Exeter Times, 1905-04-20, Page 4EE I%ru'sGomaonoa [,Xtrd6t or Sarsaparilla THE EXETER TIMES, APRIL 20th 1908. This preparation is purely Vegetable and an excellent remedy for all diseases of the akin and blood an(1 for gen- eral debility. It enriches and vitalizes the blood. It renovates the whole system. and rostores vigor and healthy action to every organ. For Sale Only at Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times • CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1905 e t MAT 2 0 16 23 30 NONDAT 3 10 17 24 ThRSDAY 4 11 18 26 WEDNesoAY.. , 5 12 19 26 TEv1ts1.sy( 13 20 27 FRIDAY 7 14 21 28 BATCsnAY 1 8 15 22 20 THURSDAY, At'_?iL 20th, 191x5 ItOW Sllt WILFRTD MAKES A FOOTBALT. OFTIRE WEST._ For years Sir Wilfrid Laurier has used his compatriots in the West ne n political football. There can be o doubtthat he was privy to the 0giaation of Mr. Greenway taking tray their schaal privileges. Ccr- (tinly, the Toronto Mail remark=, t#i0 campaigned nJainst any conces• ions to his coreligiotllst.+ when they complained that they had a ricvance. There was obviously n purpose in 11 these operation". Sir. Wilfrid is ft: born intriguer. He wanted to in- rigue himself into office, and vas t above exploiting hlt own people n order that he might succeed. At- er ho lied satisfied hie ambition, the question of settling 1 he • difficulty which he had provoked came up. Then he made a compromise, which r. rennrte,l in i 1..• ('*,- 1.u1 -water- tie "a settlement," and to (be ope as an arrangement which was ar from being a settlement, but ►Lich might be viewed as ".l begin - r et justice.' The report to Itis /less implied that something ore would be done. A further in- letalmenl of justice woe plainly pro - ionised. Sir Wilfrid has been trying Co early out )tis bargain with the V tics 1 and, t at 1 t , as we have recently Iscovcred, has use'1 coercive meth- ods. ile• has repressed Manitoba nd it ie plain from the interview Q[ Attcincy-General Campbell that i'ap•a! delegate understands that tie liar refused t, extend the pro - e inciil boundaries as a punishment 1.0 th•cl province for Icgislatins for itsi11. Thc Manitoba ministers have treason to believe t bit while Sir Wit - grid 1113 been e'ndeevoring to gel them io change the school law, he Ilan arranged with their opponents khat 11 they would snake concessions the Lii,erak would campaign Mani• thief against them and (urn tliem out of offi:e for their generosity. %Vil.t Sir tVilfrid wlnis more than r.ny concession to his Catholic 'friends k :I politico1 advantage, and it is suspected that, as he attacked Sir Chance Tupper for ttyitg to heft( the minority. so he would turn urea Ile Government of Manitoba it it sought to do the same thing. Ina word. Sir Wilfrid is so distrust- ed, and 1+ known to be so insincere end i tireli title, that tiny proposition le: utak(• ie believe,' t a be touted. Ayer's You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all ycur tolls, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. .t sneered terribly from to ttle.te t 6,1 VON t,!ood, 1 round no re"et un: 1 1 A,.r a Sarsaparilla. goYr b,l;ue. perms sem., cured too" Nue P. e. hate 1;' for ..,11 'tam: ich Blood • PIlle aro gently laxativo. greatly ald the Sarsaparilla. .5011 U U -S. Stint ,ke ha; retuuwed lic ol'l bailer fruit the will 1% /licit had be- come unfit fur further service end placed c.ne lately purchaee•d from .1. X. Howard, in its stead. -Mr. James Carraek i.4 t•ufferina from a severe cold. -Mr. John Isaac and fatuity, who have been residents of this plac3 for the past six mon`hs, left on Monday to vi. -.it friends in Colorado. from there !1r. 1aa-ie hitt proceed to Washington to attend Conference in connection with 111e R. 1►. A. n h. ch rc. N. 6 STEPIIEN SCIIOOL REPORT. The test examinations of the Hr. Ith gave the following results; - Laura ltatz, 8'J per cent. ; elennie McCann 69 1-4: Rubt. Henderson, 69 ; Edna l''inkbeiner, 68: Dora Kraft, 65; The promotions are as follows; From Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th; - Milton Raiz. 69 per cent ; Lavine llcnofer, 62: Jacob Querin, 5.4. From Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. - harry Yearley, 64. From Sr. and to Jr. 3rd.