HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-13, Page 6•.:...:.++44+�+7 A SPRING TONIC. Something That Will Make Rick, tx Fashion Red Blood and Drive Out ...Talk BELTS, HATS, GOWNS. Even the leather belts are on gir- dle linos. They dip in front and of- ten are held in the back with a largo buckle. Ruined, painted and colored leath- ers aro pressed into service for belts, and these sante leathers aro used for collars. waistcoat lines, cuffs, etc., upon motoring costumes. Shaped belts of colored leathers— tau, blue. red or green—are trimmed with two narrow bands of patent leather. The belts are pointed at the back. Linen tailored suits are very tnan- eisii and severe. The most desirable uwdel at present has a long coat very loose and buggy, with revers and collar of colored linen, blue, mauve or green. The soft satins with cashmere backs in white or colors aro being used for a number of the new blouses for spring wear. 'Neese wash exceed- ingly well. and have very reliable wearing qualities. For simple gowns there is a reviv- al of interest in the sailor waist. The plaited skirt and the sailor waist combine excellently, and tho Disease. All physiClane are agreed that everyone needs a fresh supply of new blood in the spring. Tho reason is plain ----close confinement in overheat- ed, imperfectly ventilated homes and work places, have clogged the blood with impurities. The liver is slug- gish; the kidneys fall to perform their work properly. The impure blood is shows in a score of ways. You may only feel a little tired, or easily depressed, but these are mere symptoms from which more serious trouble will follow. In other caster impure blood makes itself manifest in pimples and disfiguring eruptions. occanional headaches, a variable ap- petite, attacks of inellge tion or rheumatism, pains in the buck and loins. But whatever the trouble. there is only one sure way to get rid of it. and that Is through the rich, red, new blood which colt,', from the use of Dr. Williams' fink !'ills. Every pill vuu take makes new, rich blood, braces the nerves, overcomes all weakness. drives the germs of dis- ease from the body and gives you vine and energy to resist the torrid heat of the coming summer. Mr. ('harks Snttlnier, ('orberrte, N.S., w'as veru' much run down. anti so weak I Could hardly work. it seemed as though my blood was lit- tle better than water. I tric'el sevs two make up an easy aad yet stylish eral medicines, but got nothing to for the country or for informal wear. help me until I began taking I►r. Wil - The ready-made covert coats show bums' fink Pills. It ails simply numerous collarless neck finishes, but astoniehinte how quickly these pills the smartest coat of this type has, began to help me. and how much as it has always had, a conventional new life and vigor they put into me. coat collar and plain -stitched sleeve .They hive made me as sound as ever finish. I was." The newest pocketbook is long, (;noel blood is the secret of health narrow and vett' Out, and of en- and strength. The secret of good velope shape with a swap bundle blood is Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills. on the back. One of the snit is of ,These pills do not act upon the bow - pigskin, stained In brownish owl- p berry shac:es and sprinkled with flour -de -lis, A very lovely shade which will be much in evidence this season is a delicious bluish purple. known by the name of wood violet. It is in- troduced in faced cloth in two or three qualities. '!'here are many new and beautiful soft silks in the stores. Some of them are almost un sheer and pliable as chiffon. The colors are charming. Some very pretty simple toques and turbans suitable for traveling have been seen. The straw used for these are mostly rough weaves, one very coarse and loosely woven being a great favorite. It is the acme of fashion to have belt buckle and ornaments for the back to match. The new belts are wife is also a member in good stand - many of them wide at the back, ing of that denomination. pointing somewhat. Admiral Togo is a Roman Catho- With the new styles of hats the lie. tulle veil conte In triumphant. '!'here Other in•:tanses of high Japanese can be no question of lace veils o'ltcfals beige Christians might be ell' -their whole emission is to make new, rich, health -giving blood. which strengthens every