HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-27, Page 41 THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 27th 1905. s 6omoouod Extract 01 &IrdpdrIIIa hispp reparation is purely andexcellent etable an e ( t a edy for all diseases of the and blood and fc,r gen- debility. t enriches and vitalizes the (i. It renovates the to system and restores r an(1 healthy action to ry organ, For Sale Only at. rownin rug Store he Exeter Times LENUAIt FOIL APRIL, 1905 Y 2 9 10 1 30 AY 3 10 17 24 AY .. 4 11 18 25 %MDAY.... 5 12 10 28 DAY....... fi 13 20 27 Y 7 14 21 28 DAY 1 8 15 22 29 URSUAS, APRIL 27th. 1905 NOTE AND COMMENT ie conservatively estimated, a recent circular from the Un- tntes Department of Agrioul- "that seven -eighths of whet d as maple syrup ii a superior ." The figures show it. ELIMVILLE t. Orville Snell, of London, Easter vi it Lia 1peretrta. r. Clarence Snell has secured a tion in London, and left for place Monday morning toeorn- his new duties. r. and Mrs. James Coiling- , of Brantford, attended the anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. rt Ilerdnr:ul on Friday evenine. Ir. \Vm. Snell Ban purchased a colt from Joseph Amy. tr. Benson Williams is making ara1ions for repairing his barn c spring stedinr is nearly com- d, and t hie week will sec it n. Mr. and Mrs. Herdman enter - (1 a number of •t heir friends Friday evening. it Seine the anniversary of their wedding ads from ilrantford, London and tier were in attendlnee, Several este were given them as a te- ler of their thirty yearn of wed- tt'.ppinesa. The evening wan n+ in games, music and social 1, and everyone left isi.,hine: Mr. Mrs. Ilerdtn'ut many yeere of -avid joy. SIIIPKA ND'. Win. Holt i.- snaking tire - miens for putting a foundation er his house this summer, Le also ends putting up a tare kitchen rJlessre. Sam and Wren Shear - µt It, of Goderich, spO tt Good Fri- tith their brothere .'.-1•aw, Mr. Pickering. -Mr. and Mr.•. T. G. 11lr:t:,i . of 6pndcboye, epe.nt bund,y 1' i1 seet- g frie.nd.e in this vicinity. -Our village inn -keeper lied quite exciting experience wt'h one of is customers, who became rather erttly, on Saturday last. -Mr. S. Sweitzer, who has a large 1/Ther of leas to saw this sprint. Attn& starting his r•,w-mi11 this C^t:. -Our enterprising 4arre.tlie•r. Mr. 11ro;eltey, lets purchased from Saw - er-Jtnsscy ('omp•1ny a Targe trne- 011 t.Ii lne al,o a ,{rain separnlor i!h sclf•feeder and wind -sticker iu minrrtion. NEWS FROM THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY Irl Fele 01' INTEREST HERE AND 'THERE FURNISHED Itl 01 1; O\1'\ COB ttEJsPONDEN.TS 11ENNALL U. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Couveyau cur, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent. and Usurer of Marriage Lia.tr.lm. Leisal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money) to loan as real estate at low rales of tannest. Mee at the Port QIDce fienaal; -Mr. Will Kemp, of teafortli, slant EIS ter ut home, -Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie. of Lou - dun, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Stile. of 1 his village. -Mrs. (Tolbert, eye Miss Fulton, spent Easter with her mother. -Mr. A. II. Kink, the gonia' G. T. It. agent, spout Easter with Lie par- ents at Kincardine. -Rey. E. A. Shaw prOlelled an ex- cellent eerurcut at 13et head l .&, fill, - (ley het, -The Easter services held in the Methodist church were exceptional- ly fine. The morning nicotine u•31 distinctively an leader service. A Ff I rice of praise was held in the evening. The choir under the able ( leadership of Mr. Wm. St.onetnan, • rendereddrenderedin splendid formevery , . 