- Charlie Regier, 73 per cent ; John Hart- man, 61; Henry Wild, 60. From Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd. - Emma Cunningham, 73 per cent ; tlazaie Ilcnofer, 68; Torn Yearley, 65 1-2; Edna Witzel, 52: From Pt. 2nd Sr., to Jr. 2nd. - Ella Wilhelm. Flossie Hartman, Joseph Regier, Albert Chapman. O. M. TURNER, Teacher. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or • pro- truding. Piles. Druggists refund money If Ptzo Ointment fails to any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plication gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send 500 in stamps and it will be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. TITE TONIC OF HEALTH Must be more than a stimulant - must be n food as well. There is one medicine that is both food and a tonic, -it aids digestion, promotes assimilation, converts food into nutriment, that builds up nerves, brain and bone. That tonic is Fer• rozone which contains exactly what a run-down system needs. Ferro- rozone supplies oxygen to purify the blood, phosphorous to develop the brain, iron to harden the muscles. wonder it makes such vigorous men and women. You'll eat, sleep. think and feel better by using Ferrozona; try it -now. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferrozone tablets, at all dealers. NOTE AND COMMENT James Baird, of Pitot Mound,, Man., was nominated by the Liberals to contest Mountain against D. A. McIntyre, Conservative. Winnipeg, April 17. -The Carberry News (Liberal). seys it i3 reported that Hon. Clifford Siftou will take the leadership of the to=a1 Liberal party. Mr. Fitzpatrick's bill "an act for tba rnl:tet of t2l .,d T: •, ntnn r,l'N;3 a member of the House of Commons sets forth that on February 4th,1903 Mr. Lewis became security in $400 for Thomas Gundry, mail contrac• tor in Goderich, but was not inter- ested in the contract, and on Janu- nary llth, 1905 was released from his bond. Therefore for the quieting q double, it enacted of Laubt that he oe exonerated from all liabilities for having sat as member for West Hu- ron. WHEN SF.VE\I DIEM DIE You know at least one of thew had consumption. At first it was only catarrh -but it was neglected. When "Catarrhozone" cures so ,quickly it's foolish to suffer -it's a shame to keep on snifteling and hawking. Catarrbozone goes direct to the cause of the disease, -that'+ why it's so dead certain to cure. It stops ,the cough, prevents that disgusting discharge, clears phle;m out of the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant and safe too; get Catarrhozone frons your druggist to -day. Fire broke out in t he Art hur House stables, \Vallaceburg, at an Catty hour 'Tuesday morning, %vhich burned the hotel and 1111 adjoining building occupied by Mr. Evans as a restaurant and bakery. Some demise was done to the Stonehouse hlcck across the street, occupied by 1'. W. Jeffs, druggist and others. A brick melding on the .east side of the fire owned by Fin MlcItae as Ipatoor shop and residency, is con- siderably datnaged The Toss on hotel and barns iS total, partly cov- ered by insurance. A Horse and cow eet•e burned in the earns. i1IiEUMATIC i'AiNS QUICKLY RELIEVED The excruciating pains character- istic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved sky applying Cham- berlain's Pain IBalnt. The great pain relieving power of the liniment hes been ,the surprise and delight of thousandsf sufferer,. The quick relief front pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale in Exeter by W. S. Ilowcy. BORN \1'l1ITE - At Datticford, Rask., April 18. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. White of a son. MARRIED ItOSBF.NDERRY - TAYLOR - At t he home of t lie bride's parent s. Sauble line, liay, :Miss Myrtle, dau• Otter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.'fey • lor, to Mr. Druce Ilomsenberry, of Grand Bend. DIED ROWE -In Itay on Friday, April 11 Florence Balkwell, beloved wife of John Rowe, aged 42 years and 2 months. ('its'NICAN - in London, on April 11111, 1905.. Mary Jane Crunican, rcliat of the late alichacl Cruni- Can. WARREN - in Denver. Col., on Ap- 91h, 1905, Hannah Blot chford,bc• loved wife of Mr. A. E. Warren, aged 42 years. MACK - At Carberry, Man.. April 9th. John Mick, formerly of lien - 'ill, and brother of David Mack. 1' \ctcr. IIF.N'JALL O. J. Sutherland, Notary Public), Conveyan ver, Comatialeuer, Fire Insurance Agent. and Insurer or Marriage Lioenses. Legal documents caretuuy drawn at reasonable rates. Mone to loan on real estate at low rate.