HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-27, Page 5THE 6XF.1. 6.R TIMES, APIt1L _I;tll Ayer's Pii1;. A! is Pills. yersPills Ayer's Pitts. Keep saying over and over again. The best laxative. Le°: , Wutyour1"° acheorbeard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE & ul brows or rick black? Use user fns s espeu ne tea r. arta. ca. edema. a a MIDICAL JW. BROWNINU, M. D.. M. (`.i . P. S., Graduate Vietutla Uni• ment. iiessay. office and rebideuence. Domluloal story. Exeter. TICEuIS IIEItEB1 GIVEN that LDg an application will be made to the Legislative As.embly of the Province of Ontario et the present session e ) tier f tot o for an 10l to tn- corpot ate a Company to construct. equip and operate :tn electric li to of railway to run in and through the City of Stratford in tho County of Perth. and front t he said City of Stratford in an& through the D.A. ANDERSON, (0.0• 8• L•D'$ townships of Downie, Fullerton, D1JNTIBT. Ilibt:ert and Itlanshard all in the g��Oraduste oath. Toronto Culwersity s:.id County of Perth and the To''vn- Royal college of Dental Surgeon 01 ships of Usborne and Stephen in the with besets Alto Poet gr County of Huron and in and through the Village of Exeter in the said County of Huron to t he Village of Grand Bend on Lako Huron, and al- so frons the said City of Stratford itt and through the townships of North East hope and south Easthopc and the Village of Shakespeare in the County of Perth, and the Town - Application to Parlia- DENTAL 11. KINVMAN, L. D. 8. AND DR. A. K. KINSMAN. L. 4.1PD. 8. D. D. 8., Hester Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth eztsaeted without or lad pule n. .00'.aSea:ta �cs in F bloock. West side of Main Week' Keefer u School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with Mkoedble mender'. �v.��p known to the Dental Profeeden se this office. Bridge work, crowns, al - tun, gold and vulcanite plates all done in neatest meaner possible. A perfect!, less anaesthetic used for painless extrac- one door eolith of Carling Drees store luster, Ont MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private fuuds for Invest. eat upon farm or village property a1 lower, etas of interest. D1uKSON & CARLING Exeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. ash We have a targe amount of private funds to can on farm and village properties at lowratee et Interest. OLADMAN & STANBL'RY Barristers Solicitor. Mals St. Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, ataa'Nster.. Bollcitors, Notaries, Convey _amours. mm OohwL:neve So or the Olson. Bank. Etc. ship of Wilmot in the County of Waterloo to and in and through the Village of New Homburg in the said County of Waterloo with n branoh line in and through the Towntip of South East hope to the Village of Tavistock in the said county of Perth, with power ; (I) To make payments in p:,id up stock or bonds for rights of way, material plant, rolling stock or services to the Company, or in furthering the un- dertaking : (2) to receive assistance from Municipalities or individuate by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth- erwise: (3) To manufaeturt', sell or lease electricity or elect tic power to any person or corporation or cor- poration along the line of f ho rail- way to Lean at lowest Was of interest. for or any of its branches, and (4) for other proper anti necessary in - OFFICE: -'•AIN BTKEET, EXETER. cidental 'bowers. Dited at Stratford L.U. DIe=9olr this 23rd day of Marcie. A. D. 1905. JAMES STEELE, Solicitor for the Applicants. N. a oatu.nre e. e. The Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mu cal Fire Incur- GRAND TRUNK ante cwmpanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President:—T. RYAN, DUI)LIN. P. 0. Vice -Pres.: J. A. NoRRrs) FARQUB A 1IP.O. F. MORLEY, WIIALEN 1'. 0. W.11. PASSMORE, CROMARTY 1'. O. WM. ROY, BORNHOLM P. O. J. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALE P. O. AGENTS. 3. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT. A. �D�rUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. •• J. ILsoN, FULLARTON. ONT. J. S. GILeereeAN, LV•CAN, ONT Railway System FOR T11F. \VEST Otte way tickets at -low rates, ot► sale daily until May 15th, to points in Montana, Colorado, Utah, Oregan Washington, British Coluruoia, and California. MT. CLEMENS MINERAL BATHS. Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every year for treatment of rheumatism. digestive troubles, and nervous dis- orders. Situated near Detroit. it is quickly and comfortably reached by the Grand Trunk. THE ST. CATHARINES WELL B. W. F. BEAVERS. The waters of this fimous well Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. are a great specific for rheumatism gout neuralgia, nervous prostration and also serves as a splendid tonic. Situated on direct line of the Grand Trunk. eleven miles from Niagara Falls. Booklet giving inforntttion on ap- plication to agent. or by addressing J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent. Toronto. J. J. KNIGHT. Depot tioket agent, Exeter. ++++ ++4-1-4-1-++++++++++++++++ '1�T J • _ } $t As the spring is coming on • now gather up all your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, horse Bair, Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to To Farmers and the Public in General "JACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan Hotel. That's where you will get the high- est cash price for thein. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHORTHORNS FOR SALE - The A7 undersigned has for sale on Lot 16. Con. 2, Ilay. it number of up-to-date thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls. They are of the low set blocky type. dark red in color and of rhoicc breeding. They are all ['W- ille for registration, and will be sold re ason thly. - John Elder, llensall I'. 0. FJIt SALE Olt TO RENT.- The iroperty on Hinsley terrace, Clinton, known as the Currie pro- perty. and consisting of 8 acres of 1•nd, with eight -roomed house, is of - fried for sale or to rent. All kinds of bearing froot trees. Just the place for a retired farmer or market gar- den' r. Will be sold cheap or rent- ▪ ed oilleireaeonable terms. Fifteen or ttvcntee. minutes walk front Clint on post office. Apply to 1). N. l'rior, Clinton. F011 SALE.-itrsidcnre and 8 lel. frith gond stable, everything in Eood repair. Residence recently re- painted ; also a first-class well good orchard, and ornamental trees on the premieres. The property must be sold as the undersigned is leaving town. For particulars and terms of s;tle apply to it. 14. Lang, Exeter. I•:.\('t11:TT. -- On Sunday, April 23, to `.h. 11.1 \1►-. 111.!. h:terett, Hensel, a daughter. KYLE -- On 8aturdty April 15th, !o Mt! end Mrs. Vermin Kyle, t;rb,,rnc, a daughter. 9 FAiM TO RENT Lot 22 First concession i:sbolne. 100 acres, now• all in grass, also store with Hay P. O. in connection to lease when goods are disposred of. I have now un hand a quantity of clothing. con - ;bee int; ,.f ready -in t l • suits. over- etcost. Golts etc. od Americanoil 16 am HOW offering cents per gallon. To much work for my age am hound to get out of the business. Apply to L. McTAGGART, Hay P. O.. JOSEPH WHITE Licensed Auctioneer. Counties of Perth Middlesex, Huron, Oxford and Town of St. Marys. Charges moderate. Orders left at his residence, Queen St., Sl. Marys. will be promptly al tended to. Phone 31 bis Rouse. Special attention given to live stock sales. Orders left rat '1'1e Times .will be promplly attended to. The lifeless body of Thomas We:►b a catrac1ed well kto..n in i.ondon, was found at an early hour, Thurs- day morning in a shed in 1 he rear of the Grand Cen4rat Itolel, corner of tang and Itidout street s. Web;'s death is supposed to have A,een caus- ed by an overindulfrenct' in drink. On Wednesday be w av under the in- (luence of liquor, :.rad neeording 10 the proprietor of the Grand Cent- ral, was, on more 1 h:,n one occasion ejected from the hotel owing to his condition. Webs :,1 7 o'clock in the evening was still in en intoxicated stale, and it is snpp:,it.I, that in- stead of goine to Itis tome on Tham- es street, he entered :, new mourner kitchen at t rte (:rind Celli rel anal lay dawn 10 sleep. iiAVE YOU J'ILI,y T)r. Leonh,nrdt's llem-Roil is an internal itenedy tint int irely re- moves t he cause of files, and cures to stay cured any cave no flintier how long standing. If you have filee and i)r. tacon- ite rdl'v llem-ltoid will not cure you you got your money hick. A thousand dollar guarantee ;nes with every bottle of Hem -Reid sold. 1f you want a perfect and perman- enteuro ask for Dr. Lconhardt's item-itoid, the guaranteed remedy. All llrugzists, $1.O0, nr The \Vil- son-Fyto Co., Niagar, Falls, Ont. General News The hell Telephone Company has offered Brantford $800 a year for a three years' franchise.. The by-law for the erection of a new totvn hall at Wroxeter carried by over two to one. 11 there ever was a epecifio for any one complaint then Carter's �i The Ontare> Legisli tut. adjuui ta- t d Thursday till Tuesday. May '_rad. Joseph Jefferson, dean of the American stage, who was ill for some time passed away at his home Palm Beach. Florida, Sunday even- ing. Mr.Jcfferson was the most noted actor of the present age, and commanded t Le respect of all class- es. Beep your bowels regular by the Little Live. Pills aro a specific for 1 use at>f Charuherl n's Stomach and sick headache and every woman Liver Tablets. There is nothing bet • should know this. Only one pill a ter. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Howey. The lifeless nody of Sydney \%-con, --�--- aged about 16 yearn, employed at the At the Conservative convention McGregor, Gourley Cotttpeny's tae• held at Edmonton, with a large tory Galt, was found Saturday number of delegates present, it was rdecidedbt , , sc nto morning n the hoist. where a was not (i o It �' „ 1 0 1oppose it. election of caught under the chin in some un- Ilou. Frank 0!ivcr. Dominion Minist- known and unaccountable manner, er (.f the Interior. and could not exlric-,1e himself. No one saw the occident. i/eceased was FOlt A %VEAle (DIGESTION the eldest son of :,n Elt'dislt f unity No anedicin ecan replace fool but recently n rrived there consisting of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber and eleven Tablets will help you to digest your children. food. It le not rho quantity of food COLI) SETTLES AN THE ItACt' taken that gives strength and vigor It ]tits people i a lender 'spot to the system, but the amount di - and makes it mighty hard t brace gested and assimilated. if .troubled up. Nerviline takes that kink out with a weak digestion, don't fail to of your spinal column in short order give these tablets n trial. Thous - it scathes, that's why relief conies ands drive been benefit ted their so soon. Nerviline penetrates, use. They only cost a quarter. For that's why it cures. Five times sale itt Exeter by W. 8. ILowey. stronger than ordinary remedies, can't fail to cure lame back,lun,- On 'fbursday night just beyond bago, sciatica. and neuralgia. Ner- Oshawa Junction. George Brown, viline is instant death to all muacu- aged 24, a convicted ourolar, while lar Lain. For nearly fifty years it in charge of Governor W. J. Sparks. has been the largest selling liniment of Sandwich jail, at a suggestion of in Canada. Better try it. ono of a small party of other passengers. dived through the open chart Beal.' Hardware Company window at the train traversed a Owen Sound, was completely des- down -grade at 20 miles an hour. troycd Thursday morning at 4 His keeper, who is 62 years of age, o'clock, together with the, contents; plunged through the window and also the offices of Dr. Howey, and caught hint after a short chase. the bicycle business of B. Greenwood Both Dr. Howey and Mr. Green- CHAMBERLAIN'S COCA REMEDY weal lost nearly everything. The TIIE BEST AND MOST former had no insurance, and the POPULAR Inticc carried only $500. Tho build- "Mothers buy it for croupy chil- ing is situated in the le&r of the dren, railroad men buy i tfor severe dose. Try them. The iron warehouse of the Ilut- hest business block in few the wind been blowing : whole block would have troyed. Total likes shoal partly ly insured. anal bee coughs and elderly people buy it for ali the la grippe" s iy Moore Bros., Eldon, en den- Lowa. "\Vu cell more of Chanrber- $C50,00u, lain's Cough Itemedy Own any other • kind. It seems to have taken the plot to kill the Czar anal his lead over several other good A have brands." There •is no question but kinsmenplc been discovered among this medicine is eke best that can the troops of the Imperial Guard. be procured for coughs and colds, Many officers are involved, the very . whether it be o child or adult that men upon whom the Imperial fami- . ly depends for personal safety. Got- is afflicted. 1► always cures sad cures quickly. Sold in Exeter by W. et nor -General Trepoff's secret , S Howey agents unearthed the plat, and ne-' sert that several of the conspirators! Tito whereabouts of John Barri- of noble 'birth, were in possession of son, formerly an Ailsa Craig farmer large quantities of dynamite. The • is c:atti-ing the man's relatives and discovery has unnerved the Czar at the police of Michigan much nnx- Tsarskoe-Selo. To insure prompt iety. 'I'!te police and tl:e wife of action in case of demonstrations, the the missing min alike are of the Governors and other officials of all opinion that {Harrison was murder - the provinces were directed to re- ed for It's money-. Ile had over $2, - main in their offices durin:; 1 h (:0) with hits when he left hie home Easter holidays, and be prepared for at Ilcckerville. Michigan, on March any emergency". 