HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-27, Page 3WORK MORE-Ith.ST MORE. A well known nerve specialist has liven it as his opinion that more women go into nervous prostration as a result of idletiess than of over- work. "It is a rest from petty wor- ries," he said, "that women most need, and this they can give theta - selves. The women that dues the least usually has more worries than HEALTH IN SPRING. Nature Needs Assistance in Mak- ing New Health -Giving Blood. Spring is the season when your system needs tuning up. la the spring you mute. have new blood as the trees must have new map. Nature demands It. Without new blood you will fe(1 weak and lunguid, you may have twinges of rheurnatbsn or neu- ralgia occasional headaches, a sari - aide appetite, pimaples or eruptions of the skin, or a pale, pasty corn - Flexion. 'These are certain *signs that the blood is out of order. The only sure Kat• to get new blood and fresh energy is to take Dr. Williams' Fashion ...Talk 'I`he corselet skirt continues to be a noticeable feature of present-day fashions, and eo also dues the prin- cesss robe. Patent leather. calfskin, brown leather and gun metal kid -a leather with dull, black finish -are the ma- terials for the walking shoes, but DID THEIR DUTY Sunlight Soap will not IN EVERY CASE burn the nap off woolen; nor the surface off linens. HOW DODD'S SIDNEY PILLS GET BANISH PAIN IN THE BA CH, Cured ]firs. Jas. Murphy, and Everyone Else She Recommended Them To. River Gagnon, Que., April 24 - (Special). -No complaint is so corn - the woman who works." fink Pills. They actually ttsake new, calfskin has a less loyal following;• mon among women as Pain -in -the - The physician further says: "A wo- rich blood -they aro the greatest than in other seasons, even in Mel Back. It 1s a safe estimate that man has wonderful powers of ceder- spring tonic in the world. lir. Wil- seater° of the outing andheavy II fuay half the wien in Canada are ance when it comes to great things. liams' Pink Pills clear the skin, walking tie or bout. afflicted with 1to.ruF'or that reasarn She can work and support her fain- drive out rlt•+4•ase and make tired, de- Very dashing are the black and 'every evidence that there 19 a sure ily, if need be; she can bear grief pressed men and women bright, ac- colored tul:e hats on braid founds- and complete cure in existence is with heroism: she can come out of tive and strong. Mr. Neil H. Me- tion. The shapes approximate to thankfully received. And there is hardest work and heaviest sorrow Donald, l:stinere, N. 11., says: "it the suutll, short -track sailor, and the abundant evidence that Pond's Kid - with health unimpaired, but she can- gives Ole groat satisfaction to state tulle is put on in huge ruches and hey fills is just sch a cure. Phis not stand the little things, the prole that ' have found I)r. Williams' Pink rosettes. distict could furniush a dozen cures, hills that grow to mountains when Pills all that is claimed for them. I A chic bit of new -fashioned neck- but one is enough for an example. she has nothing to do but to thick was completely run down, Il y app.- wear is a soft handkerchief /inert '1'he one is that of Mrs. Jas. mar_ of there, without suffering a nervous lite was pour and I sobered much smock laid in three folds and over- Phy. She says: collapse." from severe headaches. l loctors' worked with a very fine white braid "1 sulTered for thirty-eight months"When she has no troul.le, no real medicine did not nit'e me the needed in a conventional design. with a pain in my back. I took just responsibility, no pork to do, she relief, so I decided to try I)r. w'fl- A tailored coat and skirt of linen one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and builds up bug -bears and then turns Hams' Pink Pills. I used only a few is a practical thing if thoroughly 1 have never been troubled with the them louse to return one/ frighten boxes when me former health re- shrunk before making and well tail- pain since. 