HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-18, Page 21-+++
Fash ion
Hints. -
Among the new belts are straight
ones of ntoeliuut width made of leath-
er cut into ornate designs and lined
with white. They come in green, red,
black and white and have leather
Soft muslin gowns in delicate
colors are being made with white
lace or batiste embroidery yokes and
guimpes, tiimtlarly, gowns of eyelet
embroidery have guiinpes of plain
material, usually very diaphanous iu
text ure.
k department the n.edlesur h a
Prtment there
aro stained linen belts ready fitted
with gilt buckles, which have a blue
and white ground patterned with
green leaves. 'They are to bo work-
ed in short and long nun's and out-
let° stitches.
Liner. sailor bats will be popular
to wear with linen gowns and when
the gowns are embroidered it is the
thing to have a matching embroidery
on the hat.
Bar and crescent pins, so conven-
ient in fastening collars, cuffs and
laces, are of sterling silver incrusted
with rhinestones or pearls and cost
from 35 cents to $1.10, according to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Drought
New Health and Strength. ...
From The Post, 'Thorold, Ont.
Mr. Reuben Lindsay, a fruit grow-
er at ltidt,eville, Ont., is one of the
best known men itt that section,
having lived in the village or its
vicinity all his life. All Mr. Lind-
say's neighbors know that about a
year ago his condition of health was
.ver' serious. 'l'o use his own words
ho "regan to go to pieces --was all
winding away." When a reporter of
the '1 huruld Post called en Mr.
Lludsay recently, he found hint swain
enjoying the hest of health, and
when asked what had wrought his
cure, he replied very emphatically
"Dr. Williams' fink 1911s; they did
for me what medical treatment and
other medicines failed to do. In the
sarin}; of 190:3," continued Mr.
Lindsay, "I grew so weak that I
could hardly move about. My ap-
petite completely failed me, and I
weaned 10 be teas'Ing away to a
mere shadow. 1 grew so weak that
I could scarcely look after lay
horses without resting. 1 doctored
with two or three good physicians,
but got no permanent benefit. In
fact they seemed doubtful as to
what my trouble was. One said
liver trouble, another kidney dis-
ease; but. whatever the trouble was
it was rapid:y using me up. A
neighbor who had used Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills with benefit, advised me
to try them, but I felt somewhat
skeptical. However, I was finally
length. induced to try there, and before I
T1 ere is nothing very new this had finished the second lox. I could
spring in mourning hats, except that
Om crepe trimmings are softened by
being mixed with dead black silk
anti black quills or wings. The
broad hat of mourning is no longer
in gond taste. Low, broad turbans
have taken their place.
The new radia silk comes in very
charming designs for summer gowns.
In one collection there is a white
ground crossed with fine broken black
lines and sprinkled with jacquard
dots of soft. tints. The silk is $2 a
yard, but it is 44 inches wide.
The fashion of matching every part
of one's costume is being carried to
the extreme limit this season. The
hat must match more exactly than
ever and many women buy - white
straw braid and have it dyed to the
desired tone.
There are variations of the turban
which are not hard to wear. Tho
Lambaste turban has a fluted or
ruffled edge, something like a Corday
only shorter. This gives a founda-
tion for a wreath trimming which
relieves the look of startling abrupt -
nese characteristic of the polo.
There are some excellent piques
on the market this spring, much
lighter in weight than this fabric has
ever been before, These aro in great
demand, both m the plain and figur-
ed varieties. Pique is as good a
material as linen for coat and skirt
suets, and, indeed, has some points
of superiority. It does not crush as
easily as linen, and, in the light
weights now to be had, is not as most invariably an evidence of indi-
warm. gestion. The coldness is not due to
Suspender skirts are one of the weakness of the henrt or he:blew:us
pronounced attractions of the ready-
to-wear suit department. A very
trig mohair skirt hem wide bretelles
convected across the front by three
straps. Pretty enamel bell buttons
note an improvement. I continued
using the pills until T had taken
some twelve boxes, when I was
again enjoying robust health—in fact
I have Do hesitation in saying that
I believe 1)r. Williams' Pint Pills
saved my life. ltelnenu)crinP my
former unbelief in these pills,'- I
gladly give this testimonial, in the
hope that it may induce some other
sufferer to try this great, health -
giving medicine."
