HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-25, Page 2fort Arthur and Fort William cerci, 11 CHANGES ,IN MINES ACT. $l:r,000• working cxpen,es of the 1. C. It., $2,000.000. I with no debts, it was not taxable if Fur surveys on the North -Wast THE WORLD'S MARKETS 'sweat' cft to wife and cINJkbn. el n. lieu cunr••ts of l'annda, st3S,Olti light- \ new aweauluteul the debts will t►.r d� huuscs ut1e1 aid» to navigatioY watil ducted. lk't. 15 and keeping the harbors • of REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Admiral Birileff Appointed to Com= mand Baltic Fleet. ills NEIRVES SHATTERED. EXCHANGE Ole 1'R1SONE1tS. 7► despatch from London says: -Ad S mlral liiriletT hex been appointed to the supreme conuuand of the Russian Pacific squadron as soon us it reach- tts Vlu(livostuck, Thu St. Peters:burg correspondent of the Times Buys that the date of his departure. for Vlnrlivustock is kept secret, Zest it indieute Admiral ltujextvcnsky'» movements, but it is understood that he w i,l be allowed ample leisure to prepare for the journey. This implies a further so- journ of Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet coast. The Russian troops at Port- ly southern waters. sect Bay have been reinforced, owing The St. Petersburg correspondent i to tho advance of the Japanese of the Times claims to have high l army. authority confirming the report that. Admiral llirilel will succeed Admir- al Itojestvensky in command of the Russian fleet when it reaches %ladi- vostock. A high official of the stall informed the correspondent that Ad- miral Rojestvensky wax not compell- ed by sickness to abandon hie C0111 - ?nand, but that his nerves have been shattered by the terrible strulu he has undergone since he left St. Petersburg, and his breakdown Is \probable. Nevertheless, tho stall ix confident of his physical ability to retain collimate' loarg enough to en- gage the Japanese, and it hopes that he will bo able to take the fleet to Yludivostock. When that is accom- plished his arduous and glorious mis- sion will be inure than fulfilled. A despatch fr 't. Petersburg say's•:-Rursia having accepted Ja- purn's recent offer to exchange pris- oners, Capt. Baikuff, of the navy, is going to Japan to arrange for an exchange. ADVANCE ON VI.AD1VO4'1'UCK. A desputch to the London 'I'ele- gruph from Tokio says that the Russians aro active in Northern ('urea. 'Their advance guard is at Kilju. 'Torpedo boats from \ Iadivo- stuck are occasionally seen till the TO 1'HOTOGRRA1'iI .1;1I' ARMIES. The Telegraph emphasizes the above despatch as further proof of a Japanese advance on Vladivustock. It assumes that the army is that of (:en. ilasegawa, which was reported to have landed At Genital) some weeks ugo. JAI'S SEIZE TWO STEAMERS. A despatch from 'Tokio says: -The British steamer Includen was seized In reply to Air. Foster, Sir Wilfrid by a Japanese warship on Monday said that claims of the Quebec vet - south of Corea. The French steamer Quang Nam was captured by a war- crates of 1866 and 1870 to land ship of Japan on the seine day neat grouts were against the Dominion the l'escadore Islands, Straits of Formosa. The cargoes or destina- tions of the two vessels are not an- nounced. Ilon. 111r. Foy introduced a bill to amend the Mines Act. Ilo ezptuu,ecl that emu.. years ago (tercet reeerses were 4'1,vtle(1, and It waS the 1111 (11 tozi at the time that no lands on tlw reserves should he ,Mewed to anybody. 1'nelcr the Muerte Act, how- ever. a man could secure a patent atter a certain period of his n►ir.iug location. The (:over lit mew pro- posed that mining lends iu the len'- est reset yes shoullI not tie sld, 1•t:t only leased, ON'I'A1110 APPROPRIATIONS. Ontario appropriations are as fel- lows: liurleigh ballet -Wharf at heed of tibio Lake $ 250 Point Edward -Dredging 14,1(0 Blind River --Dredging ... 4,20(1 Berry's Ilay N'hart, Nada- weskit !titer, to complete payments ... 250 I:rnrnsl River -Dredging at mouth, etc. 6,5110 DOMINION PARLIAMENT "'li"gmero(1 Harbor -lee Iu overnents 50.000 Whit by l iarbor-Dreelging 4,050 NOTES OF PROCEEDINGS IN Sauario--l{arbor T111.1HOUSE OF COMMONS. iunpltrotoSte.men(s .M.. 25,000 Owen Sound Harbor-11redg- PUl31,IC W1)1{1iS' PORTFOLIO.int;, etc. 6,000 ing, Current-Improvement Sir Wilfrid Laurier said he was of northern steamboat not in 0 position yet to stake any channel in Georgian Bay 10,0(0 announcement about tilling the v'a- lifter t)tnnahee--lereeigimg at cant portfolio of Public: Works. Ile l'eterboro' 1,200 would do so, hotetcr, at an early Iiaileyhury \lhar(- lake day. 