Exeter Times, 1905-04-06, Page 1F %eta lntenVery IIRTY-SECOND YEAR -No 1648 , • broitk•r • HURON & MIDDL ESEX GAZETT +'+ EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL lith, 1905 Wra.t. •N••••N•4••••••••••4• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• rt L�intl The „ embrol., White n from th a horde the she SEEDS I el;;'',e, iall and Examine Our Stock of Seeds with a nnay at We have some fancy try ctiv A gl is mut tete th Late and Early RED CLOVER beads the bat; Lucerne and Alsike of tir meter. • 1111111 hats lit some ti., which it lung hog, neater st; W1RE3 Five oh gowns aho g u i mpes sops handmaa:- r . st arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil fnire, lacerWire The vow/. raised th. TIMOTHY "SEEDS ' among thc It will be to your advantage to examine and get end sutmne In very op: prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 13 Some he: ,ower eolore lveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere are 'made w rt purred, R,Tiriti ane broidered o. • HAWKINS & SO I • General News The bye elections for Centre To- ronto will be held April 18th. Double tracking of t he Grand Trunk. west of London, will begin at once. That parr of the line be- te ren Komoka :ii d St rat hroy will be first undertaken. Joseph 'Maxwell, ;t fartliet- on the 4th concession of Elderslie-to%%welrip. near Chesley, wms instantly killed on Friday 'at tet 'teen 'by a limb falling on high from a tree that he waa in the act of chopping down in his own bush. The Echo do -Paris says that of- ficial aloeumanta show 'thot• the 14 • l(I1tlts et war has cost ltureda in killed, wounded, sick and prisoners 435.000 men. •Gen. Liuevitch can muster only 300,000 men. The pc cunuir cast has been $1,040,000.000. • • I rett`r fast j foulard Bilk )••••NN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The long for this s trimmed on The short vogue for ( but forodee amp tcraon cal quite ton(} The Mgr E nELS ° a state E'RE CREDIT(�N t somegt of eller Mjfls and depend Suitbuyers. We make the the beauty 3 wear them out. We make their cha, •ell as we can, so that they hardly at vear out sooner than they or ribbon lecause, if they do, you'll ornaments, somewhere else for your Dame 1 And no one could blame the silk pc nuch money ought to buy Only en>brt uit worth. And Suit worth fur such 1. bleaess of fabric -style in second tot Knish -looks - dressyness - vogue for .h of service. many ofPt 3 a lace as there is within tis pigmy a this and A pretty tall not pay too n is fasphion� ' Johns. daintily a nt Black and Blue yellow 11 centres. linings for $15.00 a star be - and $18.00. An oval • JOHNS is a cneu • handles t;a which end serted, is Merchant Tailor used for for other areninth 'rh net The t • from 11 rt. L! with a. good moa s week perfect In iiby tucks a f length c.• They are stylish and tiny tugs), Oristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa tisfac►ion in flour since re- modelling our [mill. H. Sweitzer The settlers train which left To i ronto for the Nor' itw est last week %vas derailed near-)ryden. Man. caused by a broken ,rail which over t urncd three cars. Three t.er.+.ora were slightly injured. With a view to establishing- an immense steel ,plant. aw•clve mil- lionaire •officiatin of the United Stat - ca Steel Trust lave- visited Sarnia. They in>apooted the giver front pro- perty. • For some Hine t he . steel trust has been 'looking for a good outlet into Canada. and has opened Ite,T,Otlatioit for establishing a mon- ster steel plant. A anon of t he name of Henderson, said tto conte from Loudon, who. has been •t patient in the Stratfordhos- pital for- some weeks, and who was recently discharged therefrom, is tow in jail there ell a charge of hav- ing90s rthe wile ing cent t Iron; ti of a G. T. B. emploSC. 1t;is alleged he told "1 he woman-. t hat her husband had given him perruission to get the k money. - Yrr. Atlt>rey . ;White, Assistant Conn- lUissioner. of .Crown )[.ands stated the other day that the 12,000 veterans, whose eliding had` been approved, and %taiga had located their tote, would be allow'a'... 