5th, and neither 'terrine) or the WHY TIIAT WEARINESS1 money have since been seen. You're uneasy, uneasy restless, without appetite. Still worse you aro thin and fagged out. Work must be done, but where is t he strength to come from/ Make your blood nutritious and you'll have tote of strength. Your only holm is Ferrozone, an instant bload-maker, blood -purifier. blood - enricher. It brut_, keen appetite, digests food and supplies nutrition for building up all the bodily tissue+ Ferrozone makes muscle and nerve - fibre, increases your weight, in- stills a reserve of energy into the body that defies area rincss or ex- haustion from any cause. To have virility and healthy vigor use e'er- rozone which all dealers sell in 50c. boxes. The latest political rumor regard- ing the future of Georgie W. BONS is that he will retire from political politics altogether, and be elven a seat in the Senatorial Red Chamber at Ottawa. el r. Harcourt will, in the ordinary course of events, suc- ceed the late l'►•e►nier as .t he leader of the Liberal party in the Provin- cial politics. Ile has certainly taken the leadership of the )louse t hie session in a manner to show 11.at ho intends to keep it. Mr. hose is, despite his trip soul h. far from a well man, and feels himself, as no •ray of his friends feel that he is n•► longer able to stand the stress of political !eldership. 'That he hai been anxious to retire for some time back is no secret, end 4he present is considered an opportune time. Locals tlr. T. It. ('arlirt•r Qperlt E.:stcr in Toronto. Mrs. John Fo .ns spent the holi,l ay in London. Mr. IH:atry (towers, of Ingersoll. was t. he •ou,.l --f Mr. :and Mrs. It. Seldon. qtr. \CIll. !Mitchell, of Mention, spent the feaster vacation with his parents, Slttital street. Mr. el. Dolmen anal it i.+ }Tolman, of Egn►ondville, spent the past week with friends in loan. Miss Margery Hepburn, of Cen- tralia, is spending the Easter holi- days, at it It her cousin Mis•, Illanche S hcc re. Mr. Ed. Coomhcs, it Rile working at Lite Ross & Taylor mill lied hie !tend severely crueller! elide rolling a log. The injured member is now doing nicely. Mr. Ii. Smith recently sold 4 o M r. Samuel Cudmore, ( 1 1'shorne, a very fine Shorthorn bull. The animal was sold at a good figure, and is an excellent a,ock bull, Mr. Smith swi- ng noted far Is.; know led r.• of too.1 stock raising in Ilay. CeAIdTOAXA. Bean tDeC'�ba It -I Y:u Hats Always Bought 8ignatere RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY ITELIEVED 1'he excruciating pains character- istic of rheumatism and sciatica aro quickly relieved Fay npplying Cham- berlain's rain Balm. The great pain relieving power of t he liniment has been dile surprise and delight of thousands of sufferer .. Tho quick relief from pain which it affords is aleae worth many 4 imes its cost. For sale in Exeter by W. 8. Howey. William h1cL— sift, a hostler, was attacked by a stallion in the 1)ake Houma barns. S1. Thomas, Thursday afternoon, and bitten and starnpel upon, receiving injuries which may prove fatal. One arm was dislocat- ed at the elbow and /he flesh of the other torn off, and the aro) nlmost pulled out 4 f the socket. Ile was also cut and bitten on the face and hands. His condition is considered serious. • WHAT IT IS The Mucous hlernbr:rino and the Im- portant l'art it flays in the Health or Sickness of the body. The mucous Membrane is the inside lining of the body, end of all its ves- sols and organs. The moment this mucous membrane becomes out of condition, ever so little, illness, fol- lows swiftly, in some forst or other. In ninety-nine casts of n hundred disease has its beginning in some de- rangement of t his Mucous Mem- brane. It .is very delicate and extremely sensitive, and consequently very li- able to disease. If you aro not feeling well you may be sure that the Mucous Mem- brane of some organ it s:ck and re- quires immediate treatment. There is one medicine /hat is in- tended t o act and does act, direct- ly and curatively on 1 he Mucous Membrane. it is i►r. Leonhardt'a Anil -Pill. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, aid Con- stipation disappear as FOotl as Dr. Ieonhardt's Anti- fill has restored the Mucous membrane to its natural healthy condition. 