HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-25, Page 8r.. • rib EKE1IR 1'IDIi"AS. MAY 25th 19O5 S`I'EWARTS VOIL1S FOR SHIRT WfiIST SUITS \'t,i!es command a very high position for the better Shirt Waist Suits ".la:'e and trim::1 d over the new "'TISN'T SILK LINING" Thu)/ t•fii r .ut appearance at once subtile, refined and charming. The particular yarns from which our Voiles are manufactured give to the fabric and to the costume that (lisp but elastic touch so necessary in stew ing the fashionable fullness re- quired for the new skirts. Our assort- ment of the newest weaves in voiles defies coolie tition and our colorings are the very latest. decreed by fash-. ionable circles to be "THE TASTE." Our great leader is voiles in all the new shades, also black and cream, made front pure ilk!) wool, a good looker and full "( service 5,0c. Our stock of voiles include a range of plicets tI0115e to 11 35 the yet d. $I.00 The biggest and best val - ue we have ever sc'a'n in our Black Satanna Underskirt, as cut, made from soft silk finished satanna frilled and flounced j1'st as cut. It's a beauty. It's a bargain. It's our great big leader and only a dollar. We wads sit the farm produce can pu-.it,ly bring us. \Ve will you the very highest. prices. How about, that new Linoleum: We have a great stock direct from the makers, 2 and 1 yards wide. $1.9.5 for 4 yards wide, J. A. STEWART give a Is It a tN&IEIIIIO Present Lou are lo akio.g fot We can please you es we have Cut Glass which is brilliant and rich Silverware which is tasty. Fine China which is dainty Mantle Clocks which o use - Mantle mental A full line of the famous Roger's Knives, Forks and Spoons always on band. S. Fitton, GRADUATE OPTICIAN; $I6 arid $l8 or somewhere around there, is a tavoritc point for sum- mer suit prices. We'veof Dozens s Choices for you Around $16 & $18 It's a sensible price to pay, too. That much money spent here buys suits that are really good enough for anybody to wear anywhere. All are correct Fabrics. Will you call some day ? W. W. T'anian Merchant Tailor, (cal Coal Coal.- Having n few tt„ads of the celebrated Hawking Valley Coal Itft both for stove and heat, I will sell in ton Io'a at $6.50 and small lots at $6.75 per ton. First come, first served. Orders left at the office ef A. Q. Dobler will be promptly a1 ; ended t o.-11. Parsons. Mi. John Newcotubc. of SI! .01.- 00111. Spent the holiday al hi hu110e Imre. Ir. I:c•w, of Stratford. ;old I .uuie 1'u+uphr, y, were ,huc•st + ut \1r. .lulus (.'hItIton. over the huli- Hoed Yentas for Sole - Peas for seed ..11 free from insects and pci(,•ctly " ):.'o 7uc. per bushel. .''t•ply to \1'ta. Clark, \Vi,iche!:..,. 'there will be a W eon' In .t itete meeting lvtre on .1unc 100h, a•t.lre.s- . I l,y Mrs. Joy, of 'Toronto, .001.1 .`•1i. +aal1 lew•ort It. of Guelph. \\'e h'rhly v:0Ine un: 1 cput:011011 ur ssr,.tl,t for war•:1 dealith Z. 11 is 01:1r:1111CP to our civil ()mere. Star Flour is 110 f411.