'to'dispose of the:tirnller on it l. ;uly Tee without performing. settlement duties: The opinion has nttaehed prevailed that a string Waft- .. to the timber, and that its sale contingent upon certain, duties. A western concern has offered $3 per t tiousand for all -t imber in t he Rainy River Valley. Do not despair of curing your sick headache when you can so easily oh- ain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They rill effect a prompt and perman- +nt cure. Their action is mild and at ural. For •the. first time in Baptist his tory all Baptists of North America have been formed into a general con- vention, which will hold its initial meeting in S1. Louis, May 16 to 18. The delegates will he the same as the delegates to tate southern, northern. Canadian. Mexican[ and other Baptist conventions. This movement is looked upon ns epochal by ltaptists generally. The Bap- tists are the second largest Protea. rant Religious denomiaalion in n CLEAN, DRY AMERICAN CORN FOR SALE AT Exeter Storehouse much chef than outs TRY IT . GOBBLEDIGK is. m 1sT cheaper 1 )e feed 6drr1aijsfTh we show our Carriages and Go- ell for a of the % LI New tucks ru Ain-g8ICYCLES lies [halt V nn'1 foal are showing the ever bends o which n popular warn w ,eland Cushion Frame I urnovet soft i Int• ind Coaster Brake A de hi Wheels dt•+•oru t c g+•(" ltt'l'aanos, Organs & Sewing and a ,Bines always in stock. abito %isitln. Call and see ns. Armon mighty' s '! � rrnl li>st40: t��ta%I► V hint mind of c, been After' six weeks' ru11111111 Weal 13-1r eh" bevero snow atonia broke over Cen• sns,n• ' Alberta, Sunday. .Much anxiety N i11, .t for some flocks of t>hot'p, but e1, et a ceding i + completed and t lie snow I ;t•c••l, 9 ;." it t 111•', t lie moisture is very r.'r -.,, hie n• n- ,t,.-, -.me: • e, shot% n.• ""t,' ly r •( > is I)4+•n.i,'i1, ) rcha n is Bank of Canada two-. n rpt•. /1 I Oa; HEAD OFIt ICE, MONTREAL. jyw. l ' ,1 hn;1I. (all paid up) n•,L c1n91, RVE ... Manitoba & Northwest Lands for Sale r I'he Saskatchewan Valley & Manitoba Land Co. Ltd. Largest Land Company on the Continent, controlling entire Can- adian Northern Railway land 'grant. Two Million Acres '1'hc cream of thc wheat lands of Western Canada Parties purchasing now are given until ist of lune to select their land. For Terms etc. apply to • to p Allier �. u► w• charge tot manslaughter, arising out of /the killing of Alcied Rusin in a hockey snatch, was found not guilty. The grand jury in their present • ment strongly condemned the grow. in;z Tendency of introducing brutal methods find "rough house" tactics into 4 tgames of lacrosse a hoc- key which frequently result in pain- ful <Iul permanent injuries to the participents .and some tiInes dead[. as in 1 he .0k1 sr before them. No one knows better than those who Lave used Carter's Little Liv(•r Fills what relief they have given when ' 'ken for dyspepsia, dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and disordered stomach. Property valued at bet %teen $1 00,• 1100 and $1:5,0110 watt destroyed by two fires which raged in Mont real. Saturday night. Shortly after R clock (ir ewes discovered in 1 he large .building on Vouville Square, occupier! ity Jeseph '.Var.1, provision merchant : Loynach:an & Striver, produce, and the Canadian Dairy, and before th fire was got uncle, cont rel, the building and all t be •tt.ock had been destroyed. The las.: s P9t 1111:11 eil at het %%yell $50,0110 and $60.000. The body of Miss Edit lie Jenkins, 19 years old, residing et :35 McNab ELL101' & GARDINE1 sire,[ '-011111. Ilamilton, %was fount) in d hr barn ..'( 1 he summer home Land Agents [)thee Main St. Exeter. of i he family, 1'ort Nelson, at noon Wednesday. A bottle which had (0611 lined corbolic, found near t he body, told the cause of death. Miss .ienkill' deft home (o 'o to work in the• west end. and left cher i.Ince of employment about four o'clock, cemplainin)t Mit she had a headache She %am seen on 0 radial car ;going it. nurlingten nh1rlof her. w.1, dost 111)111 .herait bo.allly w:).ces oundf. To get relief from indigestion, big• iousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the howela, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver 1'ilts they will please you. 