HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-18, Page 3FIGHTING NEAR AT HAND Left Wing of Russian Army Falls Back to Kirin. A BATTLE IMMINENT. A dispatch from Tokio says: The Annhi learns That the left wing of the Russian army has fallen back to Kirin, where it Is coneentratiog. it is understood that se battle is immin- ent. JAPS DIM 1':N i3ACK. A deep atch from St. I'etersbu•rg Gays: Gen. Linevitch, in a despatch to the Emperor, dated Tuesday, says:- "Our advan. e posts along the line from 1'odysouzsche to Shi- houzo were attacked by the tmenty's cavalry on Sunday. The Japanese were repulsed. They renewed the at- tack next day, but were again un- successful. "On Tuesday our cavalry advanced in Gs. direction of the Shahetzy !fines, which were occupied by Ja- panese, who in the face of our artil- lery fare, and a turning movement westward of the trines, were ublige(I to retire toward() the Village of Hiniant•og, front which they subse- quently were dislodged, retiring to the \'illat,o of Matliopa." . ANOTIiIER 1(USSSIAN LOAN. A despatch from St. Petersburg My 9: The Itu5s stat(m that the Gov- erneu•nt has negotiated a loan of 200,000,000 marks ($16,000,000) at 5 per cent., with German financiers. FREE FI(OM BARNACLES. A despatch from Saigon says: -The Russian cruiser Jemtchug and the Russian auxiliary cruiser Dion, be- longing o-longing to Admiral Itojestvensky's squadron, arrived off Cape St. James, near here, during the night of Monday and left the next day at tho request of tho Governor of French Indo-China. These cruisers, which brought in- structions for Rear -Admiral Niebo- gatorf. anchored three or four miles of! shore. A heavy sea was run- ning, exposing a good deal of the warships' hulls, which were quite free from barnacles or seaweed. The ships appeared to have unusually large crews,. and it seemed that the men were all in good health. The main Russian squadron is said to be well provisioned. but to be short of tolniceo end cigars. It is considered likely here that Nichogutoll's division has already linseed Cape St. James. JAPAN'S POSITION. A despatch: from Paris says: -In the course of an apparently authoritative statement published here on Wednes- day of Japan's case against France, THE WORLD'S MARKETS v REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese. sad Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toro to, May 16.-Wlr.•at-No. 2 white and red Winter sold at. 97c at outside points. No. 2 gouse is pure- ly urerly nominal. Moult oba wheat is steady, with No. 1 Northern quoted at 95Se lake► ports at opening of nseigatrot; No. 2 Northern at U1,',C, nod No. 3 North.en at. Mir. Oats -No. 2 white quotid at :39c outtitle and No. 1 at 401c east. Cars of No. 2 pante on truck here aro quoted at 43c. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 45 to 46c mi(k)le freights; No. 2 extra at 43 to 4Ic. No. 3 at 91 to 42c, middle freighta. Pray -The market is steady, with a summary is given of various acts dealers quoting 68 to 69c at outside of assistance rendered the vessels of i'o:nes. tho Russian second Pacific squadron Corn -Canadian yellow quoted at at Cherbourg, Dakar, Algiers, Jibu- 47c, and mixed at 46ic west. guar - til, Magunga, Nossibe, Kamranh nulled sound. American kiln dried; Bay, l'ort Dayot, and Ilon-Koko No. 3 yellow, 59 to 591c on track, Bay. Tho conclusions of the Japan- Toronto. est) (3overnnnent are stated to be as l(ye-Tho market follows: prices nominal at 136 "First -Without questioning tho for No. 2. good faith of France, Japan holds Buckwheat -Prices that the French orders to observe to 60c outside. neutrality have not been sufficiently Elwin -Ninety per cent. patents are quoted at 54.35 to $4.40 In buyers' sacks. east or west; straight rollers of special brand» for domestic trade, in bbls., $4.75 to $4.85. Manitoba flours are steady. No. 1 patents, $5.30 to 55.50. No. 2 patents, $5.10 to $5.20; and strong bakers', $5 to $5.10 on track, Toronto. Millfeed--At outside points bran is quoted at $16.50, and shorts at 518.50. Manitoba bran, in stacks, 519, ant shorts at $21. is dull, with to 07c outside nominee, at 59 ease: u led. "t$ecotd-france should have taken sufficient measures beforehand to pre- vent violations of neutrality, instead of securing the observance of neutra- lity after Japan's remonstrances. "Third-ln default of sufficient sur- veillance, Vico-Admiral