HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-06, Page 7ROOSEYEbT AS IEDIATOR Russia and Japan Agreed, Says the Times' Correspondent. 1'1•':\('1: NFG(t'fl.\'h1ONS ON. The 1t, 1'eterstierg C4)Irtspoielent of t he Lowlife '1'itue.e claims to hat d `, received information frim uniwpeucll- elate r,otu•ces show nig t hat Russia awl ,Japan have selected President Roosevelt an meditate% Negotiations are already in progress, and a sus- pension of host flit net is expected $hurt ly. The )tussiau.Guvertutent's denial of the reports that it had formulated the conditions on tthich peace might be concluded wee literally and tech- nically true, but there is the Ixtat aulhurite for assorting that Russia stated the conditions she coeld nut r►ccept, namely, the pay ment of an indemnity and the cessation of terri• tory. Count Lanndorff, All/lister of Foreign Affairs, eollllaull(cated what stay bo called Russia's negative pro- posals to the French Government a day or two ago. To France. in- deed, belongs the credit of proumpt- ing'her• ally to enter upon negotia- tions, and there is no denying the powerful influence of the peace cam- paign opened by the French pleas following the failure of the Russian loan in France. Diplomat le circles express the greatest praise of Count Latasdurlt's astuteness "in opening the negotia- tions, as he thereby reserves a tield for compromise. I'or instance, should the Japanese insist upon an indemnity, Russia would be able to otter to recede the southern portion of the Island of Saghalien. It is •behoved that Russia is preparing to f •la ' iii .o eilend to occupy Barbin ubueit the initiate of April. CUN'Tltol. 01' MANCHURIA. A deep/itch from Gunshu fass, Manchuria, sues: Chinese merchants arriving herr after a circuitous flight from M'tkden relate that the Japan- ese have taken over the adttrithere- lion of Manchuria. They have in- stalled Japanese officials in place of the Chinese, have taken posexession of the Russian administrative build- ings, and leave established a .Japan- ese police force at ]Eukdhtt. The worts of converting the rail- road from Port Daftly to .fukde•n in- to a narrow gauge road has been completed. giving the Japanese three railroad lines of supply, from Seoul by way of Feng -Wang -Ching, from Port Daluy to Mukden. and over the Sinnantin Road, which the Japan - ego are reported to have leased. Free Ii Japanerte troops are report- ed to be arriving at the front. RAILWAY WRECK. Twenty-eight Homeseekers in C. P. R. Accident. A Winnipeg despatch says: the sections of the westbound ovist extra train on the Cat Pacific, in chw'ge of Conducto Donald, of Rat Portage, was ed at Dryden, a small .. tntion 200 mites east of Winnipeg, a Hurt )tie of Col- tadian r Mc- derail - about 17.35 draft troops to the Siberian frontier, on Mut-stilly morning. Two people. and to keep Admiral itoiestvensky }ti cruising Eastern waters as a demon-, 441 cs (lora llaileY, of Medoc, Ont., and lies. 11'm. I►esaut. of Dundalk, of her readiness and ability were seriously injured. The other tion of President ROlsctelt as filed - to prolong the campaign. The seise -l i ngets escaped with the excep- tion , of 26, who sr/stained- slight in - Rater, which was duo to .Japanese in-itiative, is regarded in St. !'eters-1j"ries, burg as evidence of excellent diserim- The train consisted of 12 pas - illation. The Japanese will thereby isenger coaches rend a caboose and re a firm friend. "ho, at the same time. will make it a point of honor to bring the negotiations to it is supposed that a broken rail was the cause of the accident. Four coaches left the rails. Immediately successful close, and who, there?oro iaftet the accident the Caen crew and would not have been likely to have i rallway Hien, from Dryden took acre pied the difficult post of alalia- !charge of the injured. who wero re - tor if the •Japanese intended to pro- • nioved to the hotel in Dryden, where sent exorbitant demands. I the doctor of that place, assisted by The correspondent adds, however, medical men summoned from ignace, that . it would he presumptuous . tol 1tahigoon, and !tat Portage, looked -expect the early concl•Ision of a'after their wounds. Miss Bailey treaty, It is the opinion of the , was bruised about the chest, and highest and most lnthrontial , Rus -,Mss. !Scrim had beer right hg br'ok- sians that the question of peace t:: , en. The names and addresses of altogether dependent upon internal those who tee:stained slight injuries ,conditions. fe the barest grows, f are: -Mr. and Mee. Pickersgill, Sim - peace will be hastened. 