Exeter Times, 1905-05-18, Page 5►c THE tt:l E'1 t R TIMES, MAY 18th AL tli VEGETABLairReneE SICILIAN ayou Uks_yestr grin/ �h;tAeo keep h. rnot: Renewer always restores color to Ede also. ""'a?C,3;'tt!ie=r1,01"' MIIDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. SP • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni• nVomoe and reiidenenee. Dominion tory, Rueter. DENTAL H . KINL'MAN L. D.8. ANL epTeeDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. 8., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. tb extsacted without pain or bad altos effects. Fen - eon's OIDoe block. West side of Main Hesse' &seter' D.A. ANDEAS.11.co• o' S. i•o•& DENTIST. Graduate of the Toronto Universtts Rayall College of Dental Seons of itch helaow Also Poet nate of eSohool of Prosthetic Dentistry (with a.nsrable mention. Iv tug known to the Dental Profeeston due in this *Moe. Bridge work, crowns, al- Vossueo,sold and vulcanite plates al; done in eekest manner possible. A perfect!, anaesthetic used for painless extrac- O>iBoe one door eolith of Carling Bro'e store :tteter.On . MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest; �e upon a or village property at !owes a[ intereet. DICKSON h CARLING Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private tends to Ol�fnton fa rm and village propertiee at lowratet. OLADMAN STANBL'RY Barristere Solicitors. Melo 8t. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, MatCus w. Solicitors Rosaries,(lsaveraseers, Oasonoseionen, solicitors tor the Molsona �. Beak.Eto. Weer to Loan at Ioweet rates of interest. OPVICE :-MAIN STREET, EXKTEM. S. 1. CAALDINI D. A. L H. AMOZDOit Tae Usborne and Ribbon Farmer's Mu ual Fire Insur- an6e Gompanp Head Office, Farquhar. Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLIN. P. U. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NoitaI8l FARQUH A RP.O. Ir. MORLEY, WHALEN P. O. W. II. PASBMORE, CROMARTY P. O. WM. ROY. BORNHOLM P. O. J. L. RUSSELL, RUBSELDALE P. O. AGENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT, J. WILSON, FULLARTON, ONT. J. 8. GILFILLAN, LUCAN, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. sirHe1++444++++++++4'+++++4-++ Notie& To Farmers and .., Public a« the in General :1s the spring is coming on } now gather up all your old • . truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Bair, Old Rope, Hones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, t Lead and Zinc, and take them down to ".JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. I One door south of the IMetropolitan hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for them. ,E+.t.+4+++.1.++++++++++++++++ r ow 4 Court of Revision Township of Usborno Not ice in hereby given that a Court of Revision for the assessment roll for the township of Usborne, will be held at 1 he Township Hall, Elim - n .-, June 3rc1 1. U • udnv , trills, on Saturday. nt one o'clock in �1he afternoon. FitANCIS MOBLEY, Clerk. Whalen May 10th, 1903. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that 1 he Court of Revision for the assess. roll of the village of Exeter, for the present year, will hold its first meeting at the Town Hall, Exeier, on Friday, th'• 261 h day of May. a1 7 p. lit.•. block. .174 SENIOR, Village Clerk. `� Fxeter, 811 May, 1903. JOSEPH \VIIITE Licensed Auctioneer, Counties of i'erth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford and Town of St. Marys. Charges moderate. Orders left his residence. Queen 8t., 8t. Marys, xci11 he promptly attended In. Phone et bin house. Special attention given to live stock sales. Orders left fit The Times .will be promptly attended 10. The s vcarirr: in of Mr. Ilynaaii ns !11>nistcr of Public Works will not t Ike place taco/1.61y before Thursday. el r, li' t le, of Eittnendville, h 1,4 purolialtrit the mail carrying nusi- lie .s of Mr. McBee, of JhvfitId, nand .n ill like pos,t•s•ion about .1nn' Is.. Application to Parlia ment. • NOTICE I:3 IIEItElIl• GIVEN that an applicaIion will be Made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the