Exeter Times, 1905-05-04, Page 8E EX Elba '11MS. MAY 4th 1905
50 CerttR.
Pure wool Voiles, French manufacture, all the new
sh:t(h s, in greens, browns, Paris. greys, fawns, beavers
biscuit; blue, cream and black. Plain weaves, twine weav-
es, canvas weaves, and fancy figure weaves. We believe
this is the hest lot of new voiles shown in Exeter. and the
values are the best we haul+ ('\er placed on our counters,
and the price ice is only 60c.
Special Values
in new
Wall Paper
Special Values
in new
!Special Values
i in new
DON'T FORG'rETwe are selling agents
for Steel Briggs cele-
brated Turnip and Manger Seeds. Don't take chances on
seeds that are said to be just as good. The best and only
the best is what we offer. sk your neighbors what luck
they have h4(1 with seeds bought from us.
Farm Produce, yes we want all we I J .A. STEWART
can get. Produce just as good as cash I •
New reading matter appears In this space eaob week.)
After You
A savings account you will soon acquire the regu-
lar habit of saving, it's the start you want to
make, and if you make a start in the right direction, by opening a savings
account at ode of our Branches. you will find it a great incentive to constant-
ly keep adding to your savings.
You will find yourself cutting down expenditures so that you will have
something to make the account grow. Our methods of adding the interest
to the principal and compounding it FOUR TIMES a year will help it grow
This Bank give special attention to
the needs of farmers, cattlemen and
as desired, AT
or longer e
others wanting to borrow money for a week, monthge ,
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensel' Zurich Clinton
Manager, Exeter,Branch
Mrs. Andress Deutpsey and d.:u-
>thter. Miss Alma, of Toronto. visit-
ed at err. Jinni E.,+ery'a last w,ek.
Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Gerry va-
cated (he Metropolitan hotel this
week, tlx: new Ice+ioe Mr. Wendl:u►d
1akitl:; possteeic.:1 on May 1st.
,1r. Denham. of the Comu1:•rcial
Hotel, moved oa Monday wit a Ili,
f:tinily to St. Marys, w' here t I ••v
tt ill 'dire from public life .
dins Niue Giulio , ibis Stella
5i.1ekuc(n :1114 11i.• s Ethel Dow
vet ur,id 1,, '1'orea.u, slim ,reek to
1. 01ue 1 heir studies in music.
Mr. i)an Seinders and Alvin !trite -
tell spent Sunday vet y pleasantly
t /Mich. it it 11 their friend, Mr.
seesaw Fisher. of 11:'+ Sovereign
11 ink.
Exeter 1,•.'ds an unique' pUsi1 ion
among Canadian Municipalities.
There are no back Iexcs oa tl,e rolls
and th'' 1 tees for the present year
a nearly all paid in.
1I ve you Neuralgia or Ilei 4ic 1i
.f ('. 11 and see if "eye defects;'
re net t he cion••. Howey's Drug
111°40"•%1111•••••••••••••••••404141 ort .
Miss T.),.1', tt he has been n pleas -
11 visitor at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Sam welI• for the past few
days, rout tied to her home tit Clin-
ton, en Months.
'1'110 11l'11 1C1 or of the (0111.
I11(lC el 11(.14.1, Mr. Barrows. took
possession 8+11 Monday. etey Ise. Mr.
Barrows comes highly recomnc(Ided,
and will n, doubt receive the fair
share of the public patronage.
1)r. Butler. London. will be at the
Central llotcl, Exeter. on Thursday
M a y 4th, 1905 all day
for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
11 costs tw'o cente to wend a letter
to friends or relatives at a distance
If you send one a week you pay $1.04
a year. For a dollar per year you
can send the Times, which contains
:rel the news of the district.
e Tse English Stock Food for younz
calves and pigs ; it is d•he best and
-cheapest on the market. We have
also Columbian, International, bless
Kow Kure, Ilerbageum in stock —
C. Lutz, Exeter.
1' A meeting t:f t he Continuation
Tc'1lchars of South Huron, will be
held in th^ Exeter Public Hcheol,
• Saturday, May 6th, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon. Teachers from the
surrounding schools will be present.
