HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-25, Page 4When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and Irritable. Your cheeks are Sarsaparilla, 1 ER N VO � DEBILITY c vRiE i D Excesses and indiscretions ars the cause of more sorrow and suffering than all other diseases combined. We see the victims of vicious habits on *vary hand; the sallow, pimpled face, dark circled eyes, stooping form, stunted development, bashful, melancholic countenance and timid bearing proclaim to all the world his folly and tend to blight his existence. Our treatment positively cures all weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of former indiscretions and excesses. It stops all losses and drains and quickly restores the patient to what nature intended -a healthy and happy man with physical, mental and nerve pow. ere complete. for over 2.5 years Drs. E. & E. have treated with the greatest success all diseases of men and women. If you have any secret disease that Is s worry and a menace to your health consult old established physio Ians who do not have to experiment on yon. We guarantee to care Nervetu Debility. Bleed Dlaaaua, Stricter,, Varicocele, KIde.y and Bladder Dissasea. Gswltatien Pro.. If unable to call, write for a Qnstton Blank for Home Treatmeat,' LDas. KENNEDY � �cAN 'J HE EXETER TIMES, MAY 25th 1905. SOAPS The Surrounding News Toliot flrtIGIcs A nice lints of ToiJ,•t Soap aL C' Pure Castile Soap 'by the Bar or Cake Allli all t1i Toilet Articles F'o1' .ialt- at Brownin Drug Store Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. IIENSALL -.lir. P. le all -Ari l:us (.t 1114• 11•n -clock 11 envy of the Soverei;n Dank has ileo' promoted to she [tosi- lion .of teller of the '!'Bedford agency The many friends .i ( JIr McArthur here will be pleased to (earn of hi:. deserved advancement. -On Wednesday evening, A1ay 3rd 1 hippy event Look place lit Toron- to on which occasion Mr. C. South- well, was married to Jliss Claire Thompson, second d:tu rhter of Mr. Alex. Thompson, of this village. The ceremony was performed by Itev. Dr. Gilroy. The bride tt•38 very hand- somely •attired and looked charming and Ave unite with the many friends; Ele( the young couple in wishing them long and continued happiness. The Exeter Times CALEND 1 1 tr• eit SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY' .. . THURSDAY.... ... III'RIDAY SATURDAY..... r.l YA efe 1, 0 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 2() 2 9 10 23 30 10 17 21 31 4 11 18 25 6 12 19 28 6 13 20 27 THURSDAY, IIA) ._ t.,:, 19(' : BCI; -ELECTION, JT'NE 13th. Ifon. ('1ts. layman, the newly ap- r,•inled Minister of Public Works, succeed the late lion. Mr. Suther- and, o[ Woodstock, was sworn into Uice by Earl Grey, on Monday of s w-cek. The writs for the ;, I c t ( a n in North Oxford and nl L J;on- g�ne have been !soled, and .nomine- rens trill take Lilac^ on the 6th of nc. Election on the 13th. It ii ders1ood he will he opposed by Grey his former opponent at c last general election. AN UNFAIR I1IV(BION The announcement that the Do - anion Government had complete] schedule of constituencies for e Province of Alocrla, and had de- ded upon thirteen !.tats north of ed Deer end twelve Feats to •the cath, is a bitter disappointment to e 1'ogrle of the south. The division unfair and cannot be defended. cat the division unjust .