HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-06-01, Page 5Vegetable Preparation for As -
ling the Food &fid Re4d ulll -
the Stomachs and l+" is of
Promotes Di a l4on,Cheerful-
ness and ResL..,ontal ns neither
O Iuni,Morhine nor Nlncral.
1 is JrJ-
R JJu-
ft' •
.N•eJ,Js •
rN(,t�a •teeru
Itis j.sS tw.
Aperfect Remedy for Conslipa-
tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea,
Facsimile Signature of
, ,4 is
AI b month-, old
;; Dust - j jci-NTs
For Infants and Childr
The Kind You H
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Years
Couit of Revision
NW. BROWNING, M. D., M. (%• I
• P. f3„ Graduate Victoria Uni- i 'j'O1V1]5�11) of Usborne
varsity. office and residenenee. Dominion t Notice is hereby given that a Court
Laboratory, Exeter. I of Revision for the assessment roll
DENTAL I for the township of-Usborne, will
be held at the Township Hall, Elim-
ville, on Saturday. June 3rd, 1905,
at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Whalen May 10th, 1905.
pD.1 S.D.D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto A.R.. 11. ally, Dentist.
(beth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Of$oe in Fon.
son's block. West side of Main
or Graduate of the Toronto Uelversity
yal College of Dental Surgeons of
School honors1 rstbeltic Denth Dentistry (with
fable mention.
verytjalog known to the Dental Profession
=ala this office. Bridge work, crowns, al -
nm, gold and vulcanite plates all done is
She neatest manner possible. A perfectly
bsrmleas anaesthetic used for painless office one door eonth of Carling Bro'sstore Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of
Zxeter.ont. Perth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford
ONEY TO LOAN and Town of St. Marys.
Charges moderate. Orders left at
We • lnavenallmited private rands for inveeil his residence, Queen St., St. Marys,
Sat uppoon farm or village property at loaves will bo promptly attended to. Phone
oboe orInterest. at this house.
DICKSON& CARLI�Zeter• Special at lent ion given 'to live
stock sales. Orders lett of The
Times will be promptly attended to.
F01 SALE - Lot 8. Con. 3, It ;-
borne, 100 acres, all under cul-
tivation, 2 wells. On the propel ty
is a frame house, :;oat bank barn.
one frame barn. For further par-
ticulars apply to Jas. Essery, Exeter
P. 0.
Solicitors Notaries Coovevancera FOIL SALE - The
OOonere, Solicitors for the olson, SHORTHORNS undersigned has for sale on
Hank, Eta Lot 16, Con. 2, Ila
Money toLsan at lowest rates of tatereat. y, n number o[
up-to-date t horoughbred Shorthorn
011ICE:--MAIN STREET, EXETER. bulls. They are of the low set
a, caivatro a a. 1-11. 01C1r8ON blocky type. dark red in color and of
choice breeding. They aro all elix-
ible for registration, and will be sold
reasonably. - John Folder, Hensall
P. 0.
Court of•Revision
Notice is hereby given that the
Court of Revision for the assess -
roll of the village of Exeter, for the
present year, will hold its first
meeting at the Town Hall, Exeter,
on Friday, the 26th day of May, at
7 p. m. o'clock.
J. SENIOR, Village Clerk.
Exeter, 8t11 May, 1905.
ve a larete amount of private funds to
arm and village properties at lowratea
Balusters Solleitors. Main St. Exeter.
Tie Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mu ual Fire Insur-
anGe Gompanu Nesting of the Huron County
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
The Council of theComity of -lu-
President:-T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. O. ron will meet in 1h*+ council ch:Iri1J-
o is
Vice -Pres.:- J. A. N nR Ser in the 'town of Galerich 111 a
FAIt(ZCn A RP.O. O'clock on Tuesday the 6th (ly of
T .11 t✓ X h R '1' 1. M S, .i t' N E 1st 1905.
THE TEACHERS, St•ver.1 menthe::+of the A.e•-o.iation it to u1ie•rt Commit a here
C.I)tinucd the discussion.