present session there of a for : o n Aot to in corporate a Company to construct, equip and operate :In cleetric ilea of railway to run in and through the City of Stratford in the County of Perth, and from the said City of Stratford in and through the townships of Downie, Fullerton Ribbert and Blanchard all in the said County of Perth and the To-.vn- ahips of Usborne and Stephen in the County of IIuron and in and through the Village of Exeter in the said County of IIuron to the Village of Grand Bend on Lake Huron, and al- so from the said City of Stratford in and through the Townships of North Easthope and south Easthope and the Village of Shakespeare in the County of Perth, and the Town- ship of Wilmot in the County of Waterloo to and in and through the Village df New hamburg in the said County of Waterloo with a branch line in and through the Township of South Easthope to the Village of Tavistock in the said county of Perth, with power ; (1) To make payments in paid up stock or bonds for rights of way, material plant. rolling stock or services to the Company, or in furthering the un- dertaking; (2) to receive assistance from Municipalities or individuats by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth- erwise: (3) To manufactu_e, sell or lease electricity or electric power to any person or corporation or cor- poration along flee line of the rail- way or any of itl branches, and (4) for other proper and necessary in- cidental powers. Dated at Stratford this 23rd day of .March,. A. D. 1905. JAMES STEELE, Solicitor for the Applicants. F ARM TO RENT Lot 22 First concession Csboi lie, 100 acres, now all in grass, also store with Hay 1'. O. in connection to lease when goods are disposred of. I have now oar hand a quantity of clothing. con- sisting of ready-made suits, over- coats etc. which I ant now offering at cost. Good American oil 16 cents per gallon. To much work for my age am bound to get out of the business. Apply- to L. McTAGGART, )lay 1'. 0.. FOR BALE. -Residence and 8 lots with good stable, everything in good repair. Residence recently re- painted ; also a first-class well good orchard, and ornamental trees on the premises. The property must be sola as the undersigned is leaving town. For particulars and terms of sale apply to It. S. Lang. Exeter. SHORTHORNS FOlt SALE - The undersigned Inas for sale on Lot 16, Con. 2, Hey, n number of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn n bulls. They are of the low set blocky type, dark red in color and of choice breeding. They are all elig- ible for registration, and will be sold reasonably. - John Elder, Hensall P, U. &thber► COIrIQQ' lirer 1•hof if , Am* ori (WO f i cis e P gellenne etre...•a Makes carriage more comfortable to ride in. Worth their cost in the wear and tear they save. Lasts as long as iron rims on all ordin- ary roads. Dunlop Tire Co. TORONTO •t 101.. IIONTRIAI. i ',-0l,1-, \li\\Irrli too )1111c: Camp at London f' Huron's Best Breeding( Stock Note -A free notice trill be in - . sorted in the Times for two weeks to those securing their horse bills at this office\ ALIIION III. is a beautiful iful bright bay and is a Handsome Shire horse. six years old. Will stand lir a limited number of marcs at his own stable 1)ash- w ood. WILLIS & GUENTIIEIR, i'rol,. "LORD HOWATSON Lord llowatson, No. 11406, is a beautiful bay roan, white face, 16 hands high and weighs 1900 Ins. Monday he will leave his own stable, Centralia, at noon and at Eli Coultis', Con. 6, Usborne night. Tuesday, Wm. Moody's, Con. 5 and Wm. Monteith's, Thames ltoacl. Wednesday -R. llorsley's, Con. 5, and,1'. Handford's, Exeter. Thursday -Abe Bagshaw's Con. 4, Stephen, and hills, hotel, Credit on. Friday -Wm. Flynn's, Con. L Mc- Gillivray, and his own stable, Cen- tralia, where he will remain until following Monday noon. THOS. E. II ANDPORD, Prop. SAMPSON Sampson, Vol. 217.49, is a dappled grey and weighs 1800 pounds. Monday, he will be at Geo. Rook's 2nd concession and S. II. Hodgins, Con. 