Exeter Times, 1905-05-18, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, MAY lsth 1905. SOAPS The Surrounding News ANI) Iles flrUGIcs rico line of Toilet. Soaps also lie Castile Soap by the Bar or Cake d all- the Toilet Articles For Sale at rug Store e Exeter Times ENDAR FOR /TAY. 1005 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 Y2 0 16 23 80 DAY,.. 8 10 17 24 31 AY, .., .., 4 11 18 25 5 12 10 26 AY 6 13 20 27 RSDAY, MAV- 18th 1905. THREE NEW BILLS May 15 -The Minister of s given notice of three a to complete the provincial tion of the territory north wo nen- provinces. One re - the district of MacKenzie. ✓ to Keewatin, raid the third :eneral organization of the between the north of Alaxrta and Sa3katche- the Artie, and betcc•een the of Brinell Columbia and (lay. L. BORDEN'S AMEND- MENT the ootabliehwent of a in the Northwest Territor- anada as Iaropased by Bill the Legislature of *such pro- ubjcct to and in accordance provisions of the British merest Acla, 1861 to 1886. ed to and should enjoy full of provincial self-government g power to exclusively make relation to education. is the issue, e•a far n:i the ,y measure is concerned, up• h the bye -elections will be out. EWIS CONDEMNED lob. May 12 -The vote of E. M. 1'., on the autonomy a or•oused the Conservatives t Huron. That n Conner- . nl e 1)C r t should n h�uld vote against ✓ .and with elle Government sed considerable dissatI5faC• •, ng Ilia supporters in this Hard thia.s have been said hint. and it has been wthisp- t he :night be :t:3ked bo re- ut having defied the party a vote he pis still in a positial► g 10 Liv .,cat despite rill pra- y the executive of the Wee( Conservative Association met 1'town behind closed door 4. The yusines3 of the meeting wag tcu`tsl ►1 of the Lewitt ease. Scv- lentbers of t he Executive spoke ;ly against the course he had 1lt was 11.84 present i,o de- tiul`.elf. resulut ion tt as passed, but E. 1vi:, M. 1'.. was condemned in curtained 141 Inner by the tea.1- the. party. If bo 'should of- rt•ai.gn his seat in t Ice Corn - no one tt ould object. FAIN ABOUT TIIE 1111'.' n ecinim044 complaint (•, it h The right :treatment is inc. which penetrates 1 a the d the pain 'immediately. Ner• warms and sootles'lite affect - rts, theme out the irritation lin, allow s the patient cal() af- le rubJins. No liniment so nical and safe. Nearly lift; in use and the demand itn- ly greater every d:ay 1 \:r5•i- tust ire good. a falling of your hair! p it, or you will soon be 1. Give your hair some r's Hair Vigor. The fall - will stop, the hair will air VI on and the scalp will he • and healthy. Why he ed with poor hair \\Igen can make it rl h? Ir nearly all came, ' 1 ! r•• • r Inger and only o, • h n'- .'•4 e- • New ha•r ey-e 1:, real the ' ((c•1 11 le eurty."-Mao,. 1. st P. T. 18 for Lowen. M J.c ,aranan, _ ro ick Hair Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondents. IIENSALL recd. -Just received 3 cars of Manitoba Shorts and other Feed on hand. -1). Urquli,a t, Ilensall Oat- meal Mil lb. Flour. -One car of best Manitoba Flour, will exchangesforalta. - I). Urquhart, ltensall Oatmeal Mills. - The court of revision twill meet on 4110 2Gth inst. According to arrangements the band trade its first appeacrance on Saturday evening. -Victori:t Day i:3 to be celebrated here. Exeter and Zurich play base- ball, Clinton and Hcnsall play lacrosse, and Bayfield and lfcnsall play the final game in the series. There will be athletic /sports, as well as a concert at night. -A sign writer did a thriving trade here a few days ago. -Shipping is very brisk at our station and if there is any place on the line of the London Huron and Bruce that requires and deserves n new station it is Ifensali. - Mr. Blackall i.3 at 