HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-30, Page 7Mrs. Newlywed—"I don't know ex-
actly, but when I tried to sew but-
tons on with it, the machine broke,
every one of them."
FOR OV18t )Si%'rY YEAltS.
Mrs. tt'
s f3
been used by amillioi stlhofgti others for
their children while teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gusts, allays pain,
cures windcolic, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, and Is the best remedy for
J)larrkoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
bgld . by druggists throughout the
world. Ile surd and ask for 'Mrs.
Wfnslow's Soothing syrup." 22-04
When a woman cries it is a sign
you can't guess whether 1t is be-
cause she is glad or sad.
A Magic Pill.—ltyspepsta is a foe
with which men are constantly grap-
pling but cannot exterminate. Subdued,
stud to all appearances vanquished in
one, it makes its appearance In an-
other direction. In many the divestivo
apparatus tis is
PP as delicate i ate
t e mechan-
ism of a watch or scientific Instru-
ment in which even a breath of air
will make a variation. With such per -
eons disorders of the stomach ensue
from+ the most trivial causes and cause
much suffering '1'o these Parmelee'.
Vegetable Pills are recommended as
mild and Burt.
In school a boy is taught how lit-
tle he knows; at home ho teaches his
parents how little they know.
Death or Lunacy seemed the only al-
ternative for a well-known and highly
respected lady of Wingham, Ont., who
had travelied over two continents in 8
vain search for a cure for nervous de-
bility and dyspepsia. A friend recom-
mended South American Nervine. One
bottle helped, six bottles cured, and her
own written testimony closes with these
words: "It has saved my life." -20
Sometimes a girl is in earnest when
she lets a man kiss her against her
' *044405" 5041
ash ion
simple gowns of handkerchief
'cry fine and sheer, are em -
•d freely on limit skirt and
Such gowns aro especially
celee fur elle! ly women.
•[teat lace 1'U!)e is the net one
•red with velure(' chenille.
t worked with floral designs
waistband downward or as
to the flounces is among
ings of s.'ch rubes.
eke bonnet will the popular for
and some young tv
bent toward the pictur
opt It. A nu►uuer of mos
models are Icing ahown
tile, truly gorgeous to be
c of Russian green ouedc
ckly arid[ the smallest of
nd finished at either sic
k and front belies with n
buttons half an inch in
Rich, Pure Blood Will Drive Out
the Most Obstinate Case of AND PRICES OF FUR MAY
Rheumatism. DROP A LITTLE.
Russia May Be Too Poor to Buy
So Many Skins This
The trappers of the north, the (to-
g dti)uts and the ordinary
country storekeepers are accustomed Wonderful Cure of Mrs. James
c at this season to send out. their
c bales of skins to the [wholesale deal-
_ i ars in the great centres. A little For Two Summers—What She
Growing pains, acliit.g joints, stifl-
(atrl muscles, tender, swollen limbs+—
thnt's nceutnatisin—a blued disease
that causes ceaseless agony and crip-
Ples thousands. It is acid in the
nod that causes rheuiititisnm. Lint- ccllte
merits /nay ease the Iain temporlu
ily—but they never euro. To cur
rheumatism you trust remote 11.
rcid in the impure blood. Dr. Wit
!lams' !'ink Pills positively cure later the breaking up of tL_ ..•..-
roads will hinder travel. and the in-
creasing heat will injure and throw
such pelts as havo not been properly
(hied mon the hands of the men who
are least ahle to stand the loss.
A great deal of the fur is shipped
as it has been ever since the time of
nceumatisiri acute or chronic. They
act directly on the blood, driving
the acid out. They nettle new,
warm, pure blood and send it throb-
bing tlu•ouh the heart• and lungs
and limbs. This new blood banishes
omen every ache and pain—brings gond
es('uo J)' A:th cacti full activity. Mr. T. H.
t at- smith, Caledonia, Ont., says:—"For
a number of years I was badly Does
hold. fled with rheumatism, and was so
dot- crippled up I could scarcely do any
lit work. I tried quite a number )c r
le of medicines, but they did not help hie.
row Then I saw 1'r. Williams' Pink !'ills
dia- advertised for this trouble, amt 1
got a number of boxes. Before the
fact third box was used, 1 found myself
for improving. I continued to use the
hats fills throughout the Writer and they
so have completely cured too. 1 got so
tho that I could work on the coldest day
without a cont and not feel u twinge
titer of the trouble. 1 havo told quite a
with few of my neighbors about the pills,
the and they are a popular medicine
it tie here."