1f, contrary ) coo; Lena Elliott, Fairfield Plains; to expectation, the disorders subside. I W. ne MacLeod, Berlin; sautes A. the Begot lotions at 1%ash ington are 1 Andeesor►, Oreton: Sinus Loyelte, likely to be retateke • If, again. the i Meaford; Barry Wilson, Bloomfield; Japanese demands prove incornpati- susses iessmdQon, Toronto: Mrs. ble with dynastic considerations, the\fcelerv Gove'niuent will resort to a national anti .hiss (,lades McClarv, assembly to decide the question of JopnnB .y,LilBouchard. B ley. ovine: peace or war. John Bailey. Alliin Bailey. Marine: a longofficial stnteut • Daniel McKay. Whitechurch; art has !even a1 i'.S(James issued announcing that the Minister Norris, lialadar: I. F. Stuart, Mrs. of the Interior has propose(!, and thej~tuarf Allah ('rn fo 1\'n►. Thor Emperor approved, of a plan where -1 Sundri(i e; it. .1, t' g (Iveagh. Welling- ton, I'rince Edward County: 'Thos. Cnitlert(oo(1, Brougham; .John Ian - gin. 1t.averton; Edward Lennox, Cornwall; John Bold, Morrisburg; Annie Gilson, Murton; Frank Ja_ coils, !barrels; Thos. O'Leary, Hast- ings, Total 28. The majority of the pns.•a•ngers on the train and all thor• injured wero Ontario people on their way West on the special hotneseekers' excursiot. The wreckage was clearer' away by noon, only lite hours' delay to trnfilc having been caused. '- +--• TERRORISTS ARRESTED. One of Thetas a Director of the Bontb Campaign. by p,epnrations for calling a repre- sentative assembl; will he completed itt one or two nionthn. A 1(A'I7'LI•; EXPECTED. A despatch from Harbin wits: Jts- lratit'Se scouting hurtles are active in endeavoring to pierce the screen of the Iteessittn '.0r'(nard posts and diClop the disposition and strength nU tltee ptrrritlone, their attempts at. tinges verging on the nature of re- connaissances in forte.. A few Ja- panese batteries, which have pushed far forward, occasionally drop Shi- ntose shells in suspected places. On Wenn. slay there was a smart brush where (len. Miletc•lt••nko Is stationed, the Japanese pressing forward in a determined endeavor to make a 4hw•oug)) reconnaissanee turd learn (he' dispositions in this quarter. The itteetians repelfet the advance with- out uncovering their dispoeit i There were leslgniticant. 1oseee Aside from these reconnaheiances, af- fairs are eenernlly quiet on 1 he rout horn ;Meat num Chinese stale that heavy Japanese reinforcements nt,' roust ant ly arriv- ing. TO QUI'!' SA(11fAL11:K. A despatch from Tokio saes: No- thing has occurred here to indicate the powdbility of pence. The .tin - .try r ru' nrm n f the • 1 !lily try of Vnr:tie vont lime their act it ities ns if Prepnring for war for years. New levies are being censtentlt- sent to the front. it is it:ticially stattel that fighting columns are following the its' sines northward. Interest here in the campaign is !eerie !earth A despatch to the London Daily Slag from St. Petersburg saes ten arrests that have been made by Gen. 'I'repoff"s special police are offi- cially regarded as of the greatest importance. It is believed (hitt the prisoners include some of tho chiefs of the terrorist organization. Even greater importance is attached to t he discovery of documents belonging to the prisoners, which it is believed will enable the Government to deal a Imore efTectit,• blow upon the terror- ists. The principal prisoner is 'min- ed Vett it sky, It is alleged that he is educated nod wealthy. Ile is known to be n violent r•,•t• els ' er tI cist . I and 1 0ne of the dirertot's of the Iruuil) c11t11- )►0ign. Ile 'recently arrived from abroad with n false passport, as did also the other persons in cust(nly. Two of them are women. One Is the welt known Mine. it-nnovskaia, 50 gars old, who had been t'ninit- )Rlice the aesassinntion of 1uaos(erred to the r'nstward. it is zar Alexander. The other women reported that the IttissinIts are pre- prisoner is demented) as ieing young piteiret to alienate) the Island of it, I beautiful. She i:1 a daughter of Sae -Willett when its eaters are lo.' 1:'•n 1.rettieyn, e•x-(iotrrm.r of 1'0 - of ire, Lu,tJ arta 1'ultnt•11. Tn1) of the nude. The Russians are strengthening 1►risul.rt•e were disMit?,11 as cnhtnen. points north of 'lumen itt,, r, 4'e'reil, They had to • n ea tee1ng the move - tin the ticinity of Ilnncllan, north- meats of (Inventor -General '1'repo1, wrest of Pos'.iet Il.ty. null at points (frond Duke Vladimir and .f. itoulJ'- on • railroad in ihr vicinity of gullet.. Minister of the Interior. L-. i\; , 140 miles east by north of Kir• \ good hl>rhurnv ettonag c -�+ front Piestrt Ray northward 14) Sine "EVf:(VTY PER CENT. ME. Quk, whit): adjoins the Kirin Road Fearful Mortality Among Cerebro• AN111'11E11 Itl•`I'ItEAT, spinal Meningitis Cases. A despatch front St. Pefer:RJ►ur•g to 1 Nen York despatch sets:-'1'hir- pre rioter. that Itis •Iailatl'`ve te•Itt0 vests of l't I.'IIt'n-.prlllal ittenill- sit the railroad h,•twr,•n /tartan and Itil)r hnr.'heen reported dieing one t"1a.1itos1uek. 