'Fhe officers of the Ontario Ten>- perace Lensgi.iation League are pre• paring ,1 Provincial prnl,ihit ion till 1 • 110e it 1 110 Whitney Government. The •peter. (('111 osk for awe her Ontario tele). ' '. The effirer.•t eel fer11. thlra .rats, ref elendunn 1 i%:1S 8101 1., ken •I t ;i time or under ('ntiditions %%hien' %%ere fair to lie temp gait( • 11+ tittle : that only Ly tome -etch method ho11 can Premier \C hole % I•.1rn 11)1 desire of the public. C111111101 lee:, 1% ill be Permed in Tert iota if,Inilton. London, Kinsi• Ston Anil Guelph for t1,.- cittul.htion of petit ions, and t be effot, %s i11 Ire• directed to sect'. .n.00tt name... The movement for i le. p.$ mon i1 to he started ;,bout the (first of 1hi• month. Allan Loney. c.f Cornwall, the hockey player t who was tried on a THE r t;l t.)I:Ih •1S PROFITS.... w. to disci general Maasier 11. e in 111 g5 Branches In Canada 11..' : *try .. 1 --------'---�- 1:..k resq. S6,Ooo,000 $3,200,000 .••• ••,'$ 18,959 N. 1. 1 RBUEN, Supedntendeo0 of flrnnchee ouch receive. SAVINGS BANK t(mdln r actin yenrs with,>..:est at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings hot• count[ and Deposit Receipts. ntty1'1'•+l sol .tial attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- atrended t attended int whom loans are made on approved names. In the Girls'ters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the oih,•rq fi% - ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED dingle nt.sr , --- BRANCH W, 8. CHISHOLM, Manager. 1CREDITON Huron A. Asquith, of liullet•t, has been appointed .license inspector for \Vest Huron it place of V. J. Paisley. The Sea forth council have decided to submitto sthe ratepayers the question -of the purchase of the electric light plant. It. Rotates. ci'It iiiiftus, .h,1s been asked it.0 delive. It address at t he uneetil)g pf thyy Internal tonal Ep- wortlt League 1"onvention to be held at Denver in July next. James Owen, fu" flutl4);lsb t e 'ear:: a.residenitof Guilt rich, .tied at tis residence .1 %reek a et, last Fri- day. ' Mr: Jones wits 8:1 ytele .1 are and bad lied in Huron County‘ sixty years. 8aturdayettlst wa4'.tIto ". i+ct.:. tit nu- niversary of 1 Ise .utddinb of Mt•. and Mrs, Green, -of Godericii. Tl,t ve ier- able couple itccived the cdoell,i+lla- liona of a ho:.-* of friends e'•hay- ing Leer, spoke' to,cEt 5llI .•b/Lei1 " diatnan(i wey 1sg" * - .hiss Agnea Dewor a •toile -tic ern ploycd at the 11. ifot" hot.* ;tioder- lett, w•as sent enc' •t id - ARAB Its in the -county jail r, ..i'' linen and .other -article; ifelanfbtfrilliotel, As th18.110s her first oTT., nl.'lltdge made the sentence '•s 1._. :18 possible. At- in meetin,., of she Clinton Col• legiate Itoprd a decision was arrived at with regard to -necessary int•' provements in 1 he building which will be undertaken ,next summer. The town council will be waited upon at its next pieelinX whoa •t sum not. exceeding •1500 will be asked for. Wednesday evening of fast week, Mr. Robl. Drysdale, who for years has conducted a general.store at Drysdale, previous to his departure for Ifciisall, where -the family irf tend locating, a1•as •{presorted with a eomplituentary address accont- ponied by a handsome Clock. - A -few elnployeea of the Seaton h woollen' mill called "on \1r. T. ' B. Lrmpleby, who iii leaving the employ of the oolnpany, at Lia residence last Monday evening,:anti {)resented Niru wig h IC silver mounted pipe and 1ea1her '."case. The presentation was Made by Mr: \Vellington Close, book- keeper at the mill. \\'bile .a number of boys were '.-••%ng •around the bridge, at Er- naondville, Week• 'Fertile Bur- gartl stumbled ant a:il into he river The current was very stvI1L niid "lie was carried some distance Clown the river. Ile owes his escape to a wire that v..as stretched across the river ; as it was he got off eats a ;rood ducking and on experience that he will 1 not soon forget. Rev. Mr. Hodgins closed a pastor- ate of seventeen years in Seaton lt on Sunday, xi -taut ids farewell ser- inons Ito his congregation were de- livered, The church was crowded at both aervices, by members of other churches as well as his own congre- gation, who held the Rev. gentleman in Ligh esteem. On Monday