1 number of the service. Miss Annie IWren, organist, also rendered a charming instrumental. Iter. Dr. Medd, was at his best, as he always is. The congre_ation packed the church. and the keenest inter:siin both services sots clearly manifest. The decorations of lilies were kind- ly made by Mr. Harburn, Ilorist, of llensall. The plate offerings of the day were taken to pay for the new S. S. organ recently purchased. -Next. Sunday 1)r. Medd %vi(1 speak ill behalf of the W. M. S. and the Lord's Day Alliance. Every- body is invited. - Mr. John \Vrcn, 13. A., and wife. principal of the Leman high School spent Easter at his father's in teis villgaee. -Mr. Farrow, wife and daughter, of Stratford, ore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Trott. -Mrs. (Itcv.) E. A. Shaw, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Stoneman, Mrs. (Dr.) Dlcdd and Josie, Mrs. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ortwein and Ellie, Mrs. Stnallacombe, are among those w'ho spent Easter away from town. -Mr. aitd Mrs. Dont, of Mitchell. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Suther- land. -bliss Annie Beck, Miss Mitchell, Miss Bush. Mr. Lindefield were all hone from London for Easter. -Rev, Dr. Medd preached on Sun- day afternoon at Kippen, in behalf of the Education Fund. Over $12.00 was taken. -Mr. Oliver Geiger, of the Sover- eign bank, Toronto, spent Easter with his parents here. -Miss Sarah Btackall is visiting friends in Brussels and St. Marys. -Mr. J. W. Miller and Mr. J. C. \Vood returned home from Manito- on Saturday, and report a good trip in every respect. They received the greatest kindness from many fortner residents, who are now resident.; of the far famed west. -Mr. and Mrs. Jageph Hudson were in Pores( last week visiting their daughter. --Miss Mary Carlisle and Miss Flossie Feet, lett last week for St. Catharines to at tend the wedding of a reI'Itiye, Miss Black. - Mrs. Pearson, of London, is here M visiting her parents, Mr. and n r.1. Win. Moore. - Miss E. Johnston spent the East- er holidays with her slater. Mrs. 13. Short, of Woodstock. - Miss Beatrice Urquhart is in London spending a few days wit h relatives. -Miss Washing(en, of Clinton, was here last • eveck visiting Mies Harvey. -Miss Dulnlage. of Toronto, spent the Easter holiday's with her sister. Mrs. Hopper. -Mr. Joseph iludson. of this place has sold his tillage property in Hills Green to Mrs. James Jarrett. who is a resident there. -We are pleased to see Mr. Wal- ter Lancaster in our village again feeling inuels improved in health. - The Misses llararthur, of To- ronto spent the Easter vocation with their parents. FOR OVY.ItS1XTY l ItiAltii AN 01.n AND wmlt�Term It:elsnv.-Met lastow's Soothing Syrup has been aged for Per slatyears by millions of mothers for their tfldren while teething, with pertain gnomes. pothes the child, softens the Rome, •Ways all tin carol wind colic. and 11 the beat reined, r Diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste /Sold druggists in every part of the world. fli nisi' bottle. ik�rTaains be incalculable, Be ire end take Mn Winslow's Soothing rrur and ask for no other kind. ,vers Impure blood always shows If he skin then here. f t bM t0A1 , botQIm pimples, I rashes. if the Its � nerves, then neuralgia, ousoess, depression. 1f the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dysp:piia, biliousness, loss of p' tits. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. Ititerate�(t from tbs ('user war. f wins a pp.rr..t stow. M SIntA wsi br.d, ar:4 u,y 1•.1lth was tone. wt a few boittes of A,• is Sarsaparilla centp -.sty es»d me IT. r- Pusnl.te, mr: antoc, ra. • to • l.nttle. a. i•.. A T ER .h.. 11 druggist.. fol• t•�•1:='i.aw Impure flood 4 ttt1� Sarsnparf la by keettlnt thG II regular wlth Ayr A 1'.;:e. - Mr. Heffernan, of the London road, north of here. h1A rented the Commercial hotel, and will tette possession of it about the middle of next month, -Mr. .lames Ford, and his hiller. Mime Emma Ford, of Tuckeramith, left on Wednesday for Wileallania Dakota, where they have relatives, and intend spending the summer months there. - Mrs. (itev.) Smith has returned from Lucan where she has been for a couple of weeks during the ilint•v, of her mother, Mrs. ltossack. -bliss .1es"ie McEwen. daughter of ,lir. Duncan McEweei. of the Lon- don road, near here, who has been in Glencoe for some months visiting her aunt, Mrs. MeAlpin, his re- unite! home. SHARON -Nils% Nora llrowti visited l.er rou"in Miss Edith Gr(y, of Mcrepl', over Sunday. 