HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-11, Page 4t 'i'HE EXETER TIMES, MAY 4th 1905. Thee The Only Big Show Coming. .emon Bros. World Bost Shows 3R1 ng Circus -3 5 -Continent Menagerie -5 Trained Wild Best Show. Free Horse Fair, and real Roman Hippodrome. Surely coming and will positively exhibit at Exeter on Monday May 15th Marvelous Performing Elephants. A Hippodrome giving all kinds of Races by fearless horsemen and horse- women on one-third anile track. Perrier, the World's Highest and Longest Diver. The only Racing Steers. (Original ;European Wild Beast Show Trained Beasts in huge circular steel cages. Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Jaguars, Panthers, Leopards Russian Boar Hounds, and scores of other animals. Most complete, inexaustive, all -comprehensive Three Ring Circus the world has ever seen. too Renowned Home and Foreign Stars in iso Great Acts. Menagerie of hundreds of Zoological Surprises. Baby Lions and Baby Hippopotamus, Birds, Beasts and Reptiles. Grand, Glorious Unparalleled. FREE 0-OROEOTTS STREET' 12ARATDE Every Entry Morning sure at 10 o,clock. Cheap Excursions on all Railroads. Two Grand Performances Every Day. The Exeter Times s__ CALENDAR FOR MAY, l;ee., eVND: T. 7 11 21 MONDAY 1 S 15 22 TUESDAY 2 0 10 23 FEDI Et8DAY... , 3 10 17 24 IISDAY ....... 4 11 18 25 FRIDAY 5 12 10 2t3 SATURDAY 6 13 20 27 The Surrounding News 3 Items of Interest Here and There Furnished By Our Correspondonts. THURSDAY, MAY 41h, 19no I1ENBALL CENTItALIA Iced. -Just received 3 cars of Manitoba Shorts and other Feed on -Mho Beulah Beaver and Miss Land. -D. Urquhart, Ilensall Oat- ' Iamb} );beery, of Crediton, visited et meal Mills. tail`. (k -.urge Esscry s on Sunday. --Mrs. Edwards attended the (un- hour. -One car o[ best Manitoba ern! of her nephew, Rev. I. M. Wcbo, Flour, will exchange for o,ts. - D. Granton, on Tuesday afternoon. -Miss Mattie Handford at fended the "At Home" given ily t ho Liter- nry Soesicty of the Exeter High Bohan.►( on Friday evening. lir. Orme, Mr. Denin O'Brien and V-iiss Lilli•en Elliott attended elle tells embly in Exeter, on Friday 'tight. .Aire. (Baker, who alas been ill for the pant few weeks, ee are glad to hear is recovering. •-Mrs. Richard lficke visited her thug1ier, Mrs.. Frank Irwin, of Lon. don. Iasi (week. t Cord. Cats, Coal.- Having n few Toads of the celebrated Hawking Vnlles Coil eft both for Wove and heat 1 will sell ' t� c in ,n a lo'a t >36 .b0 and genii Tots at $6.75 ier ton. First jt nerve, first rterved. Orders left at , (l►c office of A.Q. Ilobier will be promptly attended to. -1i. Parsons. ers Your doctor will tell 'you that thin, pale,weak, nervous chil- dren dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla Tee change is very prompt and very matked. Ask your doctor why It Is. He has our formula and will explain. e when It rear, n14, for inner r•1, • • . I. Urquhart, Ifensell Oatmeal Mille. Are running diy and night, conse- quently we have large stock of bran and shorts for sale, and will sell bran at $16 per ton, and shorts at $18.50 per ton, our short., are fully worth $2.0U per ton more than sprn16 wheat shorts. We have al- so secured a large quantity of 1903 old wheat for the farmers t rade and are in a position to supply you with our best mixed family flour at $2.60 per cwt. - II. Cook & Son'., Millers, lien -all, Ont. -Lost week lir. T. Neelands, edi- tor of the Ilcn9:tll Observer, bought IL:• brick (louse tb•tt Mr. 1V.3. Mil- ier i4 building on t tic Moir lot. -On Saturday afternoon our foot i1•e11 teiin journed to Bayfield to I.y th•eir first league grime. and ere defe•ited 2 to 0. -Quarterly service' were held in WOODIIAM - Seeding is done in this vicinity. -Mr. Iliranl Copeland and Mr. Simpson, of Woodham spent Sunday lungs, we are glad to hear is im- proving. IIcr sister, Alma will +take charge of her school until she isable to