Other ailing people will speedily
find new health and strength through
a fair 1190 of Dr. Wvilliaenls' Pine
Pills. Every close sends new, rich,
red biped coarsing through the
veins, and that is the reason these
pills cure anaemia, 'neuralgia, indi-
gestion, kidney and liver troubles,
rhenntettisnn, and all other disxasres
having thd•r origin in poor watery
blood—including the special ailments
that make the lives of so many
growing girls and women of all ages
miserable. See that the full name,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People," is printed on the wrapper
around each box. If in • doieet, you
can get the pills by mail at 50 cents
a hox or six boxes for $2.50 by
writing the Dr. Wi:liama' Medicine
Co., Iirockville, Ont.
Coldness of feet and limbs Is al -
of circulation, as is generally sup-
posed, but to the contraction of
small arteries, preventing blood front
entering the parts. 'There is getter -
finish the tamps at the ends. The, ally an irritation of the 'abdominal
con -
skirt is plaited. sympathetic nerve centres which con -
h wee -
r 1 the circulation of the to ex
There o
There never was a time when thol tremeties, This ditfdculty 18 not to
guimpe played such an important
part in the fashiun9, although in old be removed by exercise or by any
fashion plates of tho '50s ono este special application to the limbs, but
tent mernble examples Practically by removal of tho causes of the irri-
i(lentical with tho present styles. At talion. This may be a prolapsed
that time bodices were made with stomach or chronic indigestion. trot
beret -shaped and square necks, with find cold foot baths are valuable.
gnimpee or tuckers of the finest 'i'hese act, net simply on the feet and
lawn.: and Indian muslin covered
with needlework. l'ndersleoves were
woes, too, just tis at present.
With the adoption of the short
edit we have conte to realize the
wisdom of the Frenchwoman in lane -
in.; faultless footwear in the fore-
front of her code of dress. That
steres be perfect in fit and unques-
tionably in accord with gown anti no -
limbs, but reflex action affect benefici-
ally the abdominal sympathetic cen-
tres, which are in a diseased condi-
Rubbing of the feet and legs Is
also nn excellent method of over-
coming spasm of the blood vessels,
thus preserving the normal circula-
tion. The rubbing should be from
the feet towards the body. The
surface should be well lubricated
With vnscllnc, To nwoid irritation
of the skin cadre should also be taken
melon Is, with her a fixed law, mrd• to clothe limbs very wartnly. in
a p 'tent factor is winning her the many cases this is necessary, even
laurel nit a well-dressed woman.
A survey of the season's new shoes
revealed the happy absence of exag-
geratiou and discomfort. Chocolate
kid oxfords and tan calf boots,
Blucher cut, moderately pointed toe. At the I'nris Academy of Science te
Goodyear welt soles, and miliary curious case of esteumnlnchia, or soft -
heels were shown as the cor- ening of the bones, was expounded
reCt styles for out -door wear; and be means of radiograms. The pa-
ths prettiest patent kid Oxfords, tient, who was originally 5 feet. 4
with full Louis heel, for dress occa- in. in height, had shrunk by degrees
sine+ to :eft. 2in. in the course of ten
Then there aro the smartest of _Year's. Cases of this kind have al -
patent kid hoots, with dull calf up- most invariably ended fetidly, but
Imre. welled solea and military heels; the patient now in question is in
and the most Cinderella -like slippers fairly gond health, though there
of the beaded, stropped order.. n) possibility of him regaining!
in the summer season.
MAN GROWS Si;olt'rEit.
A part of the world where n great
demand for labor -sat her farm ma-
chinery is expected soon to develop
is Argentina, when.. out of about
120,(}(0,f10u acne of land atailable
for cultivation. Ilea than 23,1100,0(10
acres are now utilised for agricultur-
al purposes. (bring to natural con-
ditions, it is believed that Argentina
can never become n great IeniUttne-
turing country, but its agricultural
poseibilil i.s are tory large. Yet of
its 4,000,000 inhabitants', only 2.-
000,000. !De in the rural districts.
and their numbers are nt to
the clop the t'esntrrcee of the land.
1.ntely, however, the farmers have
learn.Yi that they )nus make one
nem do the work of many men, and
far this purpose they are beginning
to i•ui.ort ngriculturnl machinery.
