HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-06, Page 8a t1 r, Ir::(!i E 1 1 h t 1 M S, APRIL title 1905.
New and Exclusive Styles in Modish Millinery
\1'e show a number of copies from the finest imported
pattern hats, as well a% a large range ••t e•ur own designing and
croalimr "Ye would like to git(• ' (tit a (1( scril>tion of Fotre of the
lovely si ri•i, b_ .satire, hut the w t i.rr is not capable of doing them
justice, Ira what w e can tlo is give you a very hearty invitation to
visit our show rooms as tlftcn as you wish and study the new styles.
Come as (•ft' n as )+.lti can )•OU 1\ ill always find some new and inter-
esting novtlties. ('om'! often, bring your friends with you, you
are alwat s welcome - - - --
Small check and 50 GENTS
Corey shut Seeks
fug shirt wail ! u u wrest special in I).esu (1• ods.
cults and waists. pure wool Voiles in Wei ► twine it d
N x show a lovely Cone weaves. All the new shaded in
range. All new y
designs and greens. blues, paris. brown, red,creatu
shades. They are anti black. We will back this special
lot of Voiles against any 73s line in
the trade, for style for value, for qual-
ity. Will you do us the favor to took
the lot oyer. Remember the price 50c.
correct in style,
and great values.
Ask to see our
special at 48c.
0 u r ro.uls-made
clothing department
is in great. ..h ipe. Wo
have never had nue
value*. The ne
ScotrhTweed effect
are simply grand. the
' ta'cy almost invisible
over checks. are the
correct things this
season. W. •how a
daisy new S•,ottth
flntyh Tweed suits at
%Ve have a great reputation on Seeds. We sell nettling but Steel Briggs'
Best. We believe there is no better seeds in the trade. and mighty few as
gorse. if you buy your Mengel and Torino seed from us, we will protect you
against .high prices and poor qualities. D•in't experiment on seeds that are
said to be just. ax go.pd as Steel Briggs, for if you do something may happen
about harvest time that will cause you theutmost astonishment. Ask your
neighbors about the success they hove had with Steel Briggs Seeds hot from
we Remember Steele Briggs Seeds have the reputation of having stood the
test for years, also remember that we sell Steel Briggs Seeds and no other,
arid we sell them Mighty cheap too.
We want all the Farm Produce
yo can bring us.
(Naw reading matter appears in this space each week.)
The Sunshine
of Prosperity
shines brighter for those who make regular addi-
tions to a Savings Bank account at this Bank.
Money in the bank makes life brighter for its owners. relieving them of
worry, &e. Our Savings Bank Department will take care of your money
while waiting other investments.
The money earns interest at highest current rates from the day it is de
posited. It can be drawn out at any time. Any amount from ONE DOLLAR
up can be deposited, and interest is added to the principal FOUR TIMES
a year.
FARMERS' BUSINESS.'rbis Bank offers exceptional induce-
ments to farmers.drovers, cattlemen.
ani others wanting to borrow money on their own note, for a week, month.
or longer as desired, at best rates.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensel) Zurich Clinton
P. E. KARN •
Manager. Bzeter•Branch
The Calendar
That spring begins on the 21st.
That doesn't mean t hat there will
be warns sunshine from that on.
Sometimes t he right s% cat her
provokingly slots turning up.
Toe copy for changes must be
not later than Tuesday noon. C
advestisementrs accepted up to
Wednesday of each week.
TIII'R13DAV APRIL fish, 19
1 on
(lours cleaning has started.
r 11. ltaatleib wakes u specialty of
watch repairins.
Mrs. John Snell Iris recovered
t.to Lel r ectvtt ►ct'riCUS senesce.
Tit r its ulkliu,t c:1) 1 Made its first
:,1'p '111%1W (,11 the streets this year,
Mos/lay afters, so.
r smut in seed grain. us For-
maldehyde it ie 1 suer gr, . coats. i'•t•
Sold with fu!I direct' . ('. Lutz.
ltev. \Vat. Godwin. rf Exeter. will
j each educatlona I eerwons on the
hippcn circuit. Sabbath April 161 b.
