Exeter Times, 1905-05-25, Page 7't
• Fashion
4. ...Talk
The Cause of Pimples and all Dis-
figuring Eruptions -Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills the Only Cure.
1'uur, watery blood -pale blood -is
the cause of every pale complexion
Piot hlootl--blood Plied with poisun-
-64.64.4„:„:.4.x.4.0".3441 nus impure les ---is the cause.) of every
hall cotuple\i.,n. 1 nd 1,10u,1 is re-
SUMAIEIt '1'1;13 (:UW'NS, si:oHSih a fur eruptions, and pink-
p.lcs, and tort urin; , hurling, itching
'll Mining; running in 1 e•rticxl lines
is liked for wash frocks ae we 11 us
for cohere. and the Lae of trimming
dutcu the middle front ur ou each
tide of a marrow, plain front is very
irruch in evidence.
The shirt- v List suit in west' via-
ter•jals, and eepeciilly in linen, will
continue in favor this year, and very
likely nnu'h long. r. The tvnslt ma-
terials suitable fur simple tub gowns
are unusually hatxlsulne this .piing.
'I his idea of several colorings in
the gli•illes accomp unying Lingerie
frocks has found much favor, and
erten live or six of the petite! tones
or of the popular fulled tones are
mingled in one girdle, as they are
iniugled in many of the smartest hats
of 1110 season.
I he dimities, organdies, lawns and
expensive cottons are as lovely as
ever. 'fhe fashion of providing sev-
eral colored siik clips to wear under
tl1ltn gowns is trey much in vogue
Hgaiu. 1t is a decided novelty to
women who roust have a great many
'!'here is no end to the Models for
short boleros. The bolero is a
garment which lends itself to vaiia-
tior:s without losing any of its dis-
tinctive character. Bolero suits are
not limited to cloth and silk. All
fabrics troll linen to lace are used.
'the handspun silks, including pon-
gee in al: its variations. are in high
favor as the season advances, and j trc,nlde." theurn ser around
the smoother surface pongees are re- i on pt
gaining the preetize they lost last
each box. Sold by medicine dealers
e evcryWher•e or sent post paid at 50
year, when the rougher weaves at -scents a box or six boxes for $2,50,tailed great popularity. All the l by writiig the Dr. Williams' Medi -
new colorings may be found in thesee 6
dull surface, soft silks and their cin'' Co., Brockville, Ont,
wearing qualities are excellent.
Among gowns centred this spring
the simple ones meant to take the
place of the erstwhile popular shirt-
waist Solt are legion. '!'here are'
three types of these gowns; the
guimpe dress, which comes near be-
ing a new model of a shirt -waist
suit; the bretelle suspender suit, and
the short bolero suit.
A novelty which promises to be-
come almost too popular are the
coat sells of hand -made and embroi-
dered collar and culls to be worn ou
cloth or silk I':tobs, boleros and
other coats. They are made in the
fittest materials as yet. and are very
expensive, but they will sooner or t "brnun
Welker, umankind--the ecus
another, who took the child to tho know no race or color," says Lr.
later be co( ied in cheaper materials Wa
Glasgow. Infirmary, assumed that � g
and will bee ) common. the tire) roust necessarily he mime- herno. 1111 this shall the 1)111111, ,aid
With plain white !inert gowns or fated. But the surgeons determined on this shall we stand."
with linen shirt waists and white
skirls, the eni:,roldered linen crush
belts, will be preferred to all others.
'I he belts are taste tied with flat
buckles, largo and small, of brass,
pearl or silver. 'the belt is such an
lnvuriablc part of the wardrobe, year
in and year out, that a little extre-
vagencc in the :latter of buckles,
which may serve far years on Sue-
cessive belts, is to he allowed. tt is
alma,+t an economy to own one or
two handsome buckles. An old sl-
yer buckle set with rough Stories,
atix'thysl. topaz., beryl, Lapis or the
lovely peridot, will give the simplest
gown distinction. The stones treed
not he flawless, alit ordinarily aro
better if uncut. The craftsmen have
made some exquisite buckles of cop-
per, silver and gold.