organ, and every nerve gid drives disease from the body. Don't take anything but the genuine pills, which have the full name "Pr. Wi'.lfanrs' Pink Pills for !'ale remit." printed on the wrapper around each box. if in (lento. write The Dr. Willie!' s' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.. and the pills will be sent at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. THINGS .1AP&NESE. It is interesting to know that Gen- eral Nog, and Geporal TTuroki are members of the Presbyterian Church, and that Field Marshal Oyenta's flouting down at the back when so much of the trinnning of the hat is arranged cachepeigno fashion, nor of long scarfs twisted about the neck and falling to the foot. such as were worn by some fushionablcs last. year. The prevalence of the very high gir- dle trust have been noticed by every shopper. Half the street gowns seem to be furnished with a high belt, and the dinner or evening gown, which has not such an orrangment is an exception. There's a new kelt that is taking with women of ordinary proportions. It is nitwit 2t inches wide and is made of two bins st 'its of leather, noted. No country in the world possesses to -day n larger measure of religious liberty than does Japan. That is ono of the secrets of her sue- cess and propress these 'atter years. Japanese shipping tonnage passed from 1tS,0(i0 tons in inn0 to 000,- 000 tons in 1!x08. Japan has 858 technical schools. The Governmerit runs nine of these; was then, there was n.:t a single comfortable and scientific manner. Of l hien a hoist, or a gun." 795 are supported by peril authori- room in it that cold.' he utilized for course, Mr. Jay tried a lot of outer There was a brief silence. The sur - ties, and 51 are private establish- the purpose of attracting those of The neurite of sure °yea dy for coughs menta. 'lite total includes three in- Mr. Horsley's young parishioners, PARSONS OF ODD FAME CURIOUS MEANS ADOPTED TO SAVE SOULS. A Cemetery Zoo in London— Boxing Ring in a Church. Probably there is only one place within the comities of civilisation where monkeys can be seen turning somersaults and otherwise disporting themselves on groves where people are burled says a Loudon letter. That is in a rather extraordinary private menagerie which has been set up in London by a clergyutau of the ('hurt h of England. The clergy- man in question is the Reverend J. W. Horsley of Walworth, who sot the folk of that rather grimy Loudon district aghast awhile ago by turn- ing the cemetery behind Saint Tit- er's Church. %there he officiates, into a Zoo. This V00 contains 110 less than four monkeys. who spend most of their time in climbing a series of posts orteeed amongst the graves in the cemetery for their delectation. The rest of the while, honever, the mon- keys occupy in romping, over the lust resting places of long -dead Walworth folk in a fashion which cannot yet be viewed with complacency by the descendants of the latter. The other inhabitants of the reverend gentle- man's -zoo consist of three owls, a flock of pigeons, some white rats and 80 guinea pigs. There are about 1,000 graves in the cemetery which this clergyman saw fit to turn into a menagerie:— and enagerie-and incidentally into a playground for the t-0iildren of the choked -up dis- trict. Of course. each grave had its headstone and when Mr. Horsley set about transforming the place he had all these headstones removed and stacked up alongside the iron fence which separates the cemetery from the street. Afterward he lead tho poles put up for his ittoltkee-s and provided suitable accommodation for the rest of his menagerie. The owls are in a big cage, the pigeons occupy a second, and tho white rats a third. while the- guinea pigs have a big runway enclosed by a wire netting, inside of whose con- fines they have eaten long graves quite bare. This to the further dis- gust of the ninny Walworth folk whose wrath was kindled to start with by the introduction of the mon- keys. in fact, the vestry council of the district has been appealed to sev- eral times with a view to snaking the Reverend Mr, Horsley ede'ct his menagerie from the cemetery. hut so far the councilors have supported the parson. CRYPT A CLUBROOM. This ingenious: divine first became known to fame outside the scene of he ling been a Constant onlooker at his intensely earnest, if rather