HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-27, Page 8'�ItiE hXETLk TIMES. APRRIL 27th 1805.
50 Cents'.
Piro wool Voiles, French manufacture, all the new
sha'lt•s, 111 geoenS, browns, Paris. greys, fawns, beavers
biscuit; blue, cream and black. Plain weaveq, twine weav-
es, canvas weaves, and fancy figure weaves. We believe
this is the best lot of new voiles shown in Exeter. and the
values are the best we have ever Owed on our counter's,
and i Ilk'
price is ()illy 50c.
Special Values
in new
Wall Paper
Special Values
in new
Special Values
in new
DON'T FORGETwe are selling ag !Its -
for Steel Briggs cele-
brated 'Turnip and Mangel Seeds. Don't take chances on
seeds that hire said to be just as good. The best and only
the best • 'hat we offer. Ask your neighbors what luck
they h ,, .r 't' 's bought from us.
,D1 v
Farm Prc>at.'.:, yes we want all we ( J .A..STEW,ART
can get. Produce just as good as cash ,•
(Mew reading natter appears In this space each week.)
After You
A savings account you will soon acquire the regu-
lar habit of saving, it's the start you want to
make, and if you make a start in the right direction, by opening a savings
account at o.le of our Branches, you will find it a great incentive to constant-
ly keep adding to your savings.
You will find yourself cutting down expenditures so that you will have
something to make the account grow. Our methods of adding the interest
to the principal and compounding it FOUR TIMES a year will help it grow
Bank special attention t
`the needs of
give farmers, cattlemen an
others wanting to borrow money for a week, month or longer as desired, Al
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensel) Zurich Gunton
Manager, Ezeter,Branoh
The Calendar
That spring begins on the 21st.
That doesn't moan that there will
be warm sunshine from that on.
Sometimes the right weather is
provokingly slow turning up.
Sometimes for a month or mere at•
ter the 2lst you are all the better
for owning a light weight over-
nt handy article to have
around, ,.nyw.ly.
A nice one costs $16.
Everything tight about it of course.
W. W. Taman
Merchant Tailor.
Merket Report, -The following is
tbe repor
t of Exeter markets. cor-
rected up to April 271 h.
Wheat 9Oc to $1.00 per bushel.
Oita :46 to 40 (tuts per hnshelr
to 45 cents per bushel.
Teas, Gn to 75 cents tier I•ushel.
Wan *17 per ton.
Shorts StO per ton.
Family Flour 82.85 per cwt.
Feed Flour, 81.25 per cwt.
Rutter 18 cents per. pound.
Egis 12 and 13 cents per dozen
11ogs live wciihl, e6.50 ler ew t.
Bogs, dressed ?e.25 per rut.
Hay. $7.00 per ton.
Potatoes, 7.I cents pier b.g.
ITte copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
1 adveetisementr accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week,
'I11t1RSDAy-, ;11'1112 27th, 1905
D. Hartleib makes a specialty of s
watch repairing. y
Mrs. Wm. Dauncey is confined to 8
her bed through illness. ►
Looks more like spring.
Monday will to Aruor Day.
was a bank holiday.
(To- lloeey'n Little Liver Pills.
Farmers report the spring seeding
nearly completed.
M r. W. W. Taut in spent Good Fil-
thy and t•.:Inler in Toronto.
Mr. hickey, . f Toroato, elk 1 311
friends here Sunday.
Jl;ss liana, of Ilr ..Il ford, warn ( he
f;u. -1 of Mra. (1)r.) Antos Burin;
1 he 55eek.
11r.. \V. Ilagsl•I.►� visited relativ-
. s at N lien the fore , pars of
11e. %%eve.
Ws. Curry, of the (turns church,
Si rola, was a aursl at 1Iic: pat•son-
:I ge. Monday.
airs. John Itawden, c( Itidgetown,
►►ere the guests of el r. aid Mrs.
Joseph Jiawden, this week.