Young man, do not marry n piece
of parlor furniture or n mantelpiece
(tenement; tie yourself to girl who
ran play n tutee with the pots find
kettles in the kitchen. perform on
the twnshhonrd, and scrub the floor to
a lily -while hue, and regret will
never hoter like • ghost around your
j➢athway 1
his former height.
The annual report of the Registrnr-
Gtnernl for Ontario shims thnt in
that province alone', out of every
thousand children burn one hun-
crud nit cloven dit before they reach
the figs of sant' year. and in every
pi 0% ince of th Dotniniot there is
the same appnlli aq loss of precious
ilttle lives annually. Mos' of these
scathe aro due to disorders of thol
st('niaelt or bowels, and most of
Giese little title COU lcl h0 saved if
mothers kept itl'.vnys nt hand a sim-
ple remedy to give the little one nt
the first sign of trouble. Such n
medicine is Baby's Own 'Pallets,
which cures constipation, diarrhoea,
indigestion, simple fevers, teething
troubles, worms find miter minor
ailments, which, if not treatett
itrnmpt ly become most sennas. And
1 h mother has a posit ite gun ratit ec
that these 'Tablets contain no pois-
onous opiate or harmful drug. They
aro egnnlly gond for the new burn
baby or the well grown chiles. Thou-
sands of mothers say Baby's Own
Tablets hnve saved the lives of their
little ones. You can get the 'Tablets
from any druggist er by mail at 25
cents a box by Writing the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Oat
Florence Nightingale's Advice to
Young Women.
.At a dinner given to the Military
and naval officers who bad served in
the Crimean War, it was suggested
that each guest should write on a
slip of paper the name of the person
wheats services during the late cam-
paigt would be longest remembered
by posterity. When the papers were
examined each bore the saute name,
"Florence Nightingale."
In netting "The Life of Florence
Nightingale," Sarah A. Tooley says
that it was from her mother that the
great nurse and philanthropist in-
heritet' the spirit which made her re-
o-spond to all who needed assistance.
Whet, she %vas a young girl the bent
of her mind teas in the direction of
a useful and beneficent life. Two
severe illnesses in her family had de-
o-veloped her nursing faculty, and she
turned to a systematic study of
nursing. Miss Nightingale had not
then any clear course before her for
the future, but f:ho realised the lin-
portant fact that she could not hope
to accomplish anything without
training. 'Tito faculty was necessary
and the desire to bo helpful to the
sick and suffering, but a trained
knowledge was the important thing.
In a letter which Miss Nigittingale
wrote in after years to young wo-
men, on tho subject of "Work and
Duty," she remarked, "I would say
to al) young Indies who aro called
to any particular vocation, qualify
yourselves for it as a man does for
bis work. Don't think you can un-
dertake it otherwise. Submit, your-
selves to the rules of business as teen
do:"- And on another occasion she
wrote, "Three-fourths of the whole
mischief in women's livts arises from
the excepting themselves from the
rules of training considered needful
for men."
Miss Nightingale is constantly call-
ed the "soldier's friend," and it may
he Falai that she is, above all, the
patient's friend. "Attend," sho
writes, "to the intelligent cravings
of tho sick. Patients crave for
Cured His Backache of Twenty-five
Years Standing and Satisfied
Everyone He Recommended
Theta to.
Economy Feint, N. S., May 15—
(Spet'ial).---Cleo. S. McLaughlin, of
this place, gives two splendid rea-
sons for his belief that lfodd•s Kid-
ney fills are the one remedy for
Kidney ailments. hero aro the two
real ons in his own words:
"1 was troub:ed with lame back
for 25 years or more, sometimes so
severe that I could not turn myself
in bed. One box of 1)odd's Kidney
rills cured ate, and I have had nu
return of the trouble since.
"I have recommended Dodd's Kid-
ney fills to a number of persons
who had Kidney Trouble. All who
have used them have been benefited
or cured."
Dodd's Kidney Pills not only re-
lieve all Kidney Diseases, from Back-
ache to Bright's Disease, but they
absolutely cure thein. But soma
times where one or two boxes relieves
it takes snore to stake a complete
Strange Sequel to a Murder Trial
at Melbourne, Australia.