1 also reconunenck'd her. turned, and now I feel like a new Dred, though the cheap coat and''11odd's Kidney Pills to other poo{'le, "For tho woman rho Is oa the man." skirt. of linen are likely to be dis- who complained as I did and in every verge of nervous exhaustion I can 'Dr. Williams' Pink 1'ills are not tressing objects after their first tub- case the Pills did their duty and advise nothing more helpful than only the best spring tonic, but are •bldg• brought relief." [cork. Not a mere dipping into a cure for all troubles due to poor The short skirt is not only "the" --. something that may or may not be blood or shattered nerves. That is ,thing, but the very short skirt is "BRUISERS" BY THE DAY. done but the taking up of some real why they cure headaches and back- worn by slender young runt •ons of -- and congenial ocrupatien, the neg- aches. rheumatism, anaemia, kidney the smart set. 'These skirts clear the Protectors For Hire at a London letting of which will ocean loss and and liver troubles, and the special ground by live inches, and sometimes Boxing School. failure. 'rake up something that secret ailments of women and grow- more, but it Hurst he confessed that means dutfes which will not only ing girls. But you must gat the instead of the sensible and trim fill up the time, hut absorb the in- genuine, with the full name, "Pr. Inilitary-heeled, hr avy-soled walking tereste. Women tcho have notating 1Villiarns' Pink fills for Pale Peo- .bow, they often wear the French to do have too much time to in- pie," rrinted on the wrapper around heeled, thin-soled creations that at Bulge their imaginations. They make each box. Sold by all medicine deal- first glance make the largest feet up some horrible thing that has ers or sent by mei! nt 50 cents a box appear squall and the small feet posi- never happened to then[ and prole or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the tively too tiny to walk on. ably never will, and really worry ilr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- None of the new spring dress fa - about it more than they would if ville, (Int. biles have made more of an i11tpres- it had already come to them. sion than the checked and figured 1411 "To be sure, business women itreak voiles. 'These beautiful fabrics a'ro down, wear out, and often have to BEINGS HIGHER THAN MAN being Horde up into street and house give us their work. It is not work gowns in all kinds of simple and itself thatwears them out. It is Sir Oliver Lodge Speaks to Lon- elaborate models. They are not don Workingmen. made into shirt -waist suits to any great. extent, but show quite a de Sir Oliver Lodge recently went into gr1e of elegance in their style. the East -end of London and lectured For the black hat. which is an in- to an audience of workingmen at the dispensable Toinbee /Tall Settlement on "The 1 part of the wardrobe sit to Itealit • of the 'Unseen." By the un- factonanny women, nothingtllis those a a - seen, ysaid the lecturer, he meant becoming. than line tulle and quite as bet - those things which did not directly beconming. Tran parent black is appeal to the limited senses. The ter suited to most faces than solid ant's view of life in its black. particular Of shirt waist frocks in linen there way probably was quite as wide as is no end, ant. nary of the prettiest ours. The ant knew nothing of mon are fashioned from robe pat terns, and the higher animals, and in the embroidered in open work or Eng - same way the lecturer felt that we fish ernbro!dery. In very tine ma - were not the highest things in the terial and design these. of course, universe. come high, but surprisingly good "If you once grant that there is a patterns may be found at moderate race anywhere else higher in intcllt- prices. genre than we are," he said, "you have granted everything. The worm in his world is as oblivious of mr . LIKE OLP CT(TN(►LJNE, rivalry or competition, which means strain. 