HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-20, Page 1yin
CaII and Examine Our Stock of Seeds
We have some fancy
Late and Early
Lucerne and Alsike
Just arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil
It will be to your advantage to examine and get
our prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13
Cleveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere
SELLERS Rolier Mills
You are Suit buyers. We make the
$tilts- you wear them out. We make
Mem as well as we can, so that they
Will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because, if they do, you'll
likely go solnewhere else for your
Milt Suit. And no one could blame
you. So much money ought to buy
110 much Suit worth. And Suit worth
Is fashionableness of fabric—style in
!tit—fit—finish--looks dressyness —
and length of service.
As good a place as there is within 1bionyhIes to Ret all this and not pay too corn of Otter• \Nilson, of Goderichrnch is \V. Jahns.•Seitzerl' tp., was out shoot ing', his rifle :ac-
cidently wean off, and the bullet
with whish it was charged entered
his side and passing upwards is sup-
posed to have rested in bis lungs,
but at last retorts its position had
not been exactly located. Mr. Wil-
son kr seriously ill. but great. hopes
are entertained for his recovery.
Merchant Tailor ► FOR SALE AT The liy•-law to loan I he Clinton
Knitting Co. $6,000. to be voted on
May 1st. is promised the support of
the ratepayers generally. At a
meeting of sown of the prominent
citizens held Thursday night, com-
mittees of six for each ward were
appointe 1 to canvass and explain to
the rats -payers 1 hese 1 wo advanta-
ges: That the loin does not increase
the taxation, and the .I own secures
a large industry.
A well -attended Meeting was held
Tuesday nt the Bedford Hotel, God-
erich, for the formation of a lacrosse
club. Much interest was manifested
and I he outlook is bright for the re -
Lands for Sale vtval of the old sport. The follow•
ing officers were elected;—1'resi•
dent, .1. A. Hornbill; Vice -Prete, J.
The Saskatchewan Valley & II. 11:twkins ; '2ntt. Vice -fres.. Fred
Manitoba Land Co. Ltd. Dans; M•I.n:rger, J. M. Parker:
Cleveland Cushion Frame 'measurer, II. 1V. Thompson; 6ccrc•
and Coaster Brake Largest Land Company on the Nicholson.
tory, E. belly' Gal,tatrt, A.
Wheels Continent, controlling entire Can. Don \\'ednesday last Police Magis-
Pianos, Organs & Sewing adian Northern Railway land Irate !kettle', of Seafortlt, commit -
Machines always in stock. l grant ted to she care of the Children's
Aid Society, through the president
:1r. Jas. Jlitchell, who tirade it he ap-
plication, t lu-ce children lelongin Z to
The cream of the wheat lands of :' 1 tmily named lirootne, living nt
e which
Western Canada Iiso Winthrop. The case isone
has occupied the alle,uion of t he
Parties purchasingnow are Society for over n year, but 11 was
only nett that the consent of the
given until ist of Jllnc to select parents—both are living, but are in•
their land. capable of caring.! for I heir of (vprin;
Mr. .Juhu Rankin, of Setforth, has —was obtained lo part with the lit -
been appointed clerk of that town For Terms etc. apply to Ile .ones. The facts are of a most
to succeed \Vm. Elliott, resigned. Mr. distressing nature, and the chart re
Elliott goes to Owen Sound, where just effected was a crying necessity.
big 1 w -onq are in business. On Tuesday a married !woman
named Richards. wile with her Iius•
wand lives on the llritannia !toad
_ -- -
near Goderich, claimed 10 have leen
assaulted with criminal intent by a
than named .limes Atkins. The
scrap was apparently the otilcontc
of drink, and the woman's appear•
ante w.t• most shocking. A warrant
was issued and Atkins arrested, awl
on \\'ednesday I'. M. !lumber, of
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill•
Fire at widulght, on Sunday de- SCHOOL DIFFICULTIES SETTLED.
strived th ebarns and annexedsheds
belougin, to Geor_r Brooks, of Rip•
'!'here are t+ti inmates in t he !louse Icy. The fire k surrounded by nays -
of Refuge, at Clint on.