'l'euniskalwing 3,000 REPRESENTATION ACT. lionore elharf-Re-volt of edr. Fitzpatrick introduced a bill lapsed amount .., 800 to amend the North-West 'Territories Midland llarhor - Inlprove- Itepreseutation Act. 11e explained meat (wharves and dredg- that the bill was along the lines of Ing) 3,100 the bill introduced by Mr. Casgraht Georgian Bay and Pointe Au list •sect•. It nls0 contained es cluuso ISari1 Houle --Improvement to cover the dillh tllty s%l, gesle'1 by u( the iketil's 1' lbow l.'hnn- Mr. Lake with respect to the resi- dence of voters in the polling sub- divisions in which they are supposed to vote. VE'l'I•:BANS' ('LAIMS. PILA(:Ui,; AT HIARBIN. A despatch to the London 'Fele- despatch from St. Petersburg graph from Tokio say's there is roli- Asays:-A recently invented apparatus able Information that a severe epi - for photographing panoramas of wide 'l he (u[ plague is raging at llurl►iu. stretches of country by nuseuls of a' the deaths average 300 daily. Thu p' victims:, ► d nut against the provinces. '1'he mat- ter was being considered by the Gov - seeding is practically finished in all eminent, but they had not much districts traversed by the line from time lulely to give to it. Ile could the eastern section of Manitoba to only promise an answer would be, Ilattleford on the North Saskntch� given during the present session. won River. Laic rains have been SELECTION (Ile SEEDS. , most beneficial, and the general ten - Informations on the value of care-, or of reports sent in by the cuut- ful selection of seeds %vas given to , puny'x agents indicate that preyed - the t'ommittce on Agriculture by! ing conditions are favorable. e'egeta- Mr. '1'. 11. Clerk. seed cununissioner tion is well advanced in some locali• bus ttulx ate filled with ti ton end nel between Parry Sound Killarneyand Killarney .. 750 --+ SEEDING IS FINISHED. Canadian Northern Railway Crop Report. A Winnipeg despatch says: -The Canadian Northern crop report for the past week shows that wheat of the Department of Agriculture. Ile Hex, but the weather has not been camera sired b e0 wont u talc bus the medical staffs oro inadequate to advocated the selection of sce:l by sufficiently warn to promote rapid been acquired by the War Office, and the hunters, uwd said t hat sixty or growth. ihtt with the adient o. experimentsCtttud trials have been con-' deal with the situation. seventy farmers in Ontario had gone higher temperaturtw, with so much ducted in St. Petersburg for several COSSACKS FUR THE FRONT. into it as a husincrfi. • Ile belicteu ' moist,rc in the ground, vegetation weeks with such success that the better corn could he secured in the will Ire rapid and vigorous. general still expects important re-' A despatch from St. Petersburgbetter latitudes by using the het �,s sults from els new p,uloramugrap)t' x+tys: A further mobilization of cat' from more southern counties. $540�000�000 IN DIAMONDS squad in establishing Japanese peal-'alry in ono or two districts was or- corn from supplies nearly all tI:e. _ tions and movements. The appara-` dercd on Thursday, but no large' Onclover seed rues n rly alt and tum is said to be capable of draft is required, as reinforcements: , g World's Production Totals 1 photo-, its product is not. excelled anywhere ty-Nine Million Carats. Seven - graphing an area of 30 square miles. fothe tho cavalry ely-arm are at hand in; in the world. Half the products are' y the recently-emboeliDrl Cossacks,' A London despatch says: -'The whose departure for Manchuria tens ; exports, and the Toronto mark. t world's diamond ,reduction, ss: -T' d HAVE RAISED TILE PALLADA. postpone( in anticipation of 11ay• usually controls the world's pricey show's that India, has produced Ile. A despatch from Shanghai says:- Day troubles, the most of whom curl for nlsiku see(l. Sinicue and Croy r1t,ounties aro probably the lurgr�y ten million carats; Rrnr.il, twelve It is stated that the Japanese have now . resume the trip eastward. A. million; Africa. fifty-seven million. raised the cruiser Pallada, one of i small but important detachment left growers of red clover, and Victoria All the diamonds in the world, un - the Russian vessels that was sunk At St. Petersburg on 'Thursday to join end I'eterboeu' the Leat for nlsike• cut and packed solid in the form of fort :\ ether. (General Lineviteles army. The demand for pure seeds in (" ,.t a cube, would make one of fourteen many and Austria, for example hail TA IO 0icer by nine, and ttould hnvo a l resulted in improving the purity of i value of $540,01)0,000. LEGISLATURE unsatisfactory. 