Exeter Times, 1905-05-11, Page 51'
of l
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THE 1XE'1.W.R TIMES, MAY 4th 1905.
i3TeI.SSugar-costed,easy t tamild in action. They cureP1IIconstipation, biliousness,
sick -headache. °'
/Vast"it ieabeard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
all biros. R rkk black P Use noon efts of sleets os aa masa. . a a
• T W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. (%.1
IP • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Uni-
ty. office and residenence. Dentition
=cratory. Exeter.
D. 8, L. D. 8„ H000r graduate
of Toronto University. Dentist.
z Led without.
Teethe talcpaiu or
had after effet:ts Office s
sou's block. Wein Few
West side of Stain
Wtrss0.` Easter
D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D. s. i D•i.
Haase Graduate of tie Toronto University
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
with honors Also Poet•graduate of
o School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
iveable mention.
iv(Wything known to the Dental Profession
islets this office. Bridge work. crown:•, al•
leminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
Me neatest manner possible. A perfectly
•armless anaesthetic u,cd for painless extrao-
OOm• ce one door south of Carling tiros store
=seter. On t.
We have unlimited private funds for invest;
sat upon farm or village property at lowee
We have a large amount of private Lunda to
ban on farm and vinagepropertiea at lowratee
et Interest.
Barristers Solicitors, Main 8t: Exeter,
Barristers Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioner,, eo for the Moltans
Bank, to.
11‘... Mae, to Loan at Inw•31 rates of interest.
1. s CARLING n. a. 1.H. DICKSON
T116 Usbarne and tilbbert
Farmer's Mui ual Fire In�ur-
an6o Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President:—T~ RYAN, DUBLIN. P. O.
Vice -Pres.:— J. A. I\ olSRISI
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
To Farmers ant
the Public in
tAs the spring is coming on
nd\v gather up all your old
truck such as Rags, Rubbers, +
Wool Pickings, Ilorsc Bair,
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down d to
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's a+.
where you will get the high-
est cash price for thein.
4e1e1e ++++++++++++++++++++ .•+
Railway System
One w•aY tickets at low rates, on
sale daily until Jley 15th, to points
int Montana, Colorado, Utah, Orcga.1
Washington. littlish Columnii, and
Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every
year for treatment of rheumatism,
digestive troubles, and nervous di.-
ordcre. Situated neer Detroit. it is
quickly and comfortably reached by -
the Grand Thunk.
•rho waters of this famous well
ark "teat seecific for rheumatism
gout ncur.tIzii, nervous prostration
anti also serves as a splendid tonic.
Mit uited on direct line of the Grand
Trunk. eleven miles from Niel" tot
Booklet givinz information onap-
plic'.ttion to agent, or by addreseine
J. 1). McDonald, District 1'aeMntter
Agent, Toronto.
.1. J. KNIGHT,
Depot ticket 3;ent, Exeter.
.IOSEI'll \\
Licensed Auctioneer,
Perth Middlesex
and 'Teton of tit.
Charge.; iilu I •r.0
WA residence, Que,n
n ill 4,e promptly 311
n1ICs house.
Cozen r ies of
Huron, Oxford
Orders left at
Si., S1. Marys,
ended to. Phone
Application to Paella
an application will be made to
the Legislative Assembly of the
Province of Ontario at the present
session thereof, for an Aot to in-
corltw.ttc a Company to construct,
equip and operate an electric 1i•ta
of railway to run in and through
the City of Stratford in the County
of Perth, and from the bald City
of Stratford in and through tha
townships of Downie, Fullerton,
Hibbert a•ad Illanshard alt in the
said County of Perth and the Town-
ships of Usborne and Stephen in the
County of Huron and in and through
the Village of Exeter in the said
County of Huron to the Villago of
Grand Bend on Lake Huron. and al-
so from the said City of Stratford
in and through the Townships of
North Easthope and south Easthope
and the Village of Shakespeare in
the County of Perth, and the Town-
ship of Wilmot in the County of
Waterloo to and in and through the
Village of New Hamburg in the said
County of 1Vaterloo with a branch
line in and through the Township
of South E.tsthope to the Villago
of Tavistock in the said county of
Perth, with power; (1) To make
payments in paid up stock or bonds
for rights of way, material plant,
rolling stock or services to the
Company, or in furthering the un-
dertaking ; (2) to receive assistance
from Municipalities or individuals
by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth-
erwise: (3) To manufacture, sell or
lease elccdkity or electric power to
any person or corporation or cor-
poration along the line"of the rail-
way or any of its branches, and (4)
for other proper and necessary in-
cidental powers. Dated at Stratford
this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1905.