•ts it is, t r. { serious a matter as Mae me - lied adopted tiny the Government to rriwe at the divieta•n. If t he ques- ion of dividing the Province ball en left to an independent non- litical foody, or even to a Parlia- nlary Committee composed of moere of Parliament, who were rsonilly uninterested in the clivi - n made' the peopleof p o[ the south ould not have been aroused by the ci:-ion even if we had only rccciv- d eleven member- .south of he Red to line. We would have been dis- ppo ntcd, Out would have telt that hou_h or ten we had been beaten :tidy, and that thouzil at a diiad• amaze• that we did not have a ricvance. The pre.,ont division is title short of iniquitous. - C'al;ary Albertan (Liberal). NOTE AND COMMENT i' iii 1'at tertial, t 1: former show ire, who was ac: u.c ! of the mur- •d:r of Caesar Y.;,in . a book mak- e r, and ns to WI: •ttilt or in- tto:x.nee, two Nen \ ork juries could Int .1 rrcc, has beedi •1:9011;Died from CUs1 uiy. iAft( r 1,11 it must be remembered t hat 1 he country roods were milt for farmers and mainly paid for by ,formers, and that their rights ere entitled to every c:.nsidera1ion. TLc asi's- work of ;a farming community 51 hi0 h must be dome plainly by Mt. �spr�r, is the first thins Io :,e con- f ;d( , • 1. The speed of :In autum0:)ilc dr -e- set confer alai -limed rights on 1I . owner, .)u1 dose place upon him tr pi suliar responsi:,ility. We have 114 (1:.11:)1 811.1 this re'ponsibility is srcoznized try 1W.! majority. and 1 hat 1Les ore %%illins 1>, do all in their setter to retrain tboye whom one enemuer of the Legislature describe] es "the smart altos." With this nual•al suasion, and t•,ith reasonable regulnlians, a fair ,n.1 eorka.,lc• system will Je vest .1 in time. Aver's pale and your blood is thin. Tour doctor says you arc threatened with a nervous breakdown. Ile orders this grand old family medicine. ' For mw. thin 10 rears I tis.. n.M Ayer'. r.rearI.awritla In ley family. If I. s (:r►n4 (07,, at all times,and a wo:.d-r1 'rneAl-ane for "„ par. bleod.- 1) C. 1t.t.r• W .t nares. ('owe M a tattle. t r /MIR CA 1 den H.. for '"_e:'• m‘, Weak Nerves sop the regular with A)0^ -'e ice. hollt one wit! molt 'fl/tht. Good Colts. -Mr. Charles McAllis• ter, of the Parr Line, recently sola a fine four year old gelding to Mr. T. J. Berry, of llensall. We have not heard the price, but no doubt it was a good one, as this colt won trip :tri Chia.o. Ile trill be Isom; second prize ns a three year oil several days. draught colt, in a class of six, at -Mrs. :taco!) Kcllernlann Left to the Exeter fair last fall. He was spend Victoria Day with her thus also winner of first prize at Zurich .ahtcr and friends in London. inthe dr1 u ht class last fall . --Percy P1ult has been confin- ed to bed for several days. - Mr. Joe. Snell is having his house painted. -air. Arthur Weber, who has been ill tor a few weeks is on the HW(1(1. - -lar. O. Ehenes and l!r. Towel, of the Sovereign Bank, spent Sunday at 'their respective homes. -Last Wednesday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rader, was the scene of n quiet but happy event when their daughter, Miss Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. John Decher, Jr., a rising young farmer of !lay- township. Rev .R. Eifert performed the ceremony in the pre- sence f o thet c 'a In d e m tt relatives, Mr. .and Mrs. Decher will reside a the Babylon line, Ilay, on the faun just south of the (;room's father. Their 'tinny friends Irish them the best of luck and a happy and pros- perous life. -f- 1l1tKTON -Aar. C'iinpne11, of \Vawanosh, is visiting. with his dauzhtcr, Mrs. W. R. Carr. -The I. O. F. intend holding a garden party on Mr. Arthur Doyle's lawn, the first week in June. -Mr. C. Duffield is flavins a new cement sidewalk put all around his dwelling. -The cement- foundation for 1 he new personage is completed and the masons are starting on the brick work this week. The Itlanshard and Bitldulph S. S. Association will hold their annual convention in tate Methodist church, iCirkton, on May 23th. Service at 10.30 non, 2 p.m.. and 7.30 p. in. This Association. under the Presi- dency of