HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-05-04, Page 1A
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t1►411•••••NNNNN•••••••• •414144141•••••••••••4141•4÷1÷1140 The Rodney Murder
Call and Examine Our Stock of Seeds
1e '
We have some fancy
Late and Early
Lucerne and Aisike
Just arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil
it will be to your advantage to examine and get
our prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13
Cleveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere
A Few Impressions
Jona Warns & Sella
Many times 1 lutve sten little tuts
of t and three years of age drink-
ing from their tiny stone pines or
PROM AN LIFTER I)OY NOW I\ partaking of the (iter (quart) which
the panus held for it A rather
:,Musing incident happened in my
oe 11 experience, and will boar re-
peating as it is no exception
;, reds ofof ,t:r, that might
Itodney, Out. April 27.—Alexander The peculiarities and tecett: t ici-
Willis and Mrs. Covell have been tics of any foreign domain :are
:wrested for the murder of Eliza gradually enveloped in the mist of
time, so that after mouths and years
For three hours the coroner's ser Of continual intercourse with the
y same they become as natural to one
were locked up arguin; the case, and as the customs of our childhood
their vcrdiot was the signal for the days, and it is only 1%hen the 'un -
instant arrest of the suspect Wit- shine of recollection penetrates
lis and the old woman. that mist that we distinguish the
All day long the inquest lasted, nets from the old, cud the acquired
The masses of evidence that have from rho natural, to that any who
been told and retold were taken inns find this sketch uninteresting
again, but the sensation came when I beg, 011 the :shove plea, to be ex-
cused. Cole, an aged farmer, swore cased.
that Alexander Willis had passed his The German auilit:try Lorre is out
house between 6 and 7 o'clock the .of the best equipped end well t rain -
morning after the murder. cd lowers in the world. Every
Mrs. Colo told the sante story, and youth is doomed To serve, except
littlr, Bella, 1Iieir adop(ed daughter, those who are so delicate and phy-
also. sically unfit t hat They cannat tnet:t
The testimony was a flat contra- the required wcasurements in the
Idiction od Willis' story of this move_ medical department. The length of
wen's, this terjn depends cu his education.
Then came (he evidence of Ur, If he has gone through she Gymna-
liarvey, the young dentist, who had slum (or High School) only ooe year
met the man before the Covell home must be. given for military duly. On
on the night of th:. murder: Ilia account of thin re trictivo the
straight -forward and uncolored story
laboring 01ass usually serve tlouolc
of his encounter with the man, and that time. so 1h'tt any young fel-
the belief at the lime and ever since low in the Empire whist give his
that the man he met that •night was country one nr two years between
Alexander Willis, made :a profounl the age of 20 and 25. They only
impression on the jury. receive some 6c. a day to compro
But the greatest sensation of all mise for this Toss and the severe
is the arrest of Mrs. Covell. Since brutality of the officers, who train
first she told her story of the crime them daily. Germany can put some
before the jury at the first sitting two million meet in the field in about
of the inquest, opinion has wavered 48 hours. The amount of money
het%%Ten the theory of mental dig- required to maintain such military
order and at attempt to screen some ambitions is enormous. The expen-
one. So Oaten; however was the diture every year is colossal. Nearly
conflict between her stories and so all the officers come from the no.
s whit her return to her first story bility or the best families. They
w hen confronted twit It a misstep, cannot merry hencath a very high
that the jury were convinced .that. standard. If he is financially pre -
she %vas shielding t he ;uilty man, vented then the lady to meet This
and so with the arrest of Alex, Wil- deficiency, must have a flowery of
lis came the arrest of Elizabeth Co- considerable wealth, inherited of
yell. course, for it is absolutely forbidden
Thy coroner resumed the inquest for any officer to marry e lady who
early ip the morning. has received any mercenary con.
Dr. Guest gave a report of the sideration in return for labor. I
post-morteutn examination. Death think it is some 60,0011 utarks(1?15,-
Gristin and Chopping had come of injuries to the brain, 000) they must Possess between them.