-111rvc•y Ilius. The frust ef . he p•t,t week has a.)Ie ct:aa<iilerable tl:twage to the ,:Iv garden products, and also it 1: injured the fruit blossoms. \i Wee in Et• ua+, of London, ac - 0 .!rap 0ni4'd by his niece. Miss Louisa It ones are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs:. John Evans. Mr. Orville Godwin and Mise Eva 01 •I+, in, cf 81. Thomas, were called Lome l ,r t u'•:•l; ow'ill ; l0 t or very -4'a ion•. Oleos, of their father, Rev. \\'rah. Guile in. DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon, EYE, EAR. NOSE and TIWOAT.Fits Glasses properly. Office, Commer- cial hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday May 27tb. Mrs. Millyard, mother of iii ltev. It. W. Millyard, a former pastor of Min street aletltodist church. died at her home in Thornhill. on Monday last in her 80th year. John ICnox's flirt hday - The font 0li centenary ef 1 he birth of John Knox, the great Scot fish re- former, was celebrated by Canadian Presbyterians on Sunday. TO CURL A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Mies M. Gidley •and Miss that t i, ` rollick %tileucled the marriage ef sCarrie Reid, o London, (formerly ly o[ Exeter), %% hid eluding ilol'llcanx \lixturl• for:�pray- ing fruit trees, currant and rose Fastness with full directions for use TO ADVERTISERS. their friend, o m took place on Tuesday, of this week. The copy for changes must be left All the different preparalion� in - not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement.e accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store xeter, Ont. I r. Butler. London, will bo at the Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday Junelst1905 nil day for Eye, Ear,, Nose and Throat con- sultation, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. / T. P. Smith. Corning. -1f you have elefective eyesight don't fail to coin • ;suit with T. P. Smith, the Noted Eye 'pecialist, of Elora, who will he t t he Coniinerci.11 1oarse, Exeter, on Way. June 2. The annual conference of the Methodist church for 1 he Exeter District will convene :at Listowel on Wednesday, May 31st. '1'Ise station- ing committee beginning their work on Monday May 2901. THURSDAY, MAY 25tth, 1905 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••.' • • •••••••• LOCALS • • e••••••• The strike in Chicago has been dc - dared off. Miss Ethel ltorney spent Wednes- day in Ailsa Craig. Miss Livingstone spent the holi- day al her home in lilyth. Miss Edith &enders spent t he holi- day with friends at St. Thomas. Lawn mowers sharpened on short ;3 est notice at D. ILarticib'a, Exeter. Miss Hanson, of Montreal, is vice icing 'her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Gidley. Mrs. Alf. Sheere, is visiting her son, Mr. Garfield Sheer•e, Brantford. Mr. Thomas Marton has now al- most recovered from his recent ill- ness. Good Pasture with running water for horses and cattle, -Apply to J. N. Howard. Eyes tested, glasses supplied. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. - Ilowey's Drug Store. Mrs. M. Makin0 by Mending the' holiday in London with her i)t'other. Mr. John Muir. Mr. Downey, who left two weeks ago for .Manitoba, i.+ expected home to -day, (Thursday) Hiss Ilelen Adams:, of Guelph visiting al. the Lorne ef Mr. \V. ll. lloncur, This week. \11 :. A. Evans, of London, spent Ile holiday with her parents, Mr. and \ars•. \\'tat. 'Treble. Messrs. Hawkins & Son are in- stalling a new furnace in Mr. John fac sIt's residence. Mrs. T. Prior left on Tuesday for Wheatley, w Isere she will visit Itev. Mr. and \Ir,+. .Ir.htr hall. Miss A. Martin an 1 11i.• - Jessie and Edna Dow link part in a :on eerl al liens:all rn \T,y 2lth. Mrs. John III ,Icl►[ord :and dauthter, Marian ore visit ins. in Luton over the holiday. Warden !tool. \liller and \li. 11. Sparkman were in fort Unroll • es Tuesday on county business. \Irs. Will Ross ,rad little dau.tht- el, of Clinton, were hued' of 11 r. ,anal Mrs. D. A. Ross, this week. MO:. In 1 Mts. Chas. Pet kins have nee11 :attending the funeral of Mrs. Perkins' brother, it nurlinztuu. Mrs. James Russell left ou Monday with her Gamily for Paisley, where Mr. Russell has accepted a sit na • lion. Use itordeaux Mixture for sprav- inu fruit and ornamental tree-, 15 rand 25 cent cans.