HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-04, Page 2•
SHIPS COLLECT RENTS!i t Lrga nhete.r hi:Idsainidsip)osti i'o'st:a.s.1af,(iiirl st:ol l-
e__ .
lecting rentsrates and taxen from
there. This vessel when tel duty, toid
she neatly always is. spends her time
in delivering Government messages
to coast stations.
We have no particulue veseel for
rent -collecting, but now and again
we are forced to send an ironclad or
a gunboat to Tory Island, on the
avoid exertion. t4cettetttnes the nerves are combatants and others non -corn- north-west coast of Ireland, to try
aro unstrung, s.ou feel dull and de- batants-that is to Sat'. they nem to make the people pay their rent.
linseed, and your strength is shit- do any lighting at all: Besides the rates and taxes. We have not see-
ping away. You can only be put Channel Fleet and our cruieing ceded yet, however. notwithstanding
right by enriching the blood and nOtindrons which act rte police to our
dri.ing out the impurities. Purge- pobuons nu parts „C the world,
tiVeS wont do this -they only make we have nearly a doien warships
you weaker. What you ueed is a that spend their tittle In collecting
tonic, and the best Unite that meal- rent, battling with ren -elephants,
cal science has yet discovered. is lir. searching for shortie, and the like,
Williams' Pink Pills. These lens ace says Pearson's Weelely.
tually make new, rich, red blood,
The shoal -finders carry drag -nets
Lrace the nerves and bring health
, instead of cannon, and sounding -
rue! energy to weak, deo
spndeet anti lines end thermometers instead of
"1'4 tired "le" 814(1 w°"1""• M"• torpedoes. A few vcars no we had
(has. Blackburn, Aylestord Station, 110
N.S., sa3s. ' 'oi t pae • tn 3t notvies:1,s 11.t(1t eilel:exr‘o-t) gnItt)tt
goe.9 off now and agnin to catch por-
Dr. Vii:liates• Pink Pills is the onl3for the fact that in February, e poises in the Mediterranion.
niedie1ne i have taken when 1 found , 1800,
The French fishermen ace glad when
1 nteded medicine. Last spring the magnificent Anetralitin liner thl-
0-0000 c,,<•>0-)0000-000 0000 0 WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE.
Need New Blood in Spring to
Bring Health and Strength.
FOLKS 8 Spring blood is had 1,10i)(1. It is
clogged uith iiiipui ales that make' ROCKS AND SHOALS.
such, British Ironclads That Are Not
1000000.00_000000000000,0 thentselvts felt in litany ways,
as temples and eriptions, poor diges-
tion. occasional heedaches, twiligee
of rheuntatism, ;I laie. feeling in the
morning, and a strong desire to
'rite three new acquaintances. each
engulfed iu a huge roc.ker. sat bide by
bide on thu veranda of tno little
hotel. Before them lay the lake, gray
under the shadow of a passing tiered
tied the heavy fringe of pines along
the shore.
Laerence and Tet1.13; had known
each other for to days, nut Annabel
was an arrival of the nee.: Mg.
"She's only a girl,- Steele -lice had
caid, sand her name's nut we'll
t1•3• hes% and if she can do things and
kuons lots, like hope we'll colet her
in, end ask her to catch turtles uith
us. ellen we, Tedti,y7"
'flare were no othes children at the
hotel, end the two boys were eager
to find a worthy playmate.
Lawrence, by virtue of being the
oldest, conducted the examivation.
"Can yoei row?" he asked.
"M-Iiiii," answered AnnaCul, indif-
ferent lye
'Can eou swim?"
"Yes." Annabel swayed her head
gently to reek the (their.
Used for Fighting
Ironclads are of two kinds -some
that We have been "dunning t hem
for the past twenty years.
In 1884 we sent the gunboat Wasp
to the island, anti while returning ;0;
poor as eho went, cite was wrecked
off the coast, and ninny of her crew
were drowned. A few years ago a
bigger lighting vessel millet to Tory
and even she failed to collect a pen-
ny from the inhabitants.
The Grenade, a French. gunlioat,
has so little work to do that she
was feeling poorly, was meek, easily et t41 ' P a 1 Miele o II il-
tirsyd and depresetel. I gut. three; known deat h -t To p in Siorres St ra its.
