Exeter Times, 1905-05-11, Page 1%eta TinaCY-SECOND Y$ea-No 1652 ti►. 1•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••e••'1•• aae HURON & M1DDL I SEX GAZETT s SEEDS Call and Examine Our Stock of Seeds We have some fancy RED CLOVER Late and Early Lucerne and Alsike TIMOTHY SEEDS WJRE3 Just arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil Wire It will be to your advantage to, examine and get our prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13 Cleveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere T. HAWKINS & SON 1 1 • 1 WE'RE 'CREDITON sum . SELLERS You are Suit buyers. We make the $ults- you wear them out. We make Qom as well as we can, so that they Will not wear out sooner than they O17ght. Because, if they do, you'll likely go somewhere else for your Gait Suit. And no one could blame you. So much money ought to buy ao much Butt worth. And Suit worth (*fashionableness of fabric -style in CYt-It-Shish-looks - dressyness - Ud length of service. Ae good a place as there is within Giles to get all this and not pay too much i. `V. Johns. Elegant Black and Blue Suitings for $15.00 and $i8.00. At Exeter and Centralia W. JOHNS Storehouses EXETER, 3NT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 4th, 1905 DISTRICT NEWS 1L\I'I'EN1NGS ROI NI) ABM 1' t TF,ItSELY TOLL) li i'. currently reported that there will shortly be t%%o vacations Deceased was a man of seemingly Owen Soured has 15 1-2 among tl:e female teachers of Clin- strong physique. but he has eutfered • cement hidcwalkx ;n t 11 ton Public School; ;me goes to the for some time with kidney trouble. of servers. Normal and the other -well, she He was about 55 years of age. It is re ported that the first soil re - doesn't go. Wheel in his primo he was 0110 of ,• There ie no ono article in the line the matt affable andpopular men ire of the Grand Trunk 1 acific mill be of medicine that gives so large a corned ret fort \ViUian, on Jul 1st turn for the mons as a gtips House o[ Commons, having warm i neeine Da y y good por- ous admirers and friends out both sides. y' strengthening plaster, such as Ho succeeded the Hon. .\I r. Tarte es Hon. Thos. Greenway and Mr. Carter'a Smart Weed and Belladonna Minister of Public Works, land was James Cotubee were .>otli +resent Backache Plasters. a warm personal friend of Sit \1'il- from l'arliawent through the illness In tho House of Cottimons on Sat- fred. nes» of tlueir respective daugLttcrs, ur•day, the bill for the relief of E. He ;was unmarried. Laving a beau- Mr. E. V. D'otnelly has sold rite N. Lewis, M. 1'. for West Huron, was ttful residence at Woodstock, which "i'arkhill Post" tc an Al's‘ t'•.a14 read a third time and passed. It re- was maintained for him by his man and has accepted :t . .t,t- licves Mr. Lewis front any pettalties trice. meat position in the department of he may have incurred through ire- Starting in life a poor boy, he Iron. W. J. i.aniia, 111. P. I'.. Provin. ing about the date of his election worked his way up Mei) by stop un - surety Secretary, surety for a mail contractor. til he leaves nn estate worth several Work has been resumed on the Our readers will remember the hundred thousand dollars, much of new $28,000 post -office at \Vinghani . it ode nhe a a n, r 1 uu( ct u • : sinking of the steamer Parisian inm 1c of car- M r. C. Cooper, of Clinton has the the harbor at llalifax. She was rais- bide. contract. Most of the materials as cd by the underwriters, and her The London Free Press pays this well an the employes used, are materials, sold, some of it at Montreal tribute to Mr. Sutherland :-"Jim" ing brought from there. and Toronto. Beyond being wet Sutherland is dead. "Jim" he ryas J{, C. Moderwell, deputy sheriff the goods are uninjured. and Huron to his many friends, and he counted for the county of 1'ertb, died on merchants were among those who them by the hundreds regardless of Saturday last. IIe had. been ailing secured some of them, party lines. "Jim be liked to be for some time and lately returned The well kn wvn etren th.ning called by those he knew best. It from Toronto, where he underwent Q g ° was characteristic of 1 -lie man. his 1 properties of iron combined with treatment for nervous prostration. other tonics and a most perfect ner- most outstanding 1 rail was his hu- Returning be was seized with an in - vine. are found in Carter's Iron Pills doal'f)and Big even motto tis bitterest politic curable disease which caused death. which strengthen the nerves and cat opponents bear witness tltlt he From Munich comes the intetli- body, and improve tho blood and alwways "fought fair." His death Bence that beer drinking in that city complexion. comes home to his friends us n deep is' on the wane. However it is worth The following statistics are taken personal loss, mentioning that it will bo dome time from the assessment roll for flay. ..