Frocks in delicate color mull, lawn
ur pmtiste, embroidered in openwork
desire with white are shown in robe
patterns --plain meter -Oil, all-over
llouncinge, and insertions --and when
artist ically Inacle are i art leular•ly
dainty, though for the woman of new
k white frocks all bite is far preferable.
'rhe last word of modishness is t he
frock of this elites, with hat, parasol
and coat to nmich, but such n cos-
tume en suite is necessarily expen-
For the Civilising - of the Natives
of Africa Has Been
It has been loft to a Canadian to
formulate what seems on the sur-
face to Le a most practicul scheme
eczema. '1 hese troubles can wily ie for the civilizing of the Dark Cell -
cored through the blood, and (he tlnent. lir. A. B. Walker, the 'm-
olly ii;ilnine that actually slakes divlduul in question, is a resident of
new hl.,od-rl h. pure health -grin' tit. •tuba, N. 11., acid he has been the
I:r. H'i!liaw9' I'in'c !'ills nuntis rf founding an orgluiizattee
for Pale People. The new blond called the African C'itali:ation Move-
nlrich these pills make reaches every melt, of which he Is the first pro -
organ aural Part of the (rude. It clears sident.
the complexion, banishes pimples Dr. Walker is himself a full-blooded
and eruptions, and brings health, negro. and has taken this matter up
strength and hall ine s. Miss 1.1'>1O throagh his passion for the members
Lebriugcr, Curlsruhe, ant., says: of his race in Africa. Ile 18 a man
"Pr. Williams: !'ink l'ills is the best of exceptional ability and wide cu1-
nedicinu I know of for c) aning the ture, and thus contradicts in his own
blood of Impurities. My blood was person all statements ndverse to the
in a Ind condition, and as a result possibility of the negro becoming
1 was not only weak and run down, civilized. Ile is the first man of
but was trotfbled with pimples negro blood to be admitted to the
and eruptions. 1 tried several inedi- bar in Canada, and the third within
cines, but they did not help me. the bounce; of the British Empire.
'1ben 1 Was advised to take 1)r. Wil-
liams' Pink fills, and these soon
relieved me of all rely troubles. I can In a pamphlet he has just i uhlish-
r•econlnu-ntf the pills to anyone suf- ed his scheme is set forth as aiming
feting from had blood." at the opening up of a way "lo the
!lad blood is the cause of nearly founding in some pert of British
every disease that afflicts humanity. Africa, not already largely occur ieeel
It is because Pr. Williams' !'ink by white people, a colony of an in -
Pills make new, rich red blood that telligent, c•cucuted. industrious class
they cure such troubles as aletemia, of I•:ngllsh-spen'•.ing megioes, drawn
heart palpitation, h.mda rbcs and from English-speaking countries."
backaches, rheuurultisin, neuralgia, As an argument in support of his
indigestion, kidney and liver trots. scheme, he states that the negroes
bles, and ailments of girlhood and in Africa are seaoing invitations to
womanhood. But you must get tho the negroes in America to go (hero
genuine pills with the full name, and found a great negro nation.
"I)r. Williams' !'ink Pills for Tale The territory to he taken up is
not yet decided upon. Suitable
rungetnents, however, are expecte(
be made with the imperial (govt
Hunt for a grata in a suitable
• More, the colony established wo
be British in the fullest sense of
word. liriti'h lanes and customs
would prevail and 1 he system of edu-
cation would be English; while the
ideals of the people, not well as the
At the annual gathering of the ordering of society, would Le base.!
Glasgow University Club at Sunder- on what obtains in Britain. 'there
land recently Sir William Macewen• would bo established an up-to-c'atu
who was concerned in an extraoriiiii- industrial college. for the teaching
ary operation upon a child over 20 of tr'ndeu, and instruction in coin -
yearn ago, Introduced the patient, tnerciul, agricultural and mining
HOWa full-grown man, to the meth- pursuits. '!'here would also he n
Child Without Bone in Right
Arm Has One Inserted.
cal men present, and explained the
nature of the remarkable case.
