HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-04-06, Page 3•
Little Liver Pills.
Must Sear SIQnatuip of
Sae Fac -310 le Wrapper Below.
Vase amen ad asses,
M tale as vegans
FON RluouSNEss.
/� OiNVfl.r: ewn,uo. NArus
Fitt Owe Irera"tmreL;; �.;X..4"
By the time Miss L. L. Hanson,
Waterside, N. B., had taken
Three Boxes of MILBURN'S
She Was Completely Cared.
She writes us u follows :-
y "(lentlemen,-I feel It my duty to ex -
from Mito lburn'. Heart and Nerr derived
A year o last spring I began to have
heart faun-,. At flat I would have to
11�thee o ctw'bad Ihate f down
wbad to while,
give up
alotagother and go to bed. I bad several
doctors to attend me, but they did me
nogood. I got no relief until urged by
• friend to try Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills. 1 sent to the store for a
box, and by the time I had taken three-
quarters of 11 I began to get relief, and
by the time I had taken three boxes
I was completely cared. I feel very
g rateful to your medlelne for what it
has done for me. -Miss L. L. HARBOR,
Waterside, N.H."
Price 1.0 cent. per box, or 1 for 111.16.
All Dealers or
Toronto, Ont.
Many Women Suffer
Untold Agony From
Kidney Trouble.
BE KIND AND FORBEARING ►s, spoke in tunvt of autkurlty forth.
all could hear. I
l'ouae Furth-Literal1:1.1
y, hilhcr forth.
45. That which he did -Or, on
equally good manuscript authority,
the things which he did. The differ-
ence in the (:reek is very slight.
Whet ed en him-ilcIfevcd hint to
be Messiah.
How Ships on the River Thames
A despnte1l from llrooklyn. N. Y., la the heart, it manifests itself in Get their Letters.
says: -iter'. lir. Newell De ight Ilillis good idiots ship, wholesomeness, cor-
ps -ached Iron) the (allotting text:- diulity nail those relined intentions
tho only port where the ships lying hours, then let stand in boiling rya- meat in Octohcr that I cooked in
Ile co kind, tender-heurt.vl.-1:ph. 4. that go to Make a youth popularter for half hour, drain and rut into •April.
at anchor aro privileged to have small
1. Courtesy has its commercial among his companions. i their letters delivered t o them by pieces. 1'ut 4 tubl1'spuuns hut- Ilam and she;older Are hest pry
%'Slue. One day a friend asked a freshman
to into n saucepan with a little pelt served by "putting dottn" in jars.
Some years ago two business men river postmen. it being customary at r,
from New York were bt'eukfastir at in plat'\"aril l'ullege why the boyr1 other forts for sailors to apply per- ol,r, 5tV.henttit Itis tmixedee uandliuhas ons '!'his Should .s dune before the first
► always cit' red a ccrtuim professor'' scunlly for t heir let tees ,inles3s the fly puts in its appearance. The meat
their hotel in I'uria. One of thein Now the freshman had never consid_ grown quite smooth, add 1 pt sweet is sliced, U) 1)4' d and prepared as
was comment in • u lou the millions (chip is in buck. create and some parsley leaves chop- if it were to be cooked. liave sweet,
of money that Americans were pour- ercd t hat puha before and he jump- The '1'hautes is '!!\i.led into two pCel very f,ue. Stir five minutes, then clean jars at hand and puck the
ed at an Answer sod ho gave th.�
Ing into the coffers of Paris, the city right one: "Oh, he is so kind it al- pomlal (Ilstricts, 4'Rrh under the run- add the fillets of cudiish and let sink- pieces in them, crowding closely so
of beauty, art and pleasure. Ile in- ways seems good to have him trot of n river postman, who delivers mer in the cream until piping hut. there will be no vacant spaces. Atter
si5led tha t this golden river ought around." Saute people call courtesy b•tters and parcels tee's, nut- g in Salmon Croquettes -Remove bones the first layer is in, it is a good plan
to be turned upon the fields of :Amer- a minor grace. bye how can that sir_ a craft nhieh r.•sentble8 a l shil.g- and skin from u Targe sire can of to use an old-fashioned wooden pu
Iran industry and comu)erce. lie loo be little that lifted a professor
l'e'st 111(1'(• than anything else. Of salmon. Chop and season fish with tato Harsher to pound the meat
urged (hat his own store offered ad- ton throne and 018410 )' loom these districts the ';rst extt rids from salt, pepper, parsley', a dash of down. When about three Layers are
ynntuges ns many and grout as the large above him fellows? Remember the Custom House 10 Limehouse and 1011100 juice and a very hole cayenne in pour melted lard over the creat.
