful of n11. to the clergy. A tiny wisp will catch on u rough - Forgive . . . retain -As messengers. /less of the pipe, and will forst a of the gospel they aro- to proclaim (rap for anything falling upon it. forgiveness of sins through faith in when wnshin!; dishes each plate Christ, and nt the same time an- should be cleared of every particle nonce the forms of forgiveness.' This of food before being pit into the passage st not bo isolated fur water• and when the dish -washing is purposes of interpretation from the cotnplerrd pour the water through a other great New Testament pl.sssges strainer, which you should keep 1n bearing upon the forgiveness . f sins. the sink. this will present nue risk, \wrong cannot be pu)itically right. ltookruaking and gambling at the races -represent an economic folly. Hero we roust listen to the juage:s of our courts. 'These jurists are quick to discern tho relattiofi bctwet n the race track and the destruction of our young mem. They tell us that. our clerks aim employes. who begin w-itlt Letting on the races, bring up, it means to have a hundred young is easy. men go wrong And already the harvest of the race WITIIIN A SINGLE MONTii! track gambling is coating in. News- paper men find it in the increase of stories of crime; the judges find it in the doubling of the ber of cases to he tried: the public notices it it the increase of defalcations, etn- bozelements, suicides. One of the wisest, oldest and most experienced of our police commissioners remark - eel a day or two ago that on Satur- day afternoon next the pick of all The average man produces $750 ;t Ale, God -The risen and glorified Saviour is still perfect ,inn (comp. your, representing n mechanism Rev. :L. 12). This truth is pointed worth $15,1)011 that at 5 per cent out by both Paul nnd Yeter, who l'rii:gs in $750. That Is, each e.eir.g speak of "the God 811(1 Father of our man represents a locomotive that costs $.15,1)00, drawing the trains of commerce, or a little coast steamer, or a 1101180, each twigging in $750 a year to the owner. Suppose, then, on the last day of the Belmont races the owner and his gentlemen friends New York's criminals. thieves and should go DIT to one side nnd burn gamblers would be assembled in the down one hundred huusta costing Belmont racing park, and that if they $)3,000 each, all going in smoke could he corralled there and held per- and fire. And supposing the gentle - Mil neater, or some trap-door sprung /nein owners down at Nheepx;head nay and all be let down into hell that or at Dlurria Turk, at. the end of the police court judges in New York their neunth, secure a hundred $1 5, - could take a vacation fol• the next WO locomotives and Trate a hundred month, coilissions for the delectation of tlto The words of thin conunissioner crowd. make us pause. After reading the it is all in perfect logical keeping accounts of the cyclone in Oklahoma, with the type of lama that derives w•o must all deeply regret that tor- its pleasure, seen from music or wise nar!oes are not under the personal history,orgreat novel ornoble control of this commissioner. Ita a n t c seems un(irt+tante that they wander oration. or a high drama. of health- seems aimlessly through a good farming outdoor sports nnd 00)880nu•nts, conmtunily when they alight work so but rather derives its pleasure from effectively tinder the stern guidance sitting three hours to '.8' whether four bac legs or four sorrel legs of a rough and grizzled police c0ur- tnissioner. Police literature, how- tench a given point filet t0 settle a over, vuc0urnges the thought that wager on unfair odds. Viewed ns society has much to hope for from an exhibit in horses' legs, the Belmont some future juxtn(xniliun of n ey_ races are highly successful. Thinking clone nnd the rare track. (:ambling 00 the race track is un- Atnerican. Is ruinous to business habits and Is opposed to the whole spirit of modern industry. One of life's gtent teachers is the necessity for EARNING ONE'S L1Vl;1,11I00D. Work gives culture and a business career develops character. '1•he workman who snakes a door, the em - 1 igen who weaves a ynrd, of good cloth, the youth 11 ho slakes nn hon- est tool incidentally get their living, SOME STRANGE DISHES TEN COURSES OF LION AND BAKED ELEPHANTS' FOOT. 