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and, and drowned 133 of her passengers
they made me feel like a new per- I and crew.
son. They are the best mediciee I! When t he disaster was reported to
know of when the bluod is out of the Admiralty they beet inlet them -
n. ' eeIves, end ent o
sut an ironclad to
"I've seam 411 Lake Stnerior," said connitro• • ,
Lawrence, proudly. lf You nee,' a medicine this spring inveetigate the Golgotha of the deep.
I've swum iu Millers Lake and -and there are few people who do
In this lake, ' cilium' in Tetley, not -take a few boxes of Dr. Wil -
'!SWain... cogrected Lawrence. limns. Pink Pills, and you will find
an improved appetite and new health
"Yee swam," assented' -1-(--
1. e 1 lv
' and strength such as no other ruedi-
"Where haVity0LI SWUM, Annabel'?" eine can give you. Thereis no dis-
"Lots otiepIdAtes," returned the lit- ea_se of the blood these pills will not It was a species of submereed na-
tio girl. "1 used to in the Atlantic tural monolith, similar in shape to
cure, eimply because they make the
Ocean ehen i was littler, and once, Cleopatra's Needle on the Thames
new, rich blood that drives disease
a year ago, In Great Salt Lake." genuine 'rink Paribankthent, with its apex rising
front the system. The
"Oo-co!" said Lawrence. "Is that Pills have the full name, ' Dr. Wil- to within a few feet of the surface
lake salty. the way they say?"of the ocean.
Hams' Pink PHIS for Pale People,"
Annabel nodded. Evidently L v
-a" on the wrapper around each box. The warship, herself, was nearly
react) must make the advances. Sold by all medicine dealers or by impaled on the hideous spike, for the
"Couldn't you tell about, it?" ho mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes "Torres Needle," as it ie now called
bligkest ed. for $2,50 by writing the Dr. Wil- on the chart, scraped 60111s.t feet of
1 "Why, certainly," mid Annabel, liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. 'mint off her hull.
politely. "Manut and pnpa and The exact position of the "Tueres
Frankie and I were at Salt Lake 4 . Needle," thanks to the Admiralty, is
City fur a day, and we took the perfectly well-known to -day to n1 1
cars and went to the lake. You have GARDEN CITY NEAR LONDON.
mariners who veil those woe, rued
to ride over white ground, where the
lane was (lace. It is all salty. :he Philanthropic Englishmen Flan a. since the wrecleing of the ill-fated
Quetta, no veseel has been impaled
lake has -receded, mania says." Model Town.
"Why did it?" asked Teddy, bluot-
upon it.
ly. . To build a city with industries as To our discredit a sindlar sea -
"It evaporated." Varied as to support a population of needle remained uncharteel when it
Lawrence and Teddy exchanged thirty thousand. and to house the WaS kn011In that it was reerponeible
imszled glances. fieople on model lines in a commun- for many terrible disasters. It ex -
"That means the sun dried it. ,"
ity where everything is done to re- ists at, Cape Agulhas, ant after a
explained Annabel. tain the advantages of the country, dozen or more stout, ships had gone
'"Ihis one doesn't dry up," said is the ambition of a company °I to pieces upu
on it, or Admiralty
Teddy, skeptically. orse been is," philanthropic Englishmen. They have thought it would be wise to dierover
Jots of stunmers." bought thirty -cunt hundred acres of its position, and have it accurately
"Well, this has an outlet. The land in Hertfordshire, some thirty- marked on the chart.
five miles from London, and there
steamer passes it. You remember. I AN OCEAN DEATH-TIMIS
saw it Whtn 1 came.' they are laying out and building
"Oh, yces." "the first garden city in England." To this end an ironclad was order -
"Well, Great Salt Lake hasn't any The situation is high and healthy. ed off to Cape Agulhas, and it hile
outlet. and the sun dries the eater The land is fertile, and eheuld pro- dredgine, Rome remnine of a sunken
up and leaves the salt, lots of t:'
vide much of the vegetables the new hulk were pulled up, which proved
"Didn't it, smart e, -our eyes?"