3, Biddulph. Tuesday, Mooresville, Centralia. Devon and Mclsaac's hotel, Credi- t on. Wednesday, Khiva and Shipka. Thursday, Dashwood and Zurich. Friday, Wtu. Chapunan's. Hay, and to his own stable on Tham- es Road where he will remain until the following Monday morning. See route bills for further par- ticulars. JIIO. FRAY NE & SON, Props. Exeter North. NATEBY PRINCE 11 Nateby Prince II., is a beautiful dark bay. 16 hands high and wci;hs 1800 lbs. Monday. John Kelland's Town - line, Iilanshard and Wm. Atkinson's Con. 12, Ushorne. Tuesday, J. Johns, Elimville and Wm. Quinton's, 5th Con, f'sborne. Wednesday--- and W. Smith. Mooresville. Thursday -Centralia and Crediton Friday, Jas. Walker, London goad and. Saturday. -A. Neil'(, Con. 7, Us - borne, and to his own et,ahle, Far- quhar, until following Monday morning. HANDFORD & KAY, Prop+, COLLEGE CIIUM Is a beautiful brown horse, a ty- pical Shire horse, and considered to be one of the best horses in Canada. Tuesday, Dashwood, Thos. Amy's and Hill's hotel, Crediton. Wednesday-Deitrich's, Mt. Car- mel. Thursday, John lircen's, Con. 21, McGillivray, Musser's hotel, Cor- bett. Friday, J. Hickey's Con. 20, Ste- phen, J. Ilannon's, Shipka. Saturday, to his own stable, Dash- wood, until the following Tuesday. WILLIS & GUENTIIER Prop. Dashwood, Ont. I'ATIIMOUNT Jlt. J'athnlount Jr. Lv :t neaulilul dark brown, 15 handy 1 inch high, risina four year:+ old ; weight one .thous- and pounds; of splendid form, with the (rest of acti311 :Intl shows great speed, and is just the horse to sire the class of stock that will brimg the hest pricey, J'atlenwtlit Jr. has !wide triol quarters in 35 st'cends and better. 'f his Iroise may be seen at his yarn, lot 8,'conceseicet a, borne. JAMES ESSE1tY, Prop. Exeter. P. O. c• - t IIOW T1100144 WILL IIE DIVIDED FOR DI"fl' ON CARLING'S IIEIGIITS Tee camp :.t London this year its to he a double-header. The dirst camp will begin June 6, find the sec- ond 3une 14uL. The 1 coops kill be clivi led for duly as follows. .lune 6 -1st Humors, No. 1 Co., R. C. 11: 1-2 No. 1 Co., C. A.A. C. Na 6 (leaver ('o., No. 6 Field hospital Co. The second camp starts Juno 18t4t 1st infantry Brigade, , 26t h, 27th, :1211(1 til 33rd Regiments, The second count) starts June 19th and will incltttfe the 6th Field Bet- ters-, sl e r 1 1 t 1 Brigade, C. A. 11114 and d � !tit h� Field Batteries); ,bio. 1 Co., it. C. R.; 1-2 Na 1 Co., C. A.R.C; No. 7 hearer Co. ; Na 7 Field 110 pita! Co 2nd Infantry Brigade, 22nd Jte. i ment (four companies), 20111, 29(1 and 30th Regiments. LONDON CAMP PROGRAMME iti order:: jrt•;e' Militia n justaxe 1 cost tain the syllabus of training for is struction duriri ; the cesnin-t suer ,1101'. day -Marching cii: i camp. l'n 1 day r into amp. Second day -Squad drill rifle ex crcio.s, lecture to field e:fficers on alt'tck and .lefett-.a anti muster par lick. Third day-ltifle cxerci Nes, prin- ciples of bayonet fighting, firing ex- ercises, lecture to field officers on messages, reports and sketches; practical outpoat work explained and illustrated by taking up an out - meat line ; lect urc to officers. In- formation and reconnaissance. Fourth day -Firing exercises, skir- mishing, lecture to field officers on starches. Fifth day -Company drill, lecture 13 field officers on protection. The company in attack and defense. Sixth day -Sunday -Church par- tde. bevent11 day -Bat talion drill; the bat billion in attack and defense. Eighth day -The occupation of a icoai1ion by the ioattalion bringin; in !outpost information and scout- ing attack on 11 position by The oat - talion, bringing. in ndvance ,zuards. Ninth day-hlri,tade drill ; the Irri- gate: in attack, the brigade in de- Tenth day - Spare in order 10 enable the camp commandant to'al- lot is .to make up any part of the syllabus omitted _ay 1I:_• units while on the ra ngea. Eleventh day -Tactical scheme by which the initiative c.f the bat- lalien old company leaders 1113y he judged. All Irorca',t of Ilse eau pen- girged. Twelfth day-elsirchin:' out camp. 00 YOU GET IIILLIOL'SI No