HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-04, Page 31
Will Try to Advance With Artillery
to Gensan.
A despatch from 'folio says: it is
stated that 3,000 Itusaiarty who were
lately reported on the Curran border
aro awaiting the arrival of 5,000 re-
infurcoluenty and artillery from Via-
divortdck, when they will try to
advance on Gensau.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
says: Uiefer date of April 26 Gen.
Linevitch reports further 1'eirmishing
on his Icft Clank and near itaiyuen.
Iio Kayla the .lapalneeo were (tialo(Iged
by artillery front their t'iitr.nchtornts
and t tired to a hill, which they
were preparing to defend.
A despatch Prom St. Pei er' l,i.rgt
says: (.eta. 1 in►vit<•h reports AS (.i1-
• "Our outposts tm Saturday forced
the enemy to evacuate snocestesive:y
Nancbcmu and Nemaniteetlrsnn• 7110
Japanese occupied a fortified posi-
tion '()lit11 of Nontemptiorl:eft4.
"The appearance of a detachment
of artillery opposite their left flank
fui'ced the Japanese to retire.iu haste
upon Kniyuanhsiett. Ott Sundey wo
forced tho tetem,v to retire from
Kaiyuanhsien. Dealing the enemy
back, ere approached ('hang, (afi, but
as th., town was found to 1).• oceupi-
rod iu considerable force, we retired."
A despatch front Tokio says: The
following oricial atlt.OUllee1I1'ut. was
made on Wednesday:-
ednesday:"On Monday a Itussinn force, coa-
aist ing of live battalions of infantry.
sixteen sotiias of cavalry, and one
battery of artillery, in pressing our
advanced cavalry, attacked them in
the vicinity of Kaiyuan. Our Kai -
yuan force attacked rho Russians in
return, di rested and pursued th.•m
north to Dfi.otrhuach,eh. Our casual-
ties were thirty-eight. Tho enemy
left. about 200 dead on the field.
"'Two other Russian faces, one
consisting of six battalions of in-
fantry and sixteen sotnias of caval-
ry, an.f one battery of artillery, tit -
tacked ('hangtu and Siaotatzu, re-
spectively, but retreated north when
tho other Ituwrian furca was detested
at Kuiyuan."
A despatch from (:tnr'iiu Pa -yea,
Mars -Maria, says: An exact state-
ment of the losaaa in all cetogorietl
in the battle of Mukd.n from Febru-
ary 19 to March 1-1. compiled by
the General Staff, shows that the
canealtien were greatly overstated in
earlier reports. Statement,. from
.lapanen. soarers indicating W1101°
9;110 captures of prisoner:.. enormous
booty and canton atm now denied.
In reality, it appears. the Russian
losaca amounted to two Generals,
who were taken pt•l:,iorl.'re. 1,985 staff
and other officer», and 147,677 men,
of whom the greatestpart, about,
55,001 were wounsieel. In evert.:alt log
Mukden and retreating to trio north-
ward the Itusaians hest 32 guns, of
which throe were mortars, three old
tyoo fr1d gone with piston action
and 26 quick -fire guns. Of the Riese
artillery every gun and all the am-
munition carts were sent north two
days before the retreat began.
(general Karkevitch:, the chief of
the staff, calculates that other love-
rs aside from wotntdod were as fol-
lows: 15,000 killed. 7,000 to 8,000
known to have been captured and
10,000 to 12,000 miseing, of whom.
several thousands were drivers. sani-
tary commissariat corps, employees
and other non-combatants. • A very
largo number were slightly wounded
and returned to the ranks, many
even resorting to deception in order
to leave the hospital. This indicates
that the extent of the Japaneeo vic-
tory and the disorder of the Rus-
sian retreat have been greatly exag-
gerated surd shows that tho spirit of
the Russian army is still strong and
the troops not demoralized.
Fifteen Battleships Said to be Un-
fit for Action.
The Daily Graphic on Thursday
morning commenced a series of ar-
ticles calling in question the duration
of the armament of a modern British
fleet in a manner which, if the facts
gives should be substantiated, is
calculated to cause as great sensa-
tion. The writer alleges that fifteen
battleships unfit for action have
been discovered, and that the 12 -
inch guns constituting the tuain
aruramemt ut thee., vossels are jump -
aide of firing 50 full charges.