resume her duties. -Miss Helen Russell is •at (resent under the dootor's care. We elope for her .speedy recovery. -Master Leslie Richards and Gar- field Ifodgert, of Exeter, were visi- tor, at Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ifodgert's on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark celc- brated Their fifticbh anniversary of their (wedding on Thursday, 'the 4th inst. All 'their ohildren and grand- children were present toget er with about forty invited guests. The in Ilensall. n family consist, •of three sons .and -Mr. William Nilson spent Sun- , four daughters. Alex. •of Iioney- day with harry Rodd. - Mr. and Mrs. James Routley and Mrs. St. John attended the Mis- sionary convention at (Merlon, on Wednesday. -Mr. G. Monera, of Elinlvillc•,1 room, where a sumptuous repast spent Sunday with ;antes Mills. /malted them. The tables were very -ll itis Edith Swallow .'pent Sun- day under t he parental roof. tions and ferns. After supper they -Mr. .1. Shier is having n new retired to the parlor where the engine installed in 1 he grist mill ('Veninwas pleasantly spent in this week. music and song. Choice selections - hiss Lillie Sawyer i4 e"riously f were rendered on the iiinno by Rev. ill.Mr. and Mrs. Cra.nston, Mrs. Glee- - Mr. Fred Cann, of 'Toronto, ; son Gill, Mrs, John Wilson end Mr. ..pent a few• days of last week (with 1 and Miss Bothwell. The presents ilia parents, end old acquaintances. were numerous and costly, showing _--0,--_ in a slight degree the high esteem HOW TO WARD OFF OLD AGE in which the couple were heId. They The most successful way of ward- c:u11c from IIlmilton about fifty ing off the approach of old are is to maintain a vigorous di;cation. •Thin can be done by eating only food suit- ed to your age and occupation, and • when any disorder of the stomach i•rove; Mrs .Wei. Bothwell, and Mrs. Albert Thompson, •of Ilickson ; Mr,. lol►n Murray, of Avonton, and Murk Robert, and Beatrice at home. At 6 o'clock they repaired to he dining years ago and were anions the ear- liest pioneers of Fullerton township We heartily juin in wishing then( many more years of health and liap- pioces. he Methodist Church here on Suti- t appears take a dose of Chamber- . morning last. I Iain',c Stomach and Liver Tablets to CTTAl1itF.RLAiN'S COUGIi itF:l1- -11. McMordie and family- left correct it. if yon have a weak Et)Y THE VERY BEST ' for their home in London on Mondaystomach or ere troubled wit h indi- "I have been using Chamoc:riain's evening. On 'Thursday Mr. Gra- gcstion you will find these tablets Cough Remedy and want to say it 1.1111 moved into the McMordie house,, to be just whit you need. For site is the best cough medicine I have On Monday evening the coon-' in Exeter by W. S. hooey. ever taken," says Geo. i,. Chubb, a cil assumed 1• public linrerw and _ merchant of Harlan, Mich. There finally -passed the drainat-e by-law. TIUSSELDALE is no question about it 4 toeing the -N'c expect to Isere a 1,14 4iule -hiss Sling Ituo(•11, N% 113 bi46(441 on May 2Ith. A programme of suffering from infl•un,n (tion of tiro horse races, foot ball and lacrosse matches is being prepared. More perticul'lrs next week. -Mr. McIntyre,o [o on Rank staff, was this week trans- ferred to lit. Thomas and Mr. Tloz- ,t • , of .11e. 8t. Thon,.ls 'trench, r. ..:t t;crc. Catarrh constitutional disease (�► BLANBIIARD Mrs. James Gunning, s Lithly ; L rsteen,c,1 resident of illanshardtown- treatment actin ship died last Wednesday April 1( g in impure blood constitutional best, and it will cure n cold in less time than any other t reatment. It should always be kept in he house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when trey ed r sole ' 1 Exe- ter promptly t re 1 1, r.x ter by W. S. Howey. CLANI)Eft01"1: -lir. :ind Mrs. Dorcay have moved to Enlersoe, Nebraska. -Mr. Allan Itlackeell, of L(.ndnn, spent a few (1.1y5 with. his .mother in (hi 4 pI•t: c. -Mr.. 