'Iht have ,Rent Itus_ die in the horoteghs o1 (beater \ett- Sinn . Siege guns. rd ,1 er r York. `tet . 1 rid at for •tnl COS' t•. %t•thur, in t t fire flim re 1R• dir.•!i'n fi; \'Inaito. Lt.r^rd in 1•n,sair. \..1., ellen. one;lock. of the 11 .1.11 t. /14.101 a 111 he (141S..(1. '1h.' Itdesenns, utter n severe .tt)two death); Innate: eireielr t.•et fe ito evacuates 1.nHhu Voss nn,1L th.. pupils. 'IL•r Itonra of I've VI 'bill 11:11'1:. pe1'1� Itl'pl'1'tt,d ht f►raitfl ('nlllrll R- ri. nit• ('41•IU•g'on co,.tle',t,x its tire, L.'.' A Jespat( h flan tit. 1'et.'ts'•ur but ' . tt•f has 111, el no eau•,• sit .141 1.11111• K (,f the genu) ve'e t4 JIM el • 1t li, e i e . 1 !,let tt o I . tele. The hr ave .1• '..lh 18'•• 111 nrll-aeline'1 r (litrLln ate •t,eeeine thee the n•' o et. ares t,1 nuc'c• 1'.nn 70 it .1. cent. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prime of Cattle, Grain, Maass, tad Other Dairy Produce at Hone and Abroad. Toronto, April 4.--Wheat-No. 2 white and red are quoted at $1.14 to 111.95 outside. No. 2 ',twee quoted at 89 to 90c east. Manitoba wheat is easier, with No. 1 Northern quot- ed at 99c lake ports at opening of naVigat' ; No. 3 Northern at 954 to telic, met No, 3 Northern at 149 to 90e. (lata -No, 2 white aro quoted at 41 to 42c at outside points. and at 44c here. No. 2 white at 484 to .14c cast. Barley -No. 2 quoted at 46 to 47c kilo freights; No. 3 extra at 45c, and No. 8 et 43c middle freights. Peas -The market is steady, with dealers quoting 67 to 68c at out- side points. Corn-Catiadidn yellow quoted at 47 to 48e, and mixed at 47c west., guaranteed sound. 'American No. 3 yellow, 561e Toronto, atxt No. 8 mixed at 56e. lice -No• 3 is nominal at 69 to 70c at outside points. Flour -Ninety per cent. patents are quoted at $4.45 to 14.50 in liuyers' sacks, east or west, straight rollers of special brands, for domestic trade In hbls, $5 to $5.10. Manitoba flours unchanged: No. 1 patents, $:n- 50 to $5.60; No. 2 patents, $5.30 to 15.40, and strong bakers', $5.20 to $5.25 on track, Toronto. M11)feed-At outside points bran is quoted at $15.50 to $16, and shorts at $17.50. Manitoba t►ran in sacks, $18 to $11.9, and shorts at $20 to $21. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Appltx-Choleo stock, $2.50 to $3 pet t►bl•; cooking apples, $1.50 per bbl. Means -Prime* sell in small lots at $1.60 to $1.65, and hand-picked $1.70 to $1.75 per bushel. Bops -The market is unchanged at 82 to 35c, according to quality. Honey -The market is quiet at 74 to 8c per M. Comb Honey, 11.75 to $2 per dozen. Evaporated Apples -Dealers quote 51e, and dried at 3 to 84c per Ib, Maple Syrup -Genuine syrup quot- ed at $1 to 11.15 per Imperial gal- lon, and mixed at 90c. Sugar is quoted at 9 to 10c per It► lIa•-Car lots of No. 1 timothy are quitted at 18 'to $8.50 on track here, and No. 2 at 16.50 to $7 - Straw --The market is unchanged with car lots quoted at $6 to $6.50. on track, Toronto. Potatoes -Car lots of f'ntnrios are quote(! at 60 to 65c per Crag, on track. and Jobbing lots at 70 to 75c. Poultry -Spring chickens, 12 to 13e per 1t►; hens, 9 to 10c; lurks, 11 to 12c tier Ib.; geese, 10 to lis per Itte turkeys, dry picked, 15 to 16e; do., scaldet), 11 to 12e per ib. Tilt", DAiRY MA"KF.TS. Buttes•-isinest 1 -Th. rolls are quot- e( I at 33 to 2:tc per Tb.; Targe rolls at 20 to 21c; tubs, 20 to 21e, and loot greifes at 16 to l8c. Creamery prints. 251 to 2.6c per its., and solids at 23 to 25c. Figs. -They sell at 161 to 17c per (toren In cneo lots. Cheese -Large cheese are selling at 114 to 11c, and twins at 12 to 121c. IIOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs -Car lots quoted at $7.75 to $4 un track. Bacon, long clears, 94 to 91c per It, in case lots; nu•sr, pork, $16; short. cut, $19 to $19.50. Smoked \t.•atte--!huts, :!gilt to mo - • -10 rents lower; first paleati, $5.- 90 to $6; second patents, $5.70 to 15.89; first clears, $4.25 to $4.35; second (Servs, 12.80 to 12.90. Bran -In hulk, $14.25. r LIVE STOCK MAItKI•:T. Toronto. April 4.