Mr. F. i1. Holtby, of Lucan. is in ;I very flourishing condition, and •a convention equal to any county convention may be expected. -Wm. Brown, j r., met with a serious accident on Slay 17t•h, at Stratford. While handling a load- ed .run it went off and shattered his hand. He is likely to lose the use of i1. Ile 41144 examining t•i►e ;un, but didn't know it Inas loaded. r - DASH WOOD GATES \NEN Y01 ARE BCYINU +( trawl( pays to get the beat Examine the superior wiring of the new Page Gate. &good l oek 1lwar» on hand. E. 1', I'AUI IN, Hardware, 1'aint,.Oi1, and Th(sotith- ing. - Mrs. Snider returned home :into vi -itis_ friend; in Ohio. -Mr. Phillip heaver i.4 re'mojellin; the Itou:•e lie purchases recently. from Mrs. M. Birks, when complete:1 will be :, very comfortable house. - AI r. It. Hamilton. our popular N1sli and d:wr man, is 'mein; a new surface plainer set up in his factory. Mr. 1i. is hound to be ftp -to -date. -Mr. •Jacob Kellerman was in London on Wednesday of last week. .Ti.• i' Andrew I irk continues Very low, slight hopes of his recovery. -Mr. .dna Mrs. Sol. (lardy, of Exeter, visite;) friends in the village Friday tato. Mrs. Joe. \Wa rnbc►1•I returned home Friday after a week's visit at Berlin. -Mr. Jos .Snell IS on ei business Celebration. -The committee in charge of the program of sports and games for Victoria Day have every reason to feel amply repaid. The (ley was perfect. the weather being all that could be desiredThe lacrosse match between Scaforth and IIensall was a highly contested one. and re- sulted in a score of 4 to 1 in favor of Scaforth. A trial exhibition of Mr, R. Jarrot's running horse, Ran- Ii1lI Jr., was then given with 141r. F. .1. Delbridge ,Is rider makin_ the half mile in 56 ,seconds. The running race was contested by Mr. ,T. 1''. Paterson, 1'. Stelck and G. Dow, Paltcrsa►'s )corse making. thef 1•I 1 1 'Ie I ' mile Inc o,n minute. t A very interesting same of football was then played between IIensall and Brucefield, resulting in a tie. Jas. Curtain, of Centralia, woo the prize for hest single turnout, tohile Mr. Buchanan secured the prize for hest double turnout. -The • *Farm- ers' Trot" which was one of the in- teresting features of the day was won by Mr. Elliott and I) . Urqu- hart. A ;ante of base ball between Crediton and llensall was another interesting sport resulting in 8 to 1 with an innings to spare for Credi• ton. The concert in the evening was well attended and was much enjoyed, a large crowd being in at- tendance. Those taking, part being Miss Anna Martin, vocalist, Exeter; Misses Dow, Exeter, pianists and Mr. McQueen violinist. The colored chorus in their several selecitotts winning loud applause. THAMES ROAD Statute Labor has again commenc- ed. The new gravel on the roads will make it disagreeable (Rhin; t• I d l In for some time. -Mr. William Thomas has return- ed to hie home in London after spending ,t few• days at Mr. Paul Madras. - -Miss Chesney, of Hensall, is the ;ueet of Miss Clara Passmore. -The concert given in the fres- byter•ian church. on Friday eveitinu under the auspices of dile choir was i ;rand success. Mr. Conklin, al- though suffering from a se - sere toothache was :tole 10 inose the I irre audience to tears or to bursts of laughter at will. Mr. Oliver Gel- inas although only seventeen years of age is i powerful baritone sins. - yr. Miss Gertrude Huntley. the sower violinist and pianist, of SI. Thomas, who has created quite a Sensation wherever she line appeared W3:4 no Icss appreciated here. Mr. (;elings and ;Mss i[unticy were ac- con1p1nicd on the piano by Miss hn- IhIeen O'Mc,ra, of the London Con- servatory. All three have been tin pile of the London Conservatory, end reflect great credit to that in- stitution. The pr(re•eds o[ the con- cert amounted to about ninety•threc dollars. IiALF SICK PEOPLE The world is full of ,them. .luta sick enough to be I,zy and list leo : to 'have nu appetite; to sleep paorly. Quilt often you're half sick your self. Chancey are the trouble 1.4 in the .stomach '111(1 bowels, Ifo.