1f the woman who works would forget that there is such a thing in the world as 'getting ahead' of somebody, she would be more successful and far more heal- thy. Where there is strain and the spirit of rivalry, there is neither good work nor rest. At the time of rest the woman worries. All the time she is working she is dividing her time and strength, giving part to her work and part to her worries. The result la, that she neither works nor rests. "More work and more rustis what woman needs. Idleness) will never solve the problems of the nervous wnman. When woman works, well and rents well she will be a well wo- man." TYGIENF: OF THE EARS. as man is of superior intelligt es. 1"ashio•:able woolen In London will 11 the dome of St. Paul's were the wear during the .flamer of 1905 The essential organs of hearing are sun, the earth relatively wined he a something very closely akin to that placed at a depth of an inch or more football in a position represented by monstrosity of bygone days -the beneath the external opening of the this platform. The planet Jupiter crinoline. So farge, indeed, are the ear, to a crevice within the harde:;t, would be at Brighton and the near- c rinnline. of wire and steal used tbhe strongest borer of the skull. in this .sot fixed star would be twice as far fashionable dressmakers in the menu - fact we find a suggestion of their away as the moon. The light of one fashion of the new spring skirts that delicacy and need of protection. But of those fixed stars, that at the tail there is scone justification for the notwithstanding this protected po- of the greet bear, was equal to 2,- eition, disease rarely begins within 000 of our suns. That star is one reported return of the dread crino- line. the inner ear independently of ex- out of 500,0(10,000, and we are the terior influences. people that inhabit one of the little Under the skirt Is an elaborate In addition to the external open- dark lumps that circulate around one frame -work of Kire.and whalebone, ing, there is another pns:ssge to the of those stars: and wo creep upon the very smq{estive of the crinoline. This tertr. known as the Eustachian tube. surface of this little dark lump, call- Produces the full and outstanding of it. pases from the pharynx, the up- edthe earth. and deny that there is fe!trt now alined at by the leading French dressmakers. per part of the throat, directly into anything in the universe higher than in Paris quantities of wire and the middle cavity of the ear, just in- num. We should realise the universe steel are absorbed in the making of el ate the ear-runi. Air is tercel is not an end but a heginnine: that all skirts of thin material," Mild r tiftuugh it by the act of swallowing, the present 19 only a t.rancition be- well-known court dressmaker. "For and thus the drum is inflated. Dle. tween what is past and what is to a full ten innces below the waist the, ease of the middle e'at•, the couamon conte." skirt must fit like a glove, and this cause of deafness. generally arises T— of+ect can only he obtained by the from obstruction of this tube by A GUARANTEE TO MOTHERS. use of a whnlebona encasement. Nine adenoids or the extrnusion through it steels -about 71 feet -in the upper of catarrhal inflamanation, fluids or -' bacteria. The use of the nasal There is only one medicine intended pert of a skirt le an ordinary antece- dent -he is always attended with risk for use among intents and yuan►; (ince, but in the rase of plaited on this account, and the practice of children that gives mothers) a guar- skirts, every plait may require to be diving, into either fresh or salt antee that it is free from opiates. and 110111 in place by five whitheionte, and water, often proves injurious by per- poisonous soothing stuns. That in order to accelerate the straight trotting the l assage of water dire ctly medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. line from the bust to the waist, through the nostrils and Eustnrhian Milton L. Hersey, M. Sc., public an- which is a great feature of the new tube. When suppurtion has been alyst for the Province of Quebec. turd Sty les, a broad band of steel is in- „stnlilts}led in the needle ens, it t9 demonstrator in ctr•lnistry for Mc(:i11 settee) in the bodice. A single row particularly dangerous on are,11nt of University says. --"I hereby certify of whalehiew nt the here, about its liability to involve the s0 celledthat I have [nude a careful analysis (debteen feet, insures the skirt eland - mastoid cellar, email rarities in the of 1lnhy's (InnTablets which T per- Inn out, and above this ere 1n'a•rted hone, and to extend from thous to sontilly purrhnsed in drug store in several rows of wire, the quantity the brain, with the production of Mentrenl, and said analysis has fail-v+,nines according to the texture of meningitis. ed to detect the presence of any epi_ the material. in the raeit of a thin i►isease of the middle ear is indi- ate or narcotic in them." 