HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-04, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, MAY 4th 1905.
The Only Big Shoot/ coining
World Best Shows
3 -Ring Circus -3 5 -Continent Menagerie -5
Trained Wild Best Show. Free Horse Fair, and real Roman Hippodrome.. Surely
coming and will positively exhibit at
Exeter on Monday May 15th
Marvelous Performing Elephants. A Hippodrome giving all kinds of Races by fearless horsemen and horse-
women on one-third mile track. Perrier, the World's Highest and Longest Diver. The only Facing Steers.
Original :European Wild Beast Show
Trained Beasts in huge circular steel cages. Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Jaguars, Panthers, Leopards Russian Boar Hounds,
and scores of other animals. Most complete, inexaustive, all -comprehensive Three Ring Circus the world has ever seen. Too
Renowned Home and Foreign Stars in 15o Great Acts. Menagerie of hundreds of Zoological Surprises. Baby Lions and
Baby Ilippopc'tamus, Birds, I3easts and Reptiles. Grand, Glorious Unparalleled.
Every Entry Morning sure at to o,clock. Cheap Excursions on all Railroads. Two Grand Performances Every Day.
The Exeter Times
CALENDAR F•?i' ;—AY. 1'. (r,
TO'4EDAY ... ,
Wa;DNE8DAY... .
1RUK8DAY A A A A ...
7 14 21 28
18 15 22 29
2 9 16 2,i 30
3 10 17 21 31
11 18 25
C• 12 10 20
O 13 20 27
The Surrounding
New —The farmers in ted' vicinity
h 1vc nearly finished gcdpg.
—The Sunday School of the En;; -
Usti church here has been again re-
opened. It having been closed dur-
ing the %tinter months.
Items of Interest Here and There Furnished
Harry Will
Davis drove to Dashwood, on on-
arry Hodgins an
do- last ou business.
—Mr. Chas. McFalls, of Lucau,
spent Sunday with Mr. Harry, Hod-
- gins.
— Mr. Harry Hamilton. of Brine -
ley, also Mr. Moore Cunningham, of
McGillivr:iy, spent Sunday in 4 he
—hired help is scarce in this
neighborhood, and several of the
fanners are looking for good men
to hire.
—The local fishermen report the
fish as being quite plentiful in the
river here..
—Our school re -opened on Mon-
day after the Easter holidays with a
very good attendance. The pupils
will now settle down to work again
until the midsummer vacation.
—The \Vomans' Missionary Aux-
iliary intend having a lawn somal
on Mr. Turner's lawn on the even-
ing of 1 he 24th pt May. What this
auxiliary take in hand to do they al -
By our Correspondonts.
THURSDAY. V..'.1, 44th, 1905 CREDITO\the. village last week, visiting •heir
hrot herr• the Messrs. McDowell.
SEED.—Wo have for se a stock—Miss Emma Johnston has re
—11 a are glad 1 a too Mr. Joseph ot specially selected Red Clover. Al- t urned from Woodstock, where she
I)nuncey out aunt+• eller his recent like, Timothy, Alfalfa, Kentucky ilia been visiting her sietcr.
111 Ross.
--Mrs. Thomas J. Amy, who has
been very ill the halt week, we are
pleased to say is v,ry much better.
tier many friends hope to sec her
tut (•gain soon.
•-Mies Gladys Kcstle. who has been
spending Oh(' East o- holiday.' with
Ler gra ndnaotfor Ila:, vet urned
.-11r. Albert \\ I.1: , •kc•r, of Us -
"%VW', called on f •1 • here on Sun -
Idly last. day after the Porter holidays
--The farmer:. ..iactee ':ere have ,a good attendance. The pupil; dill
finished seeding, Incl building wire now settle down to hard work until
teller is t h^ order of t he day.,t he midsummer holidays take place
• -\lr. and Mrs. 1•:d. Kastle calle—Nfiss Clara Wenzel Tett for De -
(al friends here on Tuesday last.
Blue Grass, Millett and Hungarian —Mr. A. Chesney, of Toronto, was
seed which we otter at reasonable I ho►ne during the past week, visit -
prices. We have the highest grades 1 ir,, his parents.
obtainable,—C. ZWICKER, Merchant.' _The foot ball match held on Fri-
-Mr. Claude nluett, purchased a (lay afternoon hat, between Bay-
hand'.oute Heim znian piano. last field and Homan?), resulted in a vic-
wcek. t Ory for Bayfield by a score of 1.