'DISEASES TN SINKS. Speke, the Great Explorer, Says Tliere are more mysterious ailments Monkey Makes An Excellent caused by n neglected sink than ninny Meal. people would suppose. The, woctu- If one may be guided by those who work may be scoured until whites ,ns snow; the enamel (er porcelain tiny women and their arrival at that goal' naked Disgrace, meaning the pollee court, theft, plurlishtllent• the opening of the racing season :lust be classed in the sante category with the out- break of the bubonic plague In Ha- vnna, the news of the smallpox in Mobile, the dynamite tragedy In Harrisburg nnd the cyclone in Okla- homa. "Woo unto hint who shall offend one of these little ones! It is better for him that a millstone were hnngcd about his neck rind he were cast into the sen. Bad Blood Into h Red Blood. THE S. S. LESSON r remedy possesses such IYdTERNATIONA L LESSON, :leansing, healing and pude! PARR JU 4. operties. Lesson X. The Resurrection. Gol- nally, heals Sora:, Ulcers,: deft Text 1. Cor. 15.20. es, and all Eruptions. lei:SSON Woiti) ti'1'Ulrli:'1. 'ally, restores the Stomach 1 Note -''These Word Studies for this 'Owcls and Blood to healthy Itevised Version. lieu (Mark '10. 9) cannot have been if your appetite is poor, Events Intervening. -The body of by accident. _ rgy gone,' your ambition .I0.-01.4Was taken from tile cross L•e- / Without nt the toas---Peter had • r• sunset of the dn, of crucifixion, just a few minutes before eWered the 11. will restore you to the .r. 1 was delivered by the Ronan tomb (verso 0). which ons doubtless anent Of happy vigorous euthorities to .Joseph of Ari:utthea, hew:, as was customary. in the side a wealthy and learned counselor of of a logic limestone cliff ev hill with ▪ the Jews rind secret disciple of Jesus n low• 01 ening on the side through , for burial. With the assistance of which by stooping n Verson might vv ifr had n son, stngn int center on your premises, Nicodennis, "1e who nt first cause to otter. Once inside, it was possible •' 11My mother-in-law, low. the step sister and it there is, pour ronlr l m the hint by night," who contrllntted r•nre (y again stand erect (reside the liar; from wliom .Jesus had driven out "seven (lemons" (Mork 10.1)). SI•o is first Iter.ttone(t in gospel nar- rative together with certain other 00111011 who were "minister- ing to •Jeseis of their substance" (Lake 14.2). Iler devotion and loynl- t0 to Jesus are attested by the part •he pla3ed in the scene at the erase bake '23 •Itr, See; ,Matt. 117. 01; Mark 15. 47) and subsequently 1i,uke 21, John 20). 'l'hnt Jesus first ap- lesson are based un the text of the ',eared unto her after hie rc strrree- THE SPOT! tho small of the back. Ivor get a pain thereT Veli know what it means 7 Icknehe. gin cf Kidae•v Tiot,Nt'. elect it. S:'p it in time. net, serious Keir:ey 'I'roables follow, A MiXEI► RI:LA'T(ONslilp. "I'll tell you how it is," said the old carpenter. "I met 0 young wid- ow 1)111* n grown-up stepdaughter, and 1 married that widow. "Then any father met our step- daughter and married her. That made icy wife the mother-in-law of her father-in-law, and made any step -daughter my step -mother, end my father became my step -son. See'?the clear liquid down the drain. Mor' "'Then my step -Mother, the step-; daughter of my wife, boll 8 sort, hot water can Ire added to the ro- That boy was, of course, my broth-Itnnlnder. er, because he was my father's) son; boa. he was also the sun of my w ift•'s step -daughter, nnd therefor.. leg grandson. 