1110 Queen's visiting his son. lir. lilackall. Miss Curti?. of 1toc.hcsicr, who was spending a number of months with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Redmond. of the township of IIay, lits returned home. -Mr. and Mrs. G. hunt, of Galt, were. hero recently visiting Mrs. Hunt, Mr. Hunt 'S mother. -Mr. It. Bullard Las purcha from Mr. R. Paterson the lot lje- hind hie present property and lacing on Queen street. -Mr. Win. McDougall has pur- chased from Mr. Win. Moir another lot at the rear of his present dwells ing property( -The many relatives and friends of Mrs. William Dougall. sr., of this village, will regret to learn of her .death, which occurred on Tues- day last. -The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in' Carmel Presbyterian church nt the morning service on Sabbath, the lith inst. ('reparatory service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Sowers. of 13rucefield. - Mr. W. R. Hodgins is having the Commercial :hotel, which he owns. nicely repainted by Mr. John Stacey and 'G. Smallacombe, who are • ex- perts with the brush. -A number of our business men are &laving their store (fronts re- painted, which makes a great im- provement and will add to the ap- pearance of our village for the 24th of May celebration and we would like to see others following /heir goad example. B. Moy ey- was in Oxford county this week attending the fu- neral of a relative. -Mr. J. Buchanan, of the Guelph Agricultural staff, was in the vil- lage last week visiting his parents. -Mr. W. Ellwood and family left lees' last week for their new home in Brantford, followed by the good wishes of their many friends here. - Mrs. Kendrick, of Port Huron, and Mrs. •'s' her parents, Mr.n c : visiting ua'� 1 ,lames Ront.hrc,n, of the township of (fay. -Our uacrcdru4l.a reran trade good for this season of the year. -We learn that at Omec. Michi- gan, recently. n barn used by Dr. 1). T. Smith. son of Mr. Alexander Smith, of ibis village, was struck by lightninz and totally destroyed. The doctor had five horses in the barn at The time. Three of them .were i otter out, but .the other two per- ished in the flames. - On Tuesday last, Mr. Alex. Smith of IM n village. elle well known hog buyer, paid out over 83,020 for hogs. Times from now until Jan. 1908 for 75c. ZURICH -Rev. Alf. (k i:_.•r and bride left for Elmwood, Ont., their new hotne, on Friday last. Mr. Geiger was re- cently ordained n mini+ler of the Evangelical Association. -\Tr. It. F. Stelk, she popular principal of the Zurich Public School Iris handed in his rtwignalion, which takes (•!feet at the summer holidays. Mr. Stelk 11:13 proved himself to be a careful and pains -taking teacher and his severance froni the +School will be a distinct loss Miss Kale (tart, one of the :(-si+- lant teachers. has :also handed in her resignation to take effect at the end of the present tertn. This will necessitate the 'Trustees +o secure two new teachers to .begin after the summer holidays. \Ir. Moses Geiser left on Satur- day for South River, New Ontario, to bring 'oack his son's driving out- fit. He makes the journey by train sonny i00 mi 10.. baa will drive back, At i meeting of the i rustees of the village it was decided to put down about 6000 square deet of ce- ment %talk a t his.,untnler• .\ 'number of nese ..dry by-laws are in course of preparation. :and tl. • mucid needed constable Chas 'oc•0n ;appointed. \i•. \ndrete 'rhoil 1.4 Ihe .