g pp g caused by glows front a club. The He is not allowed to carry the
Promptly Done. fact of criminal assault was not as- smallest of L:u•ccls 0n the etreet, nor
cured. The injures might have been use an umbrella, even the students
We are giving excellent sa- caused by stick or omit instru- consider it ungentlemanly to do the
l myna, latter. Several Japanese are to he
tisfaction in flour since re- The coroner, his jury :unl the au- seen in different Bavarian regiments
thoritics then moved to the Covell studying war tactics. 1 believe they
modelling our mill• honwstead, ,where they t ook Mrs. are to be found •loing the sante in
Covell's statement. She told iu ef- other civilized lands. Whether all
(ect the same story as on the day uf- that is expected of this - military
Lor the murder, how Eliza Lowery tower ,will coincide %with the Kaiser's
[1. Sweitzer had raised to replenish► the dire, how predictiortr can only be the knocking came at the door at a :active eervicc, and modern tvarfare
quarter to t welve•, the breaking of iv somewhat different (.o some years
the lock, the conversation in the ago, as Ftussia has found out to her
kitchen, the ;at t•tck upon her, the chagrin in the late cat ateroithiov in
intervent lou of Miss Lowery ;he•,Matachooria campaign.
the (tack upon .Miss Lo- Munich to a Southern Germ ini1
Miss Lowery, the attack 1111011 Misr simply the city of Mecca. thole one
Lowery, her own retreat into the loves its plain artistic avenues. so
house, the last cry of the murdered majestic end beautiful with the
Now ready for use, the best tt•otuan, the return of the murderer, Royal envirous on either side and
his second titlark upon her, his the old ruediaev:tl placer, of tworshfp.
flight, her changin. her soiled cloth- The hour( park (lith its fount:tInn
money can u
ing. the wait until daylight and the :anti paints, made so tnucD more
Y arrival of help, grand and subliwl by the hundreds
also All 1. his she told (wit h none, varix- of tarot doves which the children
lions from the original, for the set- feed from their hands. How rnrl-
most difficulty was found in get tine fully it has all hien planned and
any positive evidence. Only by sug- :artificially carried out, and then
geation could her story be rtecured. such a contras) when nue looks just
Alex. Willis stood before her in over the way and sees the superb
the clothes he enrt that night e- old English park. How awe inspir-
Hotnt•y, but she made no sign of re. in;; are its several square mile, of
cuWhenn, natural simplicity. flow proudly
When the verdict ,way ulnnunced this Wild hose stanch to vie in
twf v(re amort out. beauties with the hot -house Lily
Willis\Villin submitted himself to tLc across the street. But it is not to
.11 111le4 wit the a word, and pas 4. fer up prayers et the shrine of
ed Through the crowds that lined se' artistic f�teinalions that the
the street s 10 1)r. 1)orl:uld's office. r se
country pilerimazr to
Hr was Igen taken in charge by Dc- the Ilavarian capital. It is to fall at
ter.livr .1. R. Smile and left at the the feet of Bacchus :and battle
night train for St. Thomas. in beverage Gilled !leer.
Ise the meantime Squire Frank \tunics San several Ilcer Carni-
llunt procured another warrant :and rats, but only two are particularly
accompanied by constable campoelt not t•'1ortby.
drove out to t he Covell borne where The October Feast, as the 111111 im-
the old woman lay in bed. Benjamin flits, con'''s in the early autumn.
Covell was there, and his daughtor, The Hilt i!iott Feaset heralds in the
Mrs. Carson, 0f Detroit. spring in March. At these ttpccified
Then+ tw,ts t►o word as Squire Ituut Is riots rho tcholt city become in-
re:ld the warrant and placed Mrs. 1oxiC,ted, earrin;rthe (:erntanpolice-
't u. uall •
r r he t
ro y
Covell under arrest. nA calstMrs. mat, of rename, (was gel areal in charge, e, and a9 !Mrs. :asleep en duty. For 400 week!' the
Cavell 1c 1. s••rtified tun ill for re- forcer feast is held in •, large pub-
1 constable was detailed 1 u tic c, tens. Some fifty different
stay al the house. breecrite are represented by 1arge
Roth prisoners were formally rr. tents or halls, each having a .satin;
matted until Thursday, May re- capacity of thousands. Each hav-
For Terme ere. apply to 11 toll flee. trill appear at rho pre- int( hundreds of hogsheads consumed
1 limit.11 1.1 ()feedings iitfore Squire e'v,vy day. Ever) thine in the edible
limit. line it to he purchased. Some eighty
•I•Le serene'' urs'+ verdict read., 1':,rite ies of sensages are to be had.
