HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-20, Page 8b: 1JXEIER 'rIMiS. APRIL 20th 1905. sirEwaRTs A RARE BARGAIN .. IN RESS coons 50 Center. l'ti:'e WOO %hash's, in gree biscuit.; hint', crea es, canvas s 1\'eaVes, itl>t this is t he bt . t lot of 1 values are the best we 1 Voiles, French manufacture, browns, Paris. greys, fawns, beavers and black. Plain weaves, twine weav- fancy figure weaves. We believe w voiles shown in Exeter. and the E4vti e\ er placed our counters, and 11.i price is only 60c. Special Values' 1 in new CARPETS all the new Special Values in new Wall Paper 011 Special Values in new Linoleums DON'T FORGET we are selling agents for Steel Briggs cele- brated Turnip and Mange( Seeds. Don't take chances on seeds that ale said to be just as good. The best and only the best is \t bat we offer. Ask your neighbors what luck they hav ll hall with seeds bought from us. Mr. Herbert Walters. of Toronto, is ri+icing his parents. Alrt, Dui ,cy is at llclgrove, tvait- ind upon her mother, Mrs. R. Stone- house, tyle, ii ill. Gcc•I Friday, to morrow %sill by observed as a public holiday. ant all business places generally ss ill ix' Iter. Godwin occupied th • gulp t of the Kipper A1etbodi- .ch, tw Sunday last. Rev. :....,.., of that church took charge c r .lie services in Exeter. DR. OVENS, London, Burgeon. EYE. EAIt. NOSE and TWROAT.Fits Glasses properly. Office. Comnter• cia1 Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat- urday. April 22nd. Beautiful Showing of Dress Goods Ladies' Gowns Ladies' tine Nainsook Gowns. some trimmed with embroidery and loser• tion. others with tine torchon lace and dilater tu;;kt, full wide skirt. Prates $1, $1.225. 11.50, $1.75. Ladies' Corset Covers Ladies' tine Naiusook ('nest Cover trimmed with fine ewuroidery and in- sertion. full front. Others with Valencinnes iusertion lace and beading. Price 'tic. a0e, 75e, 81. $1.25, Ladies' White Underskirts A great wavy different styles with deep embroidery f'•ills and cluster tucks. skits with torchuu lace and insertion, skirti with tlounce and two frills embroidery. All made of finest quality Nainsook. 1'cices $1, $1.25, M r Jas. Wanless, of Duluth, $1.50 and $2. Minn, %vL:: leis been visiting relativ- . s in Buffalo is now upending .t tem weeks here with ier parents. Mr. viol Mrs. L. 11:irdy. Mr. 11. Baker. of Loudon, in re - neo Mg, his subscription to the Tim- es says; -living un old resident of your locality. 1 have enjoyed the Times very touch since ,leaving." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative 13romo Quinine Tab - lots. All druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25e. Sliss Stella Sptcknein, who has been ••ttc.n:tiut St. Margaret's Col- lege, Toronto, is spendin; the East- er holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spackman. ••••••••••••••N•••••••••• D►, your eyes need help? Are they as. good as they once were? We can tell you.-Ilowey'e Drug Store. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Now that spring has arrived and the fruit trees need looking after. I beg to advise the public that i am Prepared to di spraying. LOUIS Farm. Produce, yrs we want all we J ASTEWAItT DAY,Milkman and Market Gardener. can get. Produce jest as gond ss cash • . , _ Mr. Scott, of Woodham, having ____ leased his farm, has moved to Exe- ter with hie mother and sister, Mrs. New reading' 'natter appears inthis space each week.