HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-11, Page 3THIRD FLEU IN GHINA WTER8
Vice=Admiral Nebogatoff's Squadron
Has Passed Singapore.
A despatch from Singapore, Straits
Settlement, says: -Tho Russian naval
division passel Singapore in semi-
darkness and huzo at 5.30 o'clock on
Friday morning. Six warships and
four colliers were sighted.
This is evidently Vice -Admiral No-
bogatutT's squadron, tvhich was pass-
ed at 9 o'clock on the morning of
, May 4 by the British etc:uncr Selan-
gor. off Jugratt, midway between the
Island of Penang and Singapore.
The correspondent of Tho London
'Finns at St. Petersburg cables: -
Apart from a wild report of Rojes-
tvensky's reaching Vladivnstock, the
telegrams from Manchuria contain
nothing important. Tito sensational
• report that Russia has acquired tho
navies of Chile and Argentina con-
tinues to meet with an official denial,
but from private sources I learn of
several transports leaving Sevasto-
pol for the same destination as tho
mysterious vessels from Cronstadt.
There is an intimation from a dip-
lomatic source that warships will be
brought from the Baltic to servo as
a nucleus for a new navy in case
Rojestvensky's fleet comes to grief.
It is more than doubtful if the Rus-
sian Government would venture upon
each a flagrant violation of neutral-
itWr+s the purchase of South Amori-
can arships unless on tho condition
that delivery be delayed until tho
conclusion of peace. In that case
the purchase may be regarded as
merely a precautionary measure to
prevent the vessels from falling into
the hands of the Japanese. _
According to the St. I'utorNaurg
correspondent of tho London Stand-
ard the evidence taken by the com-
tnist'.ion that in investigating the sur -
rent er• of fort Arthur has been wti-
fortuly urdavunablo to Geer. Sttwee:el,
teethes to justify the recrinunutionne
that hate been n7edr. Wit x►es
who strewed under hint havo testified
that he rarely wtatt from his head- (
quarters, awl that ho devoted his
principal energies to enriching hint-
eelf by rellit'g proeisions, in which
ise was ern -is -tell by his wife. 'the
corremenudt•nt add.e dotalla which,
however, aro not n'corily
A dispatch front Tokio sago: Phu
work of salving the s"r) :(-n Alien at
Port Arthur and ('(eeneil•eo is Pro-
gressing satiefucborily to the .lai>ftn-
eso. Details are withheld, but it is
believed to bo certain that the Ja-
panteso navy will secure several bat-
tleships end crliuers.
Tho St. Peterlhurg correspondent
of the London Times saes that rum-
ors have been current for several
days that Afesttrs. .Schwab anti Flint
effected the sale of the A►'gontine and
Chilian navies to the ftunsiuns. The
Ministry of Marinlo denies the rune
ors, but they aro gathering force.
It is declared that several trans-
ports oro leaving Cronstadt with
sailors to dean the purchuses.
land other members endonitel the bill,
and it was given ita second reading
and rtderrd to the Mitnticipul Cone-
FOR 1111. I'Ot)R MAN.
Mr. Downey explained that his
amendment to the Ae•)rssauent Act
was dt•iiign(d to do away with Alto
injustice done by the mittiuttun tax
of $250 on persons conducting email
and unrernunerativo business.
'the bill was given its secured read-
ing, and sent to committee.
Mr. Crawford said that his hill to
afield the Public llta!th Act pro-
vided that no person shall keep or
store any rags, b( -nes, or other foul
refuse in any builditnt; 11)551 us it
dwelling, or upon arty prtutisss with-
in the nwr,icipulity, uul,se they aro
kept or Stored in a suitable building,
approved of by tho Mollie -al 1lkealth
()Meer. properly t•enetilati'(1, and rate-
atd not leree than one liwrde el fe'ot
from any (Noll itee or steel , and
(except in the case of brick or atone
boihlings) covered with (err/legated
Tho bill way read n slcnttti
time and referred to the Municipal
'unseal tt et'.
Only an Indian Could Have Made
This Catch.
A Vancouver, B.C., despatch anus:
-A codfish with a medium -sired fe-
male plink in its inside is the latest
curious natural phenomenon. C.
Eckman, who has just arrived hero
from Valdez Island, says that whita
ho was at Tomlinson's camp, popu-
larly known on the island as "The
nolo iu tho Wall," sumo Indians
brought a quantity of freshly -caught
cod. When the camp cook opened ono
he found the fur -bearing animal. The
condition of the mink was such as
to denote that it had only done tint
Jonah act very shortly before the
codlish took the hook.