community will require. From most to be those of the mail screw eteeten-
l'I didnt put my eyes in ' sald parts of the town there will be un- er Teuton. which was initialed on
Annabel. "You see it isn't deep t
interrupted views of the country, andl the neenle in the enrly morning of
an. We waded out a long way, see- in the town itself natural featurresl August 300, 1881, and foundered
For Possi-i within an hour, carrying- with her to
eral blocks. I guess, and it didn't are to be preserved as far as
come up to our necks, and only ;tett hle. example in thh, the bottom ef the GM over 200 of
came above papa's knees. It was main equare, round which will be, her pastengere aud crew.
very warm, the water was, almost erected the public buildings, stencil Whee the Lords of the Admiralty
hot, and felt so good. You ean 11 net three old oaks. These are to be left. were told that there wee a sunken
on it. It has so much salt in it Vali and guarded. rock in mid-A1lantic, whose top was
can't go doete und we sort of pad- From the railway -station to the only a lade mvtalice below 11,, cur-
dled along on our stomachs, with our square runs the main avenue, never
face of the ocean, they laughed.
heads sticking up. It's real sticky, less than one hundced feet wide, and I When,
later, a couple of ships went
mid we had caps on ow heads to in nil directions from the square will!
kov our hair from getting sticks-. radiate roads from forty to sixty
Mama had a big bath -towel wound feet wide -that is to say, as broad
round her head. as the Strand and Cheapside, the
"We spattered each other and shut busiest streets in Loudon. Wide mar -
our eSes, and when the water dried gies of grass will border them, and
off our faces there were white patches to carry out the park -like appearance
Et salt. The and under the water is the builders purpoe3 that the house -
gray, such a nice, clean gray. I lots shall be arranged on what they
brought some home in a bottle. call "the New England plan," of
There's a long hath -house with lots open lawns and no front fences.
of dressing -rooms in it. hundreds, I On the eastern side of the town, he -
guess, and there's a fresh -water epray side the railway line, has been set
in each one, so you can take a n43 apart a , site of about one hundred
shower -bath when 'ou come out, and acres for the factories on which the
get the sticky off: town will depend for its existence.
Each boy heng over the arm of his Engineers, cabinet-makers, motor -
chair nearest the middle cheats fuel car builders end printers are already
Sistened in wonderment. Annabel established. The factoriee are to be
leaned back idly and toll her story hidden from the reeidencee by it belt
like the finished little traveller that of treve, and as the prevailing winds
she was. "Have you studied percen- are from the weit, the smoke and
tage?" she asked. smell will be carried away from the
Even Lawrence shook his head honece.
wit hout it word. Every dwelling tvill hare a garden.
"It's sixteen per cent. salt." she '1114, hoeses will be so built as to
said, "and that's a great deal. liana secure light end air on all sides, and
told me. They think that mice it the factories will be constructed with
was lots bigger'n it is now, twetey the same objtel. Everywhere there
times. They think, you know, thet Nvin he puiso, gardens rind parks
in time there won't be ney lake and nothing
left."- and recrention-groneee.
ugly or unsanitary will lie nllowed.
"00-00!" ttaid Lawrence. The compnny will be able to enforce
And ' ' 0 my ! • ' se id Teddy. such restrictione because it will sell
Anentiel leaned forward, somewhat no land. Yet the rents from %filch
reaped by the nppreciation of her au- it is to draw its reverie* have been
ditors. -Ira to au cello .rated, ye 1 need et her; t hale 11811 filo average
know, and if 3.011 1403s want to go rates prevailing in English cities.
swimming in it sou'd better gee The town Reelf n ill cover thirteen
quick!" hundred acres, rind if the serround-
Lawrence looked at Teddy, awl ing villages ere inclieled in the for the ',limner. ef making -exp-ri-
when he caught his eye gave a sign1- "proposed total population." there mento on the depth at whi,11 certain
Scant itod. Then he t meted to Ann 1- will he t hirty-nve thousand Peoldn forms of sea life were lelieved to
bel, politely. "'1,11 you go and cat.:11 in the whole community. nett will exist
turtles with eel- he saiil. give some t went v -three to the acre Dr. I'()%' 111' came home load, (1 with
speeitm ns, and although the trip bee
cost the Adneiralty and the Poen!