The latent Woolwich pattern finch
wire gun has also failed under ex-
periment, and the question naturally
armee sty to the endurance of the
ar►nanent of the modern fleet. The
facts came to light through develop-
ments of weakness in new long guns
unite experiment and the simulta h-
ear!•( failure of the twelve guts in the
Dtitjest.ic class of battleships, and
• through the bursting of shells in
seven out of sixteen big British guua
on the. Japanese battleships. The
writer points out, further, that
Great Britain is the only power tbnt
has adopted the manufacture of wire
And Are Just as Fine Chickens as
Ever Hen Clucked to.
A Mu,kogce. Indian Territory, des-
patch say's: -1i. M. Vance, a chicken
fancier, was expecting great. resales
from a setting of eggs that promised
well until two days 1•eforo time fur
hatching, when the hen broke all the
e;B% except three enol refused to sit
on those that were left. Mr. Vance
tool. the three remaining eggs before
they becanut cold, made a nest in
the house, placed en electric light
bull. la the neat and turned on the
current. In twenty hours he had
hatched all three eggs, and lin has
three as tine chickens as any old bon
ever clucked to. The warmth from'
the electric light was just strong!
Tihr)'s G,0(1(,,00n people have to
t•upport an army of 4:10,090 priests,
who produce nothing but beautifully
illuminated copier of th• sacrad
writings. They hold all tho public
itu''sia's Cross of St. Andrew has a
rcntari•nhl• peculiarity 1 1a'li ng to
it. All who ara dacoated with it
have the right once to demand a
pe for a Itussinn subject con-
demn to death.
The consumption of coal per head
of population 1e lowest in Austria..
tvh(-•re it. is Dolt enw-„i><th of a tun
per annum. end highest In (treat
Britain, where etch person averages
throe tone and three-teutha per year.
'filo inhabit ant• rf franca insure
'nitre heavily against firs then tiny
other Ration. Compared to Greet
Britain and Resent, he total
amount insured Inc avers*. at
$:380 per inhabitant fer 1'rnnee,
$195 Great Britain. end 5.1 tar
'the deepest werlaitt1 ••nal twiaa in
Greet Britain is et Pendleton. Mau-
chester 11ete real is Ano tieing Rot
nwl, depth of 11,49:1 feet below the
surface The •teet•cst mine in the
world Is in Belgium. roe) hint get
at a depth of 8,718 feet below the
Better Things Corning in Baracks
and Camp For Hint.
A despatch from Ottawa nays:
Conditions for "Tommy Atkins" in
barracks and camp are to he im-
proved. The Militia Department is
busy with the plans. 'thew are to
lie some of tho Luprovement s:- A
now style bedstead, with spring, for
permanent cones, to replace the hard
springlese bedstead now in usa at
London, 'Toronto. Kingston and
other points. New hospital treats,
with porch attached, and a new sys-
tem of ventilation will be introduced
at the coming camps, also mess
tents. The latter will enable tho
militiamen to sit down to ideals to-
gether under more favorable circum-
stances than formerly. The improve-
ments in the tents are due to Colonel
1•'iset, tho Director of the Army
Medical Corp* and Colonel MacDon-
ald, Master of Ordnance. bay under
consideration the providing; of the
militia with a uniform ankle boot.
Dr. Hodgetts' Figures -Ignorance
of Diet Kills Children.
A deepatrh from 'Toronto ways: !n
hie report to the Provincial• ifoard
of Health at. its glitarterly nusoting,
on Wean/se/c.v. Dr. lbelg(••tta raid
500 liveta had betel Inst front tutr•r-
culonle in the quarter ending March
81. in tnen.v value, he pointed out,
this represented a lose to the Prov-
ince of $500,000 at least, and In
other respects the leas was incalcul-
able. Dr. Hodgetts suggested aa a
measure of relief the possibility of
giviu,, provieior nl treatment through
die/seem Hai until proper 'nutted-
. are erected. Diet of a euitnhle
kind, as of milk and Beeps, could
this ire supplied or prom-rib•.l.
'Phe deaths from cerebru-ep4nal
rneningitls In the hot give years,
while not of an alarming nature,
would justify ee'ienlific intwstigation
by the Province.
Or. llnrlgetts urged greater etten-
tinn to disinfecting blanket a in Pull-
man cars and greater care in pro-
tecting water ewe) in trains aiel
other plares frnrn pollution. lie
thought there should bo it system of
Painting next that the fltrntten
system of 1Tila'lnlg hie had wiped
out typhoid, he argued That if water
wore filtered imnitnity from water-
borne dineftees could be giiarante'.l.
"Parentis should le educated how
to teed their infants," declared the
doctor in commenting nn infant mor-
tality. Ife thotieht children were
"snrrl:'er(1 on the niter of le-
tter/ince," area a'tggeathl that circu-
lar.; lee ieened by 111e hoard, giving
innfric•tione on infant diet.