remedy could be more prompt and . ,;rceabte t han Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No matter where you go. you'll hear of the grand curea they make. Writing from Ottawa, Mrs. M. E. Legere says ;"For people in- clined to biliousness and sick head - :lobo I don't Stink there is n remedy to compare with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 1 formerly had bilious et • lacks about once n month -used Dr. Hamilton's I'ills and obtained grand results. My stomach has been put in goad order and my health greatly improved." No medicine better for men, women or children. Try Dr. Hamilton's 1' ills, -25c. per box or five -b es for $1.0O at all drums is s. ox o o .,;n l • 1 SET -BACK Folt STRATFORD -Mrs Stratford, Ont., May 16.r M Leonard, of the C. P. R., wrote to the Mayor to -day respecting the proposition of the city to pay the C. 1'. 11. $30,000 instead of n right of way and nuild the approaches to the subways necessitated ay the levels for the projected railway in the city Ile gave the city to understand that tee proposition would not be en- tertained. There is a radical dif- ference oetwcen the two interview; of the railway committee of the city and the Board of Trade. Ile will write sifter interviewin : 81,111;- netay. 7il•e +cement foundation for ,North [reel Methodist church, Goderich,i.t ac:+rly -finished, and the Masons are molting the work so ae to have verytltrn'g ready for the layi►lr of he corner :,tr:,n^ on \`ictoria 1)ay. Wishing to be relieved c 1 so much .office work. A.1'. Cooper, of Clin- ton, intends to give up the C. I'. 11 telegraph t. envy, :also the Dominion Express ,!Loney Order ng(•tIcy, lit an ';illy date, hist resignation nein; al- ready with f he t wo companies. (;iLLIBRAN1) Gillibrand (imp.) 426 (20512) color bay, stripe, four white let locks. Tho horse is a grand type of a draught horse, beautiful head and neck, keit well slanting shoulders, with ft - cIass (tack and swell sprung Sins, ex- tra hew hind quarters. very wide at botch ends, and a very heavy clean and flat bone, with the heat of silky (lair, and capital feet, this is what every (fraught horse must have, plenty of good heavy bon:. \\'hgn thi:a 1orsc is in cod condition he will Wei 'It a ton more. 'f 1114 1orse may be seen at his stable, .on Saturdays. T. J. 131•:RI(Y, Pro, D. ItOtia, aI:ul, Hensall, Ont. LORD SIL\IRI' Lord Sharp. 11117, is a Clyde Stal- lion four years old, brown, three white feet. star on face. Monday to Sidney Andrew+, lot 4 con. 6, Ushorne ; thence to Moffat is Hate' Centr;llii. Tuesday to Jelin Ilepburn's, lot 3, con. 1. Stephen, then to Ikeitriclee Hotel, Mount Carmel. Wednesday, to ?1cCaffrey's 11(1(•1 West McGillivray, and .las, Cock- wcll's 11 ran. McGillivray. hursday to \\'m. Kelly's lot 13 con. 1, Iliddulph ; 1 hence to Pitmen's Hotel, Cl:an(lr'bnye. Friday in \Vin. Tc (.hey, lot 22, cots. 7. Iliddulph, then le .10a. Morley'' 1'1. 11, 8. W. 11., Whalen Corner:. 8ilordly tnornin.; will proceed to his own st:Ihle, where he will rt'mein till 1he followint Mcnday morello .7. t; FO. COW AHD, Prop. :Ind M in. Lot 16, Coe. 8 Tuberae IIOItN RINKER 11 -In i)ash.worel, t,n April 28 to Mr. and Mrs. ('.1• +. itinker, a daughter. \IONTFITII - On Sunday, May 111h to Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Monteit h, Thames helot, n•l(on. MARRIED SCiIRAi)E11 - in Daahw sod, on Ap- ril 23, In Mr. and Mr!. David Sebr,ider, :e daughter. 1L1.. t -. 10 I • s tt 1 of Ap- ril1%1 'I' ril 21, to Mr. and Mr:t. 11. M. Wil- ler", :a daughter. G11)l,1il' - JECKELI, - In Wind= nor, on \Wcdnes l 1y, May 10, Mr. Harry .1. Gidlcy, of Duluth, Minn. 10 Miss Annie .Teckell, of Exeter. IIISSETT - 11cFALLS. - On Thurs- day. i1•,y 11111, at the Rectory, by Itev. 11..1. M. Perkins, Mr 14a:1c Ili,sc•t 1. 10 Miss Lot 1 ie 11'F:tlls, all of Exeter. ,TANKS - ALAiII - At the residence of t.Iie bride's parents, in Stanley tow•nsl.;p, on April 26th, by !rev. A. E .Shaw, Josie, third daughter of Mr, George Al fir, to Clray. Jinks >f Kipper. DECIIEht -- RADE11 - A t Dnah- woed, c•n Wednesday, M 1y 10th, 1005, by Rev. R. Eifcrl, Mr. John I)ccher, jr.. of The (labylon line, Hay t:l alisa Cl cru, dao :liter of \lr. and alt.. .Jacob Ratter. 