'These tato voile or crepe 11n chindress from rated by drAfness, abnormal sounds, lets cure All minor nilnumt8 of little 1011 to 1.',0 feet would be n.cessaary." and especially by pith]. Earache urea, such as teething troubles, sins- ph. ins ♦ should never be disregarded. Peering 1'he fevers, (' 11(8, constipation, dinr- ti}?NDA wenn oil or glycerine Benlandsman rhoen, colic 01111 wore;'. '1 Dec snake Y LT:'1"11{B11. d into the ear and the application of little ones sleep naterally because l'he Belgian fust (Mice authorities, hent afford tenipornV relief, but per- they rename the cause of sleepless- have hit upon rather n goeed ides. nuunont elnr0n►'e may he permitted to 1108". '1'hes are n boon 10 n1: nu,- T:rory postage stamp has a slip fit- occnr through the neglect of ether therm and no home where there are tache'l to it uhich may er may nut treatment. When pie; hegira to flow Young children should be without n he used at the option of the person from the ear the pain ceases. hilt the box or llahe's own Tablets. Snit'who posts the letter. This slip is dlschnrg0 ,( signit8 that the drrirn by all um„mail litiele dealers, or by ail wooled to the erect that the cunt membrane has leen {.,finer+tort, nt 2.; cents a box from the Dr. Wil- unmdeat1011 to which it is nt filched is Young infants often suffer neerllesely Items' Medicine Co., Tt'rnckt•ille, 1)nt, not to le delivered on the Similes:. from unrecognised earache. Although �♦ On all stump.: of rtery denomination this notification is to be foetid, and they distinctly nsi,iifest the pain be persistent frying and tossing tin• 1.(0IK Al' THE MOON. the c,en-eepsene is (lint there is head, and by stunning the Draft into groolig tip in Belgium ;i tendency r' A clear noon indicates frost. in the direction of hies in); no letters the mouth or holding it, to the region A dull -looking moon means rain. or nett teinpers-for newspapers are of the at)ected err. A single Halo Around the moon in- rnestl\ delivered by post -on the The forcible entrance of cold water theater a 8'orni. timidity tracing sea -bathing often causes in- if the moon looks high, pole! .vette firent,At1,11. hence a wild of 11,11-nb- er may be .\tweeted, soMillet cotton or wool should Al- If the ;noun looks low down, warns wears he inserted before (interims teett•cnthei is promised. water. ininry is utter inflicted aI'o The new m,oun on her back always be attempting to sesame Acrannllat_ indicates wet scathes. cal ear -wax with arch int1runletttS us Jt the moon changes with the wind hair -ping 1t sh,ul:l be remembered, in the east, then shall we have bail however. that a trivial injury, nn in• weather. pulling or hottnn, the circ, some.If the moon be bright and clear tense reveals, when it does not crus„ a hen three days old, tine weather denfness, and mar throw unjust ren Is premised. sure on the one who Inflicted the When the moon is visible in the Prtnispune'nt.-Yonth'e Companion day -time, we may leek forward to cold days. ♦ When the points of the crescent of Knott, even in the tropics. neer the new moon ale very clearly viol - netts. but reains rontin110usly all ble, frost may bo appears for, m the year round Above a height of If the new moon psrs with Its 111,000 feet; In colder climes the points upward, then the month will "sinew litre" is much lower than be dry; hut should the rutnts be th� downward, a gond deal of rain must hs expected during the three weeks. • �ti.. ,1r. DODDS l/, KIDNEY PILLS 0 tS K,DIt,r4 rc�tt PI r4P1 VrLnT1EP51(�rt GNT'S Dj5/,0 bI1EIETCS• There now exists in Bethnal Green an establishment where professional lighting- men may be hired by timor- ous souls who desire "protection," says the London Express, Naturally, this emporituu for the supply of "bruisers" is not openly advertised, and those who wish to secure the services of a pugilist have to proceed by devious paths. Armed, however, with satisfactory The ropulation of Ituesia in credentials, a representative of the 1 Europe is a little more than twice Express called on the proprietor of that of the United Kingdom, de - the busine'se-a gentleman of extreme- spite its enormous su{,eriority in ly pugilistic appearance. At first the siz°- purveyor of "bruisers" was Inclined to be reticlent, but presently he took kinard's Liniment Cares Colds, to the representative of the Express in-; to his confidence. 