The District Master or t he Ma-
sonic order w ill be in Exeter, on
Friday eve ' ir to ex -stains the
working cf 1 Le local lode.
A buret! ductor styling himself aa
"1'rof", accompanied by t wo or
three trained equines gave an exhi-
bition Thursday night.
If the wrime
her man would con-
tinue sending along the re kind
of weather as we had Sunday. he
will soc► 1* in our good Aram;again.
Now that spring has arrived and
e fruit trees need looking after. I
g to advise the public that I ani
prepared to d) spraying. LOUIS
DAY, Milkman and Market Gardener.
Court Poi vet., I. O. O. F. will march
n body to the Presbyter-
ial! church, next Sunday horning,
where a special sermonwill be de-
livered by Rev. Wm. Martin.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it falls to cure, E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 15e.
Mr. T. 11. Martin, who has been
laid up for sone weeks from the
effect of a fractured hip, is now able
to be about again.
Rev. Dr. Iiannon occupied the pul-
pit of the Crediton Methodist church
Sunday evening last. Services in
the James street church were con-
ducted by Rev. Henderson.
DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon,
Glasses properly. Office. Commer-
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday May 27t1).
Prof. Ellis, of London. took the
organ cf the Main street Mcvhodist
church last Sunday. owing to the
absence of Mrs. Illatchford, who was
attending the funeral of her enoth-
e� al. Lucan.
George Itunter & Ken will hold
another big cattle sale at Centralia,
on Thursday, May 4th, consisting of
nlilch cows, heifers, and two and
three year old steers. Extra good
It costs two cents to Fend •Metter
to friends or relatives at 0 distance
If you send one a week you pay $1.04
a year. For a dollar per year you
can send the Times, which contain,'
all the news of the district.
Dr. Butler, London, will bo at the
Central hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
Df a Y4th, 1905 all clay
for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con-
sultation. Eyes tested and glasses
GOoci Friday passed off very (
ly here. The drizzling rain, ken
people in their homes most of
day. The merchants closed
places of business during the
The followers of Isaak Walton
their lines and hook, but none
seen with any long strings nf
finny tribe. -____
Ent ranee examinations to
Schools will be held commcncin
June 28. The legal teaching
for 1905 are ; .turas actlools. 1st
Miss Cora Fowell spent Sunday'
with friends in London. t
t lie
i g h
ear 112, 2 d halt year, 89; utJan
oboes, lit half year, 122, 2nd half
car 80. According to the circular
ant out to teachers this year (bete
vill be no paper,' set for exami11a-
i011 in any of the classes in lit era-
urc, history, temperance end hy-
ivie, nature study .811(1 wri`in�.
Mrs. John 111,.1etiford received a
iessage last Friday nlorniu•; that
ntr 6 ►1 r � •
. t r s.•e
l.c of Luca'', n t 5•
ery' low. Mre. Itla1elifard itu-
Ic(Iiately left for Luo:ul, but i:,(ore
there, her mother had pass -
'1 away. Mra. Lce had been criti-
Illy ill for Home weeks wit herysipe-
a, very little hopes being enter -
lined for her recovery. ales. J,e
as well known own
here,and n the
I extend xt nd
their 1 sympathy
rm. Itlntcltford and 11►e other ntenl-
're of t lie family.
Following are those who spent
later with relatives or friends out
town :-51is4 Livinest ole, Myth :
r. avid Mrs. Tho". Itiggins, 1'olest ;
r John oho tt ..
t rtisell
Paisley W.
Dwell, Sarnia ; ,Mr. A. 51oot•e, Itan-
tnvillc,; airs. Ilunsfoi•d. 11,Iirton;
I4 5lisses hardy. New Ilanibutg:
r. .1. N. Howard, .and trite, ball ;
rs. Hudson, Palmerston : Mrs.
vane, Milton Evans and Louise
roes, London ; 4'ielori•i Miners,
d it. T. Jaime, Brantford ; %1r.