The change of the weather of t
past few days brous11 furl h t he
winter clo(Liu;t again.
The 'times is 1 he livelist and most
up-to-date newspaper in 1 his serf ion
Subscribe ftp•' it ;IOW. 75c until Jan.
t 1t. Hicks is reducing his stock at
1 lueed rates, now is the time to se.
rias bargains.
'alters for hal-•.-We have a large
number of old new.,papers for sale
just the tiling when you are house
The friends o1 Mr . J. A. Bayes
of Brantford, formerly of Exeter,
will be sorry do hear of his serious
Mr. John Snoll has purchased a
very fine three year cult from Mr.
George Mawhinney, of the Goshen
Line, Stephen.
Miss Eva Godwin. after a visit at
her home here returned -on Wednes-
day last to St. Thomas. where she
Mill resume her studies.
Col. Sats Hughes in spooking of
Mr. Gunn, M. Y., from this riding
says its is st splendid, genial, fearless,
manly and right good fellow.
Is your system 'run down from the
effects of colds of la grippe? build it
up with Howey's Tonic llyphotsphiti
and be prepared for the warm day
of spring.
Mr. T. B. Carling, our noted poul-
try fancier. who in always to the
front with early chicks, reports a
full Matched brood on n lie 281h of
DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon,
Glasses properly. Office. Commer •
cial Hotel. Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday, April 22nd.
\Park en the fair „rounds will
soon ,Lc commenced. It is decided bye
the ooeiety to put a wire fence along'
the 'sort It side !o the grand stand
also n Ion;( the crest side of t he
At t he beginning of its career
tar flour began to assert its claim
flovor on the score of intrinsic merit
Ever since it has been est ablishin z
its claim. -Harvey Bros.
\Dr. Rollins was in Toronto las
week, and on Thursday interviewee
the Minister of .Education re,zardin
some means to 4>e devised for the
protection of the eyesight of child-
ren in our public schools.
Bev. Gro. J. Jackson. of St: al ford
has received :t call to the \V:alker-
ville Methodist church. It is ex-
pected the Stratford congregation
will extend an invit al ion to trey. J.
11. Kirkland :at present pastor at
\V 1Ikerton. ;
Farmers report that (the weather
during the past .few wereks has
made .the maple sugar season very
dell. There has been very little or
no dresls during it he nights, con-
sequently a very small amount of
sap running.
\'.e -take this opportunity of thank
jive our numerous customers for
‘rjyeir trade during t he past three
_sears and wish to state Mat we are
nos' in a posit it a to supply milk to
per old customers and kindly sol-
icit the patronage of those dcsirin
• it ohsnge. LOUIS DAY, Milk •utar
and Market G:lydiner. 11
Air Uu> asn \I'sct,•'fktau i(aNkuv.-Mrs
Winslow'. 800thlngr Syyrrup hay been used for
H•••••• over'dzty ears by nallllons of mot here for their
children while teething, with porfeetsucoe+�.
It soothes the child. softens the guars. allays all
pato cures wind colic. and Is the best remedy
for 1')iarrhin t. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by dries -riots In every part of the world. ffi
Dents a oottle. Its value is Iaoalcnlsble. Ito
sore and take Mn Winslow'* Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other klod.
The C. P. 1t. excursion train which
left Toronto on Tuesday, March 28,
was wrecked at Dryden. Two cars
'full of passengers rolled down an
rnhanknont. turtling ing tter three
1 imes. The passengers. however
were exceedingly fort aria 11' al-
though one man received nop0 ser-
)ious harm by hiving his leg badly
I Applioations will be made to the
Legislative Assembly Asir Ft 1t•0I1 for
an •:act to incorporate a company to
construct, equip and operate an elec-
tric din. of railway to run from
S1 rat ford, t It rough t hr 1 tow ttsIiip. of
,,. ,
Poe ns.',, Fullerton, Wilbert BI r :•nd
itlansh,rd, in the co y of I''•rt1.,
+and 1110 1owtot Ili lw t1 I'shorn-' ,nd
Stephen. in Huron, r.• Exeter .lid
Grand Mold.