— Mr. 1'howtas Morrow, of the —Mallin Ellis was home from Hare
Merchants' Bank has returned roll, spending her Easter vacation.
from Toronto, where he spent with ler parents.
holidays with his parents.—Mrs. Scllery. of Kincardine, is
— Our .-chool re -opened On spending a couple of weeks with her
son. i)r. Sellery.
Mrs. NLoir was in Toronto, +luring
the Easter holidays, visiting her
daughter, Mrs. .loveph Case.ways do well, and we (eel quite con-
- The farmers and gardeners re- ficten1 t hal 1 hey will not disappoint
port the evil this spring do be in an us this year -
excellent condition [or tilling, and �`
spring work is being rapidly flushed
along. —Mrs. Robert Mawhinney wns the
11 r. i'oust3e. of l'orl Perry,
totem of Mr. Lyman Glanville, nn
here durinu the 'rot week. visiting `i:lturday Inst.
Mr. \\'rel. Iir.F:%Yen and fumil}. —Mr. Phillip Bastard, also Jlr.
Lyman Glanville were thy guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henderson on
Monday evening last.
— \1r. Phillip I3astard, who has
nevi' put 1 in,r up t he wire fence along
the road for Mr. David Mawhinney
and \1r. Lymin Glanville, has now
got it cemplctc•d, and it 'looks very
—Mr. \Viii. blarliw hoe unproved
his residence very much by building
II now kitchen.
-- Mr. (:cor30 La 33tem 3%1•J the
${11043 of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Year-
ley, on Sunday evening last.
(tumor says there is to is' 0 %%ed -
din,: in .our village nc'fcre Ionl. I'ar-
per cwt. -- 11. Cook & Sons, lfillerp, ' . — . — -- 3icular; Liter,
— lir. Thomas l'iaw•hinncy's little
Hewed', Ont. Is very Oitlf! Alga boy, Edgar, who hos been very ill
'fen- 111 w ill play in a trance of foot
ball (.n May 24th at hayfield. though • with inf1:1min Ilion of the lungs has
—Mr. T. .1. Ikrry, who mike- 'I Badso far recovered as to be ante to be
bu•incse c( imporlint boraces, turd et ski . around Ronin.
—Mr. and Jlis. George IlirtxeI. rf
Ileo cent him Amu! a month ago, water, co
are tt>� Creditor, l::ast, wns alar 31011 of \1r•
and shortly atter their arrival they coeY of 11 m. Yearley. on Thur.�lay ovonin"
tock sick and were for days Itictu ,et and where
up, but are better now. One mu 1 11.+t•
t —Mr. 'flwuua:c and \I r. Robert M:i-
havc loll 200 pnuncLs' - .t hinnoy have rented the corner
— lira. McLeod has here last w. Cp. t�tlitlmpf%!1 is
L f:%r m, of 1,1r. Thomas Marlyn, and
r cthcr, Mrs. Jan,^- . pretty sure take 1�OpL•.3pen14' ding.w)'Y ►lo. Vert I put tin1 in the
—Mr'. E. !tannic and children re•
turned lust neck from Clarksburg, IIood'SSarsap —While out fishing day las
here they had been visitinq Mrs..; week, ;\i r, Thomas 1'curley oy contract
Dick, Air=. it annie's sister. ed a severe cold which developed in
— Miss ,\itchcnieon and Miss Dean, Removes et/ trace to ccnzesticn of the lunge, and hi
teachers, lucre at their homes spend- iQ'Oi�l�.Get {QQd *.
can^ is re tooled as seriou'. We hop
ing racttion, the former at ficaforth
for tsadmoel.Jsof leltlttlslksM, rJrl'N l.e "'" n mer.
•anil the latter nl '/.uri: h. mod for bolt out Strofhls. No. 1. STEPHEN .
—Mrs. Dickson. of Exeter, and C. i.1iood Co.. Lowe& Mem. ti'• 1 I IIt c COI Nc'II.
Mrs. Monett, .If London. were iv
Tho Council rf the I03%n.4biff•
Stephen cent( nc 4 in t he Town Hall
••-AL. and Mrs.KcI cu Kende lis; week, on a visit.