'Simpson, tt h(► has been aged EA yams. Sirs. (iunnill who4' and purifying the blood or icing relatives in Bay City, has re - minden name ryas .ianet Campbell, its radical y to Canada, when a girl. tier f:r- ore. Be sure to take spent a few days with friends in es•thought 1conil1.r.b...6,orofth‘r' , hustiend was the late lir. '1'lyl, itellevillc. In 1n, and permanent turned Io her home here. t r Ito wall a native [ Scotland. 1n 1 u -� t n ti olr. S C Chown, of this pl ere rut. Instow works. Ayer's .,r.,par,n. ' of III inehard,bytwhichunion 1 hod as. it Ilt-eRNIlllreR,tr•Iarllnd a ., three daughters, all of whom are visit 1:, her parents here. kb,tely ►.stored me to health " ood's Sarsaparilla --hiss Milton, of Lcn(lou, pii.l ,t �ao, battles t• sr.1,rn married. Mr. Taylor die.1 many Nasal and other local forms of catarrh -Mr. Elsie Neelsen left -on Tues- IareRxt•U for ”1.1 year. ago, and his widosv marc:. I are awickly relieved by Catarrhal, day for Itidgelotwn, %%litre he in- a!<tt indlattttetatb and deodorise '�"'� e . .amsGunning. e s. ; tends purchas,ng 3 c•erlold of cat • tie. ' and tt v4 highly esteemed by the 'a SaltapafYla. all dry Si. '-111+1.+ Denholm, t;f Myth, apt•'tt 1 who's •• •nlmunity. iter fo.neral took . Ca1 'Amts, tt,aY or4er OItly. 301as. :t few days Here with her uncle, Mr. 2 lir. James lir Gonna:: 1 W CD y n a The Children t� ' was grnitly beloved by her (omit) tbcital•stt. • .ye ire. 'owM ns,00nstlpi+ti I pine( r•. lrkton cemetery last For t!allfeOfliab M Cunrnnh Cug rentarkalta re! Savory. Cure these vr't)' Frail h day. .ervieen being conducted by send for our look on Catarrh. No. 4. -Sirs. T. llodgins, of Iiinzsville. the itty. Mr. llotmes, of (Ironton. C. L Hood Co., Lowell, PAIL ie visitlu,f her reroute here. 1 SAINTS11l'ltl - Master Itoo- Thompson, a lin has °rel spending the past week with hie cousins the Misses (suint uu, re- turned to hi.4 Lome in Loudon, on Saturday. -'11r. S. Mol•'a114, (who Las neon for tt:u past two 3e.trs in titr:ttford, is home spendieg a couple of weeks hulidaye e it 11 his parents wi 4he2nd concession of Biddulpb. -The 11'ulu:ul's Auxiliary of Mt. Patrick's church are snaking prt'- parition4 for the lioldiat;c of heir ;ulnuel garden party on 4he evening of 5Iay 24th. en Ale. Turner's lawn. A supper twill, ice-cre:un and bana- nas will be served Irolu 5 to 7 p. in. and games of foot -ball, cruyuet, etc. will no indulged in after (whirl& u grand concert will lie isiven uy talent from Dire, Kirkton, Lucan, tend members i)f the ohurch - Mr. .1. Sims, of Crediton, spent Sunday the guest of Mr. Wei. 1). Bodeen,. - Mr. .los. 'ruiner and sister, Beatrice, 410(11 Sunday on the courses. lint'. - Mr. Dan JlcDonald is spending a few day:; in Ailsa ,fruit, near his old home. A SIMPLE CUBE FOR PILES Pilo sufferers know that Ointments and other local treatments sometim- es relieve but never cure. They don't remove the pause. There is a little tablet that is talc en internally removes the cause of Piles and •cure any case of any kind no matter how long standing. A month's treatment costs $1.00. Ask for Dr. .Leonhardt's Hem -Bold (a .thousand dollar guarantee goes with every treatment.) Ifem-Iloid is (ho discovery of Dr. Lcondardt of Lincoln, Neb., one of the 'most distinguished and success- ful physicians in the Western Stat- es. All Druggists, or Thee Wilson-Fyle TIIAi11Efi ROAD - Miss A1. E. Monteith and Miss Jessie Hamilton have returned from spending their Easter holidays at St. Marys and London. Sergeant Is. hector is busy enlist- ing recruits for company 6. The many friends here of Rev. 1)r. Turnbull, of Toronto, will be pleased to learn that he has partially recov- ered from Iiia recent serious illness, although still tar from well. His cougresatitm desire him 10'take a long vacation, and to visit Europe so that his complete recovery 'lay if