the family departed for their 114'w lame in Chatham. There is just now a school ques- tion Jn Tuckersnrith that for local interest .outrival9 he Nortll West. artide 1 1 Thec Inn! known 1 no n :les the 11011113 Kohool w•as Chis year closed for Jack of rich/darn. Last year it 4M,. kepi ,open butl only wo schol- ars tat tended. A proposition is now• >e.fore the ratepayers co divide the codon tip and distribute it around tniong uteighborinr sections A meeting wox load in 11►e Egmondville chool building to 'discuss the mat ter • u the 1.1 e and t h 1r >. Irl outcome (:of he o t t 1 matter will be a pot i ion to floc township council t -o carve the sec- tion •up and 1>rc•st+nt t Le of her ere - lions each %with a slice. Another Huron pioneer in Che per- son al Jar. Neil >1cGill died at taw home ct Mr, George McNair, of the second concession of Stanley, on 1 he morning of the tlst of March. Mr. McGill %ils •1 not ive of Argyle, Scot land, cool 011 111P a0 C:anada with his parents, nettling nettr Handl( on. • 1 r. s Afterwards Che family moved to Stanley over 50 ye-lrs alto and stt11. , e rd (here, having the hard- "hips of t hese early tags Wil h the to her pioneers of Iluron who are .n quickly prising,! away to the groat majority. 1I r. \Ictal! 11:1s over 77 years -of ,age and WW1 n::vcr [married Ile .lived ,on the old homestead wit h his mother until her Beat 11 several years ago. Ile then lived alone until about three yobs ago, %urn tiring of This lonesome life, he went to lie: with his ceuain, John McN,tuuhton, of 'l tic kerslnith, where I,c �tayetl %+ it fi 1 be except ion of a few moot pus, until Dais ,math. t• ' connect i t w iian 1 , oro..•r 1 1 hoth 1 the West ninon Provincial election was filed Thursday in the ether- of 1) .Mcl)onalll, ttjistear of th. High Court. The 41(1itloner is Mr. 1:. tierfor riding, m the nllt Camcro:), t he m,t, and the respondent, cf course, i. Dudley 11e i,,rs. 1h• defeat ed Conser- vative r iodide [:•. The responde'1 ant Jt.s agent 18IIre charred wit h I)rtb- ery ireatitsa +nd shut use of undue influence, and the di.+qualifica+ion of the res; rnolent is asked for. Amon r 1 he illegal pr Ica ices ch -trued are t h giving .>f looney and other valuabl.' rnn.itter:inert 'inil 1 be promise of of- fice 11111 employment .to voters: the paying of money to be expended in bribery : the furnishing .of drink and other entcrtointuent : the hiring of horses and vehicle. and lite pay of travelling expenses for (1)e 1,.1115- 'r>rtatinn of voter. 40 the polls t in- in>itl.l l inn of vote's, and )-ern0nn • I ion. CASTOR IA Por Infants and Childree. Do KW Ya lino Alt* i1 Bears the Signature of 101IN 1VHITE & Ceti; Perth A Stott fort wOIU)1Jl :1,h. fined $3 Friday for not sending her daugh- ter to school. Payment 14 suspended unless their is ,}unite'. -trouble. It is rumored tt hat Mr. Fred U. Sharpe. St. '1tarys, will be appointed registrar for South I'entIt, end that Mr. C. E. \C ht Iihan will be removed. The ,water, light and heat ooanmit- tee, of St. Marys. is having a $15000 by-law prepared for herded improve lents. Rev. J, II. Graham, of \Velli►urn has received en invitation from Lig: St. Marys Methodist church. Rev. i;rah:'m is %veil known in St. Mary having been raised •t.lher:•, 11 is lilac ly d he conference aim wishes of the 1St. Marys church. Cards are out announcing the roar riage of Jliss Sarah Atkinson, youn, est daughter of Mr. Dud Mrs, J.1l. Atkinson, of Anderson, to Mr, Jam- es Hog, of St. Marys, the .wedding to rake [place on "the evening of April 11th. The White & flay Comp:»>y, of 8t. 3larys, retail dry goods and millinery dealers, with n capital of $75,000, and the Stratford Brick, Tile and Lumber Company, wit 11 a capital of $40,000 have been granted a r(ow'eek,incial charter during the past•p Mr. George Johnston, of Manitoba, and Mr. James Cotqulton, of Mit- chell left on Tuesday for the \Vest with three heavy (trauvltt stallions. These gentlemen also took with then[ - a number of working horses. 