Government Conducts Extensive
Spraying Operations.
A 'Toronto despatch says: -An ex-
tensive series of spraying experi-
ments with power sprayers are being
conductedin theNiagara N'
n distr(c
with a view of checking the San
Jose scale on all fruit trees and the
black rot. in grapes. Prof. Lochhged,
of the Agricultural College, is in
charge of this experiment.
The report of the Inspection 'nado
in the townships of the southern
part of Kerj County shows the scale
is very elkensive and is now over!
a large area, south of Chatham to
�ho )eke. The farmers of that sec-!
Von are turning their attention from
fruit to bean -growing, and COMIC-
quontly are doing little or nothing
to check the scale, whereas in the
Niagara district the fruit -growers
seem to have become thoroughly
aroused to tho necessity of spraying,
and are now working rigorously to
save their orchards.
Shipping Circles Regard This as
an Indication of Peace.
A London detepatch eats: The I'all
Mall Gazette gives details of twenty-,
seven merchant shipo, of which si.t-
'.t teen were 1h•itish, tlrtt have been
Bold to .Japan since .ianunry 1. to
"eh list may bo added t he thirty
eatnship'9 ttie Jn)tnnesi' hat e rain
red while they were trying to run
'e Vladivo'tock blockade. It. is
teeter' in shipping rirrles that as
aeon's foreign trete'. is stainnnt,
hese purchases are an indication of
4 -
Catch of Pacific Fleet Not Enough
for London's Needs.
The Minister of Agriculture secured
a second 'reading for his bill to pro-
vide for the incorporation of cold
storage associations. The 'tonsure
increased their usefulness.
A lengthy discussion took place over
tho wiping out of grunts to the Cat-
tle Brooders' Association, Swine
Breeders' Aix;ociation, Sheep Breed-
ers' Association, and Poultry Associ-
ation. Iron. Mr. Monteith and 1lon.
Mr. Whitney contended that these
moneys could be applied more ad-
vantageously to agricultural inter-
ests than by giving them to tho as-
sociations in question. An appropri-
ation of $3,500 for the Winter Pair
at Guelph had been made instead.
Mr. Sutherland moved the second
reading of Itis bill to further amend
the Act to regulate the speed and
operation of motor vehicles on high-
ways. This amendment provides
that motor vehicles on countrg roads
must slop 100 feet from any ap-
proaching horse and wait. until sig-
naled to proceed by the driver, and,
if necessary, shall turn his nutter oft
the road and assist the eb'iver to
puss with his horse. 'the bill fur-
ther provides that, notwithstanding
compliance with the provisions of
the Act. the operator of a inutor
vehicle shall lei liable for (lanlaiges to
horses or vehicle», uWPM. Nie can
prove that the them were witted by
negligence on the driver's part.
Tho bill was referred to the Mu-
nicipal Committee.
Mr. Sinollie's bill to regulate sta-
tionary engineers was, on motion
of hr. Willoughby, referred to a
special committee.
There was an interceding discussion
over 3tr. Downey's hill to provide
for the exemption of "woodlands"
from levet ion. "Woodlands," the
bill defines as lands having not less
than 400 trees to the acre of all
sizes of ono or novo of the follow-
ing kinds: -White or Norway pine,
white or Norway epriirc, hemlock,
tamaroc, oak, ash, elm, hickory,
iasswe.od, tulip (whitewood), black
cherry, black walnut, butternut,
chestnut, hard 'maple, black locust,
or retell -a. and which has been set
apart by tho owner for the sole pur-
pose of fostering the growth of the
trees, and which Is not used for
grazing live rrloek, or for nny other
purpose which would interfere eitlf
the enteral growth of the trees.
The Council of any township may
under the hill grant the exetnptiou
by a two -thiels vote, but the by-
law thus reseed eaten not exempt
more than one acre in ten and not
exceeding 25 acres in the whole of
the lands held under tringle owner-
Mr. Downey, in moving rho terrine'
rending of his bill, referred to the
suicide' policy followed by the fann-
ers of older Ontario in cutting off
1inther, tlierhy drying up et rennet
and dccrensing the rainfall. !lie bill
was meant to encourage the fnrgrrs
in rreser%ing anti d'tcloleir•g their
wooden lanrls.
Mr. 1farcourt expressed hit entire
incurrence with the provisioes rind
ims of the hill, but (carol that
Townehip ('o:tneils would be slow
to take advent age of th'e Act.