af- It is because Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills make new, pure, warns blood
as that
have sac
g eat power to
ape. cure disease. They positively cure
ring rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, St.
area Vitus dance, partial paralysis, kidney
up and liver troubles, anaemia, and the
I ailments which woolen alone suffer
nits t from. The purchaser must be care -
and ful to see that the full name, "Dr.
a Williams' Pink P1115 for Pale Peo-
em- pee" is printed on the wrapper
s a around each box. Sold by all nle(li-
and cine dealers or sent by mail at 50c.
a box. or six boxes for $2.50, by
ing writing the Dr. Williams Medicine
be Co., Brockville, Ont.
cry is distinctly small; in
ve been getting smaller
u past and the picture
c milliners have loved
enln•t•ly given place to
es of hca•lizents
of ten of the sum
tiv seen are made
.r chemiscttes, and
shorting tempting 1
ull and thin linen
, and embroidered.
of full alcove
staneing of the c
innovations for alt
aro ealpes cntbroid
Patterns and made
s;lk Baines.
vy linen siert-waist s
th low ...mind necks
sleeves to wear over
sleeves of thin linen,
lace trimmed. This 1
on also for pongee
nbroke)t line is the th
ason. Skirts will
v at or near the botto
skirt. will always bo
xerc•Ise or morning we
sy occasions, such as
ling or the theatre,
the green(' all around
fe hat has been brouK
of perfect inn. The ha
hese aro extremely aim'
on their daintiness a
of their materials; f
m. They aro trim)n
all, a Ia:ge bow of ribb
rosettes serving for so
shion pronounces again
tieoat for the silk .kir
idered muslin is tolerat
s, Even lace is playa
the purpose. With t
•yelet needlework, howeve
e embroidered flounces a
s Ince ones.
, heart -shaped pincushio
out of yellow silk an
broiderec! with some tin
p [vers which have whit
n the centre of the cushio
ar inset of silk lace wit
tray with wood riin, bras
n(I glass centre, unde
roibcre(1 linen is to be in
$3.50, These trays ar
utokers, aft•'rnoonetea an
nettle' linen shirt waist
with broad tucks runnin
inter to [waist, simnelln)
Iter tucks between, A Ve
lel in a shop known for th
of its wrnists has the
fu11 inch wide running th
I the waist, with groups o
i:s between, the latter stitch
jfew inches only. The bac
aist shows a group of .mal
'titling down the twiddle.
the neckwear are nart•ow
wind twice about the neck
en at the front in four -in -
as pert bows. 'These scurfs
e about two inches wide, are
h the still tittle embroidered
collars or with stocks and
ty little silk -covered book
1 with snowdrops on a pink
has an index at the sidle
ie pink penl•11 dangling from
link Milton. It is for one's
the [bungs "little but
that counts for much in the
dress hut10118 occulty a
c. In fact, go important
become that they are
such exquisite designs and
ly utnterials that they have
vn to Reeve n. ornaments
clry has before always held
• return of the three-quarter
;lenient' has sprung up for
and Parisian jewelers have
time past been busy with
es. Narrow bangles ofi
ore( stones, set so 11s 10
et.ting nt all. are exlre•:)e•-
ir se
'I'ite r
n r •ever
ne kind of mom, though it
Ode to wear an emerald, a
innntnd, or any other cul-
l. at the sorsa Time. Some
eaten six or eight such
Logo, her t'ifii n atilt DUO
-_-- 4
154('I11)(I, A I"i'I•;N IIAN('I':,
►'ccer.Is In at 1endance
lse.1 nt t;.t pri'0 distribtl-
Sueth Line nlnehire cl0-
Imo's. stays the Lon.ion
At 'Dorrington two girls
a gold watch for at -
•1 for set'in ronrecutite
t bring absent mice. A
ing Cericr•n1 Schools had
oil six tears. two boys
to Nees- and eight boys
r Nene r..t'inut n brcnk.
• (Sporn' v -howl in the
no seholnr attended! sev-
so net her sex years and
rid tour yenrs without a
Shipowners are Pleased as it
Means More Profit.
Shipowners are puzzled over the
cause of the phenomenal rise in the
levels of the great lakes in the last
ten years, and aro at a loss to ex-
plain it. Every foot of added Y
draught for their ships means the al
addition of thousands of dollars in 0
their freight earning capacity , and si
as a natural result the • aro 11
3 0 !cosec!.