1) 411. w ood. To Cure a Cold in One Day ..curg.:gPn. Tilos Laxative Bromo Tablets. ►� �j rs every semi Sell" boles *ad V l3 ssoldll& iI/3! OVP*#'t./ box. 25c. ►1r... J:Ines, who liia.`oeen :I rc-:- ch•nt of Se.tforth for sieleen years, died ion "Friday 'venins la tit, atler a short illness. YOR OVICRBIXTY 1 ARS As OLD AND WELL -T I&n RseisDy.-Mrs •Wisalow'.Boothlog !limp!limphas been need tor £ It seethes the child, softens the gam . allays ysall l palk ewes wind collo. and le the beat rem.d or It 1s pleasant to the taste. Bold by(a in every part of the world. M Dente a Its due is Incaiouhsble Be ,lire ' take Its_ Windows tansitling Byrupaed ask for ne other kind. The circus (11 :11onday laet Wis the attraction for the many who drove in from all the surrounding country-, crowd:; arriving in town early ,;a 111'11 111^y Mi ght witness the great re nsier parade which n') doubt ttas not alttetelher quite uite u . • 1 to their expect:itions. lluwever large crowds were in attcvui:mee a1 the performance in the afternoon, and tlx: prosrauuo0 rendered al - 1 lough not up to litany of the loupe- circus oup lcircus exbioitions, was very good. 01110 of t he tumblins and acroaai is feats being fairly well executed. 'l'I1e troupe on the whole were orderly and caused no undue commotion or I r oublc on our streets. Many of our citizens enjoyed the opportunity of witnessing the very unique and easy way in which the ears were un.. loaded, and also the lo:tdin_; ngain every tlain:' Iain; done with order and dcal,:atch. THE WONDERS OF TIIE BODY Its mechanism, like delicate mach- inery, by even a slight cause is so disarranged as to be practically use- less. A headache is no trifling mat- ter because the stomach, kidneys, andl ivcr are sure to be affected. To cure the cause of headaches and pre- vent new attacks, use Ferrozone : it aids the stomach by supplyingnour- ishing blood, vitalizes the nerves and brain instantly. Ferrozone braces, -gives tone -elevates your spirits. No such health bringer known. Fifty cent per box of fifty choco- late coated tablets at all dealers. SIIEE1' SCAB IN ONTAIIIO A proelamation has been issued at Ottawa declaring sheep scab exists in the townships of North Dorchest- er, London, McGillivray, East \Vil- li:ana and Ekfrid, county of Middle- sex ; Warwick, Brooke, and Dawn, county of Lambton; Zone, Camden eland Chatham, county of Kent, and the movement cf any live sheep whatever out of these •townshipsex- eept when accompanied by a certi- ficate treat they' are free from die- eosa and intended for immediate slaughter. Shipments of sheep for other purposes to points within the Dominion are permitted, providing each shipment is accompanied by a certificate of inspection, stating that the stock are free from disease, and 'have not. been in contract with affected animals. IT 11F,ALS TIIE LUNGS When the antiseptic vapor of "C:a- tarrhozone" is inhaled it spreads through .the breathing orgine, carrying healing and health to the sore spots. An irritable throat. "Catarrhozone" cures in five min- utes, bronchitis it soothes instantly, weak lungs are fed and quick- ly nourished back to health. Tose free from colds and coughs, to ovoid catarrh and bronchitis -use Catarr- hozone ; it is prescribed Sy more than twenty thousand physicians s'c' atS 1 n America alone, and used by the peo- ple. of nine nations. HINTS TO THE FARMER I''orty-three varieties of spring wheat and four varieties of rye were sown on the experimental plots at tho Ontario Aoriculturol College, on March 29th. In 1902 the spring wheats were mown on March 27th. e These c e a . r ihe only two seasons within the past twenty years in which the sprin,T seeding at the College could be started in the month of March. It is generally useless ;to attempt to grow spring wheat in Ontario unless it can he .gown as early in spring as the land is