shops of Paris, that roughness is a sign of wrakuess, the second from Litne)ouse to Mack- pepper; mlx thoroughly. l'ut 1 tea- %hen it stands half an inch above
"Ike you wont to know why our Some turn aro so harsh that their wall. cup cream on to heat. Stir one the surface, let stand until cool,
Americans spend their money here in softest word is a 'blot•. Thera aro' The river postmen start 110 t heir tablespoon butter aril two of flour then proceed with the packing. Art
Paris?" said his commotion. "Colne blunt, brutal men who ride rough- rounds Punctually at eight o'clock together and tut into the boiling sou use from the
b I 6 to 1 b y jar, keep cos -twee
with he for an hour am, 1 will shove shod over their fellows and cinlpl,1- every morning. and. needless to say. cream: let it cook 01' :3 minutes, with the lard. Seal each jar as with
you the reason," ions, and they say: "Oh, you mustn't there is telly one delivery n (lay. then add the salmon. Mix well and the beef.
!lien the lawyer and the merchant mind 1110! it is a way 1 base!" 1'The mail -bag may include its many as pour into a dish to cool. When Many prefer to pirtl3 cook the
went into a shop. The July morning Suppose a porcupine were to say: 504) letters. As he glides front ship cold, form into croquettes, dip in' neat. It is tt good plum to do this
nitus d lustwifetthe French uulentito0d Inolliwhnnt ut "1►un't udnd n►y quills; it's a w'ny 1 to ship the river postman culls out beaten egg, there it.. bread crumbs and with the jars which are to he used i'1NF. CUT FACTS.
Ahoy there" and 1,Hds the let -
in boiling fat. (furnish with last, although with carr it. will keep In Servia there is a soldier for
httvo." A hedgehuf, has its %flus'111)
parsley and sItccs ut Ienwm. weal 11 ithout heating. 1.nrge pieces every twenty -luso inhabitants.
kindness and courtesy. The lawyer but the way is very bad. Bad mon term attacher! to a boathook to the; ,ersl1'•
said he wished to look at some Ares, sAueusm and disrrgnrd of the waiting crew.
Alucarnl,i and Kish -In the bottom fur 'milli) con be put tia(4'I, it sur- In Loudon each Juy, 401) children
gloves. some - silk ties and sante n •its of utherrc aro real faults. It only tAkc:s trout tour to h%0 of a deep baking di. -h plate quarter rounded with the lard.
laces. "But first of all, you must b g lie butter etit ill bits, add a la Sausage are barn and 250 cuter school for
Remember that one yellow stain hours to deliver the 11)011, so that layer nusa.•e should Allays be coolccxl the first time.
sit down and rent So madame ) postman does out waste touch 1 0f maeareni, cover with slices of row ready for the table; otherwise it will Fish, an a rule, increases in weight
brought an easy chair and the shop- ruins n marble, one black spot in the the
keeper inslr,tcd on bringing h and length every year up to their
-sA FAN AND A COOL DRINK. i II the h tl r cotton hnttrng anti nets There are no fewer than 25,000,000
dish I • f II 1
Very soon tho stout merchant forgot t t , scholars And teachers in the Sunday
his hent and long walking. After a o a mut Dns 1e 5 I ec n uu6u1 • schools of the world.
little he apologized to madame for The only two animals whose brains
the trouble he was slaking her. "It 1 are heavier than 'est of a man aro
is no trouble; it. is a pleasure." No la •u I td the whale and the elephant.
u ccs. Take It sc1'nls to nu that th�s Hutt(
courtesy could have been more I Tho Bank of Enbland generally
ceiling ruins the fresco and one great time. 10 fogey weather, however, it
fault, like the absence of courtesy, takes considerably loeger, owing to
can injure character, threaten pros- the di n::Hies of Iine;eig the various
perils and halve ones influence and ships, .►nd of steering In between the
success. large vessels as they lie at anchor.