start - sparring matches. In Shoreditch— ling activities, when he perforated which is the Jago about which Ar - another feat only Ices novel in its thur Morrison wrote his slum novel— way than that of transforming his boxing is the most popular maser graveyard into a recreation ground line pastime, and when Father Jay, as he is called, was sent down into this section of Whitechapel by his bi,hop nearly twenty years ago to found a church there, he could find only one way of winning the good will of the men in the dis!rict. That the long departed. As the church was by giving them a place in which I'm going up to London to -morrow. spurring matches could be held in a, ane shu'n't know whether to bring HE IS EMPHATIC IN WHAT HE SAYS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED ROBT. BOND OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. His Doctor Who Said There Was No Hope for Him, Now Pro- nounces Him Well—He Tells His Own Story. Mt. Brydges, Ont., April 10— (Special).—Aniong the many pe'olle it. this neighborhood who tell of the great work Dodd'/ Kidney l'ills are doing. none is more emphatic than that old and respected citizen, air. Ito: .ei t Bond. "1 believe 1 owe my life to Dodd's Kidney !'ills," Mr. Bond says. "My attending physician said 1 was in the last stages of Bright's Disease and that thero was no hope for me. Then I comi'.enced to take D«id's Kidney Pills and used in all twenty boxes. Now 1 eat well, sleep well. and my doctor says I aiu w •.1. t)odd's Kid- ney !'ills and nothin; else cured me. Do you wonder I am always ready to say a i:oud word for hold's Kidney Pills?" What will cure Bright's Disease will easily cure other fora of Kid- ney 'Disease. Dodd's Kidney l'ills will aiWa?s cure Bright's 1,isease. They aro the only rnnledy that will cure Bright's Disease. Ile sure you get Dodd'''.— — — — ---- because one of the monkeys in his cemetery bit a little girl. PitIGEItING IN A CHURCH. Unusual. however, as t ho Gorleston vicar's doings are, England contains at least half it dozen clergymen whose performances either in connec- tion with their culling or outside of it, make those of Athol Forbes seem comparatively commonplace. Of these divines, by tar the most pic- turesque is the Reverend A. Osborne Jay, whose church in Shoreditch con- tains a boxing ring where during the winter menthe prizefights to a finish take place almost every night. These contests aro usually for a pure and are generally presided over by a professional referee. The prizeriug is literally under the Reverend Mr. Jay's aftar rail. for it Is in the tniddlo of the room which forms the basetmcut of his church—holy Trin- ity—anti every inateh is attended by the clergyman who, though he doesn't box himself, has learned a good deal about the fighting game in the sixteen years during which anti Menagerie. 'I'bis was several ,ears ago, when Mr. Horsley, at. a loss for a clubroom in which to gather the young thou of his parish, dctcrtnined to make 0110 out of the crypt of the church, which at that time was filled with the bodies of NLIGIIT REDIUCill 5oI SoltP ICZPENS/L 15,000 Reward will be paid by Lever Brothers tJmIted. Toronto, to any person who :an prove that this soap contains any form of adulteration whatsoever, .r contains any injurious chemicals Ask fee stir ksasas ■•r. ee Wife (who is always ailing)—"You will bury me by the side of my first husband, won't you, dear'?" Husband—"With pleasure, toy dear." •alt Rheum, Totter, Uossma— Thudo distressing skin diseases relieved by one application. 1►r. Agnew's Olnt• meat is a potent cure for all eruptions of the skin. Jas. Gaston, Wilkesbarrc. says: "roe nine years 1 was disfigured with Telfer on try hands. Dr. Ae- aew'd Ointment cured it." 35 canis. -31. Angi ling—"F,dwin, promise mo you'll never describe the as your re- lict'?" Edwin—"Dearest. 1 never will. I'll die first. Ureat Things Iron.. Little Causes Grow. --It takes very little to demure the stouotah. The cause mitt' be slight, a cold, dimindhi:•g eaten or drunk, anxt- oty, worry, or sonic other simple cause. Itut if precautions bo not taken. this simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a chronically debit - with in time. Keep the digestive etp- paretus u, lienitni .onditeou rend all will he well. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the pur- pose. First Domestic (who had been out four nights that w'e'ek)—"I'm sorry, but 1 can't go to Lannigan's ball to -night. The nlissus won't let Inc.'' Second Domestic—"And why won't she?" First Domestic—"I dooms. P'r'aps nhe's put out because she wasn't invited." gasp ldinard's Liniment in the house ONLY ONE BEST! The BEST Country Is CANADA TERRIBLE TEMPTATION. An eminent English surgeon, whose brusqueness with grown-ups recalls that of the famous Abernethy, is quite another person when children are his patients. Then he is as ami- able us an angel or a big St, Bern- ard dog. A short time ago, according to St. James's Budget. this gentle. giant got up cut of a warn: bed at three o'clock of a bitter morning to attend a tiny buy in piteous plight front diphtheria. He perforated the opera- tion of tracheoto:itsy and saved the child's pilo. Time went on and his general eon- diti-.n inspro•:ed, but there was one disquieting symptom. Tie refused to use his voice. When he was ques- tioned ho nodded or shook his head, but ssould not. speak. Finally the surgeon found a way. One morning ho talktd et his stubborn little pa- tient. "I'm surrry ho can't speak to ate, noise," the surgeon said, "because We'll all admit that. The BEST TEA in CANADA is TEA. You'll say so when you try it. ONLY ONE BEST TEA— BLUE RIBBON'S IT TRY THE RED LABEL. A LOVELY CAKE. 011 SALE!—Are you looking for a form, attire, blacksmith shop. hotel. business property of any kind, residence in ('ity. 'Town or Villuge? If so send for our list. It will in- terest you. Some splendid bat gains. Western Real !':state Exchange Lim- ited, London, Ont. We. \'ounglovo—Iie sure not to pass that cake on the sideboard to the guests this eves:ng, wen ;, y' U. dear? Mr. Younglovo—Why set'' Mrs. Younglove: Because 1 made a mistake and put in bluing instead et vanilla. It tastes queer, but isn't it a, beautiful sky blue? A {LOYAL BOOKLET. The Grand Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus- koka liotel, that is situated in Lake itosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "Highlands of Ontario-" The publi- cation is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special features that may tic found there. It is printed on fine enema led paper, hound in a covet' I giving the appearance of Morocco 'leather. with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the salne, and tho crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. A glance through this !booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of Sumner and outdoor life, and copies may bo secured gratuit- • alsly by applying to any (.rand 'Pruni: ticket office. Mrs. Von Blumer—"Why don't you take your business friend to your club instead of bringing him homer' Von ]%liner—"Because I want to talk business to him. I don't want to take him to a place where he is going to enjoy himself." Minard's liniment used by Ph fsicians "What is it, sir?" asked the work- man who had been hailed by Smith. "There's a piano in here that I wont you to fix." "But I ain't a piano -tuner; I'm a carpenter." "I know. I walip; you to nail the lid down.•• The •seksebe Stage may be just that Incipient form of kidney disease which, if neglected will develop into stubborn and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to curo. Don't neglect the "backache stage" of the most insidious of dis- eases. South American Kidney Cure slops the ache In six hours and cures. —30 "What strides these vulgar trades- men do make. A few years ago a man lived here who was an ordinary butcher. and to -day ho is my father- in-law!" ventiunnl mailing -11), and quer- 'Filen a tiny finger stole up to a and colds are attested by scores who slltutes established by the Govern who olhorwl�e would spend their tent where games could be played— 'tient for the training of teachers in evenings in dives. 