JAMES STEELE, Solicitor for the
F ARM 'ro RENT Lot 22 First
cotlees.. on 1.'shor fie, 100 acres,
now all in grass, also store with flay
1'. 1). in connection to lease when
goods are disposred of. I have now
on ]rand it quantity of clothing, con-
sisting of ready -[Wade suits, over-
coats etc. which I am now offering
at cost. Good Amerioan oil 16 cents
per gallon. To much work for my
age am bound to get out of the
business. Apply ,to L. MoTAGGART,
Ilay 1'. 0..
FOR SALE.—Residence and 8 pots
with good stable, everything in
good repair. Residence recently re-
painted ; Also a first-class well good
orchard, and ornamental trees on
the premises. Tho property must be
sold as the undersigned is leaving
town. For particulars and terms of
sale apply to It. S. Lang, Exeter.
undersigned has for sale on
Lot 16, Con. 2, Hay, n number of
up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn
bulls. They aro of the low set
blocky type, dark red in color and of
choice breeding. They are all elig-
ible for registration, and will be sold
rc:isonably. — John Elder, Hensall
1'. O.
• ==�
Your own two hands and
a pair of these tires and
your bicycle is ready for
the road.
Every pair guaranteed
for a year.
• - - •
The Dunlop Tire Co.
St. John TORONTO Wiesipes
Vancouver 213 Nestreat
The Surrounding New
S Jr. 4th—Ague Gremtnell, M:,bel
Mclieath, M. M. Fisher.
3rd—Itena Mclleatb, Ida Jwtes, J.
D. Jones.
Sr. 2nd — J. (jernmell, J. W .Kehl,
Oda Mclteet h.
Jr. slid—It.11. Logan, Loot Rallt-
eel, Arthur Jones.
5t•cwrtl 1'a rt — \\', Meth. the F.
GcmtuI'Il. A. Fisher.
First — ld.t Ritlitttll, A. McMur-
trie. Walter Melte:oh.
—Mr. F.d. Shier, of llautiota, DLitt.,
who has bccu lying ill fit the house
of Mr. Samuel Doupe. for the past
eight weeks, is slowly improving un-
der tee eercfut nursing of his tnoth-
tt arrivedover two wee e
er. oho 6 ago
tc)� take care of hint. We all wilt►
hint :t more speedy recovery.
Miss Sarah Dottie.. who has Steen
ill ti it It quinsy for the pant 'two
weeks, i get tine about well neain.
'Petals of assessment roll for the
Township of Stephen for 1905:—To-
1al of :teres assessed, 56,785 1--2:
totals of acres cleared, 51308 1-2; No
of acre% %s oo muni, 5034 ; No of acres
slash -land, 443; value of real prop-
erty exclusive of buildings, $2.014,-
626; value of buildings, $667,140;
value of taxable teal property, $2.-
711.766; business asuesnnent33,313 ;
lax .stile income. $5,700; tot s1 ass.s,-
ment, $2.750,779 ; Number of per -
50115 141 1 h" family of each person
ratted as resident, 3755; number of
children between 5 and 21, 1277; No
and 16,931•
bet 5
of children .
number of wale persons from el to
60 years old, 810; number of births.
48; number of deet tis, 23; !number
of dogs. 416; number of bitches, 1.
—Court.— Iles Ilurior, Judge Holt
held court here on .Thursday, only We hope she may continue to itn-
one case however »circ; •tried; Last 1 prove.
fall, Sol. I'ollock a)f 1hie :township —Mr. George Ilcatnan, of Exeter,
had sever.tl .sleep killed and more who lies the contract of the mason
worried by dogs and it was to de -'work of the Mee hodiat p:1rson:tgoin
cide on t he ou lrerphip of t h^ dogs t he village, will eentmence opera -
that the I:1w suit was brought on. tions at once.
Mr. Pollock claimed 11111. one he- —Mr. \Vm. Balfour, while in St.
longed to Mr. Jeepes 13. Ilodeins
and the other to Robert Ilodgin+,
and so sued them both for his toss.