-- ,___ before any other place takes the for 1905 ;-Number of persons as- daily OF HURON championship from Munich. '1'Ite sessed. 1001 ; number of ratepayy The Presbytery of Huron mot in visits consumption of beer there still 901 in townshi s 50 400' t Death of Non. James General News Sutherland HE PASSED AWAY ON MAY 3rd. Universal regret will be felt at the death of lion. James Sutherland, which occurred .at Woodstock un Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd. C. 1'. It. surreyers :ire surveying a line front Listowel to Linwood. 1Viarton Sugar factory is ad- vertised to be sold on she 19th of May. miles of 1-2 miles ere, acrestownship, .. he Presbyterian Church, Bruce - value of land, $1,543,000; value of field on the 9th inst. The Rev. J. E. buildings, .735,+501 total. $,288,750; [Small, Moderato-. The financial re- buSiBeSy assesment, $24,100 ; taxable port was read by I)r,. Stewart. This income, $12,950; .grand total assess- report gave a comparison of the stent, $2,3.25,800; population. 3295; given; of the different eonrre!a- acres woodland. 1000_; acres swamp, tions cf the 1'resiryiery {,cr [awilvt Roller M�IIs „ to'Ihc different fund 107.. g int t ne church. _( Ttic two congre,at ions ;ivinx the The Sum, but school case Is to:: lark :t per family to the mission 1 yet' settled, but negotiations are in funds beim ti, Ott and Thames progress and we ]tope to be able toi arrangement has been arrived at. :and auburn. A call from Londc,- The new section is willing to accept boro and Ifullett, to Rev. J. Leckie, the now disused school and •200w'itlt of Hamilton, was sustained, and or - which to tarnish it, but we believe tiered to be forwarded to Mr. Leckie No. 4 »;If» we will give you the This call was -largely- ei.-ned and of - school or t he $81Q awarded by the fer» a salary of $800 111(1 manse and arbitrators, but nothing for furnish- month's holulay Provisional ar- ing�, rengements were 'made for the in- �_ duction should he accept the call.. KEEP TIIE BALANCE 1?1' Letters wverc read from other It had been truthfully ttaid that Presbyteries intimating tlu►i the any disturbance of the even balance [olloaing minister» would apply to of health causes serious trouble. No- the General Assembly for admission body can be too careful ,to keep this 10 thr. Presbyterian church of Can- body up. When people begin t.o ads, viz: From flue Pres. Ch. U.S. A. . II c, or to get .tired easily, organ, C 0.112 C. ,h Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. H. Sweitzer Merchant Tailor Second Hand Organs * and Pianos • This week we ober two second hand organs (Piano cased) and two second eland upright Pianos all in good con- dition and neatly new Now ready for use, the best Cement and Lime That money can buy also Coal for Everybody at lowest prices At Bargain Prices Manitoba & Northwest New Pianos and Organs ll; Lands for Sale .end easy terms of payment. J. GOBBI�EDIGK fllwaUs In stock GO CARTS In great variety in style and price Sewing Machines of the best slakes at popular prices. Call and see us • he Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba Land Co. Ltd. Largest Land Company on the 'Continent, controlling entire Can- adian Northern Railway land grant Two Million Acres Se Martin.. The cream of the wheat lands of Western Canada Parties purchasing now are Three by-laws were voted. On in given until 1st of June to select At. Marys on Saturday last, as fol- their land. lows ; Ten t housand dollars for For Terme etc. apply I to bridge., and sidewalk ; $10,0011 for I P y permanent road:., and $15,000 for ELLIOT & GARDINER extension of waterworks and