+ of interest. (Mira at the Port OMNI Heasall - all. T. J. Merry 11as disposed of the tech kitawu Stallion, Lord Sharp, to Mr. George Coward, of near Exe- ter. Lord Sharp is a fine type o[ the horse lli:it loaves th emost pro- fitable colts. Ile weighs close on to 1.900 Ibi. and has as much quality as u,y burse in the country. -Spring work %vitt* toe f.u'wers i' Hary the order of the day. -Mr. Leslie Cahill is here this week visiting a Ibis home. - The foot ball team of this village had :t match on Tuesday afternoon het with the juniors of n school in Tuckeretuith, of which Mr. Samuel Coulter, of this village, i4 a leacher. The game resulted in a tie. -Mrs. Smith, ,of the manse, has been at Lucian during the past week owing to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. liossack, whoa° life for a time wax, (lcspared of, but who, we are now pleased to tray, bas ex• 11(1i(-nctd a change for the better end ie improving nicely. -The relatives and friends of Mr. Robert Moir, one of our most re• spected residents, and who has now been an invalid for a number of years. will regret to learn that he has been very seriously ill during the past week or t wo. -Mr. and Mrs. Clifton, who have been residents of our village during the past year have returned to Lon- don. -Mr. George Walker, spent Sun- day last here with his wife, who has been here visiting he: mother, Mrs. Stnallacombe. -Mr. W. J. Miller, carriage ivaker returned home from Ilia west last week. - Miss forte, of Lucan, spent sev- eral days at the manse last week. -alt.. and Mrs. James McMartin, of London, visited Mrs. McMartin's tome, -\\'e are pleased to see Mr. B. IIoggart1 on our street' axain after his very serious illness. -Mrs. 5IcArter, of Brussels, is visiting her father, Mr. Robert Moir who is seriously ill. -The friends of Mr. Walter Lan- caster will regret to learn that he was obliged to return to St. Joseph's hospital, London, recently, and will hope for his recovery. Death of John Mack ;-Word was received here last week of the death on April 9th of John Mack, of Car- berry, Man., formerly of Hensel', and brother of Mr. David Mack, of Exe- ter. Mr. Mack was married to n Miss Silk, of Zurich, over 30 years ago and moved to the North -weft, settling near Carberry, where he successfully farmed 1,200 acres of land. Ile leaves to mourn his lose a loving wife and nine children, seven sons and two daughters. The bereaved family has the sympathy of their many friends in Ontario. BAY FIELD _Wm. and Alex. Ferguson, Harry Falconer and John Bailey, who have spent the winter at home have gone to resume their natio., seals's. -Miss McDonald, of Goderich, bas been the guest of Miss Fer;uson. - Miss Nellie Martin has returned from a visit with friends at Porter's Hill. -Alex. Martin, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Peter Campbell. -The merchants here resume th early closing on Tuesday, May 2nd. will They 1, , ► t close the same evenings as last year, Tuesday and Thursday, nt 6 p. m. -Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, t% ho have had a severe attack of la ri ,� are p(., . rc now rccovcrin 3 -Dr. Atkinson's family are East- er holidaying here. They expect to return to Detroit and retrain for a few weeks and then return to hay- field for the summer months. -Mr. Green gave :, splendid :aJ• olreea al the Epworth League Ser- vice, last Sunday evening. Isis sub• ject was "The Christian in Public Life" Everybody was pleased with his magnificient effort. -Mr. Arthur Beale, M. A., gradu- ate of Kingston University, and who spent some years as a missionary in Japan, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church, next Sunday even- ing. He will Jive an address on "Personal Purity" which work he has been lecturing on for some yetr.a past. -Rev. Itoht. Forbes, 1) .D., assis- tant corresponding secretary of the Ilolyd of Extension Fund of the %lethtxliel Episcopal Church in the United Slater:, and