Rojestvensker has been greatly facilitated in the ac- complishment of his mission, and in gaining access to Chinese waters. Consequently, it was for the ends of warfare that Vice -Admiral Itojest- vonsky utilized on successive occa- sions French waters, ;both for anchor- ing and re -victualing, and in await- ing the arrival of reinforcements." COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Choice stock, $2.50 per bbl.; ccoxing apples, $1 to $1.50 per The foregoing is said to bo sub- bbl. stantiulty Japan's position both ns Ileans-1'rint(us sell in small lots at to the past and as the basis of any 51.60 to 81.65, and hand-picked at future claims_ arising from tho al- 51.70 to $1.73 per bushel. leged breaches of neutrality. Irop1-rho market is tniclrangm1 at 32 to 35c, according to s7uality. Honey -The market Is quiet, and prices easy. at 7 to 71c per Ib. Comb honey. $1.75 to 52 per dozen. Hay --Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at 58 to $8.25 on track hero, and No. 2 at $6.50 to $7. Straw-'Ihe market is unchanged, with car luta quoted at $6 to $6.25 on track, Toronto. Potatoes -Car tots of Ontarlos are quotid at 50 to 60c per bag on track EIGHT NEW WARSHIPS. A despatch from Tokio says: -'The reports that Japan plans to order the construction of two battleships and six large cruisers abroad are re- newed. The representatives of Eng- lish navel constructors are here, en- • deavoring to secure the orders. but it. is doubtful if the Government has reached any decision in the matter. AWFUL RAILWAY WRECK I .At Least Twenty-five People Were Killed. A Him ieburg, Penn., despatch says: At least twenty-five persons were killed, many being burned to death, and utoru than ono hundred injured in a collision on the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, south of llkerrisburg, a few minutes before 2 o'clock on Thursday morning, caused by the asccon•i section of the Cleveland (100 Cin. innull express, westbound. crash- ing into a wrecked freight train. Among the injured were Mr. and Mrs. 'lindell, the latter a daughter of U. S. Senator Knox, who were on their nay to Pittsburg front New York. it. is unofficially estiurateel that the financial loss will amount to fully $:300,000. This includes $15,- 000 for cash. jewellery and other V personal effects of (ho passengers that were destroyed. NEWSPAPER MAN'S STORY.. The first intimation i had of the wreck. said John 1t. Reynolds, of Pitts:,t.tg, n neweoeper ►nun, who was going home from New York, nod who teco.pt•tl with slight injuries, "was nhen 1 heard an awful crash and was thrown out into the aisle of the car. 1 was daze.' for a time and only realized my position and what had happened wit it 1 felt a wo- man grabbing are and serietrniug 'For (bels take. help ere!' 1 pushed her out of the window, and a fellow - passenger handed out a chilli which belun;,cd to her. lie then left the train and calle l to me to jump through the window. Just then there was a terrific explosion. As I droppe) to the grouted a missile struck ant kiiucked rue dawn. I don't know how long I lay there, but when i recovered my settees I crawled across the tracks under a freight train arid rolled down the embank- ment on tho other side. I was in my nieht clothes. and all my other clouting and belongings were lost. "I never want to witness torch it Mehl as that which followed the col - Ireton. Women were sereantutg, chil- dren were crying, and strong then wcro nnnderingg about dazed and helpless. '1 he track: were strewn in all direction, with half -naked non and women. some of whout wcro dead nut others scrionsly injured." When the boiler of the passenger engine blew up, the engineer was in- stantly kilted. l GORED 10 DEATH. Nine Children Killed in a Spanish Town. A Madrid despatch says: While a sore of little girls neve playing in the fie l,!5 at '1 illamunritiue, Setillc, !mit at at It religious procenoion, and tent int, th it handkerchiefs like ban- ners, tl•;y irritntcd a drone of nnlle, which charged them. '1 he chitelrcn were to se I, tramp) it upon uuil gored. Nirte of them were kill'd and 1adly injured. '1)x• drovers were ininetlattly arrested, which prevent- ed th, y01111180.' front lenehing than. \ i'Iati.anti li:e is the centre of the 06. Qiectrict in which bulls are ler•.1 for thio Hoe. and it is an inwritt(n law there that the droners are rspon- liable for evert Lode's tat.