The sequel to a remarkable murder
trial at Melbout•so is brought by
a recent Australian mail. An as-
tonishing feature of the story is
that a self-confessed murderess
statute at present beyond the reach
things laid down in no sick dietary. of the law.
It often happens that the patient's Rose Hubbard, a handsome young
stomach is right and the book
wrong. You can't diet a patient
from a book."
4- -
Bright's Dleease—Insldloust decals -
'duet relentless I hum foiled hundreds of
tr,nls by nitdicai science to stem -he
tide of its ravages—and not until South
American Kidney Cure proved beyond a
doubt its power to turn back the tide,
was there a gleam of anything but de-
spuir for the victim of this dread form
of kidney disease. -54
In a certain church one Sunday
the preacher was rending the an-
nouncements ncentents for the following sveo4,
When the people were both surprised
and horrified to hear the following
read out: "The preacher for next
Sunday may be seen nailed on tho
church door."
Corns cause intolerable pain. Iloilo -
way's Corn Cure removes the trouble.
Try It, and sen what Amount of pain :•
Wash greasy dlehes, pots or pans
with Lever's Dry `leap a powder. 1t
will remove the grease with the
greatest ease.
Kallow—"les; l'ni trying to raise
n moustache, and I'm wondering
what color it'll be when it does come
1 — should
out." Miss 1 ti posy "(trey, I sho d
say, at the rote 1t appears to Le
I1. is usually the coward who does
the niost talking about discretion be-
ing the better part of valour.
The superiority of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminate le shown by its
good effects on the Children. Purchase
a bottle and give it a trinl.
A woman couldn't help feeling
proud at having on her hest night-
gown if a burglar crone.
Minard's Liniment Cares Distemper
The only thing worse than having
no sense of humor one's self is to
have to live with those mho have
TIiP'e ellAHHMS 010 'I'll 110.T.
Sir Frank Younghushnnd, the lead-
er of the resent ltritish expedition to
Lassa, the sacred city of 'Tibet,
brushes away, in an address, the
delusion that Tibet i9 n rainless
c try. After mangling mer the
devotee. pintenu in the face of bitter
winds and blizzards, the expedition
reache(' the valley of Gynntse, where
willows and poplars were bursting
into foliage before the midele of
April, and the hankm of the river
were covered with masses of purple
iris plants. On resuming the march
for Lassa, July 141 h, henw•y rain
fell, and frequent rains were exper-
ienced until September, and the sire
of the rivers sleeted that this part
of 'Tibet hiss a good rainfall. Lassa
was found lying 1n a "lovely valley
covered with trw•s, rich with cultiva-
tion, and watered by a river as
broad as the 'Thames at ".,'s:tntine-
ter," and "hidden essay by range
after range of snowy nm)11titnins.''
Sea -birds frequently spend weskit at
sen, anti are believed to quench their
thirst partly front the felling rains
and pertly front the fat and oil
which the;v devour raweneusly when
opportunity puts them in their wny.
keen eyesi(:ht of birds is well
known, and sen -birds have bt't'ti obs
served flocking; towards the atorm-
cloud 'theta to burst from all points
of the compels. and apparently
drinking the water es it descends
from the skiers.
lil':i.ATi:I) t'1tIMii:AN Iii:\taltr).
Charles V. Smith, an atericnitural
Miniver, over seventy, of 1Iron(Itutwn,
1lilts, has just been informed by the
Was Office that he has been accented
a pension of 18c o day in recogni-
tion of his military service. Smith
served in the artillery and in the
trent 1.05 throughout the Crimean
War, and acted as a volunteer nurse
in the cholera hospital.
woman, twenty years of age, was ac-
cused of poisoning her mother, with
tvhon sho and her step -father lived
in Melbourne. The defence was that
the stepfather, a elan of sixty-five,
named Robins, was the real criminal.
After an exacting quarrel the girl
was acquitted and discharged.
!n conversation with a detective a
short t.inlo afterwards the girl ad-
mitted that she had murdered her
neither, and gave as her motive the
fact that she had fallen in love with
her stepfather, and was bitterly
jealous of her mother.
Subsequently, accompanied by the
man Robins, she went to the police
station and spade the following sta-
tutory (leclaration:—
"I. hose Hubbard, of Percy street,
Kot'sington, Melbourne, solemnly and
sincerely declare that 1 remember
snaking a statement to the police in
jail accusing Robins of murdering my
mother. That is absolutely untrue.