Brien, London : Mr. It. W.
eble, London : Mrs. Sheers, St,
l0rnas ; Hiss V4 11 rot!, Mt, Thomas
rs. Day and 1%10 ebildi ii, 1.011(1011:
es 5lillie 1(yndrn;.n, London ; Mr..
slier, Hamilton.
Mrs. R. 11. Samuel spent Easter
with friends in London.
Ernest Hill left •Thursday for h
'Winnipeg, 't
n c
r Man.. I herebe •
B will work. v
at his trade.
Miss Gilley and Rich. Gidlcy, jr., 'etching
were in Illy th taster Sunday visit- c
ing relatives, ore
Mr. 1'. \Veslaway, of London. at- la
tended the \Vest away-ililhorn uup-
tials, Thursday last.
Mo.. M
.1 s.
Flli t
t 1 ''
. r
u lch visit-
ed I Il
ed her sister the Misses Carling,
during the Easier holidays.
Mrs. W. T. Atcheson and Miss Oke
spent the Easier 11o!idays with their
brother, Mr. T. Oke, a1 Kingsville.
Mrs. .JohnItawkshaw� splint East-
er w•it11 Ler daughter, Vara, a Dun-
gannon, also called on friends at
Mr. and 51re. E. A. Bennett and
daughter, Greta, of London, )pent
the past few (lays 55ith relatives in
Rev. 1t. J. M. Perkins, .gave ata ad-
dress on "Odds and Ends" tit a meet-
ing of St. Clrcorga'a A. Y. 1'. A., :It
Goderich, Tuesday evening.
Mr. itobt. Muit Ind two children,
of Gowanda, N. Y. and Mr. Will
Muir, of Waterloo, spent the Easter
holiday tinder I he parentnl roof.
++++++++q :•++++++++++++++.♦ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Watch this apace Every Week.
Grow In Popularity
They are Down -to -date goods.
They do all their makers claim.
They are pure and good.
They rnake friends and hold them.
Our Tooth Dream is PERFECTION in itself and costs no more
than others. It cleanses and gives a pearly whiteness to the teeth
and lewves a pleasant taste in the mouth. Ment postpaid to any ad-
dress on receipt of price, 25e. Let's have a trial order.
J►CiT;'JlTW A. zsrT1s/D ICV21RZNirElt NEM in town and
inform' write for
i n form st ion Purity Mfg. Co. Exeter. Ont.
++...-4-:-.:-:•+++++++++++++++++++ 'i + J •!••F 1 •; ! •1 ; f p• t ; : 1'; '1 r hY 1 i t +
Quite a number of fro mer c•xe-
[erites %pont Lim Easter holiday, at
their homes here. Following are
snore of 0hcit1:-Mr. Joseph Bowden.
Mao Alt,ri(' Ileanr,n, Miss flo.sie
Taylor and Mies Elsie McCallum, of
Louden; Miss Nettie Walters, of To-
ronto; Mr. Druce Digitate cf Iiant-
illon ; Miss Gari is Anderson. of Lon-
don ; Mr. Orville Godwin and Mies
Fa a Code. in of St.
'I'homae! : dist
Gerlir Anderson, of London: Her-
man Neaman, of London t Thoma+
Jeckell, of London ; Nina Carling, of
Toronto: M hatter, of London:
George Willie, of London ; Mims C.
Mel'liersun, nf (tope nay ; Miss W.
Quanta, of Ailsa Craig: W. Drink -
water, of London : ; Misr Millie Mar
tin, of Auburn ; Mr. 55'. Moncur, o
Want ford ; Percy Hooper. Chatham
II. Hue( on, Waterloo; G. Dawn
lir ilitford.
Beautiful Showing of White Wear
Ladies' Gowns
Ladies' fine Nainsook downs, some trimrned with embroidery and inset
Lion. others with fine torcbou lace and cluster Lucke, full wide skit t. Prices
*1. *1.25. 91.50, 51.75.