( pet• script ion is Dr. Hamilton's fills; they tone up the entire :4yste'4. strengthen the stomach, elevate your spirits, and make you well in one night. I)r, Hamill 011'.4 VII work wonde•rM 4 it h people in your condition. Mill in action. effective and easy to take. Get Irl. Ilamil- ton's ('ills to -day, 25c it box at ;all dealers in Ise lirille. GRANTON Rev. .1. E. ilolme.+ mad(' the an- nounca►ncnt frotn the pulpit on Sun- day last that the church on this circuit requited no mote money for the , goN on t conference year. His liars- was paid in full. The hut,- Cr111111111i0/1 fund levy (w:as fully ►act. The con1inscnt fund watt nt- tende(1 to, the educational fund 4as liberally responded to. The nmis- s:mrtry Nod ((as fully tip or per• haps ahead of previous Sear:s. WO0i)11A11 -Mr. E. 8. Couzcns, o! t1115 place. .'11,1 book-keeper, of t ke firth of Ila! -- den & Itlewetl, of St. Thomas, (tennis in cont ac. with a circular s44 had the , to f e 1 1, o thir( 1 [Inge 1 1 r'1 the resist hind taken off. -The 3011 anniversary of (the \Voxlliint 8a:.balh school was held on Sunday, lady 21st. Sermon. were prcaolte• 1 by Rev. John A. Ayelrst, 11. A., of Lucan, :.t 10.30.1. nl. and 7 it. it,. A Sunday y:l'•wl n.►15 meelin, was algia hell tit :'.15, 4 hen addresses were delivered os Rev. J. A.Ayc•1rs1,11.A.,and Dr. A. ,LAND err HOOD. R K. Ferguson. A FAMILY NECF,SSI'I'\- It'3 remedy capable of affording immediate relief to the hundred and one ailments that constantly arise. It may be n cold, perhaps 'toothache, neuralgia, pain in the back, - use Poison's Ncrvilille, it is penetrating. pain subduing sand powerful. Nor- viline•is at least live •tinges etror4rer 'than .ordinary remedi(s, and it,i wen tit in any household 47.111'1 be over-estimated. For min or beast Nervilinc is •i panacea for all pain and casts only 25c per bottle. Buy Ncrviline to -day from your drug.Jist, EDEN -Air. It. .1. Hamilton pair! a Visit to our 5011001 (MC .day this week. -Our public school teacher, '1r. Davidson, attended the 'reacherte ('onventie►n 114'1.1 in Clinton this week -Several of our young people took in Ila: base hall match at 1.u - (1n on 241 h, an.1 took in 111; lawn social at Sainlsbury on their return t rip. -14lr. Frank ('•,:1114 wears a uroa:l smile these day Ills wife presented hill) with a nix 11.11 on Friday last. -1414. ,lohn i.mMeal, who for the (list seven weeks has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia, i:4 41(1- pr0vin . 1110(1). texts for Ilatcbi,, - Pure heed While ',exhort' for halchint from excellent winter layinz (41 rain. Flook he obi 1 by first prize cockerel at Godcrich Poultry show. 50c per set lin x, -M. An,lre4, Elitnwillt•. -The Social sits 11 by the Epworth Lei sue on Mon I.14 eveninz 44a. a good success. Recitations were given by Miss RL nth^ 11:),)ke: solo+ Hood's SerssperIlla enjuys the die - Unction of befog the great- • and rl►Of'�d 60s< everbow11. It. If t n all-round medicine,the its un- e9oaled ectt s by vitalising aid beadsblOodb�00d on1�Cb the rength *level* ori, bone and �tissue - -- Accept no subs* for Hood's, but b - det. on Hood's 4ct'e rendered by Hiss 11. Andre44s, of Centralia, :111:1 5Irs, Monroe. el Exeter: oleo addresses by ltev. 0. W. Andrew's of Centralia :1111 !tee. -lar. Andrew'., of Parkhill. SAIN78111'11\ -b(r. %'.Il Davis is 1,11 1.rnilea tl4•.0 days -It's a fine biz lay. L44(•n Social - A very pleasant lawn rto.aal was held w► Jlr. Wan. 