M. Thomas Russell had the mis-
fortune last week to fall, breaking
one of Lis ribs. Mr. Mussell snuffers
considerably from the fracture, ne-
cessitating his „oine to bed for a
few days, but we •aro (pleased to see
}tins around again as usual.
—Mrs. T. \V. Harris, of Oshawa.
who was well known Ul this vicinity
c• e [ her daughter,
'e( at >. 10, o
died the home
al Loudon, on t he evening of April
the 1went y -second. Mrs. 1larris
leave:, to 11)00rm her demise, a sor-
rewitie husband avid tw•o dau,;htere
Mrs. John Essery, Ushorne, and Mrs.
John Gillsen, London. fntcrtucnt
look place at Mount Pleasant ceme-
The Calendar
That spring begins on the 21st.
That doesn't mean t hat there will
be warm sunshine from that on.
Bometimes the right weather is
provokingly slow turning up.
t3ometimcm for a month or more Al-
ter the 2lst you arc all the betlar
for owning a light weight over-
it's n nice handy article to
around, anyway.
A 1110' 0110 COMM $16.
Everything ►lght :(bout it of course.
The copy for changes must be let'
not later than Tuesday noon. Canna
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1905
••••41•••• t•••••••
Try Ilowcy's Lit Ile Liver Pills. 1
I)r. .1. 0. Kennedy, of \Vinghaq(,
has been appointed associate coronfr
of Huron County.
1). Bartleib makes a specialty of
wat ch repairing.
\irs. Thomas Trice:, of Clinton,
is visiting Mr. .and Mrs. Geo). Sam -
lir. 0. M:( Icul u,, ni 5t rad ford, avai
1 h0 guest of Mrs. .1. Cohnledick, on
Friday last.
The Times and \\'t ekly Globe and
Canada Farmer for t he ba la nee of
1905, for one dollar.
Not dear ru'tder', Ile Autonomy
Ilia has not hetet voted on yet, and
it's bard telline ween it will.
We W. Taman Mrs. A. Uenpsev, of Toronto, a
former re+(dent of Exeter, spent
Merchant Tailor. Thur.d,v last here let) :1r.. . un-
X11. :rod \1rs. W. l'.Carlinte, of St.
Market Iteport.—The following i' Paul, \lion., l . S., event Easter
the report of Exeter markets, cor- Monday with IIs foriner's eieter,
resiled up to May 3rd. Mrs. Christie.
Wheat 90 to 98 cents per bushel. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Manning, and
Oats 36 10 :17 cents per bushel. little .son, of Cant on, were the
liarlry 3e to 40 cents per bushel, guests of Mr. toad Mrs. 1.. Hardy
on Thursday Last.
Family flour, $2.75 per ew't.
Peas FII to bi cents per bushel.
limn $47 per ton.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Feed Flour. $1.25 per cwt.
Ilut1e1 18 cents per. pound.
Esczs 12 and 13 cent. per dozen
llous live weizht, $6.75 per cwt.
llogs, dressed $8.25 per cwt.
11ay, $7.00 per ton.
I'otatoeft, 7•' cents per bag.
Miss Lillian Robinson, after a
short vacation at her home here, has
resumed her duties as teaeher in a
school near Ailsa Craig.
Mancroft township in Hastings Co.
bids fair to become far -renowned ow-
ing to the recent discovery and pro-
posed development of marble sodo-
lite slid sett eery marble.
+++++++++ :.++++++++#•+++++ +4'•1-4• ++++++++++++++++'1"1'4++
Watch Thls Settee levcry Week
For any Young Man or Young Woman to Start Business
For Ilim or Herself.
There are hundreds of young people to•day who are dreaming
of the time when they can be proprietors of a business of their
own. Nearly every prosperous, well rated merchant of to -day
rads a beginning in a modest way. The toilet goods business
is an attractive proposition. It is a live one. Always some-
pp hoabe leaned to correspond with those f
thing doing. We shallP t�
who are anzions to make a start for themselves in some city,
town, or country '
Purity Manufacturing Co., Exeter, Ontario 4.