nuitable, even if ilio seeding is followed by cold weather and snow storms. For five years in succes- sion. an experirMt has been con- ducted fay sowing spring wheat, barley, cots, and peas, on different dates in tho spring of the year. The first seeding took place es soon as the ground was suffioient-ly warns and dry to work to good advantage. One week was allowed between eaoh two tteedings. Tho results indicate the importance of sowing spring wheat, barley, tints, and pons; in the order here given, starting with spring wheat and finishing with the peas. After 'the first week wan past there was an average decrease in yield dor every day's delay in need- ingof about o on anti one-half bush- els of oats, one bushel of barley,ono half bushel of spring wheal, and one- third bushels of per acre. FRF..B TRIAL BOTTLE To prove what Dr. Leonhardt's Anli- Pill will do -Your name and ad- (trees (- (tr es on a pest oar iwill bring n g it -Has cured thousands al- ready. Dr. Loonhardt's Anti -fill has ushered in a new era in thetreat- ment and cure of diseases. Thous- ands who have given up hope have been restored to perfect health, and every cure seems to be perfect end permanent. Dere is a ease of dys- pepsia; I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for many years. i have been treated by focal doctors, and have taken nearly all the ad- vertised remedies with only tempor- ary relief, but since using Dr. Leon- liarrlt's Anti-l'ill 1 can eat any- thing the same as when a boy, My old-time vigor )las returned ,so that my spirits aro bu.oyant and temper normal. 1 give all credit to Qr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill." -M. N. D•e- foe, 29 Colborne Street, Toronto. A month's treatment at your druggist for 50e. A oamplo free by addressing t ho Wilson-Fyle Co., Lim- ited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agent' for Canada, 1.)?AI) KINDLY LIGHT 'I he hy'unhooks do not contain a more r xquisite lyrin t han New•man's "Leat!, Kindly Light," says Allan Sutherland in the June Deline+tor, nnr one that is more acceptable to all tletlnlninetions of the Christian fait l:. \\'Lee the 1':Hie men! .f lteliatorta suet in Chica.to during th Columbian F.xpu;ition, the retire .4(1117iyes of alnlast every crt•e known to man found t wo t hin 011 which They were agreed: The could all join in the Lord's frays and all could sing 'Lead, Kindl Light.' The hymn wss wricte when Newman returning hom Irons Italy after a serious illens was becalmed for a week in the sun ny waters of the Mediteranean. I striking contrast the music w•.t composed by Dr. John 11. Dykes a he walked through the Strand, on of the busiest thoroughfares of Lon don. The hymn was a fovoritc o Gladstone, sand also of President Mc Keeley, and it ea.; sun; far an q . tt'" n e i t the „hurchca <; a c I 111 first :ill niv(Isary of his death :rn:I burial. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" 6' PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE ✓ ars. Mlilladss. Tells Hew She Tried Lydia S E. Piekkases Vegetable Compo.ad het e 1a Thee. • Mrs. T. C. Willadsen, of Manning, • Iowa, writes to Mrs. l'inkhanv Dear M,s.' Piathata " I can truly Jay tbat you have saved ray e life, and I cannot express my gratitude Ho I you in words. f: d I'AT113IAIi'fliliS NOT LIABLE Py .1 is (u:endme:ul to , lie 411114: 1l Act, pat rim asters are 11'3 longer rcgr.iled to I cak after the cut tit) r ,-:f e8o\iou; ty cods 111111ce high ways in 1 heir divi,i:41. Every- 01111 or 4; cupant ter 1 •nd is now require, to CU( 1 w(•.ds ;ro•yin3 wn th• highways :adjacent to his lana: Chapter 27. of the stetutcs of 11)01 providc:t as follows ; "It :•hall he t be duty of every owticr or occupant u land in a municipality to out 11e01 or destroy, or erose to cr cut dowi or destroyed at the proper time to prevent elle ripening of the s00;1, all noxious: weeds growing on any highway adjoining molt laud, not ne- ing a toll told, from the ,boundary of such land to the centre litre of smelt road, and 111 case of default af- ter