'1'he Ilodgins were represented by
Mr. L. lt. Dickson. of Exeter, and
1'olloek, by J. G. Stanbury, of Exe-
ter. After considerable evidence
had been heard the judge decided in
favor of Mr. l'ollock giving hitn $25
and costs.
—Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe called on fri-
ends here last week.
—There was no service in the Me-
thodist church on Saoauth morning,
owing to tato quarterly meeting' it
Ebenezer. but in the evening (le
congrezati.on was large and the
i;ervice interest ins.
—The first mooting of the W. M.
5. was held last Wednesday with a
large attendance. Two new mem-
bers were added and these have
decided to become life mcunaors The
President and 1st Vice -President
were appointed to at tend the
i)istriot Convention this week at II-
—The annual meeting of 'the Flo
worth League was held on Tuesday
evening of last week when i he fol-
lowing officers were duly elected:—
Pres.. Mrs. C. 'Zwicker; Jet Vice -
Pres., Mrs. 15310 •fill: end Vice -
Pres., Mrs. Goa. Clark ; 3rd Vice•
Pres, Mies Robertson; 4th Vice -fres.
tier. Sol. (leaver, Secretary and
Treasurer, Miss L. Lawson. The re-
ports of the treasurer and the Mia-
sionary Vice -President re the For-
ward movement for Missions were
quite encouraging.
—Mr. Thomas Aiiaott .and family
Mr. Edward Carrigan, and family,
all of Iliddulph, have moved out to
the groat North West, and settled
near Edmonton. A number of Mr.
Absot('s friends tact the night be-
fore his departure, at the residence
of his brother,' Mr. John Aobott,
Sauble line, Iliddulph, and presented
Mr. Thome4 Abbott with an address
and a nice arm chair as a memento
of their esteem for him.
— Mr. TIxomas Markin has pur-
chased the farms of Patrick Naugle
and Martin Collison. 270 acres in
ill for the nice RUM of $13,350. The
farm is located to the east aide of
Lucan on the London Road.
s of the
3 es li to
_Mr. J, t od
n R
Sauble hill hes leased his farm to
Mr.. F. i)owney, Lucan.
The $10 prize offered by the Lon-
don Ilistorical Society for the best
history of any township in Middle-
sex, was won by Mr. W. W. iteving-
ton, Biddulph Township.
— Mr. Bernard Stanley, who has
been spending t he winter at Santi-
ago. California, hat returned home
much improved by his travels.
— some evil dislroscd persons ties-
tioyed a robe and either articles. the
property of Mr. Wellington Mor-
gan, of the Seuble line, on Wednes-
day night last.
— Mr. F. II. Neil, of the Simile line
Maple Grove Stock Farnt, has just
returned from an extended trip to
the pacific Coest, where he has leoti
staking sales of some thorou;h-br d
--Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McLau
ghlin, of 14.zinaw, haft been visiting
friends hely for the past 1 w -o week 4
hive returned to the land of "Uncle
There seems to be no ease so bad
that Anti -Pill cannot cure it.
A strong claim 1lut well sup-
ported .
Jeer recently n physician in Lin-
coln, Nebraska. has mado a discovery
which is exciting the interest and
wonder of the medical profession all
over the world.
Dr. Lconhardt Legsn •a the theory
that the poisons sent through tho
system by the rotting and ferment-
ation of undigested foods were the
l prime cause of nearly every disease.
He se
t to work todiscover,
it pee•
sible, •1 remedy Mai would stimu-
late and heal the mucous membrane
lining of the stomach and bowels, till
by their normal, healthy action. per-
fect digestion would he restored.
Ile succeeded unit his prescription
ho called Anti -Pill. The proof that
his work was well done is found in
the long list of remarkable cures
mido by Anti -Pill.
Anti -fill is 50c. a bottle, at all
i)rug;ists, or Wilson-Fyle Co., Lim-
ited, Niagara Fall•, Ont. Sole n;ents
for Canada.
\1,. 11 STA \LEY, SCh100L 11El'OltT
1 1:e meed 1 Iv report Of S. S. No. 11
:it Onley i- toltottr. N.,ntis are in
rder of nit 1',1.
('. McQueen, 1•11 thiis.l3le
1 : v Jolutaton,
ea. Oh—Eleanor Ilood, E.'1•. Gem-
mel' and Emmi Male, equal, Jean
M irys. 011 Mcntety had a .horse
taken sick, and geld to leave it under
treatment of Dr. Gibe, V. S.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moore. old
residents of (Itis neighborhood, will
locate in St. Marys shortly. We
would have teen pleased had they
decided to again come to reside in
our midst. Wo all wish theist con-
tinued 'health u.nd enjoyment.
