HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-06, Page 5(restores the color. Stops falling hair, also:'^".."=•; =r,L"•
THE EX.E'1 E.R TIMES, APRIL 6tli 1905.
IC )?Exeter Times GENERAL
AL' .101
flair P2newe Tho tax rail [r till city of l.c,rl•
Tllltltl4HAl' AI'IUL lith, 190, (don for the scar will be 23 mine
Renews the halt, makes It new .gala, restores the freshness. Just ItIIF:lt MATIC PAINS QUICKLY —
what you need if your hair la faded or turning gray, for it always RELIEVED Ion She
character- . PILES
istic of rheumatism and eclat tea arc• Itching, Blind, Iilcediva or pro-
-- A quickly relieved t y applying Cham- trusting, Piles. Druggists refund
borlain's Pain Balm. The great pain money if Pazo Ointment fails to
Application to Parlias�
j ! relieving lower of the liniment had any case, no metier of how long
JW. BHUWNINIi, M. D., M, 4',I been ,the surprise and delight of %standing in 6 to 14 days. First w-
ail P. 5„ tiraduate Victoria Cul -f meat thoussanda of sufferer:. The quick plication gives case and rest 50e If
vanity. office and re,,ldenence. Dominion •
t*8otatery, Exeter.
LR. A.R. KIN$ -IAN, L.
L. 13.D. D 8., ]Honor br•adaats
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad attar (streets. OMin
oe iso.
eon's block. West side of Main
bents- Exeter.
an application will be made to
the Legislative Assembly of the
Province c of Ontario n ro at the presont
session thereof, for an Aot to in-
corporate a Company to construct.
equip and operate an eleotrio lig3
of railway to run in and through
the City of Stratford in the County
D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D. S. L.D.S. of Perth, and from the said City
DENTIST. of Stratford in and through the
Graduate of tire Toronto University townships of Downie. Fullerton,
Royal College of Dental Burgeons of
with honors Aliso Postgraduate of
School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
M�orrhie mention.
SYseythlni known to the Dental Profession
In this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
um, gold
1-um,gold and vulcanite plates all done in
neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extra*.
Office one door south of Carling Dries store
Ilibbert and Illanshard all in the
said County of Perth and the Town -
seeps of Usborno and Stephen in the
County of 1[uron and in and through
the Village of Exeter in the said
County of Huron to t he Village of
Grand Bend on Leke Huron. and al-
so from, the said City of Stratford
in and through the Townships of
North East hope and south Eastltope
ONEY TO LOAN and the Village of Shakespeare in
1 the County of Perth, and the Town-
ship of Wilmot in 1113 County of
Wehave unlimited private fund. for invent. Waterloo to and in id through the
eat :pen farm or village property a% 10W 1 acg
of Village of New hamburg in the said
ales interest.
DICKSON ltc CARLING County of Waterloo with a branch
Exeter. line in andi through the Township
of South East hoe to the Village
of Tavistock in the said county of
Perth, with lower: (t) To make
payments in paid up stock or bonds
for o rights
of way, v material plant,
. r>< t 1
rolling stock or services to the
Company, or in furthering the un-
dertaking; (2) to receive assistance
from Municipalities or individuals
by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth-
erwise: (3) To manufacture, sell or
lease electricity or electric power to
any person or corporation or cor-
poration along the lute of the rail-
way or any of its branches, and (4)
for other proper and necessary in-
cidental ,
powers. Dated at
this 23rd day of March, A. 11. 1905.
JAMES STEELE, Solicitor for the
We have a large amount of private tunde to
Man on farm and %Wage properties at lowrete.
of interest.
Barristers Solicitors. Main St. Exeter.
Uarrtetere Solicitor. Notaries Conveypancers. 41
Commiesie•nerv, tolicitors for the Moleons
Bank Eta.
MOt,ey toLoan at lowest ratan of interest.
1. R. caRLrNa D. L L. 8. DIC/CHOP
The Usborne and Ribbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
a116e Gompanll
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Preaidont:—T. RYAN. DUBLIN. P. O.
Vice-Pree.:— J. A. NORRIS)
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
++++++4'•F•1-44.11.4 !•i••i•#d••1••i•9•++•1-
To Farmers and $
the Public in
As the spring is corning on
gather athc tip
rall your old
▪ truck such as Rags, Rubbers,*
tVool Pickings, Ham hair, f
Old Rope, Bones, all kinds
of old Iron, Brass, Copper,
Lead and Zinc, and take
them down to
Main -St. Exeter.
One door south of the
Metropolitan Hotel. That's ±
where you will get the high- t.
est cash price for them. +
for sale—Tho undersigned has for
sato a number of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Short Horn hulls. They
are of the low set, thick blocky typo
and choice breeding. Will be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16, con. 2, Hay, or John
Elder, Hensel], P. 0.