*pent Sunday last with Mr. and —Ott' painter, Mr. Amos, is kept
A1rc. 11. Aute. bas -y paintingand papering.
Acc:,rd;n1 to a ',rocl1nration ii- I(ENSALL
sued by t he Gov: rnmcnt last fall,
play 21111 next is la be observed in
Canada a; the Kin;14 birthday.
A er's
If your blood is thin and im-
pure,you are miserable all the
time. h is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens,
refreshes. You certainly know
arsapari l la
the medicine that brings Rood
health to the home, the only
medicine tested and tried for
60 years. Adoctor's medicine.
-1 owe ley Ms, w11A•at eor•.,4. f') Ayer.
4 reepertna. it 1s The molt enn•l.rfntrnedl-
en•ineh. wolf,' for n.rro-•-nose. $1v.nrel.
pi -150n03, sal i .enner thank ff,m P„oeR h."
Noe. 1)511► af(.waLl.. YI.w.,k. `. J.
to • bent.. r r A T tR t'O..
i dru • . for " ...
Door Health
WO dame et Ayor'e Pills each
t greatly atly aid ihi+ Sarsaparilla.
Fe-pl.—Just received 3 cars of
Manitoba Shorts and other Feed on, —Mips Ilillin?s, who was visitittt
h Ind.—D, l'rqubarl, Iiensall Oat • her brother. Mr. ililling*, manaoet
meal Mills. of the Molpon's Bank for tome time
Ilea returned Lome.
—.lira, .lames 11oore help been vis-
itinr relaliwea in Detroit.
— Mrs. C. ltallantyne, of At wood,
(lucidly tse have a large stock of was here I Ist week visiting her par -
bran Ired eduarts for
and will
cret. 1r and bra. Geo. Scott.
sell bran
•1t $16 per ton, and short + —Mr. and Mrs. Writ. Shirray, of
at s1P.50 per ton. our hhorts ore Detroit, are visitin•r Mr. Shirr,*s'e
fully worth $2.00 per ton more dein mother and relatives.
spring Sheat shorts. We have al-
sn secured a large quantity of 1903
old t%heat for the farmers 4rade and
:Ire in a w.sition to supply you with
1 Cr_rAfi•r�a
our boor mixed *amity flour nt $2.60
Flour.—One gar of best Manitoba
Flour, will exchange for cots. — D.
1'r(lu111rt. HensalI Oat meal Mills.
Are running clay and night, con e -
Crediton, on Monday, the first day
of May, 190:1 at 1 p. In.. All nieutb-
hc•rs were present. The minutcvs of
the 'previous meeting rcere read and
Anderson — F"inkbeincr — That
the Assessor's Roll, as filed wit h t he
Clerk be accepted. and t hat Ju' be
paid his salary.—Carried.
Anderson—Finkbeiuer — That t he
Court of Revision to consider Ute up-
pc'alp against the AR;cssmcnt Roll
for the year 1905, be ,held in the
Town 'tall, Crediton, the 27111 day
of May. 1905 ut 10 u. in.—Carried.
Yearley — Webb — That by-law
No. 5, of 1905, being a by-law ap-
pointing patio/masters, fenetl-vic•:3-
c'r, and pound -keepers ; .tt.:o by-law
No. 6, of 19054,cingbylaw 40 provide
for the performance of statute la-
bor and to define the duties of 0%'('1 -
seers of highways, each having been
read the third time, be leisseJ and
signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and
the seal of the corporation at-
tached 'thereto—Carried.
The following orders were „rant-
ed ;—Chester 1'routy, gratuity, $25.
Thos. Oliver, %York on D. 1t.,$1.50:
Thomas Oliver, work on Iliddulph
boundary, $3.50; jtobert Davy, rep.