Ladies' Corset Covers
Ladies' line Nainsook Corset Cover trimmed with floe embroidery and in-
sertion. full front. Others with Valencinnes insertion lace and beading.
Price 25c. 50c, 75c, 51, 51.25,
Ladies' White Underskirts
A great many different styles with deep embroidery frills and cluster
tucks. skirts with torcbou lace and ineertiou, skit ts with flounce and two
frills embroidery. All nettle of finest quality Nainsook. Prices $1, 51.25.
51.50 and $2.
Ladies' Drawers
Ladies' fine cambric Drawers:trimmed with Valenciunes lace or embroid-
ery with cluster tucks. Open or close style. Prices 50.. 75c, and $1.
Big Value in White Vestings
We have a big showing of white vestings, choice of newest spot figures
and effects• Splendid washing quality, 21k, 23c, and 35e per yard.
Pretty Lustre at 50c yard
A very pretty collection of fancy lustres in blues and brown shot effects,
spots and stripes snakes a sniart up-to-date shirt waist suit. Price 50c per yd.
New Curtain Muslins
Curtain wash net 3.1 in wide, with frill edged with fine lace and insertion.
Curtain muslin of line anality, 311 inches wide with tine open stitched edge,
deep frill, latest for tied room curtains. Price 33c per yard.
Bargain in Window Blinds
330 window shades in cream and 3 shades green, mounted on best roller.
Size 37 by 72 in., clearing at 25c.
N" LZ,I 8z E,OWM.1
The Tithes from now until Jan, 06
Lor 75 cents.
Mr. George Samwell was at Lon-
don, on Monday,
F. W. Gladn>an was at London, on
Saturday, on legal business.
Mr, Russell Southcott, of Niagara
Falls, is visiting at his home here.
Master Earl Soutbcoll, is spend-
ing Easter vacation at Mr. 3. Dins-
dalc's, Kippen.
Just received a car of Sampson
Portland cement.-H«unan's 1I:trd-
Ilorso for Sale - Good working
horse for sale, cheap. Apply to M.
Jackson & Son, Main street. Exeter.
Messrs. 1'. ltussell, Dickson and
II. Smith, attended the horse fair at
Brumfield, Friday.
Miss Janet Mut1,)rt, of London,
as the guest of Mr. encs Mrs. O.
. K. Mebeod Goo.[ Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Collingwood,
spent Easter holidays with their
friends in and :[round Exeter.
Itev. Godwin and 'laughter, Mild-
red, took part in the entertainment
of the Crediton Mct hodisi church,
Monday evening.
We are pleased to state that Mr.
W. T. Beavers, the genial merchant
of Farquhar, who has been seriously
ill with typhoid fever, it rapidly re-
Oh, father, deco Gather, come
home with me now ; the carpets me
out on the line, and mother is wait-
ing for you to step forth and per-
form with that right arm of thine.
The Mitchell Advocate has entered
its forty-sixth year wit11 the found-
er, Mr. \V. It ,Davis, mill in charge.
The Times wishes the Advocate and
its editor many years or continued
Qo►I, Coal. Coal.- staving a few
loads of the celebrated Hawking
Valley Coal left both for s•ovc and
heat, I will sell in ton loss at $0.50
and email lots at 56.75 per ton. First
come, first nerved. Orders left n
the office of A. Q. Itobier will i$!
promptly attended to. -11. Tars
itis very seldom and an unusu1
curette/1m to have four eeneraIio s
ttyfet her at cue time. Mrs.
\Vi tangs, of Exeter hail 111e hone
I his wreck, when she, her eon, Mr.
Ilenry Mornay, of Usborne, Mrs.
Collingwoocl, of Itr,Intford, d web -
ter of Mr. Homey, and Mervin, son
of ♦ rs
Collingttood, had :: family
re -union. l'holograph. of ttl►e
quartet lc were taken by Mcnior,
photo artist.
