Exeter Times, 1905-05-18, Page 8.11E j:X ETER 'I'IM h s. MAY loth IOW
V1�iles command a vett' high positio.i for the better Shirt Waist
Suits. Mate and trimincd over the new "'TiSN'T SILK LINING"
They offer an appearance subtile, refined and charming.
rance at once
The particular yarns from which our Voiles are manufactured give
to fabric and to the costume that
crisp but eidetic touch so necessary in
securing the fashionable fullness re-
quired for the new skirte. Our assert -
went of the newest weaves in voiles
defies competition and our colorings
are the very latest. decreed by fash-
ionable circles to lie "THE TASTE."
Our great leader in voiles in all the
new shades, also Mack and ct•a'anl.
made from pure crisp wool. a good
Iouk.'r and full of service 50e, Our
stock of voiles include a range of
'niers mons 2:1e to $1.35 the yard.
The biggest and best val-
ue we have ever seen in our
Black Satanna Underskirt,
as cut, made from soft silk
finished satanna frilled and
flounced ji'st as cut. It's a
beauty. It's a bargain.
it's our great big leader
and only a dollar.
How abatis that new Linoleum? We
have a great stock direct, from the
makers, 2 and 4 yards wide. $1.95 for
4 yards wide.
We want all the Casio produce you J
can possibly bring us._ 1Ve will give , A • STEWART
you the very highest pikes.
The Latest Style
Wedding Ring
Is the "Tiffany"
We have a full line of thein in stock.
Also a full line of
Call and Inspect our StoA
We can please you.
S. Fitton,
arid $18
or somewhere around there,
is a tavorite point for sum-
mer suitP rices.
We've e Dozens of
Choices for you
Around $16 $18
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
adveatisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
allURSDAY, MAY 18th 1905.
•••••••••••••••4•1S ••••••••
•••••••• ►•••N••
Tuesday May 23rd in Empire Day.
Mrs. Chas. Coates, of London. is a
visitor in town this week.
Wednesday next, Mey 24th
be a public holiday.
Miss LizzieCooper has gone
Lucan for n short visit.
Mr. 'Chum''. 11.Irton is set;oust% ill
. r) it,I im ill 1 he fdre•
Mi. ('i ('.nn is be:twit)in,; his
I. 1 as ' Ip ' crit of paint.
eine :•lay neat ► pubiie lrolid.ty.
It. n. •11►L:•r the sports at Ilcros.all.
Mr. Geortte Kill. ht, of 114 -rt cal.
.;..•ut Sunday with his parent% here.
Mts. Quince visile l 1: '.. ,ister.
Mts.Mts. Evans, 11 Ailsa C. ai;:, hist
11e. ses. Dr. Kin uuui, E. W. borne,
Reicher, and II. fesec'tl at %coded an
a,,er11a1,1y at Parkhill on 'flier -day
1)r. Butler. London, will be at tho
Central hotel. Exeter, on Thursday
June lst,1905 •ill day
fel' Fee. Ear. Nose and Throat con-
.ultation, 1•:y -en tested and glasses
!Vhen ora n, linked meal, brewers'
train:., etc., are lar:;cly purchased
amid used on farms from which but-
ter i5 sold such food will greatly in-
criete•• I l • fertility of the soil, for
tee teases th:tt butter takes little
or nothing from the pail, and t he
fertilizing elements of 1 lie food are
therefore retained on the farm.
The Roes -Taylor Co.. 1Isis t% eek
shipped to Stott feud, a car It►aitof
building in 'feria!, consisting of
door :inti t% inflow frames and all in-
terior Ifni.. h for seven dwelling
houses. The, is the first shipment
on a oentr.tct alley have with a firm
in %teat city. They are busy this
tveek filling an order for n Seaforth
The 41unicipat World favors the
Publication oritssesslncnt rolls. With
the Moir • new changes this year,
t he informal ion t bus presented
%could puaide our intelligent rate-
payers to determine 1. he fairness of
the. assessors' appraises throughout
11,t- municipality. Some councils in
Ontario have already adopted the
The Irate (fon. Junes Sutherland,
of Woodstock, is said to have left
an estate worth $400,000. To his
niece is bequeathed, it is said 8100,-
000 ; and to his sister, Mrs. McKcn-
zits. $100,000, the balance gocs to his
nephew. Mr. Little. The residence,
Altadore, is one of the best equipp-
ed homes in Canada, and con-
tains cnc of the finest libraries.