elcc- triet ight plants. All three svcrc de- Land Agents Office Main St. Exeter. Pelted by small majorities. THE announce shortly that a satisfactory !load, and or ;111 purposes.: eaforth to It Ni M W F M ;amounts to four glasses a day for every inhabitant every day in the yoar. On May 3rd, \Veish's grocery and drygoods store, at Parkhill, want badly damaged oy fire about one ei.cioCk. The buildings and contents being rendered almost useless, Al- though the firemen worked assi- duously, fully two hours were spent int extinguishing the flames. Build - ire(;' ane stock partly covered by in- suraucc. Toronto Telegram: Alas, boor G. 11. McIntyre, M. 1'., did not know how to vote against Sir Wil- frid Laurier's coercion bill. Ilut G. 11. McIntyre, M.P. did know how to vote against &L. Borden's anti- euercion amendment. The politi- cian who knows how to vote against :ret amendment hitt leaders want to defeat and does 'not know how to vote against a bill his leaders want to carry dove not know enough. to be in Parliament, and his name is G. JI. McIntyre. M .1'. the least imprudence brings on hick- A. Dodd, W. L. Kinsman. From the The \Voo(i»tock Express observe, mess, weakness, or debility. The Presbyterian Church of Scotland, that "the tact is interesting that system needs a tonic, craves it, and Alfred McFarlane and J. Carmichael. Hon. James Sutherland did not live should not ne denied it ; and the Front the Can. Rapine. 11. C. Street. to hear the result of the vote on the lest tonic of which we have and front the Contr, Ch. of U.S.A., Autonomy dill, Iron which twill any knowledge ir1 heed's Sarsaparilla E. 11. Salter. probably date the disorganization o[ What this medicine has done in Leave was granted the trustees of the great Liberal party, tthich Huth - keeping healthy people well, and in the Drysdale l'resbytcretn church to vatted had done so much to estreng- keeping up the even balance of sell to Mr. Drysdale, the lot in then and guide." Had the late health, given it the name distinction whichOwchurch slant's, tiic 'ber for North Oxford been as n preventive that it enjoys as a The committee appointed at stile :tole to take his place in Parliament cure. Its early use has illustrated last meeting of the. Presbytery .was I"' .would have been false to his the wisdom of the old saying that instruoted to proceed towards a re- political record, if he did not vols 1 stitch in time slues mitre. Take arrangement o[ ren;rc;rations, in- for Mr. Borden's amendment ;is Hood's for appetite, strength, •and eluding Varna, Blake, Kippen, (till+- against the Autonomy Bill. lion. endurance. 'rree.n and Chiselhurst, Ni r. Sutherland .was one of she thir- teen n•Tto •»tool n• C. P. 1t. TO GO TO SARNIA Port Huron, Mich. May 8. - 'rbc positive assertion is made that ne- gotiations have been in progress be- tween the Canadian I'acific and the Pere Marquette H.-ailwayu relative to the C. 1'. it. securing running pri- vileges over the Pere Marquette tracks into the United States. A further conference of officials n[ ho111 re ids has oven arranged to take place in Montreal. That the C. 1'. .It. intends to ex - tried its line from a point near Lon- don to Sarnia seems certain. The C. 1'. R. leis been sleeking nn openin; into this country for some time, and whether by elle fere liarquet to or the nett Illy ('ity and Port Huron Railroad, will make little difference sir far as the benefits are concern- ed. ARE YOU COSTIVE' If you knew how bad for health constipation is you would be more careful. Irregular bowels cause al'pendicitit, jaundice, anaemia :ort 1 (housand O'her diseases loo. Soon- er or later it till bring you to a sick bed. The use of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills changes :all this quickly They :are mode to cure constipation in one night, and always do so. By taking Dr. 1l umilton's l'ills you are sure of a keen appetite. splendid color, jovial spirits and sound restful sleep. Gentle in notion; good for Merchants Bank of Canada men, a neaten ear c .0dren. Il tact box, or five fir 41.(10. At all dealer+ in medicine. IliiiiAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. CAPITTAi, (all paid up) • RESERVE.... , , TiIE IRODNEY MURDER STILL .\ 1:6,000,000 MYSTERY. 