possible, be assured. It is prob. -able that he may leave moon, should his health hermit, for Europe. Concert - The choir of dhe Pres- byterian church here aro making ex• etensire arrangements for a concert in hto church on May 19. They have been fortunate in securing as enter- tainer, Mr. Frank It. Conklin, of Toronto,' formerly of New York city where Ile was a great favorite They have also secured Mr. Oliver Gelinas, of London, baritone. and Miss Gertrude Hunt ley, of. St. Thomas, pianist and violinist. Ad- mission 25c. Coale and enjoy the evening. - Several improvements have eee.n made in our meighaoriood lately Mr ,Borland line 'had his house painted; Mr. Rundle his house (shingled' n -W[0 Mr. Carl is busy at present, repairing the roof of Mr. Ahtvid Cot- t(e's barn. - Mr. Wel. Harris is the guest of his brother, Mr. Chas. Harris. -Mrs. Andrew Campbell is visit • Mg friends in Seaforth. - Mrs. Hackney and son, -George, arc visiting the former's son,' Mr. John Hackney, in Detroit. - Mrs. Robb, of Stratford paid a short visit to our neighborhood on Saturday and Sunday. -Miss Mabel Duncxtn has returned from Stratford, where else leas leen for some time -the guest of Mrs. Robb. -We are pleased to hear kiwi Mr Hen heavers is recovering front his recent illness. -On Sunday last, 4 he Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed its the Presbyterian church here. On Friday afternoon preparatory ser- vices were ably conducted by the Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Cromarty, while our pastor, Rev. C. Fletcher conducted the Sunday services, giv- ing mornins and evening, very in- struct n- struct ive addresses. - Mts. Fletcher has returned from London, where she has for some time been visiting her mother -Miss Mary Agur, of London, is the guest of her *sister, Mrs. C. Flet- cher, at present. %UIRICII -Jar. N. Cantinc and party of Si. Joseph, spent Tuesday in down, hav- ing travelled here in has motor car. The air c:trrks ten people, is a oonl- mc►di:ous vehicle, end easy for travel. - Division Court -On Tuesday silting of the Tenth Division Court was held in the Town Iiall Isere Judge holt presided. Tile first case on the docket was Hartung vs. Bender. 1n this case 4 he plaintiff's claim was for three Months and four days u iges. The defendenl disputed 'she claim el liming that be t .; had hired phtintiff for six n enths The judge .rave his decision in fa- vor of the plaintiff and its stemming up staled 11:,11 it one nein Hired another mitt for so many months to t>a much a 111011 1 11 4lie n.i,ii hired is .1 (• always rat �I led t111 w o Ids ,t hen t he [ I month ki up unless •OUiereise eta led. 11..1. D. (Tooke, counsel for plaintiff Dickson & Carlin„ for defendant. mons CASTORIA The ICiud You have Always Bought, and which has been 11 for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of uud leas been (made under his per• sonar supervision since its infancy. • • ' • Allow no one to deceive you in thlgs All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Exi►eriments that trifle with and endanger the h61th oe Infants and Children -Experience against Ex invent. is use What is CASTORIA Castorht is a harmless snbstituto for Castor Oil, Pare. gorie. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It eontain't neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcotiO substance. its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wornia and allays Feverielmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Et relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bougkt 'MC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MORNAT NM VONA CITY. In Use For Over 30 Years. 1 K K K K.,K Kea K ,,K Kt -.