'There wasn't any but nothin'; fetched the hard citizens technical schools. llut the Japan- place in the district either that Jir. of the district until the clergymen sewed together in the middle and eso do not dei end on schools. col- Horsley thought ho could fix up to fixed up a twelve -toot ring in a room flaring at each side. When it is leges, and universities as the only— his satistnrtlon, and so it was that over a stable, providtel boxing glovers drawn around the wain,% the belt tits or the chief—means of educating men Ile determined to get the space need and told the local n pirnnts for tl ►t aint to {perfection. The linen parasols are new, and will doubtless enjoy great popularity for a time. Heavy linen is used for the more practical sort, and they are embroidered In very open patterns or in padded embroidery, exactly liko the linen gowns and weeps. The lighter models are made like lingerie waists, very much trimmed with lace and embroidery. Few of them are lined, and, although very pretty to look at, cannot be of touch use in keeping the sun off. - Coats of taffeta and other silks arc to have a decided vogue and are made in mane picturesque ways, rim - to advance the welfare of the Ent - pile. They have the habit of send- ing their best men --students, pro- fessors, manufactures. and mer- chants—to the various wearies in the search for knowledge and experi- ence. Pay after day Japan is an object lesson to the world. --♦ iN THE NCit•''(EitV. Every mother should be able to treat -the minor ailinents of her littlenes. oPrompt action may prevent. serious illness—le rhaps save a child's life. A simple remedy in the home ping from the fussy little wraps, is therefore an absolute necessity, shirred, plaited and corded into and for MI-. purpose there is no - piquant ahapelesen'sS, to the lung, thing else so good as ltaby's Own ample redingotes and the severely Tablets. These 'Tablets promptly tailored silk motor coats. cure all stomach and bowel troubles. One of the novel evening fabrics of break up colds, allay fevers. destroy the season is in rich silk tinsel, and worms aid teething and make little mounted on silk baa a capital effect. fines healthy and cheerful. (iunrnn it can be had 1n a range of plain teed to contain no opinte or poison- colors—pale pink. heliotrope, gol.l, o,rs seoth°n!. sten. Mrs.. .Toho. Y. silver and palet hluo--in setae cases Pringle, Forest Fills, Ont.. sa s — handworked silk flowers being em- e broiler«1 on it. I "1 thank I cuts that'( Ruby's Own Tablets for my baby's life. Ile ten, Lally const.ipalcrl, but after gi%in. hiin the 'I'ahle•ts he was relined once. nn x once. 1 also bid then r; 1 he he is at all restless. mei (eel 1 can - tett say too notch in their favor." `old by n'1 druggists or sent by mail nt 25 acme a ho+c by writing the 'Or. V Milan a' Medicine Co., i1iockviile, Ott. The spring crop of pnrnsols is very gay indeed. A parasol licher one of the most becoming adjuncts of a toilette, a little extra'ngance is to be allowed. A great deal Is called for by many of the new ones. Para- sols in fine handkerchief linen, em- broidered and inset with exquisite lace, cost almost as much ns n gown, and more than some gowns. Very smart are the bright red, blue, green and Violet taffeta parasols, with ani- mal heads carved on the handles. A chemisetto noticed among ninny extremely attractive ones huts a nar- row of light -blue enibi oi,:ery, set in between strips of tine Valen- ciennes lace. The stock meets the chemisette in a little point in front, and the whole seems unusually well shnl'ed, as some of them are apt to look stiff mitt ungainly. Most of the new hats are extreme- ly dashing. The object of the many turns and bends into which tho turneel-up brims are twisted stems to be to give the hat the most youthful and jaunty effect possible. So uni- versal Is this effect, that elderly women and matrons with qulet tastes are buying bonnets instead of toques and hats. Among other dash- ing shapes, the so-called collar hat is conspietrupus. The collar is merely a second brim attached to the crown• the space between the two brims giv- ing an excuse for more trimming. Sometimes the collar Is made of tulle wired, or roses or ribbon. '!'hero are over 70 miles of tunnels cut in the solid rock of Gibraltar • NOT LIKE THE CZAR. Incident of the King's Recent Vis- it to Portsmouth. ed by forciS ng ,e (r,v of t listic honors to go it to their hearts' Peter's to disgorge. Phu place was content. literally- filled with coffins, of which had been there for a century or more RESCI:I'S JUSTIFIED Midi. —the church being over 800 years old —bet in a comparatively short time. the energetic pastor had got the last of the cnskels out of the crypt and set'n to it that all the remains were reburied in consecreafed ground in the suburbs of Wokin•.;. 