HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-30, Page 8HE EXETER .1'1MS. MARCH 30th t005.
\1'e are told by the ladies that have been around and knoll'
whereof they speak, that our showing of ew Dress
Goods is by far the nicest in town. This is indeed gratifying to us
to know that our s tions meet with such general favor. have
you set!) our New Dr Goods ? If not, there is a sure treat in
store for you Reindin you are always welcome at Stewarts,
Come in and study the new stylcc, you are under no obligation to
• buy. Come and bring your friends with you.
$7 (X) the dress end for very swell
silk and wool i:. !i ins with small silk
over spot, all the new shadcs. These
are real heiv,ties.
$;, 50 the dices end for therepew up-
toelete phut Lustres, in greeniehrowns
blues and greys. Small neat figures
and stripes.
50c. the yard for neat shot Lustres
in green and blue effects, they are lull
of style.
50e. the yard tor very pretty shot
Twees fer shut waist suits, these are
great values.
$1.25 the yard for our beet black
Pearl Voils, pure woc1, Verybright
finish with small black pearl fgure.
5Oc. the yard for a great line of new
creatu 'Vaistings, close bone weave
with mercer over figures. They are
()f course everybody Inas the biggest
best and cheapest stock. We show
yyou over 21W) patterns to pick from,
2. c the roll to 25e. We show a full
line ()Mediu MrArthuis Double Pro-
cess papers. A full line of the Menzie
New Ame:leen Ideas, a 4 wo are sole
agents in Exeter for th sous ellen-
eon Heath" New York pa rs.
We have about fifty odd lots of
potters, 5 to 15 rolls of a pattern, some
with borders matched, and some with-
out borders. '!'hese are on sale at less
than half actual value, in some cas
just quarter of regular value. •
Buy your Wall Paper from us and
save money.
We buy them by the ton, that is
We have a full line of the new check why we do the big trade. They come
Silks for Waists or Shirt Waist Suite. dire a om the mills to ourselves. No
eve•:y new shade is in this lot. middle profit.
We want your Farm Produce I
its ju<t a+goad as cash. d
(New reading matter appears ln this space each week.)
The Sunshine
of Prosperity
shines brighter for those who make regular addi-
tions to a Savings Bank account at this Bank.
Money in the bank crakes life brighter for its owners, relieving them of
worry, &c. Our Savings Bank Departnient will take care of your money
while waiting other investments.
The looney earns interest at highest current rates from the day it is de
posited. It can be drawn out at any time. Any amount from ONE DOLLA R
up can be deposited, and interest is added to the principal FOUR TIME S
a year.
This Bink offers exceptional induce -
intents to fariners,drovers, cattlemen,
ani others wanting to borrow money on their own note, for a week, month,
or longer as desired, at best rates.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron ('Dusty at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensall Zurich Clinton
Solicitors. Manager. tiset.er,Iiranch
The Calendar
111a11 sprint tiepins on the 21st.
That doesn't noon 1 hat there will
be waren sunshine from that on.
1 t• % c r is
t' b t c
Ih r t ah
provokingly slow turning up.
Sometimes for a month or more af-
ter the 21st you ,are all the better
for owning a light weight over-
IL's a nice handy article t o have
around, anyway.
A nice one costs $16.
D. Ifartleib makes a specially of
watch ecpairine.
Miss Marion Elston, of Parkhill,
spent Sunday et her home here.
Sandy Tlaavden, of Hensall. spent
Sunday in flown.
Mr. W. West cost repent Sunday at
home here.
Best 'Vater %%'!lite Conl Oil, reg-
ular price it Stewart's price 20c. L Stet art . only 14c.
Nelson Prout, of Port Huron. is
visiting relatives in Exeter and Us -
'tor ne.