•ty frees tse Which oro praelically told. SETTLERS POURING IN. Mr. Knappen's Trip Through the . North-West. A Wiintipeg despatch aayit Theo- dore M. JCnuppxen, Secretary of the Weston Canadian Immigration As- sociation. returned on Tuesday from an extended trip through the west. Mr. KnttPper went out to Regina and Sasi•atoen, drove ncross to Carman on the C.N.it., and came into the city oter the Canadian Northern. The influx of r.ew settlers list declares to he mo -.t notable. five liundreel cars of settlers' effects have beenun- leaded between Regina and Prince Albert this spring, and at every stn - tion similar tights are seen. From l'rince Albert to 1Viunipeg the trav- eller now Is teeter out of yi;;ht of a house, and this is a country where two years ago there was not it build- ing. During the present summer Mr. Ktmppen expects that forty thou- sand homesteads oil: bo taken up, awl within two years! time he de- clares there will not se a homestead left tvithin reaching distance of n line of railway. The business Is be- ing successfully handled • by trans- portation c patties, nest there very few complaints of delay. A NEW BALLOT BOX. Device by Which Fraudulent nipulation is Prevented. An Ottawa despatch :;aver The day of the fraudulent ballot -box is gone by the Invention of what is knnwn as the Nelson ballot -box, which was patented at the Department of Ag- riculture last week. It Is a svlmple Yluitice, but absolutely e1Tectivo in prof. sting the moo of any box with a fraudulent co•ni'artment or nny urs)ianisni by which lmllots can bo ste•it:htd ur mniiipulatiel. '!leis is nccrnnplish•sf by it series of apertures an both eines of the box, but in nu way Is the efficiency or secrecy of the ballot -lox impaired. A voter can see his ballot dropping into the box, but even should it !reclaim un- rolled or unfolded after being de- posited, it. is impossible to read it.. are Ma - GOLD FROM THE NORTH. A Total Output of Twenty-two Millions or More. accordng to quality, and jobbing lots are 70 to e.nr rc for the !pest Kock. Poultry -Chickens, 12 to 13c per ib.; hens, 10 to 1lc: turkeys, dry picked, 16 to 17c; do scalded, 12 to 13c. T1I1• DAIRY MARKi•:T. Butter -Pound prir.ts are jobbing at 17) to 18c, and large dairy rolls at 16 to 17c. Low grades, 14 to 15c. Creamery prints evil at 20c per ib. Ewa -Case lots are selling at 11 to 1.110 per dozen. Cheese -Old scarce, and quoted nt 111e, while new cheese are lower at 101 to 10fc per lb. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. :Montreal, May 16.-Grain-4)nts continue quiet, with fettles of car lots of No. 2 white at •l.', c, and No. 3, 411c per bushel ex »t ore. !'lour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, 55.40 to $5.50; stroll,; bakers', $5.- 10 to $ 5.20; Winter wheat. patents, $5.50 to 55.60; straight rollers, $5.15 to $5.25, in wool; in bags, $2.45 to $2.55. Rolled oats --52.20 to $2.224 per bag. Feed --Ontario bran, in bulk, at 118 to 518.50; shorts $19 to $20; Manitoba bran, in bags, $18 to $19; shorts, $20 to 521. !term~ -Choice Intuees, $1.70 to $1.75 per lobi:!; 51.50 to 51.60 in car lots. Provisions-Ifva y Cana- dian effort cut pork, $16.50 to $17.- 50; light short cut, 816.50 to $17; Ani tirican cut clear, fat back, 520; rompound lura, 61 to 7c; Canadian larxf, Iii to 71c; kettle registered, 84 to 94e: limns 12 to 13c, heron, 18c; fresh killed abattoir hogs. $9.75 to 510; mixed, 56.50 to $6.75; »elect, 17 to 57.35 oil cars. Eggr►-Straight otock, 141 to 15c; No. 1, 1:31 to laic; No. 2, 12 to 124c. lluticr- C'hoice creamery, 191 to 191c; under grnibo , 17 to 18c; (h►iry, 17e; );p}Is, 13 to 16c. Cheese -.4) ario, 104 to 1O1c; Quebec, 9j to 10c. UNITED STATES MARKETS, Milwaukee. Mny 16. -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.01; No. 2 Northern 51 to 51.03; July, 834 to 832c bid. Itye -No. 1, ;Sc. lterlc'y Steady; No. 2, 51c; sample, 40 to 50e. Corn -No. 3, 481 to 4i/le: July, old, 461 to 461,e. Mb1111rapolis, Mny 16. -Wheat -- May, 81.02; .July, 96c; Sept., 79jc; No. 1 herd. $1.07; No. 1 Northern, 111•05: No. 2 Northern. 51.03. Flour -Patents, $5.6(1 to $5.75; second potents. $5.55 to $5.15; first cienrs, $1 A despatch from Staple, Waelt Brati-In bulk, $12.25. t o 51.1 0: second clears, 82.75 to sn 1' 1 11 United ' t t .Assayer. states from informtti.m he tins received from Alaska and the Northwest 'Territories this winter the output in gold from the norlhetn country this year will total e22,- 000,000, if not more. From the Klondike nlone Mr. Wing predicts an output of from len to twelve neil- vs:- , . Inge, , .t eq ('A'1'I'i,I: MA ET. Toronto, May 16.