Mr. G. S. Howard and Miss A. E. i 1 -That t Le Public School Leav-
ASSOCIATION I Consitt, deletatee to the 0. E. A. 1 iu, Im restored ns a Provincial Ex-
t :ave very able reports of the awiu.ltion.
ptiters read there. A hearty voter
of th-I nks was tendered the Bele;:l1
es for the spicn'tid report t Ley g•tre 1
Inspector Toto discussed the sup,-
jcct of sptllin :. Ile %vault teach
rezular fortes first. Ity usin. a
word-buildinr. caersise he would
teach how to snynbine tLc t:oweI; 1
Minutes of a 1 111011 elect in; of the and musts/tants usin, a large nun -
East and \Vest Huron Teacher=' bur of examples. ll would tearh
Association heiti in Clinton, al ty the reason in all cane') twhy ctrl tin
letters follow (• telt co her as they do
The paper is is :1 most excellent one.
In the town hall at 8 o'clock the
A Large and Successful
25th and 26:i1.
The Institute meet int was called
to order at 10.30 a.m., by Mr. 0. S.
Howard, President of Nest 'Huron ; n:eelint oat+ opened %v-it)t Mr. Rot-
To3cherm' Association. 'ers, 1•rrsi1ent for Eist Huron, ill: cation ,.f :1 Principal of n Public
Mr. J. Hartley. of \Vroxetcr, con- the chair. A splendid musical pro- school of ,ix or inose room.: l e
ducted devotional exercises. p gramme Sot: presented c<,nsi"t.in: of Mira Clear Certificate.
Minutes of the last session of the the ive: ',out numbers. 6--Thi1 continual ion cla1se.. in
Association, May 21s1. 1901 acre re:rl t Incl rum(•nt.tl 1;u01 -Mases ltoav- I public school class A he placed upon
and approved. er •11111 Gunn. &,Io. M:s.t Houston. the sone II:Is41 as co'respondi11
The followin; committees %eteap-'Adds::.s of ne1,:ouw-Mayor Hoover 4ra11e, of 11izh Schools as res:lr:1
pointed :-ltesolut ion - Messrs. Go- Instrument t! solo -Masher S. Jack- equipment,-,)v0I'111rlot11 :101 10a:•1,er.:
wars, 1Jci,aty. McKay, McDou_:til, :.•�n. Solo -JI':.. \1 tu%I 1(eNau 11 ' yu Ili[ication.
Mus rove, Shillin;law, Lou ah, Cain- bon. ln•:t rumen' ill duet. - Mis: ^ 7--'I'h 11 I he govern:nen1 of Ontario
cron and Murch and al is, 1'-'.L ford and I.a;,'n. Solo --Sir. Nor- . be asked to nlalorially increase 1110
Auditors for \Vest Huron. i\1::. -r. Slued). t anneal ,rail to public schools.
Brownlee and Hawkins.
The Rev. E. 1•.. Scot 1, c•f Gait de- 14 -'float the prod ice of aekin;
Dir. C. lllut•tt, of Credit so. intr1r- livered his f;mous leoure, "The tcach'•I when applyint for scheole
duced the subjecI, "Should the Pub-- Land of the yIa1,!e," and tit(ea w1(0 10 81a:e-.1:cr•y expected i.+ h fa
Ha school Exa ' :Ilion+ be Restored hear,( it had Ilnr plea.+ure of listen- be re_.1et11I.
s it was Ten Years s n 1111 in; to a me -:•I en, husi idle, interest- !t -Tl: ,1 in order I o encourage
lie 110111 that it should L•0 re -i111(•4) in:; and inspirin. lecture, in fact i, ofC si0I1 iI SI ucly by 1110se who 110111
auce(t since children wit, ;he words [ail to convey to those whc First Class Certificates, 1110 Educa-
entrance Examination in rural sec-; (Mtn't hear it, :( proper conception of 1101111 Department he request et' to
tions .are generally Ica► your; to the splendid word pictures he drew lranze with Tho.. authorities of '1'o-
Ioave their 110180') in rural sectic••u s. in describin.r the .'re.'It1MS5 of our root University for snot'. leachers
that 100 ;0010 a 1,01:0(1 eieeees ie.- I country. All who heard the lecture Io Fake a fete subjects each year
tweet* •118e Entrance :old Junior round help but have t heir views of until t•Iioy cotnpleto their 1:?:tiver-
Loaving• Examination:', the (•x:uuin:t I Canada hroadt,ned and a fre:;h thrill ally Course.