The spring blow of the Southllu-
ron Agricultural Society will be held
in iirucetield, next Friday.
The total assessment of the village
of Hens -ill i+ $26'2,000 or nbout $27,-
000 wore that, last year'#. The
population is '000: .;end the number
of dogs 50.
The commercial Hotel el Mensal 1.
clanged hands last week, Mr. T.
Dowson, the present proprietor, be-
ing succeeded by Mr. Thos. ileffron,
of the 2nd cat. Hay, who is to take
possession on May 15111.
Garnet Suullttcowbe, of Ilensall,
who has been a very zealous worker
for the Conservative party. left last
!cry, follotting as it docs, a sequel
to several oilier Iossee by fire,
the origin of which in every oaee was
equally as difficult to determine.
Mr. Brooks :uttl family mere startled
from their sleep a few minutes he -
fore 12 o'clock to find .1 he barn en-
veloped in Plaines. Ho far !grad the
blaze adv. ed before it was discov-
ered that ohly t wo horses were stat-
ed front destruction. The entire re-
maining stock, numlerin. 1 wenty-
six head of. cattle, Circe horses and
all farmin implements, together
with man ons of bay and a quan-
tity of fee were consumed. The
loss is estimated •}t $2,500, insured
In Kulross Mutual Fire Company in 1901, 1 1-1 miles ttest of t 1;^ r!d
for $1,600.
The arbitett-ors appointed by the
cuunty council of tate county of Hu-
ron have arrived at a unanimous de-
cision, in the case of Union School
Section No. 4, Goderich and Mulish,
dividing; what is now known as
Union Section No. 1 into 1. Union
Section which shall hereafter be
known 18 Union School vection No.
12, Goderich and Hullett, and a
non-union section which shall be
known as section No. 4, Goderich.
Considerable friction had been en-
gendered as to the proper location
of site, but the climax was reached
when the trustees discarded the
beautiful brick school house built
at Summerhill in 1901, costing some
$1600. and built another school house
site, !bus causing great t • •, .,- 0
week for Toronto, to take :t post- On Tuesday morning of last week, and inconvenience to residents un
tion en the staff of the Agricultur- :a 15 year old son of Mr. Otter Wit- the Base line..
al Department under lion. Nelson son, of the Huron road, hada re - It is to be hoped that these two -
Monteith. markable escape from what ntighi pie will take the IeRSon taught by
If you are tired taking the largo Iiave been a fatal accident their past experience. AB in the
old fashioned griping pills, try Car -
a liioh may yet. In•of u serious.
ter's Little Liver Pills and take Ifc teas out slicotiug, and while sit•
some comfort. A man can't stand ling on a boulder, rested 4 he bull
everything. One pill a dose. Try of his 22 calibre -rifle on his toot,
with the muzzle leaning against his
stomach. The rifle slipped frorn his
boot to the ground, and though it
was not cocked. it went off. the bul-
lot passing upward, ihrouoli the liv-
er and lodgiu, in the breast bone.
He was alone, three quarters of :t
mile from home, and he was so weak
from the loss of blood that it took
him five hours reaching there. Medi-
cal assistance was at once humwon-
ed and he is doing :is well as can be
expected. though by no merits ottt
of danger.
While pulling dozen the northwest
corner of the North Street Metho-
dist church at Goderich last week,
a sealed tin was found containing
interesting records placed there
when the church was built in 1858.
1 -':tin from indigestion. dyspepsia.
and too hearty eating is relieved at
once by taking ono of Carter's
Little Livor Pills. immediately after
dinner. Don't forget this.
Clinton is actively engaged in
promoting a 1905 twelfth of July
celebration. .inti gives promise of
making the affair a decided success.