The foliage and blossoms of the
trees, the fragrance of flowering
plants, the green verdure ,of lawns
• and pasture, the sweet utueic of
birds, the whispering of the urook.t,
the sunshine and warmth remind us
that springtime tuts already wet in
slave you wandered in the woods
these glorious days, there to enjoy
nature in her solitude and eplendorf
Bedding Geraniums (smirk() pt
5 cents per dozen. Redding Fol-
irtge Plants at 25 cants per dozen.
will Verbenas, Asters, Stocks, Agera-
um, Ilalw:ons, Petunias, Lobelia,
1;44',n:ln ivy, etc, ready May 25th.
It) '1'hone your order and we will pay
for it by adding extras plants, on
Mrs. Crocker, of Buffalo, is vis- all orders of $1.00 and upwards.
ing friends in town. Phone 9, Hermit—W. M. Harburn.
Notice —Any person wishing their
lots in the cemetery lawn snowed
:ld personally cared for during the
suninter, should call on Mr. A. Ford,
at the cemetery residence. 11 any
parties have plants to (+pare with
which' to beautify the grounds, if
left with t he Reeve, W. G. Bisect t,
— ITowey'i they will he thankfully received O
he cemetery committee.
Mr. J. E. Tom paid a visit to the
Keeler public school last
, Lawn mowers sharpened on ehort-
ent notice at D. Harticib's, Exeter.
il,'Good Pasture with. running water
for horses and cattle,—Apply to J.
A. Howard.
Eyes tested, glasses
isfaction guaranteed.
.Drug Store.
Tose citizens of Exeter are all in-
vited to attend the great demonstra-
tion at Hcnsall, on May 24th.
"Use Bordeaux Mixture for spray-
ing fruit and ornamental tree.', 15
and 25 &em cares—Ifowcy's ')rug
fit ore.
The annual diet Het meeting of the
Mel lodist church for Exeter .district
is in session al Ailsa Craig. on Wed-
nesday and Thursday.
Seed Peas for Sale — Peas for seed
all free front insects and 'perfectly
whole 75e, per bushel. Apply to
Wm. Clark, Winchelsea.
Mr. Thos. tivIdon, of Ingersoll,
called on Mr. end Mrs. George Satn•
well, one day last week, en his re-
turn from Mitchell, where he had
been visititio friends.
DR. OVENS. London. Surgeon.
Glasses properly. Office. Commer-
cial hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday May 2711).
Airs. (lardy left last week for a
visit -avi h her daughter, .ltrs. Jas.
\Valdese, at I)ululle also to Spend a
short lime with tier sister. Mrs.
Ilodgins, at Winnipeg.
it's a sensible price to pay, llrm. W. .1. %Viile, :and Mi,'m May -
too. That touch money me White, of Ottawa, who have leen
Chi -
spent heft buys suits that
venting friends in (let roil :and Chi-
r•spent e st wee • e
' 0 11, past % 6 here 11
rag °,
are really good enough for guest of Mrs. John white.
anybody to %year anywhere. T. 1'. Smith. Coming.—If you have
defective eyesi¢ht don't fail African •
.tilt with T. P. 811111 le rhe Noted Eye
Spec: alt -t, of blots, who will he
:at 4 he Commerci 11 ilouse, Exeter, on
Friday, .lune, 2.
lir. Ed. Kest le, :1 former resi-
dent of Stephen, god who recently
removed to London, have moved with
his fatnily to Exeter, and have taken
up their residence on Huron street.
\Vc %veto/nue 1hetn :as residents.
supplied. Sat -
All arc correct
Will you call some day ?
W. W. Taman
Merchant Tailor. The inany friends here of Mr..ino.
Ross, of Edmonton, N. W. T., a for-
mer resident of Exeter, learn with
plcal,ure *1411 he Ilan now almost re-
covered from a very severe illness,
and expects to leave shortly for a
ten sears ocr,►rc Iht :rattle of Wat- trip to Nola Scotia, and on his re -
a, Irto. turn will vigil friands in Exeter
Mr. lI ilooliii llcLena. of Godcrich
recently celeorated his 100 :,irthday.
Mr. Nicman %s a.4 Darn in Mull. Scot -
1.1m1 on ion 10th of May, 1805, over
•I••; +++•: ++++4$•7••%•++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
$ watch Th14 t+pnee Every week
----W H AT!
In Letson, Vanilla and Almond.
Are pure white
Are delicate flavor.
Strongest, purest and cheapest.
No evaporation.
Excellent tor any and all kinds of flavoring.