The elements could not hive Con-
spired lo give any more rtorious
Easter neather t fan prevailed Sun-
day, and it was takt'n 1[411 ndvan-
1ige of by the citizens of Exeter, •
and the h many visitor'', who sojourn-
ed Here over the holiday. The mutt
beamed down from 0 clear sky. The
interior of the churches vivre frag-
rant with t ile perfume of the deti-
rate spring flowers. Kprcial ser -
%icer 'neve held in all the places of
worship, and ware hell allended,
both morning and semina. Quite
a number look whet:hage of t he
beautiful weather t., visit the cant(' -
(cry, and not a fee sl rolled along
the river banks Injt.yin'r the balmy
spring air.
Easter Services. - Special Easter
services were given in 1 he Sl:,in-st.
Jlelhodist church, last Sunday. In
t he morning 1 he het vicar tt er(' Con-
ducted by lice. i14nderson, of Credi-
1nn, who 'Haven II 311 excellent ser
mon appropriate to 1 he occasion. In
the evening a son: service was given
:Ind much credit 14 due Mr. Gurnee.
tinder whose nl8negemenl t he musi-
cai part was conducted. 1'rof. El-
lis, of London, who took the organ
in place of Mrs. 1111tchford, unavoid-
dedly absent on +,crouill of 1he death
of her mother, showed tnirked 11111a-
ical ability. Mr. Percy \Vcstattay,
of London, who has decided to en-
ter I he religious field ae a 'Me-
sa -el Icy, asst a brief address. Solo+
by Misr Amy 3ohne, alio; limit on.
Misr Godwin and Misses rollick an 1
1(051 ird, weer beautifully render.; 1.
Ladies. are your blink raw and
more from house eleaniner Ilueey'r
Cre Im of hoses tt ill heal 4 here. 11 ,1
N not sticky rr gra;,ry, and "love.
may be worn a few montr•nl% after
,(plying. Only 25 cents a bottle-
1114wt•y'1 Drug Store.
Miss Millie Ilyndntan spent Easter
in Wyoming.
Mr and Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod, vis-
ited in London, over Easter.
Miss Sntit h, of Watford, is 4 he
guest of MLss Merle Gould,
J. G. Stanbury spent Monday at
Goderich and Clinton, on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, of Mont-
real, who h•rve been visiting the lat-
See how to make your [Honey grow
in the Sovereign Bank ad. last page.
Tho council did not make their an-
nual tour of inspootion, Saturday
The Ladies' Aid, of Caven Presby-
terian church, will put a new fur-
nace in the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. R. fickle, of Forest
spent (he holiday with the latter's
mother, Mrs. Higgins.
Mr, W. Mathereon, of Lucan, was
the guest of Mr. 'and Mrs. G. A. K.
McLeod, Good Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mantle spent
Easter with Rev. 11. W. and Mrs.
Knowles, at Fullerton.
Jirs, (Rev.) Ea E. Molott and little
daughter, of Chatham, are visit in;
:►'f the .Tames-st. parsonage.
Mss Lavine tinhorn, of Elmira, at-
tended the marriage of her uncle
Mr. E. Ifilborn, to Miss M. West -
Look at our market report,' and
you 'sill see that dealers in Exeter
are paying more for hoes than any
surrounding towns.
'51r. Fred Keys, and family have
moved from the Lake Road to t he
residence bclongine to Mrs. E. How-
ard, on William street.
The Rev. Mr. McKib)in, of Ailsa
Craig, author of "The Old Orchard"
and Mrs. SicKib)in were .the guest,'
of Rev. and Mrs. Henderson, on
Tt sday.
ust arrived.- A car of Michigan
jrota tDes, price 83 cents per bag from
car and90 coots from niece. As the
greaser part of then' are already
ordered, parties wanting an excell-
ent quality of potatoes had better
leave their orders at once. -A. Q.
Jtobie r.