who now resides in Philadelphia, paid a flying visit to some alit friends in this vicinity list week. In Lis ca-ly days 1)r. Forbes Wa4 eng•laed �+ a clerk in Mr. Itouticdgc's stare. Ile finds n ►nerk(•d change since ht•ina here forty-two years ago. He called at the Methodist parsonage to Ree the Pastor who drove hint to one of the League services in the country. The League was favored with one of the moat eloquent and remarkable lec- i urea ever given in 1 his community. Ilk terse sayings, 1hrillinz descrip- tion.' and strong spiritual truths will never b0for forgottennby t ho, e who listened tc hint. Dr. Tarbes left on Saturdey ,Horning for Toronto, where he occupied t we of the lead- ing pulpits (.n Sun,' ,y. The Kidneys When they are weak, tor- pid, or stagnant, the whole system suffers. Don't neg- lect, them at this time, but heed the warning of the aching back, the bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains the best, and safest, curative substances. For testimonials of rentdrka►le curer •cud for Book on Kidneys. No. 8. C. 1. Hood Co.. Lowell, Hasa D ASII W OO D l SHARON -Miss Pearl Kestle returned home last week after two months pleas- antly spent with friend,' at Wood- stock and London. -Mrs. William Morlock t. con• fined, to her room through illneee. also Mrs. Siete l[rokcnshire is very ill of pneumouia. Their many friend, hope for their speedy recov- ery. -51r, Albert Whittaker, who has been living with bir, Silas Broken - shire for a number of years has hir- ed with Mr. Welsh, of Usborne for the coining summer and left for for that place last week. - Mr. William Hoskin, of Exeter, spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy. - Misses Della Amy and Pearl Kestle were out missionary collect- ing on Thursday last. -Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheldon, on Sun- dry last. -Professor Inrush, the hors edu• calor, gave an exhibition and lecture in Mr. Thomas J. Amy's barn lest Saturday evening. Quite a number attended. -Mr. James Harvey, who has been spending the winter with his daulh• ter, Mrs, Albert Brown, left for Exe• ter lastweek to s nd a few months at: the Mansion House. -511'. Thomas Amy, Sr., is again laid up with the grippe. This is the third attack Mr. Amy has had this winter. His many friends hope to soon see him out again. -The people of this vicinity were terribly surprised on friday last, to hear of the death of a former re• sident of this place in the person of Mrs. John Rowe. Deceased hid been ill but a few days with pneu- monia. Thal disease did its work so swiftly that few in the neighbor• hood knew she was ill until with awful suddenness her death was an- nounced. She will be missed in the home, and by her many friends. The sympathy of a host of friends go out to the sorrowing- husband and three sons in this sad hour of be- reavement. A large number from here nttended the funeral on Sun- day. The reaeouou save money 1.y amine 11OL1.1'H 0011 PASTE I'AINT Is plain. 1 gallon Pal.te... • .. S•a ices l gallon oil 7a Total...... . ..42 75 112.75 for two gallons of paint or 111.. t per gallon. Other makes of paint charge you the -awe price for the oil as the paint. W'e guar• antro it to equal in quality and covering capa- city any 41.75 per gotten ready mixed paint on the market. F. P. I AL'1.1\, Hardware. Stoves, Tinware, Etc. -Last Sundae 11.I, confirmation service i ' the Lutherchurch. There were about twenty confirmed. - Andrew Musser and Wm. Rhode intend Ie:isi•Ig btord:l 11051 fur As- siniboi:t, where they will work at their carpenter trade during . the summer. - Miss Lydia Itannie, of Zurich, visited friends here over Sunday. - Rev. bir. Clemens, Pit. D. left for Conference. Monday afternoon, which will be held this year at El- mira. -E. P. Paulin is erecting a fence and fixing up his lawn. - Tile Young People's Alliance have a specially prepared program for Easter, which will be f:iwen Sun- d•ly evening. - Miss Axl, of Zurich, was visit- ing friends in the village, Monday last. - bliss Katie Gresm:ut and bliss Ethel Plummer left for Barnet, Mon- day morning. CREDITO\ TO INTENDING PURCHASERS 1 OF SEED. -Wo have for sale a stock of specially selected Itcd Clover, Al- sike, Timothy, Alfalfa, Kentucky