Sold in glass jars at'LSc. Sample sent by mail on re•
ceipt of price.
Handy in Country and everywhere, Try it and reccommend it.
AGEZ.rTB W .& TT1m1, 1�.�T]CItTVVSErin, In telIn and
county. Write for Purity Mfg Co., Exeter, Ont,
+++++++++++++0.4++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thursday evening. \Tay 1811, in
Exeter Opera (louse, the great Pas -
,en play "Life of our Saviour", 11-
Iu<1 rated by moving pictures. Cor -
«0 41 ITll of Kin; Edward V11 and
mit ror of Ireland. 2 miles of pic-
tures—_. This is a refined and in-
structive entertainment all should
:(Mend. Fine singing by hoston and
New fork artists. Must rated
Her. \Vrn. Godwin has been con-
fined to hie room during the past
week wit )t a severe attack of pneumo-
nia, in consequence his work on Sun-
day lest %yam taken by 1)r. Mannon in
the nlorniau•_, and in the ahernoon
nrWu, 4-hile in the evening Rev.
W. al. Marlin, of the Meshy 1erian
church l; ave a very able address,
1..a h coneregalens having joiner) in
a union service in the Main street
Auction +ale -11 r. \Vrn. 'frebie,
who moved to t lie North West some
time :tiro, is offcrin.1 his house and
loll, on t he emit nide of Alain street,
Exeter s: for o Il 20th by • muctio ► t on Sat-
urday, urclay, Tay th rat 2 to. in.. 'obis
a rood opporl unity for any one de -
sit ing 1 small place. Any person
thinking of lurchasins should at-
tend this sale. For particular. r•e
sale bilk. or :imply to .Cohn Gill.
auctioneer, r Mailman
1 n o Luvial ht •v
& 1 u
Wort 11 Trying.—'1'o make t%Fite•
wadi suit•ablr for all disinfecting,
purifying and sweetening., wM'rcitel-
ly for outhouses and cellars, hake
Ilree i., l0n4 el hot %voter, n hand-
ful each of sifted wood Fishes awl
clean barrel mall, with a pint of soft
tote well siirred in, :add &slacked lints
until 1 hick as snood .but tt•rnlilk, ap-
plying plentifully with it brush•
leo rinside walls take one bushel of
slacked lime, three poutul., of sugar,
five potted:, of salt ; 1•l;ack / le lingo
it it h (old water, add salt and eu-
gtr, sl t• tin through a sieve, and re-
duce to the proper cormisleery with
rood water, applying a it brusli.'flli4
is recommended for brick or rough
board %'.'x115.
Market Report.—The following is
the report of Exeter market', cor-
rocted np 1 u May 171 h.
Peas 60 to 65 cent! per bushel.
lir•in $17 per ton.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Family Flour, $2.i5 per so% 1.
Feed Flour. 81.25 per cwt.
(lay, $7.00 per tot.
Potatoes, 75 cont,' per bag.
Wheat 90 to 115 cents pier humhcl.
Barley 10 to I2 cents per bushel.
Mutter. 16 cents per pound.
Feat 13 mote per dozen.
(bits 35 to 36 centro per bushel
iloe. live weight, x'6.75 Iger ewt.
11r rlre4..ed. 88.25 cents p(•r rnn 1.
(Dar• XL AL .
Inn ibw iM kind You nate uta Welt
$%,mars �.�.'
♦ l
Art Slioes
S N"EI I,, $z ZZOW
Ball bearing Lawn Mowers, see .onllncroi:rl notes, Exeter, on Fri -
them at Heaman's Hardware. Shay, M•ty 191.11, at 8 o'clocksharp
Mrs. Kemp has returned from ;t for the purpose of organizing a
pleasant visit with friends in Te.- South Huron, London Old boyF'
ronto. Assc►cint ion.
Miss Annie Wreakers i* at present
visiting her •sister, Mrs. McDonald.
at Guelph.
=The Misses Crislie and Gleed, of
London are guests of Miss Clara Cud -
Miss B. halls, of Mr. Taman'st:ail-
oring department, fl, on the sick
list this week.
Mrs. R. N. Rowe is visiting her
father, Mr. Iiollotvay, at Clinton,
who is seriously ill.
Mr. Shaddcck his disposed of his
fine driving mare and rubber tire bug-
gy to Wm. Wilson of Woodharu.
Miss Mildred Godwin took part in
a concert on Tuesday evening in the
Methodist church at Parkhill.