-'1`hough the of fe•ings of ca_ttlo at the 1Yestern liar ket today here considerably lurger than for some weeks, an active tone dominated the trade and a Prouounc ed firmness obtained in the prices re- corded throughout the day. Exporters'. Export steers, choice Sleet $5.20 Ivo., medium .. 4.2S 4.50 Do., light ... 4.15 4.40 Do., balls 3.25 8.t)0 Butchers' Cattle. Butchw's' cattle, picked 4.45 4.70 Do., choice 4,15 1)o., fair to good 1)0., Do., common Do., cows, good Do., medium Do., canners Do., bulls 3,90 :1.40 2.75 3.09 2.50 1.25 2.01) Feeders and Stockers. Feeders, short -keeps, 1,000 to 1200 lbs. 4.40 Do., 850 to 1,050 lbs 3.140 Stockers, 700 to 900 pounds :1.25 Sheep and Lambs. Export owes, per cwt4.75 Do., becks, per cwt.,8.50 Butchers' sheep, per cwt 4.00 Lambs, grain -fed. cwt. 8.75 Do., barnyards, per cwt, 5,50 Do., Spring, each 3.50 Calves, per cwt 3.50 Do., each 2.00 Hogs. Hogs, select, 160 to 200 lbs, off cora #6 .25 Do., fats, off cara 6.00 Do., lights, off cats ......... 6.00 WHEAT FIELDS FAILI 4. t0, that the writ fur the election in larks Act and a hill to amend the 4.20! Centre Toronto had been issued. Municipal Act. :4.85to NorulnaI1mt 'fere to take place on Mr. Sutherland has given notice of 3.7°118. April 11 and the election on .41prU a bill to amend the Act relating 18. lie had at first thought that it the speed or 3.00 would be necessaryto have °tri operation of motor a yogis- vehicles on highways. ;.001 tration of the manhood suffrage Mr. Macdiartnid will introduce a voters, but upon enquiry had found fill to amend the Municipal Act. out that this would not bo necessary _as last year's lists would be suit- out u' - MINOR AMEN!tMENTS. 4.75 tt 4.115 able, Hon. Mr. Ifanna, in reply to Mr. DAIRY INDUSTRY. Harcourt, said:. "It is the intention •:1.80 of the Government DOMINION NOTES THE PARLIAMENT OF PROCEEDINGS IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. CANADA '1'F MI'1;it.\NCE ACT. itr. (it.•rvais introduced a bill to antend the ('attada T'e'mperance Act. The bill proposes to wake the right of appeal applicable to the Canada Temperance Act. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WHAT OUR LEGISLATORS ARE DOING AT TORONTO. NO'1'tt'i;ti Ole MOTION. Mr. dessert has given notice that he will apply for an order of the !Rouse for a return of all corre- spondence 1e tween the sheriff of the GU\'f:It�lll:N'1' (HIDERS. County of Lenc•oln and the late 0ov- I er•»ut( nt ur any member thereof. re - Sir Wilfretts motion, that ou and st'ecting the appointment of George after Monday next Government or- I flush as jailor for the County ut dors should have precedence, intated-, Lincoln. ietely after questions t ' members, I Mr, Torrance has given notice of it was Passed. I bill to amenc the Municipal Act. Ch:N'1'lt1. TORON'1Y►• a Mr. Preston (Brant) has given no - Sir Wilfrid informed Mr. Borden lice of a bill to amend the Public to Introduce at MA J. A. Ruddick, Dairy Commis - this session Sento minor amendments stoner, gave some interesting figures I to the act re.pecting the sole of to the Agricultural Committee on fermented and spirituous liquors." growth of the dairy industry is 5.50 4.25 5.00 7.35 6.50 8.00 6.25 12.00 United States Farmers . Change Their Methods. A Washington despatch says: grant wheat fields along the no border are refusing to grow w said James Wilson, Secretary o riculture, on Wednesday, "and the Atnerican farmers change method of growing this product will be a large increano in the of breadstuRs • The evil day c Long bo postponed. notwithsta the far -Mors of the Northwest they had solved the problem by mitting the lands to lay tallow ternate years. "At present the average production of wheat to the acre is eight bushels, while In Europe the farmers grow thirty. i.ast year - the Ala wheat crop was sickly and this Mentes that the land refuses to wheat any longer on a prop basis. in order to save the fields of the United States we sent an expert to the northern of Norway and Sweden to legumes %%hilt will grow in cold mates, "If the wheat farmers of the Northwest expect to grow• when a profit they roust rotate their er At present we have no legumi plants which will grow its the N weat that can he rotated %chit wh "With a continued dt'crettse in yield in the Northwest the fart of Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and braska will begin growing w•1 again, hut they will not do so u they can get at least a dollar bushel for It." REIGN OFTERROR ETRROR AGAIN Caucasus Are in Revolt and land Kay Follow, The correspondent of the Lond Eines at St. Petersburg cables; sign of terror again prevails in aucasus, chiefly at ilatoum, Eris rid Kars. Proclwun►lone of it st f siege at Batmen hetet proved le, and have pet haps provoked eerudcscettee of lawlessness. 