-tfotvey-'s Drug Store. Slims Della hill left on 'I'uescl:ay morning for an extended visit with relative:, al Pet roles and J'ort llu- 1011. Dr. and Mrs. It01hw(II (nes Miss Fannie finch) of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and \1r.. liirhard Gil- ley on Friday last. ++++++++++44441444444444++ +44444 -1"14'1'+++++++4- 14t+++ ,- Watch Thle Splice livery Week. WHAT! PURITY NON:tL('OiiOLiC Fi,AVORINO EX'I'RAi'T? YEOP:- in Lennon, Vanilla and Almond. Are pure white Are delicate flavor. Strongest, purest and cheapest. No evaporation. E' icellent tor any and all kinds of flavoring. Sold in glass jars at 23c. Sample sent by mail on ceipt of price. Handy In Gauntry and everywhere. Try it and reccotnmend ALGID N a 11. Wrier) El RY Wit in teen county. \\rite for Purity Mfg Co., ENeter, Ont , nformNlon, •¢ +++++++++++++++4-1- 44+4-1.4- +++++++++++++4++++4-1-+-114-14 .i.. re. 1. it. .l. And 4. The Sunday School convention and Rural Deanery meeting for Huron County will be held in Exeter, May 29th. ltev. Dr. Tucker, general Sec- retary of C. C. M. 8., will give an ad- dress on :Missionary work. It. McNaught, jeweller, of ScafortIt is offering n prize of a $4 watch to the. boy or girl, a pupil in any school in the county of Huron, who twill write 1 he best advertisement for his store. The contest closes on May 300. Registrar Coats ix able its 114' CUL again after three weeks' confine- ment to tied twit 11 :a severe :at tack of sciatica. Ile has not quite .lot rid of the ininful conpl:ainl, but he is glad to be :able to move about again - Goderich Signal. Ergs for Hat chins - Pure fired White Leghorn for hitching from excellent winter laying s' rain. Flocke t , )t std/. 1 t t first prize cockerel at. Godericb Poultry show. 511e. per selling. -S. Andrew, Elimville. The congre. i1ionn of Main street Methodist church and that of Cavell Presbyterian church were united in .4' their v. t rlices 0n Sunday last, lice. \1'. M. Marlin laking 0 he work, ow- ing to the illness of Rev. Go'1- win. At the meeting of the official board of the Luck now \lea hodi.it church Intl week 1 he putt or, Rev. It. \V. lliliyard, was pr(t(nted Witt a gift of $50 :a+ a s111•ci:al mark of appreciation ef this services 10 l be conzre;atioil. ,'olive .to Shareholders of the Exe- ter Sall \forks Co. - Please take notice t 1, 1t the annual meeting of the „h, es ('ompalle will bo hila Mond iv. .lune 121h al :o chock ;. 01. in Ilse 'town 11a11, -T. 11. Carr• g, Secy -Tress. For Fifty Cent s. -New Mui)seribere may 'love The 'Times till January 1900, for fifty -cents. We lii' bit- ing the past week :added many new names to our list we would like to hear from more. Other paneri clubfeet ;11 reaeotsbly low rates.. 8. Wilson, General Selling A gen Valuator for the Western Real Eo tate Exchange Co., of London, is i town t hi. week for 11e purpose o appointing outtin I I 3 local a;euts, also lislin and selling properly in Huron• County. See .+dd for :,_,•.0t: in 11114 p:1 pe r. Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets, cor- recte,t up to Slay 25111. hos CO to 05 cents per hu<hel. 111 an $17 per ton. Shorts $20 per ton. Family Flour, $2.75 ler cwt. Peril Flour, $1.25 per cwt. Hay, $7.00 per ton. J'otatoe%, 75 cents leer bag. Wheat 90 to 95 cents tier bushel. It o i 14'y, 40c. tier anodal. Rutter, 15 tante per pound. Eggs, 11 cent. per dozen. flats 35 to 36 rente tier 'meter! Pork. live %%4'I/hl, ;16.25 per rat 1. Pork dr(1.ed x7.75 per cul. Hogs live weight, *6.75 per cwt. nous dressed, $8.25 cents ler eu 1. IOAI. tST4:11M. Dare the The PH Vol KmB.+gt'i Meatus of ART SHOES $2.00 ART SHOES $2.75 • • • • • ZtIU WSL�I�I�L�bV UKJ >!Cf st ART SHOES LL -r MAUI( PRICE ••..•..•.••••••.••..• Art Shoes $3,50 SN JIT & ROWS; We inadvertently made t he error last week iu stating that .,1r. Milton Evans acted in ( he capacity of jlOUn)5111:114 at the 111.siett• \lcFallsi marriage. A friend of the t•parrow holds that it. is a great mistake to think that sparrows are harmful to a •garden. IIe is certain That they destroy many trillions of grubs and caterpillars, 1 h young being entirely reared on these. They do not dig up peas, out pi;cons do. Wanted -Good agents, big money to the right ratan, to list and r.ell property for the Western Merl Es- tate Exchange Co., London. Apply to S. Wilson, Central hotel, Exeter, hfay 2511i and 26th in the evenings, and in the afternoon of the 27th. Steady job the year round. assion Play. -The grc:al 1'.assio11 L'l:ry- "Life of Our Saviour" illu+- tralcd by movie_ pictures, 1 he coro- nation of King i?dward, etc. Willi Cx- hibited here on Friday evening last and was fairly well at tended. The company were prevailed upon to re- turn and 'sive ::Pottier exhibition, on Monday everting. May .29th. See posters. The death occurred in 6t. Marys on May 14th of Sarah Aiken, widow of tato late Wm. Aiken, Thc decea,t- ed lady ..bad 0 stroke of paralysi.. Mrs. Aiken with ler husband and family at one '(lino ':vett in Exeter, Mr. Aiken having conducted a gro- cery business in the Eamon Block. An Irishman line, succeeded in growing tomatoes and potatoes ono the sante vine, after experimenting for five years. This is nothing. Sotue A',wrioan banks are known to have a surplus of several million dollars one day and the text day several million dollars worse off than noth- in:. Nothing surprises us these days According to the new postal law Ile wspaper publishers can hold for fraud anyone who takes a paper from the 1 , C pay- ment. n 1 nlr Files •- 1 tnenl, and the man who allows sub- sctiplion 10 be unpaid, and then or • tiers a postmaster to mark :a paper refused and Bonds 000i.(ication :o the publisher hays himself liable to ar- rest and . n l flue. ice -Any per.eon wishing t heir (Nol ts in the cemetery l:awn stowed d personally eared for during the nun(r, should call /un Mr. A. Ford, the centeter•y residence. If env e I Ytine% on t!._ co \hlvc , a t ! !a n/I1. e cI rat to 1:,a a t' r 1 nothr t hlf >'hich to bautify t he ground,, if ing free. Why 1:1100111 0te :hvc• a00 ty ft twilit the ReeveW. 0. 13issett, our space for ad1r•►tising purposesey will be tlhankfully receivedoy without moneyanal 00itlaou1 price.? e cemetery committee. Tools Are I seful - Gardeners Victoria I):ay.-':Its .:f May 0010 - :a Should never injure a 1oa11; I hey typical ,Nay ,lay and 0100• 1• Aida}• have no helper That will devour eo 1110040 l.t•rferlIs enjowe 1. Theo.:,chn1 Isi ray irtnect5. Ou4' writer %0ys- 0 0 n• 11 for I t • 1 ngram of •port, r1 tan se�I fur 1 .ur 'xceedin3ly greedy in Exeter our .•11 iz.en . .t tile 1 t hem- 'rtimal, and roust Is' a source of selves of 1.1ie privele:l/ of vi•a, `n • const ,rat terror to the multitude in- ot her• points, while nl fiery ,•raters ai,h_ h 01,11 in. the inw:et tto1111. 