1 "You would be surprised," he said DISARMING THE GODS. impressively, "to know how many members of Parliament come to 100 How the Far Eastern Boys Pre- fer 'protection' during election time. pare for School. They slrnply inform me, through Among the eastern nat.ione the be - their agents, how many [nen they ginning of school life is a critical need to secure their gaiety at meet.- time for the child. The priest or as- ings, and so forth, end I send down trologer must be consulted to chuose suitable men by train. When the a lucky day. Every precaution must general election cones we shall havo be taken to avert the jealousy of the our hands full, and not a man to gods, whose malice is especially di- efrare. retied against a tine hoy. "Again, young gentlemen of tho The Chinese father who adores his nobility, who have got into awkward son will take the utmost pains to positions and are likely to be black- convinee the powers of the air that mailed, neck my aid. If the man ( the bey is of no account. The child to be feared is a big roan, I send a may be given a despicable name, like big man; if he is a little man, I send flea, o.• Chu-tze, a pig, or, more in - a little man; so that when it comes suiting atilt, he may be given a girl's to the fighting there is no question ! name, The boy may be started oil of bullying. { to school wearing a girl's dress and "All that my man requires is to one earring, an•I if the •leceptiun is be (shown the man he has to tical complete this will he the most ef- with. He brushes against hire in a fectttcal of all, fur even the gods do bar or in the street; there is troublenotcure for girls in China. -and there you are. '1'he Japanese schoolboy wears "For this sort of job our prices batwing from his belt a little red are very low, ranging from 5s. to bag, tentaiuing a brass tag, with his £l, but, of course, there are some name and his parents' name and ail - branches branches of the bleeriness'ss which comepdreal+sesr nabons°flit.u and hismust fanha,vande hist, in more expensive. a gay hag upon his arm, is a jar of "For inst mire, many bookmakers rice for his luncheon. This quaint lit - have two or three of my men always tle fdh,t has probabl;• made his of - lads are employed in law cases when Teniinsen, the god of penmanship. witnesses have been intimidated. I when the Hindle) boy has found an have SUN lied them both to plainthl auspicious day to begin school, he is and defendant, taken to the god of learning. Stir- ♦_ asvnti, Here the little supplicant presents his offerings of rice and pills now on the market. Parmetee'e Something More Than a Purgative betelnuts, and repeats the letters of To purge is the only effect of many the nlphabet after the priest. Thus Vegetable fills are marc than a purge- is ate entered into the ways of know- tivc. They strengthen the stomach, ledge in the very presence of the god.where ott.e" pill. weaken 1t. They cleanse the blood by regulating the lir- ♦_-__ er and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compads depress. No- thing of nn injurious ature, used for rnerely purgative po rs, enters into their eOliIIOsitlon. SoAP >RSDUCaa LIIIPENSE Ask It4r tae seesaws ail. Japan is fifty tunes smaller than Ruseia in superficial area, and her total population is about one-third that of the Itussiau Empire. Scene persons are more susceptible to colds than others, contracting derange- ments of the pubucnury organs from the slightcat causes. These should always have at hand a bottle of }tickles Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the present day sovereign remedy for coughs, ca- tarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cu.?