•u w pulice ami t1,• 4ruat tice citizens (mnerally wilt •4ial thins so keep our fine village in the heat of order. We might men- tion that Oho cattle by-law will 'we strictly enforced and if any are found <n the streets they %%HI .,t promptly impounded. -The Saverei•tn Rank Leas made •me chinos in the Inc Ii hranclae, which go into ell( c( thio week. Mr. Jos. Snell, under whose chic man- agement the husinese of tate 'Zurich and Dashwood br:t.nohrs has increas- ed ea rapidly, L• 14 had the Exeter hr.cnah iddc 1 t.. bis superi,icn and be will in all Iiklilaood make tai+ headquarters in (hal u0t.11, stand- ing ane day each week in Dashwoe l and Zurich. t17AisTcortx Tl a K'rJ )11" lihsl Buret lfor testiasesia>s of res curse BAYFIELD -The third game of the intermed- iate series between Bayfield Lake - sides and lIcnsall was played here on Saturday. hayfield scored in 19 minutes and no more scores were matte. TI:e weather was perfect, and a large crowd was present and thoroughly enjoyed the ,same. The play was rather rough at times, and was very fast. THAMES ROAD. -Several from dere attended the circus in Exeter on Monday, but do not speak very highly of it. - Mr. \\'n1. Monteith wears a broad .smile this week, On Sunday his wife presented hint with a bouncing boy. - Don't forget to attend the choir concert in the Presbyterian church, Friday evening, the 10th inst. The .artists engazed for the occassion are all good, and She pro- gram will be high class. -t- LUMLEY The beef ring will 144:441 a heir round:4 en May 15th. 11r. 1'. -Whitlock i:: nt:ntufactur- iug cement blocks. Muss Vera Glenn, who has been sending her holidays at home has not returned to her duties at the Collegiate yet. Messrs. James and henry Ander- 4:0n. Isaac Johns and Paul Madge have bought a corn planter, 'flip Thames Road people are hav- irit• a rare concert in their church ou Friday evening, May loth, RI'SSELDALE The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Spring Creek Farm, Russel - dale, was the scone of a happy event on Thursday evening, May 4, .when they celebrated their golden wed- ding. All the children and grand- children. except one small grandson who was too ill, were there. There were also present n number of fri- ends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were the recipients of two costly chairs, a beautiful couch, a pair of gold rim - 'meal spectacles each, a clock, ten dollars in gold and many other use- ful article:+. Mr. and Mrs. Clark were among the first twitters in the community and by their integrity of character and genial hospitable natures, ore held in high esteem by all who know them. KIRKTON A letter has been received from Mr. James C. Tufts, of Virden, Man. formerly of this village in which he stated that he 'vas leaving for the England on May 8, and that he was going to make his home with his (laughter in Yorkshire. Mr. Tufts ct•aa a resident of Kirkton for ov- er thirty years. His many friends trill wish him bon voyage and a pleasant life in his new home. Mr. Thomas McMichael, one of llullett's prosperous farmers, re- cently spent a week with his old friend and nei,hlior. Mr. Thomas Yellow, of Mount Pleanint Cottage, Mr. McMichael Eta not been well for :some weeks, and the change did him nutoh !rood. t-- \VOODIfAM Mr. James Houtley has purchased a new rubber lire bugzy. -Mr. J. Shier has the new engine in the mill, and is running again. - ltobt. Nen t tncl wit It a very painful accident on Saturday last while sawing w004 with o circular saw, , small stick caught on the saw strikinx him on the face with terrific force culling his face so Mal it was necessary to put in nevelt MU- MS/ -William Wilson lute purchased from Mr. Stroldeek. of Exeter, his fine drivint meets and his new rub- ber tiro Uugxy. ` -O1i1:+. Garr intends !cavities for 11:^ 0a81 star•tty. -Mr. and Mrs. Mc\aualaon have cone to reside in our village, Mr. McN:cugb1on i. :r.in1 to rtlrl Ihe mill far Mr. Shier. -Mrs. Couzcns, of New York is vi-itit1' nl (l:a 1 Iru,na.re. -.Mrd. Fcrzuson and son, of