Over Seventy Thousand Entered
A despatch from Ottawa says:-
Ilnring the nine months ended March
:It et 76,32(1 inimigrante landed in
('Roads, en increase of 0,014 over
the corresponding period of the pre.
rime' year. trrivals by (erns ports
tetelled 30,1010, an 'nerer's* of 8,-
041. and 91.240 came in from the
f'nitei 9tnt.'A. a diecrease of 1,447.
There waw a eseteid'r•ahle increase In
immigration front the United King-
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese,
and Otl:er dairy Produce
at Nome and Abroad.
Teruuto, May 2. -Wheat -'.'hero
were sales of No. 2 white and roti
Ontario at 51 outside. No. 2 goose
at 75 to 80c east. Manitoba wheat
steady, with No. 1 Northern quoted
at 95c, lako porta, ut opening of
uavigation. No. 2 Northern at 92c,•
and No. 3 Northern at 861c.
Outs --Dealers quote 41) to 4lc at
outside points for No. 2 white, and
they aro quoted hero at 44c on trade.
Barley --No. 2 quoted at 45 to 46c
Middle freights; No 3 extra at 43 to
44c; No. 3 at 41 to 42c middle
freights. 'There is some demand fur
low grades for export.
.'ens -'The market is steady, with
dealers quoting 68 to 69c ut out-
side points.
Corn -Canadian yellow quoted at
476c, and nixed at 47c west, guar-
anteed sound. American No. 3 yel-
low quoted at 55c, Toronto, and
No. 3 mixed at 54 jc.
Ity'e -No. 2 nominal at 69 to 70c
at outside points.
Buckwheat -No. 2 quoted outside
at 59 to 60c.
.'lour -Ninety per cent. patents aro
quoted at. $4.33 to 54.40 in buyers'
sacks, east or wost; straight rollers
of special brands, for domestic trade,
in bids. 54.80 to $5. Manitoba flours
unchanged. No. 1 patents, 55.50;
No. 2 patents, 55.20 to 55.30, and
strong bakers', 55.10, on track,
Mitlfeed-At outside points bran is
quoted at 517, and shorts at 518 to
519. Manitoba bran, in sacks, $19,
and shorts, at $21.
Ai•ples-Choice stock, 52.50 per
bbl.; cookiug apples, 51 to 51.50
per bbl.
I{eans-Primera, sell in small lots
at $1.60 to 51.65; and hand-picked,
at 11.70 to $1.75 per bushel.
Hops -Tho market is unchanged, at
32 to 35c, according to quality.
Honey -The market is quiet at 78
to 8c per lb. Comb honey, 51.75 to
52 per dozen.
Ilay-Car lots of No. 1 timothy
are quoted at 58 to 58.25 on track
here; and No. 2 at 56.50 to 57.
Straw -Tho ,market is unchanged,
with car lots quoted at 56 to 56.50
on track, Toronto.
Potatoes --Car lots nt Ontarioa are
quoted at 55 to 65c per hag on
track, according to quality, and job-
bing lots aro 70 to 75c for the Bost
Poultry -Spring chickens, 12 to
13c per lb.; hens, 10 to llc; ducks,
11 to 12c per lb.; geese, 10 to 12c
per lb.; turkeys, dry ylcked, 16 to
17c per lb.; do. scalded, 12 to 13c
per ib.
Rutter -Finest 1 -lb rolls are quot-
ed at 21 to 22c per lb.; large rolls
are 20 to 21c; tuba, 19 to 20c, and
low grades. 15 to 18c. Creamery
prints, 24 to 25e per lb. and solids
22 to 23c.
Eggs -Calvo lots aro quoted at 131
to 14c per dozes.
Cheese -Large cheese aro selling at
114c, and twlus at 12c per ib.
Car lots quoted at $8.50 to M1.75
on track. Bacon, long clear, 96 to
96c per Ib. in case lots; mess pork,
515.50, short cut, $19 to $19.50.
Smuked pleats -hams, light to me-
dium, 13 to 184x; heavy, 12.6c; rolls,
94 to 10c; shoulders, 9 to 9jc; backs
144 tt. 15c; breakfast bacon, 1:3c.
Lard-'1'iur'ces, 9c; tubs Ole; pails',
Montreal, May _ 2.-f/rail-Seed
oats ara saleable at fairly high
prices, and some flue No. 2 ara being
taken with a view to this; Nu. 3
oats are in very poor deularni; Oc-
casional bales to outside points are
made at fair prices. but the demand
all around is dull. Peterborough No.