Itev. 1)r. Hannon occupied the
pulpit in Caven Presbyterian church
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Shot t• and (k►ught•rr, of Lon-
don are the guests of MiMIT M. Jack -
%Vtn. T. Crayford, of Farquhar,
left Monday morniog for the Nortll-
It. (licks is reducing his stock at
reduced rates, now is the titne to se.
cure bargains.
.1. Soul beet 1. of (;rand Rendr
spent a fete days of last week at
this visit in,! in loan.
Boarders Wanted. - 'rhe under•
signed in prepared to 1 Ike in a few
borders :at *2.50 a a% (wk. -
1 1105. IIISSETT.
DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon,
Every 1 hung !iglu :,bout it of course. EYE, EAR, NOSE and TII'ROAT.Fite
Glasses properly. Office, Commer •
lel Hotel, Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urAt day, April 22nd.
W• yr. Tama Star flourabeMinigan
no ofsert vilseareeclin
Morevenent Tollor. (lover on the score of int rinsic merit
•r since it Inas been esiablishin t
I its ci.aitn.-11•.rve•y Ifrwi.
TU ADVERTISERS. The Gkdhrieh Signal has passed its
for ty-a iuhl b mile -stool. The Signal
has been meter the r •sent menage -
Tire copy for changes roust be left1
1 Y R mint for ,the pass 1 wo years and has
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual made F:a pid et rides in it s advance-
advestiseniente accepted up to noon Inen1.
Wednesday of each week. Rev. .1. W. 'ren Eyck. of Ransil•
1 nn. nee upi::1 t he pulpit in 'frivit t
Memorial church tiunday last. Ile
%vis greeted by :a large eoneregation
who were pleased to heir their for-
mer pastor again.
Miss Eve (iodwin, tele) is ill a1 •
tcndanc( 14 Alma College, St. Thom-
as, 11011 elle 88as somewhat Cube -
posed during t past week, is
spending ra short Y:aca) ion at i he
pat nonage.
Til(ItSDAi. MARCII 30111, 1905
•••••••• 11•••••••
Read 1'opl'b s: ono & (; rtliiie re' ed.
pale 5.
4.+4•44.:-1--:•.: 4-4•J-+++d•++++++:-++++++•t'•}+++++++•t•+Y•}+++++++++
••Watch this space Every Week.
i - It. is CONCEDED by ALL that the .14.
4: Products of the Purity Manufacturing Co. is
I'annot he surprised in QUALITY 1'NIFuliMITY, & GENERAL j:
.i. EXCELLENCE. People who use the lines therefore find that
t heir intercede are best considered by tite satisfactory reeultss fel-
X lowing their use.
Yr teence rand Almond 1 tram i+ 811 et.aui.ite and nnde+pen•ihe ecce+
EIIUo l lll� •oty to the toilet. Delicately perfumed. Prevents and a11ars char
.t 1'0 1 L iau, removes tat and nnplea+sat eRrct.of March winds. reed after
.. ei,ving 11 lease, the skin ..oft and 010100th. 1. free from ar-sent'' and any Injur• st
• • ..our iugrc.lient, Large bot to 4:'r. ,i.
A0.11)1•7TA W A. NT F D E V PRY W t ERIC 10 town and 4 Ninety, for Purity Mfg. Co. Exeter, Ont. .;
nety, W
inforwaal on
.1-.1-:-$41-1-1,•+++++•:-+++++++++++++ •..:.:... :..•-:-!••: +++•:• 1.i..t..1-0e-l..t..;-
Call on R. (licks fur busesits•.
and Jcwelery, prices away doe n.
1'Ihes. Coward of I'sbor ut• as
John hell, of Exeter left Moo
anornin . for the northwest.
e• t:,l s he Times to your buy in
1 ht•
Wets., seventy-five cents bays
he subscript ion ant ill Jan. 1 106.
1... E. A. rollick, a lit, It e h.• •11
%tette- rtlllies% and Fe':' ., lit
Jl.irys, Listowel and Lt.ude it, for tit:
part fete wicks, leas r't urned house.