'turner'; lawn on the evenin.; of May 21t h under the auspices or the \1'mn'ttee Auxiliary of St. Patrick's church. The lawn was utast taste- fully - arranjc,l, the tables spread un- der canopies of bunting of red, white and blue with chinede lanterns dot- ted ;here tend there preeeutinx a very brilliant at)pca1:14) e. The ladies -served dainty refreshments ice meatal and bananas and a plentiful supply of cakes, etc. Large crowds were present from the adjacent towns and villages. After the re- freshments were served, a lengthy programme wag rendered. the rec- tor, Rev. Mr. Racy, filling the chair in his most hopes manner. The programme consisted of Chairman's address; ; Choruses by the Sunday School: • Re ' egad ' fro s byMiss n Abbott, of Luc:1i : Duette by Miss Mc • Laughlin, and Mr. Morris Raccy: son; by Miss Attic hunter; Jtecit:I- tions 'by Mies Btanohe Itooke: In- strumental, by Morris Macey: Solo by Miss Ethel Smith.; Recitations by 1liss Robertson, of Kirk(on : An ad- dress by Rev. Mr. Thomis, of Lu - eon; Scotch t)uett by .hiss Vera Da- vis and Morris Racey ; solos by Ira Lamburn, of Birr ; Son; by Miss Edna n Dic •c - 6 n. Address by • Rev. Air. 1Ciity, of Granton ; Recitation, Miss Irene Carl; end a trio by Miss Mc- Laughlin, Rev. lar. Racer• and Morris Itaccy after a hearty vote of thinks to the ones who had taken part, and tJ►e singing of !lin National Anthem, all repaired to their homes feeling* that they had spent a very pleasant evening The proceeds amounted to upwards of $70. (Received too late for last issue) -Mr. Harry Halzin3 and Wm. J. Davis have erected :I new wire fence on the front of Mr. It. 'lod- ging' farm, and claim they have done a fine joie. -At a congregational meet ins held recently in St. I'atrick'3 church, h it was decided ct d to the repair he basement of the church and hold their Sunday School in it. -Miss Ethel Smyth spent Sunday the guest of Miss Louisa Ilod;ins. -We are pleased to hear that bar. Daniel Jones, who has been seriously ill is slowly recovering. -Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Davis spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Davis' rimier, Mrs. Frank Coates, of Usborne. -Some of the people around here attended the circus at Exeter, on Monday. MAGUIRE -Mrs. R. Comming, of Loudon, wbo was spending a few weeks Ivitli daughter, Mrs. Thos. Ifod,son re- turned home on Friday last. -Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of Crediton, visited friends in 41)is vi- cinity. -Mr. J. Dickson, who )las been suffering with un attack of quinsy, Ise are ,lata to report is butter azain. -The familiar face of Mr. Wm. Itevington, of Mooresville is again seen amongst us supplying the country with eh.1114, trees. -Mr. \Vm. Dixon jr., is shaving a bee preparing the ;rounds for the creotion of a fine new bank barn w•hioh he it ;Din; to q,lace on Illy farm this summer. CIIEDITON E,t_s for Hatching - Purr Bred \\'hits Leghorn for hatching from excellent .•inter laying s' rain. Flock headed by first prize cockerel at Goderioli Poultry show. 50c per set t in?. -S. Andrew, Elimvillc. -The pastor and officials of 4 he Crediton Circuit are to be congratu- lated on it 11e eplcndid report they were -able to make at the last meet - in; of the official board for the year now closing. During the year 21 were received on trial and 10 by let- ter. So that after removing from the roll Ilse names of all who have died, moved away :and ceased to be members, there is still an increase of ten in the membership. There is also an increase in catch of the Con- nexioual Funds to the amount of $30.00 besides $85.00 raised by the W. M. Society for Missions. The minister's salary is paid ui► in full iu cash (not pnrl in feed as in the past) and all other Ii:Ibililie•5 paid up to date, while over one hundred dol- lars remain in the different 1 rerusur- ies on the circuit. This is a record worthy of mention in view of the filet that all this money teas raised by slr-iizhl riving. -'rhe frost on Saturday ni;ht did considerable (lama;e to 1 he ear- ly zarilen•S in Ibis community. -The many friends of the Rev. M r. Godwin and family here, are sons to tear,, of his very severe ill- ness, 1111 are prayinz for his re Got•e 1')'. t -(fre•. 