Mud Creek bridge, $1.00; August
Swcitzcr, -repairs to Essery bridge,
$22.50; Geo. Ilirtzcl, rep. 3rd hide
road, $22; Limes Baxter, rep. bilge.,
coon. 16, $14.25; \Vin. Pickering. rep
2nd side road, $5.75; Elijah'Ilarlton
rep. 1st side road, $1; Geo. Orange,
rep. road on con. 11, $2.50; J\elson
Stet: ' , rep. culvert on con. 11, $2;
I). \ ebb, rep. wash-out, $2; J.Hee-
man, rep. Ford's bridge, $1: Joseph
Guinan, assessor, $80.00
The Council adjourned to meet
again in the 'Town (fall, on Satur-
day, llic 27th. of May for Court of
Revision at 10 n. in. Gravel con-
tracts will be let Cit e. u. ni.
: a gate it pays t0 get the best
Examine the superior wiring of the new page
Oste. Agood stock always on hand. E. P.
PA,1s, Hardware, Paints. Oils snd Tinsmith -
—Mr, Chas. Holbein, of Seaforth,
311.4 in the Village on Monday on
—Mr. Jonas llartteib iacught sev-
eral building Iota from Mr. Alf.
Heiderman. We understand lir,
Ilartleib intends erecting n louse in
the near future.
— Mr. isaao Miller is erecting a
kitchen to his residence.
— Mr. Herman Tyler is Jlavinx a
stone 'foundation put under his
—Mr. Arthur Weber spent Sunday
in Sarnia, special attractions in Sar-
nia at present for Arthur.
— The members of the Lutheran
church aro erecting a fine new fence
in front of the church and parson-
age. We expect that in 'the near
future they will be putting up a
fine new edifice for worship.
=lir. I'. Mc Isaac has been busy
putting up a wire fence in front of
the house now occupied by his moth-
— Our prophesy of last week (hot
Mr. Sant 13c.,ker would soon join the
beg edicts was verified last Wednes-
day, when at tine home of the bride's
parents, Mr. Rochrig, of the 14th
con. flay. their eldest daughter vas
happily wedded to Mr. tiatn Baker,
of Dashwood, we hive not learned
particulars of the wedding, but all
accounts, Sam has made 9 good
choice and 300 join their many fri-
ends in wishing the young couple a
happy- and prosperous wedded lite,
—Mr. and Mrs. M. Guenther and
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paulin, attend-
ed the wedding of their glister Miss
Lydia 'tannic, of Zurich, who was
united in marriage \Vcdneaday last
to Ile Rev. Alfred Geiger.
—Mr. Samuel Swaney, of Hensen.
Sundnyed at the home of Mr. E.
I'. Paulin.
—Rev. Alfred Geiger and bride,
called on friends in the village Tu-
esday Inst.
\1r. ('.11. Wainwright of Leman
City, Fla.,ahas written role manufac-
turers that muoh better results are
obtained from the use of Chamoer •
jain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy in cases of trains in the
stornac.10 colic and cholera morbus
by taking it in water as 3101 as can
he drank. That when taken in this
way the effect is double in rapidity
"it seems to get at 111e right spot
instantly," lie says. For sale in Fee-
ler by W. S. Howey.
—hiss Latiotrance, of Seaforth,
ited her sister al Drysdale over the
—Tire regular meeting of the W.
C. T. Y. vas held at t he J1ome of
Airs. S. itennie, on Monday.
—Mr. .1. Procter, recently sold his
trot 1 ins stallion, General Roberta,"
to Mr. Mollough, of Goderieli, for
%%tacit tie received a fancy figure.
This horse was raised by Mr. Albert
'/.ettel, and promises to develop into
something tall it handled right.
—Mr. harry Weber, who for vigil -
111'11 years ham been working rel his
11..101(' :13 tail:)r in *Isis tillage, left
oil Monday, t for G'. .ill %herr he has
a s' ua 1 �. cr
ood .it flat cutter.
Geiger—'tannic — '1'ha home of Mr
and Mrs. Samuel !tannic was, on
Wednesday evening, I he scene of a
very pre%l v %teddin1!. when I heir
daughter, Hiss Lydia, was ',nil NI in
marriage to Rev. Alfred Geiger, moi
of Mr. Mn40e Geiger. Rev. M. 1..
Wing, of Berlin performed the mar-
riage ceremony in the presence of a
large circle of rel.•ltives of the young
couple. Mise Ella Rannie acted n:4
bride -maid, while the groom 10.14
.•114111./• f ,•,• ►
A\'cgetab'le PrcparationforAs-
siulilaling he Food awl lcgilia -
Iiltg the Stomculls and Bowels of
Promotes 1)igestion,Ctleerful-
ness and Rest.Contalns neittwr
Opnini.Morphine nor Mineral.