(':ell on 11. llioks for Silverware
tt Jewelery, prices away down.
Miss cora Foweli .returned Satur-
Sotlletilrles for :t mow 11 or more .tf• day. .:after a short visit in Windsor
ter the 21st you are ;111 the better j sold IDelroit•
for owning a light weight ever- 1)r. L. 1.. Follick and Miss Mabel
Follick. •of til. Marys. spent Sunday
with his parents.
Mrs. Sutherland .old Mr. George
Sutherland. of Ilrnsall, were visi-
tors in town. Sunday.
It's .t nice handy .:1 isle to have
around. 'enywny.
A nice one Costs *16.
Everything right about it of course.
W. W.
Mrs. •I). Johns ,returned home
Ha1urdey after a three months' vis-
it to iter daughter, 11rs. W. T.
Goodison. of Sarnia, %%•ho leis been
seriously ill.
Mrs. Ilobier and Mrs. Thorne arc
delegates at the eighteenth annual
meeting of the W. A. M. A, of the
Diocese of llunow ir
t Nr•
ion al
Lr,n ton.
Merchant Tailor. Street Commissioner Itissct 1 has
had a h•• nod scraper at work due ins
-- -- the past week. and has succeeded in
Market Report. -The following is having i he accumulation flf i be 11 in-
t he reporte
of Exeter markets. s cor-
meted up to Apt jl fit it, 1911,. A coroner's jury in the case of
Wheal. et;1ndar.1, +l.W 1 or bus. the recent murder of Alfred Quic
Oats, iti fl cents per per bushel. by his !trot her, in Car -140c lea nahit
Barley 38 to 40c per bushel. returned a verdict t bat the deceased
Peas 60 to 62 rents per bushel. came to death from stran,rulation.
Bran $15 to $16 per len. The prosecuting attorney presented
Shorts $20 per ton. to the Minister of Justice the facts
Family Flour $2.85 per cwt. in the case, stating that Quick is
Feed flour. $1.25 per cwt. violently inaene. The Minister ad -
nut 10r Is rent s 1s•r. itoutld. vise(' hitn to it eke t 11e matter up in
1'1 cents per dozen. the regular way. Quick will be
Egg.. 1
Pork, tit. eeight. ?6.35 per cot. tried for the murder of his brother
I'nrk, dressed,* 7.511 to A7.75 cwt. but it is :inured t hat t he jury will
113y. $7.111 per ton. recontrnend that hr be confined in
l'ot.ntces, PS cents pet tact, the asylum.
f++.1444.1.4..:-.1.++++++++4•++.1..14+ +++4-144-1-++++++ ++++ ++44+44+
Watch this space Every Week.
But Use E NJOYME. Vegetable Hair Restorer :
It will restore color and vigor to your faded locks. 7-
('ontains no sugar of lead or sulphur. :_:
.,. is purely vegetable and herullees. s ..t peas or
+ is the only grey flair Restorer. we know of, that t• n greasy
:l:If your a victim of thin grey hair, or falling hair, try it. and see .�
••! yourself. We warrant it to do all we claim.
•S. Sella (or 73' per large bottle. Ons size only.
•3• Al.G IDN 're Vee A N T' E D IC IT /0 WIrWitPCREt jn tee 11 :Ind •:•
cot nty. write ter Purity urity Mfg, Co. Exeter, Ont.
infnrm.tron :•4.4.-'..4.-:-.:-.).4-1.-:.."04..;.-:-:•-i.-1.4-:-:•++++++
+ .I..F{•, +.1. •::-+:--�.{-•p.1..t,.;. ;.•!„i , :•$ :....;.•:,.• :..1..r.
4•• ..l.y .1.... ..,�... is •:' • 1 • ,
Elocution Welt,?.- Miss
Godwin, assisted by her pupils in
elocution, a ill give a recital in 1 he
Opera (louse, Exeter, ou t he eve n(n s
of Friday, April 7th, 1905. The pro -
am comprises Elocutionary selec-
tions, poses. ntunulasuea. vocal and
instrumental music furnished by
Hiss Amy Johns and others. 'I'lais
event promises to be one of peculiar
interest and profit :1)111 should en-
sure n full house. Admission 15e.