Society large sums of money, they
were lioth amply satisfied with the
11."M. S. It( search and CI ulnare
hundred persons (0 t he acre. To have wasted- both time and tnolLy in
toilers en crowded in the dreary erarehing for non -existing roeke and
metropolis the garden city should shoals in different oceans. 'I he fortri-
F,oeto like a glimpse, of Ueaven.
er 11ee9s.1 nailed for tw 0 or tilt. ee
The vessel discovered an extramdm-
ary isolated rock, situated in the
centre of the Torres Strnits, which
separates Australia from New Guinea.
FINDING 'nth: .1•01tHES
down in the Atlantic for tto appar-
ent reason, they became more credit -
10119, and Sent a vessel out to look
into the matter. The captain of the
ironclad found the rock situated
only a few mile.; to th- northward
of the route taken by the big Trans-
lant ic
lis whereabouts were intlient, ti to
him by ti small expanse of greeniali
WA amid the earrounding blue, with
• dark not in the centre, where the
"cap" of the rock prolecteo to with-
in it yard or so of the surface of
the Atlentic.
'11114 position of the rock, called
"The Virgin." 13 IloW Well-known to
mariners. and for yettrs pa‘t, this
ocean cleath-Vrup has failed to claim
ft victim.
Whenever it new rock or finial is
reported to the Adnlirally by ocean-
going veeseils, II.M.S. Ileiseareh,
tain's beet nett -searcher. proceeds to
the spot indicated, and sails around,
townie her "Stihtlittrine ..entry,
which gives instant warning to
thois i1 charge of the machine the
nioneirit it, touches n hard substance.
'Phe "sentry' has discovered hun-
dreds of rocks and ehonle during the
last few years, and the Atheirit:ty
have w-artted mariners of their At hero -
1111(1111 4,
Some Hine nto the Ifesearrh went
out to Indian,. earreinz ()Tr beard
lir. Fowler, of the ltoval Society,
Children born between September
and February are, eome nethorities
Mate, not SO till' 114 thome born in
the summer and spring months, and
the growth of children is much more
rapid from farch till August. The
extremeties grow rapidly up to the
eixteenth year. then there is slow
growth ttetil the thirtieth year. The
legs chiefly grow between the tenth
and sevent rent h year. Cotnparing
the general result, it appears !hat
there are six perhelx of growth. The
ilret, extends up to the sixth or
eighth year. and is ono of eery
rapid grOWt it: 1)11' eecond period,
from eleven to fourteen yenrs.
growth is slow; the third period.
from sixt err( to seventeen: the fourth
period slums n slow growth lip to
the age of thirty for height. up to
fifty for chest girth: the fifth growth
is one of rest, from thirty to fifty
years; the.sixth period is character -
pled by a deceeftee in n11 dimensions
of the body.
*.'What Is Johnson's busineser "I
thien he is a book-keeper; et least,
be ttever brought back the one he
borrowed from me last summer.".
for tho. town, and, taking the whole
area of the este, nine persAve to
the acre,
There are streets in London -some
that one would hardly like to cell
shinis-where there are nearly four
the Grosode comes on the warpath,
for the porpoiees have ittereaeed to
euch an extent that tle ir sea -nets
are coritinually being torn to threads
by the creatures.
11. M. S. Flora, while rim -leered at
Port Stanley, in the Falkland Is-
lands, was attacked by n huge. black
motterter that arose with piercing
cries from the foam. The captain
Itrined his ereW With harpoons and
riffett to destroy the dangerous beast,
and after t.wo or three hours' hard
fighting it was kilted, atKI dragged
on deck. Tho mopeter proved to be
a sea elephant, semi measured quite
forty feet from nose to tail.
When bahy smiles mother knows he
Is 114 11 and happy. When he is Cross,
ailing and fretful, ef.w gives Min
1/aliy*1. 03111 Tableta, and tinds that
there's a smile in every doge. Three Harbor, on the West roast. of
Tablets one nli little ailments of
land, were so !revue lc thnt the com-
childhood, such as indigeetIon, colic,
conet ipation, dia rt helot, worms find f88908 of te sets passim:, them were
ntlected, rind in consequence (-mild
not be relied on. Our Admiral t y
gent one of her wet -searchers to Ire-
land. end she proved titnt the report
was false. That little trip coet Bri-
tain isomething over $500.