3 ante aro offered at 411c ou truck;
quotatiOne aro-No. 2 oats, about
454c iu store, and Nu. 3 at 441e,
and Peterborough■ at 414c on track.
(•'lour -Manitoba Spring wheat pa-
tents, 85.50 to $5.60; strong bakers'
55.20 to 55.80; Winter wheat pa-
tents, 55.60 to $5.75; straight roll-
er, $5.25 to $5.:33 in wood; in bags,
$2.45 to $2.55. Rolled oats -$2.20
to $2.22 per bag. feed -Ontario
bran, its hulk, 518 to 518.30; short'',
$19 to $20, Manitoba bran, in bass,
$18 to 519; shorts, $90 to 121.
Ifnats-Choice primes, 81.70 to $1.-
75 pet bushel; $1.50 to 51.i:,0 in car
lots. Provisions-Jleavy ('anedian
short cut pork, $111.50 to 817.50;
light short rid. 516.30 to 517, Aur
eran cut clear fat barks, 52.1; cum -
pound lard, fig to 7c; Canadian lard,
(i4 to 78c; kettle rendered, 86 to
96r• barn., 12 to 13c; baron, 1.
h'.•sh killed abet toir ifois, 59.75 to
$10: mixed. $6.70 to $7 select, 57.-
25 to 57.50 off care. Butter -Choice
creamery, 194 to 20e; mottled, 18
to 1R1c; dairy roll. 133; to 161c.
Eggs -Straight stock, 14 to 111c:
No. 1, 134 to 14c. Cheese --Ontario
Vali white, 124r.; colored, 126c, fod-
der. 11 to 118c.
Duluth. Lai 2.-R'heat-Nw, 1 Nor-
thern, 908c; No. 2 Northern, 838
1 o 87c; May, 904c; July, 91c; Sept.
Milwaukee, May 2. -Wheat -N,,, I
Northern, $1: Ito. 2 Northern, 94
t.o 98x, .hits, R3tc bid. Itye- o. 1
79 to 791e. Barley -No. 2, 51 to
52c. sample, 88 to 51r. Corn -No.
A, 451 to 401c; May, 454 to 4510
Mtnneap'lie, May 2 -Wheat-May,
941x•, July. 991 to 1121c; Sept., 8140;
No. 1 hard. 984<•; Nn. 1 Northern,
96,e; No ti deo., 914c. Flour -First
patent., $' 13 to $3,25; second
do., 54 95 to 55.05; first clears, 54.-
25 to 54 65; 114.4- 411111 clears, $2.85 to
$2.90. .Tran -411 bulk, $12.75.
CA1'1't.14 MAIM MT.
Toronto. May 2.-Thare is not
quite such a heap to the market ail
there was a week ago, but for the
choicest butcher or export there is Charged With Murdering Miss �-
no cursing off in Cho price,Lowry at Rodney. HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER
fix Port. heavy ,,, $5 25 to 55 90
docows ,. . 400 425
]fulls, export 4 00 4 25
Butchers', picked .. ,4 50 5 00
do good to chuicO
lauds ..• .. 4 20 4
do fair to good 4 00 4
do mixed lots. med-
:3 0(1 3
do gond cows .,, :1 50 4
do cows .,., ... 3 50 4
do emnw:on ami
rough ... 3 00
Butchers' bully ,., ,.,. 2 50
do medius, .., .... 2 00
do light 1 25
I Feeders. short -keep .. 4
do emu! .... ... 4
Stockers, good .... ... 3
1ltilk cow*, each o0
Export ewia ,.,, ... .. 4
Bucks 3
Lambs, per cwt. 7
Spring lambs, each 13
Cully, each 3 50
Calves, per lb.
do each 2 00
Bogs, selects ,,. 6 75
tlo fats 6 50
do lights .... 6 50
3 --
25 dering Elizabeth Lowry. Elizabeth!
Covell, who was with Miss Lowry on!
50 the night of the tragedy, is chargedi
50 with the stone offence, and is in
charge of Constable Ludy at the lit -1
00 tlo Covell haute in Old Rodney. Tho!
village is terribly excited over the
50 developments in this case, which
50 threatened for a time to end without!
5U being cleared up. The fresh evidence!
75 which Detective Rogers gathered
00 within the fast few days has
tautened suspicion very strong;
00 Iy on Willis again, and the jury
00 were impressed by the stories of Mr.