The child was born without n hone
in the right arm, the boneless limb
hanging hclplees by its side. The
university and co►rmon schools after
the British pattern.
The white man would not be bar-
red from the colony. "We shall
The soft finish characteristic of
all Inc new 'Bess silks is evident in
petticoats as well, some of the love-
liest petticoats being made of China
silk, to make theta especially soft.
The upper parts of all of the pet-
ticoats fit smoothly. ant the :ower
halve as much fullness; as possible
crowded into then) to Bold out the
extra fullness in the new dress skirts.
Tucks and uecurdion pleating and
gathering aro used in every way that
will and to the fluff; great points aro
cut in full flounces to allow for
plentitign to be set in between that
will make the original full flounce
twice ns full.
And trimmings are lavish. On tliu
darker skirts every bit is self -trim -
minµ, just p offings and qulllines and
tiny orrt i 1 .111 al ruffles of the same
silk. that on the white taffeta and
china silk, and, of course, on the
fancies( of the lin^est.) petticoats,
lace insertion and frills run riot.
Most of the Insertion used Is fairly
narrow, but the edging Is wide aril
usually of the softest sort of lace,
put en as full as possible.
Seine of the loveliest of the lin-
1eerie tell iconts flays n't Or Least
scrap of lace about there. and are
made Instead with n flounce of sey-
eriel d et) routes, trimmed with the
simple it v of the Idea) baby (1r(5s-
with tiny hand -made senllupn and
NMI 10110 dots. For the simple
well- they're really in letter Geste
te ell the bunchine together of great
piles of lace.
1:NG1.iStt POUT;l'ItY FARM,
(b weal Rooth is very fond of his
trotted. ing farm at Hadleigh, and
well idly he be. for it is the biggest
poultry farm In England. seril house
over 2,000 birds. Last year 18,310
• eggs end 1,1:45 birds were sold and
2.21+6 chickens reared. Out of 101
birds exhiisited ninety-three took
prices. and Close on $ l,Otl0 was re-
potted In sales.
to make an attempt to save the
Small sections of the bone taken
from the tibia, or lower potato') of
tho legs, of other patients, who were
under treatment for the cure of bow-
leggedness, were transferred to the
boneless arm, there to continue
their growth and to become amal-
gamated -in fact, eventually supply-
ing the place of the missing Freunerue.
Sir William Macewen kept in touch
with the boy, who, at the ago of
1.1, left Glasgow for Sunderland,
where ho had worked since. * The
voting Gunn (says the Yorkshire
Post). bared his arm to the guises
present, and gave the conuriny vuluc of hes ramose. char of a111 en -
abundant proof of the sustained ser- cumlo•auces, is about $400,000.000;
vic•eahleness of the limb. despite of city anti country residences and
several accidents, including a cont- stores, about $'325,000,000; of
pound fracture. fracture. which had .IleAdlen somal property, nhont $R00,000,0(N);
it. of church property. about $37.000,-
000; of s •pool property, about $12,-
000,000; and of libraries and equip-
ments. about $1,000,000; making a
total of $1,075,000,01'0,
"He has also horse reliable banks.
A telmoreover, he e Ii s RO 000 teach-
tn (it
.h -
Mrs, ''250 lawyers. 500 physicinns, 60
drugglets, 75 dentists, 300 authors,
six svelte ors, twelve artists. ten
musical composer:S, eight pots,
thousands of clergymen. four mngn-
elncs, 400 newsp epezrs, librnr•tes con-
taining about. 850,000 volumes, be -
sine, pamphlets. manuscripts, and
utihounil plihlirnllone: 150 high
schools, 17 colleges and universities;
and in the last fortytwo years has
collected and expelled over 510,-
000,0110 fur special and technical
AS A 111107'i1ER.