( Vernon, who will snake their home with Mrs. Richardson. tiom You Will Never Know hare Tal value of having a SAVINGS account until you have pressing need for money. Imagine idleness (forced), sickness, or misfortune -and no money to pro- vide rovide the necessaries. You had bettee start a Saving" account in the springtime of your life cultivate it and insure a harvest for the future -for a possible time of need. Such a good determination should not go to Beed through inaction -it is easily carried out -(1.00 opens an account at any of our Branches. FARMERS' BUSINESS We give special attention to the husi- "nese of farmers, graziers, drovers, ani others wanting to borrow money on their own note, for a week, month, or longer as desired, AT THE HEST RATES. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensel) Zurich Clinton OLAD.MAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. F, E. KARN Manager, is:xeter,Br•aneh The Calendar Says That sprints begins on the 2lst. That doesn't mean t t there will be warm sunshine from that on. Sometimes t he right weather is provokingly slow turning up. Sometimes for a month or more af- ter the 21st you are all the bett3r • tt over- coat. • light t wc► 1 c .► i d for owning g It's a nice handy article 10 have around, anyway. A nice one costs $16. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for change" must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TIi1'ltSl)AY, A1'ItlL '_alto, 19O. ••••••••••••••••41••••••••• • • •••••••• t••••••• LOCALS I To-inoiroo will he gond Friday. Miss Jean 1l-iwkshaet it visiting her sinter, Mrs. Hhoeenberg, London. I). Ilartlelb makes a specialty of watch repairing. Mr. W. C. Huston was in London H turda husilie 5'. on a y Cil itev. Wm. Godwin attended a board meeting of Altna College at St. 'Dermas, on Tuesday. Mader Harry Carling, who has been ill for the past cw•o weeks wi(h pleurisy, still rnitinues ill. Mr. Arthur of Itrantford, watt here attending ethe funeral of Jthe late Mrs. John Rowe. Everything right about it of course. J A Miracle of Cheapness - A first, clams Cllinical Thermometer only 50e. at Browning's Drug Store. Captain iiughes and Mrs. llughc9 (ace Matti- Fitton) of Montreal. are spending a few days With Mr. anal M re. Thomas Fit t on. Dr. Butler, London, will be at Ibe Market Report. -Ther following is Central Rotel, Exeter. on Thursday the report of Exeter market!, cor- \t a y 4th, 1905 all day rested up lo April 13th, 1905. for Bye, F.ar, Nose and Throat con - Wheat 90c to $1.00 per ht. -thee sultetion, Eyes tested and glasses Oats 36 to 87 cents per bu•hel. supg)lied. Harley 38 to 40c per buster(' The farmers report the recent Peat., 60 to 65 cents per bushel. cold nights have resulted in a better flow of sap, but the supply is so small there will he very little for market. Butter 18 cents -ler. pound. Horsemen, at tention 1 This office Fere 12 and 13 cents per dozen has the reputation of doing first- Ilo{ts live wei;ht, e6.l0 per .r'wt. class work at 'short notice. Route Pork dresscil • 7.75 to $8.00 bills, cards and folders a specialty. (lay. 57.00 per ton. tiring in your orders early. \\e Potatoes, ',e per baa. give t free notice to our patrons. Ladies' Drawers Ladies' fine cambric Drawers:trimmed with Valencinnee lace or embroid- ery with cluster tucks. Open or close etyle. Prices 50e. 75c, and $I. Drosamakina.-Mian Prouty. of So- dom. wishes to announce to the lad- ies of Exeter and vicinity that she is prepared to make engagements for dressmaking or sewing at their homes by the day. EF;s for I[atchin;.-Pure bred White Leghorn for hatching* from excellent winter laying strain. Flock headed by first prize cockerel at Goderich Poultry show. $1.00 er aetting.-S. Andrew, Elimville. 