Mr. McKay suggested that the
nren entitled 10 exemption hs' doub-
lion. Mr. Monteith, Mr. IUslop,
A London despatch rays: The Ex-
press sass it has been informed by
one of the largest sealsitin dealers
that the reporte+t 2,100 -skin catch
made by the 11111ir.lt Columbia sea:-
ing vessels %ti11 hardly muffiro for the
needs of London alone. The result
will be a temporary paralysis of
trade. Itticip'ated that if the
report is fru , the price of sealskin
cents rend cloal•e will go to a pro-
hibitive figure.
Cossacks Fire on a Crowd of Pol-
ish Patriots.
The IVarsnw• correspondent of he
ondon ('hronicle says that during
he evening of Wednesday a crowd
tsidc a church t t I tale sane the
Ilsh notional hymn. A number of cc
smirks appronched the crop l and n
ebo(ly fired n revolver, whereupon
Cossacks delivered a %olley, mir-
y w,winding seven persons. Some
the shuts nt,•rtel the church end
feel n p4111Wtc among the worship-
, many of whom wove wounded.
In moving for tho second reading
of the bills, Nos. 1:30 and 137, to
authorize the borrowing of the $e,-
000,000 for the 'l'erniskaming Rail-
way, !1r. Matheson gave the follow-
ing interesting statement of the
earnings and expenditures of the
read trot n. 14 to March :31:-
1'arningr' an. 14 to 31, $.5,219.-
17; I'ebr•uary, $7,5.12.65; lurch,
Expenditures -Jan. 14 to 31. $4,-
S66.12; February, $6,453.59; March,
Tho total receipts were $23,300.97,
and the total expenditures were $17.-
473.06, leaving a balatico of $5,-
827.91. The earnings for April euro
F'or tho balnnco of this Fear assur-
plus of $3,000 a month might bo ex-
pected front the road.
Tho commissioners, said Mr. Math-
eson, would require 89,000,000 be-
fore the road was completed, but it
was hoped to secure some of this
money from the Dominion Govern-
ment in the forth of a subsidy.
11)0 bills received their second read-
Imperial Troops May Remain for
Two Years.
A Halifax despatch says: Contrary
to the Ottawa announcements, the
Imperial forces are not likely to
leave Ilalifax on July 1, and indeed
they may remain hero two years s
longer. 'flee 5th Royal Garrison
Regime or Infantry will be retain-
ed hero owiug to the inability of the 1
Dominion Government to recruit suf- 1
licient Wren to take their place. The
150 omen coming to 'Addax from
Fredericton will be stationed at
Clads Barracks, and will practically
torn the nucleus of n military seheo:.
Imperial troops will not all Leave
lInlifax at the ennui time, but as
the time of the anon expires Canadi-
an dctathtnents will tako their plac-
es until the whole garrison is made
up of Cnrr.telians; thus tho change
win be made gradually.
An Imperial army officer practical-
ly corroborated the ahovo facts. The
rcortth that. `
n the h ,t1 1 (.
t t. R. was to
he replaced by a line regiment is al-
so incorrect. The strength of the
fart i=m) at Halifax will be kept at
1,See of all ranks. Canada will
contribute about. $8.10,000.
prices of Cattle, Grain,/ Cheeses
and Other Dairy Produce
at Houle and Abroad.
Toronto, May 9. -%heat No. 2
white tied red 1Vinter aro quoted at
98c to $1 at outside puints. No. 3
goose is purely nominal. Manitoba
wheat firmer, with No. 1 Northern
quoted at Utile lake ports at open-
ing of navigation. No. 2 Northern
at 921c, and No. 3 Northern at rile.
Outs ---No. 2 white quoted at 39 to
40c outside, and No. 1 at 41e east.
Barley -No. 2 quoted at 45 to
41ic middle freights; No. 2 extra at
43 to 44c; No. 3 at 41 to.42c, Mid-
dle freights.
Yeas -Tho market is steady, with
dealers quoting 68 to 69c at outside
Cure -Canadian yellow quoted at
47c, and mixed at 461e west, guar-
anteed sound. Anterican No. 3' yel-
low quoted at. 561c, 'Toronto, and
No. 3 mixed at 56c.
ltye- Prices nominal at 66 to 68c,
outside for No. 2.
ltucl:whetttr-Prlt•cs nominal at 59
to 60c o u t eble.
Hour -Ninety per cent. patents
quoted at. $1.35 to $4.40 in buy
sacks, cast or west: straight roll,
of special brande for domestic Oast
in hbls., $4.75 to $L85. ]fanitol
hours unchanged. No. 1 patent
$5.50. No. 2 patents, $5.20 to
55.80; and strong bakers', $5.10 on
track 'retrofit o.