tion would five teachers a test to;ivcu to their patriotism. I0-1'h•tl the privile,e of wrilin;
sec hots their pupils arc pro.ressinz,, A most delightful evenin; was Off t wo or I h.rce subject s of Senior
:end it would be :111 incentive to 1,0 I 'trout lo Io a close by sin zing the Lea vitt t work be extended 'to Second
ins to do bel l er work. Ile Would National Ant hem. (Aa:,:: Te tohrrm wt' s are lenge ;ed in
-Heft in the meantime t he Coun-
ty' establish :t County Public School
Leet vin: Examination.
-That there be one Promotion
Examination in the year and t hat it
be held at Easter. That no selec-
tions be read: fur Literature and
p.pers l,r set for Jr. and Sr. 2nd,
.1r. and Sr. 3rd and Jr. 4th.
4 -Th 11 the Government of On-
t trio be :1 died to fix a minimum sal -
try ter Public school teachers.
5 -That 114 qualification of a prin-
0iptl of :1 public school of 1wo to
lire , r...,.. inclusive, he :1 Second
Chi ns '(',•rtifieale. Thal the toes I if I-
T. II. Brownlee
A. E. Conaltt
(:. 1'. Howard
l'. Itiuett
W. 11. JohnaV.n E'dth Parte°
Ka hl.en Ilall Fred 1toss
su,;est -that the exa int:11i(ul he di- FRIDAY •101(NING teocltiu..
sided into 1w•o parlor, the first par: Sep.tot t0 session for lie 1w•o A-- M r. Westervelt of Forest City
oonatitutinz the subjects for "the socittions were heli for routine Ilusinesn Colle;e look a lesson on
Entrance Examination. :i.e :;ecou:: business. "Writinz" wi11t a class of small pu-
part the subjects for the I'n's• WEST Iht'IU)N pits. After a few introductory re-
lic School Leavitt; Examination, :+'I 1 The minutes of 1 Le efternoon 8n•1 marks and get 1 in, his class properly
a certificate be riven for each. evenin, session were reed and ap- seated and with proper grasp of
The discussion( was cont' :d los- proved. their pencils he Lau;hl. the three
;\lessrs. llolmete Muegrove. Inspeto • The exp'•ii ,•e of the deler..tcs 10 principles of wriIin;, the ml.rai;ht
tor Tom, 11:1ird, Del ;any and In :pea - . 1 he O. E. A., incidental expenses of line, the left and 1 he right curve.
c cc
tor Robb. � last 0v0ninx's entertainment and a Ile 1 lid special mlress on the free
It was moved by Mr. Holman. secs :rant of five dollars for the purpose movement of the ri;ht. arm. Mr.
ended by inspector 'Tout Ihrlt 1l:c , of erect in 1 conumentors( ive tablets Westervelt 's lesson was int crest in;
matter of Public School Leavitt.; to former principals of the Normal and practical and he was given :t
examinations be left to the 1ttsol11- achnol, Toronto. %(•re ordered 10 be vote of I liatiks by 4 he Association.
lion Committee to loin; in n good. paid. 1'ItIDAI" AFTERNOON
strop; resolution in favor of I he The auditors' report sf:owin:c a
examination. balance of $82.36 was receive 1 and The. ninulee of tie afternoon mei.
Mr. Baird introduced 1 he smrject. adopted. • glen were read and adopted.
of Prontotion Exautina(ionm :uts1 the The election of officers was 1114•11
discussion tt•as continued by 1ispec- ptocecded with, with tine folioed 0t
tors Tont :end Robb, and Messrs. result.