11 feeds cd (''isnot'+ front ; dh+tante, although colIihu.aily 0hroe;hour the nhghl, Ohe numbe/•f Pi'ilor, 00•now + n:a. and in 24 'hour -I consumes 11 quantity Isar;c at un r ,uuiy pnsviouS years. 01 insects c;gaal .lo about four lint. �1!editing (iernniu1ns (scarlet) at es its stomach capaeirv. IP one J:' cents per dozen. nodding Fol- I toad'm stomach have halon found 77 I age I'I•,nt s ar 9 i cej t s per dozen, o[ the pet( called the 1 hour:utl-leg- Verh«Pas, Astern, SlockS, Apes- worm, in another 87 tent-caterpil- awn, HaIsan04, Pet Lctwlia, 1•ers„ in :u.o110'1.+ 85 .t;ipsy-moth German Ivy, etc, ready \lay 25th. Phone your order and awe will pray for it by :adding cxIra plants, on al -.orders of ALM) sort upward.. FTlorishunet. 9, Hens ill -W. M. Har',urn, Miss Evelyn Gin yours.:e:1 daughter of our townsman ,ht r. Frank Gill. het has been taking 0 course in 'ainin; at the Toledo, (Ohio) 11osp 1, has .graduated with high honor ,hiss Gill, during the her probation passed wo years 11 of her examinations most aredit- bly, having obtained markt as (sigh s 100 per cent. We understand Jtios ;ill intends 'taking a post graduate oursc in surgery during the coaling crm. The young lady's friends here will be pleased to hear of her :me- ss. • Licensed Auctioneers - The fol- lowing is the list in Huron for 1905 Thomas Gundry. W. O. Currie, Jas. Stanley. 1'. 8. Scott, Thomas Cam Cron, Henry llossenberry, Geo. El- liot, A. A. Dulma.c, Robt. 11. Gar- ness, Geo. Beckett, W. It. Newton, J. G. McMichael, John Gal, Henry !frown, It. M. Charles, G. Barton, Jas. A. Smith, it. Torrance, C. II. \'ilson, .Tames ,tones, A. Kelly, Thos. Irown, C. F. Vandrick, I). Dickin- on, John Purvis, Mex. Morrison, E. Rossenoerry, 11. 8. Phillips, C. Ham- ilton, Joseph \Visite. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• .tones & Clark, of Winchelsea will :ave a car load of cedar Routs at .xetcr station and on Friday and 'atnrday of (h'e week and Monday of next week will ::'II at 20c each, car run, taken off cart. Mr. John Mitchell at station, 00 Jones & Clark with give further information. On ante days will have car of No. 9 prim; coil Cleveland tyke and No. 2 weaving wire which will be offer - 41 at $2.65 per hundred off car. •••••••..••••••..•••••.•• Ails Goan Sunday School Con- vention - A large cumber of dele- gates are expected in Exeter, next Monday to attend the Anglican church Sunday Scheid Convention for the County of Huron. 'fisc meetings will heheld in ale school hall of t 'Trivial Memorial church In the evening a service will be held in the church in 00hich a number of clergy �, ,y will take part. The /sermon INs pre:aohcd by 1 he Rev. hr. 'Tucker, of Toronto. The service will bc_;int at 7.30 and a cordial in- Vilatiou it extended to all to attend. Free Locals. -Just read on. We want some one to give at least one good reason why we should 0give free advertising 10 organized bodice or societies. Perhaps some ;:onerous hearted routs t kink we will appre- ciate them "just to fill up." slut wo don't Zook at 11 in that 0>1)', nor shall we take any such view of the m:at- tcr so on :IS yr t hove pay. 1 to .a a cent for a stick of chewing .aura or a dime for a plug of tobacco. We i ry to make our bread and butler out of our space, just :,s the mcrch:an: stakes his living out or the profits The Passion 1'I ,y w il ow re 1 ue t give another of heir entertainment 4 in Exeter, on '4cndav evening, Nay 29th, in the Opera House. iti a.1• •lition to the seetoo presented on May Minh "'fhe Li(t 1,1 IMF Saviour" "Coronatir•rl of King Edo r fl, new scenes and sonwill be presented. 