-A fairly heavy run of cattle was offering aft the Western Market this tnnrnitg. but it fair pereentnge of the cattle were of teary good quality, and with n fair to good demand in all lines lions. prices were well n nilttni,ssI. nl- TURKISH OFFICERS KILLED. Armenian Bands Gathering on the Russian Frontier. A d.espntch from London t: '1'he Constantinople correspondent of tho 'fines says thnt in n Tight ;•e.ar slash, Armenian. Newlin' '1•414.iih troops end Armenians. two '1'e rcieh officers teere kit.sI. It i, 'emotes, thnt there have been ,several sut'h fight e. .\rnuminn I'Ands are gat 4.1• - fag on tate 'temente frontier, waiting for a faverahle tnutncnt to cross. though in exporters there was ra- ther Less sitnpiiiness to the market. Export cattle, choiee?5 80 to SA 00 do good to median 5 50 5 80 50 75 do otiose .. ..... ... :, 25 nti114.... 1 25 But hers good to (bake ... 'i 48 fro fair to gond 4 80 inked loin. medium4 0(1 (10 (0011011 8 M) d, ur.ts..... ..... 2 50 lit 10.. . 2 -.o iht common 1" fair 3 75 l•'.der., 10 12 eat.. 4 40 (b 1).10 cwt ... .... 4 00 r, 4 S 5 4 :3 4 5 4 75 2() -,1( 50 6(► 50 do buns 3 40 Stockers. good... .. 75 do fair.... :3 40 de rough to cons2 5e► Itulls.... . 1 75 \Filch cows, each ....30 0(1 Export owes, p. cwt. 4 75 So bucks, per cwt. 3 50 Mixed sheep 4 00 (:ruin fol ye;trihigh- 11 50 1laruyarde.. ... 4 U(1 springs do. each3 00 Capes, per Ib 34 do cacti. • 2 00 ilogs, selects, p. cwt7 (10 do lights... ... ti 75 do fats .... 6 75 ♦-• 8 80 4 25 :3 75 2 90 2 50 70 00 5 00 4 00 4 50 7 00 5 (10 6 50 51 10 00 u uu 0 00 0 00 DOMINION PARLIAMENT NOTES THE OF PROCEEDINGS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS, RAILWAY It11J PASSED. Tho Itailwuy Committee passed tho Sill granting an extension of time To the Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company, with a provision added that the line between Sudbury and Little. Current, Ont., must be ONE HUNDRED Torna'lo Wipes Out Town of Snyder, Oklahoma. A Guthrie, Okla., despatch rays: - Suede'', a thriving toe!' of 1,000 ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WHAT OUR LEGISLATORS ARE DOING AT TORONTO.. persons, situated in the heart of the MOTOR \'E:IUCLFS, rich Kiowu farming country open to Mr. I.t'unox's bill to amend the Act white settllneut inn 1001, was praeti_ to regulate the spes.d and ap••rution tally wipeet out of existence by a tornado that struck tlrut place on Wtrincsday night. Thu death list will probably exceed of motor vehicles un highways, 11,15 given its second reading and scut to the Municipal Committee. The 1111 Kitt ides fur the numbering of cars 100 persons. Eighty -lite bodies have on the sides, and gives 1'aunty, been recovered, u dozen persons aro City. and 'Town council tho author - missing and given up for dead, and ity to pass by-laws to regulate wo- of the forty-one seriously wounded tor traffic. several are likely to die. Moro than ONTARIO RAILWAY. one hundred other persons suffered .(1) The company may take, less severe injuries. Graham's bill respecting The Ontario The stolen was of the regular tide -Electric Itnilway was amended in lett and swooped crown upon Synder committee by the addition of a clause without warning. It cut a swath a further »ute'gsuurdittg the rights of the half mile wide, denrulishing every - in its path fur a distanco of municipalities, ten miles southwest and three miles The clause reads as follows: - northeast of Snyder. "(1) Tho company ay take, THE WORK OF StF.LIEls. trans{ ort. and convey goods upon its railway. to be constructed under The first news of the Morin was the authority of this Act, but uo received about midnight. Soon there- freight or express cars shall he car - after, before any details had been re- ried along any public highway over ceived, telegraph and telephone wires the railway to bo constructed over commenced within ono year from went down. lniwediutely relief trains as July 1st from Little Current harbor, were ordered out from all available aforestt►id, unless and until the sift and 5130,000 spent within a year points, starting from Hobart, Chick- attd flambee of cars a►ntl motors to and the line completed within two ossa, I. '1'., Guthrie. Oklahoma City, tend therewith, and the hours of years. The line from Meaford to and other towns. Every train car- running the same have been approv- ed by tho Railway Committee of the Executive Council of Ontario, nor shall any freight service be operated on any such public highway until authorized by or except as directed by the said Railway Committee. - "(2) Tho company may stake uni- form special rates for the carriage of fruits, milk, and other perishable freight." 