3. The Inw of courtesy forbids At such times there is also a )feat
harsh criticism, danger of being run down by passing
The word "criticism" is like Satan ships.
who fell from heaven -it is a fallen As a general rule the river postman
thoughtful, word. it began as the artist's word works down the left bank first and
In that hour kindness oiled all the and meant to select the beautiful then returns on tho other side.
Courtesy is Necessary to a Man
Who Would Succeed.
The Home
Codfish h a la Creme -Soak a nice
pito u codfish in colt) water for 2
the good ones will range up to 15,
Ili or even iS cents per pound.. The
thrift} housekeeper (4i11 preserve the
meat %t hich she new has and use
next summer, thereby sat ing from
one-fourth to one-half the expense.
Ileth fres` um' corned heel can be
cooked as for the table, wiped dry
and coverall with tallow, no .1w•a
pieces being Allowed to touch each
other. Over the jar tie a fold of
cotton batting and newspaper. When
wanted for use pare off the grease
and plunge in hot, wafer. It can be
used either hot or ro1d. 1 have used
Stimulate the sluggish liver, clam
the coated tongue, sweeten ohs
breath, clear awn W waste and
poisonous matte from the system,
and cure Sick Headache, Bilious-
neu,Coustipatiou, Heartburn,Jaun-
dice, Water Brash, Catarrh of the
Stomach, etc.
Mrs. C. Windrum, Baldur, Man.,
writes :-I suffered for years from
liver troubles, and endured more
than tongue can tell. I tried a great
many different remedies, but they
were of little or no benefit to me.
Some time ago I got atrial package
of Lava -Liver Pills, and they proved
so beneficial to Inc that I procured
more. 1 highly recommend them
to anyone suff ering from disordered
Price 25 cents or 5 for $1.00, all
dealers, or
Toronto, Ont.
fish cul very thin, season with salt be strong. fuck in grease and seal
• and pepper. Add another layer of as tightly its possible. Jars seated
macaroni anti fish each until , with i -
.b u , t len pour user bot milk payers are practically air tight.
o nwis en. 1 lace In the o\en t Heart 1 tongue sliced i vi `•
bake. well seasoned with plenty of
Oyster Croquettes -Put 2 dozen we l s easo in Trutt iitns will kee ► pepperin
oysters on to cook in their own an cool place until June.
1 0 •:letlent buil 5 ati u T k.
from the fire and drain, then chop. question is one that greatly con -
Put lint( teacup of the liquor and corns the subject of household ex -
half teacup cream in a saucepan to pease. I consider it a wife's duty to
hent. Stir 1 tablespoon butter and study those questions and manage
2 of flour together, add this 811(1 the then) in the most economical way.
oysters to the boiling liquor and stir
until it thickens. '!lake from lire,
season with salt, chopped parsley
and a dash or cayenne pepper. Stir
thoroughly, then turn out to cool.
When perfectly cold, form into cro-
quettes, roll in beaten egg, then in
wheels of trade. Good manners made
busing and selling a pleasure. The
big, prosperous merchant quite for-
got hirnself and he bought with
open-handed generosity. Nor did he
remember his discussion until he
reached the street, when he began to
understand the laughter of his com-
"Well," said the merchant, "Paris
has taught me one thing -the law of
courte8y. When I get back to New
York I an) going to have the heads
of departments organize my clerks
into classes, with lectures on kind-
ness and good manners."
The law of courtesy has a commer-
cial value. Courtesy will not Make
an ignorant man wise nor a stupid
lazy clerk successful. but the youth
of good parts will tend tltat kindness
and courtesy are large additional as-
sets and will do much to promote
his success and good feeling Among
his fellow workers.
2. Courtesy and khtdness betokens
the well-bred gentleman.