! O1'SF: ANI% LOTS F'OIt sAL:—
Red brick house and four 10(5
on Andrew street. All modern im-
provements. On the promises is a
new brick etat.le. Apply ,to THOS.
ilt SALE Olt TO BENT.— The
,-'eperly c Hinsley terrace,
CIinR11t1 - nown as the Currie pro-
perty. and consisting of 8 acres of
tense %%illi yield -roomed house, is of-
fered for site or to rent. An kinds
of hearing (root t reen. .lust 1 he place
for a retired farmer or market gar-
dener. Will ire sold cheap or rent.
ed on reasonable terms. Fifteen or
1w•enty minutes talk from Clinton
post office. Apply to 1). K. Prior,
FOlt SALE.—iteeidencc and 8 lots 1
wit h good stable, everything in
good repair. Residence recently re -
loin' (el ; also a first-class well good'+
orchard, and ernamcntal trees on
the premieee. The properly must be
'.old an 1 he undersigned is leaving
tq .. I'or particulars and terms of i
.a a apply to 11. N. Lang, Exeter.
Railway System
Special one Wag Excursions
From Exeter
Billings, Mont....... • $34.75
Colored') springs. Denver,
Helena, Butte, Mont.. 0g$39 75
den, Salt Lake City, Utah.•
Nelson, Roisland, B. 0„ $40. 25
Spokane, Wash. L
Portland. Ore., Seattle,
Wash.. Vancouver, Vic-
toria, B.(1 ... .... $ •
San Fransisco, (':il., .. • • $43.20
Proportionately 1..%v rates to other
Tickets on Salo From March
1st to May 15th, 1 905.
Special Settlers Trains to
North West
Special train with Colonist Sleeper
will leave Toronto tit 9 p an., every
Tuesday during March and April
for Manitoba and North West.
Passengers travelling without Live
Stock should lakec
1 tt Pacific Ex-
press Leaving Toronto nt 1.45 P. M.
AO( your agents for full informa-
1 ion, or address J. U. McDonald, Dis-
t rict Ptiasseneer Agent, Toronto.
relief from pain which it afford. is your druggist hasn't it send 50c in
stamps and it %sill be forwarded t-ost
paid by l'aris Medicine Co., St. Louie,
alone %forth many limes Ire cont. For
sale in Exeter .by W. S. 'Dewey.
The cityeity of New York ork slM !s
money annually to run its utunici•
pal government than it docs to run
Mr. Will Dignan, of Lucaat, Spent the'government it of C:ntda or elex-
Sunday under the parental roof. ico. New York has a population of
nearly 4,000,000 and it costs nearly
$110.000,000 a yoar fur expenses,
Master Lloyd Godwin, twllo has while Canada with a population of
about 6.000,000 disburst•s annually
been ill for the past week isnow con 52,000,000, and Mexico with
14,000,000 spends $68,000 -
Mr, 11. Iteru,ner left on Wednesday 000 each year for a like service,
morning for Froyshire, Ass:+., where ——
he will spend the summer. I
Remember the Elocution Recital 1 If you aro .1ired, nerv:ws, sleep -
by bliss Godwin ani pupils, Friday
evening. Lawyer Sturbury will oc-
cupy the chair.
Miss Vick. Ilagshaw, of Parkhill,
spent Sunday at her 1:orae here.
The Ross Taylor Co. hive jurat re-
ceived a large order from a firm in
Stratford for material for 12 re,i•
dencee to be built in that city this
At the Epwort 11 League services
on Tuesday evening Rev. W. M. Mar-
tin. of Caven church presented the
topics, and a very pleasing solo was
rendered by Miss Eva Huston.
Rev, T. R. and Mrs. McNair. whoOne of the. amendments which I'on.
have been conducting even;elistio Mr. Visna. intimated would be made
to dire LI neer
License 1 ono Act
sosscrviceA here durt• the past three sion will provide against the sale of
weeks left on Wednesday morning liquor to persons under 21 years of
for Ilamilton, where they will mi call ago under any circumstances. The
a -short •lime before eng.,,;ine in lau • tallows scale to such persons who
speci.11 ,services at Inglewood, Ont have n note from parents or guar -
Mr. 1t. E. Pickard, hiving purchas- dians or roasters, oskine that the
ed several sections in the Northwest. liquor he sold to them.