"Ainhi, in fraternal societies, he
le a Fri en1ns••n, a Knight of l'ytht-
ns. an Waif, flow, a 1•'orester, and a
flood 'tempter. And he has hospi-
tals, VISA iiiir:9 find hntne , In which
to Cairo for his sick nml aged and
unfoitenate. Aad he ling sat in the
lisle Legislature, been elected to
the !louse of Representatives and
the Se nate, acted 115 Marshal of the
i►istrict of Columbia, ht•. 8 appointed
as Minister to foreign (onntries, been
Iteglctrat. of the Teen el) re, been
Itegistrnr n( the Disk let of Colima
bin , and tilled other important posi-
ts. nv under Ili • Government of the
nition. And he neat s n good ser-
eanl. n good !iii ter, a good laborer.
a good nlecli.uii •, a goo.l farmer, a
good cillion, and a good neighbor."
bf01/Tii O1t(:AN FM."1'01111•:54,
The principal facto! les of the
mouth orgnn. or mouth harmoninc,
ne it is perhaps more correctly
termed. nre nt '1'roseingen, in the
Black forest, d;ermnny. '!'hese In•
strunrenls, it appears. nre sold in
greater quantities in the United
States than In any other country.
At 'erose+ingen one firm alone has
fifteen brunch factories, employs 2.-
000 hands, and turns out 6.000,000
mouth harnumiaes every year,
Pr. Walker hopes to accomplish
the civilizing of the native races of
Africa by means of kindness.
Respecting the capabilities of the
negro for adarting himself to mod-
ern conditions, Ur. Walker gives
some most interesting facts and
Mr. S. A. Cassidy, of Ottawa, Per-
manently Cured After Years of
Suffering by the Great Canadian
Kidney Remedy.
Ottawa, Gat., May 22. -(Special),
-While all Canada knows that
I)odd's Kidney Pills are the stand-
ard remedy for all Kidney Com-
plaints, it may surprise 90100 !peo-
ple to know they cure such extreme
cases as Stone in tho Kidneys. Tet
that is what they have done right
here in Ottawa.
Mr. S. A. Sassidy, the lean cured,
is the well-known proprietor of the
Bijou hotel un Metcalf street, and
in an interview he says: ".My friends
all know that 1 have been n martyr
to Stone in the Kidneys fur years.
They know that besides consulting
the best doctors in the city and try-
ing every medicine i (•ou1(1 think of.
1 was unable to get better.
"Sutra time ago a fei.nel told me
P04141•5 kidney 1'ills would cure etc.
As a last resort I tried them, awl
they have cured me.
"1 could nal imagine More severe
suffering thuii one endures; who has
Stone in the Kidneys, and I feel the
greatest gratitude. to Rudd's Kidney
If the disease is of tsfe Kidneys or
frim the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney
Pills will euro it.
of these in the front rank have to
be content with much smaller in-
comes. The practice of the law is
not n'ai ly sc) remunerative as that
of medicine., or, rather, of surgery.
Leading operators make their $1(10,-
000 or $150,000 a year.
To California and Lewis and
Clarke Exposition, Port-
land, Oregon.
A persuually conducted excursion
to the Pacific coast via Ole Grand
Trunk !tail Way System curd connect-
ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and
Atomise' and Toronto .July 6. 'rho
route will be via Chicago, thence
through Council Bluffs to Omaha,
Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops
will be made at each of these places
and side) trips taken 10 Manitou,
Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods,
etc. From (lore the Party will cone
t' through the fammie. scenic
- "Examining the ue!rr•o's record in route of the Denver and Ilio Grande.
the United States," he says. "ranee through the Roeal Gorge to Sall
his erufull' I mina, in 1868, it Is Lake City, thence to Los Angeles,
truly i le mine -nal, truly marvellous. sail Francisco, Mt. Shasta, !'ort-
Listen! ills accumulations of real laud. Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, 011(1
and per•suunl property exca'd a thou- home through St. Trot ate' Minewa-
sand million (10Ilara. '1)40 estimated polis. 'rho trip will occupy about
thirty day's, ten days being spent on
the Pacific const.