To. reale, and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of Ore, :ore visit in (heir parents, Mr. a rr I Mrs. Jos. 54 e l,lu•n.4. - f:brr Paynter spent Sunday in Exeter. left (:•n Monday for hi: - I ono. in Ilensell, there he has s'•;Ilred a si114:a I ion. --\\'t:. Mills sports :r rubber lire 1114'4 :c•. -hiss Young Hundaytd in Exe• ler. -Wilfred (ouze s secure( ,( situat i >n in one of our general Mor- es. lor- cs. - 11. Copeland bed his face badly Inane(' .ten^ day last week. -Where are you gnino to spend atism M ow of the constitutional teases. It manifests itself k load I flaed achei w rsand stiff usdes,-it cannot be Alred local applications. constitutional thetreMood, n actkg through �course of the great medidoe Hood'sSarsaparilla which bas permanently cursd thousands of cases. Pears the Bra of era /N/ for look.11,14 Co.,on ~.L Lowell. Mak the 21411. \\'lly of course :It Wood - Ione - The :uutiverstry services of the Woodhull Sunday School %sill be held on bulld'Jy. May 21st. Sermons will he preached 10.30 a. n>r Iu,d 7 1t. in., by the Rev. Mr. Aye:test, of Luc•tn. - (Semen Ser the s fiW'l,4 Oil t lie 21a. Come and enjoy 4 hem. EDEN -Itev. Mr. Andrews spent Tues day in our ccmntunity, accompanied by ilia wife. -Mr. T. W. llarris, of Oshawa, is the guest of his dau,ltter, Mrs. J. Esscry. - Mr. W. A. Davidson siert Sun- day in Credit.oa. -Mr. John Luxton, who has been so seriously ill is recovering slowly -Our League intend holding a social next Monday evening, May 22nd. A good programme is being provided and an informal lunch will be served. Admission 10 and 15r. All are tvelcamc. -Mr. IIomer Buswell spent Sun- day at the Thames !toad. What is the attraction, Homer? -Most of our children attended the circus. DASII\\'GOD GATES, WHEN YOU ARE BUYING a gate it pays to gst the best Examine the superior wiring of the now Page Gate. A g�0000dd stock always on hand. E. P. Poems, Hardware, Paints. Oils and Tinsmith. ing. Mr. John Hall, of London, wa.: in the village, Monday. -A large number of fine looking cattle changed hands ]fere last week. - Mr. Henry Ehlers, of the 14th is looking for a suitable )souse to buy in the village. - Miss Ella Minnie, of Zurich, is book-keeping at 4t,he hardware. - Mr. John Goetz':. saw mill is in full swing, and .wing stood satis- faction since beim: overhauled. - E. 1'. Paulin unLoaded n car of coal tide aveek. - The Sovereign Bank had a larze tour comoinaticn safe placed in the vault a,t the Bank, Saturday. - There were a number out to t he circus at Exeter from 'this 'neighbor- hood, on Monday. -Mr. Orval Ehenes, of Thedford, tormcrly of Zurich. is at present pro manager at (he Sovereign Bank here. -Mr. and Mrs. -Pfeffer. of Mil- verton were visiting friends in .the '.11Inge. - Rev. Louis Miller, is visiting his brother, Henry. We learn the Rev. Mr. Miller will occupy the Lutherian pulpit Sunday morning. -May the 28111 will be Rally day for the Young People's Alliance, ar- rangements are being made to have the Rev. Dr. Medd, of Hensall, give an address that evening. -Mr. George Snider has returned .Lange after successfully completing his course at the Dental College, of Columbus, Ohio. \\ee extend our congratulations to George, and wish him every success in his profession. - Rev. NI. Clemens, pastor of the Evangelical church, has just re- ceived his marks for the degree of M. A., We extend our congratul•t- tions to the Rev. Dr. M. Clemens. -Lydia and Jake Schrader spent Sunday at their mothers' _We are pleased to learn that Arl.ltur Weber is on the trend. -Mr. Fred Ilaker's house looks very tasty with its 11Cw• coal of paint. S. .T. Ifc.nderson A Son were the paint era. Richard Hamilton is unloading a car of lumber. Wedding at Mr. Conrod \Val - per.:. Particulars next week. (From another source) - Mr. J. Kellermann luta im- proved She front of his store, - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider have left for Colunlbu:a, Ohio.. Ito visit their son, George, who ;graduated last week, he leaving successfully passed his examinations there in the Dental college. - Jonas Hartltils ha's pur- chased Mr. Teidenri tee property in in this village. - Mr. Jos. Snell, who has been manager of the Zurich and Dash- wood branches of the Sovereign Bank, has been made manager of the Exeter branch 11.40, and will make his headquarters in Exeter. Mr. Snell has been one of our most respected and popular residents and it will indeed be a heavy loss to our village when himself and es- timable wife remove from our midst. \Ve understand that he will spend one day each week in Dashwood, and one day in Zurich, remaininfr in Exe- ter 'the .et her four drays. CREDITON - One Tenni.a players ire hard at work practicing. The majority of them are amateurs, but they are doing :splendidly. - Some of our people went to Exe- ter on Menday, to nt tend the circus The majority feel ne though they had better stayed at home. -Our postmaster has carpenters al work remodelling his store. -Mr. t t li ► ae of 5, � erof m n the g Merchant's Bank, at Luean, w118 in the c'ilia•rt• list Saturday on busi- ness. -Al trite special meeting held in the school house last Saturday even- ing, the ratepayers of the section (ie- cide:l to build a new school house. it it 1 a be a tnndern enc in every earls i1 tr, and the anaunt borrow- ed will he hint's dor term of year 4 -Our band boys f cvr,rerl our Citi• ren•a wit h some choice music 1a.1 Friday ('venins. - ih•, and Mr,. Hoist left \Veanes- dray morn',n f to 94 ten I lice funeral of the deter -We mother at Fonthill, C • a f Welland. A quarterly bird nleetinz only, Methodist church was hell rn Mon- day of last week, anal an adjourned meeting was held on .Monday even- ing (,art. The Stewards report a shortage of Rl60 in th^ finan-'s phi+ year. --lir. (:leas. Ki title has had his bolo I:ern III •wn, .an I will convert 41w8 into rn^ large barn. -Mr, Samuel Drown was in Mont • 1 1ast week on business. -.\ 1 -tppy event look place at the r. :•t n. of Jt r. a.n•l Mrs. .ino. 1'. mony with Mr. Fred Currey. of S4'lu•w:Iing, Mioh., Rev. G. I). Damns officiated in tl.e presence of the relatives and friends of the eon - teaming parties. Miss Ida Fink- beiner acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Carpenter, of Sebecraing. Mich., assist: 1 tau' groom. After the wed- ding ceremony t.h' guests 14:44 down for lunch when a toot( w.8S pro- posed for Ihe bride and was rt. - spond(•d by ileo•, C. S. Finkbeinttr. The groom was then toasted by Rev. C. S. 1' inkbeiner and was responded 4o by Hcv. Damm and Mr. Max, of Sebewaing, The ',rand was present in the evening and added greatly to the day: enjoyment. The happy couple left far their home in Sebewaing, Mich. last Monday accompanied by,, 1lie hest w•iSl:eS of a host of friends. Au cn.tcrtnintuent will be ,riven in the -Evangelical church next Mon- day eveni.n:s, May 2211d, beginning at 8 o'clock. A very brjef program will be given consisting of music and a short address by Mr. A. L. Hreitiupt, of Berlin, President of the Conference branch of the Y. P. A., after whioli an illustrated lee Lure will be given consistinx of lime light views on the life of St. Paul. The very best that the art galleries of the world possess on Paul's life itis been drawn upon and will be ex- hibited in lime light, thus affording an opportunity of seeing the luastcr paintings of the best European ar- tists, and obtaining, a connected view of the Tragic scenes and momentous events in the life of