4 t Johnson. of London, -\ -Mrs. t. II11 Orl .i 1 .o w' 11 'days ,t ., ,cndin tt.^. Easter Bol► 1 u her mother, otlscr Dir.. Jane Kest le. rind "t her friends here. -Mr. Jcaseph Dauncy)* iv confined tet hi room witi. pneumonia. 11iv many friends hope for lois 1pccdy rc•- r every -Mr. and Mrs. i -ff Fisher, of 1'-. spent Sunday st 1111 DIr. rand 1 I ► ,.iah Kest le. -- Ni Nora Brown entertained .1 stunt! • r of her friend. on Wedne- ! ty eveninc last, it beim; Iter nirtLd.t. The evening was spent in music ,r1 games, after which :ill sal down to a heauliRll supper prepared for the ()erosion. All meetned to enjoy 1 hrtn- (e!t'ee. -Mr. and Mt s. Nelson Kestel end Limit) spent Sunday with Mrs. Jane Kest lc, of Hey. - Joseph Atto sold n three 51 .1old colt .10 Mi. Snell, of l's - i; ter•, fora good fizure. 'Nit. Chris. Baskerville, of Cen- t roll1, visited Mr. and Mr'. Eilne C1t1'.U1TON TO INTENDING PURCHASERS OF SE EI). -We have for sale a stock of specially selected led Clover, Al- sike, 'Timothy, Alfalfa, Kentucky Blue Grass. Politica and Hungarian seed which we offer at reasonable prices. We have the highest grades obtainable, -C, %WICKER, Merchant. -The Educational sermons were preached in the Methodist Church t wu weeks ago by l he pastor, to good con_rezations. The financial response to Mr. Henderson's ap- p/•al in behalf of the Educational Fund was over forty per cent, in idv•enee of lest year. -The P!!e!1Otiery meeting, On Thursday evening was quite suc- cessful despite the stet weather. At% Auxiliary was organized by Mrs. Marshall. of Kirkton, with the fol- lowing officers ;-President, Mrs. Isaac hill ; 1st Vice -President, Mrs. Jas. Hudgins ; 2nd Vice -fres., Mrs. (kev.l .1. Henderson ; Bee. Secretary, Dirs. C. %w ickcr ; corres. Sec„ Miss Olive Turner; Treasurer. Mrs. Geo. Clerk ; eiuperinterutent of Systema- tic Giving, Mrs. E. Short. The next meeting will he held the first Wednesday in May. -Among those who spent the Easter holiday out of the village are a.liss Ella Beaver. Myrtle Clark, August Huhu, Sam Kuhn, at Detroit Ira Brown, at Plat 1grille, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock. at Hamilton; Gottlieb Brown. at Woodstock; 11. K. Eilber and William England at t'bly, Michigan ; Miss Clara Fabner, at Loudon. - Master Wesley Finkbeiner, of llderton, spent the Easter holiday under the parental roof. At the annual conference of the Evangelical association, ltev. 0. I). Dame) was stationed to remain the fourth year. - Miss Salter is spending her East- er holidays at her home in Parkhill. -Mr. J. 11. Holtzmann leas this brick work of his new block com- pleted. and when completed will be one of the best buildings in the vil- lage. - Mr. Chris, Finkbeiner and David Wein are spending a few days in the village visitint friends. -Mr. and Mrs .Francis Clarke, of Grant on, spent Sunday in the vil- lage. -Mrs. /She Walker spent Easter with relatives in St. Thomas. - J. 11. Iloltzmnnn and B. Brown were in London, on business. -3. I'reeter and family, of Zurich were guests of Samuel Brown, on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Snell, of *Dashwood. spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. C. Beaver. - Mr. Simon Stahl of Shombra. spent a few days of the past week visiting his mother, who is al pres- ent very low. -Mrs. Joseph Sims, who has been very ill of late. is slowly recovering. - Mr. Valentine Ratz, M. 1'., of Parkhill gave our village a flying visit on Saturday last. Our friends of the Methodist Sab- bath School are to be congratulated upon the success of their anniver- sary services, on Sunday and Mon- day. The congreeetions throughout were the largest, 1 he services and entertainment the finest and the financial results the best in the his- tory of the school. On Sabbath the Revs. W. Godwin and Dr. Mannon, of Exeter, greatly pleased all that heard their inspiring and eloquent sermons, while the concert on Mon- day (*Veiling' WIN all that could be desired. The officers and teachers who had charge of the i raininz, tie well as the boys :and J he girls, who took part. deserve great credit for the excellent programme put up by the school. Mis.t Godwin fairly cap- tivated her audience with her humorous readinae and also by her beautiful solos. Itev. Mr. Currie of Sarnia, also wen his way into the hearts of all by his excellent sing- ing and witty speech. while Rev. Mr. Godwin greatly amused and enliven- ed everybody with his aright and in- structive address. Miss Johns, of Exeter, was the accomplished acCOm- panist :el the org:In. Mr. Geor;e Dlawhinney evil It his graphophone, w'a.s called hack several 1 itnes toy t he enthusiastic listeners; ;also bass Morlock. who is visiting her par- cn1s, gave a very excellent reading, with telling effect. A beautiful tableau, a treat for the school, rind the Nal ion'l Anthem brought the three lioao. prozramme 1 o a :Ione. --alp- , WOMEN \V fill WEAKNESS For all Welk 61t.s4 from whish girl and women suffer, nu surer remedy exists than Dr. Hamill one' Pills. They araint ,iti that hotelier health every woman so earnestly desire=; They uproot disease, and hrinsts sI r(-I1g1 1. that last 4 until old ase. "No medicine could be more benc•- eficia1 than Dr. 11:1mill,on's l'ilt'" writes M rs. Mary E. Ayr ton, of Vi. - tori,,. el have been strengthened, my di tst/o u is better, 1 have im- proved n- r►tt In color and ft l coneeleralo 1y better mince loiter 1)r. Ilamilton's Pills." Gold every is here, 25c peer hoc or five boxes for one dollar. • Dyspepsia b an indication that the stomach and other cOgestive are weak, or ds li tated. It causes no end of aches and pains and is most• common where people bolt. their meals and burry and worry as they do In this country. Hood's Sarsaparilla ogresit has "a magictoa� this &ease. Tor lesdtssollids of restrkaM. tires fond for Book en Dye,.wa, No. S. C. 1. Hood Co., Lowell. Mos. DASH 1V000 The raa.uuou east .• nn ttncs 1.y laying 1101.1.1'1% 001 1•�AbT►s PAINTis plain. 1 gallas i'astu.... .. : ' On 1 gallon Oil 7f 'fetal..... .. ..a2 75 $2.:5 fur two gallons of paint or $l.r' per gallon. Other make. of paint chargeou the sante price for the oil as the paint. '55 a guar- antee it to equal in quality and covering caps• city any =1.75 per gallon ready mixed paint on tho market. E. 1'. l'AULIN. Hardware. Stoves. Tinware, Etc. -Mr. J. K. Goetz, i, ..ting 1115 stwuti11 overhauled and refitted with a new car -flap, and other ma- chinery. This looks as if Mr. Goetz has enough timber in si_ht for the next few ye:trs. -134(1 cold., accomp3ttiee with a cough, seems to be almost epidemic iu the village just now. -Miss Levine \Vinkensvader has been under the doctor's cate Last reports she etas improving. -,Mr. Snell returned home from Toronto, Thursday, where he had Been on business in connection with the Steinbach estate. \1'tu. Gicmaq left for South River Monday morning. el r, and Mrs. John Hall were in the village Monday. Fred Dirk left Monday afternoon far London. Mrs. lfeyrock and Miss L. Rennie, of Zurich were visitors here Sunday. John lacobz is moving into John Pfaff', house this week. Geo. Cook is having his house on Main street papered and cleaned. Fred Wells will move into it as soon as the papering is done. Conrad Staubus is moving into the house vacated by Fred Wells. It is an old saying. ,that all si;ns fail in dry weather. Sant. Beaker bought a new ranee and we venture to say it is one of the signs that wont fail. Miss Flossie Snell spent the East- er holidays at home. Miss Ethel Kellerman is spending her holidays under the parental roof. Miss Mary Guenther was in Lon- don. Saturday of last week. Miss McLeod. of London, visited with Mr. Jacob Kellerm'tn's over Easter. Mr. Louis Shoemaker is having his house painted this week. The programme rendered in con- nection with the Easter service Sun- day eve in the Evangelical church, by the Young People's Alliance was a decided success. Three features of the programme worthy of special