1!OAN COMPANIES' ACT. Mr. Gamey's amendment. to tho Loan Companies' Act is to enable the Attorney -General to order an Invostigatie,'' into the affairs of a loan company nt any time. At pres- ent the Act is »o,nowhat complicat- ed, and difficulty is ex[erlenced in enquiring Otto thoir affairs. STOCK SCIHEMING. It was announced that tho Govern- ment woukl consolidate tho stock companies act, and embody the amendments proposed by Mr. lloylo in his bill, which canto before a special committee in the l'ravincial Secret ary's office. Mr. Hoyle't: aincndments follow the Imperial Par- 1Satnent's measure directed. aerialist. the watering of stock and over-ca- pitalivation as exemplified by Mr. Illooley auntie years ago. Directors will bo required to sign the pro- spectuse9. which umist emboly all the facts, under a penalty of $200 each. Mil. GAMEY. Tho first division of the Legislature occurred on Mr. (3auney's motion to rescind rho vote of censure of tate lust Legislature. Mr. Hnrconrt r.nd tho Premier were the only speakers beside Mr. Carney hinexelf, 111)11 tlle vote of 60 to 21 represrntetl the party strength of the House. '!'here were seven pairs and three members absoirt. Owen Sound trust be commenced this ried doctors, nurses and any pn•rson year and $150,000 spent on it, and capable of rendering aid. The first completed in 1906. relied train, sent front Hobart, 32 \'E'FL1tANS ASK GRANT. utiles north of Snyder, reached the The Railway Committee was stricken town just before daylight. crowded 011 Wednesday forenoon with -Everyone on board began at once the Quebec veterans of 1860 and tho work of relief. On every hand 1870. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Fred- they found wreckage and streets al - crick Borden, lion. W. 5. Fielding, most obliterated by piles of dentol- tend Solicitor -General Lemieux ro- 'shed houses. In all directions evi- celved the delegation. Capt, C. E. dence of tho terrible havoc of the Patterson, of the Montreal Veterans' storm was apparent. Tho dead and Association, addressed the Ministers' dying lay about tho streets, in yards setting forth that what was wanted and mixer' up with the wreckage, was 160 acres of land for each vet- while those who escaped ran hither eran in the North-West. lie thought and thither in excited attempts to this was a Matter of right. bring order out of the terrible chaos, Capt. Patterson, of the Ottawa and to render what meagre aid they Valley Veterans, said that Sir Wil- frid was a veteran himself, and know all about it. The veterans wanted hire to command then and land then! 160 acres each in the North-West. Sir Wilfrid said that a s' 'lar del- egation had welted on tho Govern- utent a year ago. The session was too far advanced then to do any- thing. Reference was made to his having been ono of the veterans. Ile might. M1'N TO DIG GRAVES. Oklahoma City on 'Thursday sent ono hundred men to dig graves and seek tho dead still in the ruins, and a dozen undertakers with ono hun- dred cbtlins. Offers of financial as- sistanco have come from numerous cities. To add to the general confusion and distress, after the tornado had did not do so much, but if tho op- Jpassed fire broke out and burned up portunity had arisen he would have all that remained of the buildings in done so, and was proud to be ono ono of the business blocks. So far of them. What tho veterans •nskod it has not been possible to find out was that, after 30 years, the coun- whether any bodies were cremated. try should give some little recogni- An unident;tied woman was picked tion for what they had done. 