'Fixe bill also pro Cunadnin seeds. but much inOrc ONTARIO L V vided for the raising of addlunal ; is expected from the operation of WINIYIPI;G'S GROWTH. H• WHAT OUR LEGISLATORS ARE DOING AT TORONTO. HOUSES OI'' RL•:FUGE. money, if needed, for the construc- tion of the road. TORONTO U N I V ERS 1'I'Y. The Government wi11 immediately place at the disposal of the trustees Mr. lianas introduced a hill re- of the University of 'Toronto the sunt 011 nnces- of 81 specting Iilunicipnl (louses of Refuge 135,000 to be expendedextending the time during which the sary buildings, including a new Gen - oral hospital. This amount, as Government will pay a proportion of the cost of such buildings. Premier Whiteley explained when in- troducing his promised bill respect- (1ItAN'TS Ole LANDS, Ing the university, will be secured by Gteccrnnu•nt had out soca ► Mr. Foy introduced a bill to amend the issue of nnnnities payable art I'l'he population of the city is placed I Y ifouse' at •79,97:xa gain of neatly 1'3,000 the Act providing for grants of cer- Woolly for the ensuing thirty yeare Sir \vilfrid Laurier said it was , ' Iain lands to volunteers who served for $30,000 per annual. The build hard to tell w'Lcrr the press gut all over Inst year. in South Africa and on tho frontier ings on which the money will lie its information. Ile had never Leen - '"-♦ DEAD IN THEIR CABIN. he new seed hill soon to go into effect in Canada. -' Assessment Increased $12,000,000 and Population 13,000. The leader of the Opposition asked; ;1 11'iunipeg despatch says: -At if it•was true, as reported in the!; prosy, that the surveyors of the: Monday night's City Council nncet- (:raud 'Trunk Pacific had found a lino ,iug the most interesting event was from Moncton to Winnipeg with t►' the rending of the report of the as- maximunl grade of four -tenths of ono xe:tisnellt CO lllll iissio ner, which show - per cent. Ile asked where the infer-' 0(1 the total realty nssessmeat for tmation had conte from, tend why the (ho city to he $:1:(,71.1,•1:311, a , et in- itAI1,1\'AY (:1{:1DE. + Y t to the i crease over last scar of $12,607..',1311. in 1866. The amendment, extends the time for snaking survey's. It also provides that the giving of a power of attorney for disposing of veterans' lands is equivalent to a transfer. in the pnst speculators have evaded taxes and settlement duties by ob- taining a power of attorney instead of having lands transferred to theist The amendment further restores to certain veterans the rights to lands located by them, but taken by a i)etroit company under n concession hots the former Government. TAX ON ('l IU'CSl* . On motion of Mr. Matheson, the (louse in committee passed the fol - .lowing resolutton:- "'I'hat section 2 of the Act respect- ing circuses and travelling shows he amended by striking out the words "20 cars or over," in the tenth line and inserting in lieu thereof the expended will, it is estimated, cost able to discover. ile had read no in all $1,600,000. 'They include: - A new General Hospital, towards which Mr. Whitney has reason to believe the city will give $200,000. A physics building. A convocation hull. .\ museum for the science building. Foul men's residcnciee. An addition to the women's resi- dence. (:lass houses for commencing prac- tical teaching in botany and fores- try. Tho Premier said that 52+10,000 In subscriptions; from private parties would he forthcoming ns soon as the bill was pissed. The question of what. percentage of the succession duties or of some other source of the ih'uvincial revenue 44ou1(1 he de- voted as 811 annual payment to th•• university would, he stated, be deciel- tcur<ls "over 20 ranee," and by %trek- ed next session. In the meantime Ing mit the words "under 20curs" the (:eevernnnent would conduct 't in the 11th lino of the section anal full inquiry, with a view to a coin - in inserting in lieu therrvrf the wordsplete change in the administration "20 cars or less:." Thin faxes the 1 f tax on circuses of 20 cars or over at g50. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. 111r. Hanna also hail the following resolution passed:-- "l'hnt section 44 of the liquor License Act be amended be adding at the end of sub -section 1 the follow- ing: -For eery transfer or re veil of n license a fee amounting to one- half the fee pncnhle to the province under the Act shall be 1181(1. '"That in all reeve in which p oear•- euit funs tinder the liquor Licens . Act ore brought by an inspector or other officer appointed by the Crown under the Act. the fine impos�.'rl shall, when collected, belong to the pro%'ince." TF:\IISKAMINO RAILWAY. Mr. Matheson explained that his bill to amend the Act respecting the 'Teinisknming and Northern Ontario Railway had s,evernl object,. it pro - 41(1(41 for the pat meet of $1,t*u0 ad- elitfonnl to one of the commissioners for professional serticee. 1t gave the necessary authority for extend- ing the line to cunneat with the Grand 'Trunk l'acilic, and for the provides for n slightly increased tax construction of short 'trenches not where inrge amounts aro bequeathed exceeding n certain number of mite* to single individuals. One clause le to he fixed later. It gate the cum- repealed, it being the ono providing micsioners power to generate and that to determine hcther net value sell electricity, The hill provided for of estates over $1(10,000 should be the ranking of surreys, including one token, without deducting the deists. to James (lay. It gave authority for the keeping of the accounts of the commission in the ofTice of the Provincial 'Treasurer. The present stem of keeping the accounts was report from the construction coin - Mysterious Tragedy in Sandon trinssletth. uwctc+' Mining District. that. the surveyors' preliminary ,.- ports showed that a very favoral.le A deepatch from Sondem, 11.C., line had been located. ile promised says: -A friend going on a visit to give the !loose the report a5 8001, found a horrible state of affnirs at ns it was received. the cabin of Gus and Charles Kum- (: 1', P. TER1t11NAi,M. lin, c► quarter of a mile east cif %la - oto Siding. Both occupants were Mr. Boyce of Algoma asked if the Minister of ituilwnys had approved of the (:rand Trunk Pacific terminal% at Fort William and on the Pacific. Mr. Emits on said all he had ap- preye(1 of ens the location of the blanch running from the National Trrtnscontie vetted ronin line to Bhp towns of fust. Willimm� and l'ort Ar - Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheeses sad Othsr Dairy Produce at Biome and Abroad. Bulls, export ,,,, 4 00 4 2S Butt•hers', picieed 5 25 5 50 dol gooel to choice loads 420 4 3r, do fair to geed 4 UU 4 lee du mixed lots, tuetftutn 3 00 3 ^_:, du gaud C005 :3 50 4 00 du cotes 3 50 3 7 ;, Ju c0nou0a cued Toronto. else 2:3.-1%heat- N'irttps ,•„ul1 ..... 3 quoted al 9S to 06c tet outswde tiuteh.•rs' bulls 2 (10 soot! 4 Stuc:.crs, }Gond 3 `+tuckers, li; ht 2 Milk cues, each "" I :xleo1 t ewes .. 4 ern at 88 to Lct34c. Rucks :l Oats -No. white quoted at 89c Lambs, per cwt. 6 north and west, and Nu. 1 at. 41 to Spring lamb», curb 3 414c east. Cars of No. 2 white on Culls, pue•h a track here are quoted at 42 to 48c. llarlpy-No. 2 quoted at 45 to 46c middle freights; No. 2 extra at 43 to 44c; No. 3 at d1 to 42c, intdeilc heights. Pests -The ueu'rket is steady, with sales outside at 69c for No. 2. Coin -Canadian yellow quoted at 47c, and mixed at 464c west, guar- anteed sound. American kiln dried, No. 3 yellow, 594 to OOc, on track 'I'o•onl o. ltye-'llee market is dull, with pric- eq nominal at 66 to 07c outsiue for No. 2. Buckwheat -Prices nominal at 59 to 60c outside. Flour -Ninety per cent. patents aro quoted at $4.85 to $1.40 in buyers' sacks, east or west; straight rollers of special brands for domestic trade, in bbls., 54.75 to 54.85. Manitoba Ilours are steady. No. 1 potents, 55. 