Conde at 8 o'clock .n.1 enjoy the
evening's prowl'a 111.
A ,meeting was .held last Thursday
uitht in 1 h Town 31all to formulate
plans for a Victoria .Day rclebration
There was considerable di•cu'sion 85
to s% het the 1,1-041-.110 should rn111691
of. 11 was suggest:41 t halt a t rade
and et f tbumpian procession 4;n held
in it he' forenoon, games, cnn•i•titg of
has.hall. football and ether athletic
g rtncsin it hr aftersts ti. followed Its.
a concert in the cveninr., A cont•
mil tee watt appointed to consider the
hest location to 101.1 .he games. The
corjnaittee cone. roe' wit the agri•
cultural society to ascertain if the
fair ground. %%ill be in shape by
that time. The report of their finch
ingts will 1,0 presented at 1 meet•
loge 'for ,lee publie to lie h-141 in the
Town Hall This (Thursday) eve,ine
when A larger representation of the
ailv.nt is entered.
Special Sale of
Lace Curtains
at SI.and $!.•2:i
per pair.
special Sale of
Wall Paper
all borders cents
a yard
Special Sale of
Mens and Boys
All new Goods
Special Sale of
Dress Goods
Biggest ?tock 111 ,
town to choose from
Special Sale of
$G 00 Uoat for 84.88
Special Sale of
Ladies' Cashmere
Excellent quality at
25c a pair
Special Sale of
A beauty for 98c.
Special Sale of
Self opening
$1.25 for 93 cents
It Vouches t he :tickle - llou•ey's
Cherry Cordial, 25c. n bottle.
Mr. Walmsley, of London, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bucking-
Best Water White Coal Oil, reg-
ular price 20c. at Stewart's only 14c.
Back yards are. being cleared of
the winter's accumulation of rule.
Send the Times to your boy in
the West, seventy-five cents pay'
the subecriplion until? Jan. 1900.
A Miracle of Cheapness - A first-
class Chinical Thermometer only 500
al Iirowning'a Drug Store.
Mrs. nowslaugh, (:f Centralia. 1
visiting •her beet hers, Mesar". H. an
A. Hooper, this week. '
Mr. M. Box, of Exeter, w•as one
of tete successful candidates at the
dairy school at til rat 'troy, last week.
Garden Seeds - Vegetable. - and
garden needs of all kinds; the hest.
3 packages for fic. - Charlton's Ila-
The Rev. Rural Dean Lowe, Ijat'
r of St. Paul's Clturrh, Whitt SM.
will preach in ale, Trivit•t Memorial
church next. Sunday. :tt loth morns
and evening services.
Take Laxat Ire Bromo Quinine Tab -
tete. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it falls to curd. E. W. Grove's
signature is on eaeh box. 25e.
Mr. A. Dow, held a very success•
fug auction sale ef horses and cattle
on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. White, of St.
Marys, wielded the hammer and suc•
ceeded •in bringinz forth _ootl pric-
Dr. Buller, London, will bo at the
Central Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday
April 6th. 1905 all d:ay
for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and glasses
Forsnnldehydt , t he Inst 1 hing
known to modem science for smut
wl grain. Try it ta.nd save rneney•-
Ilowcy's Drutt Store. ei
The Higgins farms in 1'sl:erne, was
Mold of the Commercial hotel. Satur-
day Lest 4o R. R'elsh, for 56,800. Mr.
Welsh owns the farm adjoining. and
the acquisition of the 1liggins -prop•
erty will give Mr. ‘Welsh one of the
beat equipped farms in (he county.
Drees*►nakinr.--Mie; Prouty, of So-
dom, wishes to announce (0 tNI Lot-
h s of F:xeler and vicinity 1 hat she is
prepared to its •ke r•Itrag nletal a for
dressmaking flr sow in;t at t heir
homes by the •day.
11. Either, M. P. P. has been ap-
pointed gal the folloe ing select
:deriding c(>mrnitd t es et .1 tie Ontario
• Horsemen wanting route bills for
the coming season will do well to
look over our assortment of cuts be-
fore ordering.