The price for the round trip, ' e
chiding railroad fare, Pullman tour-
ist sieepin; cars, all meals in tho
diyjng cur, hotels, side trips, etc., is
5165.50 from Quebec, or $160.50
from Montreal and $150,00 from
Toronto. This first trip is designed
as a vacation trip for teachers, al-
though many oho
are not teachers
will improve the Import, 't.
y of tak-
ing the trip at the remarkably low
price afforded.
Fur full particulars address 1•:, C.
Bowler. General Agent and Conduc-
tor, Bourn 308, Union Station, 'I'o-
At Stivichaa, near Coventry, Eng-
land, may he seen a church that,
ti ev
muter English (h robe nt all
aiming b •
everts x)ssn•s, 's the. unique dis•tin
e ► 1 'a I
tion of having been built by the
unaided efforts of one man alone.
The name of this peratstcnt and as-
eidu0us workman was John Green.
a. 5lonenlnson, of Coe. retry, who laid
the first stone in 1Pl(i and complet-
ed his self-imposed twee seven years
The members of a place of worship
nt Overton, rrenr Wrexham, Eng-
land. have hit up on a novel idea for
raising re sum of money to carry out
ce►tain structural improvements. It
was decide d to have nn egg service,
nml the cuIgregation writs smiled to
bring a e many 04 )i5811510, Iver 1,-
000, Xi hick were placed in and
atoned the pulpit, were brought,
and readily 501(1, realizing a sub-
stantial sum.
tens mut a believer in advertised
medicine," says Mrs. Chau. \'nn-
'I'nssell, Digby, N.`., "until 1 beg., ti
using I'aby's OW I) 'Pohl, t8. 1%h' n my
Inst baby tens horn we never hoped
to raise her. She Was weakly, did
not hnve any flesh on her bon, s, eel
n bluish color. The (het or who at -
fended her lold me she would not
live. After reailing, what other
metheis said about Baby's Own
Tablets I decided to try them, and I
must new honestly my 3 never hall
Stull n Anlunble medicine in toy
home. it leis di •eyed my poor,
teckle, fle'l:less baby into a lovely
(hit•!. now as fat us a 10111',' hall.
Words fail to express my thanks for
what the Tablets have done for nil
child, and 1 cnn only urge thnt
other mothers do as 1 (10 now, keep
the Tablets in the hoes° always."
itnlsy's own Tablets positively cure
all the minor ills of babyhood and
childhood, lel the mother has a
guernnlar that they contain no opi-
ate or harmful (hug. Sold by all
druggists or sent by mail at. 25
cents n box by writing the iir. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., lirock(ille,
The average man's, itt n of n busi-
ness trantencI1(10 is till(• in 1(11 h he
gets the best Of the bargain.
TIIE 1t1•:S'1' '1'111NO 'i'() 11(1.
"Ooodne's! I'm hungry." said the
husband. "i 1(1511 1 knew Wnetht•r
we are going to have nnything good
for dinner."
"Wait," replied his wife. "1'l', bee
what Bridget is going to cook."
"Supposo you find out, rather,
what she isn't going to burn,"
A sneezing gout( et it ion between
lint( -n -dozen old wonien took place
recently in a certain lemetteliiio
town. The competitors wt re at lib-
erty. to use any means of bringing
about n sneeze, n tin of the hest
snuff being actually provide (1 for lite
purpose. i':verybody present nt the
unique emitted went into convulsions
nt the entwine feats of the contest-
ants, one et the old dames keeping
up the performance until she fell
duan cvhnustee(l. She was; awarded
the prize. consisting of a sovereign
and n silk handkerchief.
I►05'T START;.