Charles II., directly by water fr
Hudson !Jay. Until the annual sa
have been held, which is after the
rival of the steamer from Great B
tain. the prices of furs for the co
ing season are never established.
That is the great at r u ihb time, when the extent of the [wince
harvest of fur the world over is e
actly cal Hated. A fair estimate
it may he made, however, from t
size of the bales and the quality
their contents as they arrive Just
this season.
'!'rappers who work south of the,
height of land which divides old Can -I
ada from the Hudson Bay territory
are generally heard from early this
month for the first time since they
went for their linea in the autumn.
The reports so far received are
There has been a great deal of
snow, but also a good many fine
bright ilayn and clear nights. In
cloudy times most wild creatures
stay under cover as much as possible,
and the hunters' baits are likely to
bo snowed under. It. is in clear
weather that animals get out to
forage for food and to piny about in
the snow.
Then, the cold has been steady
since it set in early in November,
with no prolonged thaw to loosen!
the hair. The snow bus been kept 1
good order, the moisture being frozen
out of it, which keeps the fur from
/shiny of these conditions were so
unpropittious last winter that the
supply of furs taken from the woods
was smaller than usual. 'J'hat meant
so many more animals left to ma-
ture, or to breed for this season.
But most important of all is the
fact that this is a fisher year. Why,
no one knows, but so it is that for a
ear or two these valuable black
limals aro to be found in greater
r smaller number. Then for perhaps
x or eight. ;cars there will be
othing seen of them at all. Old
Says of It.
St. Malachie, Que., }larch 27.—
(Special)--A cure of great interest
to women has attracted the atten-
tion of those interested in medical
matters in this neighborhood. litre.
Jas. Kinsella, wife of a well-known
one I citizen, had suttee .1 from a compli-
tes; cation of troubles for about two
ar- i years. She hada pais in the right
ri- hip, in the back and was obliged to
in- pass water every fifteen minutes in
burning mag itching sort of way.
up She could not sheep at night and
es had to sit up in a chair for two
x- summers.
of j 1)odd's Kidney !'ills cured her.
he !Urs. Kinsella speaking of her euro
of says, "After the first box of Dodd's
at Kidney Pills I'felt much better. '!'hen
I got more and they did mo a world
of good. I have never slept in the
chair since 1 used Dodd's Kidney
Woman 's health depends on her
kidneys. Nine -tenths of the so-called
female complaints are caused by uric
acid in the blood. Cure our Kid-
neys with Dodd's Kidney fills and
y can have no uric acid in the
No Wonder Women Hate to Go to
the Dentist's.
"Do you know why it is that a
woman dreads so to have a tooth
filled?" asked the dentist of the
young man in the chair.
'1 he young than was of the opinion
n I that it was because women aro hu -
i man, and consequently decieedly op -
!posed to hating ti••eir jaws and gums
subjected to n treatment like mite
the working of a conbpressed air drill
in a stone quarry.
"No," said the roan of the drills
and forceps. "Women can stand pain
much better than Men. It Is n fact,
oven in the extracting of troublesome
teeth, the fortitude of the little,
slender women is remarkable when
one comas to consider the hideous
groans that emanate from a big roan
undergoing the sante operation. It
isn't the fear of pain that keeps
many a woman away from the chair
when she really ought to be having
her teeth attended to.
"You sew this rubber'? Well, that
rubber goes Into the mouth f
ese figures show rise in lake
levels during the last ten years, the
number of feet being the height
above mean sea level: -
1805, 1004.
Lake Superior 603 1-6 603 1-4
Lakes Huron and
Mich iga n 580 1-6 581 2-3
Lake Erie 571 1-2 573 1-4
Lake Ontario .245 248
In each case the comparison is
taken at the high-water mark tor
the year.
Deranges:mit of the stomach or
bowels is responsible for most of the
ailments that afflict infants and
young children. }'or keeping the
stomach and bowels in order nothing
can equal Baby's Own 'Tablets, that
is why children in the homes where
these Tablets are used are bright,
good-natured and healthy. Mrs.
.Joseph Wallace, Shanley, 1h11., says:
"i have used Rnbv's Own Tablets
for my baby since her earliest in-
fancy, and have found them to be a
medicine that meets all the needs of
little ones. They havo kept my lit-
tle one as bright and healthy as can
be. These Tablets are sold under a
guarantee to contain no opiate or
poisonous "soothing" stun. Sold by
all medicine dealers or nv mail at 25
cents a box by writing the 1)r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
Thirty-seven Deaths Attributed to
Its Use Last Year.