will. thia season put 12-10 acres near
Frol•yshire, Assn,., under cultivation, FOR A WEAK DIGESTION
He, this week, shipped eight tiorset, No aredicin ecan replace food but
besides a full equipment of farming Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
machinery and will go into wheat Tablets will help you to digest your
raising on a large scale. elle also in- food. It is not the quantity of food
tends to erect a house and n barns taken n
k n t h t 'vc. -s
1 w t f e
g 11 C
1 •t
l and
g or
for which he also shipped all the tin- to %the system, but the amount di -
imbed material necessary. Measrs, 11. gested and assimilate•!. if troubled
Hooper and George Ira.rshaw accent- with n weak digestion, don't fail to
give these tablets n trial. Thous-
ands ,have been Benefitted by their
use. They only can a querterseFor
sale in Exeter •by W. 8. ILoweyeee
less. !have )teldache e and lan:;our,
you .teed Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they
tone the stomachs, useist (li.teslion,
brace ,you up at once. Taken at
night, you're well by morning. Sick-
ness and tired •fcelin.; disappear in-
stantly. Vint, spirits, happy health.
all the joys of life comes toeveryone
uses J)r. Hamilton's fills. No med-
icine so satisfactory. Get Dr. llum-
ilton's Pills ,to -day. 25c. per box at
all dealers.
panted the sentiment, and will spen.1
the summer with Dlr. Pickard.
Tho body needs patching—%vaste.1
tissues roust be re -built, played -out lieep your bowels regular by the
organs •restored—blood needs noun- uses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
ishment. Elderly people need Per- Liver ,Tablets, There .is nothing bet •
rozonc.—need it because it vitalizes tor. For sale in Exeter by W. S.
and rejuvenates as RIO other rc,nedy flow •y.
can. Peri -ozone builds up ►he kind
of cwtrengt 11 that snakes one feel ! School Reports.
good,—keeps back the (leciy of old
age and maker you look young and
handsome ngain. Forget nervous ex•
haustion, %renew• your vit.,l energy, J1t. LEAVING AND MATRICULA-
again ire -enter the life of youth. TION, FORM III
Your 'remedy is k'errozone. only 50 Honors — Mary 'tench, 88 per
cents a box at all dealers, cent.; folly Windsor, 78; Hazel
Browning, 77; Martel Carling. 73;
Owing to 111 oiliness of Mr. Vera Cobbledick, 70;
O'Brien, the Commercial leacher of Harvey Borland, 60: Edith Moncur,
the Exeter Public Scho)l, -there %vas 63: Della McDougall, 59; Mabel
no .school in his room 00 Wednes- Sparks, 59; Alvin 1)rintnell, 58;
day. Irene O'Neil, 58; The Hartlicb, 50:
• - Daisy billing, 50.
AiBOC'T RHEUMATISM Enrollment 13 ; daily peerage 13.
There are few diseases that in- L. C. I'LEMiNG. Teacher.
rflict rrlore torture than rheumatism 111011 SCHOOL DEPARTMENT
and there is probably no disease for FOIt51 Ii.
which such a varied and useless lot (honors —May ,Jones, 87 per cent.;
of remedies have been suggested. To Magic .Coward, 72 ; Nellie Itussell,
say that it can be cured is, there- 71•
fore, a bold statement to make, but E. ItIc1'lierson, 68 per cent. I.
Chamberlain's I'ain Balm, which en- Armstrong, 63; fit. Wood, 61; T.
,extensive salehasmet withQuint
Quinton, 59
Senior,, 55; 1i. Work -
groat success in the treatment of man, 55; M. Knight, 51; II. Gardiner
this (lisoaec. One application of fain 53 ; T. Carlin,r, 52; M. Pfaff. 48; W.
Balm ,will relieve the psi„. and Knight, 47: 0. Mel'Lerson, 43; W.
"I and
t reds of sufferersbatt tcst tf1c! Tri^loner, 4f • F. Hoeper,r
40:R. Fare
t permanent curen by its use. Why mer, 3�;
M. Murray. 37 ; D. Itendle,
suffer when Pain Beim affords such 15; G. Hick, 30.
quick .relief and c wts but a t rifle? Number on roll, 21 ; average, 20.
For nate in Exeter by W. S. elowey. A. E. DORiIJNGTON, Teacher.
Vonore — Blanch' iShcere, 78 per
env.: ,Bella Ila vkins, 77; Edn:t Tay•
lor, 73 ; Hugh McKay, 72: Maurice
Reader, 1May
, 7• fi•tt%•kins, 71.
Maud .Johns, 00 tier rent ; Lulu
Martin, 05 ; Thomas Saunders, 65
Jessie Russell, 62; John Walker, 56;
Ida 'Rowe, 55 ; Edw•ar l Willis, 5.1;
Case ]Iow.)rd, 53; Millie Bissett, 52;
Lizzie Saunders, 52; Beattie Martin,
49; Blitchall Willis, 48; Lly, I God-
win. 47 ; Ilerl he Snell, 45 ; 'terry
Herds, 36 ; George Arrest ton z. 30:
Irene llandford, 35 ; .'Incase Sweet,
31; Leah Ithernmer, 3: ; Et hid Cob•
Isletlick, 21:
Total enrollment. 45; ;,verags' 43.