'Then he had the crypt thoroughly disinfected and after beim; whitewashed and 'minty(' when Jtr. .lay finally managed to and supplied with a few ne't'eftdnry got enough money to build a church fittings, it made exactly the port of he transferred his boxing ring from room which the pastor needed. It is its o:iginul location to the basement now a favorite rendezvous fur the of the secret' edifice. By Mother's Food and Drink. young; men and 50m10 of the young Knockouts arelfrequent in the fights Slimy babies have been launched in. women of the district noel contains that occur I here: in fact, there is 10 life with constitutions weakened amus; other 1hing•s nn excellent practically nothing to distinguish by dl:e:,se taken in with that• mo - theta) contexts from real prizefights, there's n•ilk. Mothers cannot be too except that the purse—contributed by careful as to the food they use while the audience—is of no great value, nursing their babies. The experience that only non-alcoholic drinks aro of a Kansas ('sty mother is a case served at the ring -side, and that no in point: profanity is allowed. Of course, Mr. •.p was a great coffee drinker frotn .Tay has been criticised fiercely for• a child, and thought 1 could not eat Since that time pi ise0ghts under der (ctrl sepervision have been n fea- ture of life to Shoreditch and how much the Reverend Mr. Jay has been enal•leel to accomplish by really get- ting in touch with the mule members of tho flock would take too long to tell. It is significant, however, that wounded throat, and the ghost of a baby boy's voice said: "Please, doctor. bwing me a tickle gem!" know its power in giving almost in- stant relief when the . throat is sore with coughing and the whole pulnion- ary region disordered in consequence. A bottle of this world -famed Syrup will save doctor's bills, and a great deal of suffering. Price 25 cents. at all deal- ers. FLOWERS AND CIHI.OROFORM. Ether and chloroform, so useful in A mane idea of domestic happiness sending men to sleep, have the very is three good meths a day, and not opposite effect on plants, which oro being asked to argue with the cook activity by these drugs. In Denmark and Germany advantage has been taken of this fact to force flowers in roosts and glasshouses, and to make bloom out of season. The re - are said to be marvellous. CHILDREN AFFECTED. theme sults gymnasium. during the winter a kitchen Is set up in the crypt and sotto dispensed where once coffins rested. It. was quite b, chance' that Mr. iitoe•sley came to set up his cemetery voo. Ills 01 h .brut idea was merely to make the graveyard into a pen,'- his unronvent1,.nal method of air gr I for tl:e children of the clic Hing the distil hest. the resales tip- n meal without rt. glut l found at trlrt, who needed nn open space hid- last it was doing me harm. her ly. But while he was eon:fdering rear to notify t. Se‘ end of the vrarA i had beau troubled with diz- eost cosier youths '.1110 temente t o use this worthy project somebody wrote •sines. si,uts before icy %eyes and their nets in Father .fny'e club are; efferine hint the small herd of guinea now, getting; their living in the' pain 1" lay tenet, to which was ad - pi s Which now re -ides in the terve- prizering, one of these 1 eine wing led, two years ago, a chronic sour ter). Mr. llorsley accepted the gain Srp,ith, thee inn -stone ehnmpietn of, slontach. The bite was born 7 ewe Iles and for awhile hoarded theml:nglnnd, but this fact does not lis- !months go, and almost from the eta as individuals at the 1 is of may the clergymen. "'!'here is n0 beginning. it. twin, suffered from sour a at lours 81111111 ho'. „lasing sure that taint in boxing itself," said Father stomach. She wns taking it from the aeininls shunl1 I,.• well 1rrnteel' b.. •, eeing reenter prizes for the,.1 ny, In a converse tion 1 once haul mC! gain • I•., kept in the hest condition. with him on the subject. "We do "In my distress i consulted a A tit I,t'r, howeter, the poison's not fear to teach a boy to write be- friend of more experience than mine, Wi .• l'.1!!4 were bestowed up hint cause he may some (lay commit fur- and she told ole to quit coffee, that L, s..n,.' admirer and soon afterward fiery . Shoreditch is called pugilism's , coffee did not make good milk, I t: ,, n, n' ,•vs 20,41 pigeons carne along cradle, and rte then and boys will have since ascertained that it really I ,t,e, it ,e as that the eters}nut' box whether you like it or not, and dries up the milk. bit nn ill" i len of relting up his If not in my dub then in 8011)0 low i "So, I quit coop', and tried tea During his recent visit to the mete/gel-le in the churchyard. 