50 cents a bottle at all druggists, or the Wilson-Fyle Co., Niagara Ells, Ont. Solo agents for Canada. No e, STEPtIEN SCI1OO1. REPORT. The following itt the result of the promotion ex,rninetionn for A. S. No. 2, Stephen. Promoted from and to 1th, Required marks, 415. Olive King 614 ; lierwl_JIM, 4119 ; ,Mary ('it,mbers, 162. Promoted from 2nd to 3r41. I e• quired marks, 315. Eli Sims, 11:1: Jamie' Carroll, 401; Lillian Stehle, 396 ; Ethel Sims, 393 ; Percy Lawson, 3811; Tilli:' Ede,rd., 35'I. MAI{\ ItO1tEItTSON, SODOM T^.a ^her. -'liss Graham visited with friends in (:oderic1, during the holiday.. To Cure a Cold in One Day . Take Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. d /�1,/every Seven Millen llrozes soli In pest 1= months. TAIs signature, • . / �' 1 Huron's Best Breeding Stock Note -A free notice trill is• ill - belled in the Times for t wo weeks to those securing t heir horse bi11s at t his office. ALItION ill. 1, a beautiful bright hay and is a h tndsouac• Shire horse. six years old. Will etaud for a limited number of orates at his own ratable leash - Wood. WILLIS& GU'ENTITEIt, Prop. "LORD HOWATSON Lord Howe t..on, No. 11406, is e beautiful bay roan, while face, 16 hands high end weighs 1900 Ins. !Moseley he will leave his own stable, Centralia, at noon and at Eli Coultis', Con. (i, Usborne night. Tuesday, Wm. 1f oady's, Con. 5 and Wnr. Mon teith's, Thames Road. Wednesday -R. llorsley's, Con. 5, and T. Itandford's, Exeter. Thursday -Abe Iia gshaw's Con. 4, Stephen, and Bills, hotel, Crediton. Friday -Wm. Flynn'e, Con. 4„ 11ic- Gillivray, and his own stable, Cen- tralia, where he will remain until following Monday noon. THOS. E. HANDFORD, Prop. SAMPSON Sampson, Vol. 21749, is a dappled grey and weighs 1800 pounds. Monday, he will be at Geo. Rook's 2nd concession and S. II. Hodgins, Con. 3, Biddulph. Tuesday, Mooresville, Centralia, Devon end Mciseac's hotel, Credi- t on. Wednesday, Kind and Shipka. Thursday, Dashwood and Zurich. Friday, %Vitt. Chapman's, Hay, and to his own stable on ThIpt- es Itoad where he will remain unlit the following Monday morninz. See route bills for further ler- Oculars. JIIO. FIIAYNE & SON, Props. Exeter North. NATEBY PRINCE II Nateby Prince Il., is a i►eautiful dark bay, 16 hands high and w•ci qhs 1800 lbs. Monday, John leellanit's Town - line. Bla-nsherd and \Vm. Atkinson's Con. 12, Usborne. Tuesday, J. Johns, Elintville .ond Wm. Quintc.n's, 5th Con, Usborne. Wednesday--- and \V. Smith, Mooresville. Thursday -Centralia and Crediton Friday, .Jas. Walker; London Road and. Satur(lay.-A. Neil's, Con. 7, Us - borne, and to his own stable. Far- quhar, until following Monday morning. IIANUF'ORD & KAY, Props. $100, I''OIt T'iROOF, NOT BLUSTER. Mr T, 11, CARLING, X, Reeve, In his communication.' In the Exeter Times April 20t1, 1905, Ilan laid a char ¶e against Inc of Putin; in a boeue claim against the corporation for $2,65c, for an overch•trgo on the ex- penses on the cement walk in front of my place, I will give T, 11, Carl- ing the above Offer, To i►rin; genu- ine and reliagle proof founded on the basis of t he Not ire and Ity-Law 40 per cent. and 60 per ceni. that my claim is a hogus one, But if he fails to produce said proof delivvcr- ed at my house on or before May lie 8th 1905, Two 0 Clock l'tn Ho can settle with me on said day, by paying to me the surra of $l00,00 and makcing retraction. There will be no retering to the Soicit or in 1 Itis Case, My _Ielters will myself for 4hemsely- it. Itt.A'fCBFORi). PAINFUL PERIODS Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such Suffering. More than fifty thousand women have testified in grateful letters to Mrs. Pinkham that Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound overcomes pain- ful and irregular menstruation. It provides a safe and sure way of es- cape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. The two following letters tell so con- vincingly what Lydia 1:. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound will do for women, they cannot fail to bring hope to thousands of sufferers. Miss Matilda Richardson of 177 Wel- lington Street, Kingston, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Piukbatn:- "Some fair year; ago my usually good health began to fail. I had severe pains lu my back, my head ached, 1 would have dizzy spells, and during Inv monthly periods I woulsuffer intense pain. I was advised to try Lydia E. Plnlrharn's Vegetable Compound, and Ism so glad that I did, for it brought new life and health to rue. My monthly periods were natural and painless, and my general health improved. I have not hail an ache or a pain since, and I feel it a duty as well as a piastre to tell you what your medi- cine has done for me." Mmo. Louise McKenzie of Mount Car- mel, Montreal, Canada, writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham•- "I had beard so much good about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before While no woman is entirely free from periodical suffering. it does not seem to no the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Menstrua- tion is a severe strain on a woman's vitality. If it is painwtioirshirorteagdulbaer something is wrong set right or it will lead to a serious de- or %hat your medicine has done for me." rangement