"My reason for making that state-
ment w'a8 to save thyself from being
convicted. 1 now admit giving my
mother quicksilver and arsenic at in-
tervals, as she often struck see and
was Jealous of me.
"I was sorry for what I did to my
neither, but sho annoyed me and
called ple such terrible names that 1
was determined to do it to her. I
ant making this statement to clear
an innocent person."
The police have satisfied them-
selves that the confession in true, but
in face of the verdict of not guilty
they an. unable to take any steps
against tho murderess.
Stern Parent—"Young man, I saw
you kissing my daughter as 1 passed
the parlor door, and I want you to
know that I don't like it. hat
have you to say about it'?" Young
Man—"All i've got to say is that
you evidently don't know a good
thing when you 1300
Very Plain in Some People.
A great many people go on suffer-
ing from annoying ailments for a
lung time before they can get their
ulwn consent to give up the indul-i
genre from which their trouble;
A gentleman in Brooklyn describes!
him experience, fix follows:
"I became satisfied some months
ago that 1 owed the palpitation of,
the heart, from which i suffered al-
Inost daily, to the use of coffee, II
had been a coffee drinker for 30,
years) lett I found it very hard to;
give up the beverage.
"I realized that i must give up
the harmful indulgence in coffer(' but
I felt the ueccssity for a hot table
drink, and ns tett is not to my lik-
ing, 1 was nt n loss for awhile, what
to do.
'One Jay 1 roil ncross n very sen-
sible and stroightforwnrd presenta-
tion of tho claims of i'oston] Food
Coffee. and was so impressed there-
by that 1 concluded to give it a
trinl. Ary experience ell it tuns
unlntisfnctnry till 1 learned how it
ought to be prepared -11y thorough
boiling for not less than 1.i or 20
minutes. After I learned that lesson
Otero wax no trouble. l'ustum Food
('offer proved to be a Most palata-
ble and satisfactory hot beverage,
and i have used It ever since.
"The effect on my health has been
most salulnrv. It hes completely
cured the heart palpitation from
which 1 ucerl to suffer 80 much, par-
ar-ticula ly after hreakfnst, and 1 never
have a return of it except when 1
dile or lunch nway from home end
ate compelled to drink the old kinrl
of coR(•e because i'oston.' is not serv-
ed. I 511d that Postum Food Coffee
cheers and invignrntee while it pro-
duces 00 harnrhal stimnlntion."
Nome given by Postern Co., ilattle
('reek, Mich.
There's n reason.
Ten days' trial
opener to 'tatty.
)tend the little book "Tho (load
to Wellvilly" la eery package.
proves an eye
More than half the battle In
cleaning greasy dishes is in the
soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap
it's the best (III
Itn the Grand Duchy of Maden apple
cherry. pear and walmut trees aro
planted along both sides of high-
ways, at a distance of 82 feet apart,
Thus shade is furnished, and when
the fruit. is ripe it is sold by public
auction, the money thus obtained be-
ing applied • to 0 th maintenance and
the extension of the system.
thee. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of ruothers for
their children while teething. It soothes
the child. suftent the gums. allays pain,
curer windcolic, regulates the stomach
and bowels, and is the beat remedy for
Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
hold by druggists throughout the
world. Be sure and ask fur "lura.
Wtaslow'a Soothing t)yrup." 22-04
A man feels very hard up after ho
has had a dream where he was mak-
ing lots of money.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Sc
It's a wisp barber who never illus-
trates his stories with cuts.
Baby HumOr•a• —Dr. Agaew's Oint-
ment soothes, quiets, and effects quick
and effective cures in all skin eruptions
common to baby during teething time.
1t is harmless to the hair in cases of
Scald head and cures Eczema, Salt
Rheum and all Skin Diseases of older
people. 35 cents. -55
The Chaperon (angrily)—"If yott
allow that young mum to kiss you
in my presence 1'Il turn my back on
you." Ernestine—"Why, that's just
what we want you to do."
Seine persons are more susceptible to
colds than others, contracting derange-
ments of the pulmonary organs from
the slightest causes. These should
always have at hand a bottle of Nickles
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the present
day sovereign remedy for coughs, Ca-
tarrh and inflammation of the hangs.