111 who h•111 the pleasure of :111 111,1- 1400end- hie onteft ainnient were •Ielilht- ell. Don't !rase 1 his !real. Adnai - sitnt 25c. :and 15 cents. 1'Lr i.ondou Adveariser of \lay 20 say.: "At a 111e01111t of the ,qua,;: rely hoard of the First Met bosh 40 church, of 1111+ city, 011 Friday aright it was decided to invite Ur. Hannon. of Exeter, to •k'• eharze of the Richmond and ICI nsington Ml 'io.a., From 1 he extracts of Irl (licks' The •term of 101•v. N. Silt ell Ici . e0- foresails for \I,y, wo ni)serve - pircd, allalnurh it is not yet knee 01 The doming storm pi -tied for May where he will 1,e :,ppnirtted. lir, is central on 11'' 291 le .110011.1Mo Il'(100) was pastor of this church from the 37th t 31st. Thi' Moll!, - '!:1' al;irty-t ,0o year9 3;0, 'and a0- diagram allows that this period lies { - 01•' t•,'t: friendly relation- oil Fin the Mercury dist lira ince. whis md 0n .tune 3rd. 1'4' moonich i. on sothe:e r•Is . ; 11 . ,Ichor n11n caterpillars, and y'l snot 111'M 55 army worth. Th'rty lar;c tn:er- pillars have been [e,1 to a Ic,ol in less aLar'three hours. TAYLOR-STANL.11t;F•: - A very happy event woes celebrated on May 24t11, when Miss Eleanor, daughter of Mr. John Stanlake, of 1 ht' 2n0 Con Stephen, was united in marriage to Mr. William Taylor. (leiter to re - rent bereavement t he wedding was a quiet one, the happy couple driving to Hensall, where Rev. J1 r. Shaw, Methodist iein:'0 • r, performed I he ceremony. The bride w:1•• :Mended by Miss N':r i Solders. to hale Mr. Cecil Walker acie,l in 1 h • c.r ►aeity' of 41'111 man. Mr owl Mee. Taylor will take up 1h'+ir residen'0' r►n Mr. T. Rakers farm a few stile• south of her father's farm on the 2n•1 Con. Stephen. The hest yish(s of n lova of friends will follow the hap- py onuple for a prosperous and h appy journey t hrou: h life• TUB GOODS Shirt Waist Suits A nice white & black ('heck Suit, nicely trimmed with silk and Steel buttons for only $3.50. A very nice white Suit with black dashes, a swell out- fit with emhrcidery trimming only $3.25. Blue Duck with white spot,good and serviceable only $3-0 White Waists Good white Lawn Waists, 5 rows:of insertion. All good good $1. :\ better line with embroidery fronts very natty .?2, One of the best Waists ever shown in Exeter, in Pure India Linen with real Torcheon Insertion also embroidered fronts $3 and $4. White Skirts & Gowns A very fine range of these from 11.03 up to $3.00. TAPESTRY CURTAINS Don't forget to see our big display of tine Tapestry Curtains All tate new patterns and colors, fancy stripes, Roman stripes. Two tones and self color;,. Heavy fringe on both ends, $2.50, $3.00, $1.00 and $3.01). We carry the very best brands of Mixed Yaintand Varnishes, and to full assortment of brushes. Justambat you require at house•cleantng time. CARL,ING B:20S. "Couches and Rockers" A Splendid Couch . . .