<K K x I:(K WealI, Nervous, Diseased Men' Thousands of i ourrgand driddlr Aged Mur are annually swept to a premature grave through early Indiscretions and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the lite of many a promising young man. Have you any oftits followist symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired In Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily fatigued; Excitable and irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the )'ace; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in the Body; Sunken Eyes• Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our ?hut Afrthod Treatmrat will build you up mentally. pbyslcally and saxttally. Cure Onarantead or ao Pay. 211 YEARS Its DETROIT. DANK IMONRITy. SI'No Names Used Without Written Consent. A 11111HVOU>I WRECQ.-A HAPPY LIFO. T. P. Ei.isasorr has a Narrow Escape "I lire on a farm. At school I learned au early habit, which weakened me pphysically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors saidIwas going into 'decline" (Consumption). Finally."The tholdeo Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Horgan fell into my hands. I learned the troth and rause. Self abuse had sapped my vitality. I took the Nrw AGthod Treatr.ret and was cured. My friends think I was cured of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom were cured. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Cessattatloa FIN, loots Fra. write for Queen's Mask for Nome Trutmast, Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, 148 Dettroitby Street,t KK Kix K Kr:K KcAK r( K K K K K SWEDE TURNIP D. 49 H: g "Canadian Gem" Short neck, email top, firm flesh, symtnetrical shape, united with high feeding value, great productiveness, hardiness and long keeping qualities, de- scribes the perfect Swede. Every root of Il. it H.'s "Canadian Gem" niore nearly approaches this ideal than any other strain of Swede Turnip. Recognizing the fact that for some years past all the varieties of Swede in cultivation were subject to the effect of mildew and aphis or green fly. we are pleased to say that we have accomplished the purpose aimed at end have in "Canadian Gem" the hardiest, handsomest, heaviest -yielding and beat flavored Swede in cultivation. It resembles that old and well•know variety -the Westbury -which it is a great improvement upon, but is a much heav- ier yielder, has a beautiful bronze top with a clear yellow flesh, always sweet, tender, juicy and nutritious. Put up and supplied in sealed packages only, by Darch & Hunter, London, Ont. FOR SALE BY CARLING BROS., Exeter, Ont. SAM BROWN, Crediton, Ont. Send for our Farm Seed Catalogue. wage,. ,ludrtn(•nt of nonsuit was 11., of lli.s slay, daughter of Mr. given. The last case on the docket and Mrs. 11y. ltickbeil. The tetany , was .Tch e t vs. Ifs• c all k & Cox- fri n I ss[Ir. ,uI 1 .1 _ lt'i, r c •bc'l 'n t 1 I tt►r h. In this case it w'a s to Fccr 11 ( vicinity c (• 1 uu11• t 1'I 1 sympathize w ,al LIz with (whether Blackall or Cox wor( It them in their s•td bereavement. should pay for .:t cement walk built --lir. and She. %1',u. Fritz and by I he 111 lint iff 'oto the (40511 h side fai uil). moved' to Gra~uul :lend, 01) of the Queen's hotel, llensal1. Mr, Monday, where he took possession ('oswert11 is •the landlord and Mr. 01 the Brenner hotel, which he 1131,- 1 11 aek III 1111,_1tltekII1 the tenant. Judgment we Ices^(I for a number of years. given a r•inns Mr. Coxtt•orlh. 11. ,1.---f--- D. ('Doke for plaintiff. Dickson & �7.i .. RY1>L. (7:itlint far lir. Itlackall. (Oudot 11et.ndYouHareAINatB)�'- .e. S1:inhw-y for Mr. Cosworth. Boars the The next case w as Agnew vs. La- -Last week the news was receiv- Signature mons. This was ;snot her claim for ed here of lbs death at Cavalier, N. of ��?�G � 81801110'80 *******11,11,090,9091191811101111111,9100119 zorO IVIC1730 ?Mr O'QR ES 1 WELLS, RICHARDSOiM t&impRovED BuTTER coL0R CO.'S Gives the Tru.; Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. ALLY.. Z21/8.11701451.11111T111 iNTD n siA..x meas. c' 4,8 - - tieNfEele eeet(I 1