The subject of wood alcohol pois-
oning has again croppe(I up, this
time in !tussle. {Shen Russian troops
were icing mobilized Inst summer at
Perpat the event was made the oc-
casion for drinking, and Wren and
women Mai took freely of a beverage
Compose[!, according to the .Journal
of the Anle'ricnn Medical Association,'
of alcohol, water, peppermint leaves, i
salt in, lavender, etc. Like ,lamaiectl
ginger, t'.,is beverage is umn'h nfTect-1
ed by the 1.ivoninns ns an internal
hunters make many guesses as to
what becomes of them and why or
where they hide, but no one has ever
been able to furnish a really satis-
factory reason for their
Suddenly some winter the trappers'
hearts are gladdened by the sight
of their peculiar trail or they get
them in fox traps. Fishers hate been
plentiful this winter, though they
were scarce as hens' teeth last year.
It is always surd to bo a good
trapping year when fishers are about.
In fact, they seem to be a kind of
gauge whereby the fur season may be
tested. If it is good enough for
fishers, then every other fur bearing
animal may be expected to do well
So it has been this last winter.
Fur has been plentiful. 'Trappers
have been unusually ' suOcessful in
their captures. The quality is better
than it was last year.
Unfortunately there is always such
a wide difference between the price
paitl to the trappers and the actual
value of err that it is impossible to
forecast the price of fashionable furs
for next season. But foresighted
men foretell a drop in prices of the
costliest varieties because of the
troubles in Russia, [which is the
heaviest buyer of the most valuable
i -------
Ways That Are Pleasant And
Paths That Are Peace.
It is the simple life that gives
length of days, serenity of mind and
body and tranquility of 80-31.
Simple hopes and ambitions,
bounded by the desire to do good
to one's neighbor.:, simple pleasures,
habits, food and drink,
Men die long before 1 heir time be-
cause they try to crowd too much
into their experiences—they climb too
high and fall too hard. A wise
[woman writes of the good that a
simple diet has done her:
"1 have been using Grape -Nuts for
nbt d. six 8luntlis. i began rather
remedy. Similarly, it Is used as a; sr'nringly, until I acquired! such a
stimulating drink in default of the- liking for it that for t he Inst three
ordinary alcohol beverages, I //tenths 1 'Hove depended upon it al-
1'nfortmint ely for the Russian hued. eve truly for thy diet, eating
merry -makers, the stuff was made nothing else whatever, but Grnpe-
tcilh rtooa alcohol inslend of rain Nuts for hrrnkftisl eel su p ser
g n tine
..i. 11
, it (•on.• a •i 1
�l that it 1 toted
att e.t
Kr it for dinner with
sixte,n men and one 04)111nn died as! fruit and ht• sane s1 without other •
a result of the debauch. it is sag -1 food, nm' bed titch het ter and have
',e sttvl that the alcohol used war. more strength to rim Illy .........work 1
)Ghon c flee o repo -
\lure recently a report has comm. Nets I ung thin and weak. (nye gnus-.
,e .•: .(err so soft that 1 ens not
hate died at Kief from dritlkin,, able to do any work. 1 weighed
mt. thy hitt el ',remiss only 108 'mulles Not that i
proenely of the (code' Led kits!. "{Chen 1 1 th ( ('
from Russia Hint temit t 1 •t.on, tit,• tt
) n.4
1t is only. within the last year that ate did me any good, i was going
wood alcohol pulroning has occurred down hill ree idle tins nervous and
In Itesela. 1'p to the tear 1901 the miserable, with no ambition for any-
%tood alcohol used in Muscle ens so thing. My condition improved rap -
repugnant to the senses of smell and idly after 1 began to eat (:rape -Nuts
font!. it made me feel like a new
woman: my muscles got solid, fay
figure rounded out, my weight in-
creased to 126 pounils in n few
weeks, my nerves grew steady and
my hind better and clearer. My
friends tell me they haven't seen
Ise look ro well for w[r]est.
"i consider (:rnpe-Nuts the best
foot) on the market, and shall never
go buck to moats and white bread
again." Name given by Postern Co.,
Rattle ('reek, Mich.
'I'hcre s a reason.