• $5.00 A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.50 Call and see our new Shop, one door south of Spackman's Store. W. C. HUSTON Embalmer. You'll tIdvc-SonI6thIug (uu To show for your years of work if you says part of your earnings now-ae much aa you can spare. You may need it at some future time - might as well save it anyway. It is not hard af- ter you once make a start in the right direction. J t s $1 is sufficient to start an account with this Bank to which you can add to when you like in any size's amounts, and withdraw :a11 or any part of it without any delay, and which earns interest at the highest current rates, which is added to the principal FOUR times a year, without it being necessary to go through the formality r•f presenting your pass book. You never realize the value of having a savings bank account until you have pressing need for looney. Make the resolution NOW and start on the right road to comfort and prosperity by opening an account with this Bank. We have the best facilities for transacting all kinds of Banking business. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Office, Toronto. Chief Executive Office, Montreal. 47 Branches in Canada, including the following in Huron: Exeter, Crediton. Dashwood, Zurich, Hensall and Clint* JOSEPH SNELL, \tanager of Exeter, Dashwood and 'Zurich Branches. To ilk Buyers Having bought out the Milk Business and Good Will of Mr. A. Dow. 1 solicit a eon- tinuance of vour' patronage. With Fresh Milk and Cream WM. RIVERS uituiuo MatcrIaI This is the season of the year when you will be thinking of building either a house or a barn , and we would remind you that we can supply you with Sash and Door Frames and all building idm material nal on short- est Oft - est no tlt.e. Water Tanks if you need a water tank this spring call at our office :and get prices and lea yey our order. All sizes t mode to order. Custom Sawing Customers who have timber in our yards and who want their sawing done, kindly ca'I at the mill and let us know what shape you leant it• Wood for Sale the 28th, and in ,{ ,,•unt11 29.11These combined f ,chat to ' ,iee- I The RO eras and lo+sihly severe ,li-curtrances ar es.' I ogr rticly over the count ry from west to east, during the last five day% of \1 ty. 'fru must notai,le aim storm:+ rf dale period will center• 011 IS- TaVior G0. Ltd and tom ).•ng •aha 28th and 29(11. Highly c. :Irical storm, rat I11i4 season nln,o t invariant) r•e'ult ft the paxtape of the rns.nn over 1 he CPlenticrl equator, :col .0 ottosphe1 is unrest and squalls are osperially c0101000 and sever. w lien 1 he moon's apo;,tee and passage over the eeless0410 C1111'11 (0 ore roineiik'tH. \V, C. T. 1'.-'1•h'• Exeter Hrah h of the \Vonaan':• l'ht;stun Temper- ance Union are deo reins of special thanks for 111%111 -• rare., the ser- vices of Mr. .1i 1 1 u. %V. Deal. 1. \1. A. of Peterborough. the .. , h^ repreien• (•alloy of I he 1\' ('. '1' I'. for On- larin. Mr. 11e+I .1,141r,'“ ,,1 !12 of the Public School Chihli 011 from II '•. III. till 12 tel 'flood +v laot. Ile ini- piertcd dent 1101 1, .,: .n'1 .;lets thus a''cwahle,l to kr'{. the -temple of their bnrlhta el' ,i .and pure. The children 0wetc Ilishted with the hour's nd,h(+s. In the afternoon to the s,rni: day. Mr. ileal pato en bourn en Idreos (roto 3 to 1•h' hot . of 1lie 11izh School I)e- ,srtment. Sprat taneous '000(4 (If thanks were tendered f he lecturer at both meet in;s, by the pupils of ( heir respect ive depart menta. The \V. C. T. 1'. are doing mush for the boys and girls of Exeter, and +they should receive the hurry cooperation of every right i hinkin; person to F..xeter. Mr. Reil emphasised the fact t hat •, /realer part of the %in 3n11 drsr:Nation 00)0nz boys .,td girls .n01 anarin; men and woman come largely (00n1 itnoranee,-Gin. o1`faTOIll =d. Doan tie ATM Ilial Yin Hill Alta Il;.:;,!1 thiamin of