John 1 1111 1 also has fl temple•
disarmed ironclad,: %%Hell senrch tit
oceen fire derelicts.
lioN"r 11ND MANY,
Mit 1 hosi• they do Come aCross are
blown up n ith dynamite on the
sr ot,
days round the mouth of the Chan-
nel in n vain we'll) for a stioti re-
ported as existing by half a do/en
merehatit russele of varioux tettion-
Not, so very long ago th 1,1-1
conetgunrile and ship-ownere declared
that the Maiden llocSs, miar Lorne
simple fevere. Thee- make teething
ease. nnd promote natural sloip rind
repose, and are gnaranteed not to
contain ene particle of opiate or
poieonoutt soothing Fluff. Mrs. llobt.
Pean, Tisdale, N.W.T., R3 9.-"I find
ilaby's Own Tablets a perfect medi-
cine for little ones, and itlwaye keep
them in the house." You can get
the '1 ablets from :two* medicine deni-
er or by mail nt '25 centx a box hy
n riling the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Cnt.
And Froin a
Became As
Smart as
a Boy.
-7-770111rItt .....7evorssrsrm,47777.771thre'r--"71-e
Shirt waists and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap.
No Breakfast Table
complete without
An admirable food, with all
its natural qualities intact,
fitted to build up and maintain
robust health, and to resist
wiuter's extreme oolcl. It ir
a valuable diet for children.
fortea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming cup of FRAGRANT
instead of some ordinary kind. notice the difference quick
enough, then nothing will do them but BLUE RIBBON TEA.
wirxmar tat.° Nitae•cil
Back to Bicycles
'The bicycle is king. Every person realizes now that there
is no other vehicle soconvenient in the country, town or city
as the wheel. The wheels we sell are the best in the world.
The Most Nutritioun
and Economical.
The Grand Trunk Hallway System
aro distributing a very handsome
booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus-
koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake
Itosseati, in the Muskoka Lakes,
'Ifighiande of Ontario.'' The Publi-
cation is one giving a full description
of the attraction,' that may be found
at this popular resort, handsomely il-
lustrated with colored prints of lake
and islanti scenery, the lintel itself,
and many of the special features that
may bc found there. lt is printed on
fini'i enenteled paper, towel 111 a cover
gising the nppearance of Morocco
leather. tvith it picture of the hotel
and eurroundings on the sameand
the crest et the hotel embossed in
He high relief. A gialice through this
booklet makes one long tor the plea-
sure of Suitiaber and outdoor life,
Orland, Oets, May 1-(Speeittl).- and cora:: may be secured gratuit-
Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and re- ously by applying to auy Grand
spected far:rex living in this oeetion, Trunk ticket office.
is spreading broadcaet the good
news that. Dodd's Kidney Pills are
a sure cure for the Lame Back and
Eithee: Disease so common auteurg
old inople. M. Loomis 'cap.::
nta 76 years of age •ini rentart
and active its a boy, And 1 IOW,
litelti's !Sidney Pills all the credit
for it.
"Before I started to te* Dodd's
Kidney Pills 1 RIOS liPed lip I
coulee hardly ride in a buggy. and 1
could not do any work of any kind.
Everybody thought I would not live
long. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a
wonderful remedy."
The Kidneys of the young may be
wrong, but the 'Kidneys of the old
ltiltiSt be wrong. Dothns Kidney
Pills make all wrong. Kidneys right.
That is why they are tiss old folks'
greatest friend. A foul is generally ft person who
detects your faults %tilde you are in
the act of calling attention t� his
In an old Virginin cemetery there
is a weather-beaten tombstone bear-
ing these inscriptions: -
I await my Inieband. May 26th, 1840.
Ilere I atn. December 14th, 1861.
Some joker has added:—
I-ate, as metal.
Use Lever's Dry Soap
to wash woolens and
you'll like It.
We eau help to make people bright
by our keenneos, but we can never
accomplish anything towards making
people good except by our tendentess.
(a powder)
kinard'a Liniment Cures Colds, to
Wrestiing Match Nearly Cost the
Trainer Ilis Life.