Mrs. John nletchford has returned
home from Lucan, where she was
waiting on' her another and sister.
who were ill.
Rev. Cooper, pf.Elinevilie, preached
two very excellent sermons in the
Main street Methodist Church. on
Sunday last. Rev. Godwin conduct-
onduct-ed dhe services at Fli)nyille.
\ Cattle Sale. -Geo. Hunter & Son
Jif Itidgetown, will hold another big
scow sale at Centralia. on FRIDAY.
API1IL :7th. 1905 at 2 o'clock. 15
Cows calved. 10 springers, 5 tat row
cows. Parties wanting cows should
a-.-4]gem before buying. the right
kind, tarry One :a good one.
Womans' Institute - The \Vo-
ans' institute .will ]told -their re -
lar meeting in the reading -room
the Town Hall on Friday. April
II at 3 o'clock. Subjects for dis-
uasion ",housecleaning and In-
sect peas" Ur. Amos is expected to
give a talk on "The Culture of
Flowers." A full attendance is re-
quested as the seeds and bulbs pur-
chased by the institute for t he mem-
bers will be distributed at the close
of t he meeting. -Mrs. Wickwire,
Press.; Mrs. A. Hastings, Sec.-Treas.
Everybody will get busy now House Cleaning and fix-
ing up for spa ing, and you will need some Lace Curtains,
Carpets and other House Furnishings. We are head quart-
ers in Exeter for these goods, and will be pleased to show
you our big selection.
Lace Curtains
3 yards long. good strong curtains 1 for 50e and 75c
., .. ,... all nice
Floral Patterns $1. $1.23 $1.50 and $2.00
3i yards long, Fish Net and Nottingham, the strongest Curtain in the
trade, $2.511. $:3.00 ard 33,50.
yards long, Fine Fish Net also Brussels Not and Swiss. The wet-
test ('ilt•t:tine shown this season, $I.I$), =3.00 and $11.00.
At a 'meting of r he. Exeter Bow-
ling Club, held •Frills)• evening last,
the following were elected officers
for .1 his year :-elope. fres, Rev., R. J.
M. Perkins ; 1.'res.. John Muir ; Vice -
Pres., W. H. Levet( : Chaplain. Rev.
W. M. Martin ; fiery-Treas., 11. T.
Belcher ; Man:wing Committee. Ilea -
:nate Taman, Burden, Gladrnan, II.
F. Huston. 1l is the intention . of
the club to make t 1►e game l hepopu-
l'lr one of .1 he s'ason, :and takcpart
in several of the tournaments to
:c held this year.
To d he first t wit correct answers
to the problems ;.•lets below, we will
send the Times for one year. Answ•
ere to be moiled. For pupil» only ;
"A 'cistern has Iwo supply pipes
and one w•7»le pipe. One of 1 he sup
ply pipes can fill it in twenty
minutes. .the other ren fill it in fif-
teen minutes,. and 1 be 5%a»te pipe
can empty it in fort v 1,11110les. If
all dire. pipes ore in operation at
once, Ito.% Iona '.5i11 it t:,kr for 1 he
cistern to fillf
The amount of $1,1103 it compound
interest at 4 per cent. per annum
for a certain number re years is
$1,147.36128. Find the number of
("event merit :-Cemms• itteof rail - - ars.
The :1)►su•ers will I•e in „es;
ways, committee on municipal law, 'times.
commit I ee -n agriculture :and colo• itit:alion, c-t►unitSte /•n public ac- 110A1111 OF TRADE:
C-11111 IS.
st eek'e
A .Tonic for Ow Winter -wearied. A special nn e tins of t he Board
-To bo among 11►e fruit and flowers if Trail,' was t-1,5 on \t nn day after -
of Oro beautiful southern resorts tar noon east to m••.a replesent.ativea
n few weeks is n sure cure far those from Kirklcn, \\'inchels.,,, and
discuss at, t tf n1
ret ilun .t c. la I rn
run eau a t or "h n
'n in llc 1 h o cannot
stand She cold, sinter weather. i• o'tance ur CI caw, u,Ih 11'. pro
1 uIl tnfor:nnllo,, Anel tickets may be 1 o''''I rail's ly, 'tl,irll will ruts from
oi>t/lined on applkat ion to any
paint 1(11 St turd i bees rl►
Grand 'Trunk agent. S1. Marys, Sit knee Feet, r, ('real•
ton Cu li:unia.