%%hat culture is to the scholar and
what per( is to n flower, that
courtesy is to a gentleman. Kind-
ness Makes the youth a happinesn
maker. Courtesy- is a delicate ex-
halation that sweetens the atmos-
phere. Cowl will diffuses itself in a
genial glow. it in said that a gen-
lernlll is for him companions' minds
that an easy chair and a warm fire
ire for the body. It snakes the
'uuth consider
and once the law of kindness is fixed
Very often they think it is from so-
called " female disease." There is less
female trouble than they think. Women '
suffer from backache, sleeplessness,
nervousness, irritability, and a dragging•
down feeling in the loins. So do men, I —
and they do not have " female trouble." I TH C
Why, then, blame all your trouble toG
femal4,Aisease? With healthy kidneys,
few women will ever have "female div INTERNATIONAL LESSON,
orders." The kidneys are so closely con. APRIL 9.
nected with all the internal organs, that —
\ when the kidneys go wrong, everything Lesson II. The Raising of Lazarus
. goes wrong. Much distress would be Golden Text, John 11.25.
saved if women would only take i'IIE t,LS oN W011 1) S'l'('UiES.
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Intervening Events. -After attend -
at stated intervals. ! lug the Feast of Dedication at Jeru-
Miss Nellie Clark, Lambeth Ont., tells Salem (.lobo chapters 9 and 10; see
' ill 22) Jesus "went away again be -
of her cure in the following words :-" I 3,,,111 the Jordan into the place w here
suffered for about two years with kidney .101m was at the first baptizing";
trouble. I ached all over, especially in hence, possibly, somewhere in the
and essential elements in a great It is not generally known that the
painting that should he lifted up for task of ci.rhverIng the river letters
admiration and praise. has been more or less it fun ily Inu-
TIIiS GLOiRIOUS !CORD nopol3' for several hunlr,si years,
is like a seraph that has been drag-
s, and rho forebears of the present pest
go(1 down until its pinions drug iratan of the first. Jislrict have 1..en
the mud. We all know the type of en1ployed 81 the Wo1 k 01111(114 511100
whose langur in u flail. hero is letters %etre delivered to ship, un the
the teacher who is aIwtt3s praising g''ent tidewnp at all. 111 recognition
the bright scholar and when the of their Fier%iees in this direction.
slow one stumbles exclaims '1'ou t'corge 111. presented the faluliy of
stupid fool!" .And yet the boy has Evans with the freedom of all the
worked twice an faithfully, despite ports 111 the kingdom, and a silver
his failure, as the other one and, badge weighing 1t; ozs.. which is, of
earned his master's admiration did course, Much prize,' ns an heirloom.
his teacher but know it. I The river postmen have also their
Ours is a world that Is harsh in,own uniform c0nene int; of the dark
its judgments and cruel in its crib cant and trousers usually woe-, by
ctsm. Young man, restrain your Thames rivernlen, but bordered with
tongue. Ile kind. Practice courtesy.) red and hearing the Post Office
Keep the ideals of Sir Walter itnl- badge.
elgh's gentleman ever before you.1 in winter the river i.0!Itntail's work
Don't pelt the unsuccessful with is extremely trying owing to the in -
words lice stones. Consider that tense cold, and it is v no meting an
what tho north wind cannot do toy by
unusual thing for the spray from the
produce n harvest the south wind river to cause his clothes to freeze
blowing softly, can easily accost- till they resemble boards. Rut he
,lis Hato. is as powerless s
h aa n
3t w
Iha. always the con total ion of know -
blizzard. Love is as oinlipotent ns int; that .at the end of his service he
the sunshine. Distribute joy by 3-011r1 will be able to nettle down for the
daily kindness. (in out like a sower rest of his days 011 0 comfortable
and sow benefactions like a prince. pension
Live with the courtesy of one who
feels himself to be 0 natural king.