'f ear's rescr•ipt to (lenera: Maxim telt and its slighting references e efiorts of the whole Polish 1 uta to re.'or,• the national Zang e to the schools are likely to mate the Poles, anti under the i rice of 1he stat._ of sie•ee pro - NG• ducts to the est Indies was grow - Must l ing' Prof. Ruddick suggested that there was possibly an opportunity for our -"O'u' Canadian farmers to commence the rthern manufacture of soft Cheese for home heat." consumption. t Ag- Replying to questions by %members, unless : Mr. Ituddick stated that there can their never bo any trade in butter between there New 'Zealand or Australia and Cane price annot nding believe per- al- theCanada• He said the total value of AN AMERICAN EXPERT. dairy products made in Canada last Hon. Mr. Flamm, replying to Mr. year was $80,000,000, An example Smith (Sault Ste. Marie), said: "Tho of recent growth was condensed milk. services of L. E. T'horno have been In 1898 we imported $59,101 of engaged for a temporary period for that product, whilst last year we ex- apt'dal work for which he is special - ported 1150 094 worth O hold on Y qualified. It 1 report on the cheese market of Great uBritain is the various industries scarried on at strengthening, as Canada now sup- the Central Prison, and the Install - plies 72 per cant. of the cheese int- ment of a system of accounting by ported there, and of the brand which the various institutions to the Pro - is our specialty, the Cheddar, we tendril Secretary's Department. supplied 85 per cent, of their needs. whereby the Minister in charge will The demand for Canadian dairy pro- have a -comparat.ive monthly state- ment* du t W menu coloring the work of the de- partment, and the cost thereof elite - allied under the carious heads of ex- penditure. Mr. 'Thorne resides at the city of Port Huron. Ho is au- ditor for the Port Huron Engine & Thrasher Com many and the Canadian I'ort Huron Engine & Thrasher Com- pany of Winnipeg, and other com- patties associated with thein in the Ada, with the excessive freight and manufacture and sale of agricultural duty of four cents per pound. The implements and thrashing machinery. Japanese are commencing to use but -,Thu system that is being installed ter, and there is a prospect. of a can 'adfly be carried on by the profitable trade u-ith that country. Pre stag,'' Canadian butter is also recapturing Mr. Hanna added, for the benefit of the market in the Yukon• some newspapers which were Prof. Ruddick believed there was bated about the mutter, that Mr. euro cheese and butter being pro- Thorne wits not and never had been Gina the employment of the Standard O!1 Company, citiced In Quebec now than in Ontar- erican 10. - iii- Ito showed that there is room fpr grow a good deal of improvement in tho table 't-erag,e production of milk by Can- whea Adieu cows. In Denmark, the inv(�- have tlgation of eine of his 'officials had part f shown the. lowest average for herds find ' was 5,04)0 pounds of milk per cow cli-� per year, while some herds went up to 11,000 pounds. In Canada the great 1 average 1s more like 3,000 pounds, t at with a fete as high as 5,1)00. Ops. in reply to Mr. A. F. Ma('Laren, nous Mr. iItxidiek gate particulars of the rth , method of covering cheese with paraf- e'nt. , fine wax, and said that, though it 10met with objections in the old coun- ners try, si i11 It is making its tc lee and, No -i though he would not recommend pri- teat ! vale factories yet to adopt the me- ntal 1 thorn, he believe(! the custom could a bo made general in a year or two. The advantage is the prevention of shrinkage, and thereby- keeping the • cheese moist and tasty. TELEPHONE QUESTION. 'I' r a um 18 to 1:1!c heavy. 12le; rolls, I t 91 to 10c; threaders, 9 to :11c; backs r 144 to 15c; breakfast bacon, lac. (; 1 ani -'Tigre.',, 8;c; tubs. Itc; pails, t'i th BUSINESS AT MON'I'ItI?A1,, ti 1[ontreal, April 4. -Grain -No. 1 as Western inspected oats are offering at fie 121c on track; No. 2 oats are sold at 651c store, null a No. 3 at •144 to 45e. No. :t barley in quoted - at apual to 49c afloat, Montreal, May In'as are quoted at. 69c, lower 1 ref freights. and barley at 5tilc, New ! at York. o 1� r•- Inu Manitobrt mamas, In $5.60 to 15.80; strung hikers', 't $:,,:f0 to 15.30: high (tn(nrio bleed- eel ed patents, $5.70 to s5.140 in '.toad; in choice 90 per cent. patents. $5.50 to bit lt:SIM in wood, and '.15c per barrel 014 I,ss in Shippers' new tinge, straight :i7 rollers, $2.50 to 82.55, and 25 to ger 50c extra 11) wood, !lulled oats - 82.10 to $!.. 