1f Mr. Colquhou tikes the west it is likely 11 ew•ill make up his mind t o yet t le t here. - s !ifr. \Vm. Cook, 8t. Marys, w•as Irwin;; a horse <ttached to a cart on t4aturday afternoon, %tlien in turn- ing too quickly ,tho horse bolted and ran away. and collided With- a barb %vire :fence, with the result that hs was .thrown out, .hurt in the head and had his clothes badly torn. aid the ihorso was badly cut .in the shout - der and leg. There died in Mitchell on Tuesday morning at an early hour another of \litchcll's old residents in the person of Agnes, beloved wife of Mr. Alex. ander Laing, west ward,- at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Laing has been suffering from paralysis since last fall, %Intl her .loath was not. unex- pected. Mr. Laing loos also been in your shealth for ,•soyt'rt1 years. A quiet wedding wait solemnised by the net/. C. \V, Brown on Wed- nesday last, %viten Mr. Warren Davis, of Fullerton, was united in marriage to Miss Eva Masters of Mitchell, Mr. -Davis is a progressive young farmer, Fullerton, a son of Mr. B. Davi Mr .and Mrs. Davis will reside i `ullartan. Two . Marys young neon male the •t in a boat down he Thames from above the ,darn at 111.e Sarnia bridge down to the Park street bridge. the other Any. They came over 'the dam anti idiot down stream at it speed of 6 or 7 miles an hour. Several hundred people were 11s - se 1 mb ed on Victoria bridge to %a1 ch the passage of the voyagers. The frail holt shot milder one of 1 be arches and safely rode through. the foaming woven and% as benched in an eddy at Park street. Middlesex At a I1r el• :t ended r ' % i t nl meet of >z I, the Quarterly Official (Board of the Luc:In Metho'list Ci`cUi, a unanimous invitation .was extended totter.. E. F. Armstrong, 11. A.. 11. 1)., of Tupper- ville, iso become -their pastor nt the end sof the [present nninisteriat yea r. M r• Arnlsl rung has .:ora•pt ed subject to the approv:Il of flu stationing committee cf the London conference. Itobcrt Quick, 1!le Carmine murd- erer, Kcenn9 to be getting mentally worse day by day. anti is cousin r considerable .trouble of the county jail. In 111e night time his unearth- ly tains render repose on the part of his fellow priso'ets impossible, and in t h.+ day t bile 1 h' prison of - ficials it.tvc to keep 0 vigilant eye 011 this n)oren>rn18. The other day, when allowed out for exercise, he pounced upon one of the turnkeys, and in a t rice •Ieul his hands at his throll. Had nc•t the turnkey been Moly -for the onslaught cher+' itnuld have been a second victim put out of businesa by rstranzulation. A. it was t%1. or 'three of the prisoner. had no coma to the assistance of the ,turnkey, and after %•once trouble Quirk as overpowered and thrust The 'v .• e s back into him cell. Th pn. t..► r h.t, 10 be (1,.•fully watched %•IK'n allow- ed out for exercise, set the homicidal maid.I sl'l'fl)M to 18' Vel) st tont 111t)1 - i 1' . 11.• 1:1k1.14 1I1s toad oil t Lilo, 1 . but rev1m very lit tie night or day. The result i't that 1►e srctus tohel •rraduilly iteating himself nut att.! is 11111011 1 binner and •n.°re ha>rp,I d in :1 pp:%.1r:lnee since his incarceration. Surprise 013.4 been exprc-M'.ed 11011 Quirk %%a. not !token to the asylum, landing film trial. 314 flu: county jail eolitains IIs suitable x00018 medal ion for 'telt a chit.. A Thousand !impar Guarantee goes with every Lot Ile of 1)r. Lcondardt's llem-1loid-t Le only rrrt air cure for every form of Pile.. George Cook, 81, Thoma•, Ontario writes :-" •'1)r. Lconhardt'• ilem-Roil cured me of a n0ry hall 08.r of J'ilea of over ten y'ars standing. 1 had tried everything Lut ;ot no permanent cure 1111 i wed ilcm-Roid. 1 hail ]Hind and Bleeding file, and suffer cd c%'rything. Ointments and local 1 real nights failed but I)r. Leon- hardt'r llcnl-ltoi•! cured me perfect - 1y. llem-Hold is .1 goblet Iakrn I'll et - A`44, 11111y %111011 tenlove. 