'There up dead. having been pinioned to the was no doubt they saved tho coun- ground by a largo sliver which en- try from much humiliation and a tered her left eye and camp out great deal of misery. What the vet- through the back of her head. erans asked was not much. Ho asked MANY WOUNDED WILL DIE. them to trust to the Government. LEAF '1'013ACCO. The Mayor of Snyder is having much trouble arranging for the bur - Mr. Clements was informed by Mr. tail of rho dead. The confusion is Patterson that 13,217,290 pounds great, owing to the fact that there of leaf tobacco had been imported are inany unidentified bodies of the front the United States last year, morgues. There is inuch suffering upon which the duty was 81,278,455. owing to lack of provisions and ISI•:S'1' Ili•:NS FOR 1':11(\lIN(1. places to stay. What houses ro- Mr. A. G. Gilbert, poultry utnnn- main In the town are unsafe for hab- ger at the J:xperimeutnl farm, con- Station. l)r. York of Hobart, who eluded his evidence before the Agri- was active in relieving the suffering, culture Committee. lie recommend- saysat twenty per cent. of the ed tho following as the best general_ wound will die. purpose varieties of chickens for the ♦ I farmers: -Any variety of PlymouthWHAT RAILWAYS ARE DOING. Itock, W'yundotto or Orpington Methohs of Special Assistance to Agricultural Development. breeds. Ile strongly advised the farmers to get into closer touch with dealers who wanted strictly new - laid eggs, and said that the con- sumption of the best eggs in Canada was fust overtaking the production, and the second-grade eggs go to the English market. A !notion was passed. asking the (1ivtrnuuerit to establish experimen- tal stations for geese, turkeys ,1d (licks. Mr. Clements informed the com- mittee that n loan in Chatham had been sendit.g eggs to Montreal all winter, and received forty and forty - live cents a dozen for them. Mr. Gilbert said this was what he had been laughed nt for years for having advocated. 1311.1.5 PASSED IN SENATE. In the Senate the following hills were rend it third time and passed: To incorporate tho Monarch dusk of Canada; respecting the Board of the Presbyterian College, Halifax; to incorporate the Crown Casualty Company of ('anada,: respecting the Richmond and Drummond fire In- surance Company. Hon. Mr. Tem- pleton pointed out that the Standing Orders Committee had reported fav- orably on the petition of the Isquf- malt and Nannimo Railway, sanc- tioning Its purchase by tho C.1'.lt., and mowed to rescind the resolution of the Sennto setting the second reading for 'Tuesday, and thnt it be read a second time. Thin was agreed to, and the bill read a sec- ond time and referred to the Railway Committee. WEST IS JUBILANT. • Favorable Features of C. P. R. Crop Report. A despatch from 11Yimipeg says: 'I It' C. 1'. It. weekly crop report shows a general marked improve- ment in conditions. Seeding Is all done, aril snow nnal rain have put the land in spletelid slime-. The resultis a generally optimistic feel- ing throughout the whole of the %vest, n* everything points to a heavy yield. in some districts the weather hos been too cold for the best results, but no anxiety is reit on that score. SHOT THE COLONEL DEAD. Assassins in Russia Have Claimed Another Victim. A et s; a''rh from Niini Novgorod ewe. 1 teat.-('"lonel (1riermir of the geed Iarrner'ie wets shot dead ea he was entering his residence nt midnight on l'ilheretlay on his return from the theatre. The hoes,• watchman wits se•rime-1y vounxb'•I. '1 he murderer, who teas reutured, gate his name as Nikiorof , Next to tho governments of the country there aro probably no cor- porate inter( -ate so much interested in the country's 1 ro.;p erity and de- velopment o-velopment 05 ilio 'Transportation Companies, and especially is this true when these companies hold Target land grants. An investigation of the develop- ment policy of over eighty of the more important railways revtnls the fact that a greet dcnl of quiet and effective work for the encouragement of agriculture and stock rnisittg is being den° by most of these great corporal ions. Nearly all the roads are active in securing immigration for their ter- ritory and in locating ii Int trtn! en- terprises. 