21 1,. tl h 4 f n r I g N S U� pounds: $1.4S to A1.50 in herre•)R Po- Str William Mulock's special com- mittee on the telephone question on agreed on a net of questions which A will be addressed to all telephone the, •a0 ate 1u - a he Co- to ta- c•x- n- claiii 'tl ill I'ol,tnd May, it i, /tat provoke a movement similar to th in the Caucasus, The Church is responding to t REMOUNT DEPOTS. On the question of the establish- ment by the province of remount sta- tions for eupplyJng horses for the British army, lion, Nelson Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, stated that he considered that it came under Do- minion jurisdiction. It the Ottawa authorities did not act. the province wouki have to do so. Tt was, how- ever, largely a matter of dollars and cents. lite Imperial authorities would not pay, he thought, the high Prises now prevailing. It would, however, he wise to provide stieh depots in ease the market for horses should decline. '1'OO :11UCii POACHING. A number of commercial fishermen front Collingwood and Mcaford wait- ed on the Commissioner of Public Works. They asked that Osheries regulations on Georgian Bay bo more strictly enforced. At present they any the waters are being de- populates! by poachers. The Minis- ter will consider the question. companies in the United States and a (J11AN'I:S '1'C) iiOSI'ITAI.S. in Europe to ascertain the subscrip-f lion. W. J. Hanna, 1'r�� 'nl Sec- tion rates, the nature of the ser- rotary, has decided that t-- T -y public viten, the profits anti other particu- hcsiJitals should lie entitled to share lura. t Government grant for the sup- Part of hospita:s. i11 the past some HIS DONKEY KOUROPATKIN pr't'nto hospitals have Innen allowed to participate, but Jr) the future all leis Declared to Be a Danger to 1 applicants must he strictly register - the State. eel nod re:•o);nized as public chnri- !'ho London Daily Chronicle pub- ties. Thr Government grant for this ashes the following front Neriine -A $1pu10,00pose hen for some years been $110,000 a Year. This sunt is di - evil, learned donkey in a circus at War- at 1 saw has been declared to be a dan- ger to the State. The clown in the circus puts this het• arm movement.. Several pries St 1'eteisl'•Irg hate ce:nthined t ►p.0 ,ale the (-arise, hr Ihiss publishes no into -esti, celahion of the electoral district the 11Ina inn Empire, tthich un cis of one deputy to etery 200 ► /pupae would give Russia 'trope 2 .!spin i, s, tl.e Caucasus 78, S 55, mid Poland t id f+. 80 POUNDS OF SILVER. animal through certain military ex- ts f e,rc•isev. When the clown cries -For- () ward!" the donkey proceeds hack- tturds.he t nd , n •0 em 1 11t c 11 til the clown insists on the donkey ad- s ranting the more persistent are the a 1 dunkee's linoemelnts towards the •- rear. ✓ Piaui!.% the clown Is ohllet-1 to call t- out "Noe I know proper tour• a'o ler Hume: it is Kuropntkin'.. Scr:'tns of laughter follow from the .,•a fence. The polio have now orifi,'l t h:1 ri Fred -Ontario bran, in bulk, 417.51; Big to $114".0 shorts, .f1!) to 820; Ifiuti- train lean. in hags, $18 to $11', ' \ shorts, $24) to $21. Penns -Choice lir. prints. $1.110 to $1.15 per hush.I , has 31.25 to $1.27; in car lots. Pro- visions of --Mate ('anauicn shit ( cut min pork. 41-i.,in to ;<17.50: light short Ten cm, $1';.s0 to $17: American cut ing elf ae fat lee ,s $2I1: sou eotietel laud, min (i; to 7c; ('median Intel, Jif to 71c; I'1'we kettle 1•t'de1 4', 141 to 'etc: 1111119, 12 es t le, lac: hoc, n, Gk.; fr.-.1t kill„(! mutt.- ' Deva( Coir hogs, 50 25 Frit t fat sows, Pont $5.15 to A:.:.,. select 9•:. 7 5 for t'nhr Lump of Rich Ore From th Tenirskatning District. de'pateh from 'Toronto sae s: Gibson, the Director of !!line in his office an iItlinoose nugee silver taken from the Treth.•we e, Clear Cohan Stollen, on th. ►iskaming 1tailw•ne'• it is n Milk example of the riches of th( "I'1111 deposit+ in that district, me -live inches iong, twelve inch - tide, nil two inches thick. it ie 'Gently ill silver. ft. weighs 8O ids, and Mr. (111son pinees its e at about A:150. Mines rrde'(1 aecordivg to the length of the stay of patients; 'Thus, whatever has b,en biter to private institu- tions has hrs•n taken from the sixty pulSIe 11: ennuis of the province which are so ladle in need of money for their work, ASK !