The Doherty Organ factory. of
Clinton. which was destroyed by
fire some time ago has placed an The G. T. 11. engine house at the
Sat -
order for new machinery and cs-St. Marys junction caught fire pcci f.o begin operations in the near urday afternoon from burning grass
future. and a doorway and a small portion
Will positively cure sick headache ofr the roof !were but tlamaged. The
brigade turned out their servic-
and prevent its return. Carter's es were not needed as the pail brig -
Little Liver Pills. This is not talk tole composed of the G. T. R. June -
but truth. Ono pill a dose. See ad- tion employees put out the fire by
vertisement. Small pill. Small carrying water from the new engine
doss. Small price. tank. The only wooden parts of the
John Dunn, Huron road, Goderich engine house which would burn were
had his left hand badly injured al the doorways and roof. The wall:
the planing mill en Monday morn- are of solid St. Marys stone.
ing by its coming in contact. with a Last Thursday :t small tiro occur•
saw. The seoond finger was complete- red at the rear of tho G. Carter Son
ly cut off neer t•he second joint, the & Co's store on Queen street, Bt.
third finger so injured that the doc- Marys, causing :t loss of about $100
tor had to amputate it past the A frame shed attaohed to the rear
seoond joint. and Ito first finger was of the store in which was a ton of
badly cut. baled hay and other feed stuffs
dr tt•hilu Arthur, young• caught fire from a pile of hurnins
ruLbish. The blaze was noticed al-
most as soon as 1.t started and the
tiro •.torn► wi gaiekly responded t�
the brigade h1vin7 water 3oins with-
in three or four minutes after the
call was turned in. Their prompt
work doubtless averted what might
easily jtavo been a disastrous confla-
gration. The frame building was
badly charred and the hay was ruin-
ed, but the ,Hain store :escaped any
Mrs. Egan. au esteemed old resi-
dent of the north ward. St. Marys,
died last week after a brief illness
of pneumonia, aged- 71 years. She
had been a resident of the town far
nearly half a century and was high-
ly esteemed. iter husband, the late
Mr. John Egan, died 32 years since
as a result of injuries sustained on
the Grand Trunk Railway. She
leaves a family of four sons and four
daughters. They are Thomas. John
and Miss Maggie, of ('pica;o. Kate,
of Cleveland, ltev. Father Egan and
Mrs. McCaughlcy, of London, Mich-
ael and Mrs. Foley, Sl. Marys, and
Miss Ellen et home. Mrs. Egon was
:t native of County Kerry, Ireland,
:ltd came to this country many
years ago. She was :111 estimable wo-
man beloved by her fancily and re-
spected by all who knew her.
Elegant Black and Blue
Suitings for $15.00
and $18.00. CLEAN, DRY
• — Exeter Storehouse
Bb Garriao. This is much cheaper feed
than oats
this week we show our
nett Baby Carriages and Go-
carts. They are stylish and
In New
Wo are showing the ever
Manitoba & Northwest
8. Martin,
Lind Agents Office Main St. Exeter.
k of Canada
$F.r,000,00o k several hours hear -
CAP11'AI. gall paid up) Goderich, put in s
ingt t he evidence, tt hich was •some -
1 $3,200,000 whit con! r►dictory and of a char -
SERVE octet -to justify clotted doors. Mr.
i$r959 (lumber committed the defendant
K. F. iIE1IDP.N, for trial at 1 he fust court of com-
Supertnteodeot ot Branches potent jurisdict nett.
'1'St19.;F YeI11CUeneral Manager
95 Branches In Canada
interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
!Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- cars stere drau n a considerable dr+•
Inner along the track. tearing alt
linen, to whom loans arc made on approved names. t lin r.t;,I ted e .track.
o: her riti,t , Ho
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the tt.he,i then. fin:illy. t„okt• elf tel
tumbled int" the ditch. The u►i•••
',world. hap W14 not noticed by the t r lin
A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED han,tg until Mei fo,•tli tray te,Hied.
The eight o'clock 1 rain 1reel the
West was stalled at Seafonli slalom
all day and no train was able to get
W, S. CHiSHOLM, Manager. in from the East until ,!non: nine
,,clock at night.