I)u you know that bread made
from STAR flour always has the
surae uniform good quality and de-
lirious flavor. survey Bros.
tIiss .1. A. Spicer visite 1 88 it It her
nI�Tt`l•, Mrs. .1, Andress, at haitnville
of Sunday. Mrs. Andrews has. been
and is very ill.
Mr. A. McVu1Is has taken e posi
t io.► 85 it 11 Mr. W. 1I. Levet 1. pro-
d dee merch 1111. 0011 iN MOW 011 his
r:►w►dN through t he count ry.
Miss (toxic Excret t. of Bram ford,
who has hocn spending the past
1w0 weeks visiting relatives in Exe-
ter ana also in May returned hoots
Monday morning.
We .ire ,pleiased to state that \\'m.
Ford, of Usborne. has recovered
from t he accident sustained a couple
*�treeks ago when he wits thrown
from a load of bay.
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey it it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
\Ve 'have corrected our subscrip-
tiou list up -t o -date and have sent
nut (hills 4o several who are in a
rears. Kindly look at your l:IbeW
and lace if they are correct. If not.
7tdvise us •and we will make the cor-
rection. \Ve would also be pleased
it tltose who are in arrears would
kindly remit the amount.
Tonic for lima \V inter-woaried.
- bo among the fruit and flowers
of Aho beautiful eoutbcrn resorts fer
a few weeks is a sure cure for those
run down in health or who cannot
stand else cold. winter weather.
Full (nformatio:l and 'tickets may bo
obtained on application to any
Grand Trunk agent.
Chas. Myers and Thos. !)art. of
London Township implicated in the
diseased treat scandal were arras rn-
ed 'before Squire J. 13. Smith, of
Loudon, on Saturday, on a charge of
having swill tIte diseased (neat. They
were eemtnitted for 4 rias and tt ill
appear al t be general sessions.
AN OLD AND WILL-T1(TrD Ka,unv.-�Trs
Wlnslow'eSoothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for t.hetr
children while teething, with perfect succee.
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ail
pain cures wind coll.:. and iA the best remedy
for I')iarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists In every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. So
sure and take Dire wlnslow's Soothing
Syrapand ask for no other kind.
A •uaeeliug will be held in 1111
Ilan t his (Thursda)) OVellin,tt
1.0 fertuttlate 1)1:1 1124 for the• celebra-
tion of Viet oria day ('24111 of May's.
Exeter in past VOl15 has had credi-
table demonst rat 10118 011 the late
Queen's birthday. and it is the de-
sire of those interested to have 41
celebration Mitt year which will
far surpass t hat of any previous
year, and they desire that a large
number of 1 he citizen- he present
to express their views ;tett assist in
devising means to that end.
The Clinton New Era
says- "A
scheme is on foot at present to es-
tablish w)tat :night be known as the
L. 1i. & 11. Junior League or hock -
y team. This will include clubs
rout London, Ailsa Creig. )Ii'.nsall,
'Beton, or such other clubs as may
wish 'to come in along this line.
Such it leegue would not interfere
with the already tstablished leagues
and Would fill 1.a long felt want,
for there are •1 great number of
young hockey players Carom/bout
the countryside, who have not fa-
cilities necessary for belonging to
the 0.1I.A." Exeter players 91 ,,fat
get in on r his.
"Keep it out of t he paler". this
iN what the looal nee%impel daily
hears. To oblige often cols much,
Ihouah the party %Ito mike.. the
request thinks the granting hardly
% ort la saying "t bank you" fur
Young then and often y g w meet
as %veli as older perso.is, perform
acts which become leeitinitle items
for publication, and 1 hon rush 1 o
11te newspaper office to bee 1 It • ed-
itors not I o notice t heir eecupa'les.