Shillintl:tw•, Howard. Moffatt. Coni- President - 11'. McKay', (lens:ill:
crop and others. V. i'.., Miss Au :twine, Dun ;alumni :
AFTERNOON Seo. -'frena - W. 11. Johnston, l(ip- from several causes, (a) from our-
Af ler the readin of 1 be minute -4 ten : Councillors, P. Gowans, Exeter selvcs.(h) from our pupils (c) from
Mr. Howard, the president of the 1V..1. O'Brien, Exeter : J. S. Deltety parent .4 ('I) from the Education De -
West Huron AsvoeiA110 1 ;TAY(' his ad- Hayfield : Mims Jessie Hamilton. Isar- 'tiro 'tient.. All hough there are
many sha,lows in I he teacher's life
there are bri;ltt neeses also. One
hri;ht nes, c.onmisds in the satis:ac-
lion of 1! 'vitt; done our duty.Work
well deme hrin;s pleasure. There
is joy in serving others and seein;
the development of children. The
opportunity of creel in; enhhusiamm,
•tmhilion and character should brio;
life 10 IhP leacher'e life. Perhaps
the !realest joy of :111 is the joy of
Navin; helped others. Mr. Siran;'s
stand the le')51011 Ihey are 10 read lie- tollow'in,1 were elected. addremv %vas warmly received.
fore they bezin 10 read. The lesson President, Insp. Red), Brussels: Several of the leachers present
tram well tau zlll and elicited aolsid- 1st Vice, M r. NitattI, Sea fortIt: 2n1 book Iht. opportunity of pay inz 1 ri -
crable discussic•n led by Men••sr=. 11e1- vice, Miss 1Vils'111, Clinton : j':xecu- brutes of praise to Mr. S1 ran; and
oily. Deus;rove, Hobnail. Lower,e five Cotnmitte0, Mr. Mus; rove, of tellin; of 1 lin high esteem in
and Inspector Robb. Win.hA1(1 ; tIr. Cameron. Bru!seie; w•h!oh he is deservedly held.
�VHALEN Y. O, June next. All accountm against the Moved seconded and adopt .)Sir. Summers, Blyth: \figs 1lardtnz, Dir. ('Interop, of Dru+seta gave n
F. tiloRLBt, ' J ed 111.11 a hearty vole of Ihauke be Corrie: Sliss Ito ldhoua., Itordwich:
• splendid address on "Tie ilirds of
Mr. Siren z, principal of Goderich
Colle;iate institute, then ;are an
interest in; address on "The Li=his
and Shadowy of :t T'eacher's Li[e."
The shadows o[ a teacher's life come
dress on "Tie. Te:icbin; 1'rofr:4' itnn,
shovinz what it watt :url wbat it
should be. The addrees wean :In ••a-
cellenl one.
It zeas 1114,41 Its Mr. Lowery :+•1.1
quhir ; Mites Edith 1Vi tsins. Goder-
Moved seconded :Ind a(loptCd Thal
the Wes, Huron Midterm' Conven-
tion be hell in 1Ii- McDonald Instil-
nxl i•
seconded by 11r. 'laird Ibit. the cd- rule, Guelph. next yen r.
dress be !wet 1:, 1 t,• I(. 11 p'iH'I'. 1 o A commit tee ronyist in; of Moss's.
be printed in full. -('pried. St ran;. Tom. Titer(, Fl(mint and
Mims \V1114011 of Ilse Clinton M i'••I McKoy were appointed to make n11
Schsool tautl:t a Essen in readin.0 railway arrangements.
Veit) n bird class. Iler plats wart I•► EAST 111'iRON
have the pupils Ihorouzbly tinder- In 11:r East Ilurot Asso :.i(10n the
W. II. PA13SMORRK, (.ROMART>, P '-• county tnusl be in 1 he (Jerks hands tendered Miss Wilson.
Roe, IIOI4NIWL)t P. O. before the first (lay of meeting. 51 r. Moffatt then ; ive a paper ( n
RUSSELL, RL'881iLD.LLE E . O. W. LANE, Clerk. supplementary reading.
AGENTS. Dated .it 00110,X11 .Irate 22. 1905. Supplement•u•y reading is 0 ume-
(''ICAs F.\RQt•HAR, ONT.