'!lest yourself by Jesus Christ. Ile
scattered benelactMee •ted exaled
kindness. lie kind, tenderhearted and
forbearing if you would reap the
sweetest harvest for practical
the small of my back ; not being able to vicinity of Itethuhnrn, it little south-
east of the Sen of Gnlflee, b('yo11d
sleep well, no appetite, menstruation .1„1.418 11; unci there he abode, and
irregular, nervous irritability, and brick- 111,11y comm` unto him'' (.10hn 10, 10,
dust deposit in urine, were some of ay 11), 'Thus began the second period
symptoms. I took Doan's Kidney Pills, as wie 11103' call it, of the I'eraen
The pain in my back gradonis left me, "'iuisUy, the 11rst period of which
had precelled the visit of Jesus to
my appetite returned, 1 sleep well, and the Feast of Dedication, and the
am effectually cured. I cau highly third and lust period of which tot -
recommend I)oan's Kidney Pills to all i lowed the raising of Lnrnrus at
sufferers from kidney trouble." ; Bethany and the subsequent a ith-
(hY(wal of Jesus nn1 his disciples In -
Price 60 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25. to Ephraim (John 1 1.54). The sec -
All dealers, or DOAN X)DNSir Pit,i, CO., Doll period of the l'rrnenn ministry
foaoNl'O. ONT.I lasted passably a little a than
three nna111 hs (October to February ),
.::11 in it are to be included the
Do You Realize That a
Neglected Cough Nay
Result in Consumpton.
It you have a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any
affection of the Throat and Lungs,
what you want is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure you
ati e.
There is nothing on hasping,
soothing, and invigorating to the
lungs as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree.
Contains the potent healing virtues
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing meth.
cines of recognized worth.
IN. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
checks the irritating cough, soothes
and heals the inflamed bungs
and Bronchial Tubes, loosens the
phlegm, and gives a prompt sense
of relief from that choked -up,
stuffed feeling.
,0 Price 2:i cent(, pet bottle.
Re sure and ask for Dr. Wood's.
Jews," whose h3pots 4sv and percer-
sity of heart he well knew.
Was Troubled -Visibly agitated -
the outward effect or indication of
the strong inward emotion.
35. Wept -From "dakru," tette,
and meaning to shod tears, to weep
silently, thus differing essentially
from the verb "kink)," to weep au-
dibly, to sob, to wail, used in verse
33. The verb Is used nowhere else
in the New Testament. It was 011
the way to the tomb that Jesus re-
%%li e(1 this truly human side of his
nature (111(1 wept, out of profound
sympathy for Martha and Mary.
36. Loved -With a worm. Passion-
ate at(achuu'nt.
37 Of hive that (4 s Iilimd Ii f r
Cancer Patient Claims It Was
William Gurdon, 0 physician in a
Devon (England) hospital, reports to
the Lancet a supposed cure for can-
cer whit 11 has aroused considerable
public, int et est.
1'ho lratiar►t was a man of 53. who
had been told by live doctors that he
hat! cano.r of the tongue. Ile refused
to undergo 410 operation and cont -
nit need, on Nov. 1 Oth, to treat him -
Difficult tb Obtain Men For the
British Army.
bread crumbs and fry in boiling fat.
Alacke_rel with liruwn sauce -sone The London Express publishes the
n salt :keret over night in like- following: -The number of recruits
warm water, changing (110 water 0c- who joined the regular army last
cnsionlllly. so ns to rrnu%se n part sear ens 41,279, while in addition
of Oho salt. 111 the Morning rinse to these :15,'26) ente'rcrl the militia.
and wipe dew, s;rrinkle with pepper 000 111 every three Wren presenting
and rub with butter. Split the fish lhemsnlyes for enlistment was reject -
• t he back, ley it on it gridiron (`(1 as physicn4ly unfit,
and cook about a quarter of nu hour1 111 addition to the men rejected af-
turning when half done. Now put I ter inspection by the medical officers,
about 6 oz, of butter in a stewptin over 20,(0)0 were refused by recruit -
over a hot lire and let it remain un-, ing officers during the nine mouths
til brown. 'throw in :3O leaves of ending September 30th, 1904.
watercress. which hase previously In comunenting on these figures
been wOshed 1111(1 dried: 1411 them fry Major-General Miles, Director of Re-
cruiting, crisp null poen• oyer the 4ish, ntates that in many Ms -
Put :I tablespoons vinegar in the tr•icts the rejec:tioes fur defective
pan, bring it to the boiling point. teeth were %'er3 heavy.
then add salt and pepper, pour it "The question of medical rejec-
over the Itch. !'tut in o0r•u for 11 fete (.ions," he adds, "in of great nlnn►eut8. then se•%r very hot. impor-
tance, and requires serious consider-
ish ('haw,t4'l' nt quarter ]b. pot•k nlion, in 1 iev. of the large number
iota dice Rnd 11c in deep iron kettle. of recruits that. must Annually be
contains Sufficient gold in 16 ib. bars
to snake 20,00(1,000 sovereigns.