Look in Nell pkg. for the little
Leek, "The (toad to lVellville,"
taste 1hot even ,the ignorant peas-
ants, elm will drink the vilest and
strongest firms of spirits, could not
ese it as a hexer/tee.
in the early part of 15104 the deo-
lori'etrwood nlcohuls were int roduc-
d into Itessin, In consequence of
which there have been already thir-
y-seven den ths reported.
As here, wood alcoht,l, owing to
15 comparative cheepneste seem., to
me been largely subetitnt.•.1 in Rus.
in for grain alcohol in the montane -
tire of renedinl wets'. flavoring
structs, pet Nines, liniments, witch
zel t
a , e e.
o every
person who comes in here to have a
filling put In. You can BCC that it
covers the mount entirely; doesn't
leave the patient half a chance to
talk. Well, there you havo it; that's
the reason women don't like to go
to the dentist, Yes, sir, it's a fnct.
I have lost some of nmy best custom-
ers because of the necessity of ap-
plying that rushes.
"A woman comes In here to get a
tooth filled. If she is inexperienced
in this line she will be surpr eed
when the rubber in produced. As •soon
as it is placed In her month elle
tries to talk, and finds that her
speech is only nm unintelligible
jumble. She begins to get road from
then on. When i saki her if T am
hurting her she can only glare at
me and shake her bend. When I pass
a remark about the beautiful wea-
ther we have been having she glares
still more. and uv the time I am
through with her she is ready to kill
me if looks would .lo the deed. Sr,rne-
tinmes, when T take the shield olT, the
pent up speech of the fair ones breaks
forth into an irrepressible flood, and
the portent of the renrtrks is, to say
the least, not complimentary to enc,
"Some day some genius will in-
•nt. an apparatus which will nllow
eth to he filled without depriving
0 patients+ of their speech for the
me being. Then there will be no-
ting t0 this business but. brow[!
one fronts 811(1 autortlobiles."
Car Ran at Edinburgh—Early
Motor Vehicles.
It. has been almost. utterly forgot-
ten that the ..rtric railway ens, in
the first instance, a British invention
and that so far back as 1837 a car
was electrically propelled on the Ed -
f irrburgh and Glasgow Itnilw8%. But
(ho invention came before its time.
and like many others was put. aside
and forgotten because of temporary
imperfet't ions.
tin, too, n ith the motor cur. So
long ago as 1769 Captain Planta,
t ss
n ) arm[ Illssucceeded.
long experiment, in producing n
sham' carriage which ran along the
,A second atilt 011101)11C, built in the
follottIng year, eras exhibited before
Louis XV., U. de Choiseul, end
canny- other distinguished personages
at 'Versailles. That this is no Inert
legend is proved by the fact 1lilt to-
day', 181 years after its birth. this
self -same machin[ is to be sten at
the 1'aris l'onsertatoire of Arts and
An obelisk was recently erected at
Dundee to the memory of .lames.
Bowman Lindsay, who died in that
city on .lune 2:Ith, 1162, un one of
the panels of which are inscribe.!
those words
"A pioneer in electrical science; i
foretold the application of electricity!
as an illuminant, 8 motive power to
replace steam, and substitute for
coal in healing. lle devised en elec-
tric telegraph, 18:12, sllggesteul weld -
leg by eleeetricity, producing n con-
tinuous electric light, 1635; pr•opos-
ed a submarine telegraph. 11•t:1;
and accomplished wireless telegraphy
through water, 1853."
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
ler she edaae a War.
1.71 District, improved farms, splendid
bargains, also flue summer resort pro-
perty, brick house. John Carter, Su t -
ridge, Ont.
FT AIMS Fell SAI.E.—Good half -sec-
tion, 34 miles north of Jlnrgrave,
00 acres and cultivated, comfortable
frame liousc, new granary and fair
stabling, good water, best of wheat
soli, a splendid neighborhood, churches,
schools s
of and pest t Oflic
t ems reasonable. nn c.
Several sec-
tions and quite a few halves of A 1
wheat land at (rein $7.50 to 110 per
acre, in the district south and south-
west of Virden. why go west to the
Territories and pay 18, $9, $10 and
1 112, when you can buy right here at
1 our prices.-11cDOVAI-I, SIMI'SON CO.,
and all kinds of house Hangings, also
LAOI CURTAINS °vat / i ei ANse
Write to us about yours.