It will effect a curo no matter how
severe the cold may be. You cannot
afford to he without a remedy like
!Sickle's, for it is the best.
Some rules have been published for
discovering counterfeit bank -notes.
What the average man twantx aro n
few simple rules for discovering the
genuine article.
Itemoves all hard soft or calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
eltavin, curbs, splints, ringbone,
sweeney, btiftl•s, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Savo :50
by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderIJI Blemish Cure ever I
Never put off until to -morrow what
you can do to -day is n pretty good
rule, but it does not include saying
unkind things.
Little but iearehlns.— 1)r. Von Stan's
Pineapple 'tablets are not. big 11 tusmtu9
doses that contain injurious drugs or
narcotics—they aro the pure vegetable
pepsin—the medicinal extract from this
luscious fruit, and the tablets aro pre-
pared in as palatable form as the fruit
itself. They cure indigestion. GO in a
box, 35 cents. -56
Mrs. Wedsoon (poutingly)—"Mrs,
Oldwi(o next door has had two new
dresses to lay one.'' Mr. Wetlsoon
(spouse No. 2)—"Yes, my dear, but
you've had two new husbands to her
duet the Thing That's Wanted.— A
pill that acts u( the stomach and
yet is •o con(roumdcd that certain In•
gredictts of It preserve their power to
act upon the Intestinal cutlets. so as to
Near them of excretal, rho retention of
which cannot but be hurtful, was long
for by the medical prufeesion. It
was found ba Parnieleo's Vcgetnhle fills,
which aro the result of much expert
study, and ere tcleeitllicnlly prepared as
a laxative and an alternative in one.
"Can dogs find their way home
from a distance?" is a question fre-
quently asked. it's according to the
dog. if it is one you want to get
rill of he can find his way back from
Attica. If it dm a valuable one he
is apt to get lost if he goes round
the corner.
Dene Sirs,-1'ou: MINAitr1'S LIN(
MFa'i' is our remedy for sure throat,
colds and all ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve mut cure
Port Mulgrave.
'1'! 0 death occurred recently of Air.
Sate. 1dey, the inndior(' o1 a public -
house in the (iirlington district of
Bradford, England, whose boast was
that. though he had kept, one house
tot thirty y'ear's. n drunken man
haat meter been seven inside It. lie
knew ell the "tinge days" in his 1,,
celily, and if any working man ('ante
in on that tiny, and asked for
liquor, ?dr. Hey would say, "Yon
can have one drink; then you twist
go home nett give your wife your
%engem. You may then come hack
and have another, when you hate
unshed yourself and brushed up." 11.•
allowed no bad language in the
No one ev 'saw a henpecked man
With a doubllelfn.
You Don't Know Good Tea
It's Fresh, Natural Fragrance pleases the most critical and
will be a REVELATION to you.
Try' ;taxes Red Xstaltse51.
The Bicycle is King
Every person realises now that
there is no other vehicle so cote
v tent the country, town or
city as the wheel. '1'lie whorls we
sell are the best in the world.
Is the now feature. It has brought bicyclingagain into po-
pttlnr fewer—Makes Rough Roads mooth.
The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar --
a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our
new catalogues, and new picture card.s. Mention this paper.
We desire to get in touch with every owner of a bicycle in Canada as
we wish to place before them all. the advantege of the improvements now
to be found on the bicycles we handle. For thiel reason we want as many
persons as possible to send in from their locality a good list of bona fide
owners of bicycles who should bo interested in the purchase of a new
bicycle with the modern improvements. The 'fists will be received in regu-
lar order and to the writer of each twenty-fifth letter in the order received
we will R01111 free of charge one pair of our improved Hockey "Cycle(
Skates. manufactured by us, sold regularly at 12.00 per pair. The lists
must bo clearly written out with address and name of make of present
bicycle and should he addressed as follows: Department. li Canada Cyclo &
Motor Co. Ltd , Toronto Junction, Canada. Lists must be received not
later then Ilay 24th.
Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited,
" Makers of the World's Best Bicycles,?
Canadian Headquarters
for Automobiles.
While digging for the purpose of
erecting n children's swing at High
House, Winchester, England, work-
men have laid bare live or six )1u -
man skeletons in good preservation.