Mr. Russell Southcott,who has bsen
visiting at. his home here for the part
three weeks, left for St. Thomas on
Wednttsday morning. The "Why" of buying. — Every
A yet heavy rain storm accompan- time you Make a purchase atop a
led by hail, thunder :and ligghtning moment. and think just why you
passed over this locality on Wednes-
bought the article fele you did buy in
known to be the leading goods of Exeter. We know
we have the most stylish up-to-date Ladies' White Wear and
Waists at the very lowest prices. Everyone is welcome to
call and see our beautiful display.
A very enthusiastic meeting of
the Exeter Bowling Club was held
on Wednesday evening, May 10th.
The sI:u emelt' of the affairs of the
club for 1901 was read by the secre-
tary, and accepted by all metnaers
present. The committee) wish to con-
egt•attan tc the club on the splendid
cspirit de corps shown by the mem-
bers this year, and the interest dis-
played in t he welfare of the club. A
vote of thanks was .passed to Mr.
,111+. Weekes for the use of his rol-
ler [or last season. Two or three
new members were proposed and ac-
cepted. It was decided not 40 lend
out the new• tvatcr roller rat pres-
ent, the earn(' not bein? found in
quite satisfactory condition. The
secretary will be pleased to receive
all out stranding fees as early as
possible to defray expenses.
Mr. W. Harvey is attending tow
Exeter District Meeting of the Me-
t hodirrt church at Ailsa Craig, to-
day, (Thursday).
The quoit club are putting their
grounds in the rear of Mr. G.
House's harntese chop in shape for
their favorite game during the pre -
hent season.
Mrs. Sam (falls. of Chicago ha.t
been a pleasant visitor in town, Ole
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Walls, An-
drew street, and other relatives in
this locality.
preference 10 some similar article,"
suggests a magazine devoted to pub-
licity. And it might well .have ad-
ded ; "Ask yourself why you bought
it at I he store where you did buy
it in preference to some other store
1 li. t sells t he sante sort of goods."
Ninety-nine limes out of a hundred
the article purchased is advertised,
and tlto store tinea sells it advertises.
The man who is influcnoed 0t' other
people's advertising ought to be
pretty %veil convinced 1 hal Le can
influence et her people be' his adver-
Cattle Delivery. — During the past
Mr. Ed. Stewart, who has spent the week large shipments of cattle have
part few weeks at his home eturned been made at (his point. Exeter 1.
to London on Wednesday to resume situated in :0110 of the bent farming
hie duties with the Bell Telephone (.o. noun(ries in the Dominion, travel in
at that City. He has now almost re-
covered from his recent accident,
Mr. 1i. E. Huston attended the
Exeter District meeting of the Me-
t hodist church. at Ailsa Craig this
w'eck. Ile presented the financial
report for ltev. W. Godwin, the Dis-
trict Secretary, tubo %yam unable to
Mend through illness.
whatever direction you will see well -
cultivated farrier with bank 'Darns
and etnefor table crick dwelling.
thereon and stock raising is fast
becoming one of the pl'illCilpa1 feat-
ures in this locality. Our farmers
and stock raisers always find ready
market for t heir produce whet her
they aro horses, cattle, or hogs. This
spring t here have been very large
--.lir.:. Sherry, of Hensall, teho is deliveries or castle, some 350 head
mp.endin;; a feu• days in Iow'll. 4.4444 hnvin:! been bought and weighed in
t he guess of NW,. I). Mack, one tf- Exeter, 1 Ile 'Wire paid amounting to
ternonn 1 his %y..k.'file days of ;i1,out 8''25,1!011 Resides thi, 11ere Ilse
ahays brought 10 leen 401 her I tt ge delivet'ie1 at Graal-
mrelint of old and lc... C ,.1 ,•alit and Dashwood. The
total amount of money • t paid for
calf le timber 1 he past few days,
amount Iltr to bel west% $10,000 and
.rj.,1►,0011. 111 sides %bet's im cryo or
t !tree el rll►'d,' of hogs ,.hipped from
stere each week. and ;a Cl;• of horses
pea: - I years :ue
Inw111O1•y by I he
true friends.
Mr. Mahe rd Ifelbridge ,of Win-
chelsea left on Saturday last for
here''•' 1 his .
%t r will vi a lu none
Manitoba. h tl
al IIant'rota, also gt►ins farther west
on a prospecting lour. Ile took a
ear loll of horses, for 51r. Thos.
Ili telford as far as Winnipeg.