Vr believe (hat fibres Lowerye•t• Ile,,ven 0(113 knows what 1!iese bnas
1nurde•red at 11 lb:: 11011(4 01 Benjamin o1 tny'slery Cat1(:1,111 Roasted chick-
` Covell, ,110111 one toile north of the ens and fish 0" tit'' spit, and'litter-
will wee or Rodney, 00 the lei 04 of ettt Mlle leave :t roasted ox on ex -
the 1St 1, or the morning of the 191b ltibilian uradu:tlly revolving on an
of April. 1'1(1.x, and we .strongly 5119- iron I'r.1nte over 1 heap of coal' :and
Peel t }, it 1lexander Willis mit-
ant- retailed at s•o much a portion. but
Intl toil I he minae, :it'd we believe the differ( fit hrands of cheese re-
thlt filiz'het it ('01'111 eeries %%l:o present the (worst derluitn"on
rottenit1(11 the Homier.„ earth, if (01y1'the 080" hren with-
in a nasal I,1s of thei, jutistlie-
$fi,tJOO,o00 tion you never forget it. In soave
\lfll NT.\IN GOES CONSERVATIVE gentle recess of the brain one eeem9
$3,200,000 At the Syr -election at Mountain, 10 conceive this unique odor for rima
..••$ T8959 Man. 1 1st 'foursday. McIntyre. Con- and week% atter being in its nei2h-
sere 41ive t%as elected Ly n majority 1onceod, hots wicked it scents to
Bapeti BD1LN, of 116 river It wird, Liberal. At the
8ep•ristaesle'tt et Branches general election in 1903, Greene ty'.
Liberal, WIN olelled by .1 majority
of alt.
T. 1-I AW K 1 NS & SON
an.••••• NM*MN***• NNNN••
ori. 1 _
to WE'RE
1 111 Mills
batt Ise are Suit buyers. We make the
else° you wear them out. We make
curt as well as we can. so that they
zot wear out sooner than they
t;. Because. it they do, you'll
" ihu, "RD somewhere else tor your
�ult. And no one could bame
,aQ much money ought leo buy
{quit worth. And Suit worth
M 7 ableness of fabric—style in
—flnisb—looks — dressyness —
endth of service.
Hf ;ood a place as there is within
to ggeet all this ebd not pay too
is W. Johns.
gent Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18,00.
Merchant Tailor
cond Hand Organs
+ and Pianos
Are *a 'his week 'e offer two second band
trout, tsos (Plane cased) and two second i -
ton U uprightdneatly
by e all in good con. I J. GOBBL,EDIGK
W, mon and neatly new
°1P At Bargain Prices
ne do: , d easy terms rat payment.
New Pianos and Organs
And ' Illwaus in stoGK
the T
At Exeter and Centralia
Cement and Lime
That b
Coal for Everybody
at lowest prices
,lisps great variety in style and price
'Mi- lowing Machines of the best
, makes at popular prices.
Call and see us
S. Martin.
The Times from not. until Jan, 06
for 75 cents.
Among the nee license inspector,
;appointed are Itols'rt Kemp, of Lis-
towel), in place of \Vt . ('lemic, 0i
North 1'erth : and \\'tu. eh ez, of
Morrie. for Fast Huron.
Manitoba & Northwest
Lands for Sale
The Saskatchewan Valley &
Manitoba Land Co. Ltd.
Largest Land Company on the
Continent, controlling entire Can-
adian Northern Railway land
Two Million Acres
wheat lands of
cream oft
the het a
The e
Western Canada
Parties purchasing now are
given until 1st of June to select
their land.
Land Agents Ocoee Main St. Exeter.
FBank of Canada
F ' rt1P1TAL (all paid up)
' '1"BQI.:F78131C(fe'nerel Manager
95 Branches in Canada
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
'Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle-
- en, to whom loans are made on approved names.
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the
T world.
\V ith.oul sleep 110•re can he no
bodily or 'mental vizor. consequent-
ly slreplcstntse is a d.nuerous con-
dition. Not/41g so surely restores
sleep a+ Ferrozone : 11's 14 4rnlle•s—
past a nourishing st ten heninz
tonic. Ferrot'ont' vi(-iIiJtel, every p.trt
of the body, makes the nerves le tidy,
completely rebuildn t -ht' system. The
eauee of sleeplessness itt removed —
health its refitorcri—you r art %%ork
he Gr6dt Nortb-
to hundreds t I
bROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont.
e 01(0(1, Coming home one evening
I met I he proprietor of our Pension
soutewwhet under the influence of this General Selling Agent.
(-sir., 0f barley. The cause of it.
he claimed, twos due to the celebra- Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
t len of a friend's birthday, he
usually indulged moderately, he said, Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos, Lands abp
taking only 12 pints every evening
hut on this particular anniversary a number of other improved and unimprovedNorthWest farm lands.
he had taken 2 More. He couldn't
stop at 13, that being an unlucky
ttuwhcr, no evened the score oy hav-
ing just one more.