50 and Mrs. Cole and I)r. Harvey to
bring in tho following verdict:
"'That Eliza Lowry was murdered
at tho home of Benjamin Covell,
about ono mile north of the village
of ltodney, on tho night of the 18th
A Rodney despatch says:-Alexan THE GLOBE.
der Willis, 35 years old, married,
farmer in the township of Aldboro', Telegraphic Briefs From OOwa
lathe' of four young children, and al esOw nd Other Countries of Ro-
is under arrest on the char •e of our -
6 00
4 25
12 00 of April, 1905, and we strongly sus -
7 O0 pect that Alexander Willis committ-
0 75 ed the crime, and we believe Eliza -
f, 75 beth Covell knows who committed
the murder and is shielding tho
tart •.'t
Provincial Geologist on. the Sand -
Lime Brick Industry.
A Toronto despatch says: -Prot.
Miller, provincial geologist, has pre-
pared a report on "The Limestones
of Ontario," and it has just, been
insned as part second of tho report
of tho Bureau of Mines.
Tho report deals at genie length
with the poesibilittee of send -limo
brick, which, it says, is likely to bo -
come an important industry within
a fe' years. The industry has grown
immensely in Germany and the
United States lately. The number of
factories in Germany have increased
front fl its 1896 to 200 in 1903,
with an annual output of about tour
million brick. In the States 75 fac-
tories have sprung up iu the last
three years.
"In sections of the country," the
report says, "where sand is plentiful
and brick clays 'scarce, eared -limo
bricks, it would appear, will be the
building material of the future. The
fuel coast is comparatively low,"
Each county in the province is an-
alysed and tho resources explained.
Considerable apace is also devoted to
tho Portland cement ludustry. Some
splendid illustratioua adorn tho ro-
Governments of United States and
Canada Nave Agreed.
An Ottawa despatch says: -For
some time the shipping interests on
both sides of the Great Lakes have
been clamoring for reciprocity of in-
spection. tip till the, present time
vessel -owners have been charged
double fees and subjected to tho irri-
tation of double inspection. This is
now at an end. 'Ilio United States
Government has agreed to recognize
Canadian inspection if absuluto reci-
procity of inspection wore establish -
cd. The Canadian Ooverumont has
agreed to thls, and a Minute -in -
Council to that effect has been pass-
ed. and was on Wednesday approved
Adopts a Scheme to Encourage
Proper Rearing of Children.
A despatch from London says: The
municipality of lludderslleld, at the
loaf ant's of Mayor Browbeat, a bro-
ther of King Edward's 1►byaician,
has adopted a scheme to eucuurrrge
the proper rearing; of children and
to check tho high rate of infant
mortality. Thu achene feelieles a
money premium fur the itnunetliato
registration et birtlw stud machinery
to moire the healthy briIt ing up of
children, incluuing a Municipal milk
supply. medical attendance, and a
day nursery.
Montreal Man Robs His Benefactor
at Fort William.
A .'ort. William despatch Pays: -
Ons hour after having been gotten
out of jail by a chance acquaintance,
George l,achantr.., of Montreal, on
Wednesday robbed his benefactor of
510n. After paying letchantyg fine,
Arthur Caron, the Gaud Reitan
in the. case, Loft his bauk hook with
the proprietor of a ''tore atwhich
he, had been trading. Shortly after-'
ward'' Lnehante called at the store!
and demanded the hook, saying
Carer had anent for it. Attho hank
he forged Caron's signature and g -!
cured 5100. l,nchaitz. who was'
taken into restudy sh•,rtly after'
noon. dots not deny having cuilumit-i
ted rho crime.
British Columbia's Unfriendliness
to Japan Rebuked.
An Ottawa deem! ch enys:-Tito.
Government has adopted n different •
police regarding the British Colum-
bia legislation imposing restrictions
on the emPlnyment or imntigratiuo'.
of .lapaner,•. Hitherto it has taken
some rnnnths for the Got erntnent to
make up Be mind to disallow meats -
ores; of this nature, but thin, year,
within a couple of 11731 of the re-
ceipt of the Aets recently passed by
the British Columbia Li'tgislatere,
they have been rendered uugat.ory by
the Got rnor-iu-Council.
3,000 PersonsSt.arving is •
Spanish Town.
drapatch fr(tta SeTlllo sera: ---The
reemployed workmen at. ()wino, 43
piles avast of this city, oa Wedneadsy
stormed tie bread shops and floor
*tills throe. There ars 3,(?$) persons
starving is the town.
t 3
Cuunty Crown Attorney Angus Mc-
Crimmon immediately went to Mag-
istrate Frank Hunt, who was In the
village, and had warrants issued for
the arrest of Willis and Mrs. Covell.