4-1-1-1-++++4.4-4.++++++ +++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Prices are Interesting
650 yards best Oxford Shirting, as- 2J0 yards extra heavy Cral,h Towel -
sorted patterns and colors, warranted ling, regular price 10c.
fast colors, wear guaranteed. regu'ar Clearing at 8c a yd.
price 11 cents. )jQ0 yardsl Nue (unlit Glass Towel-
ling. blue check, regular price tic a yd.
Clearing at sC a yd.
Ladiee Black Cashmere Hose, all
wool, regular price 25c,
Clearing at tee a pr.
Children's pure wool hos'. light
weight. regular price 22c.
Clearing at soc a pr.
Chenille Table Covers with fringe,
assorted colors, 6/t size, regular price
CM- Clearing at 88c.
250 yards of Ribbon in blue. pink.
red, 4 inches wide, regular price 15c.
Clearing at 9c a yd.
15 pieces, all wool carpet in latest
coloring and designs all new goods,
regular price 75c.
Clearing at 68c a yd.
Special lot of Embroideries and In- 50 Print Wrappers, made of best
sertione, about 50 patterns to choose! print. good patterns and colors, regu-
froru, regular price 8c. lar price $1.25
Clearing at sC a yd. Clearing at 98c
Ladies Rain Coate in dark P
grey Cravenette. Belted back with 100 sir Lace Curtains, 3; yds. long
cape. regular price $5 50. nice Lacey patterns, regular price 21.25
Clearing at $4 48 Clearing at 97c pr.
Ahout 50 Umbrellas, good quality 2 only ladies Capes. 30 inches long
cloth, beet steel frame, self opening, with lace and sequin trimmings. regu-
regular price $1.25 lar price $8.50.
Clearing at 88c, Clearing at $5 49
$ rTE r & 1:Z0-WM
Mrs. 1). Sherri, of llensall, was
a guest of Mrs. .1. A. Htewert, on
Mrs. \V. IHawkshaw is in London.
this week on a visit with her laugh-
ler, Mrs. Shoeenberg.
The new franc residonce of Mi.
Iticliird \\'elelt, on James 411 rest is
fast nearing completion.
Horse for Sale — 01/011 working
horse for sale, cheap. Apply to M.
J ckson & Son, Main street, Exeter.
L Boils, Pimples and 131otchcs soon
kclis:tppc+ar on using Ilowey's Com-
, )oudn Extract of Sarsaparilla.
lie regular quarterly Ineetin3
serv}ees will be held on Sunday next
in the Methodist churches in town.
This is the last quarterly service
for the present conference year.
White a bilious attack is decided-
ly unpleasant it is quickly over
when Ch-amberlein'e Stomach and
Liver Tablets me used. 1'or tale in
Exeter by W. S. llowcy.
+++44+ I-1-1.+++++++++++++++++
Spackman's are having a specia'.
summer millinery opening, Wednes-
day end Thursday, May 10th and
lith. New and attractive summer
styles will be shown. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to the ladies of
Exeter and vicinity. -E. J. Speck-
+++-F-d• 3'+-d +++++++++i++i+++ i•+
',Ur. D. A. Anderson received word
Tw•sd:1y- of the dent 11 of his fat her,
at Marquette, Mich. The doctor
left at once to attend 1 he funeral.
The synpetly of many friends is ex-
tended to Dr. Anderaon in this be-
reavement, his Mother also having
passed away some few months ago.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it faiLe to care. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25o.
A partial (eclipse of the moon,
which will be visiele in Canada, will
take place on Augiust 14th, and :1
o t(' sun oil
tot eclipse [ tl
o30th, the maximunt occuring at .6.34
:1. to. and ending 7.34 a. m. Thit will
be 1 grand Astronomical phenomet-
om and 't ill he probably the grand -
4•41 see lit of Ile• kind ever witnessed
in Canada.
Color ido, (' iliforni:l, Portland and.
Yellowstone I'ark. Specially con-
ducted excursions are being .(minc-
ed via. 111e Grand Trunk Railway
System in ch age of experienced
conductor. All expenses included. To
leave Toronto early in July, ntd
August. (tate is not expected to
Ile over $150.00 from Toronto. I)o
not joet any o' her party before con-
sul tin g E. M. 1104% ler, 291 Beverley
5t., Toronto.