'rho next day they eonde the pa-
per for not having published anotla-
er'petly doing the same 1!dug they
were guilty of, forget tint appareni •
ly, t heir last visit 1.:, t h printing
office. The snhscrilers expect to
read the news, and there• is ale ays
`tetill 011 %1 hen••• f!!lor estunl yin s. k�1 eVei:,n
ody's mouth is not found in the
text issue of t he paper .
(lick's Forec.:sls. - 'ria.• f(.11o%inz
exIr:.rts are taken drone lb's'. Irl.
Hicks' forecasts
tor April A no
ed change to wartnet, it It corres-
ponding fall of It he hirrnneler, will
progressively pass from we -t to Best
over the rountry Burin;: the first
two or three days of April. Inds•
cations of coulinr change and etornis
%%ill be apparent to observing!" people
over most parts of t be count rs. and
these fore -Attuning indications %%ill
a 11,1,%%Mil
• e s of ru
ruminate to form
:111d 11 sunder centering un
l ouching Monday and Tuesday„
:ird and 4th. The rtendl%nc} to hall
9101018 will he great 1% mei rlsed nl
flit, time, a come., ism elect rical
cloud being :shuns' certain pre-
cursor cf appretching hail. Thr•
period will end in cha.ngn t o touch
cooler with probable 81101% flurries
northward, :and cool to frosty musts
%ill foliate up eo about the f31h.
The its and et 11 are central dates,
nn and touching which ri>:letion.11'
Than rl•t to "Inrnl conditions %ill
tele. place. These chatter's to a% irm•
er, 1,IIitto hit -omelet.. wit 11 out
hr,,aks of rain and mortniness, will
begin in western, and make their
transit i0 eietern secliotte Bing fol
toe el by rapid vis^ 0f horotnetcr
eel ch-inge to 'much stealer. Elec-
11ic:•1. Venus 91 orni' 1111 i1 pa•9t 111
middle of April 'will be %..11 Mil's of
sudden change to cooler Willa frost
Mr. Jack Sccli. son (If Mt. Thole
Stell, a former resident of Etetsr,
died et his home :et Ilelleville Ia•'
Fine Display of
Millinery & Dress Goods
Advance showing ofBig irnportation of Dress Goods
received, every new weave, color
aintyNew Milliner is j and finish is to be found in this
y i lot. Mohairs and Sicilians, fancy
ow on display. Someand plain, neat and becoming
1 designs and color combinations
of the very New Dress Fabrics, also Broad -
newest crew rank highly among the seasons
ations in ready=to=wear cloths,
Amazons sycsu.smke aand Tweed
and Trimmed Hats are Crepe de Chenes,Eolienies,Voiles
r Corde Soi, Silk Embroidered
°1 Crepe do Chene arc very stylish
to be seen, there is a ; Suiting materials.
gret r,ariety for a var=' Wool Voile, fine even weave. sheer
light and dressy in brown, black.
navy and fawn, 44 inches wide, .60c yd.
let�r of tastes, in all j Silk and SVool 1':oliene, plain silk
cross cord, rich lustrous dress Fabric
the !fewest shades of ' grey blue and black, 44 in wide
y:111., Q $1.25a yard.,
F(i +. Straws, Chiffon toothVenesof, finish
all wool, bright
smooth soft finish in black, brown and
navy, 41 in wide, 50c a yard.
Amazon Suiting. fine cloth for tail-
ored suits, medium weight all pure
wool, in black brown and blue, 50 in
wide, 75c yard.
Colored Sicilian coarse weave, pure
Mohair, bright finish, in brown, blue
and black, 54 inches wide, sloc yard.
Tweed Suitings in pretty light
shades of brown, blues and green
make a very serviceable costume, 4 4
in. wide. 60 and 75c yd.
of Children's Hats En Fancy Lustres with silk ring Boots
in brown, blues and black, makes
all the latest styles. R et y Shies Waist Suit. Special bOc,
ane '.ace. ,:Don't miss
seei94 1„fbi',. beautiful
shoWii.4 it New Milli=
neilW A great variety
Saturday next will be All Fools
Miss Cassie L. Ch el wick has been
sentenced to ten years in t he Ohio
State Penitentiary.