'boozer,' as they call the s(tloone. and at last cocoa. But they did fleet at Port th, the King i Th reverend wentlemnn was haled• land agree with me. !?ten 1 turned drove off the Jetty through the to Postum Coffee with the happiest into tear% recently and fined $1,60 TloVINE '%ilii?FDs. dockyard. It was an interesting co- !results. it proved to be the very incidence that the King' left the — -- Attempts are helms made In Prance thjnq 1 nadecl, it not only agreed jetty just after the noon hill had r: C to Irvin oxen for saddle -riding, and perfectly with baby and myself, but sounded inr the dockvnre! min to ?Gr seternl rices have been orgnnhed to it increased the flow of my milk. My canoe work. 'Inc enrrrin,:r' t ih ended f;;,q ..• . q lest their to '!'hey haveiv been husband then alt coffee and ue.'el to way thineir l,h the thousands of -•,� � r fir. + .1. trained not only as racers on "tho Postern, quickly got well of the lithoiest eine(' clot hi ne its roa � flat," lint also as successfel jumpers. dyspepsia with which he had been and as they made way they locally . •�i �f The bridle and saddle used are al- troubled. T no longer suffer from the saluted his Majesty. One working- s"' '9 }. r- , dizziness, blind ,polls, pain in my non t•rrned lo a unite and remark- ed, as the King, unattended even by mountcti policemen. pissed on, "1 say, wouldn't. the Czar like to be able to drive allot,' like flints" All along the repute to the Clarence Bar- racks. the crowd had gathered, and they cheered lustily. • A Russian is not of eve until he i. 20 years old. T'ntil that time at least tour -fifths of his earnings must go to his parents. most similar in general design to those for hunters. -------+ WRIT': HAIR WIT11OUT HONOR. The dislike entertained in ycrvia to t fair hnir is so great that it extends even to the while hair of old age. I \o Setvinn matron wile neglects her - elf world appear In penile with w bite hair Nor dues she hide the Ifact that elle dyes 1t perlodlenlly. 'This u,istorm has conte rlown to her huts 1. M mother and giandmothcr. heart or sour stoniach. Paestum has cured them, "Now we all drink i'osttrn from my husband to my seven monthw' oltl baby. it has provers to be the best hot drink we have ever used. We would not give up Postum for the heat coffee we ever drank." Name riven by Postum Ce., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Get the little hook "The Road to Wdhitle" to eacb peckare. or FOR OVER. Mtlt'I'Y YEAttR. Mrs. Winslow', soothing Syrup has been used by millions of :anthers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, soften, the gums, allays pain, tures wlnticollc, regulates the stomach sod bowels, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Sued by druggists throughout the World. Po euro and ask for 'Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-04 Ethel—"It is useless to urge me to marry you. When I say no, I mean no." Jack—"Always?" 1•:thee--"In- vnriably." Jack—"And can nothing ever change your determination hen once you make up your mind?" Ethel --"Absolutely nothing." •lack— w "Well, I wouldn't care to marry a girl like that, anyhow." go. YOUR OVERCOATS sere robe Hely would rook Letter diet If as WO Si sirs is your tote, write direct IIt olretl, sot lee SatTISH AMSIaIOAM OYDINO CO. MION'1'RE:t L. Minard's Liniment lumbe iman's friend Tho tenger a man doesn't stare at. a girl the surer she is that he Is going to. Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twen- ty -live cents. "Didn't the minister fel it when so many in the congregation f, 11 cobalt during the sermon?" -'tlh, no; 0 encouraged hint to keep on." "How soY• "Why. he was ot ottstt- cal enough to think they were nod- ding approval at what he said " Mother—Don't let me cutch you at that jam again! Tommy—Well, maw 1f you'd l rep it lower down I could get ave ay quicker. A Pleasant Medicine.