'l'o this (ted they either have a special Industrial ('o emission or conte and et their general ofBeers gives his attention to the subject and when it conies to the encourage- ment of agriculture the tot:owing are the figures: Twenty-nine railways give active assistance to the marketing -of pro- ducts grown along their lands; eight employ special agricultural agents; thirty-one co-operate with the State college* and experiment eat stations In Hiding agricultural education; twelve encourage need improvement; ten promote egricul(ural convernlions; six rem specinl educational trains; three introduce pure-bred stock; five own demonstration fnrnis; nine print nml distribute bulletins; two run it pick-up car service; six give specie! rate* to encourage stock raising; tour subscribe for and distribute Ag- ricultural papers. Such is tho record of tho railways of the United States. Our Canadian railways have, as almost every one knows. done an immense amount of neverttsing for Canada and so►.to of them have done much to nstlst in practical ngricniternh development. G. T. PACIFIC BONUS. Carried at Fort William by Largo Majority. A despntch from Fort WibIit in says: -Tho by-law granting n metes of $:300.000 to the (Irnnd 'Trunk Pacific for the purchase of the mis- sion property carried on Wednesday with it sweeping majority, (he tote standings 777 for to 55 neatest, the Inrg.st vote on a by -Ina• pulled in the history of the town. 'The Gover- nor-General. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Cabinet, and Mr. 1111ilney an•l Cale Met are to be invited to be present at the turning of the fbrat 5101, .lnly 1. The company's principn) works. docks, elevators and head offices for the Superior divlsii,n will he keeled hero. BREWERS MUST I'AY, An important bill was introduced by Mr. Manna to amend the Act re- specting the brewers', distillers', and other licenses. Ile explained that it provided for the licensing of ware- ousc•s maintained by brewers and distillers in cities other than those, Men's Christian Association buildings in which their manufacturing plants' at Pekin, Seoul and Kyoto. were situated. 'Those establishments had been maintained for years under tho impression that they were legal, but the question of legality had been raised by a county ('run n attorney. Tho hill proposed to legalize (heat and impose a substantial li..euse fee. thereby bringing in a revenue to the the French -Spanish convention has province of $5,000 to $10,000. The been completed. The cable belong* bill merely legalized what everybody to the french Government. and con - thought was already legal. The stitutes. it is considered, another brewers had requested the missing(' step towards the consolidation of of the Act for their own protection. 111(311 SCHOOLS A('T. Mr. Nesbitt's bill to amend the lligh Schools Act, was read a sec- ond time. It, provided for the strik- ing out of tho clause whereby muni- cipalities have to pay a fee for pupils attending Iiigh schools in other municipalities. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OYEZ THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From and Other Countries of Re- CANA1)A. A plan to spent! $1,000,000 on now hospital buildings is being cousidur- ed in 'Toronto. Stratford will submit a by-law to grunt the C.P.U. 530,000 to enter the city 'l hu B.ureau of Mines discredits tho story of rich gold finds in the 'l'etu- iskaming. Robert Proctor was acquitted at London on Saturday. on the charge of murdering Clifton Loomis.' D. C. Bean, of New York, has presented the faculty of science of Queen's University with 16,000. Clarke & Co.'s jewellery etoro at Montreal was entered and robbed of 5500 worth of goods, on friday. Toronto is to have a now bank called the Sterling Rank of Canada. Notice of application for incorpora- tion has been given. The death sentence of Fouquet of Sherbrooke, (4uo., for the murder of his infant., has been co tutc'd to life itnpriso►sutstt. Ily-laws to spend thirty-five thou- sand dollars for street and water- works itnproventonts were defeated at SC Mary's on Saturday. Attorney -General Longley has re- ceived word that the Dominion Gov- ernment have given a grant for the Dominion Exhibition in Halifax is 1906. Tho Cataract Power Company is securing options on HIamilton pro- perty with a view to erecting a big electric railway station. Shipments of wheat from Winnipeg between September 1st and April 80th, amount to 33.850,000 bushels, compared with 60,239,000 bushels a year ago. a • GREAT BRITAIN. British imports in April decreased $9,494,500, and exports increased $8,268,000. The London Times says there b anxiety for the future in the com- mercial situation.. A bill to exclude undesirable aliens received its second reading in the British IIouse of Contnnons. During the torpedo manoevres at Jlerehaven, the destroyer Syren ran on tho rocks and