mention were a motion song, "0, Sunbeams Bright" by seven little girls, a recitation, "Old Poorhouse Nan" by bliss Ethel Kellerma.n and a solo by Miss Snell. We regret to learn that the of- ficials of the Sovereign Bank are considering the removal o[ Mr. Snell to Exeter. where he will continue manager as at present of the Zur- ich and Dashwood branches. Of course our regrets are purely selfish caused by the thought of foosine one of our oldcat and most respected citi zcats. On the other band, we must congratulate Mr. Snell on his ad- vancement with the Sovereign Bank, and if the .appointment is made will join his many friends in wishing hiin the greatest passible success. Miss Finkbeiner and Mies. Oestr:t- cher, of Creditors, vieitcd at God - fried Oestracher's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. !leaver, of Crediton, spent Easter wit h Mrs. Beaver's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simons. Our public school teachers, Mr. McLennan ,and bliss Koehler are spending Easter holidays at their homes. Misses Salome and Erntna Tiernan, :,rt• visiting 4.heir relatives, Mr. Earnie Bander of Blyth was in the village Friday Inst. ZURICII - Messrs. N. M,. Contin and Chao. Fritz were in Hamilton last week. - Miss Beatrice Steinback has se- cured a good position in a Wine - ham millinery store. Slat left for there last week. -Our electric light system has been great zly improved since the engine was tltorouzhly overhauled. - Mr. Adan) Faust paid $350 for the building formerly occupied 113 n butcher shop and livery stable and will move his undertaking business into them. - -Ono of Mr. Mangers horses was teeny used up the other day in n runnway. - Ort Monday of last week I he sad intelligence w'as received by a tctc;_t tits that Mr. Henry Demuth of fort Arthur, Ont brother of our lilts' !vino n, Mr. Fred Demuth, had diel there on Sunday, at dhe age of about 50 years. The decenaed had Leen ailing for some time from Bright's disease to which he at last succumbed. Ile was well known in this vicinity, and his widow (daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber) and children have the sincerevt sympathy of their wily friends here in their sad bereavement. - Mr. Louis Prong has purchased the residence and blacksmith shop of Mr. .1. iI. \\'ismer, the price paid for the property beinry $2.100. Mr. 1'ranp leis posveasian on the first e of May ml sl Tru mrmr who is employed with hint at pre- sent, acid himself will form n part- ncr:,hip in 1 he business. The shop now occupied by Mr. Prang ON a blacksmith shop, which he recently v oh •.,•11t.c1 purchased \ John urch.•.t 1 fr .1r o t trill be rented for of!leerpurposes. I I attended ll to conference of the Ev.ingelical church at Elmira last wick. - The Y. 1'. A. gave :1 proeramnae in the church Sunday evening, thele twine no regular service, Mr. J. J. Merrier returned Thure- (lay from rt hosinestt trill 10 Toronto. -Miss Afd i Koehler sots in Ber- lin spendire z t lee Easter lwlid:ry+ -Mr. M. .N. Iiuchanan, 11. A., of the Chicago University is spendinr n few weeks at lois home here. -A calf witiout tail or eyes is freak on the pictii.,es of Win. Rod- er. of lley. -The home of elr. and N1rs. .1 C. Kalbflcisoh w..' tis• scene of very pleasant par,.: rt+ Weittiesda• .5 n'1 f, 111^ event 1;Isins h;en 11• . ; .! in 1 .parr of .'.1 r.•. is ,11 i1e; .. fifty -seventh Birt Fat 1: 1 in numbered annut f:,ri and n very jolly erenin•f wa• by nal.. CE NT1tALIA -ltev. Andrews pi vac Led t wo bright and inspirit. ttcrtnous to large conerc.tatiotls oil Sunday bet. Easter Visitors. -Mr. and Will Abbott, • of London, visited (it the home of Mr. Samuel Devitt; ,bliss Dinah Wood. of London, was the• guest of the Mises \Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. A. IIeddt'n, of Laudon, and Mr. Mrs. John Qu:tnce, of Snowflake. Manitoba, visited at Mr. ' Richard lland(ord's :Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott, and eatitdren, of London, visited at the home of Mr. Will Parsons; airs. Salton. and