1 Dix Cold Cure. Laza-a-cold, Laxa- tive Brown Quinine, Weekc's Break- up -a -cold. llumphrcys' Specific, Dix Nasal Balm, samples free. These' are all reliable remedies, for colds, la grippe, influenza, etc. Sold by C. .utz, Central Drug Store. Exeter. ***_••••••••••••••••••••••• Don't take any chance this year. gee Formaldehyde for smut on grain l ow•ey's Drug Store. ••1•••N••••••NN•••••••• 'fhe marriage will take place to- day (Thursday) of one of our es- teemed young ladies in the person of Miss Mary Westarvay, to Mr. E. \V. llilhorn. of Paris. The ceremony will be performed at the atonic of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford. FOROVERBISTY'j KAI(S As Ow AND Wsr.t.•Titrxn Itx..unr.-Mrs W inslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty ears by millions of mothers for their children while teething. with perfect slimes, Iptsssoothes the child, softens the gums, allays all forn151arnc�sa.cures nd It alic. pleasant to the tand is the ste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Byrn pand ask for no other kind. :.l r. Caleb Heywood has raised up his house and will put a new brick cellar under same. 11 is his inten- tion to also raise '1 he roof and put added rooms above. Mr. Richard Welsh is also putting a brick foun- dition tinder Lis cottage, on Jame street. and otherwise improving tit building. .i..................•••••4 W. W. Taman Merchant Tailor, Ilran $17 per tun. Shorts $20 per ton. Family Flour $2.85 per cwt. Feed Flour. $125 per cwt. ++-1--:-{-44-'0-:. +-:•;• :••F+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++4++++++++•I'PI' 1 . Watch this space Every Week. t ENJOYME TOILET PREPARATIONS Grow In Popularity They are Dawn-to•date goods. A �` E They do all their makers claim. BECAUSE They are pure and good. '[hey snake friends and hold thein• Our Tooth ('ream is PERFECTION in itself and costs no more j. than others. it cleanses anti gives a pearly hitetnnessii o the henteath and leaves a pdeviant taste in the mouth. Sent4 1' dress on receipt of price, ': 5c. Let's have a trial order. A.G.se e -TB -- A N'rlc r ICITIC 2 'wit SRN in tean and county, write for Purity Mfg. Co. Exeter, Ont. information +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-:.++++++++++++++++ ++++++++•F•Ft•F•I•++++++++•t•+++++•W++++i.✓.-•t••:••:••MF:••t +++++++ Big Value in White Vestings We have a big showing of white vestings. choice of newest spot figure" and effects. Splendid washing quality, 20c, 25c, and 35e per yard. Pretty Lustre at 50c yard A very pretty collection of fancy lustres in blues and brown shot effects, spots and stripes makes a smart up-to-date shirt waist suit. Price 50c per yd. New Curtain Muslins Curtain wash net 33 in wide, with frill edged with fine lace and insertion. Curtain muslin of flue quality, 33 incites wide with tine open stitched edge, deep frill, latest for bed room curtains. Price 35c per yard. Bargain in Window Blinds 350 window shades in cream and 3 shades green, mounted on best roller. Size 37 by 72 ut., clearing at 25c. The Times from now until Jan. 06 for 75 cents. Ed. Militant was in Itidgctowu on business on Thursday. Gilbert Dow has purchased the black driver of the Rev. Mr. Crans- ton, of Cromarty. See why you should have a saving bank account in the Sovereign Bank id. last page. The public schools cbose to -day, Thursday, for the Easter vacation and will re -open on Services will be held on Gcod Fri- day in the Trivitt Memorial Church a .11 n. m. and 7 p. m. Horse for Sale - Good working rite for sate, cheap. Apply to M. ckson & Son, Main street, Exeter. Mr. T. 11. McCallum attended the nunl convention of the Western -Hetair Coal Associ:t; ion held at Lon- don, this week. 1 )tememher we have iI. & 11.• Cleaner, Ox Gall Soap, \Vool Soap, Setts of Leon, Ammonia, Borax. Moth Balla, everything necessary for house cleaning.