Willis had not left the village, and,
after a little search, was arrested by
County Constable Smelt'. He took
his arrest very calmly and walked
along to Dr. 1)orland's office, where
be was brought before Magistrate
Runt and remanded until May 4.
Willis has not possessed tho very
best reputation. Ho is a heavy
drinker and has not asaociated with
good companions. lie is a native
of this vicinity. His father is living
in one of the western States, and is
separated from his mother, who re-
sides in Detroit. His wife is a very
quiet, respected little' woman, and is
the daughter of John Head ut this
village. '1710 eldest child is a bright
girl of fourteen years, and the boys,
three in number, range from twelve
to three year
n1lUa t''rltl Is on
tho seventh concession of Aldboro',
Mrs. Covell was overwhelmed when
the constable arrived and placed her
under arrest. She could not under-
stand the change in the situation,
and naturally protested her inno-
cence, but many people expect she
will reveal some important informa-
tion in consequence of the action of
the Coroner's jury. Her husband
feels the position of affairs keenly,
and ridicules the idea of his wife's
complicity in the crime. Ile is a
hardworking railway laborer and has
been married to tho woman seven
years. Kra. Covell's first 'husband
was Anderson Baker, an hotelkeeper
at Old Rodney, and by hint sho had
several children, but t.bo only ono
living is the wife of an hotelkeep;er in
Sinicoe county.
Early Seeding and Land in Good
Shape in North-West.
P despatch from Winnipeg says: -
The Canadian I'acific crop report
shows that on many points along
the Canadian Pacific the seeding has
been almost finished. This applies
more particularly on the Broadview
section, where the majority of tho
stations report 90 per cent. of the
woe% done. Taking the sections in
detail, tho average is high, on the
Brandon section it is estimated that
40 per cent. of the seeding is finish-
ed. Of the total on the Broadview
section, 80 per cent. is done. The
same percentage applies on tho
Mousejaw section, where there is an
increase of about 4 Per cent iti ucre-
n;ge. Caron, the only point on the
Swift Current section, reports t►O
per rent. done. The Lariviero sec -
Gob reports 40 per cont, done. The
Naapiuka seetiou reports 75 per
cent. Tho Souris section reports 50
per cent. The 1'slevan section 38
per cent. Tho Eulersou branch and
'Penton breech report Heeding but
nicely CoIn111eneed. The MInnodosa
section 75 per cent. 'l he Portal aec-
1.iut' 68 per craft. Thu i'riare Albert 4' ---
branch 82 per cult. The Yorkton
A company is being formed in
Brantford to manufacture pneumatic
horse collars,
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railway is negotiating for an
entry into Winnipeg.
A case of smallpox was discovered
in Hamilton on Sunday evening.
Tho victim was,a colored duan named
A conference of Provincial Treasur-
ers is being arraanged for, with a
view to the adol tion of uniform suc-
cession duties.
II. W. Anthes, of 'Toronto, form-
erly of Berlin, has offered his ola
town 51,000 toward tho establish-
ment of a 'Loo.
A new map has boon issued by the
Department of the Interior showing
the most northerly districts possess-
ed by Canada.
The directors of the British Colum-
bia Electric Railway approved of an
agreement providing for the electrifi-
cation and of oration of a railway
line between Vancouver and Stews -
ton. and an increase of the capital
to .✓1,000,000.
The hart of Stanhope, formerly
Junior Lord of the Treasury, died ar
The British Ambassador, Sir
Charles Hardingo, has left St. Pet-
orsburg for England on a month's
The United, States will send a
squadron to Prance to bring back
the body of Paul .Jones.
Tho May wheat pool, engineered by
John W. Gates, collapsed in Chicago
on Saturday, and there was a drop
of ten cents. Losses will reach tho
Japan is holding an investigation
into military scandals.
Robert Proctor, a negro accused of
murdering a companion Ly throwing
him from a circus train last July,
was committed for trial on Saturday
in London. IIo defended himself.
Italian Physician is Making Use
of Iodine Preparation.
Prof. Levi, of Milan, has recently
discovered a new treatment for
consumption, consisting of repeated
subcutaneous injections of op(line
modified in a particular manner,
says tho London Daily Mail.
Hitherto tho disinfecting power of
iodine has never been successfully
utilized in curing infectious internal
diseases in human beings, for the
reason that when iodine comes in
contact with human blood it immed-
iately cotnbines with the alkaline ele-
meuts to form alkaline iodures, the
disinfecting properties of which are
very small.