See how regular additions to your
Bank account !makes life brighter in
Sovereign •Bank cad last page.
Mrs. Ilorney is at Kippen in at-
tendance upon her daughter, Mrs,
McDonald, of that place, who is ser-
iously i11.
Just received. a stook of Vito Tonic
the great tissue builder, suitable for
spring medicine. The demand is
steadily increasing. C. LU'TZ, Cen-
tral Drug Store.
he excellent weather during t
past few days has put the roads in
•a fairly passable condition and many
farmers have taken the opportunity
to bring oonsiderable of their farm
products to market.
Dr. Buller, London, will be at i>W
Central 'Rotel, Exeter, on Thursday
April 6th. 1905 all day
for Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat con-
sultation, Eyes tested and plasm,.
++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
Remember E. .1. Spacknran's
millinery openings. Friday and
Saturday. March 3lst and Ai:- L
ril 1st. You are cordially in-
. vited to attend. fliers !no I- +
Rev. Cooper, of Elinlville, will con-
duct the services at the MLain street
Metliodie1 Church, Sunday, both
morning lK and evening. ' K Mr. Cooper is
no stranger to en Exeter oongrega-
lion and :alway.I meets a hearty wei- nature and beloved by her many
nonle. Mr. Godwin will pi each n1ie• friends, and to the surviving child -
sionery sermons on the Elimviilc cite' reit and her aged partner is extend-
cuit. 1d the sympat lay of many friends.
Elocution Recital.- Miss Mildred
Godwin, assisted by her pupils in
elocution, will give a recital in Ilio
Opera (louse. Exeter, on the evening
of Friday. April 701, 1965. The pro- Call and see our new Shop, one door.
Bram comprises Elocutionary asses-(
Home poses. monologues, vocal and of Spackman'S Store.
instrumental music furnished by
Miss Anty Johns and others. This
event promises to be one of peculiar
interest and profit 411tt1 should en-
sure a full louse. Admission 15c.
Come at 8 o'clock and enjoy tl►e
evening's program. Embalmer.
Death of Mrs. Dau9ng.-The sync-
patty of the community goes out to
the bereaved family of our late citi-
zen, Mrs. Thos. Dearing. who passed
peacefully 1 away on f'rida • menet),
1 et fu ly n} y
last after a long and painful illness.
Deceased whose maiden !mina was
11011aa1* Morrell, Was horn in Devon-
shire, England, in 1823. aiming to
this country in 1844. She Was af-
terwards married to her now sor-
rowing husband in London on t he
24(1, of May. 1852. Six children
blessed this union, 4 of whom sur-
vive : Mrs. John Moore, Manitoba :
Mrs. i3irk, of Manealon:t, Mich : Isaac
of Chicago: and Mrs. Samuel \Visser
of Ma ncelona, Mich. Mrs. Dearing
had been ill fer several months,
through which she was a patient
sufferer. She was lovingly waited
mem by her daughter. Mrs. Birk,
% ho Was free trent home rare and
was so enabled to devote her time
in care <end attention n t her moth-
er's beilsideelleOvell 118 wait upon
her age((" f:aili r. The deceased was
a member of the ,lames street Meth-
odist church and enjoyed the ser•
vices when ipermitted to attend the
means of grace. She was of n quiet
Everybody will get busy now • House Cleaning and
ing up for spring, and you will need .some Lace Cur
Carpets and other house Furnishings. We are head q
ers in Exeter for these goods, and will be pleased to s
you our big selection.
Lace Curtains
3 yards long, good strong curtains for 50e e
Flloral Patterns " 44 44,• $1. $1.'25 $1.50 an'
36 yards long. Fish Net and Nottingham, the strongest Curtain
trade, $2.50. $3.00 and $3,50.