Korea is the only country where
the marriage certificate is equally
divided, one-half being given to the
husband, the other to the wife.
Surinam has the smallest range of
temperature of any place in rho
world. The summer temperature is
7`4 degrees and the wdr.ter 77i de-
Once!' Wilhelmina is a total abstain-
er: she is a member of the Women's
League, which has for one of its
chief objects the suppression of
Paper enters largely into the con-
struction of every Korean house.
The interior is lined with paper. It
tans a paper root. paper Iloorclo!h,
and paper walls.
Cecil Rhodes at tithes -indeed, gen-
erally -had a brutal way of speaking
to employees. The Princess 110(171 -
will, in her recent book, has this
savage anecdote of him:
One day some tourists of impor-
tance were visiting (1rooto Schuur,
where they had been entertained by
Mr. Rhodes. Ile took them himself
over the house and grounds, and at
last showed them one of 1.obengula's
work -
When pork is crisp and brown, put (1btnin0,), sons, whom he employed as a work-
in t► layer of sliced raw potntoen, •'ft may be that when the new mon on his estate. This led to a
(lien a lnycr of 11113 kind of w•hit.e I'ny coi Iitious are Ihoroughlyl un- talk about the Matabele rebellion,
Itsh, cut in pice('s, Add 2 miucell on- +lerstoli(, recruits of t1 higher social and the visitor asked Mr. Rhodes in
lops and cover with n layer of crack. class nod physical development 111Ay what year it had taken place. Tho
er crumbs. heat enough milk to be attracted, but it is unsatisfactory colossus thought for a moment, then,
barely cover and pour over it. Boil that such n large number of lads calling the yuumg native, 'Look hero'
gently for half an hour. Season with should fnil, for carious reasons, to he said, what year did I kill your
altain to the standard required for father?'
Cra t'ke•5. entrance into the army, a standard
which cannot he considered exact -1 TIIFI POINT OF VIEW.
ing." The lieauty-I've had lots of poems
written to me, loth serious and
humorous, but I've kept only the
ALL THE DiFFEIIFNI.'E. serious ones.
The Other Girl -'!'hey were better
'I'Iu lawyer ruse to cross-examine than tho others?
the witness. lever since his appear- •'O1i, no, but they were much rom-
ance in the witness -box he had been ��_
cudgelling his braille to remember SAN'ISONF.S.
where he had seen hint before. Sud-
denly it flushed into his mind. Alr. 4)Idham-"tin you've lost your
rich pot lent at last."
Mr. Young -"Yam; still 1 had hint
on my bonds for n long while. 1
had 1w•0 amputations out of hint,
two years' attendances, and the usual
operation for appendicitis. I think I
did myself extremely well over that
salt and pepper. Serve with toasted
Fish !-oaf-Moil any kind of white
fish until tender. When perfectly
cold, r e bones and put. meat
through n chopper. .Add about half
the quantity fine bread crumbs, some
pepper, salt and butler and milk
enough to make the mixture moist.
self. ile poured a pint of !toiling Beal eggs well, add a little mace
41&t,`1' ayel' a 118101611 of violet leaves 81i(I slit into the list]. hack in a
and left theta to soak for 21 hours. steamer and steam for an hour.
He (liyided the Iiqutd into two equal Place on n platter, pour over it a
parts nn11 ,frank one at 011('4' and in I white snore and garnish with parsley
the next 21 hours used the other. i and slices of hard-boiled eggs.
ilot foment 0tions were applie:l eon -
tit sly to the outside of the neck
and on the left side for luso Moms
I'I(1.1'I'Y THUG`(,
rA' h uif;ht. he hest parts of two old ingrain
ti r` . , f
. ucnetin, 5 b, Isrd he leaves as carpels -Ally E.0 used to (nuke beau-
Ing to the healing of the Alan horn 1)0111'iros and 5uuu•lnu(`5 kept the
blind iehnptet 9), the meln)ry of to
(1n all night. The doe-
event was still fresh in the for Cxan,ih0 t him on Jan. 23rd and
minds of many in 811(1 about denim- found IMO 111) eXU•aordinary change
lent. hn.l 1akon place 11e exnnrinod him
318 'Tooth . . cele -I11 the lime- Again "n Feb. 201 h. 'Then there was
stone, hill: of Palestine are to he .dicot eco pith' and except for 11 504(4'
found Alam 11411111'111 caves. Such, as litlhr renutihcd of the deep, rugged.