Honor..—Linda Hunter, 85 per
cent,: Almine Metter, R3; Jennie
Hardy, 79 ; Maud Taylor, 79 ; Alice
Howard, 76; Oliver Graybiel, 76;Rer•
1h. \Villerf, 71; Erbil Ities:•t1, 73;
George Wambold, 70.
itoy Parsons, 61 per cent.; Edith
McKay, 01 ; Gerfit•ld 'lodger', 56;
Ila Johnson, 51; Howie.. Welsh, 49 ;
Frank Knight, 42; Allan McCurdy,
42 ; drink 111wdon, 31; Mettles
i:v;,ns, 26 • Dyer Hunter,. 21.
Tolyl i-nrolletr'nl, 45; average 43.
W. J. O'Brien. 'Teacher.
11 h.—i,illr
, n \m . . 81 per
cent. ; LoiA Ili rney, 7!) ; Kat Seen
Stewart, 77; Katie Collin.., 75; Poug•
las Stewart, 73; llertha Mnck, 73;
Lillis !lodger'. 71: Winnifred Hug.
ton, '72.
Jr. dile.—Viola 1\ eleli. 80 per
cent.; Lillian Snell, 70: Glulye Itis•
sett, 7.1; Alma Mr•1'helan, 72; Clif•
ford e1cAvoy, 71.
Ste on roll, til i1 rage 38.
C. \'081'1•:1%, 'Teacher.
For tickets call on CEMENT AN EXCEPTION
.7. J. KNIGIIT, Most of our manufacturers ::r;
satisfied wiih r he mime scale of
protect kin as prevails in the Unit •
ed States ; our cement suattufac, 11r-
ers are not:mistiest with this. T1,,
duty on Portland ❑n't other hydrau-
lic cements entering the Unit -
ed Slates is eight cents per 1001(, .
barrels, or seven cents per 100 lbs.
in hulk. The Canadian duty be 12 1.2
menta per hundredweight now, ani
our nnutufecturers are uskin- that
t hiw be ince ..(ed t o 17 cents —or
more than double tlur tax imposed
by the United Sta tes.—Toronlo Sun.
Depot ticket went, Exeter.
FAIIM TO IIF:NT 1.ot 22 Pira
eonces.(ion 1'.shw nc, 100 acre(,
now• all in grass, also storo with liay
1'. 0. in connection to lease when
goats are disposred of. I have now
o. land a quantity of clothing, con-
sistins of reedy•niade suits, over-
calls etc. which 1 nen note offering
at cost. Good American oil 16 cents
1.'r gallon. '1'o much work for my
am boned to ¢et out of the
lou.eint•gs. Apply to 1.. eicTAGGA11T,
Hay P. O..
F. W. Muni.', .;r;•neral manager of
the Grand 'Trunk Pacific, has re-
turned from III ' Pacific coast, and,
in an interview made the following
statement : "The selection of our
Like Superior port is practically
settled. 1t'e have been °onsiderin1
for turns time• the relative merits of
Port Arthur and deort William, and
for our purposes .t h: advantages of
tit • site we ll lve Ice►'clod at Fort
William appears ,treater •tbin 1hogc
that dist at I'3rt Arthur. There -
fu r we trill place our principal ter-
retinals at Fort Willem'.
Von catch n lit t l• cold 4 o-rlay', by
to -morrow it has 'reached t be throat,
next day 4 he lungs nue effect -..l meld
you wish you had used •'C:tlarrho-
zone" which kills colds in five min•
ut res. in a hr first place C,'rtarrho-
zone• soothe,. the irritated metn-
brell :i 0nil 1 .li •vev •-n,mstion,—then
it cul a out 11. • !dile:tut and deal rov.
the gena,. It -teethe. t blcntl to
retain a oat ural supply of oe;gcu,
lunet-fa>,1, and wit pity. in any cough
bronchitis r:r iii, : afi"ction il's
guaranteed to pr.witively euro. 1►c•
Toronto Man Explains How Ile Ga-
ined Thirty Pounds in a Few
Weeks. Remarkable statement.
At 89 Fuller Street, Toronto, lives
:1 man mho claims to have proven be-
yond the shadow of a doubt that 1)r.
Lcondardt's Anti -fill is the most
wonderful remedy ever introduced.