:it yards long, Fine Fish Net also Brussels Net and Swiss. The
lest Curtains shown this season, $1.00, $5.110 and $0.00.
Unions, Wools and Tapestry 25:: to $1. 40 ditterent pattern,'
everygee a Geller.
2 yards wide for on!.
4 yards wide for only
These are certainly the cheapest in Exeter.
Wall Papers
They all say they have the best, but just see our
see if our 2c Satin Stripe, Borders to match
beat any 24-c or 3c you hear ef.
5C Gilt, Borders to match, don't beat any tic.
10e to 2Oc, all beauties,
"Couches and Rockt
A Splendid Couch . . . $5.0(
A Good Quarter Oak Rocker $3.5t
Callle Si le. -Geo. hunter & Sur -••./01-
Of Itidgclown, %rill bold another big NEW ADVERTISEMENTS
row sale at Centralia, on FRIDAY, 1'opplestone & Gardiner, Curtains.
APRiL 71h, 1905 at 2 o'clock. 15 'lleavtr Bros., Farquhar, \Nall Papers
rows calve((, !U springers. 5 tar 10%% W. C. (piston, Couches end Rockers.
rows. Parties wanting cows shout Carling Bros., Curtains and Carpet%
NV(' them before buying. the rig!• E. .1. Spackman. Millinery.
nil. every one :1 good one, ;Sovereign (lank, Sunshine ef I'ros-
Itrrily. ++�r :•+•A•: •P•}-:• l ti°+4+ b I•-}+i+irl•+++ j ThC R0S�
e the Main sltcet Church San( y' CS.ALI1��OA=i.
evening last, Rev, God%vin held 1 � liisd Yat Hail AIN Boulltt
suns; service in honor of th'• oat .I Bertir.tLe
Butcher •
day of Fanny Crosby. Ile, no, ,•11 Siemens
writer, Miss Crosby is 85 years a of
age and has been blind since sh1
woe five years old. During 1►(r life-
r Murdered His Brother..
limp ske has tcrillen upwards e,
8,0011 hymns, many of which :11•'• pub \ t'\Ii.�IJU(7 F'AItMEI{ COMMITS
fished in the chwcb hyn11:a19 of 1b 1•alIttome 1WIE IN A FIT
United Slates ;and C:(nad:i. :1 nun, , Or ItP.1.1(;01 'd imp;
her of compositions nFittest t,y "1i«
Crosby aa ere sung Al the cow:r<'g:,- r' - `
tion :and choir. t r:1110roy. Ont., Mark • 6.-1 ester -
day ofIentoon til 1 four o'clock
Ron. M. .
on. Thr.s. Greent%:ry, .1. I'. fe 0 , 1111- lit! le children ed Ito.,crl (wick,
Lisgar, Man., made a short %1-1r Lir,• <.f t h•• tent Is cene.essir.n Cantdne Tp.
Monday his sister, onLly with lu. s1.t1r, :i1rt. (Di .1 ahem env .and it half mills st►utl of
Rollins. Mr. Gs cenway expects s r it this place, ran screaming out of
be, beard un a11•• educational 1laus4 • their hong to the neigLhors ruing
Our saw ing plant is now
lent working order and we
in shape to do custom sawir
niers wishing their timber
wile receive prompt- attest
Having bought out the Milk
Business and (food Will i of
Mr. A. Dow. I solicit a con-
tinuance of your patronage. -for..
We expect to start the First
of April and will snake it a
point to supply all customers
With Fresh Milk and
Of every description
We do Custom Sawing
Buildings contracted for ant
faction guaranteed.
Cedar Posts
WM RIVERS A consignment of No. l l
Cedar Posts just to hand.
Shop GO. Ltd.
halving purchased the ••••••N••••••••••••+'
Butcher Itu,inl.es of Mr. I A FAMOUS SCHO
F., Hank, ', 1 Will continue Ce l
business at the old stand
and wthl•li 11
it (11
otic patronage.