—Mr. Wm. Moore, who has been
adding a 2nd storey to his din shop
has it nearly completed. Ile will
now have gut abundanoo of room for
his ever increasing business.
—Mr. Norman Proctor, who has
been i.n the employ of Mr. A. Doupe
Inas completed his term and started
on Tuesday in the employ of Mr.
John Manna.
—The local Court, of the I. O. F.
of the village purpose Having a
garden party an the lawn of Mr.
Arthur Doupe, on the evening of
the 8th of June. A pleasant even-
ing is expected as Mr. Chis. Merry -
field of Mankton and Itev. Arch-
deacon Davis, of London. have con-
sented to be present, to lake part in
the evening's proceedints. A suit-
able musical and instrumental pro-
gramme will be rendered during the
evening interspersed ay speakint'ay
the above named gentlemen and re-
sident ministers.
—Mr. Burgess, of Mitchell, who
recently opened a photograph hal-
lery in the village is doing' some
ocauliful work and ha; a large dis-
play of pictures in his gallery.
\VI y allow this filthy disease to
Post n your systemf It drains your
strep rth, ruins digestion, pollutes
the breath, makes you repulsive. The
one sertain curd is "Catarrhozone"
it cures because it .destroys the
cause of the disease, aures thorough-
ly because it goes ,wherever titc
caterrh is, cures every caro because
its vapor destroys •thtc catarrhgerm
instantly. To get well and stay
free from catarrh. get Catarrhozone
and use it ; 4atisfaction guaranteed.
—A very eerily event took place
Wednesday :afternoon at the resi-
dence of Mr, and Mrs. John Fink -
daughter, Mies Carrie
e was united eiinrbc' er Goshen Line, when
marriage to Mr. Fred Currie. of
Mich. The impressive service being
read by ibev. Denim, of Crediton.
The bride looked lovely gowned in
white silk with embroidered silk
chiffon trimmings and carried a bo-
quct of Ifosvers. After i he cere-
mony was performed good wishes
and congraeulations were extended.
The preteen's were very handsome
end costly. Mr. end Mrs. Currie
will siert housekeeping on their
Tarns in Michig:in. We join with the
ninny friends in wishing the happy
couple long life and prosperity.
— Mr. George Mawhinney, of Park-
hill, who has been visiting with
frit fids (.11 1110 line the past week
returned home Monday morning.
—S1 r. J„nah Kestle delivered
some fine stoors to Mr. Jeeeph Law-
son one day last week.
— Mr. Thornes Marlyn intends
moving to Exeter before lonz.
—.lir. Phillip ilasterd spent Sun -
with friends in Wish -
illy evening
at nest.
—SI r. :std Mrs. B. 3. ilc.nderson
visited with friends in Shipk:t on
— Sirs. Ellen Clark is visiting with
her sitter. Mrs. John Lawson, for n
feta days.
— elist Minnie 11111 and Mr. Lin-
field tete eon spent 100 evening last
week the guct.t of Miss Flanneeen.
—Mr. and ,ells. Chris. liaiet, of
Crediton North spent Huntley with►
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney.
—Mise Ma Finkbeiner, of Miele,
i.e !seine to al•tend fihe wedeine of
her •ester Cattle.
— Mister Tommy Yearly who hats
been :0 Feriottely ill with pneumonia,nil
is improving. We're all .;lad to ece
Tommy around a;zaain.
—lir. and Mrs. John Schrader, of
ehipk t, visited with friends on the
il.ne Sunday.
— Mr, Ezra IL rein, while plowing, in
n field :ulonJ the Mud creek, ditch
one day last week •tbought he saw n
ntudturlle in the creek but after
ritchin's it found 1he1 it tt:11i a wild
— Mrs Merrier and family, of Unf-
ft1 •, are visiting with her parents,
Mr. :anti 'fro. John Finkbeiner.
— Unite en interesting Same of
foot ba11 was played on Tuesday
night. Our boys ere m,ikine much
preen -toe in their .acne.
\Weill t bilious attack is decided-
ly unplcaaant it is quickly over
when ('hemlerlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets nro used. For site in
Exeter by W, B, I(owey.