Millft'c',d,-At outside points, bran is
quoted at $16.00 to $17, and shorts
at $18.50. ilfanitoha bran, in sacks,
$19, and shorts at $21.
Apples -Choice stok, $2.50 per
b1,1.; cooking apples, $1 to $1.50 per
lkanee--•Prirtloa sell in email tote at.
$1.60 to $1.65, and hand -picket! at
$1.70 to $L75 per bushel.
1liops-'1 ho market is tnnchanged. at
32 to 35c, according to quality.
Honey -The market is quiet, at 7}
to 8c per ib. Condi honey, $1.75 to
$2 per deer ers.
tiny -Cur lots of No. 1 timothy
are quoted an 58 to $8.25 on track
fere, and No. 2 at 56.50 to V.
Straw -Car lots quoted at $6 to
6.25 on track, Toronto.
Potatoes -Car lots of 0ittarios aro
quoted at 50 to l3(ic per bag on
rack, according to quality, and job-
bing lots aro 70 to 75c for tho best
Poultry -Chickens• 12 to 18c pe
Tb.; hens, 10 to 11c; turkeys, dr
»eked, 16 to 17c por tb.; do scalded
2 to 13c.
Do., fair to good 4 00 4 75
Feeders and Stockers.
Feeders, short -keeps, 1,-
100 to 1,200 Its. 4 00 5 50
1)o., 850 to 1,050 RIs3 80 4 90
Stockers, 500 to 900
Ifs. 3 25 4 25
Yearlings, 350 to 450
lbs. :l 00 3 70
Sheep and Lambs.
Export ewe.", per cwt. , 4 50 5
Ito., bucks, per cwt. . 8 00 4
Butchers' sheep, p. cwt. 3 75 4
Lien's, tiering, each :i 00 5
Calves, per et% t. . :t 50 5
Do., each % 2 00 8
Hogs, select, 160 to 200 Its,
off cars $7 00
Do., fats, oft curs n 75
lights, off cars (3 73
Sir Wilfrid Laurier informed
Clements that the question of et
00 ing wire fences along the south
00 boundaries of rho Northwest '1'e
;50 dories is under coneiderution, but
00 tenders had yet been asked for 1
50 contracts let.
get -
ern An epidemic of measles is reported
reel at Hamilton.
101. A. B. '1'enl•:yck was appointed Chios
of rho Hamilton Fire Department.
Thu Govertu:t-nt Immigration 1fos-
• pital at Quebec was butted on Fri -
Telegraphic Briefs From Car Owa
and Other Countries of Its -
Press Bulletin From the Ontario
Agricultural College.
While the artificial incubation of
oggs and the artificial hatching of
chickens are now iu eottutton prac-
tice, by tar the greater part of the
poultry ranted throug}rtout tlto coun-
try is hatched and reared by the
mother bird, we shall, therefore,
give first as briefly as may be, a
aro few directions for the i anagettient joyed the acquaintance o[. rho late
c+rs. of clucking bras and young chicks, mcnhber, would join in extending
,rs touching further down on urti!icial sympathy), to the members of his be-
methods of rearing, reeve amity.
la Selling hens should be removed Mr. rden joined with Sir Wilfrid
q frons the building or .k is compartment in � on behalf of rho Opposition in voice
this laying sti•.k is kept, }n 1 ing their sympathy,. and Mr. Tal -
order to keep them fit from vermin 'bot (Lib., lielchasse), as a personal
Tel -
and to secure quietness and regular-. friend of the lt!►ceasctt, referred to
him as a man whorl all who knew
had loved arta respected.
On the orders of the day being
called on Wednesday, Sir Wilfrid
arose with a yellow telegraph slip
in his Band. For over a minute he
stood in his place, unable to utter
a word, tho tears fast coursing down
hi cheeks. The House and the gal-
leries looked on sompathetically.
I'tv`o eatly the First Minister found
his voice, but his accents were brok-
en, indicati•e of the overwhelming
emotion width he felt.
Addressing Mr. Speaker, Sir Wil-
frid said: -"I have to inform the
lfouso that I have just received a
telegram informing one of the (legit
of Mr. Sutherland, Minister of Pub is
Works. I have to soy to th0 llbuse
that, personally, in losing Mr. Suth-
erland I lose. one of the truest friensLs
I ever had, and I know that the
Ilouse loses one of its Most valued
members. I will rettee. I ant sure,
the feelings of tho House if I en -
Sir Wilfrid Laurier informed A
Monk that the Coventna'nt had
trading stamp question, brought
1>_v it Montreal delegation, unser c
sideration, but had not as yet co
to any conclusion.