141r. Motile'sen and Lewis attended the Annual Distri0l fleeting a1 Ailsa Croix, last Wednes- day and 'i'hu rsday, and report :I r 11 her int press in; ses•i011. -Al the special meet ins of the Wtnl1n':I MisSiDnary Society last Tuesday afternoon, very enthusiastic and inspiring reports of the 'Merton Convention re c 3 ncn ( Airs. Jas. llod;ins :Ind .11rs, !sane hill. -In connection with the District meeting n1 Ailsa Cr:tie last week a public 1144elin.r was held on Wednet- ( I'1 e Y yr ; n n- under the aospicc+ of Wont • Misei :44:,rt• Society n hen addresses were delivered by Rev. ll r. llenilereen, of this pL(cc and Mrs. (Rev.) .1. 1'. Sutcliffe, of Cor- -•A beautiful an11 rather touching incident look place at the Inst meet - ins of the W. 11. S. when amid much rejnirins rn(1 the singing of the Doxology, oz two 1 Y, n of themend/ere 11 11 upon the table a thank offerinr of sixty ,1ol1•,t•s to be us^,I in s:•n1in: the ,►(sect to their heathen sitters. Ahltb'tnzh only a month organized, this Auxiliary has three life mem- er. again from St. Marys, 41:cre 1:c has been taking charge of tl:o Iuanees of Mr. Alfred Clark. -The members of the official board, of the Methodist church are to be congratulated on their rucce•ss this year in being able to r11o44 up to the world such a good, in fact suolt a clear sheeted report for the year now eliding, in the face of odds which Live faced thecal. The short - are which was reported last week has disappeared to a certain extent by the officer; of the Sunday School and trustee board conning to their help and loaning the amount neces- sary le square up. 1'or Credit on Circuit Chas not in the least nor will not in the future be behind a1 sett- ling up titnc. -Alt-. Rich:lest Maker. of London, paid our town a visit Tuesday 1:1=t and teff on \Vednesday for Grand Rend. \We are always .;lad to sec Dick's smiling face in town. -Dar. Wm. Lewis has been appointed to at tend the Conference and represent Crediton Circuit. _There seems to be quite a rivalry in (own to see 4440 Can have iLe best dog, and Abe has appeared on the scene with a new '1 horouzhbrcd Water Spaniel. -Rev. Mr. Henderson, pastor of the Methodist church read the rules of the society- for the second time last Sunday eycning and explained them at length. - Our brass band is improving 4•onderfully ander the able leader- ship of Prof. Jones, and their appre- ciation is shown by the crowd that gather every lime they march down s tree. t -Our lawn tennis club are busy practicing. We expect there Inuit be a ;amt in sight or else they want to become expert players and make a business of if, thereby drawing a salary for they were at it by 5.30 the other morn in - Several of our young people at- tended the sports anti races at Hen - sill and Parkhill, but Bert end Chris. shouldered their fishing poles. • TIIE TITIN MAN'S ))ANGER Ile can't resist disease germs, - that's why he's such a mark for consumption. In (itis land of plen- ty, thinness is wickedness, especial- ly when it's so easily overcome w -it h Farr ozone T}li3c r markable tie3ue builder makes you fat quickly ; it does so by forming blood that's rich, nourishing and health -giving. Fer- rozone supplies the nutriment need- ed by worn-out nerves, rapidly con- structs muscle and fatty tissue. The form fills out, the cheeks redden, proving that sveizht is being added. 