'i'hat made too grand• father of illy step -brother, 'Then any Have ready n hon fir a pail of boil- ing water, malt n large piece of com- mon washing soda in it. and pour It, its 1101 (18 possible flown the pipe. Never pour milk down the drain; it will cause the 1 ipe to become some About twice a week pour some 1ime venter down the pipe. Blake the wash this way: -Put a Inrge lableepoonfel of coarse salt into an earthen pan. and add twice the quantity of quick- lime; pour on to these Ingrcdirnts four )rations of hot water, stir and let it settle. And thin pow *1011.8.' of 1 IOUSE PESTS. Moscplilo0s--If you are troubled with mosquitoes, find out if there Is Have Restored Thousands of Canadian Women to Health and Strength.' There is no need for so rnai:p woolen to suffer pain and weakness, ncrvev*ncs, sleeplessness, anaemia, faint and dizzy spells and the humorous troubles which render the life of woman a round of sick. urns and suffering. Young girls budding into womanhood, who suffer with pains and headaches, and whose taco is pale and the blood watery, will find Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills help them greatly during this period. Wonten at the change of life. who are nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of pills and needles, palpitation of the heart.. - etc.. aro tided over the trying time of their life by tho use of 'this wonderful remedy. It has a wonderful offect on a woman's system, makes pains and aches vanish, brings color to tho pato check and sparkle to the eye. They build up tho system, renew post► vitality, improve tho appetite, make rich, red blood and dispel that weak, tired. listless, no•ambition feeling. 000. PER BOx7t�081� a FOR s1.a0 ALL 'CALCRL. f Tile T. Milburn Co., Llmlted, Toronto, Ont. WWI like, but don't eat him. Fry him, stew, boil, or bake hint, (Io what you will, MS tles}t remains oily and !lathy, with it strong flavor of cas- tor-oil. But with the cotunion or domestic cat it is otherwise, for Dir. Va:dait declared with gusto that "stewed puss is far nicer than stew- ed rabbit." Ilorse is nlmost equally good. A short time ago sixty well-groon;od horses, 10)11ch had for weeks been fet on clover and oats, provided rho menu for n banquet served to 600 guests by the Berlin Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, "A menu," wrote a chronicler of the feast, "consisting of bouillon pro - pared (1•0111 equine bones, pickled horse tongues, fillet of horse in Madeira sauce, and roast. leg of Lilly, tickled the palates of the diners, who ate double portions with unindigetke able relish." SUN IIELI'S TIIE BABY. Sunning the baby is one lb the have triad strange dishes 1her) is t, popular things in baby culture. Many wide range of appetizing food of houses hat'o adjustable sun parlors. which few of us -happily, it may bu They are made of 50118' kind of hard- which any knowledge. Not hood and built by the carpenter to long ago a Parisian sportsman sent extend beyond the window. The to Algiers for a forequarter of lion top► and sides of the little platfurc,i with which to regale his friends. '1110' aro covered \11th glass, and strips of meal consisted of ten courses, in carpet are laid on the floor to stop every one of which the "king of ani- 119 any cracks there may be. No mals" was the principal ingredient;l natter hofiercely the winds may and front lion soup to roast leg of blare or how low the thermometer lion every course was enjoyed withclay sink the sun parlor is nlways a gusto rare in tht•se days of punt-' ready for the baby. A pillow is !eget appetites. I placed on the carpeted floor, then The )oto brook Buckland. Was a the baby is warmly dressed and well connoisseur of strange foods, and Covered for its morning or afternoon there were few out-of-the-way 4e1ica_ nap. cies 'which he had not sampled at one time or another, from rat to thin- PEOPLE Ani: QUEEIt. oceros. Ile gate the pals,, however, CnII a girl a chick nnd she fim(1 5, to the hon constrictor, which he de- superior o c1111 a 1001088 n hen 811(1 she !noels. Glared, if skilfully cooked, was vastly t all n young teornan 8 witch 111111 sh.t superior to tho tines' real, which it is pleased; cull tut old n•uilan u resembled in appearance and flavor. \Titch she is indignant. Call a Elcphn,t is, by the common consent girl n kRI(en 1(11(1 she rather Iikes it; of those who have ,jried 0, not an call n woman a cut and sho hates ideal