'C10 00o Not Ling new transpired at the $3,- preliminary trial of Alexander Wil- SURPLIS PROFITS- . . .... . ... .... • • • • • • • • $ 18,959 !'QOtl;FYl;Hid K F. TIKSDLN, • General Manager Superintendent of Branches g5 Branches In Canada SAVINGS BANK Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men, to whom loans arc made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the wort A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CREDITON BRANCH W, S. CHISHOLM, Manager. lis, and N1rs. Covell, elm -are held in connection n it h the murder of Eli- zabeth Lottery, ::t Rodney. it i+ said that the defence laps discovered 3 flaw in the evidence of Mrs. Lott- ery, ..:iter-in-liw cif the murdered woman which may favor the prison- ers. - • SPRAINED IIEIt ANKLE "1 slipped nit :an icy step and -Trained In%' right ankle very badly w eilcs Miss Minnie Itur'royne, of (Ilene (soil. It %wwelledl to a tremen- dous size and (.1;1.4,1 intense pain. 1 applied Poison's Net'viline unit got prompt relief; the swelling was re• dared, and bet Ore lot'. 1 ww:ts able to use my foot." for sprains. ,nellings rnd muscular pain. Nett dine i. the one sure remedy. Stye el, pene- ICrating, swift to dsttrny pain -that's Polson's Ncrviline. Fifty year' in 11ee. A very interesting conference was ho stood up with afterwards en;;a.cd cn the lo11ics. Mr. Dalton McCarthy against tle "Weakness in our S. S01►ool Work,"Jesuit Estates Set tletnent Bill, "Relation of young people to the Be was strongly opposed to the 14- Churoh" and "Scarcity of Candi- schools. measure regarding ManitobaChurell" dates for the Ministry." school». That Mr. Sutherland would The Presbytery adjourned I n have baulked at t'he attempt to sneer in Coven Church, Exeter, on coerce the news provinces in the mit- Stpt. 5th. to of the educational systems can -�- be safely .assumed of one who stood NERVOUSNESS A CALAMITY, SO xt;auncl► us 1►e did .(or provincial Many %vile don't realize what lies rights. beyond, treat an attack of thc"nerv- The Nt:u1ieetei school legislation in PA" evils indifference. Others con- 1890 .was killed by the resolute :ac- sidcr 11 will soot piss away. But in tion of a group of Conservatives act - every cams nervousness is a calamity ing in concert with the Liberal.. Only one remedy will cure -Ferro- 'there i» no corresponding .;roup of zone -a cleric strengthener that Liberals in the present Parliament. ;acts Through the blood. First it Mr. Silures, like Mr. ('larks Wallace, gives you appetite -you eat plenty resi;tned his port -folio; but Mr. This fills the blood with nourish- Wallace followed tip the action by went for the inner nerve cella. determined opposition to the ceor- Ereres ;and stren;th is instilled in- cive legislation. Mr. Lcilhton Mc - lo every part of the t:ystcm. You get Carthy's speech Ind vote trere very well-kccp well -nervousness for- 4.i1t echoes of the vigorous re- eve,- departs bee:11 a you've used ski see of n-- IPAton \!cC tl Ferroz(enr. I'rice r,or. {.s•r box of If Mr. Sift on and '1r. Fielding hail Josh Winter R 301111* Th Grodt North -Wes ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North We Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands atdo a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands. $3.50 per Acre All the above lands are being offered to purchasers from $3.50 and on verrasy terms of payment and prices range t�warde. BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell in all parts of Manitoba Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance we give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands. $427.00 down secures 3•2•acres, .half sectionl of choice wheat land. 'iG Thie would be a great investment for YOU. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 secures a� acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual settler, No other payment required for two years, R. E. PiCKARQ, - EXETER, ONT. E -B We have R good supply of Steele Briggs Seeds in Mangel and Sugar Beets. We have in sto3k the Yellow " Red11iangel and thR T' - .mutate and Long al Clliant Sugar Beet, also a large supply oltnpi'cVed Red Learning and Southern Sweec Corn. Call and select your Seeds, as we have the best that can be procured Fresh Groceries of the Best Quality Always on Hand BEAV1 RS BROS., Farquhar. Strictly One Price. Highest Price for Produce, Yo .t wvt•t: to ein:a-1 y.i.t:' money wh _r. it will da tit : et3st ga i 11 Don't You? 13:;114 :t, pcercat+i•:.: person and a stn..awn%havoc y.t;n aro always looking for tlt3 bast h•t.r;.tiin ( Aren't You ? Tit .retort) you would be willing to loll with no if you knew we would give vol the beet goods for the least ntoaey Wouldn't You? Well then bare us to deliver to your how some of our new furniture at pricey th1t will C onvince You HERE ARE A FEW OF Tt1EM Sideboards in Golden Maple, double I'erinr Suite, 5 pieces. upholstered shaped tops, 111 x 21 mirror, as low as in best velours, $1,1.00. ('ouches (1 feet 2 in. long, Z3 inches 13edrooin Suites, 3 piece, golden or ( wide, upholstered in velours, fringe mahogany, 3d inch Dresser, 1lx20 i all around. $4 5'). Bevel Plate Mirror, $12.(1) i Everything el •e in comparison ROWE & ATKINSON Furniture dealers and Funeral directors fifty tablets at all dealers. stied firm, they would have had i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• --� - Iat'Fe follotwbee irn the West :and tl:e RELY COMING Nlat it ime Provinces, and 1 be Got•- vestment 5%00111 have h(sit,ntc(1 10 The Lemon Bros.' Shows. Every man woman of child eh() force elle measure 1 hrougin , on a us- know%s anything about circuses, and who ever saw the great Lemon tiros twill Is delighted to knows that the big shows in all their magnificence and ex (lied grandeur, will surely exhibit at Exeter, on Monday May 15 and precedes both exhibitions 331.11 the grandest morning street 111. rade ever seen since parades were first exploited. 1n the great shows will be seen several new feature» which cannot i e seen elsewhere. Those tw 119 have seen the monster 1}oval- SU • • itthe re 1t ;111115 prnn0unc( g le strangest and most unique marvel joity drawn from ()Quebec alone. The Ontario election revealed the existence .>f an immense indeperek'nt element in the ranks of the Liberal party ; too that independent element his no rcpresentatket in Parliament. -Toren( 0 Nees. POI'I'. 1S PLEASED Ott a %1 a .\lay s -There is r• i -on to believe that Him Betimes t b • rope, so far from having any intention of recalling Mou•ieneur 8barretti, has recently expressed to hien bis entire sit isfiction (with the to which I he deep orcin ever Kaye apostolic delegate's action 1 hron rl - birth. 'rhe shag:) fierce though r.tnt the recent controversy with he beautiful, horseriding lion. The Manitoba ministers. Homan Hippodrome, an exact re- production of the Corse of nnciTil \VIiY SUPPER PROM )I1E1 MA - Rome and the modern recce attach- ed to 11, aro •.1 once exciting, ex- hilarating, and in all thinzt equal to the hest races run on a modern r,acv-course. The circus, which con- sists of one hundred and fifty super- ior acts, given by one hundred su- perior axenic blare, requires three hull Lours in which to give theta. Ti.' Menagerie ell! be a dclieht- hil study for all because it compri.- surprised In find thit after senile ('5 more 1r'ild, tame and strange tit(• relief IMT:l the per manent. M r3. beasts t l►in our people have ever \'• 11. Leg,(et 1 i l T urn 1'um. Ten - before had an opportunity to ace. 'lessee, U..:1., wt rites. "1 am a Krcat The show is great in everything and 'utterer from ncccmatism, "II over small in nothing. from head to font, and Chamber - Pane Halm i5 the only thing Tune, from now ta11til ,1 in. 1944 that will relieve 1 he pain". 101' ogle for lbs. in Estier by W.8. UOwry. TISM Why suffer from rheutnatism %%heti sup^. applic(ttion of Chamber- lain's fain Halm till relieve the pain The quick relief which this lityimont affords mikes rest and sleep pos- sible, and this alone is worth many times its cost. Many wwho have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering hive been htppily •••••••••••••••••••••••N• HO LLYWOOD PAINT Good Paint to Cover Good Paint to 1Vear 4o shades in 15, 25, and 45c. can: CHIJAP FLOOR LAC For floor finishing in 6 transparent, non -settling{ trtd note -fading shades. in to and 75c cans. Oaroo Tools Trowels floes Hakes Shovels Forks_ 1171; 25c 70.; LAWN MOWERS From $3.5,-) up to $5.5o HEAMAN'S HARDWARE P. S. Tinsmithing in all its branches.