To Cure a Cold in One Day ,,.
s Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. jL
.Talefoottr. •ary
/Moo ham soldis pat 12 spoatbs. ThisThis �yture, ./ � v23pb
Council met Stay 3rd, put twain to
adjournment. All the members stere
present. The minutes of the last
reJulrir m-atinz end alto of a
speZiai utcclin1 •• April 15th were read
and nppraved.
The Court ce Revision of t be As-
scsstnent Roll for 1905 will be field
at the Township ilall. Elitnville, on
Shunt:), the 3rd illy of June at
one o'clock in 11:•• afternoon.
'fender.; were received from
Mcest's, Neely & Loehv, of Dublin,
and the terttcreen, Ellis & Wheli-
han Co., of St. Marys, for cement
concrete wort: needed by the town-
The feeder of the Pat Leeson. El-
lis S. WI:teil:In Co. beta; the lower
tots accepted e
, ace at 1 [ r the follutt fuer stork
Abutment. Con. 4 end 5, lot 18,
81.115 per cubic yard ; No. 1. eon. 4
and 5, lot 6, 12 ft. span. 16 0. road-
way ; No. 2, con. 2 end 3, lot, 35, lK
it. span. 14 ft. roadway ; No. 3. con.
8 and 9, lot 6, 14' ft. span. It ft.
rotdway ; No. 4, sideroad. coo. Met
15 and 16, 15 ft. span, 14 ft. tottl-
way ; No. 5. sideroad. con. 8, tot 15
:and 16. 18 ft. span. 14 ft. roadway.
Bridges to have cement concrete
end expanded metal floors. support •
ed by stc•ol I Bigots tend channels as
per specifications ; 4utd furnished
with lattice stool railings.
Arches.— No. 1, Hay- and Usborne
boundary, lot. 23, 8 ft., 28 ft. road-
way ; No. 2, con. 6, lot 2, 6 ft., 14 ft.
roadway ; No. 3, sideroad con. 13,
Tots 10 and 11, 7 ft., 14 ft roadway ;
No. 4, con. 8 and 9, lot 14 and 15,
N. T. Ib., 5 ft., 11 ft. roidway : Seo.
5, sideroad, lots 15 and 16, N. E. 11..
4 ft„ 14 ft. roadway: No. 6, con 14
find 15, lots 26 end 27, S. T. R.,
8 ft., 14 ft. roadway.
Arohes to have cement gaiting+.
Accounts amounting to $46.75
were passed and orders issued in
Council then adjourned to meet
Saturday, June 3rd. as a Court of
Revision, and for general business.
F. MORLEY, Clerk.
The council met at the call of the
reeve, on April 25th, 1905. All the
nternbers present.
The following accounts were
ordered to be paid :—Express Co.,,
charges on auditor's report, 25c.;
Wm. Dickens, rep. culvert and
bridge, div. 3, $2.00; Alex. IIocl,tine,
rep. culvert. die. 2. 50c: Benj. Rev-
ington. opening road. div. 2, 50c.:
\V m. Brock, otos, div. 2, 50c.; J. E.
Smidtle spikes in 1904, div. 2, 80; G
A. Stanley, cement end hardware
-die. 1, $5.21 ; W. Parr, work an raid
scraper, $10.00; ,las. McLaughlin,
rep. culvert. div. 3 and 4. $1.00 ; .T.
Ityder, 2 culverts, C. S. R., div. 4„
$4.75; Joseph Lawrence. rep. 2 cul-
verts, div. 4, $2.00; P. \Vhelihan, rep
bridge, div. :1 and 4, $1.00: M. O. Shed
rep. 2 bridges, div. 4 and 5, $2.00
A communication from Mr. T. E.
'landlord, through hie solici-
tors, Messrs,. Dickson & Carling.
ryas received, complaining that the
Neil ditch award was not yet car-
ried out. The clerk was instructed
to notify the engineer to have the
award carried out at the earliest
By-law No. 4. of 19(15, making ap-
propriations and by-law No. 5, pro-
viding a scale for levying stating
labor, was duly passed.
By-law No. 0, of 1905, authorizing
the Reeve and Clerk to sign and at-
tach the corporate seal to agreement
to leave the drain dispute between
the township and others, and
dodge's, to arbitration was duly
It waft decided to hold the Court
of Revision on ti,e 29th day of May
1905, at 10 a. in..