* no matter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like Bickle'e, for it is the best. "I don't care how severe it cold is" said the man who was not suffering from one, "I can get rid of it in one day." "So can 1," replied the man who was cam ing three pocket -hand- kerchiefs; "but suicide 1s repugnant to rte." Milord's NMI Cures Carol la Cots William -"There's one thing about Miss ('harming's house I don't like." Arthur -"What's that'/" Williarn- "iler father." A CLEVER ADVERTISEMENT May induce you to buy and try a packet of TRA. But after that it's UNVARYING 000D QUALITY will succeed in hol:iing your trade. wirer ass asses L41.7111N1R.. ONLY ONE BEST TEA—BLUE RIBBON'S IT Patience -"Ile really must have a soft spot in his heart for me." May -"How do you know that?" Patienco-"Ilo says ho is always thinking of me." May -"But you know a man doesn't think with his heart. The soft place must be in his herd," Halloway's Corn Cure is a speech for the retnoval of corne and warts. We have neser heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. Head of Foreign Trade Office - "Where would you prefer to go as our agent?" Young Traveller - "Well, if possible, where the natives aro vegetarians." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, kwecney, stiffles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $150 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Step the Pain but Destroy the Stomach Butterflies are so nunliero'1s in -'Phis is sadly too often the case. So Uganna that they may be seen COV - many nauseous nostrums purporting to erinti the ground in den.se white or cure, in the end do the patient i3O- rncnseiy moro hams than good. Dr. a yellow clumps. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are a �,utely segetable pepsin ,reparation, as ,an,eless as Milk. One atter eating pre- vents any disorder of the digestive or- gans, 60 in a box, 35 cents( -40 DIDN'T KNOW" -. ROPES. "i heard you male use of the: word 'jackass,' sir. Did you apply it to me?" "No, sir, I didn't. You don't think you're the only jackass in the world, do you?" Ezra Fox Thought He'd Try One HONEST CONFESSION. of the Big City Hotels. — "1 tont up to the ci Saturday." A Doctor's Talk on Food.tont seer. Ezra Fox, u•borrr n' a crackin' There are no fairer set of men on match from a fr. I. "I thought earth than the doctors, and when that jen ter fun I'd ry a big hotel, they tint' they have teen in error you sir, an' so 1 walled) on into one they are usually 44 to make honest -no nu:re of 'em fir rue, 11te first 0n l nuutly confession of the fact. blamed thing, it soldier boy run up A rose in point is that of an em - an' grabbed my grip, nn' would ia' ,tole it, but, yuv bet, 1 landed him taint practitioner, one of the good a Clip. ife fell a s!erntvlln' on the ll)ot, who lives in 'Texas. His floor it'shakin' like a leaf. I hung Plain: unvarnished tale needs no onto that grip an' see, 'lit out, you I dressing up: little thief.' 11„11, then Inst 'ern ter "1 had always had an intense pre- y r' um. A feller ser, 'Well, we ud judice, which i can 11015• See w'118 1111- like to have yes name in ink.' 1 se7, warrantable and unrras4onnt,le, 'Not much -reit roe. I've dealtwith against all muchly advertised forms. sharks stn' seals before. Oh, i'na a Hence. 1 never rend n line of the wise 0111 goat -I know yer game -you mane• 'ails.' of (/rape -Nuts, nor test - want my name to put onto a note.' ed the food till lust winter. The clerk he smiled nn' I got sore. "While in Corpus Christi for my i turned nre'llnd right quick nn' got health, and visiting my yo,ingest ine strrlikht on out el there. The son. who has four _of the ruddiest, thievin gong looked sick. I hiked healthiest little hove I ever slaw. i down to the depot, friends, where ate my first dish of (:rape -Nuts (nod thing, i knuwed, was right, an' took for supper with my little grandsons. a scat right by the door an' slept I herons, exceedingly fend of it and there through the night. 1 tell you have 081en n pnckag of it every [that, they ain't no doubt," see. 1'.r., week airs, nnei tied it a (iI1ir•i0us, "that them lintels is full of shnrks refreshing and strengthening food, an' (hies 1,r: that's dressed like sold- leaving no ill offset" 15hatecer, mus ter boys nn' swells. I'm goin' to in 114) eructations enith which 1 keep awry from 'em. 