children. of London. were guests at Mr. E. Coltvill's; Miss Jennie Handford. of Toronto: Bliss Elsie Handford. of Loudon : 51r. It. Parker, of Wind- sor, Mr. Clarence Foster, of Granton, end Mr. edition Foster, of Toronto, were guests at Mr. James Hand - ford's ; Miss Lucy Andrews, of 'To- ronto, is holidaying al her home Stere ; •ere. Peck, and yen, of Bay • field, were guests at Mr. Jarnce Walker's ; Miss Leona Wilson, of London, visited at her Lome here; Mr. and Mrs. Themes,' Boyle, and family, of Exeter, were guests at the house of Mrs. Boyle. here ; -Miss Porter is spending the holi- day at her home in Clinton. -alis( Detroit, is spending 1 he Foster vacation tit her homy. in Mit- chell. - Miss \Vinnie lascry is visiting Miss Edna McNaughton, of London. -Miss Brownie Andrews returned home on Friday, after a pleasant pleas int visit wit h friends in Belle- ville. • FARQUHAR . -Mr. 1). McNichol left Iasi Tues- day, for the Nest. and if suited with the country, intends to return with itis bride. - Messrs. Wilbert and John Pass- more spent the Easter holiday; with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thai. Passmore. -Miss Maggie Bryan, of Stratford is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. Pollen. -On account of the recent fall of rain, the farmers were delayed with their seeding. -it is rumored that there is to be a double wedding in our town shortly. -Miss Myrtle Senn, who is al - tending the Collegiate Institute, in St. Marys, iv spending the holidays with b Beavers Bros. -Mr. G.S. Beavers spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Mrs. Willard (nee Diisi Erntni Fulton) has arrived home. -We aro pleased to hear that Mr. II. W. F. Beavers, who is ill is doing as well as can be expected. Some of the farmers are nearly through seeding. LUMLEY -Tho following promotions were made its S. S. No. 10, Usborno 3rd to Sr. 3rd, pass mark 360 Mary McQueen, 555 ; Sr, 2nd to Jr. 3rd, pass mark, 25.2. Mary Ilorton, 413, Maggie Itobkirk 40:3, Fred Cole 370, Blossom Anderson 356, Arches Mor- gan 319, Myrtle Bell 331- Myrtle Madge, Teacher. -Messrs. Bert and John Passmore spent their holidays under the par- ental roof. -Misses Rosi° and !tete Cann. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. George Kerslake. this week. -Mr. Hector in busy these days getting recruits for volunteers. Ile certainly makes a very efficient of- ficer. -A beef ring has been orznnized among the fanners of this vicinity. They start killing about the middle of May. -Our school grounds helve been much improved lately by picking up and leveling the grounds. C7 81Q T CS TS. Betroths The Kind You Hate Always &welt Signature of DON'T SQUANDER 1-011t MONS:\ On Worthless curses for catarrh. There is only one remedy 4 hat's suc- cessful- "Ca tarrhozone"-it cures when the doctor says your else is hopeless. No drugs to take, no atomizer 10 hot her wit it. you simply inhale the fragrant valor of t his un- failing cure and ;et well quickly. Relief is instant, cure is quer:tweed so you run no risk with Catnrrho- zone. Don't experiment, don't put off, get Catnrrltozone from your drugrist to -day. ICiRKTON -Rev. itaccy conducted services in St. Paul's church. Gootl Friday even- ing. Ilon. Mr. Monteith has accepted the apology of Richard Wilde and the Rev. 8. Anderson, and proceed- ings are called off. Several of the influent i Il in t itis community are somewhat aroused against 1 lee 1 own of tit. Marys he• C1‘1.11' of rumored action Taken for the purpose of preventing (-nitro el connection. We believe that the Ilo'lyd of 'trade of St. Mary'1 shon1.1 not be selfimh in this neat ler ntrl rather fvor such a scheme (lint would help the farmers who vire 1 he Mainstay 1•f any town. If much ie 1 he ease we w'anld ndt•ise 4 he 11oar.1 to con'iaer 1lie sit wit10') wisely knowine 11.11 Exeir•ri%near el hand. Spec; it 1: ,sIt r ar cheld under t he Auspices of the Ladies' Ai.l at Anderson. on Heeler tiunday, Sunday services al 10.30 a. en. rind n1 7 p. pr., were conducted by Miss E. Jean Scott, Toronto, ',ssititil by Tho I{ind Yon IIave Always Bought, and which has been ire use for over 30 years. hoe borne the Rignatnro of aVlill----.."