well as art Modal exensat' . of the induralo.I ulcer. The point (hielly
stone kind. were used as tombs for crilici,ed i. the fact that although
the dead. The entrance (4115 in most fly` dorl(1rs pronounced it one of
cases from lir side. ' cnneer, 110 Inicroscopirul exnlnin,l1
Lay agninst -Or upon. the (lree'k 1 wn: toad., and therefore the div
preposition 1noy-
permitting of either fR ig d s•vediled.
:39. 'Yoke ye away the stone -Tho
(Welling to it tomb (4115 closed by
tolling n round flat 5tu11e before it,
events 01111 discourses recorded in; 'This ens dime principally to keep Japan has 75 cotton spinning and
Luke 11. 1 to 17. 1(1 (except 11. docs and wild Feasts from enteri„gweityinti milli•, with nn aggregate
14-361. The body d.,yeth-I,itl'rnll•, he capacity of 1,21,1,111(4 spindle's, of
Alt) gh 1118113' miles from Bethany stinketh, as in the common version. which 1,1/9:0,5; are in regular work -
of Judea. Jew's semis to have kept' .A statement ((hich gives simply the ins. 'House hose n working lune of
iri touch (01411 friends there since he inference (11'80-h ht• Martha front the from 12 to 231 hours n day. The
ieceiyed from Mary Anil Murtha a fact of his having been dead four largest te,di(i(1ur,l monthly pruduc-
nessagr 1l1l11(1Iltl('ill, the m1('kra•mm of 4183x. Loh is the '2.1(17,191 pounds turn.•.l depth of tun inch. s. leaving a strip
their luuther i,a/l11•clm. The know- Ile hath been (lend four d113s-The ost. 1.y th1' knneeafuchi cotton dein- in the Middle loo inches wide. Cut
ledge of the death of Lazarus wets i(1i to in the (:reek 1.8 .'cutiar 1'1 4.- ring mill, n er mills turn outun11n
n fotioo of strumg cloth; double! •
apparently gained supernal orally 1rat/toles teeIn"), cells's,in}; only of uv)nlhly 1,87;25 and 1,I12.5:13.the burlap strips in the middle, and- .1 A I' .4 Kos; 1•:Miis; 1t0It•is I'A1'.
(John 11. 11, 13). 1 lintels Ilf- hyo Wo4'ils, (11 these the first is On Anel 1.411,111 Iwunn
is respectively. j sew aro',d it. Le( each row over -1
terteard Jesus il.ii 1-1 .91 '1 1711 his ordiu+uy ne 0)4) used in nn8tVeE to Nnnt• of the trills ren night ,end day !pup the one before it two inches un-; The Japanese h:n,poror'R yearly 08-
disciples from l'eraen for 11 'then.. the question, Om whet do}? "One for tell the dnym of the month, iurlud_ iii (he foundation is covered. ,1s all I"'Ase of living is Moiled. For this
Just outside (h1' village he was (net. els) does or snffrrm n thing till the in,; holiiil.3' the work may be done (t► the 5ew'in0 Purpose he draws tli:l,,8'),c410 from
lest by Mai th11 and then by Stars fourth duty, or on the fourth day.". Inpnn will in future eonstru,•r iil tunehiee these rugs etre very quickly the notional treasury. Itis personal
slot. At this wine 0111' lesson lakes The see 1 morel is the verb 010)is.ade, The burlap may be used in oeidth is not to be speet "n his
•I her was 1e••eeds nt hum-, unless co._,Ip the narrnl1ve'• The (dr'evk expression leaves some- 1 its natural color, or it •1183 be dyed 1 own hying, s0 that $3,0(.84,, th) Is
snnlstune(5 c r(') her to Act othrr-
Yrrse aa. 118ry-ill.' sister of thing to he supplied in thought wise the has equipped extensive
Any calor you wish With diamond malls his salary 115 manager of the
1l (11 hit and of Laza HIS, one of at which in English we are compelled yards. sho)'g and }pal end ,u dyes for cotton. Several shades ot, (silent ry-. 114' is reclui.ed to pity out
1.:1st mix women of that onm,e then- to supply In Words. Hence it wo,ll1 /ounrh'tcg. The cords Aro now busy green make a hands , mossy rug,,, of it some t110115811d (41114,13 Ps. The
r,one(1 in the Nrw 'I'eslAnee'nl. he ,•ually correct to translate, "Ile using the dork shades Around the! I:ulls•ror's daily fare is .1alpane5e. Ile
11 herr .1('5115 11138-Appar.ntl• nt hos been four days In the tomb••• or. on In cxtens.ye 1•uildinq 1r0,�ramnle' edge, and shading to light green 111 18 perfectly sntimlie11 for brenkfnst
111 WInr1' where Mnrthn had inet him. • It is /fur 410(5 since he was includin.r the consllnc•ti"11 of two the centre. A rug with a border of with n howl of bean soup and a few
some distance (1010 the house and ),'tele(!." largo n, n,(:rcl 14'ssrls.