-Ilow•ey's Drtl Store. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Main Street Church. -Easter s er- vtcr<s next Sunday. thsmorning the service will he taken by 1110 Rev. G. Ilenderson, of Crediton, and in the evening me are .lo have a non; service. The choir under lb(' able leadership and directorship of Mr. Gurney and Miss Huston are doing good work, and next Sunday even - evening we are 4.xpeclin3 1 treat from thein. Dead what .1. 1'. Rogers & Co., tt(, lits Marys, say ;moot our Star Flour /"There is nothing loo aood not only for the Irish but for Canadians as well. Do you have ; dull heavy feel- ing after Saha;, with headache' or paint in 1 lie regions of the slots' tell: or do you rise in the morning with a tired feeling. and a bad taste in your mouth? If so yen are using inlet ior flour, and we would advise that you commence ai once 1 he uae of Exeter Flour and these eymp'otns will rapidly disappear. - 11 rvey pros. '1r. Wallace Fisher, who has been employed in 1110 Sovereign Bank here for Some time itit been transferred to the branch 711 Zurich. Mr. Grant w•lto has been in Zurich for the past month, has returned to Exeter, where he w ill remain until t he London liranch is opened o11.11 he will be transferred to -that office. :\ hill respecting convict made gouda has been introduced in the Ontario Government. 1. All goods, w arcs and merchandiae nude by con- vict labour in nny prison, reforma- tory, or other establishment in .t bis or am other Province•, in which con- vict l ihour is employed, curd inn• ported, brought or introduced into the Province of Ontario. shall, he - fore being exposed for sale, .e branded, Iaoclled or marked as herr• Matter provided, and ahall not he exposed for Rale in any place within this Province without such brand, label o r►nark. 'l. -The "rand, label or mark hereby required eh ill con• fain al the head or lop thereof the words "convict made", followed by the year tool name of the prison, re- formatory or other est:ahlishmrnt in which it w•a. made. in plain English let tering. sminammlimlb WHITE WEAR • CARLINGS' WHITE WEIR AND WAISTS arc known to bo the leading goods of Exeter. We know we have the most stylish up-to-date Ladies' White Wear and Waists at the very lowest prices. Everyone is welcome to cull and see our beautiful isplay. Ladies' Skirts Made of fine English Cambric with deep muslin flounce, tri:ruil med with four rows good Torchon Insertion and Lace 1.00, 1.25, $1.75. Another kind of best English Cambric with deep muslin flounce trimmed with four rows real wide best Torchon Insertion and Lace, dust frill on all skirts, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, •$3 5o. 1•'. W. Gladman was at the Coun- ty 'Town cut business Wednesday. Miss Lottie Berry, of Ingersoll, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Rich- ard Seldon. \V. J. Heitman wat attending the convention of Western Ontario coal dealers al London this week. 3. G. St:aubury was at London on Saturday where he appeared before the high Court on some legal ousi- neas. Mrs. Campbell and Miss T. Balk - will, of Hamilton, were here the past veck in attendance at the fun- eral of their sister, Mrs. J. Rowe. \ Mrs. Ilerbert, of the 3rd conces- ion, liiddulpb, has leased her farm or a term of years to her brother William Holloran and may move to Exeter if she can get a suitable house. Just arrived.