While a Franco -Amer -loan athlete
named Hey wee practising. in Paris
with 9 bon named Brutus for the
arestling championship of Europe,
ehich was to open at the 'Hippo-
drome, he had u narrow tiecape of
losing his life.
'1 he lion, while itS fore paws were
en the 1ra iner's neck end its heed
over his ehoulder, unexpectedly fast-
ened its teeth in his jacket. The
trainer etopped erestling. anti tried
disengege himself by withdraning
from the jacket end leaving it in the
lion'ti poss.esston.
But he was linable te do this. and
Brutus, without becoming actually
savage, warmed to the encounter,
and began to tcetr the trainer aliout
t he shotilders and sides. A Itholigh
bleeding freely from nay WOUndq,
'Hey, who is a powerful, atliletie
e-olinsz fellow, kept his head, and
realizing that he wes at the mercy
of the brute if he fell, kept him on as
best, lie colibi.
By this time Mr. Bostoek and his
rissi ;tants had gathered round the
(-nee trying to rescue the trainer, and
wa felled with mem !isnot the real -
i(1 conina t but vi ern the man and
t he lion. The Rregtling 110111. Willett
had eornmenced in the ustml playful
tunimer. had new (!eveloped into a
grim emitted, in %Odell one of the
cornhatentri wes fight iug for his We,
and for filly two minutes his fate
eerned tiled.
Pey l:ept up the Unequal contest.'
but it further difficulty in the way of
his rescue was the feet that in n
rage t ommeilicat ing w it Brutus it
comfmnion li ii was making desperate
efTorts to force an entry through it
half-oeen door.
Al last Brutus was lassoed by Mr.
be teasonable. Of course I
llostock and draggeil into the nil- wm11(111.1
hare changed my ('848108 of George,
)(dither enVe. Alt er ltey hail heel)
bandaged ht the Hippodrome infirm- but I admire the i g fis much as
nry he wns 1 a'Aen o the Itothschihl e'er.''
Iforeiltel, '.'.here the doctors sni41
that, thanks to bis athletic constitu- ENCLISH SPAM 1.91IMENT
lion. if blood poisoning did MA Bet
ron oviltt TEABS.
Mrs. WineloiCe Soothing Syrup has
been used by ntillives of mothers far
their claldren while teething. it soothes
child, softens the junta allaye pain,
cures yr indcelic, regulates (h. stomata
asd newels end ie the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. ..1'weety-flY• Le•t• a 2b2u_ttole.s.
Sold druggiets threughout the
world. Big sure and ask fur ••lire.
lnJuwb tootlingSyrui.."
is the new feature. It has brought bicycling again into po-
pular favor-- Makes Rough Roads Smooth.
The Sills' tiygienic Handle Bar
a cempanion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our
new catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper.
Canada Cycle and Motor Cn:
Makers of the World's Best Bicycles,"
Canadian Headquarters
for Automobiles.
Moscow is situated
geomentical centre of
almost in
lit fitting boots and shoes cause
Itolloway's Corn Cure is the
article to use. Get a bottle at mice
aud cure your corns.
Mistress -"1 understand you stood
for it whole liOUr in the doorway last
night talking to the policeman, Bid-
dy?" Iliddy-"Shure, you wouldn't
have me (attend there for an hour
and say nothin',_inaLant?"
Minard's Liniment Cum Diphtheria
"What. did papa say?" "He show-
ed me the door," "And What did
34011 3:tyr' Raid it WaS certeinly
a very handsome door, but not what
I had cone) to talk &mut. That
made him laugh, and a mintite later
you were mine."
A General Favorite. -In every lance
where introduced Ilr. Thomas' I.:electric
Oil has not failed to establiA n repu-
tation, shnwing that the sterling qual-
ities which it posseasen ate valued
everywhere wilco they become known.
It is in gerteritl use in 1'one/1a 5514(1
other (.11413 ries as a household medi-
cine and t he demaed for it each year
shows that it is a favorite wherever
Mrs. Itender-"Yes, I couldn't ebide
the tieightierhood; it. was unfaehion-
able. you know." Mrs. Ilatper -
"And yoil could think of no other
way to improve it than by moving?"
llobineon--"What epoil A rchie'n Bettor Without &Stomach than with
chance it 11 VI 1.-f; Million?" seneine one thatee got a coestant "hurt" to it.