▪ 8. GILF1LL.'.N,
Election of Officers
fol addition to the school cur-
riculum is it creates a lnste for
good reedit's', hroadeas the pupilm'
krwwlcd;e, ...fives pupils seal em-
s. W. F. BEAVERS, i'leIsi take not th'r
at the :in- ploymenl n.l help.: to keep (hent
nu 11 uteetin; of .1 he members of the tenter in the 1111/11: school.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. o„tilt' if
uron Pit uteri' Institute, Sl r. S1.offal1 tooted moat the lea-
s, will 110 held in eller: the necessity (.f the utmost
011 SALE.-Itesidcnce and 8 lots 1111.LElt's HALL, IIE.NHALf, `. care in selectins hooks, hove them
with goo(( stable, everything in --(,I,-__ i suitable to 1h(' capacity of 111^ pu- fliers' AM'400Ialion. The Executive God flava the hint.
(pair. Residence recently re•' SATI'ItDAI .11'NE 10th . pals, illu')Ir,te'I and anise eled. commit t4' in association with the
peso a first-class well good i ;,t 1 o'clock share. Direc, ors plea.+e ile Ihen ;(a%0 several (xamplem of w,..,1 Iluroa committee are to make 1. i1AT)Th1?1', WIt0S1:'I'1':R.
1, and ornamental trees on meet at 10 o'clock. Members are suitable hooks an I many' 11+0(111 hnt•
i' .all railway arran(Cmcnt4. Ree.-1'r0amnr"r East llur:.o.
m1(14. The property must i,ei ur;ed to attend. net only .becau.+cas to the waw (1 ,rli'rs should con- • INION SESSION W. 1i. JOHNSTON, 1:1PPE N
the undersigned is leaving important chance in the mama ;e- duet 1h(•ir Iihr11(. The followin0 1I•o1ulion+ t)1 oil! 1t tic;.-'i'rcAsti re r, 1\e+1 Ilarnn.
n it. i'or porticulere and terms of ' seem is imperative ; but also because
le apply to lt. 14. Lantz. Exeter. ' it im arran;cd to have a lecture (>11 � FONI-0 A CURE 1'011 DV1I'LPSI\.
••1 he import ince aW00,11ot 4 alto i Mra. N. Lindsay. of Fort \Villiam,
Ontario, Canada( who has suffered
quite 1 number of years from dye -
peps i and areal pains in the atom -
ed in 1 h subject of 1 h lecture arc• ooh, wa4 advised by her druxziet to
invited to :Mend. Lecture at a take Chamberlain's; Stomach and
o'clock. Liver Table's. She did so and sage
1111 )y. FItAKI:It, Prc.id(v,t. 1 fin 1 that 1 hey hove (lathe me a
.11: tic: 're it 110,1 of ttoothI have never
(.111'1, e..Olen
1 ,,1 ,ny stir since 1 Iselin ti 4.
1n. 1heil." If troubled with dy1-
.1r. ,\le%. Il lir 1, a Motherwell hey pt•. -i t or in(li;e1ticn why not lake
has been a,(pointe 1 ani'taut dairy tLaos Tablets, ret well and play well
ins1u001 or for 14 he city of 11'innipc,s. For • Ile in Exeter, b . W. S. Howey.
Sec. Tre-m., .Mtn Iii, Hey, 11 raze- Ontario" Ile Allowed himself to be
ler : Auditors. Mess: . Munro and en enthusiastic lover of birds, and
Wilson, Wroxeter. would advise every teacher 10 Ile -
Th" Troosurer's report which tvas come acquainted will) 0110 fenthored
reid and adopted, showed :1 balance robe;seers.
on hand of $17.90. Mr. Fole.tt 01 hills;r(•en read n
;Moved by Mr. Louth, seconded by )rarn0,1 paper nn nature study, (10 -
Mr. Scott, That 1lin order of meeting inz 111111 • ideas on cn(rzy, vibrations
Places ht'ticefort It be Winzham, 80a- ole. Malty expressed a (ieeire (0!e(•
fort h, lir a-s•1s end Cl 40 on. -Ca rri"d the paper published.