Germany has 19,q'111 : t
Nearly one halt of this nuu,tee.:etc
in the Bavarian districts -28 01 these
in elunicl. itt 1901 manufactured 75,-
000,000. forty ;pillion of these
were Consumed within the city Now is the Time to PURCHASE
limits. $7,000,000 twig expended by
the i stytai :anis for thin drink in the Prices are Bound 'o Advanc
chow year. , So much for dry, (or
wl'01) Sttltititj0s'
SOwetintes „Len the sentinel', W ,
Eno lend, it i� cheeriE; and rc- give Actual Settlers to years in which to pa)•.y.
freshing for u, io note the heartfelt
sympathy itt tnifested by the Ameri-
cans here. What a thrill of pleas-
ure, %when in t foreign land, to un-
expectedly see e soft breeze gently
caressing the old Red, White and
1110e. No one can comprehend this
feeling but those who have exper-
ienced the same. The Stars andThey R E PlCKARD■
s seem i3 usually its companion
Tsteto go hand in hand as if • E.
protecting one another and if at
any time either of these are in need
of any ally they can wish for no bet-
ter ones than the well-,licipline.l Ger-
nem, Red (\'Lite and Black.
Munich, 11 iv tree
April 15th, 194;5.
$3.50 per Acre All the above lauds are being offered to purchasers
on very easy terms of payment and prices range
from $3.50 and upwards,
BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell in ell parte of Manitoba
Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
rings with the det1011nciation of a Stye Speculators t5 years f v ? lands. We .
$427 00 down secures 321) acres, (half section) «, choice wheat land.
.lN This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
$383.40 Secures 31) acres (hall section) choice wheat land to an actual
settler. No other payment required for two years.
A union meeting of tile East and
West Huron Teachers Associations,
trill he held is the Collegiate In-
stitute, Chilean, on Thursday :and
Friday, May 25th and 26th. Follow -
i;tg it; the pro;ramn1e' the best qualitythat moneycan buy.
'Thursday opening cxerciscs, Malt- Y
in[_.: minutes, appointment of com-
mittees. "Should 1Ite leaving exam-
inatint, as it was ten years ego Ill
restoredl" by C. Illuett, Crediton;
"The Metric System." E. McLean,
Clinton ; President's address, 1;. S.
Ifoward, Ill:tke; reading with etas,
Miss .1. Welsou, Clinton; Supplemen-
tary et -taint!, W. .1. Moffatt, Sea -
forth : report of delegates 10 O. E.
A., G. S. !toward and .hiss A. E. Coa-
sIt t ; "Spelling" Inspect or Tont,
Golcrich; "Monte birds", .1. 11. Cent -
croft, Rrussels; Representatives of
firm+, ego are :allowed to fiddles%
the• institute.
Thursday evening, i'arsident'•• u.1.
(:. 1". hovers, 11. A. Seafor:h
Music, vocal and instrumental ; lcc-
ttire, ''The Land of t11<' Maple',"
Rev. E. E. Scott, Galt.
Friday, election of officers, e1 c.
report of 1 he resolul ion conons ee :
"ilefiuitness, ac0ur,c3 .wild simplic-
ity in (relatin ," W. le Sou;lt, Clin-
ton; ''11ow to interest parents in
the new course of study," inspect or
Robb; "Writing," J. W. Westervelt.
London ; "Lights and shadows in
Abe teacher's life," 11. 1. Strang,
Goderict,: "Nature study." .1. For-
est and Mien A. F.. Consit1. Bills
Green : Promotion esemin160ns, G.
1{aird, ('Tinton, :null A. Scott, 1e:a-
forth; Quest Ifni d;atter, ins{aectors
T'wlat :acct debit.
THIS IS THE SEASON for planting Garden and Field Seed,
and we have a lull stock of every variety to choose from. If
you are in a hurry this is the place to come.
We are making a special run on Mangold Seeds. They are
The Lemon Bros.' Shows.
Ferry Mall woman or child w' l:u
known ;anything about circuses, :and
stet ever s:an• 1110 greet Letson Brom
11iIt be delighted to know that the
Fresh Groceries of the Best Quality.
Large Assortment of Wall Papers.
BI3AVERS BROS., Farquhar.
Strictly One Price.
Highest Price for Produce.
Von want to upend your money
where it will do the most good
Don't You?
Being a progreseivo person and a
shrewd buyer you aro always looking
for the best bargains
Aren't You ?