food. "1 hate tasted elephant you 1Wonun are queer. over and over again," Captain Lind- If yn11 tall a 818)) a�y dog it ley, an African traveller and big- will (latter him; call him n pulp, a game shooter, has said. "It is more hound, ora cur, and he will try to like alter the map of your fneo. Ho LEATHER ANI) GLUEdoesn't mind being called a hull or than anything else 1 can c0111pure it a beer, yet he will object to being with. Ilut," and the "but" is cent- inentiuned ns a calf or a cub. Men phatic, "baked 010phun1's foot is 111 are queer, too. for a King." "I have had many an excellent nt•'al on monkey," wrote Spoke, tho "Now," said the voluble salesman, great explorer, "and have seldom en- "here's n piece of goods that spenke Juyed nny1hlug more in a lifetime of for itself." "All right," interrupted varied gustronomic experiences. 1 rho weary buyer. "Suppose you can compare it with nothing no much keep quiet fur n 00111110 of minute./ as rabbit, which it suggests in flavor and give it a chance'?" -only to say this is certainly flatter- ing to any rabbit i have ever tast- ed." Ifenry I(inde, who had fre- quently shot and enter Jaguar In South America, pronounced it a de- licious food, tit least "as appetizing ns veal and like it in taste"; and t he h}enn wens dt 0I81 id by Mr Francis 11. 1towson, en Alnerirn11 as "quite ;tantalite if well cooked spiels and ointments in lavish al Izontnl niche or niches intended ter .,t my sun, 18 also his grandmother, surface. 1n your bedroom sprinkle though its linter is, perlutp's, t the remains of the dead. ,',centime he is her filen-son's child. spirits of rosemary around nnd on pronounced to suit sotpo palates. I dunce, the body was cnrefnlly eon ! My father is the brother-in-law of the heel, is not at all unlike hare." hairnet, mid pineed in n newly pre- 12. Two angels 1i while -'Phis is' Inv, child, because his step -sister is lents-if there nre rats in your Kangaroo steak is said to be pro- ffered reek -hewn 10ueb belonging to the only place in John's narrative of his wife. 1 gin the brother of my house or born, trap one alive. cover terrible even to beefsteak; and ns for Joseph (John 1!). :h(-12; Matt. 27. the resurrection where angels nre' own sun. who is also the child of my it with oil of phosphorous, and set kangaroo soup, according to Mr 57, f.; Mnrk 15. 12, 1.; Luke 23. no. mentioned (but comp. 1, 51; 12. 20), Iatep-grandmother. 1 nal my Wroth- it free. Being luminous in the dark, Ilenniker Heaton. it completely pule L). 'et the sng).•stion of "the This spacial vision of the angels acts,er's brother-in-Inw, my wife is her it hvIII score nwnv nil its conlpnll_ <,t -toil into the shade. Acetic ex - Jews" 1'ilate ordered that. a sauna for 31nry onl the :ten. .1ola amt; own child's aunt, my son is ngy fat!- ions. Thi his been tried 111th rent plovers agree Hint seal makes n of soldiers he placed on guard nt the Peter, hnd npq,nretl Iy not set 11 1h••In, er's nephew. and 1'tn my own grand_ g tempting amen! to n healthy appe- eraee lest the, body of Jesus he though doubtless they were the 'erne succslli tile. Its appearance g father -nod I can't stand it." Pecib tgs-if bedbugs are ever un- p,enrnnce is uninviting, • r t away h• thedisciples r y and thetnessenfiets "hl duzzlin); apparel" but anyone who con overcame the .un be made by them that he hell mentioned in Luke 21. 1. Matthew fort mint ely inlrtduced into yo'ir not unnatural o1(1 con to its color froth the dead (\telt. 27. 62, (28. 2-S) land Mnrk 41n. 548) igen- --+ home in second -habil furnit'Ire or old will find it both tender and full of i : The next menta mentioned by lion only one angel, who may have picture fraim.e. try gasolinic. Apply finoor. any of the evangelists nre those of beer, the spokesman, nnd possibly in; LONDON'S A('('iIlENTS. it to nil the crevices in the bed and it Is not long 811100 n well-known the resurrection morning. The firs ether tespecls also the more pronri-I I'he following are ollicinl fignree ;o. :round the woodwork of the room. living nal uratnit published his opin- e( Huse sass of cuursr, the rt•surre' ,,.