'ro he well and stay well, use 1''crre,- rozone. Fifty chocolate coat ed tab- lets in a box for !iffy cents. or six for $2.50 .at all dealers. ZURICH A very pretty wedding ceremony was performed in the Se. Boniface Catholic church, Zurich, Tuesday forenoon when bliss Clara,cldcst daughter of Mr, and Ales. Joseph Foster, Babylon line, became thy bride of Mr. ,John 11: ., of Detroit. The bride was suppor e 1 by her sis- ter, Miss Phoebe Foster, and the ?room by Mr. Joe. Foster, Jr. The ceremony was performed oy the ltev. Father Stroeder, nn:l was witnessed by quite a number. The einfin; for the occasion was ipcauiifully rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Baas will make their home in Detroit, Michi- gan. Bayfield. -Messrs. John Pollock and John Falconer left last Thursday morn- ing for Selkirk, Man.. where they will again join the (isllins fleet. -Mrs. 11i/ zinc, who has been ser- iously ill for some time, is improv- ing. - Miss Ethel Marks has taken char?e of the orsai in Trinity church and bc_an her dulics on Sundly last. -Aar. Alex .Cameron has raised his house and is placing :I 9(011:• foundation under it which twill zreatly add to its comfort and stability. -Messrs. Murdock itoss, Frank Keegan and Gcor;ie Erwin left last week for Sarnia to fish. - Mr. Arthur Townshend left un Monday for the Northwest. Mr. Rush McKay, of Scaforl h has been engaged by Mrs. Elliott as manager of the Aloion hotel. -Gordon Cameron is home from Sea fort h, 0wins to an titlark of pleurisy. We wish him a (4J41( ly recovery. -Mrs, James Johnelar received the 141(1 110ws of .(lie ,serious Innes: of her son, W. G. ,Johnston, 44 Ln with his wife left here n few year: ago (or .Milestone, Assa. She pur- poses going out shortly to se0 hire. -Mr. James Macdonal 1, who Se. 9Jsl)l the winter (Vie' his man, Jam- es, at \Vashinzton, i). C., returned this week. -Mr. 11. 1i. Little, Oho woe w0rl.- ie s for Mr. Morel, has e+ecut•cd :1 beteg situation in IIensall ant left for Thal village e:t 'fossas. -The members of St. llouif C:1lholie Church of this place recent - 1t' purchased a fine chancel ors 111 for the church from Air. 11. \V4.11. The instrument is a full reel 11110 ai:I very handsome in app0ara':e. lar M. llr-Cortnick his been ate pointed ors:mint. -Jar. A Mays, liveryman, of Sot - for 11, 44 .. in 1 hr• villa re. 'rue, 11(, ant 4 hila here puiolias at a fine driver from lar. Sul. %blowout it1, (Io41•en 11(14•. -AI hill past I hree 'i ,'lock on Tu('- 1 ay aflertee n Inst I he Lithe, ,,, (slouch here we: the scene Ade intereeti,, event- At Ih,i bu,r Rev. It. Eifert se •nests the knot which no t• ylise Clangs (1In rhtot• of lar. and sit •. Conrad t'4 .(per, of 1h^ 'Pols /I 1111'•, Stephen, ,n I \lr. Ileetry Itesl(•ulier, of .1 he II. con., 1lay, 111:11 and IGFs. The cert•. mons W114 t('Itlle99etl by 'bout one hu - e n Ir d invited guests. After t L (141(•414(414, the guests 10(111re.l 1 ., 1a l Itt•n.l 4'h^r•• n 4eding +opper 1 teen ttepated fur thrum :11 11r. \1',,,. Fritz'.. The tem tin let of the eter,lnz 51 1- pleaeenliy spetuI in rar- i-Uh, I• sMtillles. \Wt• join in (4 i'I1i114 I 1,e young (Duple ' I•(• Lr •.1 of (froth another P011 ITC.) � ('very thing in this 1ifs, when some business of compare,' t1 -1We undereland that Mr. \\'e • • anpirnl )r(1nc4 was transaClc.1, r' It Finkbeiner h,4 leased lir. .t C , ___ ZA,.. buildifor insla.ncr, :•t the purchase t Ilullzn,lnn's ries ltt and i Bears 1rekni iuI(il.Aleq �t rico 4111ry f:.r the keeper. I'• tend. etartin4 a grocery /store. 8i6nataii �_ 11 onitl+ty of II -Mr. M. 11(5114 i• hack to t e•% r 1 of ♦.♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦t+♦t+♦ ♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦NN♦♦NN♦♦♦t+♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦...s..♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦dt♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦I+NN♦♦♦NThe London Crocker co.J1 _________ . jj headquarters for all Lines 01 1 1 , Crockery, Glassware Lamp s, Japanese Chin a, Austrian China, German China,EnglishChina FrenchChina, Fancy Decorated English Royal Devon Jar- . dineres. ii -' r Y Immense assor nDinner iSetS' tn)e t of splendid );Dolls. All varieties, Direct From the Factories. • I0 en Stock Sets Always matchable or can be ndd(d to. P Sold bythe piece r o set. ' Chance FOR YOU to make Your wn 1 A Special I: ♦ Iso Sets to Choose from. Latest shadin e, Toilet Sets patterns, shapes, styles and gilding. You arc I , :♦ always sure of seeing the very latest desitns here. Prices from ♦ $1.75 up to =15.00. ♦ = LAMPS OI' ALL KINDS. Hanging, Hall, Parlor,Read- ♦ _:ing and Sewing Lamps. The new styles and finish are beautiful, you cannot find the like of them any where else. WEDDING• GIFTS We make a special showing of :i>e most ex- t; • :• ♦ cellent goods in great assortments to choose from. You can easily • : • suit the tastes of the most fastidious JUNE BRIDES. :♦ WE PREPAY express or freight charges on all purchases of :♦4, : $10.00 or over. : i z London Crockery: Co. 169Dundas Street,:: :London. ♦♦• ♦♦ ::••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I• ♦♦♦♦N••••••♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t••: :up Set. 149 Shelby Street. Detroit, Mich ' CARROT Half -Long White (D. & H.'s Pi ivate Stock) The Carrot for the Farmer. Fresh, Firm and Sweet Short and Easily Harvested An Immense Cropper. A Grand Keeper.. 1000 to 1500 Bushels to the Acre. 'f There can only be one BEST White Carrot and this is the variety Our half -long White Carrot is the heaviest cropping Carrot grown, yielding more tons to the acre than any other sort. The flesh is white, crisp, solid and very sweet flavor. it is a vast improvement on the white Belgian aorta which have been favorites in the past, as it is not only much more productive but vastly easier to handle. The roots are short and very heavy at the shoulder, rendering them easy harvested. An important feature, also, is that they do not eaaily break in pulling or storing. Too much can scarcely be said of their size and great productiveness. The roots frequently measure fltteen to twen- ty inches in circumference, and eighteen to twentyflve tone to the acre ie. - not an extravagant statement as to the yield, I'ut up and supplied in Sealed Packages, only by DARCH & HUNTER, London, Ont. FOR SALE BY CARLING BROS., Exeter, Ont. SAM BROWN, Crediton, Ont. Send for our Farm Seed Catalogue. GRAND TRUHKNotice Railway fit em SINGLE FARE --FOin-- VICTORIA DAY flood Doing May 23 and 24 Valid Returning until May 25111 Between all stations in Canada, also to I't. Huron and Detroit, 141kb.,Susp. Bridge and Buffalo N. Y. For tickets and full information, call on .1. J. i:NI(,IIT, Depot ticket went, Exeter .1. 1). McDO.ALi) Dista u t passenger agent, T(.rnntn. a A eit••linr of the HOU of ltd cornmitice was held on Tues l s. To Farmers and the Public in General As the spring is coming on now gather up all your old r truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, ihrsc hair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old iron, Brass, Copper, - Lead and Zinc, and take therm down to M.JACKSON & SON 3- Mein -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's .;. where \•ou will get the high• �1: con,ntiltee this year c ( est cash price for them. �'Al Spackman, W. Lamant and Cott 4 I e- T1re warden feria also present' ti - 1+++++++++4++.14++1 -1-1444•H 14 k