Sick people 410111 like to he stared
at-th'y are morbidly sensitive; and
don't eland nt the back of the bell
to make hire turn his eyes round to
see you. Always sit nt the bedside,
for the molted feels. more nt rest
than if .on stand up tall before him.
Don't whisper, nod Won't follow the
doctor c:r n caller into the next
r( : the Invalid will be absolutely
certuin that you are dis•ussing h .
"Pure soap!" You've heard
the words. In Sunlight
Soap you have the fact,
Ask ter the Octagon Dar.
The Grand 'Trunk Railway System
aro distributing a very handsome
booklet descriptive of the !loyal Mus-
koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake
Rosleau, in the Muskoka Lal es,
"Iii;,l.l;osis of Ontario." '111e publi-
cation is ono giving a full description
of the attractions that may be found
at this popular 'wort. handsomely il-
lustrated nits colored prints of lake
and island scenery, the hotel itself,
and many of the special features that
,nay be foetid there. It is printed on
fine enameled paper, )sound in a cover
giving tho appearance of Morocco
leather, with a picture of tho hotel
end surroundings on the rutue, and
tho crest of the hotel embossed in
high relief. A glance through thls
booklet Makes one long for the plea-
sure of Sunin>cr and outdoor life,
and copies; may be secured gratuit-
casly by applying to any Grand
Trunk ticket office.
Softleigh-"When I-nw-awsked her
foh her heed iu mawriage her bwutal
father thweateneed to-aw-bwain me.
doncherknow." Miss Cutting, -
'"that's just like her father. Ile el-
ways was fond of a joke."
They (Semite the System Thoroughly.
-I'nrmelee's Vegetable rills clear the
stomach and bowels of :,itious matter,
cause the excretory vessels to throw
oIT impurities from the blood into the
bowels and expel the deleterious mass
from the body. '!'hey do this without
pain or inconvenience to the patient,
n hu speedily realizes their good offices
as 80011 as they begin to take eruct.
They have strong recommendalions
from all kinds u: people.
hfist•css.-"Jane, who was the pian
I saw in your company last even-
ing?" Jane) --"Oh, that was the son
of my intended mother-in-law,
binard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c
As soon as you cease to grow up
you begin to go down.
some persons have periodical attacks
of Canadian cholera, dysentry or diar-
rhoea, and have to use great precau-
tions to • avoid the disease. Change of
water, cooking, and green fruit. is sure
to bring on the attacks. 1'u such per-
sons we would recommend 1)r. .T. i).
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as being
the best medicine in the market for all
summer completion. 1f a few drops are
token In water when the symptoms are
noticed no further trouble will he ex-
Flaskins-"Icy the way, who was the
hest -man nt your wedding?" Willow -
by -"The parson, 1 think. You see,
it was rill profit for him, and no
risk whatever!"
Mrs. Winklpw's Soothing syrup has
been used Ly Millions M mothers tor
their children while teething. It soothes
tiro child, nutter a the guns, alloys pain.
tures windcolic, regulates the stomach
end bowels, nasi Is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. 'Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Sold by druggists throughout the
world. 110 sur.. and ask fur "rs.
Winslow'• Soothing syrup." 22-u4
Mrs. .Jones-"Iluw (10 you manage
to persuade your husband to buy
you such expensive halls?" Mee.
Robinson -"I take !lint shopping
with me, walk hint about till he can
hardly sinned, and then take him in-
to a hat -shop. He'll buy anything
to get home."
Whore Doctors dow agree 1-Pisician
no longer consider it catering to
"quackery" in recommending In prac-
tice so meritorious a remedy for Indi-
gestion, Dyspepsia and Nervousness us
Soul Auieriran Nervine. They rcnllrn
that it is a step in advance in medical
science and a sure end permanent cure
for discuses tit the nt0nutcl1. It • will
euro you. -Gd
3fe tidier -"I say, isn't it . cxtrnor=
cheery how h the Gritnleys know
about the 'I't•iinleys' affairs?" 1'ed-
dler-"Extraordinary? Why, Griut-
ley bought '1`I•inlley's parrot."