His name is W. A. Hill, and he mak-
es the following statement ;
was very much run down and i
had a constant pain in my side
which made life a drag to mc. I
fully believed my days were numb-
ered, but I was induced to try a
treatment of Dr. Leonhardt's Ani i -
Pill, and the results were mervel-
"After a short time I found my-
self restored to perfect health nod
strength, which 1 am thankful to
say I have enjoyed ever since.
" i have gained thirty pounds in
weight %ince 1 commenced to use An -
•i -fill."
Mr. Ilill'g statement is only one
of many. No one has ever used Dr.
Leon• -u rdt's Anti -Pill without bene-
l'rice 50e. All druggists, of The
cline env wuhstirut ' ler "Catarrh- Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited, Niagara
ozone." Fella, Ont, Sole agent for Canada.
Bear, the _ A 14' Keel YOU 1134 Mears B:aft
To Cure a Cold in One DayT� Lana '
Laxative Bromo Quinine T.r. rryy on every
Seven talon bates sold is pot 13 ttt ost s. T �'tr' . ' v'tr box. 25C.
Sr. 3rd.—Laey Iles%ool, e8 per
cent : Willieliradl, 87; Victor Sweet
81; Garvey Acheson. $4 ; Herbio
' Gardiner, 81 ; Willie Morey. 81; An -
hie Itissett. 73 ; Willie Arnim rong,
72; Olive Wood, 70.
Jr. 3rd.—Charlie Welsh. 96 per
cone : Ida 1Velstt, 80; Marry Sweet,
70 ; Lily Roe e, 75 ; Percy God.%in, 72 ;
Latimer Grieve, 70.
Na •ort 0r:,g!;•, 1.
11.roti E.5\V;ALf(IveOYD,4Teacltor, Dearing. George Hicks, Fred l'resz-
ItOOM VI Gator, Earl Shapton, Johnny Willis,
►honor.— Jr. 3rd, Clarence Ileo- Samuel Statltake ; Jr. I1., Florence
cool, 82 per cent.; Eva Slesehlock, Triebner, Gordon Sanders. Ada \Vile
79 ; Cecil Pickard, 73 ; Bell.a Mc• lis, Alvnler Willis, Chester Parsons ;
Kay, 71; Willie Ford. 70. l't. 11., Oliva l'reszeeiter, Wilfred
Ironer.;.— Sr. 2nd., Clair Wood. 83 Shipton. G(xdou Pcnhal.'. Garfield
per cent.
1It1 Itr
rock, 8a.
Rey 8ta 1
1 ' It
Ue:,ring, 77; Edna Brock, 7l. inald 1'aretoris1. C1.t>arlie+rf( Tri11rt►ner. 9'0-
llonors —Jr. end., Lot tic: Delve, 81 tat number on roll. 32; average at -
per cent.; Abse Jackson, 78 ; Willie tendance for 11t^ asset h 29.
to Walker, 7.3 , I'F•RCY S, iIAN Fat, Teach; r.
Olive EHF,N
—School It:'j ort.—Tho following ie
the report for she month of March
for 8. 8. No. 4, t'sborne ;—V., Bort
ROOM VII Luxton, Alma May, Lydia Handford ;
Sr, 2n1•—ltuby \\•roc(, 89 per IV., Alice Davis, Eileen Caves, Flas-
cent.: Ernest Harvey. 80; Violet sits Hunter, Pearl hunter, Edn i Lux -
Knott. 74. ton. Nellie Rooke. Itussell May, w•ri,ir.u.v.a.plellltl•
Jr. 2nd,—Gladys Delve, 91 per Frank Rooke, Ethel McCurdy, Frank
cent.: Morrie Pinney. 86; Annie Day Il:tndford, 4tuni• Luvt(•n; .I r. I V., The following letter is onlyone o
8i: Ernest Nea, 8'!; Edith Davis, 82. Alvin,E.scrw. Wi'l.e Webber, Arthur many thousands which are i
Sr. I't. 2nd.—Agn:.s Mackey, 92 Kerslake, ,ltichi • Hicks. N_•n. Mo• the Pinkham office. and go to pron file ve
peer cent ;Nelly Jencs, 9l ; F.ttie May Curdy ; Sr., 111., Bella leivis, Willie beyond question that Lydia E. p''
leo%.y, 89 ; Eddie Welsh 83; Muriel Essery, Willie Essery. Cecil Skinner: Ibe
Joie:, 79; ioe Follee/. 78; .Marti,1 Sr. 11., Jo-. 1):1vis, %Villi: Walker, ham's Vegetable Cmerit,i of must Loa
Iingshaw, 73. Gearg:e ,Davi.(, Thems .Cones, nett -
of great merit, otherwise it
11!'A. 1't. 2nd.—Mui An•lers.n, 98 lay Atny. Auni.• McCurdy, Ave Shirr- could not produce such marvellous re-
t.er cent.; Jean Sell:n, 96: M•tr„uer- mgan
•r, !Oarrtt' .11.%, Lila Creigkton, sults,amon)fsicksod ailing women:
'ile Gardiner, 95; Laura Cann, 81; ]ieckits Cohort,;l't. IL, Alary Me - D"Soo�.Pjnkham:—
Itota Rowe, 82 ; Linden Harvey 81; Curdy, tiered Webber, \Wesley Col- decline.toMy rmappetite
p t to failed}e me; 1 w
Norman Hockey. 79 ; Irno Sweet 73 ; hart, Rhea McCurdy ; Sr. 1., AUic unable tobleep, and I Lowrie very inwr
Jr. I't. 2n(1 — halo 118 Handford,
-Hunter, Lada Ifirding, Alice Crete!) (had shooting pains throu8hthe abclotne
78 per cent. ; Stanley Johns, 77. tan, J'ronk Callen, Minnie May. and pellets organs, with bearing -down paialt
No. cn roll 38; average atten. 36. Names in order of merit. Average and coludant hearlacyho�stecaush,g Ino mac
1'. E. CARLING. Teacher. attendance 39.—W. A. 1)avidK)n, 'Tea- and t ore pajntcllpantiI Docame a hurnte nano'
cSHARON expense to nor family instead of, a help
pleasure. Lydia F
.. 1'i
y Vegetab
ho hollowing is ;i correct re- Compound cunei me within three months.,
port cf the !standee; of the pupils of lir the fter I txtterr and t at using
it timefelt
c ne
8. 8. N. 4 Stephen, slur the, month poria,! f noticed a ggrr••at difference, and♦rre
of March. Names inorderof merit pain gradually diminished until I was well,'
V., Elgin Amy ; 8r. I\ Nora' Brown I aru stronger and look better than I did
1Vilbur Alorlock, IdeU:. Schwarz, fore I was married, and there le great rejo
%Tillie ['reszcator ; Jr. IV„ Sybclla ing in the house over the wonael•s your
Alorlock, Gladys I{caths Luc' idne worked."—airs. M. A.C. Le
Ilta ScL- teller,
)warz. Minnie Nestle. Merrier Eilber ; (adiuuz tit., Montreal, Quebec
Sr, I1I., Ethel Kcstle, Nellie Amy ; If you have suppressed or paitifuJ
I L, Lo: nn ATorlock, I[erbie \Vein menstruation, weakness of the etot>i
Harry bchwarz; Sr. iL. Leonard neh, indigestion, bloating, leucorrh
Schroeder, Beulah Smith, Alvin Cor- flooding, nervous prostration, di
nisi. Arva Brokenshire, Cl,lrence ness, faintness, "don't -care"
F,ilber,„ s`x
. I[crl;ia Kraft, Mervin Broken. ":want -to -be -left -alone” feeling,
Emerson Schroeder, Mildred citability, backache or the blues, th
Klumpp, Willie Schwarz, Oscar Cor- are sure indications of feinalc we
nish ; Jr. II., Clinton Brown, Mabel ness, some derangement of the ate
Coxworth ; Sr. Pt. I1., Otto Brown, or ovarian trouble. In such cases
Gordon .Cornish ; Pt. I, Clinton Mor- is ono tried and true remedy—L
losk,— G. W. Lawson, Teacher, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
T11., following iS :t correct reheat
e1; Iltlinct cal the pupils of 8.
8. \QQ.. 3., Stephen, for the MOH/ 11 of
M.,rch. Tho moues appear in order
of merit ;—Class IV., &t,nucl Hicks,
Harry Triebner. Cecelia Ford, T1we.
Penh:.►.•, Fred Beaver, Ralph Willis.
A. Prominent Montreal Woman Tells
Rows Lydia E. Plnkhatu'a Vegetable
ild:t I'rc•szatlor. harry Parsons Compound Completely Cured Her.
Jr. 111., Fail %'arsons, Sherman Wil-
lis. Gladys pairing, Eddie Triebner, I The great gout Lydia }: 1'inkhaln's,
Sr. 11., Florone.• Rennin), Preston 1 Vegetable Compound is doing .moat►•
the women of America is attracting
the attention of many leading scien-
ists, and thinking people generally.
Heideman, 71: James W:
eve Dearing. 73 ; Irene nerdy, 72.
No. e:n roll 50; average attendance
47. t.
A. E. MARTIN. Teacher.
R00111 VIII.
8r, 2nd.—Madeleine Carling, 90 per
cent.: V j:,,le hove, 80; harry Snell,
85 ; May I3rinlaoemee, 80 ; Chaster
Russell, 77.
Jr. 2n1.—Annie Coliiugwood, 91
per cent.; Miller Huston 80: Linnie
Ford, 78 ; Bruce Walker. 71; Wil-
fred Mack, 70.