•'Olt ROADS. 'I'w•., deputations waited on lion. Dr. !teatime, Commissioner of Public 1l ores. with t he request that colon- btttiun fonds be built in their re- spective I section tlo n of th• , country. W. .1, Paull, It.I'.P., Addington, and .1. S. Gallagher, M.I'.P., I'rontenac, in- t 1roance'rl a number of their cols1itu- 1 cur to be cios.vl, lulu twits arrested! encs 10 the Minister. They wuggest- e rile u14011ric u,I•• fat.' of the donkey li unkn.rwn. but (11 a change in the system of super- fate fru red that he will he stn, tet thane' of grunts for roads. They ' Iher' proposed that a commissioner should t he appointed in enc.!) db:trict and - STAMPEDE FROM DAWSON ...themeir' pnt•tat rt01 the cods be mities. the Twenty -Five Ounce Nn et Pick A. 1', Auhin, West Nipissing, in - KK ed rr eulrtced it delegation from Verner, ' up in Yukon. tee,in; that n road he opent'iI and rare: coentry thessed, 4rt.:.e5 143 *ft.- i'e 50 Chc'ase-(tntrlrio fall white and cel i colonel, life to 12c. But ter-1'ineet ! disc ereanl,re, ::oc: choler Fn11 and Win- nhou ler make, 2e. to 2"c: Western dairy, of o ro'1 blithe 22 to 28e t ve openings are now being week - n 11101 locality. and since their mere-, n year and a hall two, t. a half -trillion dollars worth re has been shipped from the dis- trict. It not only hears n large pro- porlinn of Rayer, but also cobalt. stele- other veins of silver had diecovert•d, which hnt•e proved rich, ' Memel itetelutier'iet parte of n hag pasQed sentence of '!.•nth , tlJ'o' fife Csnr. the ddwng r J'tnpres.•i and thirty hi:,h personages. coign ,llir.i,ter Deka,se' has milted to two little girls fill requisite gold broech(w, set rtianirnrl', from Entperer Nie!'- 'i'he childr, n emin-oideree1 n Int elle for the baby hoer to ussten throne. 1 N i'I'I : t STATES 1 A I'Iai J(:\It1U•:'I :Y, lite been Milwailk,e, April 1.-1Vheal-No. 1 very \ort hl en. $1.111; No. 2 Northern, SI 4)6 to $1.05, May. t18ie asked. 'fh. t -- t. 0-N o. 1 85 to It Mete. r n it -- 1 t .r- 2 51c: sample. :l8 - , 1lusai i to fi(k. Corn- e'o. 2. in t(1 Hite. Mae, 4714.asked. St . I owe, April 1.-1111ent-Cash, $I.OU; !fess $1.111:. .July, 8a=c. T"o I. rens • ,•t't,'1►It•er. V 1 :c, ('11nr1 `lieu• Metes, Mein . keel! 1--tlh,'nt :with -11a‘ . 1.t'7, to *1 071: .Isle, $1.- '0111e 021; Sept., R1;c: No. 1 hard. $1.- d.tint% 111. K,'. 1 Northern, $1.101: 1'Iour+the it t A llcter,a. Ii, t rrw9 w'nr+ re.. t it.•i Ia rich strike on Ili lhutere- to Sixty stampede reset, 0.I r• n ,11 •el 1) • des+;retch sitys r'ei•f.,'•, e•onstr'etrrl bet that from Imo son a"wn ,end 'reamer) g (Gold ('r,s'h, tri- : ----�- !til.• hirer. A I GALICIAN COLONY, w hen t ht. news ntrson. 'I'e'o large nein/est. District North of Prince Albert In the eine weighing re er 25 ounces, have Will be Set Apart. ( ish grey Neil found nn if• nker Creek. i 'CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Orr Owls and Other Countries of Re - CANADA. The fort 1)alhuee+ie fishermen have started opera t a, ups Steps aro being taken to organize a housemaids' union in 'ibr to. .hiss Bary 11. Lyne died atrlatuil- ton on Sunday from carbolic acid poisoning. Water is to be taken front Canaan for an irrigation scheme in the State of Ment,'.nu. James 0. Jardine, until recently Canadian '!'rade Agent in South Af- rica, is dead. • Mr, Robert Mills died at Acton, oa Friday, in his 105th year. Ile was the oldest Orangeman in Canada. Hamilton's civic overdraft is 198.- 800, and the city will apply for au- thority to issue debentures for that amount. Miners at. Springhill Mines, N.S,, have refused to accept a twelve per cent. reduction, and a big striko is looked for next month. Four officers and twenty men of the Canadian Army Medical Corps will be stationed at Halifax. At Eequimalt there will be two officers and nine Hien, The Western Fair Board of I.on- don have received a letter frotn Earl Roberta that his plans are too un- certain as to state whether he can • be In London for the fair or not. GREAT BRITAIN, Lily Langtry, the actress, is now a grandmother, a non having been bora to her daughter, Mrs. Ian Malcolm, The vote in the British House of Commons on the resel-ition that a ten per cent, duty on manufactured goods imported would be injurious to the commercial interests of the Uni- ted Kingdom stood 254 for and 9 against. UNITED STA'L'ES, The Standard Oil Company have cut the price of crude oil for the Kansas field two cents. Over four hundred of the unem- ployed of Bradford have signified their willingness to etnigrate