notice from Inspector or Over- seer of highways, or where oto In- spector or Overseer is appointed, the clerk of the municipality - may do the work and may add the cast thereof to t'he taxes against the land in the Collector's Roll and col- lect such oast in the same manner as other taxes." II • CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH 11E1%1- EDY THE VERY BEST "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," nays Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its Toeing t}:e hest, and it will cure n cold in less time than luny other treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a ooldcan bo cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale in Exe- ter by W. S. Howey. PEi(SONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR '1'o California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Portland, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to The Pacific coest via The Grand Trunk Railway System and connect- ing linen leaves Queoeo July 5, and Montreal :Ind Toronto July 6. The route will be via Chicago, thence through Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places, :end side trips token to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, etc. From •there the party will con- tinue ,through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grandry 1ltrough • the Royal Gorge -to Salt Lake City, 'thence to Lav Angeles, San Francisco, Mt Shasta, I'ortland Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through ' St. Paul and 11lintneapolia. The trip will occupy about thirty day., ,ten days being spent ion the 1'acilic coast. The price for the ,round drip in- cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist cars, all meals in the dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is $165.50 from Quebec, or $160.50 front Montreal and $150.00 from Toronto. Tbia first trip is designed as a vacation trip for leachers, although many whoaro not teachers will improve the op- portunity of taking the trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particular:( address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conduc- tor, it( em 308, Union Station, To- ronto. A BROAD STATEMENT This announcement is made with- out any qualifications. Hem-Roid is the ono preparation in tho world that guarantees it. Dr. Loonhardt's Item -Rad will cure any ease of Piles. It is in the form of a tablet. It his the only Pile remedy used internally. It :is impossible to cure an estab- lished case of Piles with ointments, suppositories, injestions, or outward appliances. A guarantee is issued with every package of 1)r. Loonhardt's Ilem- Itoid which contains a month's treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about It. The Wilson-Fyle Co, Limited, Ni- agara Falls, Ont. KOMOKA MAN AND • CHATHAM WOMAN AMONG THE WINNERS The results of 1)141 ttuexsin; corn - pc ' 1 p I t sora oonducted by the Cc11cu1c Co. of this city, in connection with the I'oaninion election held on Nov. 3, Pori, are officially announced by the 'ft list & Guarantee Company, of T.orcnto. The total vote polled in the flection .is 1,030,186, os fur- nished by the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. The result of the con • test k :as follows ; First prize for , "Before I wrote to you, telling you how r felt, I had doctored for over two years steady' and spent lots of money on medicines besides, but it ail tailed to help me. My monthly p- riods had ceased and I suffered tnueb p(tta with fainting spells, headache, backache a.nd bearing -down pains, and I was so weak I could hardly keep around. As a last resorts I decided to write you and trLydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound,and I ant so thankful that I did, for after following your - Instructions, which you sent me free of all c e, my monthly periods started '• I am and in perfect health. 