the great apos- tle and missionary of the church of Christ. This is a rare opportunity. Lel everybody ;.ome. A silver col- lection will be taken up at the door 4.a defray expenses. An enjoyable event. ttok place on 1Louday cvo al the ,home of Mr, and Mrs. John llauoh. Their friends and relatives •t•a the slumber et 40 Fathered t.orether 'to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their mar- riage. i•'ifty years is a lalir periott 011(1 abut feta married people are privileged to see and celebrate'their holden aatniv(•rsary. After the cer- emony of re -marriage had been per- formed by Rev. Geo. D. Damm, 11. D. congratulatory addresses were Liven by Messrs. Jacob and August llaist, brothers ,of Mrs. John Ifauch, and bir. Phil Mauch, of Zurich, :arother of Mr. John Haucb. 1)r. E. A. llaist also gave an address. Next follow- ed The presentation of a valuable rift whereupon the happy couple rezeived the hearty congratulations of their relatives and friends. Mr. and- Mrs. John Hanell responded fcel- irrzly. After t his the :guests repair - e(( a a the dining hall where n boun- teous jubilee dinner was serve:!. The following were amano those present Rev. and Mrs. Geo. D. Damen, Ja- cob llaist, Mr. end Mrs. Phil. Manch, Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. llaist, Mr. and Mrs. Salrlucl Brown, Dr. .and Mrs. E. A. haist, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lloltzmann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred llaist, Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Ma- whinney, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Heist, Mr. and Jird. 0. Wein, Mr. on:1 Mrs. ilarry Hoist, Mr. and Mrs. 3acob Schwartz, Mr. find Mrs. John Mist, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, Mrs. G. Qai.aer, Misses Lizzie Oest reicher. Lillian Mist, Mary Ann lIoltztnanm, Master Earl and Roy Heist. HOW TO \\'ARD OFF OLD AGE The most successful way of ward- ing off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suit- ed to your age and occupation, and when any disorder of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have n weak stomach or are troubled avit h indi- gestion you will find these tablets to he just what you need. For sale in Exeter by W. B. Ilowey. 6olcDration ' -ON- ay le ENSALL Afternoon of Sports and Races to be held on the Race Course,at 1 p. in. sharp, at which the fol- lowing events will take place. Lacrosse Match Clinton vs. Ilensall League Football Match Hayfield vs. Ilensall Baseball Match Zurich vs. Crediton Gentleman's Best Turncut Horse Races Farmer's Trot, half mile, Running Race, half mile. !feats, best two in three Concert at Night fiensall Hand will Furnish Music i'ilIktein•-t• la•1 \t'edtft'".ii , when Children under 12 years of age Ih^ir' d.ilr•:I,tei, Mite Core we4 �+ joined in II -hely bona. of Inilri-� .ICC. :1dmi�sion 25C and i5c. 1 /t� Illi �]f1(Ili'� AVegetatlle PrcparationforAs- similatingil Foodand Regula - ling the Stomachs andBowets d REIN IS ( HILDIU;N Promotes DigesHonk heerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opluln,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Abw.w m-switi:000w /i..,b i J..1 •LCvAwns • £ A.1L. Soles - „aiu Seal • limmst dr Ovlwes$.J&• greeedr SSW/. . a,t.yrw.. Irv: Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimileSignature of , Gtr NEW YORK. 7 AI b tnunihti old 1)DosIs-1.)CI NIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ti CASTORI For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough Bears the Signature of u For Ov Thirty Years r TN[ CIWTIWItClesePAWY. Mew Vena errs. 1 1-( 4.4 K K Kt.,K Kut K K K K'XK K `x4. K DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN The Leading Specialists of America. t5 Years in Detroit. Bank