of the whole female organ - Such testimony should be accepted Compound stands without a peer as by all wotnen as convincing evidence that Lydia K. ['inkhorn's Vegetable Nr:onarnedeny. for all the distressing ills of The success of Lydia E. Pinkham'S Vegetable Compound rests upon the ‘wvieilrill-eena.rned gratitude of Canadian When women are troubled with irreg- ular, suppres.ses1 or painful menstrua- tion, lencorrInea, displacement or ul- ceration of the woznb, that bearing - down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache. bloating, (or flatu- lency), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration, or are beset witli such symptoms as dizziness, faintuesit, lassitude. excitability, irritability, ner• yousnees, sleeplessness, melancholy, they should remeinber there is one tried awl true retreely, Lydia E. Pinkliarnie Vegetable Compound at once removal such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinklitun if there is anyt about your sickness you do understand. She will treat with kindness and her advice free. No woman ever regre writing her and -she has hei thousands. Address Lynn, I started to take it f -,r painful menstruation so that when it curd! oto 1 was not surprise,, 1 had suffered with blinding headaches and pain until it soerncwl that I u,ust serest. Those pains lasted from flee to ten days every month, and you earl understand how glad was to get relief. I am in the brat of heahttt and am pleased to Five you this teetiulutdal Ask Mrs. Pbkkan's Anka—A Woman Best Understands a Woman's 81111, About two o'clock Friday morn- ing fire was discovered in the large saw mill owned by W. C. Harrison, of Norwood, and in spite of every effort, the sate mill, shingle mill, ;Ind electric plant was completely destroyed. A conservative estimate placcs the loss at eight thousand dollars. Mr. Harrison carried noin- surance. A GUAItANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro- truding, I'ibes. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plication gives case and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 500 in stamps and it will be forwarded post pall by Paris Medicine Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. Five hundred Hamilton children did not enjoy the Easter holidays. They were ordered to br. sarin deft by the health board. • ABOUT RHEUMATISM There are few diseases that in- flict snore torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been suegestod. say that it can bo cured is, then - fore, a bold atatement to make. but Chamberlain's fain Balm, which en- joys on extensive sale, has met with groat success in dile treatment of this disease. Ono application of Pain Balms mill relieve the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to 'permanent cures by its use. \Vhy suffer when Iain halm affords such quick relief and costs hut a trifler for sale in Exeter by W. el. Howey. 1••4 •• •+•fasts.•N••.NN.•.••N....••.•e••••••••••• • ?.CIAMOND FOR • PERFECT •• Z • • DYE S DYEING. Z HOME : •ESt • EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BT. _ • ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND" • TAll Druggists and Dealers.TAKE NO OTHERS. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .1.112 •••••••••••••••••••••••••1 !••••••••••••••••••••••••$t = TH 1'1OLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliantent 1855). CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • 53,000.000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • $ 49 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Albert*, British Columbia and M anitoba EXETER BRANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 A. se to 3 t'. se except Saturday 10 I. W. le 1 r. M. Farriers' Seale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied On application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Urcat liritaln and Cu Ited Stater. bought and told at lowest rtes of exchange, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of *1.00 and upwards received. interest corn - pounded haltyearley, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. tie poelts Receipts also hued and highest cnrrent rate. of Interest 3110teed. Advances made to farmers t tswk dealers and business sten at lowest rater and on most fa'orable terms. Agents at Exeter for Isom. (levcrntnent. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••r 1 PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND PURIFIES THE BLOOD. B RACES THE NERVES. B UILDS UP THE BODY. $ MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL IN SPRING TIME. For PAINE'S ALARM= For The Kind That Has Made Such Wonderful Cures.'