Blue Grass, Millett and Hungarian seed which we offer at reasonable. priors. We have the highest grades obtainable. -C. 7,\VICKER, Merchant. -Special Easter services will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday. -Rev. G. 1). Damm left for Elmira on Tuesday to attend the Confer- ence of the Evangelical church. -Mr. Thomas Morrow, of the Merchant's Bank sang in .the Tri - vitt Memorial church, Exeter, last Sunday evening. -Mr. Chas. Zwicker spent alai - day in London, on busine3s. - Our pleasure grounds have been levelled by a traction engine and a road scraper. The field is almost finished and with a little rolling, will bo fit for our boys. - Mr. s'r bi Caine.of 'll badhis . Parkhill then cat' an our citizens on Tuesday collecting rads, scrap iron, etc. - Prof. Jonee has been appointed leader of our band. He is a good musician, and we can expect great things from our boys this summer. The past week has been very cool. Our people are again wearing their overcoats and )iugginz the stove. -Mr. Chris. Fahner has been tak- ing orders for coal this week. - Mrs. Gordon Wright, president of the London Branch of the W. M. S. and Mrs. Marshall, Dist. Or- ganizer will deliver addresses in the Methodist church on Thursday evening, 20th inst., in behalf of the Woman's Missionary Society. • good attendance is expected. -Tile Methodist Sabbath School anniversary services will be held on Easter Sunday and Monday, as on former years. The services on Sab- bath will 'oe in charge of Rev. Mr. Godwin in the morning and after- noon, and Rev. Dr. Hannon in the evening. Collection at each service in aid of the Sunday Sohool. On Monda • ere r' t Ina in addition n to dltl o the excellent programme that is being prepared by the school, bliss Mildred Godwin, of Exeter, will read; Rev. Mr. Currie, of Sarnia, will sing, and Itev. Mr. Godwin will give an ad- dress. Doors will open p o'clock. The concert will begin at 8 sharp. Admission -Silver collection at the door. All ire cordially invited. F,LIMVILLE The anniversary the Ladies' Aid will be held on Sunday, April 23rd. The Rev. Geo. Jewett, a former pas- tor, will preach a. m. and p. m., and on Monday evening following n sup• per end programme will be Given. The supper as usual will he first- class, and the programme will be ex• cellent. -Miss Bertha Andrews and ,Hiss Pearl Miners spent Sunday under the parental roof. -Mr. Itobt, Wilcox Inas accept• ed a situation with Mr. Ira Andrews Cromarty, to assist as clerk in the st ore. - Mr. John Piper spent Sunday ender the patent 11 roof at Exeter on Sunday last. -itev. Kenner 'welched a very pointed and practical sermon on education and touched very forcib• ly on the Autonomy Rill. The ser- mon was very much appreciated by those who heard it. -Don't forget the special Easter services on Sunday next, and the tea on Monday night, a first-class time im expected. - The C. 0. C. F intend holding an open meeting on Friday evening, and %wislt every member to :,e present, and to bring alonz (heir friends. The Chief Councillor is promising special 1 n p ro�tromme for the occas- hio11. Et)EN • -Sir. Samuel iiicks on the and concession of 1'shorne, sold a team of heavy draught mare colts, risinx three year old, sired by Derry Down. The buyer war Mr. Thomas Clark, Runsli ne. The price paid was $350. They were a nicely matched pair of rolls. The fulletciIl r is the result of proniotion exaluin thans held in K. S. No. 1, 1'sborne, April 13 and 11 - To jr. 4th., to pass 405 in Irks, Vel- la Davis 587, Willie F,ssery 556, Ce• cil Skinner 551, Vin; Kerslake 410: to jr. 3rd, to pass 305 marks, Wil- lis, \VMier 430, .ton Davie 397, An- nie at4Curdy 391, Tltonlas Cnttem 37' C,, May 361, heckle Colbert 360, 1, ekinncr 356, Lila Creighton 306 11-1'• t \Iny is alio been award'" a 1. . •, not tacitly present for all 1 h: cx:uuination.-11. A. Davi.lson, Tea cher. 04kAP RICA.. Bean the C��M 1,^d Yrs Nat! Aha 50414 B:gnat�re of• GOSIIEN LINE, STEPIIEN. -Mr. Samuel Henderson is very busy these days painting Mr. Sam- uel Beavers new residence. -Miss ('earl Wilson, of McGilli- vray, is visiting friends on this line. - Miss Florence and Arthur Glan- ville visited t heir brother, Mr. Ly- man Glanville, on this line, on Tues- day evening last. - Quite n number of ladies of this line played a friendly game of hase- hall on the lawn ot Mr. 