The council adjourned to meei
again on Monday May 29th, 1905
a 110 n. fit.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
Mr. C. 11. Wainwright of Lemon
City, Fla., has written the manufac-
turers that muoh Netter results are
obtained from the use of Chimie'r•
bine' Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in cases of pains in the,
stomach, colic and cholera inorbu.
by taking it in water as hot as ca
be drank. That when taken in phi
way the effect is double in rapidity
"It seems to got at the,rirht spot
instantly," be says. For sale in Exe-
ter by \V. S. Howey.
Council met in Town Hall per call
of the iteevc, on Friday, April28thi'
1905. Members all present. Minut-
es of the meeting held on April 15,
read and approved.
Communication from K. L.AiI-
kin, Toronto, and L. H. 'teeter. St.
Marys, re valuation of electric light
plant were recd.
I'er .1. Muir, sec .W. 11. Levett.—
Thit I he council secure 4 he services
Mr. K. T.. Ailkin, of Toronto, to put
a valuation on the electric light
)'er .7. \Voo.I, ec'c. \V. 1L Levett—
That the clerk call for lenders for
street watering, lenders to be in
b Feeley, \ey v
I'er W. iL Lovett sec. I. Arm-
strong, adjouruutent until Saturday
Aleut 291 h.
1i. SI'ACICMAN, Clerk pro tent.
Council toot pursuant to 1utjourn-
mcnt in 'town 11311, en Friday. May
5th, 1905. Member+ all present.
Minutes of meeting held on April
2811t. read and npproved.
Petition from T. Jr. Carling, 14.
Martin, 1). C. Mc1nnia and 08 other,'
asking that Main street, between
Routh Foundry and the north Bile
of the i'resbyterian manse properly
he watered.
I'cr W. iL Levett, sec. J. Woad -
the enmmisaioner hive power
to engaee tato men es constables
during term of circus, May 11, 15
Per .7. Mutt, s'•c. i. Armstrone—
'rhat (emit of Revision be held 0n
friday, May 26th tat 7 p. t»... clerk t
advertise the Rime in lo^al wipers—
rye \V. 11. l,r•vet I fire. J. \\'cost —
Thal the clef k notify Ilrown Bros.
Nurveryieen, regardint trees Ihet
hive not green planted in the
AL. Mgr CO
Pears the 1ht Kind You Nan Alta wiggedflIgnstsre
6lgsatu, �J -r.�.
After Years of Experience, Advises Women IS
Regard to Their Health.
Mrs. Martha Pohlman
o t 55 Chester Avenue,
Newark, N. J., who is a
graduate Norse from the
llloekley Training School,
at Philadelphia, and for
six years Chief Clinic
Nurse '
clothe Philadelphia
1 ha
Hospital, writes the letter
printed below. She has
the udvantageof personal
experience, besides her
professional education,
and what she Inc, to say
may be absolutely relied
Many other women are
afflicted a, she was. They
can regain health in the
same way. It is prudent
to heed such advice front
such a source.
Mrs, Pohlman writes:
"I am firmly persuaded,
after eight years of experience
with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, that it
la the safest mei I,e..t rnc•,li;•ine
for any sutrurine eotuau to
"Immediately after my
marriage I found that my
health Degan to fail me. I be-
came weals and pale, with se-
vre bearing -down pains, fear-
ful backaches and frequent
dizzy veils. The doctors pre-
scribed for me, yet I did not
improve. I would bloat after
eating and frequently become
nen/seated. I had an acrid discharge and
tpains down through my limbs so [ could
d• walk. It was as bad a cease of female
trouble as 1 have ever known. Lydia E.
Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, however,
cured me within four utonths. Since that
time I have had occasion to recommend it to
a number of patients suffering from all
forms of female ditflculties, and I find that
while it is considered unprofmsional to rec-
ommend a patent medicine, I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkhani s Vegetable
Compound, for I have found that it cures
fernale ills where all other medicine fails. It
is a grand medicine for sick worsen."
Money cannot buy such testimony as
this—merit alone can produce such re-
sults, and the ablest specialists now
agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound is the most univer-
sally successful remedy for all female
diseases known to medicine.
When women are troubled with ir-
regular, suppressed or painful men-
struation, weakness, leucorrhoea, dis- It is well for women who are 111 to
placement or ulceration of the womb, write airs !Inkhorn, at Lynn, Maelj.
that bearing -down feeling, intlamma- In her great experience, w trots
tion of the ovaries, backache. bloat- many years, she has prob
ing(orflatulence), general debility in- deal with dozens of canes ust lig
digestion, and nervous prostration, or yours. her advice is free and mei-
are beset with such symptoms as dizzi- dential.