'l'I.ere Is Only One 1•:('I.EC'I'ttlC OiL.
-W'hcu nn article. be it medicine or
nnytiting else. becomes popular. nnritn-
tions invariably spring up to derive ad-
vantages from the original, which they
therl.selvex could never win on their
owe merit•. l51ut,(1.15 of Dr. Thome.'
1•:electric 011 base been numerous. Int
never succc•sfnl. 'Those who know the
genuine are . not pet off with a substi-
tute, but de nil the reel thing.
"Fire, you know," said Kwotcr,
"is a very good servant but a
mighty bad master." "Filth!"
mewled the nrginnen1ative mac. „tio
is water, for that natter." •
"And," chimed in the quiet man,
"so is firewater,"
Kidney tsp•rlmont-There's no time
for 4's1.crimsv.ting schen you've discov-
ered that you nre a victim of some
one forst or another of kidney disease.
1.ay hold of the treatment that thou-
sands have pinned their faith to and
has cured quickly and permanently,
South American Kidney ('ore stands
pre-eminent In the world of medicine
us the kidney sulercr'n truest friend. -62
"i know f 111101 look a perfect
fright." remarked Nine; fisher•, look-
ing for a compliment. "1 simply
can't (to anything with nsy hair,"
•',the. don't you take it Lack, then
end get It exchanged?" suggested
Mr. Kndley.
binard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Servant Maid (in breathless excite-
ment)-"i'rofessor. there'll n burglar
in the dining -room,!" Professor
(deeply nhcnrbetl, without leaking
up)-"'I'el1 hint Fin engaged.•'
Lever's 1'-% (Wise Ileal) Disinfect-
ant Soap I'owder dusted In the
hath, softens the water and dlain-
fec to.
Fragrant as Fresh Violets
TEA conies to the home Fresh and Pure as when it left the
Plantation to be manufactured with
in pound and hall pound lead packets.
ONLY ONE $X7BT 61`!]x--1lf.Uli RIBBON'S IT.
The Bicycle is King
Every person realizes now that
there is no other vehicle 50 c•011-
vc11ient in the country, town or
city as the wheel. The wheels we
sell are the best in the world.
is the new feat nre. It has Imo tight bicycling again Into
r.nl,tr favor -Makes Rough Roads Smooth.
The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar
a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our
new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper,
Wo desire to gel in touch With every owner of a bicycle in Canada as
we Wish to place before them all, the advantage of the improvements now
to be found on the bicycles we handle. For this reason we want as many
persons as possible to send in from their locality a good list of bona tide
owners of bicycles who should be interested in the purchase of a new
bicycle with tho modern improvements. The lists will be received in regu-
lar order amt to the writer of each twenty-fifth letter In the order receie.ed.
we will send free of charge one pair of our improved Hockey "Cyclo•'
Skate,., manufactured by us, sold regularly at 52.15( per pair. The lists
must be clearly written out with address and 518180 of he of present
bicycle turd should be addressed as follows: Department. It Cantina Cycle &
Motor Co. Ltd., 'Toronto Junction, Canada. Lists must be received not
later than May 24th.
Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited,
" Makers of the World's Best Bicycles,"
Canadian Headquarters
for Automobiles.
"I( we economize," said the hus-
band, "we will soon have a house of
our owe instead of having to live
in rented property." "But l'ul not
sure 1 should like that," answered
the wife. "I couldn't drive nails
anywhere 1 please in the walls or
woodwork of our own house, you
Removes all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes Iron) horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splint', ringbeno,
sweeney, shill's, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save eel)
by use of ow boldo. Warranted ttu
new. wouderiel Blemish Cure ever
.1 unior Part nor -The bookkeeper
has teen married nearly six months
Senior Partner -Well?
Junior Partner -Well, he hasn't
naked for a raise in salary.