111+` cause of pil- es. $1.00 at drigriefs or The w'ilnon- Fyle Co-. Limited, Nit gara ralls,Ont lic Grcat North - Wcst ROBERT E. PICKARD, Exeter, Ont. General Selling Agent. Canadian Pacific Railway Cos. Lands, Canadian lir' ;fp West Cos. Lands,.Saskatchewan Valley arid Manitoba Cos, Lands alp a number of other improved and unirnprovedNorthWest farm lams. A11 the above lads are being offered red to purchasers $3.50 per Acre on very easy terms of payment and prices range from $3.50 and upwards. BEAR IN MIND we have farm lands to sell in alt parts of .Manitoba Assinaboia, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Now is the Time to PURCHASE Prices are Bound to Advance We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. give Actual Settlers ro.years in which to pay for lands. $ A 27 • 00 down secures 320 acres. (half section) of choice wheat land. �cpp This would be a great investment for YOU. The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever. $383.40 Secures 3'20 acres ( halt section) choice whewat land to. an actual settler. No other payment required for +.o yenta We R. E. PICKARD, - EXETER, ONT. A FORERUNNER OF SPRINO House Cleaning time seems a long way tali yet, ill real- ity it is only a few weeks distant, you will l:A•';� Paint, Atabastine, Whiting, G�!arts Jaye, soaps, of all Kinds,Pearlia, Ammonia, Paint Brushes, White Wash Brushes, and Scrub Brushes and,in fact all the necessaries for the spring cleaning, 'then we have that piece of floor oilcloth or Japanese Matting you promised yourself for the spring. Exquisite Lace Curtains 51 inches wide and 31 yards long. We have a large and elegant lot of Wall Papers which our lady oust:pin ere sayare most beautiful r aft 1 artistic. Do not )ass u3 for thi9 ' hang only our own papers. 1 line. a� we \A lien in need of House Cleaning Requisites, link y thoughts with this store, BEAVERS BiROS., Farquhar. Strictly One Price. llighest rte.' for Produce. Millinery Openings.-Sliss llorlock was again to the front on Friday and !Saturday last with 0 magnific- cant display of French and Ameri- can designs in spring millinery. The use of flowers in profusion was here in evidence, and the small :and larger hat both t o h h I lin � a r n t •1 ' u > omen n )I. c.. t, 1 some preference be g given the former. Mist Mori has built up a Targe trade and rel rim her sales during opening days as exceeding former years. Friday and Saturday last were the days devoted to millinery openings in the store of Mr. E. .!.Spackman. Miss Ilarnes, of Toronto, a fot•mcr milliner of a year ago is in charge, and the product of her skill is her manifest. Styles This season will be towards smaller shapes, among the more exclusive are the Napoleon, and Tucomte, although twiny larger hatjy are Ahown. The new hydr:ugia, mauve and violet, relieve.! by softest shades of .pink, are blendedi together. Generally, 4 his sttiaxon's hats Ire lighter in wei tut and very quirt in color combinations. • t>• er Cf rtxA. Dian the 1M Kind Vmf Has Alia soot Bignsta» of FOR BETTER KEPI' FARMS A new departure .in the Provincial agricultural work in being consider- ed with a view s �'m prol • " the condition of 11;1 Ontario and Mr. Gowan of the Agri- cultural -Departns. y.t i:+ now in cor- espondence with the leading egri- c l t. > u turn} authorities � ca of the Province r neo The plan under ticneideration is % one now in practise in the pro%inco of Quebec, where (prizes are liven in a general ootnpctiticn for the best 1 kept farmm + the leova ice. For the first year the competition %•ill.. be confined. to ;hr carious 03un- lies, and in -the ',emit" year t110 rcouttly prize winner +'cmpetes for prizes. district1 4 r. in he third year the district (tinned' '•.ill contend for a prize for the beet kept farm in Ontario. Only pet -vena who ut'tk) their aotunt living from farm- ing %i11 1►e permitted to compete. i'oinl9 are given in the competition fo rihe hest kept 1)3894' 111111 sur- roundings, so as to interest t11n women in the .fork It. is proba- ble that .1 number cf , he successful • o pnlitora w iii used os speakers at 11.• 1.•.t•.' 111•11. f11s nJcetings. Ft••;.,1 '.rises aro given for [lir t.e'. k• l.• .fairy Ind frent fa rent.. MEI 04=1111=11M% ••••••••,I/•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE PAINT SEASON Is Nov Here We ltlt\e.i'(''('Pi\'e(1 0)11' Sj)1'illg Shipment of HOLLYWOOD PAINT In 1.), 2a, 4•i anti Sipe. cans. 41 colors :.:, •. 1• 1, from HOLLYWOOD FLOOR PAINTS 40c per quare. s4(.0101.; t'' -'•1+•: t fron) Alabastine and Murallo Cold Water wall Finishes 45c, and 50e packar t't HERMAN'S HARDWARE ••••••••NN •••••••••••D•••••••.e••• •••