40 to 55.50. No. 2 patents. $5.10 to 55.20 and strong bakers'. $5 to 55.10 on track, Toronto. Millfcesf-At outside points bran is quoted at 515.50 to 516, and shorts at 517.50 to 518. Manitoba bran. in sacks, 518, and shorts at 520. points,. No. 2 goose et purely nom - Manitoba wheat is easier, with No. 1 Northern Quoted ut 974e, Georgian stay ports. No, 2 North- ern at 93 to 9:34c, gad No. 3 North= c COUNT1tY PRODUCE. Apt•lets--Choice stock, $2.50 per 1)1)1; cooking apples, $1 to 51.50 per Beans --Primes sell in senall lots at 51.60 to 51.63, and hunt( -picked at, 53.711 to 51.75 per bushel. ]lops --The market is unchanged at 82 to 35c, according to quality. Honey -Prices firm at 74 to 8c per lb. Comb honey, 51.75 to $2 per dorm. Ilay-Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at $8 to 58.25 on track, here, ,.ml No. 2 at $6.50 to $7. Straw -Cor lots quoted at $6 to 56.25 on track, 'Toronto. Potatoes -Car lots of Ontnrios are quoted at 5i i to Roc per hog on track, according to quality, and job- bing lots are 70 to 75c for the best stock. Poultry-('hieeens, 13 to 14c per Th.: turkeys, dry picked, 14 to 15c; du., scaldt a, 12 to 13c. '1'111: DAIRY MARIi.E1:S. Calves, per lbe do each llogs, selects do fats 6 6 CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs Front Our Owa and Other Countries of ]de - 0U 3 5U The 'Trenton Pott cry l'utnpany :d) :3 so have purchased c► pottery at St. Ino Johns, 4-.4o, bee. It is understood that the l •noel 'Trunk I'acitic till build a breech to Port. Arthur. A Sault Ste. Marie hetelket•per is being prosecuted for iteusiob to teria- 'imitation to a Zulu. (:ort silt e•iegineers ure making further examinations of the (1t1T at. the wrest eat of the i)ulTerin ter - Mee, (lecher. .1. W. 1Forster, the Toronto ar- li Till tist, is at work upon n per(rail of tiot. 11. 1e. Suthen'luut, Speaker 01 the (louse of Commons. Mr. Charles M. Ilays of the (;rand 'Trunk has 1)eee maul•' a member of the Permanent l'0nuunssion of the Internatiunul Railway Congress. Provincial 'Treasurer Matheson wit) likely gu to Englawd this summer to arrange for the issue of I'ruvin- cial stock for the 'Teneiskarning Itail- w•ay, H, J. Rose, son of Rev. hr. Rose, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, lfunmilton, has won a first- class honor in Greek and Latin at. Oxford. 1t is rumored that the (:rand Trunk shops in Belleville and Brock-' ville trill bo centralized at Kingston as soon as the railway runs directly into the city. Tho Railway Commission have majority of the inhabitants are communicated to the railway cum- itt.sxiun. Almost at one sweep th,: paries the renewal of the complaint whole burden of the vexatious res of shippers of apples and other green sU fictive laws in Poland and the fruit, as set forth in the petition pro - Baltic Provinces has been removed, asking that better facilities bo pro - and the privileges for which the na- tives have been fighting feew� yearn me restored, the ayscmbliell of the l'olish nobles are re-established, and Tho London 'I'innes reports that all the harsh administrative picas- trade in Great Britain shotes general ures introduced at the time of the quietness. policy of reaction and Russificatiou The Jewish Chronicle of London are abolished, unless later for put.- states that Russia has decided to poses of State after the recummen- grant full freedom to the Jews. dation of the Council of State they Tito President of the British Board receive Imperial section. As n no- of Agriculture has refused to remove tural sequence of freedom of religion the embargo on Canadian cattle. the oppressive prohibition of the Tho captain of the Hull trawler purchase of land by Catholic peas- Mino has dict) of wounds received ants is abolished, in effect the when the Russian fleet tired on the measures sanctioned amount to an fishing vessels. entire reversal of the Russian policy The London Financial Tinges says in ancient Poland and the Baltic the passing of the jurisdiction of Ex - Provinces. chequer Court Judges will create dis- trust in the minds of British inves- CURE FOR TYPHOID FEVER tors. Sir Bernard Samuelson, the well- known authority on railroad rates and Chairman of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, is dead in London. Ile was born In 1820. 