Lydia E. Piekkaa's Veketabie Csspseod Succeeds Where Others ii/.
cemetery, and ask that the same 'fie Dyer, postage and stationary, $2.00;
replaced. — 1 arri�fi. Mrs. W. Delve, 9 weeks' charity,$9 ;
J. Barkner, labor, cemetery, $1.50:
The Reeve declared lenders for Peter Whitlock, gravel. $25.75:. C.
street watering closed.Tenders R. Snell, lighting $81.09 less $2.09
being received and opened from $79.00 to May 1st.
Messrs. H. Parsons, Jos. Sutton, G. J. SENIOR, Clerk.
Cudmore and F. Gillespie. Mr. Cud-
more's tender being the lowest.
namely, $1.50 per day, Ito
was awarded the contract. Duties
e instructions 60fflDouo
to comm ncc per et the
The following recounts were pre-
sented and orders drawn on treasur-
er for tete same.—Ilarry Statham,
labor, $8.50: Thos. Creech. do, $1.50;
F. .7. Knight, acct. per Brimmi- 1
combs, $1.00; Jas. Dennis, part sal-
ary, for bell ringing, $10.00; James
Dennis, repairs to road scraper. $2 ;
Jno. Ford, part salary, cemetery,
*27.00 to May 1st ; W. J. Bissett, pt.
salary to April 24th, $131.25; flerk,
telephone to Beafortl►, 20c; 4, 50.
ness, faintness, lassitude, excitability,
irritability, nervousness, aleepleas-
ness, melancholy, "all -gone" and
'want -to -be -left -alone'' feelings, blues
and hopelessness, they should remem-
ber there is one tried and true remedy.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound at once removes such troubles,
No other female medicine in this
world has received such widespread
and unqualified endorsement. No other
medicine has such a record of cures of
female troubles.
The needless suffering of women from
diseases peculiar to their sex is tettrikto
to see. The money which they ay to
doctors who do not help them Ts ati
enormous waste. The pain is enrea
and the money is saved by Lydia a
l'inkliaru's Vegetable Compound. Ex-
perience• has proved this.
,curt of Revision
Township of Usborne
f Notice is hereby given that n Court
of iievision for the assessment roll
for the township of Usborne, will
be held at the Township Hall, Elim-
ville, on Saturday, June 3rd, 1905.,
at one o'clock in the afternoon.
1 Vhdlen May 10th, 1905.
-Court of Revision
Notice is hereby given Shat the
Court. of Revision for the assent -
roll of the village of Exeter, for the
present year, will hold its first
meeting at the Town Ihall, Exeter,
on Friday, the 26th day of May, at
7 p. M. o'clock.
J. SENIOR, Vill:tge Clerk. e
xc ler, Flit May, 1905.
[.IXVd6t of
This preparation is purely-
vegetable and an excellent
remedy for all diseases of the
skin and blood and for gen-
rral debility.
MIt enriches and vitalizes the
ood. It renovates the
whole system and zestores
vigor and healthy action to
every organ.
For Sale Only at
Drug Store
044-N•4444+N -• -•N••NN• --- ONN
All Druggists and Daalsrs. TAKE NO OTHERS.
••••••NN•N••••••N•••.• �N••• •NN
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855)
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • $3.000,000.00
RESERVE FUND •. • S3,000,000.00
18 Branches In Ontario, Qnebc.•. Alt.crta, Rrltf.h Columbia and Manitoba
Open every (Awful Day from 10 A..1. to 3 0. M. except Saturday 10 a. M. to 1 r, 8.
Fesrtrlorss' Sulo Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied
On appplication. DItAFTs en all points In the Dominicn, (creat Britain and Uri
ltcd State... bought and Feld et lon•ept rates of mho 1RP,
leponitn of .1.00 anal upwards received. interest come
pounded half agaric', and added to ertecfpal June seth and December 31st. i)e
potIts lte'elpts al -0 betted and highs -t rnrrr fit rates of Interest allowed.
Advesnces made to farmers stock dealers and business rnen at
lowest rates and on moat favorable terms. Agent,. fit Exeter for Dom. (Icacrnmeot,
Dickson & Carling, Solicitor«. N. D. HURDON, Manager.
11...91•••••••••••••••••••• • ••••