A long freight train di ion Icy
two engines, '0111; west trout Dublin a celebration, everybody is down on
on Monday morning of last week lion Intl ear; "all lie is after is mon-
made •1 bad mess of the railway ey." The truth 11 each person
track between chat place and Ilea• is jealous of another, and the town
forth. Shortly atter le 'vine Iluh• is going back slowly but surely.
lin, a r tr by some tntesns got of Ili• Your. ore.
track pulling reit! a 4 frith 11. These
Thomas McGladdery, of Parkhill.
has been appointed license inspector
for North :Middlesex, vice William
I):t w son.
Robert Quick, of Caradoe, the in-
sane man now in the county jail
awaiting trial for hawing killed his
brother. appears to be improving as
Cot as MS mental condition it con-
cerned. While still !raving delu-
sions, he talks raticnally at times,
and is allotted to mingle with the
other prisoners in the ward. The
wholesome food and exercise of jail
life are e`idcntly ggettinr in their
good work.'
To the Editor of fT Extoor Times ;
Dear Sir ;—i sin extremely ,sorry
to learn from ul -old .1 itner that the
21111 of May (Vietorit Day) is not
to he celebrated this yt•.tr in our
"once"' 'loyal willoge. \\•bat hat
come over your merchants and
youths! Is a -Kirit of grasp and
greed or one of indifference ati-I
self. Certainly you are none the hat-
ter for it. Your board of trade is
one of wind, .,I least nuthing is done
towards hringiuz an industry of
any kind. The ,nembers attend and
each one airs his own views and that
is all. 1f a private individual starts
For Infants and Children.
Do Kind You Han Always Bought
Bean the
Signature of
section have suffered needlessly:just
because of their seltishness uild per-
sistant strife. -The arbitrators wens
Messrs. II. E. Huston, Exeter ; \Vm.
Clegs, \Vinshani, and Judie Holt,
'I'lw Dominion Fund, which Ili be•
ing raised by twenty-five cent suo-
scriptions, to he devoted to provid-
ing a library and other requisites
for the battleship named the "Do•
minion" after this country, furnish-
es an ideal opportunity for a display
of that patriotism which is at once
the pride and boast of the people of
Canada. There has already been a
most. generous response to the ap-
peal, but, no douat, there are thous-
ands of others who will be glad to
contribute to a fund which will ae
the means of giving so much real
pleasure to Jack afloat on the new
cruiser. The idea of [urnishiug
men of war by the places after
which they are called has become
quite popular in England and Au3-
tralia, and the compliment now paid
lo Canada is one which cannot fail
to be appreciated throughout the
length and breadth of the Dominion.
Certainly Canada will not be itchind
other eountrica in an interesting
matter of this kind, in fact the
people should rather be stimulated
to eclipse anything that lint yet been
done in this respect.
The branches of the Sovereign
Hank of Canada, will be pleased to
receive subscriptions and forward
sante to the treasurer of d he fund
free of charge, and ,names o[ contri-
butors of this section will be pub.
lished from week Ip week in the
Times. err
B.ar. th. D A f9a RH= Always Bcoght
Consider Nugi's career. Ile was
commissioned by the Emperor to
retake tort Arthur, the "impregn-
nable" fortress which Ite had taken
by storm from the Chinese ten years
before. Ile went thither to work
and to fight. largely unobserved by
the world, for the limelight of pub-
licity was turned upon the fleets,
and upon Kuroki and Kouropatkin
in -their desperate duel at the north.
rather than upon him anal his sap-
pers and ,miners and forlorn hopes.
He went into the camptign with his
two sons and his nephew—the only
men in the world who could inherit
his name awl title. One son was
killed at Nanshan. The other died
at High !fill. In a third conflict
1.he nephew '.vas killed. They sate
that Nogi smiled when he heard the
news, and instead of lamentingtis
own loss congratulated then
upon the victories he had won.