- A oar of Michigan Miss Nitta Carting, of Alma Col- i potatoes, price 85 cents per bag from lege, St. Thomas, is expected home I car and 90 cents from store. As the ct to -night for a short visit with her, greater part of theta aro already y parents, Al r, and Airs. T. 11. Carling. ordered, parties wanting •tn • I •tut qualify of potatoes had better Mrs. \V. Gogdisont and little son,';tit their orders at once. -A. Q. aro the guests of her mother, Mrs. Ilobicr. - --- ---- D. Johns, and will remain a month Mr. Goodison also spent Sunday in I . Inc Board of Trade held u meel- ing in the Town Hall, on Friday town. 'evening last to ht'or reports of 4•••••••••••••••••NN•❖• ( mmitlees appointed re the railway Ladies who are overworked dor- 7 :, d knitting faotory. The commit- ilttg house cleaning will find llowey's I t es failed to report, •and after some Beef Iron and Wine, a splendid tonic Iscussion it was decided to appoint ••• , , . ' milker committee, who are to re- port at t he next meeting to be called by ibe president. we understand that the slander ant it :► brought by Thomas Russell un behalf of his daughter Jessie, atc:tinri 1.. C. Fleming, principal of t he 1'uhlic Scl:ool, will be allowed ego t o t rill. 'fife Assizes com- t! at London on Tuesday April lb. The 1rouole has grown out of c expulsion of a pupil from the (((Fool and the subsequent refusal [ the•teacher and trustees to with - raw the expulsion. The election of officers for Main 1, Easter Iety.-The services in 1 he Sun - street Methodist starch Fpworthl fririt1 Memorial Church next Sun- day will be as follows -8 a. m.. League, for the ensuing year are as i Communion : 11 a. m , Morning follow•% :-lion. President, Rev. Wm. /11,01Y raer with Holy Communion : 3 Mryrr•in ; P es., Mrs. :t 1 :Godwin ; ISe(1 i', t',., Children's Service ; 7 p. Ileo r ; Cor. See., Alice Howard : I Evening Service. Special music in - M eluding aulitetns and solos will he Vice fres., C. ISndcavor, Atrs. ,lion• rendered. The Rector wilt preach rv� ; \'ice. I'res, Alissi tiler, Mise 11. in the mutating on "The Resurrec• hollick; Vice. 1'r0.., Literary, Miss lion" and in the evening on "The Lilly Johns; Vice. fres., Social, Miser \oxl (lour atter Deaf h." Sweet ; Organist. Miss M. llorney ; Assistant Oruanist, Miss Edna Fol -1 .lack Frost, after lying low for six v e it appearance here weeks made to t m ,e r k lick. 1\'ord rroS received here last week 8:1iurday :int] g Fly. Snow began f Il Ic 11 le,' Mr_ A F to .,..cn 1 falling in flurries Saturday attet- (nec Hannah !Ratchford) daughter r o 1 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1t. Iltatchford, at Dcn• The wind I•:I5 blotr•ing almost a Xale the � 0.ale, portion o[ .the time and rcr, o o. Mrs.s e t Reports 111°1'• ten train t teas1 her hu'sb:mQ .,ono living on a farm penetrating. raear Sterling Cole., and for some frena the country state that segs- ime had Suffered from :, tauter. II I:it' (tier not sufficiently advanced :,s decided to have her undergo an io stiller from the frosts. teralion at •t Denver hospital, and \Vedde.I in Winnipeg -The follow• he w•aa taken there on Friday. April iltg iS taken from the "Winnipez the Tl►o operation was successfully 'I'own•Topics" will be read with in• !formed, but She was unable to serest by the ninny friends of the Ole:land i effects and death fol- young lady tvite was one of the con• Weil on t tday, Aliril 91 h. Mrs. t ractint; parr ie+. -At t he residence of arren it to born in 1862. Shot .1. 1'. Clarke, Esq., nn \Vednesday , Coal. Coal.- Having a lies. loads of the celebrated Hawking Valley Coal lett both for stove and , tat, I will sell in ton lots at $6.501, and small lots at $6.73 per ton. Firat conte. first served. Orders lett at �d the office of A. Q. Dobler will i►e'.