Prof. Levi has recently succeeded in
preparing iodine in such a manner
as to deprive it of this property
and to cause it, in circulation un-
mixed through the tissues of the
human frame, to corse in
contact with the tubercular microbes
and bring to bear all its curative
power against them.
Tho professor states that after ob-i
taining satisfactory results with ani-
mals aufh:ring from tuberculosis, ho
applied his method to human pa-
ticuts with great success, espte•ially I
in the cicatrization of spreading I
lesions and the formation of new
and healthy tissues. '.'hese results
were proved by the examination of
many patients and by autopsies i
Bade by a commission of doctors on
animals experimented upon.
The professor has already received
sevoral oilers froin foreign countries
fur his secret remedy, which he will
probably accept in order to make
hie discovery more widely known,
Choose Curious Means of Com•
tnunicating to Unknown
Four or five years ago a Binning..
haul drag cr's assistant, named `..liar -
pies, was unrolling a Mace of cloth
when u piece of paper druppe•el on to
the counter. It was a little note that
had ba•n put in the roll by the girl
who had wound it up, and it gave
full particulars of her age, circum-
stances, and so forth, adding that
she was ati orphan, felt very lonely
in the world, and had an earnest de-
sire for marriage. 1f the person who
unfolded the cloth knew of one of
the Male sex who was similarly dis-
posed and who could not find a
person whose nano and address were
given, and who would In duo course
Paas the message on to the writer?
Whether anything came of this
strange proposal cannot bo said.
Tho secretary of the Guards' Club
In London has in his possession a
smell glass case which contains, throe
needles with piece; of paper bearing
writing in Cuban and Spanish at-
tached to the eyelets by silken
threads. A few years ago a distin-
guished offics. r, who is a member of
the deb, was sniokipg a cigar which
had been brought to him by ono of
the waiters, when ho noticed the
head of a needle making its appear-
ance through the ash. Ile pulled it
out, and along with it canto
which was unfolded and road. It
was a message from saiavana girl
cigarmakor, who gave ier nano and
addresV said that she was young
and beautiful, and ►wanted a husband.
She therefore implored that some
powerful and rich smoke/ who should
read her note would have pity on her
and would write to her with a view
to marrying lygppr.The officials of the
club. having TTFhieir curiosity excited,
examined the remainder of the cigars
in the box froin which this ono had
been taken, and three other similar
messages were found, and they are
these which aro still in tho glass
It must not bo imagined that it is
only the girls who mako their pro-
posals in this manner. Nut very long
ago a tin of tomatoes was delivered
by tho grocer's man at tho house of
a Bristol gentleman named Snell,
and it was duly opened by the dom-
estics in the kite'ben. A piece of
ivory was found Inside, and on this
tablet was scratched a message re-
questing that, if it happened to fall
into the hands of any single young
lady, a`:e would kindly communicate
with the writer (name and address
given), who was an American farmer
badly in want 01 a wife and not
knowing where ho could find ono.
Nor is this method of searching for
a partner for life's joys and sorrows
so utterly hopeIeaa as gone people
might bo inclined to think it. 'There
are cases on record in which it has
Not long since a ma inge, Which
there is every reason believe will
out two
r 11 took pncAuden-
turn o� oat o cte -
o n
'haw, near (luiue Bridge, Manchester,
which was the direct result of one of
these secret.e(1 offers. Most men's felt
hats are made in the Manchester dis-
trict, and the girls engaged in the
! industry, when they have a few idle
moments, often amuse themselves by
inserting little notes, usually of a
frivolous character, In.'Ido rho leath-
er lit: iug. A cabinet-maker in a
London suburb, hapliening ono day
to turn dawn the leather inside his
hat, discoveavd Rich et note, which
Invited hint, 1f ho were a single man,
to correspond with the girl who had
written it. Never expecting to get
any answer, he did so, but tho girl
replied, and tine thing so led to an-
other thata wedding took place, and
it was attended by hundreds of the
girls employed at tho hat factories.-
Luudc.n Tit -flits,
section 75 per cent. Rapid City sec-
tion 73 per cent. The Miniota
branch 78 per stent. done. Pheasant
Mills Natick 70 per ceut. Arcola
branch 80 per cent. L) leton branch
73 per cent. Brookdule brunch ,77
per cent.
'1'lu general feeling throughout the
country is most hopeful, and with
sumcicnt raid there should be it
good crop, as the seed is in early
enough and the land 1s in good
Return by Department of Interior
Shows Increase.