The Reit License Commissioner, in
various {oris of t province are
niatcri-tlly cut Me doe n the nitrneer
of licenses. in Peel they cut off
nineteen h0te14: in London, ('1111 -
ham Ind Toronto reductions are
trade. There is nn evident intention
to weed out hotels (that ale net come
up to elle rIquiremen15 of the law•
Charges of pert lean ship are merle in
some localities, but if this is display-
ed in some places it is not in others,
for Conservatives suffer as well es
Ladies, .1r4• your hands raw end
sore froth house cleaning? Hoete's
Cream of Roses will heal them. 11
is nett sticky or greasy, :Ind .sinus'
may be worn 1 few moments after
applyiIU. Only 25 cents a bott le —
ilowey's Drug Store.
The death took place in Detroit.
un April 25th. of Mrs. Bobbins, sifter
of Messrs'. .1011n and Richard Fir-
mer. Mrs. Ilobbin4 was a native of
McGillivray township, :Ind uas for
some years n resident of Exeter.
death was due to paralysis of 111•
brain. Then remains two 'taught -
ern to mourn 11(•r demise besides
1 firer brothers, John and Richard, of
1ottn, :and lkhnis, of Centralia, Iwo
sisters, eine in Dakota and one in 81.
.10Mcph Convent. London. Th- re-
nl•Iina sere interred in St. 1' at rick''
church, cemetery, Iliddul ph, on Well -
/testily Ileo.
known to be the leading gods of Exeter. We know
we have the most stylish up-to-date Ladies' White Wear and
Waists at the very lowest prices. Everyone is welcome to
call and see our beautiful display.
DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon,
Glasses properly. Office, Commer-
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday M.ay 27t1?.
A Former Exeterite Married. —On
Tuesday of last week, Mr. Viotor
C. French, a former Exeter boy was
united in marriage to Miss Eva
e o5per, of Clinton. Mr. French
learned t he art of printing in this
office, some time afterwards remov-
ing to the far west where he is now
the able editor and proprietor of the
\Vetaskiw-in Times. Mr. Frenoh has
shown marked ability in his ,chosen
profession as journalist, an on enter-
ing the matrimonial sea will receive
the best wishes of n host of friends
here, wi'tlt whom the editor most
heartily joins.
Speaking at a pros 4atheria; not
long since a leading Montreal news-
paper nen made the very truthful
remark that among 1 he beet print-
ers and those uivally the first to ad-
vance to herding positions, were the
graduates of the country newspaper
offices, where instruction is had in
The by-law to loin six 1I(ousand not only one or two but all branches
dollars to a company 10 build a new I of t he business. $here is a grow•ine
knit ting factory at Clinton, wai demand for good {printers, 311(1 the
%feted for on ,Monday and resulted in boy who leis a fair education and
a large 'majority in favor of the by- a taste for lit era lure, coupled wil h
law. energy and a determination to
\1'omans' Institme. — The we- achieve will (.lake no mistake
in learning the brads:.
lull's Institute will hold their regu-
lar meeting in elle rending room of FOR OVKRSIXTY 1KAIt8
the t'ow'n Hall, on Friday, May 5th W .aa WILL-Torsbaa b Itoorr
at :i e. in., Subject, "General Sew- a sixty rearsby ofmothers for tsar
ing and C:(re of Winter Clot4iinz." cbpsreawhlenn1i=�,� 'it
allays an
Mrs. Wickwire, ('res. ; Mrs. Bast- mann "QUI" rtena
yarn wind colic. and is tie bW reined_
ings, Secy. for Itfs**seattothWatts Bold
by druggists n every part of the world. la
Mrs. Cham. Smith. of Jime., Ohio, centsa-bottle, 1W valve is incalculable. Be
writes ; "I have used every remedy er apt/ dam � T t aIo a thing
for sick headache I could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's 1 Death of Mrs. Connor.—The death
Little Liver Pills did me more good of M:irg;rrtt GiI til, brluvcd Rite of
than all the reef. Mr. James Connor, occurred
At a meeting of 11e: Stratford here on 'fltutsilly last alter a pain-
('(ty Cituneil, the proposition 10 give ful illness of some months. Tis de -
the C. P. it. $30,0110 10 purcha30 t110 cesed wit ha her family moved to
right of way through the city other Exeter, last fill having previously
ben city property was carried. The
resided in Chisclhurst for 1hirty-
1;•ilway is by Iles measure to ecttle two years, where she had endeared
•ill dnntage. to construct rubav;,ys herself to 3 l'Ir,a' nun(lber of friends
Ladies' Skirts
Made of fine English Cambric with deep muslin flounce, trim-
med with four rows good Torchon Insertion and Lace 1.00, 1.25,
Another kind of best English Cambric with deep muslin flounce
trimmed with four rows real wide best Torchon Insertion and Lace,
dust frill on all skirts, 2..00, 2.50, 3.00, $3.50.