The fill for the relief of I'tlwa
N. Lewis, M, I'., who was technic
ly disqualifies by being surety for
retail carrier, was passed tlircisgh
final stages.
IJ1:A'1'1I 01' MIs. DEMERS.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier referred in f
ing terms to the death of Mr. 1
mors /Lib., Levis), saying that
felt sure that every member of l
house, especially those who had
fr. day.
the A heavy wind storm prevailed at
up Moose .law IVt'dnesduy night breaks
on- ing much window glass
1115 Phomas !.armour of Dundas was
and seriously wounded while)
examining a gun on Sunday.
rd 1)r• Charles O'Reilly, for twenty-
al- nine yours superintendent of the
1'orontu General liorpital. has re-
its i b., site of the blast turner° and
docks at Port Arthur is to be chang-
ed to a tulle east of the present
tri- 0nc.
k•- The Northwest Government wilt
he make a grunt of $8,000 towards de-
ice fraying the expenses of the I'rovin-
_ cial inauguration day celebration to
bo held at Regina. July 1.
Stratford Board of Trade carried
a motion to submit a by-law grant-
ing $30,000 to the G.P.R. upon con-
dition of tho railway centering the
city on the north side of Victoria
The linister of larine and Fish-
eries has decided to have the steam-
er Arctic make an annual trip to
Hudson lIday, instead of remaining in
the north or a period of years and
cruising from point to point.
Bull's intake water pipes havo
been found to bo corroded and per-
forated. Nothing prevented sowago
from getting in the drinking water
and this is given as tho reason for
the recent fatal ofidetnic of dy'se retry,
Mrs. Jane Rinehart of Montreal,
aroused by her pet cat, found tho
kitchen in flames on Friday night.
Her clothes caught tire In her otTort
to extinguish tho blaze, and she ran
to tho back gallery and slid down
a post. ITer neighbors put tho fire
out after Airs. Itinahan was severely
Surgeon to King Says Use Should
be Restricted.
A London despatch says 1)r. Sir
Frederick Treves, Surgeon to the
King, addraeoing a to nr.eranco ntetlt.-
inf;, declared that alcohol is dis-
tinctly a poison, and that its 1150
ought to be limited ns strictly las
any other poison. Ile added that
it is not an appetizer, and that evert
a entail quantity hinders dir•nestion.
Its stimulating &feet only endonw
fn: a tiverncnt, and when this is
passed the capacity for work falls
enormously. Its use is ineoneletent
with work requiring quick, keen, and
alert Judgment. Reviewing rmtical
practice for a quarter of a century.
Dr. 'i'reves declared that ha could
say that the use of alcohol le hor)pi-
tuls and by physicians generally h.td
emphntirally diminished, at vl is di-
Report. of Secretary of State
Shows Receipts for Charters,
An Ottawa despatch says: The an-
neal report of the Secretary of State
shows that last year the sutra of
550,073 tens re , It eel for company
chnrters and Uccle*: s. From pass -
porta issued to Canndinnt traveling
abroad $6138 was derived, the fee
being 51 ,u each case. The report
contains the Government t'egtllittione
regarding iaasrports, and Also (he re-
quirements of foreign countries in
this respect.
(luring thr tear 1,402 pennons were
nature:I./e<i awl their names recorded
in tho State Department. Of this
number 1,93:1 were Austrians, 910
citizens of the united States, :123
Ilu3Sians, rind 238 (Widens,
Body Found in Bow River With
Head Split Open.
A despatch from Calgary, N.N.T.,
says: -The (lend body of a Galician
named Sndovery, who disappeared
mysteriously Inst September, was
found on Wednesday in the llow
llit'er, and every indication points to
his murder, which has always teem
suspect el. 11e had 51;to on him
when Inst seen alive. A fellott'-co,ut-
trymnti named itustink hag nlwese
been under surveillance. `(adevery's
heed had been split open. rind his
body concealed under stones in the
'1'111.1 DAIItY MARKET'S.
Butter --The best pound rolls aro
jobbing at 20c, and largo dairy
rolls ab 1.Sc. Low grades, 15 to
17c. Creamery prints, 22 to 221c
per lh.
I:ggs-CAso lots aro quoted at
1:11c per dozen. .
Cheese -Old :,ells at 111 to 12c per
Ib., and new at 11 to 111c.