Business lien he velearned
of tIt• Autnnotny bill no% leek,: the that tlheir father had killed Iheir ouc grntlustes alt prep,•red
hated in the (:Otllmo11s at Ottee a.!!mels Alfred. and ask inis tlu•na to to) poaitionsof trust. Noet:hoo
To .the Tittles Mr. Grfeel %Vao stated i hack %%its them. \ford %vas quickly !('�� �j''� j ('rutadry can do nbare fur its s
that It he bill a(. amended appears 141 hrIu•rht d0 1 088 11 and Coroner Dr.
�_ WO V L I sui• s than thi. nue. Our gr:
he tsalisfaolory• 10 41st• members of A. 'fh1 nipson, %its Chi •f \Wilson an•I 1.I re always secul.. pnsili
the Government side of 1st• (louse :s..isi..nl (lank Cline,.%enl Out to ++++++++++++++++++++++....4.....4
I.++++ •7•+:••f•+•t••i-S .-•}•f-+•td•+•}•:•:•.••1•, • %r'riteforrnl. free catalogue
and feels Ile a confident 1 hal the 1,111 s t 111 scene of 1 he 5 ragedy. Assist:01 •is it hanalsnme one. spring 1
amended %pili pas by a considerable Cline hell the murderer, whip Chia
�" I • opens April 3rd.
majority. Ile expeels the dehatl �01
11'11 ,0 -ne•n hill th' hr 11 1419 un. Ileo \ I.. titins, t,f T.rront11. 881,41 • %V. ,l isLLTO'CT. 1 ► .
he .finished some time next nee,c. and brew/ le him to the til here, • I 1� i F 0nu
pleat Ir •I lei the Presbyle•ti.an church • T1. A. Niels Hf.
As regards the tasypeal of ih< West- and teak hint to London until , ;{u „L, 8• r,+1 s a' nt .1rn,l s .anal e
0n t s
ern .rrpresent:ilives 10 1111 !'!sidle.! Tursdny %h1i1 an inquest will le 'Tuesday iii• 11)491 ht.'s..
\1". '1.
In ,lender to lion. Clifton. 1b'• pori. held. - Martin.
folio he so suddenly resign .1, 51r. It nip" ars Ito`.et t Quick lute she% ti
I;rieneay thinks it trould he a 9yntpttime Cr in,..nit y before. Ma111r
%ire weave on elle part of Mr. .lay tnlornin.: he had a spell, ant laic
Laurier. Mr. Hilton is hie Ida re• 1 brother Alfred. carne ever (0 % 11 eh
spectei by :all .t be western members Lite. ,m, 1 went back (tome t'link
at; well as those of the enate•rn .hi • int 1118 1/1'01 her was all right, n•1 D t`i
incest and Ih(y all desire to 11111 .t:tin in th• aflertirvii rams (v.1 t0
again in t he time -Table pn.i1 eel el 1 eel his 11 t i t cul. \C I d• Robe' 1 ss to • P ifit!
mini.„., •.i' Interior. cut i in : his heir 1 1r ' .••r sluee
eise __ tt Alfred.
" e ism. 1. 11 look -
.1 as 1 hot, : li i he erot hers scuffled
-et the kitchen i„ the front room,
h1 re Robert finally s1 rants(••( :1l •
For Infants and Children, , , •• 1 't • deal h. Robert buried ltie
a%ife ele iii four years ego, antOASv
1,,,‘,„ 1i8•. -mill children, and saes iJ
"the Lora told 11i111 to do it." e I • alt ASK, VR TN
trod .% t• t 1.r ..nly support of his All Druggists and Dealers.
1 %i44)5)141 lue.lhut , There is •
hroi I►ir living in the "Seto" and one ••••••444••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• 1111 Slicliivain.
Th, Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
.�'-• • 4111Pi