—There are some pills which have no other ``purpose evi- dently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient. ndeii:i;; to his trouble•: and perplexities rather than diminishing them. One aright as well swallow some corrosive material. Per - melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious property. They aro easy to take. are not nn,,."a- sant to the taste, and their action is mild and soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They oiler peace to the dyspeptic. Dr. Van Stan's Pineapple Tablets —Medical science by accident discovered the potency of the pineapple as a pan- acea for stomach troubles The im- mense percentage of vegetable pepsin contuiaod In the fruit makes It an al- most indispensable remedy In Cases of dyspepsia and Indigestion. One tablet after euch meal will cure most chronic cases 00 In a box, 35 cents. -32 4.11 Bertha—"How Is your fries, Miss Flaunter, now?" Ethel—"Siiie no friend of mine. I'm not on speak- ing terms with her now; wo only kiss? when wo meet." ' Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect. ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath. softens the water and disin- fects. Rank Clerk—"You will have to be identified, ma'am." Lady Customer —"My friend hero will identify tne." Rank Clerk—"Rut I don't know her, you know." Lady Customer—"Oh, well, I'll introduce you." I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. NT. Bay of Islands. J. 1f. CAMPBELL. I was cured of Facial Ncnra:gra by MTNARD'S L1NIM1':NT. Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELS. 1 was cured of Chronic Itheuinatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Cu., N.B. GEO, TINGLEY. GLASS Wt)ItKMAN:tilll'. One of the greatest artistic marvels of the world is to be seen in tho museum at Harvard University. This curiosity consists of hundreds 01 specimens of flowers and plants formed of glass, but with rich ex- quisite fidelity to Nature that they sppeur to be real, every tint and marking, every tiniest detail, being faithfully reproduced. They are made by s seer•et process, the artists being a father and son in Germany, who, it Is said, may let their secret die with there. As an instance of the wonderful workmanship, It may h• iieetloned that the very hairs which ppp•ar es Ye steaks on certain iaeta sees raltroduesd on the glass Iaiiaflosa. a se • Mr. Rooke—"I hope you didn't be- lieve what they said about me." Mise • trued—"I make it a point never to believe more than hall I hear." Mr. Rooke—"Wit the trouble is, you women generally believe the wrong halt." '!'hero Is nothing equal to Mother [.raves' Worm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article o pts kind has given such satisfaction. IC Tho man who trios may fail, but the one who hasn't the boldness to try doesn't succeed. Ask for i[inard's and take no other A girl has a great deal of fun thinking what a lot of fun sho will have when she is married and can do what she piteous. � baafnee• •r 12 ,ear's Standing.— Protracted Catarrh produces deafness in many cases. Capt. Den. Connor, of Toronto, Canada. was deaf fur 12 years from Catarrh. All treatments failed to relieve. lir. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in ono day. anti In a very short while the deafness left hint entirely. It will do as much for you. 50 cents. -33 Kitty—"1 kissed your photo yes- terday because it was so touch like you.' George: "I►id it kiss you back?" Kitty—"No." Gcorge— "'1'lien It wasn't, much like ate." A Medicine for The Mincer, Pack.— Prospectors and others going into the mining regions, where doctors aro few and drug stores not at all, should pro- vide themselves with a supply of Dr. Thoii.uts' Eclectric (til. 0 will offset the effects of exposure. reduce sprains, and when taken internally will prevent and cure colds and more throat, and as a lubricant w111 keep the muscles in good condition. Doctor—"Well, how's the nt;uc this morning?" Coionci—" 1'tn bet t '-, but my wife is worse." "i%015•, eh? Did sho take that quinine and whir• key I prescribed?" "Well—er -;ou see, doctor, I thought being only n woman, she might not ho ..bio to stand It as well as a ma .vl know, and so she took tp rlttlrii tie+J and I took the whisky." When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't ncglc_t them and let them strain the Nutlet' Membranes of their lungs, Give them • • Shiloh's • COnsumptio� ::I • ure The Lung Tonic It will care then) qui(',:•y and strengthen their Itfn{s, It is pleasant to take, prices, 2tc., 50C., Md it _tY), ISSUE NO. 1.1-05 •