Atcr,srOfOld1Y-SAM1FZP! ':FJl
1 t+ny.lri. S,1-
Jrnna •
/l04./6 Sigh -
dyK Jnd •
!I, Mord rwt falx •
Ilion feed -
Nailed .fis+_rr .
Apctfect Remedy forConstipa-
tion, Sour Stoivactt,Dlarrhoea,
Worlds ,Convuts lolls , Feveri sh-
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
lice Sinule Signature of
For Infants and OLildr
The Kind You N
Always Bough
Bears the
For Ov
Thirty Years
K. -.K K4 K K .. K K K .. .' 1C•� 't
Oa account of its terrible affects, blood dlaeaa is Called the king of all diseases.
It may be either hereditary or contracted; so while it may not belt Crime to have
the disease, it is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest
itself in the form of Scrofula, lemma. rheumatic pales, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, Weenie the mouth or o* the tongue
sore throat, falling out of hair, disordered stomach, and a geaerat depression of
the system. Ii you have asy of thea symptoms don't asolect yoerself, Yon have
no time to loose. Newer* of "old fogy" treatment—beware ef mineral poisons—
beware ot Quacks and Fakirs. DUNE NEW ati1POOD •aihTinEWV
is guaranteed teems tete disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you.
Our treatment is not Injurious le any way, but reaub•e the very root of the disease
and eliminates all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. The blood beccma pure and enriched the whole system is cleansed
and purified,*ad the patient feels prepared askew icor the duties aad the pleasures
of fife. .is.. 00it&1 laED Olt NO PAY. MI Years la
Detroit. 960,000 Cared.
Cowwllatios Free. Question Blank tor Homo Treatment and Books Free.
Oor. Iti.chigen Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit. hatch.
K K K U F'. t. K K
The greatest milk producer.
The greatest butter producer.
The greatest hog fattener in the world.
sed by the world-renowned butter makers of Denmark.
ill yield almost as large a crop as Mange's and 50 per
cent more sugar.
re sugar more fat.
E ry farmer should try a small acreage. You will thele
have a better idea of the great value of Sugar Beets for
eding stock.
Put 11 •' nd supplied in sealed packages only,
by i : rch & Hunter, London, Ont.
CARLING BROS., Exeter, Ont.
SAM BROWN, Crediton, Ont.
Send for our Farm Seed Catalogue.
supported by his brother. Mr. Jos-
iah (leieer. Rev. Mr. Geiger Itis
been stationed in New Ontario for
ROM(' years, rn � but rel was s a
t % t t he recent
Evangelical Conference transferred
1.0 Elrnwcoil. Mr. and Mr+. Geiger
will leave for Elmwood shortly and
the best w'i4l's of a hest of friends
will follow them.
—Word 1114 been received here of
the death al Merlin, .cn Friday', Ap-
ril 21st., of Mr. Henry Durnarl, sr.,
rel t ho ago :,f 68 ,year:c, 7 noon! hs a red
II days. The dee.^asked was :1 former
1eaidcnt of %u rich, at cne'1 imc ow n-
in'r n tannery here, but :1 few years
a1,0 lie moved to Merlin 44ie11113,
family, 1t here they have since made
their home.
—Wedding hell; — The home of
\ r. and s a .c !lilt
f , 11 1 .1r ( 1 r Ro+r•hrie 4
coo, 11:1y, 13'•19 the seen of :1 ,leeppy.
c'vent on Wednesday afternoon
when their (builder, Miss Ka e, wee
united in the holy bond.4 of mntri-
113)ny by Rev. E. Schuelke to Alr,
� sin Baker, :1 pr,•ol3)erous young
fanner 4,! Ihi Stint' ln1tn Ilii.
Bears the The K•nd You Hare Ails iloai`,i
131I0 BiLT7313 Imo' OAR.$ I
Gives the Truo Golden Juno Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter.
The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It.
iI.Z. xeaRVelttfa•xwr 4Ahatie zadadkxa>Esals,a.
FEtt?*! 44,14*!!!!lI41NQ!!i!lfl**i41POIRlldidld 011444lEN/MN•144/NMI* 0**