A rt,.ri II 'unl • •tat •ri:,inn,ent rias ; Mr. 1'. B. (:arrug.t , rcupi. ,1 r he
11-141 i r•
n ('av,• sb Jeri in church : I r t I
1 , ch:air and After r.xplaiuint rhe Lalt•c1
en Friday ev. nin t test. A tory et►• meeting a flied on M r. L. I1.
joy;able •pro-,zr,lnnl1 was rendered Dickson ind forth'1 tnfonnation. Mr.
eensielin't cf :music and r••eitetion• Dickson stated that ►h• et; ,,nerltd
after which refreshments ger <.rr- )leen legated by .th (;eve nt
cd. There wn.a 1101 so I tree an audi- ' 11.11 I h^ e0` t )f 1 h • rl„r,(•1 wnc 9?B00
MCC as the •merits of the entertain- Ie200 was to 1.e to ••1 up by the Ex.-
tnent deserved. The proceeds Ar•rIn for he Sen
hIre Board ef Tr el ,n1 ti1h81at washe donated le .t itariunt one ,'eaten for 1' Ilii_ the int.
consumptives, ar t:rtvonhtlr`i The C. P. It. w,»r1d Zak• over the
Fvangrlistic Meetings -- The even- charter, and he o,, bi •t: et.. I, bur eta»
gelistic meet Mo. held in •I:nns•s•st• rot certain, o;uld lay I tcktht'
,tetliolist church during :1 , pant • al:eve amount.
Ilire.. weeks by I•:':1),^_eli.t, Bev. T. elessr••. Shier and Lt 121., .1 Kirk -
It. McNair :mad Mrs. \1cNeir, %sere • ton; NIr'trs. .1. 0. .1, n• s .•11,1 .1. Isel•
brought to a rlt►s,t• on Torsos% etc/1•' bridge, \\ ineht•lse ; \l, --r.. 14.
init. The iofiy ideals :and in pirine Woe :and C. %ss irk. r. r f Cr• di-
eea►cepliens of the Christian rharac- ton, spoke in favor of t1.• ruse:fling
ler presented by Mr. McNair carom' through. end would ' j% ss1 • 4,•••
fail•lo enlarge the believers out look. -1-dance tt he) coupe.
Itis sermons art. clear and cas,rjnc- Committee% t.er ,p,,.lor.1 ov:lit
ing and pow .•rful preeenlfll ton• of , n the council itt,t• of 1'.t n, n'• Intl
111^ truth. Ili* app•"ale to the Un•'Stephen, akin_ .'rant •,f
saved for decision ere lu fee hieltest' from ketch coulee!, lel Mon gram
nee ivee and very .odder, often en• Exeter council. Commit tees sst•r,
forced by touchine astride me. The also appointed from lie t tree tit,rni-
singeinr of Mrs, \Ic\,ir itt of , teeth p:,lities to ascertain inform:4111 n re-
order. She has a full ,-west soprano
voice •full of Ktrotl snstairtin 2 power,
hetenunciation i» (biotite!. tel' •en',1
chosen .10 feet t' he eUhje'c1, fere •dolt
%)iIIt expression and lender Lu Los.
There bas Leen much hoax semen•
pushed in the church .tering r lies••
*seek: s. A netlike. have drrid^d for
Christ rand I,uhliely confessed him
and the Kpirituil life rd 11t • members
has been depencd•
gtariling the -.mount of fr.•i:lit
•hipped to and frrm 1•1.;eils Hunt
the I,rrioes1d line .1 1111 it. procure
any re 111-r inform it ;cot nor, --,ry •,nd
renamuniclte with Ih•• ('. 1'. 11.
dilions will 111 111/11. Apt 11 )5111 1.111
A. III TCDR =A•.with lime Ivt>►(•t weather, law
iM Told y4ti7►t tVtq barometer, Ind a series of t ['under
Bows tle A th:•0ors pas -lot 0 1%s artily .aero*'
ala' country.