rwl, and centre 01 burlap 111 ifs nn- ('l her dishes'. MN his (linker usually
outside the village (verse SO), from i1. The isvion of the tordsl Japan's fourth dunu`st is loin is turtil rotor, is pretty 8150, appears in splendid style, in Rnlllr
1 ttl0(r,Ilco.,1)481. half of whi.It Is !F
11 hich place .l esus hail sent forMary. "from the place where the dead wits Iwehty 0 s(5. although he always
:et. (1.,n,,ned in the s drit-1'erha rm g s•,r 1 firs' at IN►. with Interest at '6
l i laid" i5 in harmony with lir rr4ulin 1'111•: %1I•:A'I' (I I•:S'TltN ,lrouuuce5 it a.: a useless extrsvB
better as in the marginal reading: of the best manuscripts. Ips"' test. to rn, seven years. .fa- l ganrn. A1hrn Any ofli,ial feast Is
team morel with indlgnntlun in the 12. finlliturte- Used in conlrnst 'ane5e Timken'. favor these ',roll, if 1 w.•re to Ask the ho11sewife what held -the cherry blossom 1104VMg
spirit. The tires!, phrase-useel Also with the expression "the Jews" 8•41 patriotism does the rest item of household expense nee Int- part,- et the K10Skik/ma botasicnt
in Malt. 9.:30; Mark 1.4:1; 14. 5 -in- (1er,es 1!t, :11, :flt) to designate the)` __.•--- ed fastest, I nt11 sureshe %molal men- golden or the chrysanthea,hn party
dic,114.8 n remonstrance or Rectos/0n'', miscellanemis crowd 4Id( h had gal h-1 '!'oar 1rouhle is not serious, 1110- tion the -neat bill writes Mr's. lien. 81 1h'• 1task a palace. for instance--
ncconipanled with n feeling of dis• eted, ' oh were ninny sin- dam. Voir only nerd re•t." -Rot, luny. As 1 write, brei Ink twilight 1,3 1' n 111 0.,1 spare any ex)s•nse In pie -
I, The indignation 0f 'IP."'ccre a„1 simple -hearted people. duct(-. look at my tonglne.' Oh, the carca4'4. Nest smellier the poor- se"11'4 an el. gest 1•:ul(1fl1',In ban-
Rns doubt l.wui dihctcd tow mrd '•(be 43, t'rie•I with a 1 1 %.nee -That give tie'. r, rest, too." amt cuts ell) cost about that, whib•, noel
"1'ou lived at N- some years ago,
didn't you?" questioned the lawyer.
'l'I►e witness seenit0l much 1lisua3'od
at the question 001 reluctantly re-
plied in the nflirumlive.
i i'cell i lived •
in C-- nt the same tithe
tiful rags. Rruie e Q•t 11410 '13.:1)11111
ou nw ennpo awyer,
dust by brut ing ur o',washithng, 811h(1 cut with knnonn,pl(•nrs8lntrksenil)e,th"011l(11 re•
111 strips • 81111 one --half inches member prosecuting you. for theft
(side Iengthttisc of the carpet. 1tav''l lou p;