The Associrl1ion decided that for The AM'o^.ialion Ilot adjourned, all
next year we meet in Guelph in feeling that a very successful ses'ien
I-tri,.:t with the West Ilut•ott Tea- Karl Leen held.
F p { Itt-'.I Lot 2'2 FSrst t\ iii,1-breik. and how to care for
then(" by Dr. Cl irk. :,f the depart-
--. :beet sa on I ,41)01 n(, 100 acrd. neem o[ Crown L:unls, who in :un
nut all in grass, also store with Hay authority on Fotcslry. All interest -
0. in connection t o lease w•hen'
goods are disposred of. I have now
nu 11:11111 a quintily of clot hang, con -
SM( »i 10 (.1 tcldy•i1:d( Suit 4. over -
0(11114 etc. which I nm note offering
nal coot. Good Amerionn oil 16 cent
peer gallon. To much work for 111)1
;Igo am hound to ad ow of the
hesineee. Apply to L. McT i(MART,
(pay 1'. O..
To Cure a Cold in One Day ��,.
.fit. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
swell moon boxes In past a .eines. This signature, ji on'
plioon boxes sold a 13 months. t� v ��,• �/7V1Jt." �e
scutatMstS�$Dat ,
The Expre:." s.ly•. 11 1:,Is been in- ('1.11AN DIARRIRHOEA
formed by enc• of 1 he largest seal-
skin dealers t hat i he reported 2,100-
oalch made by the !Iritish Columbia
Mea lir) t wt>.(•1 will hardly suffice for
the need • of London alone. The re-
sult will be a temporary paralysis
of trade. 11 i.( anticipated 11►at if
1 he report is 11110 the price of se:tl- rIteee is almoS( nn Severe 11011
akin cotta and cloak+ will f(o to n dangerous as a mild att ark of
prohibitive figure. cholera. There im one remedy. how -
Mrs. Maines. of fit. Maly1, reel ever, that can always be depend, I
with e ver)- meriuus accident, re- upon ns will be seen by the f(lloe-
cently. She was cut tin z wood in inz certificate from Mr+. Minnie .1a -
11e yard when t1 • axe tat ruck the cobs of Houston, Texts : "1 hereby
clothes -line above Id tame down on certify t1:11 Chamberlain's Colic,
her heal, Inakin: .t very deep Kan), Choler.% enol Diarrhoea, Remedy
it required several stitches to close. cured u:y husband of a severe at -
Early last Tueeday tnorninz Holo tack of Cuban diarrhoea, which ise
crt Green p.ssscd away at (l:e home hrou;ht home from Cuba. We hod
of tum son-in-1tw•, John A. lferrison, several doctors but they did him 110
0f (icxlerialt. His 'melt It had ,:,een ;oad. One hottle n[ this( Ter( dV
failinz for some time and for the cured him, as our neizhbors will 10s -
last Owe week' he ha'l been per- tify. i thank God for so valuable a
iously ill and had noon stayinz with madicine." For :ale in Exeter by \V
h:m denzhtcr, Mr'. Ifarrieon. S. Howes-.
1 . S. soldiers who served in Cub
during the Spanish wear know whit
this disuse is, and that ordinary
tcmediea hive little more effect
than so much water. Cuban diar-
"i"o TR
1'he editor of the Mat k tau Sun
thinks that the indi$Criutin:11*' .110 -
in; of tome) to tramps ,lint oe: WRITTENBYANOTABLEWOMAN
;ars is out encouraging vice. Ile
m1y'A :
"Need it ot• reheated 411.(1 ;,bout
99 out of every hundred of these
travellers are frauds and ((rctendera
that am a rule they only wit till
they can roach the nearest sett -room
to men,( the motley they 140 easily
make. Thew kind hearted citizen
who dives 5 cents or 10 cents, or 25
cents 'to one of fthese menthe:ints
prooably does eo under the firm be-
lief tlhet he is a good pamarit:ui. It
i, far more pr0oabtu that 1,2 has
done pia share tow u••Is , upplyin t :t
Ihit sI0 'twee her with 111e me -tilt at
Mr+s. Sarah Kellogg of Denver, Color
Dearer of the Woman's Belief Corps,
Sends Thanks to Mrs. Pinkham.