SWISH AYwIAS SYalsa Oa, a.hr lq, Yontroal
Canada's a d
tR A
Best School.
Graduates from this school are draw-
ing from 150 to $100 per month. Po-
sitions furnished to our graduates.
Prospectus mailed tree.
eor.Qneen and Yonge lite , Toronto. C'so
Dinner Sets Free
Harnham' In your neighborhood le
showing acs appreciation of cash trade by
airini absolutely free, these MS NSM
8811' you do not know thls Merchant, write
tel and wa will not only tell you who hs is,
bntforwsrd you a hsndrome eourenn ye Y,r:
Th. British Canadian Creekery Co. Ltd.
samosas). CANADA.
Smith—"Jonas, I'm going to
marry and settle clown." Jones—
"Jlurupht You'd better remain sin-
gle and settle up."
Ask for fdinard's and take no other
Wild cats are on the increase in
Scotland. One measuring four feet
long was captured in a trap at
Poolewo n few weekn ago.
Lever's Y -Z (WiseHead)Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is better than
other powders, as it is both soap and
An engine -driver named Water -
worth died) at i're.;ton, England, re-
cently, lifter having travelled over
2,000,000 miles without an accident.
Piles cured in 3 is 6 nights. --
One application gives relief. Dr. Ag-
new's Ointment 1s n boon for Itching
I'lles, or Iltind, ;Deeding Piles. It re-
lieves quickly and permanently. In
skin eruptions it stands without a
rival. Thousands of testinioniais if you
want evidmic,,•. 3v cents. -23
No fewer than 151 people were
killed in the streets of London
through accidents during the past
twelie months, and 10,202 people
were injured.
Cheapest of A11 Mrdichtes.—Consider-
Ing the curative qunlitles of Dr.
Thomas' :electric 011 it is the cheapest
Medicine how offered to the public. The
dose required in any ailment is small
and n bottle contains tunny closes. If
it were valued at the benefit it confers
it could not be purchased for many
times the price asked for it, but in-
creased ronsumptiou has simplified and
cheapened its manufacture.
A cow's hide produces :15 pounds
of leather, and lint of a horse about
18 pounds.
Have you tried Holloway's Corn
Cure? It hes no equal for removing
these troublesome excrescnres ns
have testified who have trial it.
"ile that takes n rife takes care"
ant's Franklin: but Brown sass that
Franklin is wrong—"that he who
fakes care doesn't take it wife.
Keep xinarkt
Liniment in the house
Mrs. 11(n ter—"Po have some more
of the ice -pudding, Miss 11uestly'."
Miss l;uestly—"{Nell, jus;[ a little, as
you inr,l.ut; but only a nh•uuthfuI.
181,1(1." Mrs. Ilonter—",tan(, 1111
Miss (:ucstly's ;Ante up again!••
.A ATMw yV'O] eAIL
That's what any woman is after a hot cop of FRAGRANT
TEA. It chases away that old tired feeling and fills her with new
Mrs. Neu 1) [red—"I can't say that
I think much of my new sewing;
machine. It is disappointing." Mrs.
Elder—"what is wrong with it?"
Mlnard's Liniment Lumber man's friend
A young doctor said to a gir:•—
"Do you know, my dear, I have a
heart effecticn for you?" "havo
you had it lung'?" she coyly inquir-
ed. "(Ih, yes; I feel I will liver
troubled life without you," he re-
sponded. "Then you had better
asthma," she softly murmured.
The Demon, DyspepsJa.—In olden times
It was a popular belief that demons
moved invisibly through the ambient
air, seeking to enter into men and
trouble them. At the present day the
demon, dyspepsia, 19 at large in the
tame way, seeking habitation in those
who by careless Or unwise living invite
him. And once ho entern a man it le
difficult to dislodge him. Ho that finds
himself so possessed should know that
a valiant friend to do battle for him
with athe unseen Inc is Parmelee's Vege-
table l'itis, which aro ever ready for
the trial.
"here is a carpet,'[ said the dealer,
"that simply can't be beaten."
",lust what I want," exclaimed the
tired -looking marc, who had recently
undergone a little strenuous exper-
ience in his buck -yard. "Send a mean
up to my house at once and measure
every room."
Use the safe. {{pleasant and effectual
worm killer, Mather Graves' Worm lex
ternminator; nothing equals it. Procure
a bottle and take It home.