."1 and has been Krafts under his per- tonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thief. All Counterfeits, Imitations and i"Just-as•good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. `gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opining Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms fund alloys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Do11'els, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3O Years. THE CENTAUR COM►ANT. TT MV5.AY NEW TORR CITY. fet K K f K K&K Kix K Kl. K K K K fir(. K< K DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN The Leading Specialists el America. 25 Years In Detroit. Bank Security. Nine out of every ten men hays been guilty of transgression against mature in their youth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young, thoughtless or ignorant he may be. The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The only escape from Its ruinous results is properaotentiflc treatment to counteract its effects. The DRAINS, either by nightly losses, or secretly through the urine, must be stopped -the NERVES must be built up and Invigorated, the blood must be purified, the SEXUAI. ORGANS must be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be nourished. Out New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; thea became strong asateel, so that nervous- ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face full and clear, energy return to the body, and the moral, physical awl sexual sys- tems are Invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. The Tiro. various organs become natural and mealy. We invite alt the afflicted to call and consult us confidentially and tree of charge. Cures Guaranteed or no Pay. We treat and cure: Varicocele. Blood Diseases, Stricture. (limpet. Emissions Urlaary Braise, S a rmatorrbo., Unnatu- ral Discharges. Kidney and Bladder Diseases. COIeSULTAT1ON FUSE. BOOKS FREE. It unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLANK for Home Treatment. DRS. KENNEDY £ KERGAN. 24111 SHELBY ST., DETROIT, MICH. Ko. K Ko(K K•.K K&K K Ott !.' K c. 1t K Alf. Scruton. llensall. John frees et. Zurich. 1t. .1. Dryads le, Drysdale. I'cter Frlyue, v• (.1-. Thos. J. McAsh, '5' , rn I. John Snider, liruceti••III. t he Itev. S. Anderson, pastor. Spec - 1a1 tntlsic wit; rendered by the church choir. An Easter celebration was heli on Motoley evening. -Mrs. Shier, of Ilanliota, is here attending her son, Percy, who is ser- iously ill will, pneumonia. Pert It 'fie Government Inspector etas in Sr. Marys, last Sal urday and sur- veyed Ilie Various 14110. for :, pov1 of- fice. 1r ices and I►Cnti ns were n1) leke'u int consider:ll ion. Ile hag re- ported al 01 lawn, and Mr. Iiarry McEvoy 14 under instructions to make 1 reap of the town for the De - pert men'. till the mat ler of loca- 1 .1 lir. Bel for tlr1 er . (` ss '1 h \, . r rr' •elnt'vcv of )anicl 11. ►t t r I I Conn, whose body wens found in the Welland Canal Inst week, will ask for nn investigation by t he 1'ros'in- ri ,i l•••lice•. They believe 1!:.l ('•nese stet foul play. The inquest held at l'ort Robinson before 1 he remains were forwarded to his friends hero di.tclosed t lie fact 1 hal no water wits in deceased's lungs givinz rice lot he suspicion shat Conn ii.,* dead be- fore Id.s holy wens 1hrott'n into the rend. No motive for the su*pectC(l crime Item been 'invert lied. Dloney, and his %vatcl being found in his clol !tiny. dispelled npplrent ly the e'was last • e Conn tt,1 IIr (o i.og. rbl i y of rc►nh y. seen alive about five o'clock in tbo ;pfternocn, a mile and n 1::tIf from Ih• canal and rtoinr in an opposite direction. Two men were .seen in n buggy on t he roe(' a1 1he :same tithe, loll these men declare hey did not held been in remake Conn. (.ons 0 the h"nit of driving to his g ba•rdin 3 Louse, but ( n the day of hie di5ap- pt'arance for some reason preferred I o walk. sss�ssasrssIMPIMPss»siellw*9ssswwsi»ssn»as0•19110wsssr11s99sesw•.