Senior I'artnee-heavens! we'll
have to have his accounts exantittett
Where cern I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? I was entirety cured of
my corns by this remedy and 1 wish
some more of it for my friends. So
writes Mr. J. W. Drown, Chicago.
Tess -Do you like the cut of my
new skirt?
Jess -Very much.
'fess -1)o you really?
Jess -Yes, ineice 1, 1 had three just
like it when they were in style.
MIMICS 1IOhTI3I Cilfli Gaf],I In C013
11rI':5'S SMII.i:S.
Some Ilan cannot slnfle at home,
but it is different in a barroom.
Like Tearing the Heat strings.
-"It is not within the conception et
man to measure my great sufferings
from lrcnrt disease. For yearn i en-
dured almost constant cutting and tear-
ing pains at t. my heart. and many a
time would have welconed depth. Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Ilenrt has work-
ed n. veritable miracle." -Thos. flicks,
Perth, Ont. -59
She -"lie's always got a smile on
his face."
"\Fell, where would you expecb
him to have It?"
They Advertise Themselves. -Immedi-
ately there we►o Offered to the pone
I'armclec s Vegetable Pills became po-
pular berauso of tho good report
made for themselves. That reputation
has grown, and they now rank nutong
tho first medicines for use In attacks of
dyepepsin inn bilinusness, complaints
of the liver and kidneys. rheumatism,
fever and tome and rho innumerable
complications to which these ailments
guvo r180.
"i don't suppose it would be of
any use to ask you to stay to tea,"
she said.
"No," he replied, "not in that
stale and tette of voice."
T s tired a burse ..f the 1linnge with
1111 NA I(1►'S 1.i X i \I I :' 'I'.
CHRIS'r()l'l1l:It SAL'NUI'1tS.
I cured a horse, badly torn by a
pitch fork, with MINAIt1)'S I.INI-
)f l:N'1',
Eit. Peters, C. li, 1'1)W. 1.1NI.1F1'.
1 cured a hone of a had swelling
with MiNA1ll)'S LINIMENT.
Bathurst, N. I3. 7 hos. W. I'A Y N i:.
A roan who has a family of Severn:
nolo riagc'nl.le daughters has placed,
in each of their roams the motto,
"Learn to say 'yes,' "
' and Stock Farms, good markets,
rich 1nu& fine climate; mild winters
and beautiful country. Catalogue free.
Dover, Del.
1 year old 6c; 2 year, 8c; 8 year
10c each, 13. LAYCOCK,
Meaford, Ont.
Boiler for Sale
150 h.1)„ in good condition.
Very cheap.
73 W. Adelaide St.,
Cksesuter b. saead0b1xp5osatiate
ndekite o0f1eehhhr oed
11011111111 11.
Stump Ad Tree Pullers
Selranrhoring and Stump-
en.•Lor.a. Something new.
1'011 an ordinary stump in
4 area .t 8 NC
tine. Different
tires to suit
all kinds of
For 111„atrated
(ate leg &titres,
Milne St Monmouth 111
1f you get angry with it elan or
woman make up your need what
you are going to say, and then don't
say it.
Bed ridden 1t1 Y•are.-"if anybody
wants a written gunrnideo fr me
personally as to my wonderful euro
from rheumatism by South Americus
liheurnitlic Cure 1 will be the gladdest
woman in the world to give it," says
Mrs. John Beaumont, of Elora. "1 bud
despaired of recovery up to the time
of taking this wonderful remedy. It
cured completely." --58
JIiy own sins nre failings; the tither
man's aro crimes.
binard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Mrs. Sweet -"Die you find it eco-
nomical to do your own cooking?"
llirs. Burnetil-"Oh, yes, my hesitand
doesn't eat halt as latch as he did
when we had it cook."
Parente buy Mother Graves' worm
Extern.inator becatoe they know It is a
safe medicine for their Chihli and an
effectual expeller of worms.
When you see a boy with long
curls it's it safe bet that his father
Isn't the whole thing around the