References. BINo Names Used Without Written Consent. If you have transgressed against the laws of nature, yon must suffer. Self abuse, later excesses and private diseases have wrecked thousands of promising lives. Treat with scientific physicians and be cured. Avoid quacks. E. A. Kidney, of Toledo, says: "At the age of 14. I learned abad habit and x119 contracted *serious disease. I treated with a dozen doctors, who all promised to cure me. Theygot my money and I still had the disease. I had given up hope when a friend avised me to consult Drs. K. & K., who had cured him. Without any confidence' called on them, and Dr. Kennedy agreed to cure me or no pay. After taking the New Method Treatment for six weeks I felt like a new ratan. The drains ceased, wormy veins disappeared, nerves grew stronger, hair stopped falling out, acini became clear and my sexual organs v[tallzed I was entirely cored by Dr. Kennedy and recommend him from the bottom of my Mart." We Treat and Care Syphilis, Glee*, Varteelefe,. ■mtaateaa. Stricture, Unnatural Dleehargea. S. 1aal Weakness, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. CONSULTATION FRES. BOOKS FREE. Call or write for Question Blasts for Rome Treatment. NO CURZ. NO PAY. VARICOCELE NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED. DRS, Michigan & KERGAN, Cor. Michigan Ari and Shelby Stresl. Detroit, Mich. K. K KiJ. K K• K KotK K lc, K h. h. TABOR'S GATE POST GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE MANGEL The Dairy Farmer's Mangel Will grow 30 to 50 pounds in weight. 2000 to 2500 bushels to the acre The easiest harvested and the Best Feeding Mangel Grown We strongly recommend this variety for ,harp gravels, shallow and• light sells. or others not adapted to the growth of the Long Red Mange), al- it penetrates to hut. a moderate depth, Special attention is called to our new selection of this mangel,which is by far the best of the intermediate varieties; its girth nt shonlder and base being about equal; it is between oval and cylin- drical in form capable of being grown matkable for feeding properties and hardiness. Put up and supplied in sealed packages only,. by Darch & Hunter, London, Ont.. FOR SALE BY CARLING BROS., Exeter, Ont.. SAM BROWN, Crediton, Ont. Send for our Farm Seed Catalogue. r1111•11rstsavr GRAND TRUNK Railway System 11 SINGLE FARE --- VICTORIA DAY (food (ioing May 23 and 24 Valid Returning until May 23th Between all stat into in Canada, also to I't. Huron and Detroit, Mich.,Susp, Bridge and,BufTalo N. Y. For tickets and full information. call on J. J. KNIGHT, Depot ticket agent, Exeter. .I. I). Mcl)OVALD Uisti Ott passenger agent. Toronto. 1'r;eate Inn ldin r improvement 3 n1 :Oro fool, and the bricklayers trade are sufferin;t thr such the shortness of brick. There appear!! to be none. on hand, nor ray forthcoming. The Iwo) yard. say sono is obtainable from outside •sources. Meantime- in eantime 1 dam es' e r r ul n.(•s and other buildings arc +lapped for want of material to finish them. This state of things is i<erious, as tIle prospects for build- ing .operations this seteon :are ab- n',rnial. "Pictorial !.►,edea"' , ea Vf if ,.1alvr Conceded O VIfll 1 cr t C J t ••t t title. "Om molt beautiful magazine in the n,•rt.1 From 45 1.1 75 fine pictures each month. many of them in color, and as of them fur framini. Portraits of Celebrities Reproductions of Scenes dad Incidents The very perfection of fine photographic reproduction. Bound with silk cord 4.• Lrmonize with the color scheme of the COVC r. The Oats Naiads, of the Wad la the World sa �a ScA,.cnpri„n rri.e, $3 no *7044. including the S1'F.C1.\T. ( IIk1STMAs NUM HF•'R. 4.1 M' r w4.etee M ewe pre • mop, Derr Pub.. Ce...4 West !Il/ a1.. New Tort li