Bacon --Long clear, solI9 at 10c per
lb. in case lots; 17e»9 pork, $15.50;
short cut. $19 to 819.50.
Smoked Meat'-rfnms, light to
medium. 13 to 1311c; 'Wavy, .12.1e;
rolls, 10e; shnurldors, 9)1c; backs,
144 to 15e; breakfast bacon, 121 to
Lard -Tierces, 91c; tuts, 10c; bails,
Montreal, May •.41.-Klrain-The
market for oats held steady to -day
at recent quotation•, being 444c for
No. 3 in store, and 451c for No. 2
in store, offerings of No. 3 I'Mer-
boro'oets being made at 411c track;
(lotnand continues very light, but
roceipts aro still lighter, so that
stocks aro (lintinirlling. Flour -
Manitoba Spring wheitt patents. $5.-
50 to $3.60; stronj bakers', $5.20
to $5.30; Winter what p titents, $5.-
60 to $5.75; straight rollers, $5.2,1
to $5.35; in wove; In bags, 52.15 to
59.55. Rolled opts --$2.20 to $2.22
per bag. Feed --Ontario bran, in
bulk, 314 to $15; shorts, $19 to
520: Manitoba bran, in bilge, $18 to
$19; shorts, $20 to $21. Beans -
Click(' primes, $1.70 to $1.75 Per
bushel; $1.50 to 51.60 in car lots.
Provisions-1.11-avy Canadian short
citt pork, 510.50 to $17.50; light
short. curt, 516.50 to $17; American
cut clear fat back, 520; compound
Intel, 61 to 7c; Canadian lard, 6/ to
71c; kettle rendered, R1 to 9)c; hams
12 to 1:+c; bacon, 13e; freeli killc(1
abattoir hogs, 59.75 to $10; mixed,
$6.30 to $0.75; select. $7 to $7.:ts,
off cors. i:ggs--Straight stock, I1
to 15e: No. 1, 1::; to 1:31c; No. 2,
12 to 12;c. Butter -C'h'oice cream-
ery, 181 to 191e: under grades, 17
to 18c; dairy, 15 to 17c; rolls, 13 lo
17c. Cheese --Ontario Fall, 12 to
12;c; fodder, 11 to 114e.
Toledo, May 9.-Ilitent-Cnsli, 08c;
May, 97e; July, 811c; September,
Sl jc.
Corn -Cosh, 601c; May, 50c
July, 4R1c; September, 481e. Oats -
Cash, :t11c; May, 311c; .iuly, :itjc;
September. 28 j c.
St,. Lemic, May 9. --Wheat -- ('ash,
901e; May, 91c; July, 79sc; Septetn-
her, 781e.
Duluth. May 0. -Wheat -No, 1
Northern, 911e; No. 2 Northern,
871 to fruit; Mny, 911e; .luny, 931e;
September, 8Ojc.
I,LV1.1 STOCrC JrA1tr:F:r.
Toronto, May 9.-'1 he following
was the range ('f rquotation4:--
Export 1:tters, choice ..$5 70 $0 00
Do., used' 3 (!I) 5 50
Do., I.ull•t 4 00 4 25
Itu:chere' Cattle.
'bitches' rattle, picked 5 (N) h 50
'1►u.. choice d 75 5 00
ity during the period of incubation.
Thu work of moving them is best
done after tintrk, las the hens aro nut
so likely to leave their new nests
when moved at that time. The nest
boxes should be front 15 to 18 inch-
es square, and six indite* dexep. Fill
the bottom of tire boxes with earth
rounding up the corners so that the
centro will he slightly hollow, and
cover the earth with strew or chaff.