25 (ill 'NO 7.5 7:r 11" 01.1 no O1) ta5 50 4 :i 44) 4 6 4 12 00 00 110 25 50 00 25 OU REAL REFORM IN POLAND. Remarkable Step Taken by "Em- peror Nicholas. A St. Petersburg despatch says: - There is little room for skepticism as to the genuineness of the broad policy of Imperial reform after the remarkable steps sanctioned by Em- peror Nicholas in the Itneer•inl re - script issued en 'Tuesday mod•,iying the restrictive decrees in Mite of the western governments of '2uss.i+► end giving the Poles greater fi•eede•n► for acquiring farming lands and pur- chasing landed properties and in- dustrial premises and givin,.; per- mis. ' to introduce the Polish 5:11 Lithuanian languages in tho prim- ary and secondary whines elite e th GItleA'T BRITAIN. y Two Baltimore Physicians Think They Have It. A Baltimore despatch says: Dr. William Royal Stokes and Or. John S. Fulton of the State Board of Health have, after nearly four years of investigation. discovered what Butter' -Pound prints are jobbing they believe to be a curative se•rein at 16 to 17c, and large dairy rolls for typhoie fever. at 15c; medium grade:;, 13 to 14e; 1)r. Stokes and Dr. Fulton have creamery prints sell at 19 to 20c tested the serum they have made in per Br. 23 human cases of typhoid. 'There Pigg» -The price is irregular, with were two deaths, and among 21 cases a Brooklyn millionaire, was sent to 601)10 dealers selling at 14c, ane ending in recovery there were 15 in jail in New• York for six months for ethers at 144 to 15e tier dozen In which they considered that the fav intoxication. case lots. o'nhle result tans due to the influence The Omaha Ileo quotes President ( }1i(.ve._O1d scarce, and c;uoted at of the serum. Roosevelt as making the emphatic 11 a to 12e, while new cheese aro The two deaths were due t 'oto- statement that he will not be u can- sellimg at 1(Irc per Ib, plications apart from the 0..einal dilate for re-election. disease. in both of these cases the injection of the serum crtus4-d an ap- preciable drop in the temperature. Nix cases out of the 2:1 showed no response at all to the scrum. Tho conclusion renched is that by the use of this serum the febrile period may be shortened, and the daily variation :nay be favorably mollified, UNITED STATES. President Roosevelt has reached Washington after his holiday trip. Earl Grey visited West Point, N.Y., on Saturday, and inspected tho cadets. .Julia Mollenhauer, divorced wife of 110(: PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear sells at 10 to 101c per ib. in cast. lots; moss f ork, 513 to 513.30; short cut, 519.50 to 520. Snto'ad Meat s-lrams, light to medium, 1:1 to 131c; do., heavy, 124e; rolls, 10c; shoulders, 94c; backs. 144 to 15e; breakfast bacon, 124 to 13c. Lard -Tierces, 04c; tubs), 10c; pails, 104c. -+ BUSINESS A'I' MONTREAL. Montreal. May '28. -(:rain - The market is du11 sand !steady nt 414e found dead, one lying on the eaten for No. 8 oats store, Dalt •Linc for heel with several ugly gashes 5n the No.. 2. Other };ruin aro nlI1 st ('n - head, evidently done with an nxe. the vilely neglected. Flour--%tattlloba other was lying on (ho door with a Spring wheut patcnls, 55.40 to 53.- duuhle-barrelled shotgun near-; the 50; strong bakers', 55.10 to $3.2(1; top if his head was blown oft. Huth- Winter wheat patcnls, 55.50 to $5.- ing ix miissing from the cabin, the 6(T; ,trnight rollers, e5.13 to 55.25 door was fastened on the insi(le,i in wood; in bogs, 1;2.•13 to $2.55. but the window 4488 broken. 'There Rolled oats $'2.'241 to 52.921 par their. '1 he terminals had not been was met nitwit sign of hard fighting. hog. I•'eo:l-(►ntnr10 bran, in bulk, approved (f The deed appears to have been done 518 14) 818.50; shorts, 519 to 520; 111011 -HANDED TREATMENT. by one brother killing the other The affair of the scaling vessel Ag- while asleep and then committing nes l)onaghup occupied attention for suicide. (loth morn were steady work - some time. The startling fact was ers its the unity's around Saunslun. announced thal the catittin of 1hr i �'•"'♦--_"' vessel had bet n s+ litenccd by the QUEBEC SCHOOL LANDS. ICE CRUSHER FOR LAKES. Government Urged to Help Frce Port Arthur From Ice. A Winnipeg despatch says: Fur the benefit of the (•unst81111y increasing Humbert C. leselcr is dead in Chi- cago, following an operation. He was known throughout America and Europe ns an organist and finished interpreter of church music. A commission appointed t Record- er Gott of New York repo ed that. (leaner Russell, alias Gessler Hos- 80011, who sent nn infernal urnchinn• which he said was harmless on board the Cunard Liner Umbria two years ago, is sane. GENERAL. in n brush with natives in German southwest. Africa the German force lost sixteen killed and wounded. A largo: rind influential tweeting of grain trade by way of Port Arthur ('hinese merchants, held ut Shang - the Government will be asked to stn- hal, protested vigorously against tion an ice crusher there permanent- the proposed new Chinese exclusion ly. 1'or '2t) }'ears the season at. fort treaty recently discussed in the Uni- Arthur has ntertge41 11) days bels, (red States. than at the "Sou." and 1:3 less than at. Duluth, and it is f.