The marriage ham
been announced
to late place al London, on May 23,
et the residence of her sister, Mrs.
lay. Parkinson, cf Miss Carrie Reid
formerly of Exeter, to 31r. T. Man-
ley a well-to-do passenger con-
,luctor on the G.T.R. +ervice. They
% ire London.
1 reside in h,n Ion
George hunter & Son will hold
saltier big rattle sale at Cent ralin,
n Sat 11rday, May 20111. oonsisling
milc.h cews, heifers, and twee and
I II Ne year old steers. Ext r good
stork. They will also offer :1 num-
ber of pigs for wale.
Coal, Coil, Coal.— Having n few
ails of the 'celebrated hawking
'alley Coal left both for Move and
real, I will sell in ton lo's at $6.50
anti small Iota at $6.75 per ton. First
me, first served. Orders left at
A, office of A. Q. Bottler will be
promptly attended to.—1I. Parsons.
On Sunday night last an ell night
electric light service was kept up and
an extra pumber of pollee sworn in
for duty to prevent any trouble that
might arise on account of many
strangers being in Lown, who make a
practise of following the circus troupe
There was no cases of any trouble at
all reported.
lir. 1141ry t;idley, formerly of
KwcIer, Who Iris been residing in
Duluth, Minot. for some months past
returned to Exeter, the forepart of
het week, and was united in mar-
riage 41 Windsor, en \Vednemday last
to 31i.' Annie .lcckcll, of 1 hie 'lace.
The youn;r rouplr wilt take up their
4esidente here and ere now receiv-
ing live eons rattilg1ionM or shiny
\ meeting of 411 former r( ei,lrIIIM
of the city of London and :Middlesexrunty, now living in youth, Huron,
Intl ell others intending rn 4ttenrt
the London Remi-reti1ennial and Old
Ilan Meunier. Aug. 7111 40 121 le
will he held in the parlor,' of the
every week.
A pleasant Evening.
Mr. George
Kernick,who enjoys the honor of be-
-ing tethr of thillionaire Mr. Ar-
thur Ke. nick, of Nevada, and who
has been on a pleasant visit here
for some weeks, invited his relatives
in this locality to the number of
about fifty to assemble at the home of
his sister in-law, Mrs. A. Sheere. on
Friday evening. where a pleasant
time was spent. Mr. Robert Sanders
was 141e1) present :and entertained the
companyy with selections from the
granter) one, Mr. Kernick remarking
Oust he had never heard a bette r in-
strument of its kind. During the
evening ice cream and confections
were served and the company dispers-
ed :with kind recollections of a
pleasant evening spent together in
honor of their friend Mr. Kernick.
On Saturday Mr. Remick and his
daughter, Mrs. Kernick who has
also been or a visit here with friends
left for the litter's home lin South
)lismel1 — Neill• — On Thursday
evening last ra very quiet out hap-
py event was solemnized rat the Rec-
tory when Rev. 11..1. M. Perkin,
united in tiring ore 11r. Isaac Ills+wit
eldest stn of lir. :and 31re. Thos.
Bissett, jr., t,; hiss Lottie MeF:Ills,
youn•rest doss! ter of lir. R. Me-
I':Ills, 1184411. 7 hc• 1,11114' 4 Im .eauti-
101ly u484% 11491 in while silk 411111 wam
11*rttde'p Itr NI ism hind II retain...
while 11r. 111119n Evens, acted as
heat 111111. After t he ceremony ,I he
happy couple were driven to the
residence of t he bride's parent.,
where 1lae eVI' *Mg wan pleasantly
spent. Mr. and 11ts. Big -ell hit
on ft it tint iv for Delhi, where
they still mike 1'h••ir future home.
The coneys 111111 io,1s and 11e lent
wimhem of a bort of ffir nds IS cc-
1(15ird 54) 1 he 11 11I.\' couple. On
Friday evening, prior to le.lvi0.E, Mr.
Bissell was pte•enlyd 4ihh .1 hand-
some suit o1•e by .hi• young sent :so
men tri"ndn.
Lalli s' Skirts •e
Made of fine English Cambric with deep muslin flounce, trim-
med with four rows good Torchon Insertion and Lace 1.00, 1.25,
Another kind of best English Cambric with deep muslin flounce
trimmed with four rows real wid'b best Torchon Insertion and Lace
dust frill on all skirts, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, $3.50.
Beautifully made and Lace trimming 25c, 35c, 50c, and 75e
We have also the Dress Shield Corset Cover 75c.