Mr. :Ind Mrs. Alex. 'Taylor, of
Exeter North, has t he sincere sym-
pathy in (heir sad bereavement, the
toss of their dangleer, Elizabeth
lheler, who diel Sunday n t Wm.
Glenn jr's, mi April 23, in her 15th
year. Tinsr.IIon hat
y 1 been ailing
for three weeks with abdominal of 4'
flint ion. She was recovering nicely
tt••n. (•
and al
1 ti,I I.�'r t
t t up. Shortly he -
fore death, she had .Tressed herself
and twalt chatting will (hose around
her when she suddenly fell hack in
bed and expired.
\1 ' 1
II r -\1•.
w n c. -
taw. .
1 very
quiet 'nt v
t _
4oleutnized at 1 he
u of \
1r. and 1 .\1 rs. :1..i. Ford, on
Thursday, April 210 h, o.1 one p. m.
when the latter'• .i.;• r, Mery It.
\1'estaw •y (youngest d o bier of the
late 8ifI Iit'I Weetee..a) tote united
111 marriage 1r 51r. I:11 in N. 1111-
1 ►r Paris. K n, of anis. 'I Le r•r••nu►ny w•as
performed by 11"i %V. Godwin, only
t ht' most int meth 11 (r;orole of 1 he
contracting parlie1• tieing present.
The bride entered the parlor on the
arm of her brother, 51 r. Percy \Vcit-
away, of London, and looked lovely
in a gown of cream ctrl( -do -these
with trimmings cf ide red chif-
fon and rechinas, end carie.! nho-
quet of white costs, hes only at ten-
don being Master Charlie ford,
little nephew -of t he bt ide, who act-
ed as ring beer(r. After the ecre-
munJ' and cungrthtlaliuns had
been extended, guests to th.• num-
ber of 1 wenty-rix .at down. to a
dainty wedding d' 'Ir•. Tlie many
lovely ¢ills hosl05)41 were in evi-
dence .of the blabesteem nte ern 9n vrhich
t he bride 11.1 held drat h in t own and
with friends n1 I d:stance. \Ir.and
Sirs. Ililhr,rri IEI in I he •veiling
train for Preston. Ind ahrr a short
t rip, will make their Lornrt in Pari•.
The brine's twin! aa55 1) .20t5n ly-
ing of brown ebb art rn silk wairl
end green trimming,. The ynnn;
couple hive the lin.' 55i•1te• Of •I
hast of friends 551,14 join in wi.h-
ing ,here merly yr Ir., of happineee.
Mrs. Hilburn will Oe "11 home to
known to be the leading goods of Exeter. W
we have the most stylish up-to-date Ladies' White W
Waists at the very lowest prices. Everyone is welt
call and see our beautiful display.
Ladies' Skirts
Made of fine English Cambric with deep muslin tioun.
rued with four rows good Torchon Insertion and Lace 1.c
Another kind of best English Cambric with deep muslin
trimmed with four rows real wide best Torchon Insertion and
dust frill on all skirts, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, '$3.50,
Beautifully made and Lace trimming 25c, 35c, 50c, an
We have also the Dress Shield Corset Cover 75c
Nice English Cambric and Muslin, cluster tucks and embroidery 25e, i5
A big range to choose from
Don't forget to see them, they beat anything you ever saw CI
Very cheap 51, $1.25, 51.30. 52, $2.50, 53, $3.50.
sold out our first lot, we bad to order another big lot, Call and see tt.
"Couches and Rock
A Splendid Couch . . . $5.01
A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.5'
Call and see our new Shop, one door
of Spackman's Store.
Having bought out the Milk
Business and Good Will of
Mr. A. Dow. I solicit a con-
tinuance of your patronage.
With Fresh Milk and
/ Spring Medicines,--I)o you re
/quire :t spring tonic, a blood puri
fier, if eo we have a great variety of
suitable remedies in stock, and in•
vile you to call • 1 Central Drug
,Store. -C. Lutz.