-"She 1 old him r he disliked compli- l'r- V"ri Sten•A 111aeabl.le Tablet‘ stim'
ments." Awl he persistrel in pay-
ing them?" " No; he was sittipid
enough to believe her and stop!"
Itching, Burn ne Skin Dloommeo
Cured for Thirty -flys Conte. -Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves in one clay,
and cures Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald
11(11(41, Eczema. Barber's' Itch, 1;Icers,
Blotches and all eruptions of the IAN.
It a, soothieg Red quiettug and
like magic lit the core of all
"I married for money," said the
plooy won. "li'fmft there a wo-
man at trolled to it?" asked the
C3180 . "Of course there WII, Wit 11
increneed gloom: "so much 31 tfl( hed
to it thnt ehe never parted with a
To prevent it Better Than to Repent.
A little medictri• in the shape ef the
wonderlul peliete which are knew!) as
Pertnelee'ts Vegetable 1,010,,
at tho proper lime •rul with the direc-
tions /sabered to often (.rent n iert(1us
attack of sick:less and p•ava mono)
which Would go to the doctor. In all
irregularities pf the digestive itsgtorto
they are an invaluable correctly.° red
by eleansittg the blood they clear the
skin of iniperfections.
wahet-"So you have broken on
tbo ung-ngens.nt? Have 3.011 return-
ed his ring?" Anev-"Why, no!that,
11e1.10..14 all hard soft 01 callou, (4)
In they hoped to save him lumps and blemiihes from horses, blood
plinAta, curbe. Wino+. ringlione.
ftweency, stiiftee, sten ii19, sore and
ro:t ellen throat, coughs, etc. Save
la; use of one bottle. Werronted LI10
most. wondert 11 Blemish Cure ever
slackson-"110319 yoar family?"
Johnson -"Pretty well. thank yoll!"
o Any of yolir tlattehtera marrnel
yet?•' "So. and I cen't tmelerstand
why they (1 1St r o on% They use
poWder r hough. gooiltics 9 14.110Svai.•'
A Tonle ler tee Beheitatee -Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills by acting mildly
1 but thoroughli on the secretions of the
esody a (451)1141(18 Oleic. stimely,In4
the Ingeing (leering to healthful netion
and resumer, them to full %Igor. '111y
c au be taken hi Gratlua ted .i.e.es awl
so UFCil thet they can be disco .,ii.eoft
at nny thno without return of Ole it b
merits which they wero used to slimy.
Wattthe digestive organs. Let one en-
joy the go.iil of lila and leave
no bed effects-cnrry them with 0(1 18
your vest pocket -a() in box, :Ir. Lents
tai Olt SALI".-PASIIION ABLE 111.001)
1 stallions of Arab, Clay, Morgan,
mbletonian and thoroughbred Mittel
tar sato, on tinie, or may be eyntlicat-
ed. For pedigrees and particulars ad-
dress John II. Hall LP 326 Jarvis
tit_ Toronto.
14:45 AffibfAtut e;Ant)V.N
spot eit orrtle; 'nfetir9aelitMiy at
tho door, WI church on the farm, en
the main county road 2* miles of
town, large dwelling with 7 rooms, 2
porches, 2 hall, tC..ar, plenty .barn
and etable room. carriage house, lovely
large shade trees. weeping willow and
maple. You can raise about anything you
plant on this farm; half of it is clay,
balaiice is dark loam, choice ripple told
peach orchard, best of grass land.
healthy climate, 50 acres in wood Mill
timber, can mail you 32 liege book
describing Maryland all free by asking.
Price of term now $2,000 Price
will :Loon double, we farm and plow
months in the year on this farm. Ad-
dress lir. J. Lee Woodcock, 406 .2arn-
de11 Ave.. Salisbury, jaa.
Stump and Tree Pullsrs
1111 sr:dining and tittra,p-
iincl,rccl. Soniet hi:1g rev,.
Pull an ordinary stung, it. 134
telt,:t..s, 1 to b
•cres at, a set.
Ong, hiirstr t
tO sniS
all kinds of
I er
gie iffe.(jo. 075 lintb St., iforiereatis, fir
Dyeing 1 Cleaning
Few the vets test teat low work to it.