Nice English Cambric and Muslin, cluster tucks and embroidery 25c, 50c, 75c
A big range to choose from
Don't forget to sea thein, they beat anything you ever saw in Exeter
Very cheap $1, $1.23, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50.
sold out our first lot, we had to order another big lot, Call and see them.
"Couches and Rockers"
A Splendid Couch . . . $5.00
A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.50
Call and see our new Shop, one door south
of Spackman's Store.
Having bought out tho Milk
Business and Good Will of
Mr. A. Dow. I solicit a con-
tinuance of your patronage.
With Fresh Milk and
Take' Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the
eyyi[ It fails tocarc E. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Sale Notice —For male on Satur-
day, May 20111. 1!105, the property of
• r •l 6 1
Treble, Exeter North. lot
I [sue !mute good a
orchard John Gill. auctioneer.
(Badman it Stanbury, Vendor'', so-
From the extracts el 1;1 )licks'
forecasts for May, wr observe— if
this were n l,e' pion el maximum
rainfalls, storm. r f the pig idol, 16th
to 2011,, would cant Mite in daily cy-
Ciel, into I IIC reactionary cen-
tral on the 23rd .and '2$i 1. ,ae It is
Tight dist urb:I11cc4 may continue
through the interval and break out
into renewed energy on and 4ouch-
in g the 2'3151, 23r11. :and '214 11. This
reactionary periorl is problematical,
depending on the nature anal in-
Ieneity of t he stornie during 1 he
regular period Minted; 1tely pre-
cedin!. it. 11 heroine; tic cOndit inn+
turrnnipornr:'tbuerleow•1141mmuacl,h whil11l11s►rh•high` :71 thhos'vee fo4rnces inw!• icnih R ('
raIvt e knlOadalcdtboo
COdIt1OI1,' %t Itiel, any 1115' may 1114' i I!ritish nation %% hit it ,is to -day."
cern—the ch►ncer: :Ire nlatly [01. After eupt'trrling the course of the
severe 11 lid violent storm. mi t (lest.
d,1es. Change to :Irei-Mtornl con- study cxercis(•,' in tl:e forenoon, •he
I it ionm—Cooter welt her• bracing nit p'a)s ; "Ili I Ile :.for'rnoo le
.1111 risings h'srometer-_should appear 1
exercir'•„ cnlnm(ncina a1 ill
frons 46ouf he 24th to Lith. I.hould he purl'Vic! or4a will
mlfr•n4(11 „p pt:. ural
i:, Illy — Tee 3110141tr of friends of lb's alilr10dran.arenThe pro-
Educ:ation I:.Is i'.urd a circular to. Irriulme miiht embrac(' patriotic re-
al) sclwol inmpeclnrs rer•Irdiut thc1cilnlionm, .;:t, rcadini9 by loo
Ob`'rPa11C1•+ of \, I; loris I1:1y, 1, Afny f cpl'pI'g', ant
ln leothers. y * Ito Dur During 23 . Ile ..It's; , t i- 4,.irate, that ;
every ...inlaid,. mean. should
be day he Willett flag or Canadian
adapted t o fest%•, 0(1o11g D 11» youth; t nsign should be lur.-lr d over the
of our country I I • bust
na tonal ho d building.'
sentiment. The • iejecl is especial-1
lye important .1• ' time it hen the
British neti•i• s1 P4440 ".1411 the CASTOR 1 A
world, and when C1nnd:I i,' rnjoying
n I true measure of prospl tit y due, ( For Infants and Chi113reL
to a great ('x14•411, 111 Ih•• develop-
of our rrsnurc< m, and TMi Kind You Nara Aiwl7s tight
t )1•' ¢rnwl h of int Oleo* ua) and
Moral aspiration,' :miens. our people.) Bears the
Tls•• principles of patriotism Carter- nature of
ed in t he minds of our young people 1318 •
.hotld ie such as will tit).- them
BohIdtoo Material
This is the season of the year
when you will be thinking of
building either a house or a barn
and we' would remind you that
we can supply you with
Sash and Door Frames
and all building material on short-
est notice.
Water Tanks
If you need a water tank this spring
call at our office and get prices and
leave your order. All sizes made to
Custom Sawing
Customers who have timber in
our yards and who want theft
sawing done, kindly call at the
mill and let us know what shape
you want it.
co. M.
jYou can get a gentled educa-
tion in any school hut come to
the Central for Practical Busi-
ness Training. This college has
a continental reputation for
thoroughness. Opportunities are
for those who are prepared Our
graduates always succeed. You
may enter our classes at any
time. Write for a free catalogue.
D. A. McLACHLAN, } Principals :