while the city is to build ,.11roache4 who will re;:let to learn of her de -
l0 1 11.P subways. mise. Deceased was horn in Ifast -
into Co , in 1843. The family left
The users of the electric light tonnourn the loss of a loving moth-
ee:te►n have been greatly inconven- et• are: Arthur, Georste .and Walter,
(meed during the past week, nein - of 1•:xet0r ; Ernest of \1'r►odst ock : One
:a grebe in the •machinery. 11 daughter 11 450110, and two brothcra
and one lister, hesidee the bereaved
1 I i 1 husband. The renlnin4 w'ero interred
ni( of the cnlptoyt•s. '1'410 d;unage in the Roin rl•ille renlet0ry, oil Hat -
was not observed until t he 4Il 1Chjll- urday 1:1st.
(1y 0114 4401 in 11101 kiln un Sittirday
The aro•:mmol• and tea held in
eyenine, with I lie result of m light l
forthcoming. The necessity of haly-
ine 1r, vend tet, I'el+rbrn'u dor IIIc
„ee(k•d repairs caused a delay in 1 he
s4'1 vir:• for scv(•ra11 days much 10
1 he discomfort of I he public genir-
illy. was served f t one asin till 14 P. 19, 11-
'1'aken from the St. t111)1 Jour- ter wbinh 9 dero,trmune was rend -
beim! part of J. 1'. Ito.ers & ere(' by the Mission hand and oth-
Co.'.• ad. — hast week al a soh(x►I a
test toiler 0111 of 540551) :1 4(xteller
asleed , rlass whet I Le 1 own of Exc.
11r v:1- ii)l"d (or, •1: on1e .1 hny's
hard 00111 up 01111 11►11 eager eon -
1i,9 ii a which know ledge :(lass'.(
taivcs, a11(1 It the deacla•r's well. my
goy,' replied, flour. 'the answer ex -
pet It d w'as salt, but 1 his goy was
evidently be11er informed \Ire, hi,
Ii (l :r. While the 1eecliet'4 ex-
perl0d :111,wer w'oitld have Leen cor-
1(•o1 a le w• y_•are age, 111 •10 -day
!Wit' i. certair.ly doings 111010 10
tu•1ke Exelcr f:(.nous 1 Lan salt, 111(1
we think it high dime it It •111 Ieach-
cr4 should profit by this (boy's intel-
ligence and teach eleiI it is flour and
not si11 that Iakes lir.: place in
Est tr1''. industries.
epeel r+ some miscreants 'tatr1percd
tt it h the works (ul'tn : t 14. a '-
the ,lames -MI. Metli•tdist church on
Good Fridav evenin: under the aus-
pices of 1he %V; man's Missionary
Society, was ( erred sucoeas. The
lecture room 0:1'+ well fined. Tea
odd fellow' A nnivers (ry --- SU Why
1 141 t he Independent Order of (1dd-
felitie ? commemorated the eiviay
sixlh anniversary of the founding of
their order in Americo. 11 wets in
159!) t hat 1 he first lodge 0a4 or:a,l-
ti in Baltimore, and since alien 1he
order leis grew until its Die ,irio
alone it has a membership of 30,500
The ..nnivereery was ebscrvcd in +he
usu,1 wanner by a special rimer!,
service, held en Sunday morning :n
Cavt•n 1'resbyteri:ln church. 'I he
members nutnht ring about 104) Incl
at : heir ball and mercloel t o the
church, marshalled by Ilro. W. .1.