•If this can be obviated. The Government will niso THE GROWING GRAIN. bo petitioned to hove lighthouses -'- kept i" cumtnission on 1 h lakes un- til the last boats clear. Mnnitobn bran. in ',elk, $18 1n -y0 5115; 6horrts, 82" '(, 821. 11rn"4- IS HE A BRITISH SUBJECT ? ('hiice primes, 51.70 to $1.75 per bushel: 81.30 to 51.60 in car lots. James Ellis Sentenced as a Spy Provisions -Ilene.; Cimodiaui short by the French Goverr.meat. of the university, not necessarily a - sht. pout,l. 1 616.50 to 1:17.511' ; m light [)regent Government to three years' short eat, K16.Srt to 0; OMpoenn it London despatch sacs: -,bones feeling the faculty or teaching stall, Tract of Two Millton Acres Will 1:Itis, clnimir to hen Inlflip of have had n tendency to set the loan penal servitude on a charge of Meted cut clear int Lark, 420; rumpo"ntlInndx hawk. All points on their trum- peted REGULATION t71' AU'I'Us3. Pe Set Apart. (!ocher, who 44415 arrested nearly a sealing in Uruguay waters. 'Thr lard, lid to 7c; lenuelinn lard. 6. to tern lines are sehottn, and at rtcrl The subcommittee of the Municipal antes a,l crew hon ohtninc,l shorter A despatch from queltee says:-'1'ne 71e; kettle rendered, S to f► c; hums Veit I' ago, has been sentenced to lit.• 1 iy Governnu•mt manure for AddionAl aid 4 years' irnprlsnnment and n thousn(0 peint. the agents report that cro Committee cf the Legislature, to sentences. And t he vessel had been12 to 14c; bacon, la to 14c; (melt (iollnrs line or a year's exclusion are well above ground and Nrotcint} which tens relegate(' the to ' s billy confisenlr I. 'Ills b,furnatiten at pre- , elementtary schuuls provides (1101 killed nbnutuir hogs, $9.73 to 8110; from T'ran11 on n char%e of e•s,ion_ splendidly. 'I ha universal rains •11 respecting the speed of nutter \'vhf stent nvnilnhlp i:xlient,-s very high- two million acres of the public 181108 mixed, 'S7; select. 57.3)) oil cors. ti 1 cies, mel And derided to make the sent l (i, tsnent on the port of the alas be set aside fur the purpose, nee at Cherbourg. It is extreneel} the last 11o.k have been n 0onderful and the $400,000 he ►01:1 ►,ggs'-Straight stork, 13 to -(' ,Ic doubtful whether he is n liri1 h sub- help, and the gritting grain iv viol following rev:onntendationx:-That pay Government, and Sir \\il- 1 2, 12 to lave. 13utler-('bairn jest. The British ('easel thinks Niru °runs land of dense and even growUt, the act be Amended to provide that; frill peon i, .I to make rcprpse. nl,t- y'cnrly out of rho cut:iitu lnetl ran clearlwry, 18: In 194c; under grades, n German. leering his Incnrcerntiun the numbers on motor vehicles l,' in lino% to the imperial (:ole minaret ;venue luwurds the eh•nx•ntnry school 17 to 11(1 (lairs, 16 to tare; rolls, K f_... - height, from (hreo to six inches in fnmd, until the incon1e pruchl,•e,l Ellis n181018imd the sIicteat silence looking tmcnrd redress. thcreformt reaches $120,000. 'frust iS� ti ltirc. ('h("-se-Ontarlu. 10 to regnt•eling his identity. height, and displayed so 05 to be 1 Urc; (junc�t, f)' to 9je. - _ plainly discernible day and night; '1'111: i':s'1'1\L1'i'i',3. and lean cowponies, ns well as conn- ' �-- n Zhu license rte to be increase,' from 1'lie ,�aimnies her the current• Iire(nl mercial travelers representing Ib11i`h STEEL CARS FOR JAYS. $2 to $5, and $10 for machines over and foreign !weeps, will h0% e• 1u UNITED STATES \fARKf:fyi, year were prest•nlyd to 1 arll0mcnt by St. Loafs, May 2a. -Wheat - (-'usli, ten horsepower; responsibilities for Mr 1'iclding, Arlded to the amount pay the commercial corporat11>118Thoesands of Them Ordered in violations of the act to rest with g tax. while the Got eminent tax on all 934c; \in}, 9:,,e: .felt, 8114e; fipl)- Birmin haat. voted test st:4sion, they ire to trrtnsfers •of stocks 84141 hand% will• t. ether, .94c. K owners, miller than operators the has grand total of 581,:349,391. Thel be at the rate of Ih'e rents furovpry Mile -nut,. 0. Mny 123--1\heat-\o. 1 A London despatch sass: (see ere burden of proof in case of negligence sunt of $300.