Theretore yon would be willing' to
deaf with us if yon knew we would
give you the best goods for the least
Wouldn't You?
Well then have us to deliver to your
home some of our new furniture at
prices that will
Convince You
Sideboards in Golden Maple, double Parlor Site, 5 niece', upholstered
shaped tops, 1; x 8t mirror•, as low as in best velours, $18.00.
Couches 0 feet 2 in. loo . ` inches
big "hoe r in all their eel Ina icence Bedroom Suites. 3 plece, golden or wide, upholstered io ve ours, fringe
and ex Mud grandeur, swill surely mahogany, all inch Dresser, iaz21) l all around. $4 50.
exhibit act Exeter, on >10oldt • �Sa • 1:, Bevel Plate , 1'L.M) Everything el
May g yth se in comparison
and precedes I1o111 exhibitions teirlt
the grandest moraine st (ret parade
ever seen since pastes were first
exploited. lit the great shows will
Furniture dealers arel Funeraleral
he even several nc11' feat 'tree (wheel
cannot be h1•1'11 clsee here. Those
1% he hove 14(411 1110 monster Duval-
apus pronounce it the greatest, the '"`""414. ••••••
••••••••••••••••••.•••••••strangest and most unique marvel
to tw Sing t he deep ocean ever gave
girth. The sh•lt'.=y fierce thoozh
hutch1 if111, horse -riding lion.Thee
itontart Ilippcslroutc, 4141 exact rr-
pt eslu01 ior1 of the Corse of ancient
Route And the modern races :it t ach-
ed to it, are at otter excitin(t, ex-
Iilar,lins:, suet in all chitin equal
to the. hest 1 (nee ruts on n 1n0e1-r,1
race-cotarse•. 'file circus, which con-
sists of one hundred Anel fifty nu,s'r-
iur acts, given by ane hundred) su-
perior arenie sears, rlgttires tierce
full how's in t% twirl' to 'live 114e44.
7'he Menagrtie 144 ill b1. .a deli:lit-
(111 study for all brit nis-
t•r 151110111.1.1.y
101'' 11i1d, gamee-aandrse stcortprange
iesato s than our people have ever
before la td se opportunity to see.
The show is gr.•,t in everything and
ant 111 in nothing.
4.0111 111110111. the pure a. rn09pbert•
,1 11 11 11014 foul combust ton. To tt het
adv melee it 'Meld have been used KEl' I' TIIF: BOWELS HEGI'LAtt
in Ihe „lap titres struc;le1 Torpedoes
are nothing compered to these an-
cient oral oric11 cheeses. If the pen i+
fniaht;e r 1 hat, t he se ort, t hen
%where doe' the beloved Frankfort
,K:,se conte int X hays are not need-
ed la perceive the different nil te
forme. \Vhit scope for 1 naturalist
in 1164 splendid soil fertilizer!
Icy 441('11 444udit•41 manoeuvre, tI,.
1,01 ter may be epptnache•1
The one are at difference hes et eel
the latter and former (vast ie that
Only tees grew is sold called Mkllva-
tor, 44thick is extremely etroma hav-
0REDITON BRANCH eat, ,tt•lp.—feel like new titer using ;1111u .mpg 10 per C4111. alcohol. The
Ferrosone. Don't put off—Ferro- tt•tt•tl beer has about 3. The major.� TinN.e front nmw until Jan. 1900
W. s. CHiSHULM, Manager. rosone coats 50e. per nna et ell dee).
ity of Iliv,tri:ans drink an suefor 7Jc.
cry; get it to -day. 1104 %iv t truce of this li uid daily.
1f your 'meets didn't move for t
tttek yu't ',would ix• prostratett. if
more than one elcay goes by you
come Languid, blood tete bad, hie .tt):
horribly offensive, you feel sick ,all
over. To remedy this take Dr.11ana-
41totee pills whiolt regulate t
bowels ;and cure constipation. Taken
:11 night you are cell i y mornint.
They purify :ltd cleanse the ey.<tr n
prevent he'ad:trhe, hillinu$neate and
sick stomach. Prompt and nrtatn
.110 Dr. llunailtnn's fills of Man-
drake -end Hut Iernut, 25r. lace hoz
fir five for x1.00 al et11 dealers.
Good Paint to Cover Good Paint to Near
40 shades in 15, 25, and 45c. cans
For floor finishing in (i transparent, non•settlitij and
noir-fading shades. In to and 75c cats,
From $3.5o up to $5.50
P. S. Tinsmithing in all its branches.