lit ,na ,n, where a1propriate s• r -
vice. were conducted by the e1'4 nr,
WV. W. M. Martin. The choir els°
tendered choice tower. .liter service
11ee ardor marched(o )heir lodge
ro •141, w here resnlut ems of 1 hank
tore trndercd the Rev. W. \Iartin,
less, which was very appropriate to
the ese 141011. '41'11 rerIt ions by
Miss Estella 5 (kn:In and Miss
Ethel Co',1.}edick wetc rendered wit11
splendid rffeet. A di:dm/tie :Ind a
chorus depict ire! lis ill -t realrnent of
the Chime: • •'irls was well rend-
ered :11111 Itur11 .1ppreri.1tel by the
audience :a:: :11••.I .1 ilia teem. by \lice
Ethel :(.111 M let • 1 l'I•••srer Harvey :
also , 11401us t'ntil('1 11•inchu front
China, which pie (sell 1 he audience
very notch. :1 flee. di ill by six goys
was also well ;riven. 'the success of
111e entnet :inn10nl 55 is due in a
great nlr•I,ure to tee untirin: ef-
forts of the blit,, ttlio su{.crvi.ed
the 9/0931/1 ions 1 hreu; hour. The
net proceeds amounted 10,toruel,hing
over $39.
On Thursd9s e vrnin1, 11ev. 1t. 3. M.
Perkin., of la',(•1, delivered a sees
interesting end practical address at
the meet in of 5'. George's branch
of t lie A. Y. I'..1. The tit le he chose
G,t his talk w ,s "014,1s and Finds,"
by 0hick Ir• not int nrl'14 and cads of
time, olds Ind ends "f informal iota,
odds and ends of opportunity and
useftlInesa, by at. crot, r►nly or pre-
servation e( w Inch mush 111010 work
alight be accomplished .11111 a great
find of inform tion:toted in the
Blind or itele.c vl for 1,•ady reference.
The speaker compered everyone to
hath architect and (milder—archi-
tete in planning his life ,nil builder
111 put tine his 141.1ns intra execution
Some had better pleat' ria) to :guild
is than o4lsrs, but the rare in
building 0 1- of Blore importance
than the ,dualily of *he netterial,and
just :,s ! he htlilde•r 5,1 material
for his instrue( ive adore+•., Ansi to ,trllCture' tt • 1111(111 no: to w•ntt0
the choir for t lu servjre of song. any 111'1lil; tt did (.e mike the bear
..f cvervr)t:lee -, in 11r• Luildinz for
Beautifully made and Lace trimming 25C, 35c, soc, and 75e.
We have also the Dress Shield Corset Cover 75c.
Nice English Cambric and Muslin, cluster tucks and embroidery 25e, 50c, 75c.
A big range to choose from
Don't forget to see then, they beat anything you ever Saw in Exeter
Very cheap Si, $1.25. $1.50, 112, $2.50, $3, $3.50.
sold out our first lot, we had to order another big lot, Call and see them .
"Couches and Rockers
A Splendid Couch . . . $5,00
A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.50
Call and see our new Shop, one door south
of Spackman's Store,
Having bought out the Milk
Business and Good Will of
Mr. A. Dow. T solicit a con-
tinuance of your patronage.
With Fresh Milk and
eternity t he odds and ends should
not be squandrrcll. The meeting
was fairly arra :weeded and the
reverend gent 11 111:ut': rens rks were
Much appreciited. —Grebe jell Signal
On Friday I'Vrning 111,1 P. 1). 0, M.
Geo. '11:iIcolnt, of Stratford, paid Le-
banon, Forest Lodge, ,1. 1'. :old A.
,it., No. 133, Exeter, his annual of-
ficial visit. The itienilulce stns
quite large, :I rllltnl„•a iron] town
Mit elicit, Sea fort b, 4'''khill, Centra-
lia, Rownaauville, end et lee places
being present. .1(11.1 1 he 11reption
of the %354j1 111! !i .tui afirer, 1 he
second legs.'• 1.114 re nferred.