Sometimes teat boxes are lined with
Tansey, as tidy plant seems to bo
useful in keeping the nests free from
vermin. if valuable eggs are being
sot, it is well to try the hen for a
day or so on eggs of no special valuo
beforeputting tho good ones under
her. Cluckors should bo thoroughly
dusted with insect. powder at tho
time of setting, then about 10 days
later on, and again about the 18th
day of incubation. Test the eggs
for fertility between the 5th and 9th
clays. A hanay testing lamp is made
by to ing a piece of black cloth
around a lamp or lantern chimney
with a hole cut through the cloth
opposite the blaze. A fertile egg held
opposite the hole will aprpiear <lark or deavor to nay that the House should
cloudy, while aft infertile egg will bo
About 24 to 36 hours after hatch-
ing the chicks should be removed
from tfli• nest and placed with tho
hen in a squall coop. 'lite style of
coop most favored at present is tri-
angular in shape like the letter A,
2 feet square at the bottom and 22
inches high at tlio peak, made of
matched lumber so as to be water-
proof. mei provided with' a removable AIr. R. L. Borden followed. Ito
board bottom for use early in the acid:•
season whut the ground is wet and "I rise for the purpose of support -
veld. The feeding of the chicks is lug the motion which the Primo Min -
the next point that calls for careful ister has made. The emotion which
attention. To rho ordinary termor the right hon. gentlemen has (is -
there is, perhaps, 110 food superior to played has indicated) to the Mouse
bread soaked in milk and iriueezcd more eloquently then ever his elo-
dry enough to crumble readily, with quest words have clone the very great
a little fine gravel or commercial loss which he feels he has sustained
chicken grit placed within easy ac- on this occasion. Let me say that,
ceps. A mixture of the following so far as this side of the House is
grains in the proportions given will concerned, I ate sure that all of us
also be foam' a very satisfactory Join most sincerely in the (keen tn'nt-
food: 1.1 pounds cracked wheat, 10 pathy which I know every gentle -
pounds cracked corn, 13 pounds pin- man on the other side of the House
head oat meal, and 3 pounds millet furls for the family of Mr. Suther-
see'ct, end a rather expensive feed, land in their bereavement, and
but on which foreal chickens along especially for the Primo Minister of
well, is I'ut•itatt Chick Peed, an ex- this country, whose true and valued
cellent preventive of bowel trouble. friend Mr. Sutherland had been so
For a soft food, equal proportions many years. I always met at his
of bran. shorts, and corn meal, with hands tho greatest kindness and cor-
hnlf a measure of cleat meal, niois- diality.
toted with milk or water, .'make an "I repent that on this side we ex-
excellcnt mixture. Either milk or tend our most cordial and heartfelt
water tiny he given for drink, but sympathy to the bereaved family of
rhickene will grow faster anti do bet- our late friend, and to the hon. gen-
ter %then they can hive an abundance Ilemen opposite, who by his death
of the fernier. Vett' young thickens have sustained such a grunt loss. in
:nitwit's be fed lite times a day, but the deaoh of Mr. Sut herinnil Canada
when ;linen or eight. works old the has lost a mon not only of great ex-
te:tther of feeds can be reduced to pericnce as a public man, but, I
three a day. Peed as :retch at a have always believed, a rerun of eery
time se the chickens will clean up great executive ability indeed. I
2('adil7 in t)ve• minutes. feel that I have tlio hearty sympa-
In ailiflcial ineultnt ion the one es- thy and support of every gent Ionian
sential point is a gold machine.. on this side of the douse in the
Judging front our co•opertalivo ex- words 1 have tittered, mid in my r1ap-
perimcnts in running iacuinttors, it port of the motion of the light hon.
i gentleman."
The motion was agreed to.
The debate upon 1h• ttecond read -
directions cloy ly, ret any rate for ing of the Autonomy 11111 canto to
the fleet two or three hate hew. As conclusion on I%'edneedav night. At
regards temperature our experiments n quarter to twelve o'clock the di -
have shown that a largi'r proportion vlvion bca 8111"4"/"P d the members
of healthy chicks is lutteh.rq ret a to put the cap on their efforts of
ternper•ntero of 101 to 10:3 d,10r•:9 the last few weeks. Ninety-four
than at fight': tempet•nluree. (.hick- mennhet•s have expressed their emin-
ent; Batched in an locus ntor ere low upon the measlier, and of these
reared it a brooder or with broody the bn:nnce was pretty etre ns to
hens. hey are taken from . tile, in- mirth rs. It was 10 utitt-iter after
cuhnlor to front 21 j0 48 hotn•9 midnight when the fgurea were an -
niter hntching, and if triter are to nounee,l by the clerk: Yeas, 59; nays,
140, MT. Borden's amendment beirt,e
accordingly d (•rated by a majority
of 81.
expre.•5 its sympathy in its bereave-
ment in scab suitat;lo manner, and
I do not know that that can be dove
in any other way than 1>.y adjourning
to attend his funeral. Therefore, I
will move that when this house ad-
journs on Thursday, it stands ad-
journed until Monday, so as to per-
mit the tnentbers to attend the fun-
eral of Mr. Sutherland."
r ors not matter much whore the tuu-
chine is/Awed »o long as theta is an
abundance of free') nir anci no direct
draughts. I would mtggest that
operators follow the manufacturer's
be raised artificially, are placed in
a brooder at. 115 (tenures. 'this tent-
per/Jure should be maintained for
the first week and after that redit''d
flee degrees each week. 'I lin g,•neral
care so far ns feed and drink is eon -
VOTE 1I)/ 1'l(OV1NCr'3,
The nnalysis of the tote on Mr,
1louden'e nint •m.inlent, by Provinces,
cern(•(, is 119101 the sante ns for is ne tnllowa:-
chickene raised with Their statural 1't•o •
mothers, but some s tario - •
must be given them for special
or three days to teach the, chickens Nota Scotia
where to go to get warn after coin- New Brunswick
bye outside the brooder.