� promptly attended to. -l1. Parson CORSET CO ERS Beautifully made and Lace trimming 2/c, 35c, 5oc, and 75c. We have also the Dress Shield Corset Cover 95c_ DRAWERS Nice English Cambric and Muslin, cluster tucks and embroidery 25c, 50c, 7i , NIGHT GOWNS AND CHEMISES A big range to choose from WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Don't forget to see theta. they beat anything you ever saw in Exeter . Very cheap $1, $1.225. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.51). ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF DRESS GOODS TO HAND. Having sold out our ttret lot, we had to order another big lot, Call and see them. CA -RUING BROS. o ,e r a a ' • hie [ Tien :Ind continued all day une ay. Colo. \Warren had, with t r 1 ' "Couches and Rockers" , eat 13 Colorado in 189!, find w•as ;,ftor,tnnns \lis% fila Mae Clarke, his ar•icd 1c• \1r. Warren in 19112. Mrs. rl:moiler, wis married to Thomas Varrt.1 w.a.; well respected by all It'Arcy McGee, secretary -treasurer 1110v0 who knew her. (ler parents of t he 'Phonism Ryan Cotnpany, Lim - and twohrorher.s have floe sympathy iied. 'fist• ceremony runs performed of many int this vicinity, in their sad he the Rev. It. P. How•let, Il►e bride bereavement. and trrcx,ut sl andira; under an arch ---�- Deatla of Mrs. John Itowe. - On of iialtus in I he drawinz ieont. 11r. M11. 11095 l5 MACK Friday, April 14111, Florence, wife of 31a eily flowles and Miss Manch" Ilett. Geor..e W. (toss, surprised his John itowc, of Il:ty township, eldest Clarke. sister of the bride, attended iric.,i,l.• .,t "f"rrnlo, 'rud e.ay tn uorn- daghicr of 31r. \W�hem t. Balk well, of the:is hest m:an and maid of tumor lite •a e wh' b'• r'•ttirnett front tl►e Exeter, died a1 It^r (some in Ilay, af• respeet ively, while Master Whist on ,,,iii h, w it b"u• ,ny warning. Mr. ler a few days' Murat, from p110u• :it'll Mts. 5itrjorie Gould, of Miami. Itnss, who I: is teen sojourning in nioni i. She (rid beoti muffering from (it t anrl•children of )1r. an 1 31rs. lti • .lanriic.t for -r u,c lyeek•, said that 1:1 grippe for some days, which de- chard Gould of Exeter) cousins othere wa+ lit t l'' improvement in Itis vcloptd into pheumonia, causing her Ihe bride made •t charming Is .tc aif old timade, rL'umatism. but apart death. Mrs. Rowe Ivan in the best of health prior to her illness, and her death cline as a severe shock to her fancily and relatives. She leaves, besides a loving husband and three softs, the youngest of whom is fifteen years of age, her father, Mr. Win. 1111kwell, of Exeter, Mrs. It. Campbell, 11 'tuition. Mrs. A. Rollins, Stephen M 1 s. 11. Welsh. i.'•s- borne, Tillie, cf 11:smil ton, Eva and William. Exeter. \Irs, Bowe was bort in 1'sborne 12 year+ n go, and Isis :11rcnya nettle her home itt Exc- ter and vicinity. The funeral took by her tiro' her. I)r. Clarke, of tion• place Stand ay aft ern eam interment t'•n, \W it 1, the gown 010 wore the bring :a1 the Exeter rentc.tery. The Iraditio,vt1 veil and orange blot floe( .,d f tinily has tl. nvn1pa1by .ems. Ilei r.nly ornament was :' A Splendid Couch . . . $5.00 A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.50 Call and see our new Shop, one door south of Spackman's Store. W. C. HUSTON Embalmer. To ilk Buyers Having bought out the Milk Business and Good Will of Ml'. A. Dow. I solicit a con- tinuance of your patronage. With Fresh Milk and Cream WM. RIVERS Bui[a[ng Material I This is the season of the year !when you will be thinking of building either a house or a barn and we would remind you that we can supply you with Sash and Door Frames and all building material on short- est notice. creast brocade silk with 4ouchts of pink, picture hat. to match, and car- e flower ' tl The lit i' roses. tied pink girl looked hew•itohing