The follow iag-
letter was written.
by Mrs. Kellogg,
of 1024 Lincoln
Ave., Denver,
,'olo.,to Mrs.l'iuk-
hani. Lyun,Masa.:
Dear Mrs. 1•inkham:-
For Live years 1
was troubled with a
tumor, which kept
indul;in; tit a ,:i r:uui.! spree. an 1 1 reivee ltgp 80. -ase ,enusiugme
los become a sort of :tccouiplic: be- ,s3 intense agony and
fore t ho fact. Moo of us will ulmit Qesatnienteddopraaion 1 wa+uuabletoat-
tt•it!soul much :1rslament that ieodtomyhousework,au,llifebecauteabur-
den to Inc. 1 was centfntd for days to my bed,
drunkenness is en evil of the most loot my appetite, my eonrage and all hope.
serious kind. But wl' it ,00ut men "1 could not beer to think of an operation,
who ny their prcnli,'uoux lift •tiv_ and tnnay distrea 1tried every remedy which
in;, aid an.1 a00t t I it (('11 .w.: in I thought would Is. of tiny use to Ile, and
prnr.lisint Ilxir faworii/ elect, readingof the vale,+ of India E. I'inkham's
lie IhOn ,hives Liv +Lau vi d,tit,:%'egetablel'om},oundtosiekwomendeeided
! to give it a trial. 1 felt so discouraged that I
with 1 r:unpm which is t o make t hent tsad little hope of re-n'.erv. and when 1 bcgaa
nit (town, awl frit It writ in pad et
hand, ask the name, place (.1 rt-:-
01tc^, and re(erencca, prceni-int to
write and fin,( out tl:e truth. 10
nearly every cast. t he 4 ramp will not
wait out soon make himself 8$!Irco.
We believe 111e plan is an excellent
c The tramp 1 eio
on nuisance s on at t h
should be abolished, and this is per- to publish my letter in newspapers, so 0
haps n most. effect ice tea}- t o ::c- women may know of the wondertu
complis}I it. powers of Lydia E. Pinkhu's \-ebIrattve
Compound." al
to feel better, utter the second week, thought.. •
it only meant temporary relief; but to my
great surpriso 1 found that 1 kept gaiuing,
while the tumor lessened in size
" The Compound continued to build up my
general health and the tumor scented to be
absorbed, until, in seven months. the tumor
was entirely gone and I a well woman. I am
so thankful for my recovery that I ask ou
When woven are troubled with irreg-
NO SATISFACTION IN EATING ularorpainfulmenstruation,weakness,
Foo(- docs you no good. You can't leucorrhoea. displacement or ulceration
digest -consequently you're afraid to of the womb, that bearing-dntvn feel -
oat ; longue he coated, mouth tastes ing, inflammation of the ovaries. back -
bad, stomach is bloated. Prei ty
soon you'll be overcome by weakness
and nervous prostration.
Best prescription for your condi-
tion is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man-
drake and Butternut. For dyspepsia
and indigestion it is doubtful if •i
better remedy will ever 1:e devised.
These pills brin; new strength and
vitality to the stomach and di;est ive
organs ; they build up the general
and instil such vire and
resisting power into the system that
sickness is impossible ;try 11j-. Ham-
ilton's Pilo.
The Court of Revision for the :13-
sessment roll of •I he vitt:too of Exe-
ter, held in the Town 11311, on Fri-
day, May 26th, 1905.
1'he rnemher:I .af (110 Council 1e-ok
and subscribed to the necessary oat It
The Reeve Mr. W. G. Ilissett W.15
appointed chairman.
The followint i:; the order of the
Per W. Ii. Levet t, sec. J. Wool -
The assessment of $300 a,ainst the
Canadian Express Co., oe cancelled
and the 50 per cent. nosiness assess-
ment be assessed to C. Snell as nen:
and occupant of the o oldie;, :.Ives.
ment $387.50. -Carried.