Four French missionaries were cap-
tured by savages near the 'l'hihetin
'Ihe Russian Minister of W ti
decided to open 1Wo nddi
icchools fur infantry whores.
Of the Turkish relief army of
rnen sent to make their Hay to
ua. Arabin, only 1,000 het thr
For. Against.
41 :31
1 60
0 18
)fnnitolia :i n
Northwest 'I't rrif Dries :1 7
1h itl .h C'oluml,ta .... 0 7
Prince I•:dtvnrd Island ., 2 1
Yukon 0 1
• hes Total 59 140
tional -+-
'rhe fluent ion of c•oe,st 111(1 ing c1
6 0410 canal to connect the Black Ven with
► San- the IteItir has again Seen tater] up
ough, by the Russian Minister of Finance,
Rider Haggard will recommend to
the British Government State aid to
farm colonies.
Canada received 91,68.1 immigrants
from Great Britain during 190.1.
Lord Clrintthorpe, a noted English
lawyer, died .at St. Alban's, Eng-
land on Saturday.
Chicago is preparing to establish
municipal ownership of gas works.
Mount Stromboli, in Italy, has
been throwing out stones and lava.
Ten miners were killed by fulling
400 feet in a imine shaft of R'ilkes-
General Fitzhugh Lee istiend at
Washington of nn attack of apo-
plexy and paralysis.
Over thrcn thousand teamsters aro
out in Chicago, and a great labor
struggle has commenced.
Andrew Carnegie has donated a
fund of len million dollars to univer-
sities in Canada, the United States
and Newfoundland, to provide an-
nuities for retiring professors.
Judge Wright has decided that the
estate of Ralph 0. Roberts, killed in
n railroad dining car, near Bloom-
ington, 111., cannot recover damages
for his death. Ile said deceased was •
a student, an expense to his parents,
and produced nothing.
Sena, caprital city of Yetncn pro-
vince, has been captured by Arabin-
Two of Robbers Who Held -up C.
P. R. Express 'Killed.
A despatch from Winnipeg say:,: -
The Gates boys, two of the most
desperate criminals who ever rifled an
express car or robbed any depository
of wealth, and who were two of the
three men who held up anti robbed
the C.1'.1(, west -bound express at
Whonnock on Sept. 9th, will never
answer for their many crimes.
Gates' paid tho penalty of their
tunny offences, and now lie buried in
unmarked graves on the outskirts of
Lordsburg, N.M. Two men held rep a
saloon in Lordsburg on March 15th,
Slid with their loot hnrrieti elf to
the mountains. Sheriff McGrath, of
Lordsburg, intrreodintely organircd n
posse and started In pursult. After
a hard chnso tho posse overtook the
robbers at the Town of Soper, and
when the men shorted resist:tnce they
were killed. The youthful appearanee
of the dead men caused the atithoti-
tiav of Lordsburg to institute an in-
vestigation with a view of discover-
ing their identity, which it said was
finally olltectod through photographs
of the (fates brothers, then in pus -
session of ono of the Southern Paci-
fic representatives of the I'in'*erton
Detective Agency, of Chicago.
Sir T. Shaughnessy Makes An-
nouncement in Britain.
A deepntch from Lon -.1..n says: ile-
fore sailing on 'l'uestl•ay on the Ca-
ronia for Cnnnne, Sir 'Phomas
Shnugllnegsy ire:iutateti that the
('0find lntt I'aetllc ltailw'ny Company
weft conternplatitrg a large (migra-
tion scheme, entirtly independent of
t ('nnndinn Government. 'I he
Canadian retitle hallway is natur-
ally nnxiouw to secure the entire
ocean and land tranxtports of etni-
g'rnnls, instead of a share only, and
anxious also to mettle eft, rnnls in
the• districts tributary In tho ('an-
nrlinn fart( c line►. �'tr '1 hotnae
Shunt;hneeey probably rttore to co-
operation with the Salvatiun Ariny.