One was that of a man of gigantic
stature, and on the ribs was found
a Saxon spearhead. in another
hole was the skeleton of a man equ-
ally tall, and here was found an-
other spear -head, as well as the re-
mains of a belt -fastening. In another
place was a lino silver ring of splen-
did workmanship. 'i'he site is one
on which Saxon and early Norman
political offenders were executed,
Stigand, an Archbishop of Canter-
bury, being 0110 who suffered there.
Nip Disease In the Ilud.—it im difn-
cult to eradicate a disease after it
has become seated, therefore it Is wise
to take any ailment in its initial stages
and by much retnedies as ere sufficient,
slop it In its course. Cold is the com-
monest complaint of man, and when
neglected leads to serious results. Dr.
Thomas' Fclectric 011 will cure the
severest cold or most violent cough.
Sometimes a man is despised for
twenty or thirty years because, ho
is so stingy, and then envied all the
rest of his life because he is so rich!
Minard's Liniment Cura3 Diphtheria
Pauline (sarcastically) — "Jack
struts along as i( he owned the
earth." F:Ivira (s'.r(rtly)—''No won-
der. Lust evening I promised to let
1)11)1 become lay husl►and.
One Short Puff Clears the Head.—
Does your head ache? have you pains
over your eyes? Is the breath offen-
sive? These are certain symptoms M
Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow•
der will cure most eetuhhorn cases in ei
martcllously short time. If you've had
Catarrh n week It's a sure cure. 11 it m
of fifty years' standing it's just as ef-
fectite. OU cents. -57
Seedy—"Some people are, always
howling for more, no Matter how
much they have. Don't you think
you'd be satisfied with enough?"
Greedy—"Dawe soy I should if I
could get it."
fluorin IInlreell Cure; GarJ1I 11 Cat;
Disgusted Uncle --"1 shall leave my
money to the poor este needy." Nu -
good Nephew—"lleaw'en bless y.11,
uncle; I always said you wouldn't
leave me out."
A Cure for Fever and Ague.—"lane
,cc's Vegetable Irish aro compose 1 for
u.c In any climate and they will be
found to pre'erto their powers in nnv
latitude. In fever and ngue they act
upon the secretions rind neutralise the
poison which hos found Its way Into
the blood. 'i'hey correct the impurities
which find entrance into the system
through drinking water or rood, and If
used as a preventive fevers are avoided.
A. 51ntim•'ntnl poet writes: "Iiuw
ran 1 meet my darling?" After s•►me
deliberntion over the question we
have 1•nlnl' to the conclusion that he
snit meet. her by approaching her
frons an opposite iiirrctiu11.
No Breakfast Table
complete without
An admirable food, with all
its natural qualities intact,
fitted to build up and maintain
robust health, and to resist
winter's extreme cold. It is
a valuable diet for children.
The Most Nutritious
and HoonomicaL
DinnerSets Fri;
A Merchant In your n.'g.i.r1•434 1.
showing Lie appreciation d cash oats b
giving absolutely free, ths•s PINNER
if fou do not know IEL R1,r hv.t, write
at soil we will not rrdy 1,111 yea who b• h.
bot forward yn'l a h,md.•ome,uw,.nIr YAY.Y.
The antler, teseeIinerecter), Co., Ltd.
Stump :lid Tree Pullers
Kelt anchoring and !lump.
anchored. F..melhn.a nen,
t•t!l an ordinary stump in 1.4
ml•tutes. 1 to
srice at a set-
ting. Different
Nees to suet
all ktW, of
ror Illustrated
catalog Wilms'
.:, i ' 't:'.° .e
M11ae Mfp.Oo. 075 lleth S1., Monmouth, 111,
eat all Mads ri house 11angia,a, also
Write Mus about yours.
SWIM AMsms*ll SYSIMO 011., est 141, Msntrel
USE Prime 81L
Vo real need to north.- more. -revels .
oils if feit)1) }st'I(NEIt is teed
and KEPT Cf.i'.AN.
If you want a I11t; LIGHT—Teethe 05
tnt•x Gss JE:T4 1N oNlt—
The C hoicrst Oil Made is
For Sale by Dealers.
ISSUE NO. 19-05,