Sr. i't. 2nd—BoaU-i-e ilodgcrt 87
-Crtcent ; Lily Co!liugwood, 85; 13th -
el Day, 81 ;
I t. 1.
1 — ,
o c, 84
roe cent.; Aline Mack, 84 ; Mabel
Knott, 81; Thos. Clark, 71; Jennie
Russell, 71.
Jr. l't. 2nd.—Robbie Fleming' 82
_Willie cent. • \\
111 e • i
1 Manson. 3.
an 7
No. 1—Marjcry lluslon, 72 per
cent,; Joey Ferguson, 71.
No. en roll, 39 ; average erten., 37.
S. J. IRWIN, Teacher,
'1'r-- following is the report of the
Cr entre' Public School for the mont h
of Match. 75 per cent. of the total
is required for honors anti 60 per
cent. for pass stind'ulg. Names in
order of merit.
Division Ili,—Continue lion class,
honors, Madeleine Bertrand, Jos.
Finkle finer ; pass, Frazer Brown and
Garnet Switzer, coned, Arthur Holtz
menu, Ella Link ; plass IV senior,
honors, Edna Pack ; pans Gert'.
Short, Adeline Finkbeiner, Elvin
McMurray ; Jr. 4th class, honors,
Frank Finkbcinor, Pearl Geiser;
pass, Eddie Winer, Howard Meadd.
Clarissa 11111, Edith Hill, Alfred
\Vucrth. Average attendance, 31 —
Claude 'Buell, Tenoher.
Division II. — Jr. 3rd, class, honors
Els:e Geiser, Lillian Pinkbeincr, Al-
meda Finkbciner; t*ass, Clara Holtz -
mann, Willits Oestrcicher, George
Beaver, Matilda Oeatreicher, Etas
Fanner, Clerance Holtzman!' ; Sr, II,
honors, harry Mangnus, Roy Red-
den. ['earl Treitz, Ch•trlie Gonver;
pass, Alice Mcllin, Beatrice Redden,
1Harrissoa Holtzurinn, Vera a l
mann ; Jr. I(., 'honors, Lulu Geiser,
}label Wenzel, Wellington luau,
Ida itrow•n ; pass, Wellington Ilaist,
Mervin Winer, Willie Motz, Lloyd
Damm, Ezra Ewald. t l h 8:nn he'
'' 1
Ink Iner
Average attendance, 43.—Miss Sault••
er, Teacher.
'nekton I—Jr. hist , honors, Loran
Brown, Qu••eni:t Ilo'f:zins : pass. Lydia
Ors( reicher, Florica Hill, Melvin
Brown, 8aus Wein ; Sr. Pt. 2nd
honors, Lulu lledden ; pass, Lulu
Datum, Evelyn Bluer ; .Ir. Pt. 2nd,
pass, Henry Finkbein•'r, Herbert
Shenk ; A. Ill class, pass, Gertrude
Guenther, Irene Erb ; A. II. clans,
honors, Lillie lereint'r ; pass, Rny-
mond English, Harold Gower, Ar-
t bur Sambrook ; A. 1. awl, page,
'toy Shenk. Average attendance, 41.
—Minas Kenzie, Teacher.
The following is /lie report of an
exaulinattnn held in 'Themes Road
school durin,( the month of March
The pupils were examined on only
four or five. subjects. Those marked
with an asterisk were absent dur-
ing part of 4 he examination. Sr,
IV class, tots! 480.—Wesley Stone,
381 ; Alfred Ilunkin, 350 \\'ilfis
Westlake' 311 ; ,Iohn McNicol• 292 ;
John Ilray• 195. Jr. iV class, total
480.—Almcr Stewart, 369; Footer
May 363 ; Lindsey Gardiner, 362
Waller McNichol,. 359; Flossie ('ow-
ard, 323: Jennie Monteith, 321 ; Wil-
lie Kay, 311 ; Tonitny llosteert, *281;
Orca Snell", 202: Myrrh Ilunkin•
167. Sr. 111 class, total 480.—Willie
Monteith, 1.28 Anna .111ison, 391 :
Flossie I'asanlore, 350 ; ,Bert Brown
246 ; Johnnie Turnbull, '203. Jr. 111
class, .t of :.1 350.—Et Itel Ilunkin, 301:
Greener 1't''rrtorc, 291 ; ,May :1)nrch,
J. A. IIAM ILTON, Teacher.
\VINCIIELSF.A 649, harry Windsor 618: Jr. 2nd,
The dollow{ng is the report of Bessie Anderson 1059. Fred Fairhall
8.8. No. 6, Lsberne for the month 9.5, Anthony White 758, Lloyd Eng-
el' March. Names in order of merit land 730, Fred Essery, Robert Alex -
Sr, 511t, hazel Heger, Cecil Camm :
Jr. 5th., Olive Berryhill, Alden
Johns; 8r. 4t11, Vera Washburn.