'They're crook-�w.� formerly arch troubled), no eel ei ran he. 1'11 affrays take the sense of fol:nese, anuses, nor (lis - depot, (rands. it's good enu'rgh ter tire, " i{t'ThIAl(KATILE ME;MOBV. A wealthy- South London ornnihus proprietor who takes n great interest in his horses Is in the habit of per- sonally 1 hri-tering each by name, and, although it sometimes .Heirs that he dies net see an animal for over a year, he sever fails at once to remember its name. As he is the owner of :eel horses this may be Acknowledged as a relnark1I!:le feat of mcinory. tress of 'thereat) in any wry. "'There is no ocher food that agrees with me 80 [cell, or pits es lightly or plensnntly upon my ptotn- nrh as this doe. . T ntn stronger and more nctive •fare 1 began the use of (:rape -Nuts that T hnve been for 10 year., rind am no longer troubled with neuseia end indigestion." Name elven by l'ostum Co., Battle ('reek, Mirh. There's n reason. look in eneh pncknge ler the fam- ous little hook, "The Road to %ell- ville." F011 OVER S1X'I'Y YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers ter their children while teething. It soothes the child, .,often' the gums, allays pale, cures wiudcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and Is' the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty -flue cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the wort). Be guru and ask for 'Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-04 The Norwegian lakes sometimes freeze with such rapidity that it is possible to cross( them on ice formed in a single night. Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Worms are one of the principal causes of suffering in smith -en and should be expelled from the system. Hojack-"Why are you consulting the dictionary? 1 thought you knew how to spell." 'l'otndik-"I do. I am not looking for information, but for corroboration-" Ilinard's Liniment Cares Distemper "What? Fell downstairs! How did it happen?" "Why, you see, I alert- ed to go down, and my wife said, 'ate careful, .John!' And I'm not the man to be dictated to by any woman so down I went." Catarrh and Colds Relieved In to to 60 Minutes. - One short puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use. It re- lieve, instantly, and permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, teneilitis and deafness. 50 cents. -41 Wife (reading) -"This magazine says thathandsome men are proter- bially disagreeable." Husband - "lint, my dear, I'm sure I try my best to be pleasant at all times." Englund For the Overworked. -What are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A disordered liver 1s one cause and prime one. A disordered liver means • dlnordered stomach, and a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nerv- oue system. This brings the whole body Into subjection and the victim falls sick all over. Parmelee's Vegete.'ile fill- are a recognised remedy in this state and relief will follow their use. "I see that you have Alit off all the gas in your house and are using nothing but candle's. What is that for'?" "Merely nut of curiosity. 1 want to see 1f It will make any dif- ference in my gas bills." BF;ST EXCUiRSION TO NEW YORK Goes Via Lackawanna, April 29th. $9.00, 1(oumd 'Trip from Buffalo. $9.00. Full particulars, A. Leadlay, 'Poronto, or 1"ret/ 1'. Fox, Buffalo, N. Y. 'Phe Area of the groiips of Islands of which .Japan is composed is about two-thirds greeter than that of Greet Britain. HOW" EMEN, (READ 'P11IS. I have used MINA itie'S LINIMENT in my stable for over a year, and consiuer it the VI•;RV 111.~'I' for horse flesh I can get. and would etrongly recommend it to all beret - men. GEO. I iOU(111, Livery 51ntles, Quebec, 95 to 103 Ann St. MALAYAN TREE DWELLERS. The enknis, or tree dwellers, of the Maley Peninsula beiild their houses to forked trees a dozen feet above ground, and reach then by means of bamboo ladders, which they draw up when safely hofisx(' out of harm's way. The house itself is a rude kin•' of shack, made of bamboo, and the flooring is lashed together piece by piece and bound securely to the tree limbs by rattan.. Three curious P(•oplr are rather small and Ilghter in complexion than the Malays, though much uglier. They have no form of religion at all -not oven [dole -no written language and speak a corrupt form of Malan. Stamp me Tree Pullers selt•esebering mod atssap. 