•ret .,i the two mentioned by Luke' lathe In the accidents un the streets 1'h18 is easily (lone with a common ion Ont. rat pie was tion itself which was announced by and Jelin. row the angel if the lewd as already ac -1 1:t. Woman-lfere, ns nppear8 from; of London ate d their causes during ,unit. can orvtno n!p!,lienliornsrwill Inst year. The total number of acci- ceunplisheel just n(ter the great earth- the whole cunt.. t. n title of tender! (lents was 214,070, and the reuses of rid you entirely of them. Ice sure 'make and the relines; away 1.f the address, whisk throws much light on' these were (lidded ns follows: to use the gasolene only in the (ley- ...fem. from 1)10 door of the sepulcher, its use by .leans in addressinghis' Horse drawn vehicles "1,7 71 time. and in a roost where there is t \lett, tri 1-10). Overwhelmed with mother (John 2. •1. horses (ii l no fire or gas burning. 1 terror by the supernateral pheaolll-� Ith•nnse they -Since the antecedent Ilorse drawn 1ranicnr.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,1;287 Buffalo Moths. -For severs) years eon, the guards were first prest ate'1 { of the pronoun is not expreesa), Mechanically propelled tram- we tried everything we could hear of S KIDH Y PILLS wi111 fenr nnd Inter tied In the city' many have thought Mnry referred to ears 2 that might rid us of the rlepredntioni nnd reported what they hnd a•0n and 1 ' ,2f,2 a 1 "t ho Jews" ns the special enemies of �i'chanicnlly ',repelled omni- ;of these destructive pests, hat no et- uho, Lame• na:k, n,aht•tf,, heard to the Jewish with,rities, who ,l,.sus and his disciples. This may buses no'let)t tens apparent. One year w'e de- n all kidney and Iahe( er bribed them to spread a false report i be correct though more probably the Motor cars .. 1.775 termined to exterminate there 11 It , about (ho disappenrnnee of the body prnniur is used indefinitely, the sense Motor cycles 275! were possible. in one room we !of .leans front the tomb nnd to keep being. "Some one has taken away 'There were 1.40 fatal accidents, 123 'cleared the dirt (rem the cracks in tbosor5ref 5E23,$.'' Albalint I"Iilet •• concerning the events which nay Lord." A moment later Mary being fine to horse drawn .ohides .e t sally did take place Glatt. 28. thinks that possibly it may have t, Ilhe floor for a disfrince of four foot IDNEY PILL CO. IY 4 and 23 to mechenienne propelled I from the well., ell strewn! the moan. l t-13). !men the a 15), vehicles, these in thirteen canes :►ting and filled theca with a preparation to. Own. Verso 11. Mary -Mary Magdaleee, 15. Whom gardener kestrc thou- Not motor cors. (Called "stop -crock," After this fill - "Enol) 1.1►It 'I'11F: G0hS," and much more delectable than stook. nnd-kidney or pigeon pie; nnd this tens the experience of many French- men during the siege of Paris. One of them, M. Lo Noir, a Parisian journalist, wrote In later years: "It tens then (referring to tho oiege time) that I acquired such an affec- tion for the rat as a delectable food that 1 still enjoy a quite as much as anything else 1 est." Dog is by common consent not t., be desired as food. "In fact." wrote. \ir. Albert Vandam, author of "My Paris Notebook" and tunny other clever works, "the Brig Is detestable. Call hire rho friend of man if yon 25,000 NEW WORDS are added in the last edition of Web- ster's International Dictionary. Th.' Gazetteer of the World, and the Ilio- rraphical Dictionary have been com- pletely revised. The International is kept always abreast of the times. It takes constant work, expensive work :Ind worry, but it is the only way to I;cep the dictionary the STANDARD‘ AUTHORITY of the English-speaking world. Other (dictionaries follow. Webster leads. It is the favorite with Judges, chelar•s, Educators, Printers, etc., in this and foreign countries. A (i A postal card will bring you inter- esting specimen pages, etc. O. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, SPRINOFIElo, MA88., PVOLISRERS OP WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL •DICTIONARY. •