iu el quaint frock of cream China silk with touches of blue. Mrs. Clarke, moth- er of the bride, was oharntingly. gowned in French grey Bilk crepe - de -engine. The guests included only intimate friends and near relatives of th bride and groom. Guests • The MI ssee .r ce rvcrc . distance from .t 1 McGee. from Portage la Prairie. the Itcy. Mr. nail 3lrs. Burrows, from Ardea, an•l 311. and Mrs. W. Gould. of 31i:tmi. Thi _room's gift to 1t►c bride s::as pr,: t 1 Sunburnt ; to t he maid of honor pearl ring, and to the trrootttsman .t pearl tie pin. On the eve of his wedding Mr. McGee w•i. the recipient of •t dinner sur• rice of art litoogts from the mem- bers of 1 lie company and staff of 'rlie '•Lorna'. Ity in Company, Limited. The bride's 'Join; .way ;own was a cleric rosining. 11 remota French nov• city cloth with hal of roses to to it ch. Water Tanks If you need a water tank this spring call at our office ani get prices and leave your order. All sizes made to order. Custom Sawing Customers who have timber in our yards and who want their sawing done, kindly call at the mill and let us know what shape you want it. Wood for Sale The Ross-TaWOr G0. Ltd 0110,,.•. .1,ifdohili Lis STRATFORD ONT.�✓ • It pays to get a Pracl ica( Edu- cation and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more for our graduates than any other Busi- ness College in the Province. Commereial,Schools employour graduates as teachers, they now that the training given in this = instituticn is the BEST. Enter S now. \Vrite for free catalogue. • W. J. ELLIOTT, ll Principa's D. A. McLACHLAN, , j •••••• • •N N•••••• N•••N• 'Tint(% for 75c. Miss Hall, of Brantford. * ill sic nil leo E•teter holiday• ai'tt ?Its. Amos. West Palm Beach, Api,4R lemon is slowly sinkinz �t7t1 m t� f runs t''.5' until Jan. 1'It),i Ryan, jr., NI. II. Steele and Fritz from flat. 1 g• s feeling very well 1 I t t skc his p: y ..t any lime. If to rrire flower girl. The ushers were .1. Spartintr. The weddinx march watt played by \1i..s Meta Clarke, a cous- in of 1 h bride. After 1 he ceremony Ile sad int 1 i. won' not ie , in the 1.'•:islature until "f`1r still( - .ti•, (1 tr'ide iti,ct:.n , the Faster, and in the Inca nl inn e , narrow t tc ill tetntinuc to lead t b • end. dainty ttfre.htnents were nerved OPissil' \Winnit"g, .\pili lg.-Tile ryctklp item a pretty flower•dtekr•,I title crop bulletin of the C. I. it. shown in the c(ieea aught li Mr. . ill that itte %veYnther during the psi.o :'Irs. A1cG00 caught Ih^ Ht. Paul fLr \lnni11 Ileus'•, Lisluwr•I, "I' svt•ck has been unfavorable for seed- flytr for the Twill Cit ies, where the ' • ••'I by )Ir. .I.lnt welsh. 1‘..s di•-' ittg throu shout tl►e whole West. and Ironeymonn will Its spent. The bride's r 1 to b on fire al ;n early that whole the orison is considerate gown was a charming creation of 1 ,.u1 Sunday morning. It was ' ly ahead of last ye.u, work has been silk. The cake was of handsome trae,e alrue( we, opposite the G. T. refits dolt ed. There is momein- Y Maliese lace, brought from Ireland 11. depot and before the fire brittad.' :tare ase in .rest sltewlir nut it is ton r,uld trot their hose into pla,r, theieiriy in tlte' sp•'•an ioratimate what flames were Lev and central. Build l Ihe tut al lost r=e will be. Tlie ,e-: Build- ing: and rot's, t• were .00nt t. IY fle-; we.,ther is gen, rally warmer 4o -day t r nye,{, Low. •,hoof ft {,0011, { ar11y I int, w it h favorable weal h' r 1 hie revered by io•,1r-ne-. Orioin of fire; wrek, tapld ptoarel• will he made. 4 f those r 1 ► have known she dc• swoon,' r.f pearl., the gift rf tL' r. tog r r• ce:tstrl since (WWIIc•'I. ;!room. 'rite maid of honor woresntknmvn.