Mileolul addr(•.s011 1 he Ied):e on
work, and complimented 1,110 Master
and his officer+ re its eeeellency.
1)urinu his address he eal•'1n-
1iut1 to the benevol.•n) imndllnlow1te00-
hire the craft, and :laked the breth-
ern to take 0 (1(.1•1i intere51 in it.
\'1,1•(1 1 h I011R(• Closed A1001 111e
11rethero repnire'1 1u he hall jn 1114
Fannon block. 55 here •t 5011191uou,
repast had 1)4111 9rep:11(11 by W. J.
St aticirt. 11'. 11., \1'. C. IiuirtOM,
acted :is Inisltn:l•letl. '110• 19110% in!!
1",isls l(.r)' proposed and responded
to; "The kiwi" by Ile. assembly
arising and sin:iur I lit Naliona1 MI-
11lln; "'1'1 ' 1:1 111,1 Ln.l , f C 1n:a•la"
Bro. ,1:denim, of Steil heel. .,nd Bre. 1st, di,turbencre '.till )i,sy is-cdt.')
S,tettart, (1f 1:x,trr: "C111a11a" 11ros' e,t'Iern parts of the 104)• 1), wit l►
N. I). Ilunlon ind T. 11. (. irling : cooler, rte trine. v,nather and
-1:!:11(.1-0 41 hnCielie►" 11. !,;,ronleter fotlot'•.ng (torn I be west .
Dick eon and Amos: ' Vi =ding The storm pevied, 4t•1► nn 9t11, rill
Bret het 11" Mee. .Andrea+ ( f Perk- he ushd•red in as curly as lLe
hill, Andr(•w,, of ('eitrah 'n1I Nle • I sills ttith decided and rapid change to
Ti'r.z ,t, of Itowit ii ill, 1,'l, non wertur in ell pins v. est ward. The
F'ort.t i,olire, {'roposr.l h. Itto. lin{ barometer will Phnw• Inlrkod at mos-
rotnt and reel:"! In r.� Ihos. 1\• C. {'gene depreaa0tl' in ti:e reale
regions, 114(1 15 t he,:e. condi t ions 11 -
rre,s•• Ind nl.Avr 4'11.1 4no .trd gleet the
country, a merits of decide l rain.
li il, rind nn(4 rAnter storms 1111
begirt, r('i(•'lt in„}•1hernsr•Ives ill many
localities for eevera) successive day
le 'ding up to the 8th or 9th. Alone
0 3h tLt' rising barometer and c1e1r-
in( weather, :at Ike cc..atiln of this
.torn, period, (romp may he lonkrd
for in many central +.o nor! !L{n sec-
ttion•, .•ay from about the r in
the 12th.
BuhIfflno Material
This is the season of the year
when you will be thinking of
building either a house or a barn
and we would remind you that
we can supply you with
Sash and Door Frames
and all building material on short-
est notice.
Water Tanks
If you need a water tank this spring
call at our office and get prices and
leave your order. All sizes made to
Custom Sawing
Customers who have timber in
our yards and who want their•
sawing done, kindly call at the
mill and let us know what shape
re want it.
Wood for Sale
The RossTavIor
G0. Ltd.
IIt pays to get a Practical Wu- i
cation and it pays to get it in this
school. We can do more for our
graduates than any other Busi- it
neer College in the Province.
CornmercialSchoolb employ our
graduates• as teachers, they know
that the training given in this
inatituticn is the BEST. Enter
now Write for free catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, I Principals
Iteactirmlry storms conditions 5%111
prevail du►inr the last two Boys of
April and the Drs' r.1 May. ny tL0
Huston, \V. J. Ileam 111 :.nil Thos.
Fisher ; "The ladies" 1.4 111o4. W.
W. 'talo 111, J. (►'Its •n, C. Sanders,
lir. Oriie, Centr.11i.,, 11111 NIclntyre.
A vote of thanks ss.rs r.•ndert•d El-
sner Senior, who 1urni•14 11 the music,
and W..1. StaIh•1m the ref re.II-
t11(t1t`. TOA=(.
Sous U1 Ilhtd sot MIN Aha BeuVl