8,ckored. Something ase. Pullen ordlasrr stump to 1)4 minutes, 1 to / acres ata sea Iles, Different elms to sail all kinds of elsarlega Por11:ustrsted catalog blame Pswerfel, Naadyr Lew moos Nfg. Ss NIsIb tt., •easeeirtli,111, (CARPET DYEING sad Oi,aafy. Ti). le •..dslieutak the BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 00. S..4 partleslsrs *put esti .e ars sem u serl.p ' asrsss Sas 111, Nsasrsa4 TWO $E t,E:CT HALF SECTIONS IN Saskatchewan, sear adw railway, for sale, cheep, easy terms; might ex- change for city or farm property le Ontario. H. Graham & Son, 48 Vic- toria street, Toronto A ROYAL, BOOKLET. The Geand Trunk Railway System and distributing a very handsome booklet deacriSjjve of the Royal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake Rosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "lfighlande of Ontario."' The publi- cation is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely 11- lustratQdEllith colored prints of lake and islan'i scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special features that may he found there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, leotard in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the name, and tho crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. A glance through this booklet makes ono long for the plea- sure of Surnrner and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to aay Grand Trunk ticket office. Mount Everest in the Himalayas - 20,002 feet- -Is the highest mountain in the world; lien Nevis is 4,406 feet, Lever's Y-2 (Wise head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder 1s a been to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. "Money talky.: "Does it? The only thing I ever heard it sew was 'Good-bye!' " The Governor's Wife a Prisoner, - Mrs. Z. A. Van Lunen Is the wife of the governor of the county jail, Nap- anee, Ont., and was a great sufferer from rheumatism. When the beat doc- tors In the community and "vpeclalists" tailed to help her, she buried her sceptism of proprietary remedies and purchased South American Rheuuiatic> Cure. 4 bottles cured her. --42 Miss Plane -"Now, get as pretty a picture of ale as you possibly can." Photographer -"Neter fear, ma'am/ when this is touched up you won't know yourself." Hinard'e Liniment Cares Diphtheria Abstracted Schoolmaster -"1 have been seriously thinking of punishing you, Ttuisen, ns you have invariably been behind before, but ,you have arrived earlier of late, and this morning, for a wonder, at last you are first." Pains Disappear Before It. -No one need suffer petit when they have avail- able I,r. 'Phomas' E;ctectric 011. 1f not in the house when required It ran be precured at the nearest store, as all merchants keep it for rale. Rheuma- tism and all bodily pains disappear when it is applied, and should they at any time return, experience teaches the user of the oil how to deal with Mrs. Ctubb--elt le remarkable how many things that patent medicine pedlar claimed his remedy would cure." Mr. Stubb-"1'e8; he was about to tell me it reseed cure a hare, and I set 'Towler on him." Speechless and Paralysed, -- "I had valvular disease of the heart," writes Mrs. J. S Goode, of Truro, N. S. "1 sutiered terribly and was often speechless and partially perelyred One dose of Dr. 1gnew's Cure for the Iteart gave toe rcbet, and berme 1 fenl'heet one bottle I v.08 iglu to go nl,,,ut. '1'o -dry I nm n well woman '•-43 Complaint is made of the then be- cause they do not take their K'it'es flowers as they did in their entwine, days. But every woman knows that if her husband brought holm. it rust- ly b(ugeet she would tell him it would have been more seesihle to have 'brought home • new tcalrot or a ham. sig Coughing is an ouhtard sign of inward disease. Cure the disease with Shiloh's Consumption /Cure Th. k and the cough will stop. Try it to -night. if it doesn't benefit you, we'll give your money back. Prices: 8. C. WstLs 4 Co. 707 ffc. W.71 LeRoy, N. Ys Toreatn, Cao. ISSUE NO. 10-05. e