The Ca..-,hicr—"I wish to marry
your (laughter, sir, if you have no
objections." His Employer (who
has just finished examining his
books)—"Of course I have no objec-
tions. I'm only too glad to have an
opportunity to keep the money In the
To Starve le a Fallacy, —The die -
tum to stop eating because you have
indigestion has long sine() been explod-
ed. Dr. Von Strut's Pineapple 'Tablets
introduced a new era in the treatment
of stomach troubles. It has proved
that one may eat his 611 of anything
and everything he relishes, and one
tablet taken after the meal will aid the
stomach in loing its work. 00 in a
box. :15 cents. -114
Dtnud—"Look! That's the great
heiress; she With born, you know,
with a silver spoon in her mouth,"
Mabel 'after taking a look at the
heiress) -"Are you sure itwasn't a
soup Indio?"
Marion Ilridge, C. B.,
May '30, '02.
1 bite handled MiNARD'M LINI-
MENT 1 dIre
ng the
east year.
It is
nlwnys the first I.iulmemit asked for rove the curative merles of this
111 111 kidney ,
No other workingman's shirt
is made so big or comfortable or
so aiOngly as the H.B.R. Big
Not a skimped, factory -made,
cheap shirt but a shirt made of
honest material and lots of it.
As and easy fitting as the
ones your mother used to make
with three yards and a half of
goods, Every H.B.K. Big Shirt
has three and a half to three and
three quarter yards of material.
Ample room under the arm-
pits, broad and spacious on the
shoulders, full and long bodied,
big sleeves, an easy wearing shirt
and a long wearing shirt.
Every shirt is branded with
this brand and guaranteed by
the makers.
Montreal Dawson Winnipeg
H.M.S. Wyo recently landed at
Sheerness thirteen turtles, each
weighing about five hundredweight.
Several were forwarded to the King.
Minard's Liniment used by Physlcians
Rich Aunt—"You only visit me
when you want money." New
Nephew—"1Ve11, I couldn't come
Snore frequently, could I?"
If a cough makes your nights sleep-
less and weary, it wilt worry you a
good deal, :mil with good cause. To
dispel the worry and give yourself rest
try 'Sickle's Antl-('onsurnptive Syrup.
it exerts n soothing influence on the
air passages and allays the Irritation
that lends to inflammation. It will
subdue the most stubborn cough or
cold, and e.entually eradicate It from
the system, n, a trial of it will prove
to you.
"You and your husband have live.)
together twenty-five years, and never
had a quarrel? What's the secret?"
"No secret at all. I'm too good-
natured to quarrel,- and he's too in-
South American Kidney Cure
is the only kidney treatment that has
Proven equal to correct all. the evils
are likely i
to befall icfnl
1 elm s physical
c o
Hundreds of tcsllnioninls W
ht r r , nn.l nnqudwt lonahly 1110 test I d . pet Ific in cases of Bright's
disease, diabetes, irritation of the bled -
of all the different kin+ls of der. InMunhnwOnn. dropatcal tendency.
1•nrrnent I handle. Don't delay --22
N1.31, PER(:15(15.
"1 see Mewl, 1411 at the elute quite
Ohio sin• a hl.: baby crime. 1 thought
he was firstly anchored to n hone
life." "Ile was, but nt the first
squall he heron to drag his are bor."'
'Tito monthly earnings of a Indy
circus -rider in Engln,1d vary' from
8:375 to $SlH►, wide those of rho
highest class often earn 8750. A
clown'. earnings atertigo from 8175
and $2t,(, to $:t75 and $5(10. No per-
former on the tight -rope "e tees"
for less than from 1'_ 511 to $:175 a ttI
Month. Engagements of this sort, it.l
seeme, are Qlwats 'untie, and engr*
paid. by the month. ('nrpet acrobats
earn from $.,Ile► to fr eseol; even Neromd-
rate performers on the horizontal
bar receive $625 In $71 u1, while 11185 -
tern of the art earn as 'ouch ns $1.-
250; and jugglers on the tight -rope
or en hnlseback are the best paid
of all, earning often es touch ns $1,
500 a month.
Worry wont cure a cough. When
you find a cough holding on—
when everything else has failed—
CureTlonita Lung
It is guaranteed to cure. It it
doesn't, we'll feint.( your money.
Pricer: F. C. Wriest h Co. 1614
25c. 30c. I)1, t.ekoy,::.Y.,Torento,Cac.
smesse.---.....,-...- . _.ter.
ISSUE NO. 12.-05