14111111111,1 AIIIIRMAII SUM O$.°
L.:Afire soma fa roar tows. et wad Aiseek
Mostrosi,Torotito, Ottawa, Quebeith
stonier (seyertily)-"lei you sell
Where there's a eiil there's delay, deceased imeat hereS•' Butcher
Worils tut the weether Coen to- (blannly)-"Worse than that." Cus-
tomer tencite(lly)-''Mercy on us!
How rein that be possible?" Butcher
(conlidentia)ly)--!"1 he meat I silt
is dead -absolutely dead, sir."
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Lady of Fneertnin Age -"She he-
ti/Mgt nhotnillablV. She told me I
was a hopeless olit maid. Wasn't
that unladylike?" 1:111(1 Friend -"It.
certaitily wits, lint it's better to be
rude then untruthful. -
',tickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup nserb.
no I ecommendation. To all who are
taintlier with it, it !peaks for itself
Years of tote In the treotment of colds
and coughs and n11 affections of the
throat has ungitect ionahly established
It s place among the %cry bast medicine()
for such diseases. If you give it a
trial you will rot regret it. You will
find it 25 cents well invested.
1:1111,11)yer (to new office boy) -
"Hee the cashier told yoe what you
are to do this afterneon'?" Oftiee
lloy-"Yee, sir; I'm to wake him
when I yee you coming."
Mainly Steength and Womanly Beauty
(1. vend (iii purity of the Mood. and
niticii of that purIty depends on perfect
kidney filtering. If these orgens are
minoro's [ffilmi cure; Gar 11 COB
He %Om expresses his willingness
to die for a woman niullyS reserves
the right to fix the date of his de-
If your children are t roulaed With
Wormsgive them Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator; Fate, sure milt effectual.
Try it. and :nark the improvement 111
your child.
Itita—"I.id you say, 'This ie so
sieldiei!' eh) n Jack propoeed?" No.
I ilitended to, you know; but 1 was
so flustered that 1 forgot, and cried,
At lest!' instend."
Twitchy Plitillnittit Avid Mop:Oulu***
—The 1101.i'l4.,4 heart sickne‘s that set-
tler; on a man or woman whose nerves
ate shratered by diservat can hest be
pictured In contrast with a patient wian
hart been In the "depths" and he, been
dragged from them hy South American
Serval°. aeorge Webster, if Fore%t,
Ont.. rays4 owe my life to it.
disclosed and will not perform • their 1 hverything else failed to 4)11144 '-44
functions, man will seek in vale for
Irene( t-'"fhat know saved ina-
from 181)14rupt cy." .1 ewit
TenS hat?" 1 few tt--" fe treiett
the ee'rayagrint girl I was olgaged
strength ond woman for beauty. South
American I( iginf,y Cure drives out nii
impurities through the borly•s "titterers"
-repairs weak spots.-$"
vAicritclu 111-..-; 1 11it1T.1':.
Val thqoakes are MA So MX0111111 .n
in the ItritiSh 18101 ati litiFht be Stip-
1`03,t1. (it the (1,831 earthquakul
%%kWh have bre)1 reported in tho
world from the earliest tiineS Up to
1850, the Itriti.-h isles '.'.ere resp0n-
811)10 for ro fewer then 255. The
kliAtrict c.1 cotirrie, in l'ert1.!ihire, 'es
the favorite resort of the earthquake,
and in tke whiter of 18:19, 140 earth -
(Wakes were experienced in this leen'.
ity. Both in England and Scotland
the nutinnn is the commenest time
for eat thiplakee there have Leen
sevelit3-nlue in netimin, seven! 3. -four
In winter, feit-fiiiir in spring, awl
fifty-eight in seiettiter.
Con-erts are a nice thing to keep
tuan (ruin liming a good time.
Those whom neglected coughe
have killed were once ai healthy
and robust as yo:. Don't follow
iu their paths of neglect. Take
Consumpti 4V!
Cure Thonn,cu.„
tight now. It 1.; guarauteed to
cure. It hal eteed many thou,
Prices: 8. C. Wet.t..1 kCo. .'
14c 11 !silo N.V.. Tomato Con.
/SSUE NO. -17-735;--