"God took my sons" be tai dto :t
friend one day, "in order that 1
might be better able to sympathize
with my countrymen who are like-
wis.o bereft, and so that i may the
better answer to the souls of the
tunny brave men when 1 alt send-
ing to their graves." Hnl now and
then, ashen he supposed he was en-
tirely unobserved, lite white-haired
veteran would bow his held and sob
as if from a broken heart. The Em•
peror meant to pay him the beauti-
ful cninplimenl. of making him the
guardi to of the Prince Imperial's
Ilirce little tons. nut first there
was ether work to do. So with his
!war •worn veterans Nogi was hur-
ried up In Mukden, where we are
I 014 he hurled himself like .r 1hurt -
derholl upon the Russians. Beyond
question it !was ,he and his matt,
their ery, "Make wary for us 1 \Vc
are from fort Arthur I" (bit ,mors
than any others staggered and shat-
tered the Russian legions.
The world has heard a great deal
of late about t he .iapanese spirit.
Exploiters of the "yellow peril"
have lung the changes upon lire
-essential barbarism" of .1 hat amaz-
ing people. iI may be so. slut
1 here are those who will hay 1 hat
if such men as Nogi are exemplars
of 1,arhariam, that is the sort of
barbarism e want. To most his
career locks like .That of a hero who
would be an adornment and an hon-
or to any rare, and of whom the
world may learn much in both ten-
dcrnest and terribleness: as it may
also learn great lessons from the
whole Japanese establishment in
t military rinitatbon and 4 be art of
i •:ricnlific !tar.—Nets York Tribune.
IAA at the libel on your
and Qee ihit it is correct.
The services in the .lame street
Metho'tisl church for Eater Sunday
.till he in keeping of the usual 'er-
yices for that .11y. Special mimic i.
Itwine ,•retired
joins Mums & Sods
The Mat North -Wash
General Selling Agent.
Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
Cos. Lands, Saskatchewan Valley and Manitoba Cos. Lands also
a number of other improved and unimnrovedNorthWest farm lands.
$3.50 per Acre All the above lands are being offered to purchasers
nn very easy terms of payment and prices range
from $3.50 and upwards.
BEAR IN MIND .ve have farm lands to sell in a3) part. of Manitoba
Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Now is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advance
We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We
give Actual Settlers to years in which to pay for lands.
$427 •VV
00 down secures 320 acres, (half section) of choice wheat land.
G This would be a great investment for YOU.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
$383.40 Secures 320 acres (hall section) choice wheat land to an actual
• settler. No outer payment required for two years.
s -I -o -E -s
TRY OUR EVERYDAY SHOES for men wc:ncn and child
ren and you will say they are the Best Shoes you ever had
on your feet. Put than beside any shoe you ever saw, they're
right up and ahead of most of them—note what good leather, what
careful snaking. Then they are made on common -•n'-e lasts which
insures solid comfort to the wearer.
Fresh Groceries of the Best Quality.
Large Assortment of Wall Papers.
BEAVERS BROS., Farquhar.
Strictly One !'rice.
IIigbest Price for Produce.
Vnu want t„'.pend your money
where it will do :^r• most good
Don't You ?
Being a prcg; t ssivo person and a
shrewd buyer yo•.t .fro always looking
for the best bargains
Aren't You ?
Therefore yon wuul.l be willing to
deal with us if yott knew we would
give you the bee• geode foe the last
Wouldn't You?
Well then hoes ;is to deliver to your
hone some of r :t new fttrnitur•• at
prices that will
Convince You
Sideboards in Golden Maple, dnultle , Parlor Suite, :, pieces.
shaped tope 14 x'L4 mirror. as low as ! in hest velours, $19.1-0.
$8.00 Couches 0 feet in. long, Z3
Bedroom Suites, 3 piece, golden or 1 wide,
u d olst 1{ veil t t elottrtt,
mahogany, 311 inch Drerser, 163E20Bevel Plate Mirror, $12.00 I all Everything Nis. in 0, luparison
Furniture dealers and Funeral director.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N•••••••• •••••••
Is Now Here
We have .lust t.e(eivt'd our spring shipment of
In 15, 25, 45 and 90c. cans. 41 colors to select from
40c p(L (luarc. s ('010r' ttt es'It t t, frons
Alabastine and Murallo Cold Water Wall
111 :':re, 45c, and 50c 1)ackagt•s
NNN••N ••• ••••••••••• •••••••••N••