\Services in .Lunn•' -sl. Methodist
church on Sunday last were taken
by the past or, Rev. I)r. Bannon in
the morning, 14141 i41 tbe' ,venins by
Rev. ,1r Heinle
ram, on of Crediton.
The n
hair e l ur det ;able
t h I('at1Cieh1
of Miss Itrow'n, organist, rendered
very suitable anthems. During the
eve g service a solo w as rendered
very effectively by Miss Lewis, en-
titled (11 "itessurertion Morn".
Miss Nina Cirliitr, dan4liter of Mr.
T. 11. Carling also 'Ian; in excellent
voice, and w it h pleasing effect t he
140(4),I e '
nitenceo .
An inspector (tom the Underwrit-
er's Asroci hien wished Exeter. Wed-
nesday afteriiwn for the purpose of
inslmctino our fire department. He
arrived on the evening 4rain trout
1 he north, and shortly .niter his
arrival the residents ware startled
by beating the fire :.farm. A quick
response "'as mrile and .tic engine
war Yet ten out T;1111.11y, but comid-
erable time was Inst in get tin; up
stean►, 17 1-2 minutes being the time
consumed. The local km where the
engine a pl iced, made a direct 1
draught impossible, an41 the fact
I hat 1 tori 51 a. Iia) mueh water in
the boiler also impeded matters. The
eil •oil t h' tinder had meet, •1 here so
long it had t vain), ascii. It has
been slip /Paled I111i a can of oil be
pistons in the rear of .11►(+ engine for
inunedi:IIP use. The inspector stat-
ed that t he engine 15 9. in 400d con-
clition, but that the Inc Ilion for the
teat twos not favorable, The Eze,er
firemen arc to he renter titillated on
their speedy response to 111e alarm.
The \orl 11 land depart ment male •1
quick run :ut,) 11.11 water in their
riends :it Ler ).note in facet, ,tir pipe. within :i shore trine •►fter the
sae let. efirst •.l,rin
O d. Si' . • Boils, l'imlde. and 14101ahes 'non 4
Bows the MI 14 Ye MIMm NH •lis 1l.pe.11 1411 11rin_ 110554.•'4 Com-
1,nUdn Ex1rack of s:I,sward! 1.
8ig'san _ ' � ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
This is the season of
when you will be t'
building either a house
and we would remind
we can supply you wit
Sash and Door .1
and all building materia
est notice.
Water Ta
If you need a water tank
call at our office ani get
leave your order. All size
Custom So
Customers who have t'
our yards and who wa.
sawing done, kindly call
mill and let us know \v;1
you want it.
Wood for Sal
Thc �
OLtd. 1
it pays to get a Practical*: I
cation and it pays to get it in '
We can do morefor
graduates than any other 1-.t
news College in the Province.
Commercial8chools employ)-‘
graduates as teachers, they kt.t
that the training given in '
instttuticn is the BEST. Et
now Write for free catalogue
W. J. ELLIOIT, prin 1
Misr Verl. . IG,we, spent, l•
with 1 r rind.,., lir. lfoI1oSw;.y I
11'ingl n
51r. 1'• npr,. from
int[ his aunts, \Ir-.
Mrs. Morrell, :,t Exeter, h•h• •
int(ndn to stay for n while.
Colorado. California, Pot tla
Yellowstone i':,rk. Specially t
ducted cxcurri'• a ''e he;t►g a,
ed vi 1. t he Grind Trunk i<
System in charge far c
B of expo'
r t
f r
All c
S ,(t •
n nalttr
Ie lye Toronto early
y in July.
Anail. t. it31e, is not .•xpect•
be over *250.00 front ToTOnf
net � hes- J or
h I . I y
Y .r
rultinu F:. 51. Boa le►, ti01x,P
tit., Tar Oil IO.
III e y(111 Neuralgia or Po
..n.1 4en if "eye
Ire hr.! I Le 4'. Mae. I(ow'e).'a