(x)0 is to be voted farr151U0 worth of such stuck% or bonds Nrnthern. .1.11' N9. '2 Northern, ordered in itimniughaln and pls'*horr to rest with operators. The 1'rovin ' or each traction thereof. and to he 51.03 70 81.01); ,1u1y, 861r 1,10. Itve in the Midlands thimean&s of steel intim •i at ion. the fu:•cher moment ring Secretary is rtconunended to m'r ulrr(1 for the militia i% s}00,000.y _ „ cars+ for Ih • Japanese, ('urenn, and send out (rosters advertising the re- For might rolling slick on the payable aIii'11 thce tilltn.illr vnliL';,lc"t+anrplo till etc. ('or,* `\'i. ;t Mnnehe,rinn rnilwliSe. qulntionx. And to supply copies to L ( I1. 5:If3:1,01)O is required; for---_--e-- cunstnbles• the National I'ratiscontinentnl itail- $3,000,000 AN OUNCE. way survey, $2941,7 The Western Wheat Plants Aro Vigorous. A despnlch from Winulse:e says:- The ays:`Tho eec{.ly crop report of the C.1'.it. 18 as favornl,le its could be desired And the /rely note of complaint in i• coupes front a ceuplo of districts :1 the Red River valley, where ruins A hill to amend the Succession itu_ 619,(►r1O for the first Yew;; to deepen Price of Radium:) Has Increased tics Act was introduced by Ilon. Mr. portions of the Welland (:anal, 532, - Matheson. It grades the tax mud 000; Quebec harbor itnprovetnents, 530,000; 01 edge for use below thee - her, 514)0,1)00; permanent piers in Lake St. Peter, 5111,4)00; a new electoral atlas is to 10 published, at n cost of 53,50). The grncefel compliment Is p8l.l to Senator \York of voting his full ses- sional indemnity. The sessional 1nelptnnitiee of the late Messrs. 1:. 1'. ('lark, .lan•% Sutherland, and I,. .1. Deniers are to be paid to the relatives. Under the old law. if n testator had 5120,0(10 gross value, with debts of 51(0,000, the net 520,000 was taxable, even 1f bequeathed to rh11- Gcn, while If the gross was :90,000 524 to o.!c: ,lilt, 481r 100. BRITAIN VERSUS ITALY. Minneapolis, Minn., May 23-Whrrul -May, $1.13: July. '1.01:: Stilt. • Laborers on London Pavement In - R2: to 823e: No. 1 hard, $1.13; No. dulge in a Free Fight. Owing to its Scarcity. 1 N, it here. 41.13; No. 2 Nort h,'en. A despatch fr.•m London says -The 51.024. Flour -First pntents. 56.30 price (if radium ha, increased, owing to 86.55; seaniel potents, $6.25 to to the difficulty of obtaining further supplies. The consequence is that re- search work invoking its use is al- most at n 6001(157111. Sir William itantsay slates tient 5100 n tuilli- grem. or a rate of $3,"r►t).1►"0 an ounce, it now demanded. An expel( eepreseos the opinion Clint not neore than halt an ounce of radium has berm nsnmufnrtured settee Prof. Curie discovered it. $6.35; first d. ars. 81 0) 54.10; sec- ond clears, $2.73 14. 52.85. llran -In bulk, $13 to 513.30, LIVE S'IO('K 31:11(51:1'. Toronto, May 2:t.--1 he following are the queoat to -- 1 h, any ... .. 5:, 2:, to 55 (l5 du enr41i1nn .... 5 25 a 45 F'eederr, short -keep . 1 80 3 '25 A d.es.pntch from London. Ont., says: -What was likely to prove a serious row occurred among 1 gang of laborers on the quern's Avenue pavement on 1leelnrsdny afternoon. An Italian boy threw rnurl at an Englishman, who took him by the throat. 'Thereupon nn 1talinn struck the Englishman with n shovel, niel presently the whole gang were to it ferment, the Englishmen fitted against the Dotterel l The timely rur- rival of the police prevented a tint, PIGS IN CHURCH. A in.ols nttend a church service in Cuzco, fern. Pigs. gnats. cattle. and poultry are brought by their owners to be blecscrl 0)14# Souls' Day. The cents nre re,Ml. and the animal); can trot nheut or 11w".• down ne they wish. After the cere- mony the flee -stork is formally then to the :notate, who receive little other payment for their (r'rvices. 111CI(t•:NS 1•'ilt(';-ALAI(M$, The general public err± not aware that tnetoorinis to Charles 1 ickcnst aro scattered through the streetu of every town in England, '11141 xtree't fire-nlarin, with its glees front, which cnn be broken when an slam? is to be given, nriginatiel in his fertile brain. 'I he author of n book o hich has jest been publish.• I tells how Dickens. always nfrnittof fire, }.n.1 n t'lnn.1 box in the wee made fon his varlet, keys+, 30 that they weld be entity found If an cx,threak e►c- rirr•e•.1. This key -box g cw into the t'street fir ram, 4