'T. J. Hend- erson, on \Vednesday evening Last, all report a good time. -Mr. Israel Green has enga;ed with Mr. William Yearley for the summer months. -Most of the farmers around here are busy putting in their sprin; clop. USDORNE 'taffy full. - bliss Eunice Ker - nick invited some thirty boys and girls of S. S. No. 5, Usbornc, along with others from Exeter, and S. S. No. 1, to a taffy pull in the bush, last Saturday afternoon. Although the weather was notnewhat incle- ment the boys and girls enjoyed themselves playing hall, runnin; rac- es and pulling Iu;s of war. Mr. Kernick, who attended to the mak- ing of the lefty showed himself on expert at that business. About the middle of the afternoon Mrs. Ker• nick drove to the bush and treated the large crowd to n splendidly prepared lunch. The taffy being ready about 5 o'clock the large girls lulled '1 1 Into ton bars, after 1 3 which it was cut into pieces anti distributed and soon all were enjoy- ing the treat of the day. After the taffy was eaten several tugs of war took place the last of which was be- tween the boys and girls, but the herculean strength of the former proved too touch for the latter. Af- ter thanking Mr. and Mrs. Kernick for their kindness in so loyally en- tertaining (hem, ell repaired to their homes as the six o'clock bell rang, having spent n most enjoyable time. The following atntistics are taken from the assessment roll of the township of trshornc ;-Total num• ber of acres, 42,886; No. of acres cleared, 38,599 ; ocres of woodland, 3, 609 ; acres of slash Land, 115 ; acres of mann), marsh, and waste land, 626; value of property, 1,597,095; value of buildings, 258,280: Iota! amount of taxable real property, 1,855,375: business assessment 7005; tote' assessment, 1,862,380; children between 5 and 21 years 643: child- ren between the age of 5 rind 16; 401; population 2120; male persons from 21 to 60 years, 493; birlhedur- ing the year, 25; deaths durinz the year, 15; number of dogs, 312; num- ber of bitches, 26; j,tal nmounl of church and school property in the township exempt front Iaxi' ion, ta8195.00.-Wm. Miners, assessor. AN AMF:ItIC:\N DISEASE Some doctors go so far as to ,ay That indigestion is the national dis- ea80 of America. There is but ons nel►o al remedy for indigestion a r ni that remedy is Dr. Hamilton's fills 1lhiclt accelerate Ihe action of the gastric ric •fl:%nets and give tone to the digestive orzens. They slrenzl hen the kidney's and liver, dense 1n 1 purify the blood end Ilium add ;gen- eral tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength ore fast restored and the patient can est and digest and food he pletses. Try Dr. If:nn- ilton's ('ills yourself, -25c. per box or five Lazes for e1•nn at r11 dealers. MEM AVegc table Preparation for As- similating 11tC Food anal Iteg Ida - ti►tg the Stoutalts and Dowels of INI.tN TS . t HILDttt:N • Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Materal. Nor NARCOTIC. /acre. 0/ Old I1-SAMIMPBUIDIR I1w,.1s Saul - Abe Jrnno • R. 4.1/. Sda - .6u. Steal • Ariptanial !h,w.e Jas • S1iefroo, tiara: Aperfect Rentedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions .Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of �° lister : NEW YORK. Atb months old fl DOSLS-35CT Nis EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTOR1 For Infants and Childr The Kind You H Always Bough g Bears the Signature of u For Ov Thirty Years n CASTORCITY. ' 1\ It pK & K K. K Kcx K K1.K K& S K 3,t% ;(,.K BLOOD DISEASED MEN If you ever contracted any blood disease yon are never safe unless the virus or poison has beta eradicated Iron the system. Nave you any of the followi:tg symp- toms/ Sorethroat, ulcers on the tongueortothe month, hair falling out, aching paths,Itchineeeef the skin, sores or lotches on the body eyes red and smart, dys- peptic stomach, sexual weakness -Indications of the secondary stage. Doa't rule your System with the old fogy treatment-mereary and potash -which only sups pressesthesymptoms for aurae only to break gut 'tato when happy in domestic Ilfe. Doa't let quacks exp. -anent on you. Our Mew