broke her back. The banquet of the London Cham- ber of Commerce to tho Canadian maufacturers. has been arranged for Junon'll Lord Strathcona has donuted five hundred pounds to the Tropical School of Medicine London, with which several Canadian physicians aro connected. The British Admiralty have decided to postpone the naval manoeuvres. Because of unsutls ory freight; rates west of Mon an English first lost a large Canadian contract. Oar Ova UNI'VE B S'L'ATES. A mutiny took place on the United t States cruiser Galveston. The Union Pacific Railway is to Hake a thorough test of a new gas- oline motor car. Stockholders of the Union Pacific Railway have approved of nn lt�tlo of $100,000,000 preferred stock. .1ohn Wnnainaker of Philadelphia hits given 5100,000 for the Young GENERAL. Tho teamsters on strike in Chica- go must either yield or cull out workmen iti affiliated unions. The french cable connecting Cadiz, Spain, with 'Tangier provided for by NAME ALTERED. Premier Whitney Introduced a respecting the Executive (' tcil. It changes tho °Mcinl name of the Com- missioner of Crown l,antlm .o "The Minister oLLnnds and Mit Another bill was also intro by the Premier, to abolish the num- bered ballot. The introduction of such it ineasure, it will be remember- ed, was promised by Mr. Whitney 801110 time ago. ST1(EE'1' L1 IITIN(i. Mr. Downey secured the second reading of his bill to amend the Municipal Act. It. protides that n French interests in Morocco. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN. Addison Smith of Shrewsbury, Ont., Still Hale and Active. A deepatch from Chatham says: - This is the one hundred and lvenllt anniversary of the birth of Addison Smith of Shrewsbury, Rotel Eau Bay. Mr. Smith enjoys the distitte- tion of having lived in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Iio is tho father of 29 children, is blessed with mecum! eyo- cel sight, and is still active in body and mind. AN EXCHANGE OF QUARTERS. Before the Suo7.•Canal was opened Sl. Melena was% frequent portof call for English vessels hound to and from India aid the! farther East. following this custorn, which was caused by the need of obtaining sup - municipality may establish a plant piles for thn long voynge, the ship for nwnicipal street without in which rho Duke of Wellington, reference to rho nrhilraltonlighting clauses then Sir Arthur Wellesley, was re - of the Conine° Lill, and that where turning to England front India n municipality decides to go into municipal trading in lighting, exist- ing companies roust consent to ar- bitrate. INSURANCE LOSSES. Something Must be Done to Save Companies From Ruin. A despateh from Now Tock says: 1 h(• trteinliere of 1 he• Nal !ores! Board of Fire UrnL•rwriters, ttho met in annual cony( nt ion here on 'Thursday, were tole) ..by I're•sident John 1L W'ashhuin that the tremendous loss- es austaini d by the insurance com- panies last year and in the fleet four months of the present year hail brought about a situation which "tray well cause all interested In lire instarnnce 10 stop nncl cesider what they should do to save them - wives ficin cE'erection. Inst year's lues' v ng gregntevl $229.198,0a0, and were greater than in any other year on recon!. In the first four months of One year there have been seven conflagrations, with pees in ettt h cane runnatg from 5500,- 0':0 to $:t,0oX),000. touched at thn islnnd, and he spent one night at Jamestown at the house of Mr. Ibtic(mn. Ten years after Napoleon Bona- parte !meted to begin his nearly six years of dreary exile, and was as- signt'd to the Bunte room which fila conqueror at Wnterlor, had occupied. This Strange coi ttcidenre cattle 10 tho knoaledgo of the duke at Paris dur- ing its occupation by the allied troops, and he wrote the following letter to Admiral Malculer, then conn:ctnding at. St. ifelena: Paris, April 3, 1916. My 1h-nr Malcolm, I nm very neirh obliged to nil for Mr. Simpson's boo!., tthich 1 will read when 1 hisiz a moire nt's leisure, I nm glad you have taken the ronunand at. St. i lcle n t, upon which 1 congratulate you. "11•e must never be !elle it we can avoid IL". You n.ny tell "Irony" that i end hie apartments nt. fhe F.lieer Bourbon very contenient, and that 1 hope ho likes mine at Mr. Italeo,n's. 1t is a droll sequel enough to the affairs of E:,trope Ihnt we should change place. nl rea.idence. I ant yours most slnrerely, WF,LIJNUT'