to Can- ada. Congregational ministers in New England protest against the accep- 'tance of ti mission gift from .John F. Rockefeller. Assemblyman Phillips' bill to make easier securing a divorce in Now York State was vetoed by Governor Higgins. A new bridge for earn, ,vehicles and pedestrians is to be constructed across the Niagara River, between Niagara Falls and Lewiston. The editors of the city and co'tn- try newspapers composing the Michi- gan Press will make a tour of the east, Including Toronto, next Juno. Governor Higgins of New York signed it bill which in effect provides that the 17oiled States flag shall not he used for advertising mimosas after September 1 next. Sixteen thousand emigrants arriv- ed at Ellis Island, N.Y., during the last three days. In the last 22 days 7,000 Russian Jews and 18,000 Ita- lians have arrived. Chief of Police Wittman, a ser- geant and two patrolmen of San Francisco have been dismissed from tho -police force on account of their failure to suppress gambling in Chinni awn At the closing of a revival service in Oakland, California, Earp Bodint Rose C011fesstsi to Itev, 1' . It. Dille - that he had killed a man in Maine eight years ago. IIG'gave hinted( up to the police. HOW MEN CHOOSE WIVES. The Views of Professor Karl Pearson. New thee•ries of unconsciolIaec- tion on the part of man and wife- like tutting with like -as opposed to Darwin's idea that men anti women (Imm111 upon their perceptive and In- tellectual faculties in choosing each other, were propounded ler Professor Karl Pearson, of University College, London, recently at the Royal Insti- tution, says the London Mall. He maintained that min has an unconscious tendency to select a wife of his own height. with eyes of his Own color, a proportionate span from forefinger to forefinger, a forearm corresponding to his own, and n con- stitution of like physical vigor. These theories he expoundrel by means of and diagrams. r ng ams. Atnong every thousand men the sol - or or the eyes is divided as fo:Io'.vs: !flue '163 Green :112 Ifazel , 127 itrnwn , I The eyc'9 of women are generally darker, only 28(i of them in every Mitt sand having blue ones. if these bluieeyr•i people merrier( at random, the result would be that they would mate at the rate of tett err (holl- and; but he 111111 disco%0e..4 1 hat 1 he actual number of marriage,: per Ihon- same of 1•lue-ave,l persons was 110. or :iii above the random average, thus proving that the blue-eyed man and blur -eyed woman are uncoitwci- olisty attracted toa'nrds one another. seine way, mem with (re.rn- or hazel eyes tend to marry with ryes of like color, TREATY WITH THE AMEER. British Mission to Afghanistan Is Successful. I A de'Rpatch from London tines: it is officially announced that the Brit- ish t diplomatic infssion or Af(rhtede..1 ten has concln,hel an aer(4nnnt with A tit si nleh from 11 inr,ipig vats ( islet Color d'alion Conuriasittn,•1• 5 11. Pen rs announced on Wed; fettle that n new eelony of Gnlicinn9 would be e•'t(trlishcti north of Peine.' Albert this year. After cnreful in- spection e h friend 1 e n 1 t herr hessian hone -steeds available twenty in the Inttleim'(1 District, end acromio• Intron there fur n hundred thousnmf elders. Itiimigrntit a archin{ this -ear are tatter posted on the gen- e rephtr11l con'itons • of Western 'anode than In the past, incl their nndling to fleet inn, ion is facilitated. women The average height of a man I►o ' I gore ns from (17 inches to 118 inches v the Arneer, and is returning to In -it i s dia. Nothing is known of th' terms le of the agrcr',r•nl. hit it is opinr.l. g more or leas st•eeulutitel', that it ( inelud, 0 nn earn*tun of railways h and teler',rahhs 0(•rose the ind,rAf- ghnnislnn frontier. and the strength - inane or (h.• itriti`h end Afghan re - let ions in other direction!. 'I be 31'11e woron:,mtea1 expe(Iilion t Sm itingo, ('hili, hes dante ut•errd resets double stars. thnt of n woman as n24 inches, and he conlcndtst that the average tall ratan has n tall wife, and the average short loansho n r t tc .• it . "tine could hnrdly imagine n men c•h r, 'ea i n wife ife byns ,• m urI• n 4 ilrr front forefinger e r, o nq r to foresneer." g111d the prole•-s.u•, vet hit dine;rame dr- rnor91raled that ae the spun of one incr,asrd sir did that of the other. A like remit wens produced in the measurement of thou. -ands of fore - aims, life figuree showing that therm wile n distinct tende•ney on the part of Inco ttith long fur.'nrn)4 to marry wives with prepnrtionnfrly long fore- arms