+.. SPO ZIKQD Ili OARS E"RICNA�' ImpRovED BUTTER COLOR RD801N & CO.'S Gives the Tru:; Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. ALL 17IttTQGizi'r .411.1W713 DIi I.I1Ii1D. 66FEft0000dil00410elle d4406etee!!!eltk60le!l**Ese44410 4*!4* *Set** **f•186E 1 1 1 f FEED TO FATTEN ,.- Steers are bought, raised, and fattened to make stoney ; so )est a few words as to how this profit can be made and, in many instances, increased. The increase in weight in steers, is due to the amount of food that is digested and assimilated, and the greater the amount digested and assimi- lated, the greater the increase in weight. In close confinement the feed- ing ration lacks the variety of the open field, therefore, the food trust have the "salt, pepper and gravy' added; this is Clydesdale Stock Food. It stands to reason, that, like a human being, if tie food is made more palatable by the addition of the "salt, pepper an.l gravy " it Will cat more of the thing it likes because " it rnake.s the mouth water," This is " wise feeding." ! urthermore, it will do them more good because it not only helps to digest the food, but after it is digested, it helps the blood to take up or assimilate a large proportion of it. Thi is where the profit comes in by putting on extra weight, giving them a nice, fat, smooth f wish that brings top market price. The feeding period can be shortened thirty days at least ; this is aloney saved. The Increase over and above the ordinary feeding increase is, easily g of a lh and over per day. lou can stop feeding Clydesdale Stock Food at any time with- out injurious effects. If you find you cannot feed Clydesdale Stock Food at a profit yonr money will be cheerfully refunded by the dealer from whom you buy it. It is sold in your district by : Alf. Scruton. llensall. John frees et. Zurich. 1t. .1. Dryads le, Drysdale. I'cter Frlyue, v• (.1-. Thos. J. McAsh, '5' , rn I. John Snider, liruceti••III. t he Itev. S. Anderson, pastor. Spec - 1a1 tntlsic wit; rendered by the church choir. An Easter celebration was heli on Motoley evening. -Mrs. Shier, of Ilanliota, is here attending her son, Percy, who is ser- iously ill will, pneumonia. Pert It 'fie Government Inspector etas in Sr. Marys, last Sal urday and sur- veyed Ilie Various 14110. for :, pov1 of- fice. 1r ices and I►Cnti ns were n1) leke'u int consider:ll ion. Ile hag re- ported al 01 lawn, and Mr. Iiarry McEvoy 14 under instructions to make 1 reap of the town for the De - pert men'. till the mat ler of loca- 1 .1 lir. Bel for tlr1 er . (` ss '1 h \, . r rr' •elnt'vcv of )anicl 11. ►t t r I I Conn, whose body wens found in the Welland Canal Inst week, will ask for nn investigation by t he 1'ros'in- ri ,i l•••lice•. They believe 1!:.l ('•nese stet foul play. The inquest held at l'ort Robinson before 1 he remains were forwarded to his friends hero di.tclosed t lie fact 1 hal no water wits in deceased's lungs givinz rice lot he suspicion shat Conn ii.,* dead be- fore Id.s holy wens 1hrott'n into the rend. No motive for the su*pectC(l crime Item been 'invert lied. Dloney, and his %vatcl being found in his clol !tiny. dispelled npplrent ly the e'was last • e Conn tt,1 IIr (o i.og. rbl i y of rc►nh y. seen alive about five o'clock in tbo ;pfternocn, a mile and n 1::tIf from Ih• canal and rtoinr in an opposite direction. Two men were .seen in n buggy on t he roe(' a1 1he :same tithe, loll these men declare hey did not held been in remake Conn. (.ons 0 the h"nit of driving to his g ba•rdin 3 Louse, but ( n the day of hie di5ap- pt'arance for some reason preferred I o walk. sss�ssasrssIMPIMPss»siellw*9ssswwsi»ssn»as0•19110wsssr11s99sesw•.+.. SPO ZIKQD Ili OARS E"RICNA�' ImpRovED BUTTER COLOR RD801N & CO.'S Gives the Tru:; Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies in the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. ALL 17IttTQGizi'r .411.1W713 DIi I.I1Ii1D. 66FEft0000dil00410elle d4406etee!!!eltk60le!l**Ese44410 4*!4* *Set** **f•186E 1 1 1 f