Willie Elford, Almena Heywood : Jr.
4t1 ALaura Godbolt, Nettie Camp-
bell, Everett Skinner ; Sr. Card, Lille
Ileywood, Ella Ileyw.00d, Virda
Berry hill. Jr. (room, Sr. Ili, Hu-
bert Jones, Mary Cornish, Ella Veal ;
Jr. III., Annie Wilson, Earl Johns,
Ray Fletcher ; Sr. II., Alex. Berry -
hill, Lillis Godbol t, John Creery ; Jr.
11.11., John Brock, Jennie Campbell,
Clara Kellett ; ,Jr. iI., A., Emma
Heywood ; 1'l. l., Alice Crcery.— D.
McDougall and Winnie Howard,
The following is the report of the
Senior :Department of 8. S. No. 1,
Stephen for the month of March.—
V., Vernon Watson 833, hose Wil-
son 820, Elva Windsor 749, Enos
Windsor ri 69.1
11 ser
Samuel nu McCoy 651,
Harold Duplin 489, Alvin Baker 596,
Sr. IV., Wilfrid Ilodgins 942, Frank
Mitchell 890, Gladys Essery 735,
Willie Sims 655, Joseph White ; Jr,
4th • Archie ito' inson -
Ja7, Lily Rob -
intone 943, Margery Hepburn 931
Czar Wilson 875, Murray Elliot(
832, Gifford Hogarth 818, Gordon
\Wilson 813, Mervin Elston 629 8r,
i.:nder• Mueean CaPfas, Everett gill•
fes, Wilson Colbert ; Sr. Pt. 1L, Stel-
la Neil, Ethel Colbert, \%•chis Maker.
Jr. Pt, IL, Malvan England, Hubert
Neil, hIadeleino Heist, Othella Motz:
Vera Motz, Mahe! Elliott : ,Pt.
Ethel Bowden. — Miss !'or(er, Tea-
NO. 14, BTANLE\-
The following is the March school
report of 8.8. No. 14, Stanley. Nam-
es are "in order of merit. — V„ ads
Dinsdalo, A. W. Johnston, W. Mc-
Queen ; Sr. 401., Eleanor Hood, E.
Gemmell, Emma Alair ; Jr. 4th., Et- •
t.'t Jarrott, M. M. Fisher, Ageie
Gemmel!: 3rd., J. II. Jones, Rena Mc -
Beat h, Ida E. Jones ; Sr. 2nd, Oda
Mclleatle Sarah Rathtwell, Hannah
Hinsdale ; Jr. 2nd., It. 11. Logan, H.
A. Jones, Lola Rathwoll ; Pt. 2nd,
W. M. MoRe.ltl, Frank Gemmell, II.
Pt. I.
Anna Hotel. The best
spellers in monthly spelling matches
were -5th., Mary E. Johnston ; Sr.
401., Eleanor hood; Jr. 4th and Sr.
ard., H.
Jonrn • Sr.nd. Ods Mc-
. Ic
' Jr
h. 2nd., Lula Rathw..l Pt.
2nd., Allan Fisher.
Mr. Gus. E. Geroux, writing from
2nd, Hazel Ilickm 972, Austin Duplan Pembroke, 'tells how he was injured
849, John Dempsey 613, Eddie Sims in ,a lumber entitle "A 'heavy Ioz
573, Norman Heilman ; fr. 3rd, Mal- rolled argentite my leg and I was laic%
van Callfas 791. Noble ',insett, John up with stiffness and a hard sw•el-
,White, — Minnie dotter%►►, Teacher. ling. When I applied Poison's Nei -
The dotlow•ing is the report of viline I got relief. A few rubbings
Division I, based on attendance, goad with obis good liniment cured me.'
conduct, and general proficiency — in he bush, Nerviline is indispens-
Jr.:ird., John Hogarth 1011, iva Es• able; 4t cures neuralgia, colds.
sery 952, Ella Baker 660, Maxwell rheumatism and internal disorders
Ba+'nl►:tel 517, Earle Callfer, Ross too. No s)erson can afford to b'
W811is ; 8r, 2nd„ FIOAnie Davey 923, without Nerviline. Useful for all in -
Edna Davey 913, Willie Alexander ternal rind external pain. Large
739, itoy Callfan 670, Hubert White bottles 25 cents at all dealers.
- •• — • ---- — •••I •••••••••••••••••+•N+NN
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Ited stater, bought and sold at lowestrates of exchange,
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