Unions, \Vools :Ind Tapestry :ac to 81. 4'1 different patterns and
everyone a seller.
2 yards wide for only 57.o
4 yards wide for . ...only $1.90
These are certainly the cheapest in Exeter.
Wall Papers
They all say they have the best, but just see ours and
see if our 20 Satin Stripe, Borders to attach, don't
beat any t c or 3c you hear ef.
5c Gilt, Borders to match, don't beat any tic. 7c, `tc
lOc to 20c, all beauties.
"Couches and Rockers" .
A Splendid Couch . . . $5.00
A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3,50
II and see our new Shop, one door south
of Spackman's Store.
uhIdIoo Materlal
This is the season of the year
when you will be thinking of
;building either a house or a barn
and we would remind you that
we can supply you with
Sash and Door Frames
and all building material on short-
est notice.
Water Tanks
Having bought out the Milk If you need a water tank this spring
call at our office awl get prices and
leave your order. All eizes made to
Business and Good Will of
Ml'. A. Dow. I solicit a con-
tinuance of your patronage.
We expect to start the First
of April and will make it a
point to supply all customers
With Fresh Milk and
Custom Sawing
Customers who have timber in
our yards and who want their
sawing done, kindly call at the
mill and let us know what shape
you want it.
Wood for Sale
The Ross-Tdvlor
A regular yule in a:tornl perkel ex- l 1 1 ItEl,
e 111 10 the 1511i.GOa
It•nd» ,fromt I
The changes 1 bet go before t he for-
mation end approach of clnudinao, ••••••••N••••••••••••••N
and etortns )5111 11,11.• iv. 1 s the AVMI -
ward ns w0 carer t Itis period. and
later• rely from he 13111 to the 15th
rain Stith thunder end storminess
will touch numerous localities in
their pros 11',4 e'tsr ss 1rd over t he
count ry. The mete -tit ) disturbance
blending 'l it h t 1. 1, ..1 Venue at this
time, will el hist -tit. Iy prolong and
intensify storm cuflditimis so that
little or no intermission of settled
w pal her will f01110.5 t Ilia period bc•
fort. 1 he berinnill of a not ker.
Th: next et ori, period includes the
17th ,no t 'lest It, inclusive. 'f he
Faster full meets on the c(•Iestial
equator and in ttrrigue are embraced
in oho 1 71 11 1 0 i t 19th Very
threatening , 1.•ta tic.1 •ts'>rms. violent
and poesihly lornadir in places west -
ward and central. are ?possible and
probable tI 1 hist Mit'. These Worms
will break up into . -now squalls over ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
much of t he count ry not i ha ard, and
b• intim%041 M a .ever .1 drys of bleak
In Cutty ea1 lit Lit: sle, t
dorms will 5i -it many sections uta
and touohits_ the 18th end 191h.
Tl,c next ►eeul,r Morn' period itt
central 'on 1 11r 21t1, cover ing the
23rd to th' 2711.. Th^ barometer
will fall trnerill) during the pro-
trrss of lIlia perked and April show-
ers will thicken int"- %%oder ante
Ii,-ivior Ilonelier 'steals. At :all the
perioh1.4 in April up to this period.
many etirt.e of the remit ry will get
more rain than 111 ley ntont he past ,
Low lands to :111 c' nt t 0 t o western
stales will hive tee much. (Menge
to fair end reviler will follow this
period. up le the 291 It. On the
991h and 31, 1, 1• Irtion try storm ron-
Business men havelearned that •
our graduates are prepared for
positions of trust. No school in
Canada can do more for its thud
ents than this one. Our grade- •
ates always secure position-. •
Write for our free catalogue, it •
is a handsome one. Spring teres •
opens April :3rd. •
W. J. ELLIOTT, principal. T
fiat ing purchased the
Butcher Business of Er.
S. hardy, I will continuo
business at the old stand
and solicit a share of
your patronage.
. wooer