Method Treatment Issaaranteed to care you. Our guarantees are backed by bank bonds, that the disease will never return. Thonsands of patients have been already cured by our New Method Treatment for over IO years. No names used without writte. consent. Mr. E. A. C. writes: "Your remedies bare done me more good than Hot Springs and all the doctors and medicines I bad pro- vlouslytried. I have not felt any ot those pains or seen any ulcers or blotches for over seven years and the outward symptoms ,a1• (Attie loathesome disease have entirety disappeared. My batt has grown In fully again and lam married and happy." CONSULTATION FRED. SOCKS FREE. WRITS FOR QUESTION BLANK FOR NOW TRIA?MENT. CURES GUARANTIED Oil NO PAY. 25 YEARS 1N DETROIT. Drs. Kennedy M. Kergan 1e8 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT. MICH. . K K& K Ke..K KbeK K t3&i( K K K G-; K •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • !DIAMOND • PERFECT •Z HOME • DYEING. Z tY E s ♦ L 2• • i EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Z ASK FOR THE "DIAMOND." IAll Druggists and Dealers. TAKE NO OTHERS. I N•N............••••••♦•♦••♦♦♦♦N♦N♦N♦••♦♦•♦♦♦• ZURICII of last week. -Miss Laur.t Goetz, of Thisbe ood, -On Wednesday of last week a was visiting friends in the village happy event took place nt the home last week. of Mr. and Mrs. itobl, Taylor, of -alias Lydia Koehler left on Sat- the (inutile line, when their third urday for an cxtonde.t visit with eldest daughter, Miss Myrtle, was friends 1n Scbringrilte and other united in marriage to Mr. ilruce eastern points. iloascnberry. son of Mr. Hy. Bos- -Mr. Abe Shctler left for flu[- senberry, of Grand Mend. The bap- fato, N. Y., on Monday. where he will py youple left for a whorl wedding remain with Ilii brother for n few trip. weeks prior to leaving for Celifor- --�-- ni't• At a meeting of the License Com- -Mr. Sol Hardy, and son, Earl, missioncrs for North Essex held Sat of Exeter, were in the village bet urday, disposition was made of all le�eek. Mr. %lardy has sold his but• applications for licenses in the rid eller business in that place and bee ing. Nearly all npplicants for new not decided what he will follow. licenses here refused outright, and - Mr. Fred Kelbfleisch has pur- a large number of applications for chased the 75 acre farm adjoining rt'newals trete similarly disposed of this village, from Mr. (tarry Vol- Amongst the patter were a number land, for the sum of $1000.00 Mr. who were sure of licenses. The conl- Kalhflciach will gel possession on tuissioners are making the redu:• the first day of October, 1005. tions because they feel 1 hat tht ro -Messrs. Peter Lamont and ('11,1s. it an overabuntlanccr of licenses in Fritz have purcheeed from .1. 1t* A. the district• and it is likely that Ilawden. Exeter, the entire Shire many more will follow next year. horse, "Naseby Grant," for which they paid , handsome figure. "Nate - by Gran" is grey in color end has A •1V11F hI\, CHEST. ST. Meatim your trouble is deep seated' a splendid act of legs and plenty To delay is dangerous. All the in - of 'moiety. flanlmltion will be drawn out in one - Mr. John Schuet t ler and trot her day by applying Nerviline. It pent, - were in Waterloo for a few days tr:Iter through the ',ores of Ihe skin, last week, where Mirs. Sahueltler reliever inherit/11160n and thus pre - underwent treatment for her failing vents serious consequences. Fon eyesight. sore throat, weak chest and tend- -51r. sly. leriuskopf, of Dublin, cncy to colds, no prescription i ).01110 and Mrs. F. Krauskopf and soil, of better then Poison's Nerviline. l o near Dublin, s% IV) hive Leen visiting nearly fifty years it has been Can- t-elalivcs in this iicinity, returned to ad is great household remedy. 25c. their tr,pcctiwc homer on Monday Lav' 3 I,rlre bo1110. 1 --A .3tk9a*%9µJ...•s+N!•�9,0094+l**J.l0001P! •99 Dr C) nemm= znir OTTR►S 1 """a' IMPROVED_!UTTER COLOR HiOhnaOSOx 6 Gives tho Tru, Golden June Tilt that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Dairies In the World Use It. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATION;. Atf,I. Vc cal Z'EI .A.11'1) Ilr /AIL Y.' NE*: Q cbE041404%444**et***11**000•44e•ftE'•!♦•E*EEt'e.er'E'Efr'E44441*!••E6tlt11ft•1v