A Aeepatch from Ottawa rasa: The
hepnrteeent of tet interior has ie -
Reel the following t.tatetn,ent ahuw-
Ing the uurutic'. of hoie•f+teacl entries
in February, 1903, as co:nl�al,.l with
February, 1901, The total windier
!mule was 1,109, a4 ro:rt,wrr.t with
1,128 h1 1901. The iaer.'a.ae for rho
month, as competed with the preced-
ing year, was 41.
A statement of the hnrecestead en-
tries, tua'M during the tlrst tight ,
'eoliths •4 the prevent, am compared
with the corresponding i..ried of the
last ilsrral year. is fur follows -
1901 1(1.5.2).
1903 15,873
Increase ... 618
One Hundred and Fifty Chinese
Lost Their Lives.
1 •t-s;,at(k from Shangpttat says•
Tits Ilriti111 steamer Yews -Wo hu
bora totally derttrnyed by Are at
'i iagchne (201 AdkMI front Pektn). It
is feared that 144 athwart lost their
Thy idea that fanaticism has dis-
appeared on the ntrthweetern fron-
tier of India has been dispelled by
another atrocious der. Dlahends
recently made an attack on four offi-
cers of a military corps, which re-
csulted in the death of Colonel Har-
man. ant tho nntivee who commite(1
the deed openly boasted, after being
placed ander arrest, that they had
enlisted in the corps for the express
purpose of killing Europeans. from
Yams, it is reported that. n 1114111 of
the Darwesh Kholt, another lfuziri
chin, made a savage attack nith an
axe on a Ilritish officer, whom he
severely wounded. The man was not
a 8epoy, end his motivo had not
been ascertain041, but thero seetns n0
reason to doubt that it was similar
to that which prompted the
(:1;l;M.tY Wi1•1.: Bi7A'i'ERS,
Wife -heaters are punished in a sen-
eibie manner in Germany. They aro
arreete•l every Saturday after they
have finished their week's work and
kept in p.riee►n until the following
Monday. This is done regularly
ever; week until the sentence is
wor►e.1 out, the object being that
the delinquent shall be able to earn
money during the, week to Nupport
hest family.
Ye•ers neo Mr. I:Iretonne was one
of the somata at a •11nnet. in Eng-
land when the eldest member of the
Yaa4rrbtlt (artily wee also preaent.
!ftexn•tundy whispered In the English
Frered's Haat the rich Amirtran had
•100,AtMl.0tl(1, Anti Mr. (:ladstnne
conaerotatw(t, after looking rurtou.aly
at Mr Vanderbilt "'l1aen L should
say that. he coastitelei a peril to
the American RepuMlc.'A
It is wonderful how alike some
twins nre, not only in feature but
in character. It is seldom, however,
that the lives of twin siet.ers or
brothers aro so nearly alike as threw
of Mrs. Mary Sissons and Mrs. Ann
Dennhion. 'Meso old ladies recently
kept their eighty-fourth birthday at
Arnold, Nutt ingharnahire, England,
neer which they have lived all their
lives. The twins were alarricad on
1he same day by the same clergyman.
They married brothers. Both lost
their host ands as the resell,. of acci-
dent, nail 14(a 11 Mgrr1.d •a second
time. Roth cajoy good health, and
neither has ev (r serf,, ' boo ser'.
Bright red spectacles, accompanied
by internal doses of calomel, form a
new German specific against sea -nick -
nese. it is deducted from Epstein's
inn'etigntioa1 on the -tn/uence of
color on the blood -vessels in tho
brain. Se'1-nid.n(sy is due to lack
of blow' in the brain, while reel sends
blood to the brain with a rush. Ily
looking at one point, for some time
through the red glasses the patient
Is rapidly cured.
♦-.- ---•
190,00.) 1)t{INKING PLA('E3,
Belgium where public 1ihrar1es aro
almost unknown, has 190,000 public,
hn.,srY. That nieene ono public -
house for thity-sit :nhahitants, or
one public -house for twelve men
above seventeen years of age, the
publican litchi:Rel. Deering the fait
fifty years the population has in-
creased 50 per cent., tho number of
put•lic-houses 25)4 per Conk,
711± recent mist, in Bengal re -
Teals the fact that there are 4,l'i)
hahy girls in that province Monet
who have been married. awl of this
number 6110, aJI has than a year aid,
are widows.
l'be whole Moslem rare (leapt+ and
hate the sound of hells, which they
NV MAWS the evil spirits to astern•
Ole together. in confit grenre, th•'y
ars never used on Mohamtaodea