Per J. ,Muir, sec.. \V. II. Levett,
The assessment of Ross Taylor Co.,
Ltd. roe gust lined : other than the
business tax. That the assessment
of 60 per cent. business assessment
on all the property occupied by the
Ross Taylor Co. Ltd, noth. east and
west sidles of Main St. assessment
cr W 0-. W.1$11.201-A.001.0.0
c -
P J. oat s . 11. Lct tt
That the ass0ssment of $2000.00 of
J. 1'. Bons be mustaincd.-Carried.
Per 1. Armstrong sec., J. Muir -
The assessment of $1350.00 of Sane"
Sanders be sustained. -Carried.
e'er W. 11. Levert, Weal -
The assessment of the G. N. W. 'I'cle-
;raph Co., be struck off and the
business aSetessment of $250.00 be
assessed to Mr. S. Sanders, as :Dent
and occupant. -Carried.
R. W. Dinney, ask to have dog
struck off ; P. snarl lean. do, It.
ache, flatulence, general debility, indi-
gestion and nervous prostration. they
should remember there is one tried and
true remedy. Lydia E l'inkham's Veg-
etable Compound at once removes such
No other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unquali-
fied endorsement. No other medicine
has such a record of cures of female
troubles. Refuse to buy any other
Mrs. I'inkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has guided
'thousands to health. Address, Lynn,
Ifealth is too valuable to risk in ex-
periments with unknown and untried.
medicines or methods of treatme it'.
Remember that it is Lydia E. Pinithem's
Vegetable Compound that is minwomen, and don't allowany drugtia
to sell you anything else in its place.
,i: ail,,/
• You can get a general educa- come o
2 tion in any school but t
♦ the Central for Practical Busi-
♦ ness Training. This college has
=a continental reputation for
thoroughness?. Opportunities are
♦ for those who are prepared Our
♦ graduates always succeed. You Z
may enter our (losses at any ♦
s time. Write for a free catalogue.
W. J.
PrinciP a
= D. A. DIchACHhA.Ni , ,
Senders, do. Disney and Ilartleib'.+
The Hanle') of 1Vni. Sanders, as
tenant on lots 4:1-44 Siincoe St., also
Sidney Handers, M. F., were added to
the roll.
l'cr J. Woods sec., 1. Arrnst•on;.
that Couri adjourn for ten day's -
Hair Renewer
Motet the halrirow long and heavy, and keeps It soft and glossy.
Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores
calor to gray hair. Sold for fifty years. u""1.7:1[171-07=717'1"
Rode 7,000 Miles on One Pair of Tires
MR. JAMES THOMAS DawzY is Canada's
champion steady bicycle rider. He is
a collector for one of the big telegraph com-
panies in Toronto, and he rides a wheel all the
year round making collections over a wide
district. His record is 12,000 miles a year.
Mr. Dewey's bicycle is fitted with Dunlop
Detachable Tires, a single pair of
which have carried . ,' him over 7 , 000
miles of good, bad ) and indifferent
road;. Dunlop bicycle tires are famous as the
kind that may be attached, detached and re-
paired when necessary by the two hands,
unaided by any form of tool. Every pair is
guaranteed for a year.
ST. J01114 Toronto NONTRIAL
104 VANCOCVER wnenese
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(Incorporated by Act of Parliament ISti6)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • - • S3,000.000.00
• • • • • S3,000,000.00
19 Branches In Ontario, Quebec. Alberta, British Columbia and M anitobn
Open every lawful Day from 10 A. 141. to 3 r. M. except Saturday 10 A. W. 10 1 P. W.
Farr -norm' Salo Notew cashed or collected. Forms supplied
Ona plication. DiRAFTS on all points In the Dominion. (:rent Britain and Un
Bed State.. bought and sold at lowest rater of exehange,
Depowitw of 01.00 mil upwards received. interest com-
pounded half )parley, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. De
posits iter ends oho levied and highest current rate. of Interest allowed.
Advesncew made to farmers stock dealers and business men nt
lowest rates and on mo -t froorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dom. oaten -imam, •
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
I$♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦..••••••••••♦•♦♦♦ ♦N♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••♦♦♦•