11:+•iit net been for you I would be in my grave to -day. "I sincerely trust that this fetter may Wad every suffering woman in the country t)D write you for help as I did." When women are troubled with fi► regular or painful menstruation, weak- ness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ul- ceration of the womb, that bearing - down feeling, inflammation of the ova- ries, backache, flatulence, general de- blhity,• indigestion and nervous prostra- tion, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound atonoe removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and un- qualified endorsement. Refuse all sub- stitutes. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass, nearest estimate received during the contest. John II. M,00rhouse, Belle- vau, Apartments, Montreal, esti- mate, 1,030,220, prize, $2500: second prize for nearest estimrtte received before noon, Oct. 17, E. °egg. 82 Shuter street, Toronto, estimate 1,030,0011, prize $250 ; third prize, for nearest estimate received between noon[ Oat. 17, a , lid noon Oct.4. 2 A. MacKellar, Iiomoka, Ont., and Mrs. E. Hazlett, Chrtthtna, equal, esti- mate, 1,030,000, prize $250 divided equally : fourth prize, for nearest estimate received between noon, Oct. 24, and noon, Oct. 31, C. McMickcn, Box 1,291, Winnipeg, Man., estimate 1,030,222, prize $250. "RAFFLES" STORIES IN THE MAIL ANI) EMPIRE Mr. E. W. Hornung's stories Of "Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman" :ire universally admitted to be the most fascinating talcs of criminal dvenlure ever written. The char- acter of Raffles, the gentleman burglar ;and jewel-roaber, is one new to fiction ; ( lie story of his ex- ploits excel in vigor and thrilling interest the work of any other mod- ern writer. The Mail and Empire will begin ptialication in the Daily on May 13 and the Weekly edition on May 15th of Mr. Ilornung's new series; of "Amateur Cracksman" tales which have never before appeared in periodical form. The first of these tales, The Ides of March", introduces Raffles and lair faithful companion "Bunny,' in their first and most exciting burglarly of the great jewelry store. One of these new tales will appear every Saturday in the Daily mail and Empire can well as in the Weekly edition for the next three months. Ordera taken nt the office of this paper for the Weekly Mail and Empire and The Times to be mailed to :any address in Canada, Great Britain or the l'nited States from now 71111i1 .1:1 !miry 1st, 1906, for 75 cents. —f— \WI11- SUFFER FROM J1IIEl'MA- TISM Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamber- lain's fain (halm still relieve the pain The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep pos- sible, and that alone is worth marry limes its cost. Many who have used it hoping otnl • for a Ithort relief 1 ) from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after nwhile the telicf became permanent. Mrs. V. Ii. Legzett of l um Yum. Ten- nessee, U.S. A., writes. "1 um a great sufferer from rheumatism. all over frorn head to fool, and Chamber- lain's fain Balm is the only thing 1)t it will relieve the pan". .For sale ill Exeter by W. S. Howey. fir N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••............... = THE 1101,SO�iS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP • • 53,000.000.00 RESERVE FUND •• • • S3.000.000'00 t6 Branches in Ontario, Quebec. Alberta, Britt.h Columbia and M anitoba EXETER RANCH Open every Lawful Day from t0 A. M.10 3 0. M. except 8aterday 10 A. M.11o 1 r. x. Fnr,vterts' Mole Note., cashed or cbllected. Forms supplied se pppplicatIon. DRAFTS on all ;oleo In' the Domlaton, Great Britain and L'n• State•. bought and .'old at lowest rates of exchange, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depo&Flto of 01.00 aril upwards received. interest com• ponnded half ieerley, end added to principal June Myth and December •3tet. De po.ita Itecelpta also s.ued and highest current rate. of tntere•t allowed. Advances made to farmers stock dealers and business men at iowo.t ratex and on most Womble term.. APetit . at Exeter for Dom. (Joternment, Dickson &.Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••