HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-30, Page 5THE EX.E'lrj.ft TIMES, MARCH :10th iso:). Wake up;�r lir. c The Exeter Times ors 1 s of your con ,iii;�t .. rid ----___-- -- --- --_ _ your hiliou aess. Sold THURSDAY. MARCH 3011). 1905 for 60 years. t.`:. 'N Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM' Y Locals ',beautiful brown or rich black? Use wit craw estuaries a r. asua ea, aaaoa a a MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C. Application to Er • P. S., Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. strifes and rt.ideueuce. Dominion Loot Exeter. \Ir. Wm. Seldou, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Geo. ti:unwell's. ' Rev. Mr. Currie. of Burl's church Paella= , SaRev.rnia. Was a visitor at the Main ment• street parsonage on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Statham and Miss, 1Iorney visited their sister Mrs Mc -1 011eNTAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Donald, at Kippen on Sunday. :u1 application Will 1:e made to Mrs. J. Blatchford )las been spend - the Legislative Assembly of the ing a few days at Lucan, owing to Province :1 , the illness of her mother and sister, of Ontario t the present session thereof, for an Aot to in- Mrs. Hall, of Tot onto. is spend - corporate a Company to construct, ing a few days with her sister. Mrs. equip and operate an eleotric lisle W. C. Huston. Mr, 11:111 al.;o stow of railway to run in and through Sunday in toxin. the City of Stratford in the County Lost.- In Exoter recently, :, suns of Perth. and from the said City O[ money, the roll was t wo in '2 bills and ono in $1 bill. The finder will bo suitably rewarded by leaving seid County of Perth and the Town_ at this office, ships of Usborne and Stephen in the We take this opportunity of thank County of Huron and in and through ing our numerous customers for the Village of Exeter in the said their trade during the past three County of Huron to the Village of years and wish to state that we are YOU will hasten recovery by tnk- Grand Bend an Lake Huron. and al_ slow in a position to supply milk to In; ono of Ayeret Pills at bedtime. S9 from the said City of Stratford our old customers and kindly sol -1 in and throughiIi Townships of icit the patronage of those desiring North East hope ant south Easthope a change LOUIS DAY MILLINERY OPENINGS {� and the Village of Shakespeare in Milkman and SI•Irket Gaed:net Northwest and Manitoba the County i f Pert h, ani the Town- bills his week we are sending several SNELI..k RO«'E hills for back subscriptions and hope those who receive them will favor us With the advent of the beautiful with an early response. Thome who springlike weather of the fast week do not receive bills will confer ;a carte the millinery openings, the first favor on us if they will exchmine of which were held by Meesrs Snell & their label and see if they are cog- Rowe on Friday and Saturday last. Miss Livingstone'6 8 11 ' _ AIt t 1 In charge x tett. and if inarrearskindlyor Al 1 c tK t%ard the amount rtes, for whish n the many flattering remarks about receipt will be immediately returned. the splendid showing roust be very The Christian Endeavor Society of grntlfyiug to her. There is large And the Presbyterian church will hold :1 varied display of the newest creations social tornorrott (Friday) eeenimr in this season's headgear. The color - at 8 o'clock in the basement of 1 ho ings are of beautiful tints, prontinent- church. A goal program of music VI tar w'idt'h Are the paste) shades, and readings will be given. followed Purple is Also give n tt first phue. The by refreshments. Admission 15 and shapes show sornewhat a similarity to 10 crura. The proceeds being in aid last seasons, though somewhat stutter of the free hospital for consumptives than for some years past, still the at Gravenhurst. larger hat is til -o very ruuch in evi• Mrs. .1. G. Staiibury w•'s in re= dente. A specialty is made of goad ceipt of a telegram on Monday en. wearable hats and suit hats. the Polo nouncing the• death of her niece. Turban, the Corday and the Charlott's Miss Cat herine East wool, eldest Corday hats. A visit to this firm's daughter of Dr. Eastwood, at Clare • showrooms will amply repay you, mont. Death followed pneumonia The other millinery firms have open - after only a few days of illness. The ings the latter part of this week. deceased young Lady .has visited her J. A. STEWART aunt here and was a general favor- ite with many young friends who will learn twith regret of her warty demise. Hiss Eastwood woe need 17 years <and 8 months. 11. KlN('MAN, L. D. s. ANL LK. A. R. KINSMAN. L. EibI). 13- D. D. 13., Honor dr>adsate of Toronto University, DentLtt. Teeth extracted without pain or in F bad alcor efieota. O>Bce an• son's block. West aide of Main tn•t,` Exeter D.A. ANDERSON. (0.0• _• �•_• o[ Stratford in and t Lrougtl the DENTIST. townships of Downie•, Fullerton, Raper of the Toronto University llibt ort and Blaushard all in t he that al College of Dental Surgeons of .with honors Also Poet. gr►auate of school of Proethetic Dentistry (with • mention. known to the Dental Profoasion SSeta this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- um, gold and vulcanite plates all done in rs neatest manner ponsIble. A perfoctls anaesthetic used for painless extrao- oe one door south of Carllug Reda store Suter. Ont. ti ers' For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral CherryPectoral. Pco e Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses It. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I baa a terrible wash for week.. 1.1�.•,, I took Ayer. Cherry T•etunl and may ,.ua bottle eoeppletely eared nos " YL. J. B. Daxroara. St. Joseph, Vin, h. 860.,3116.. J. 0. ♦yrs: c.,., for. Lowell. M Coughs,Colds ship ofi mlot in the County o Lands for Sale Waterloo to and in and 1 hrough the Village of Nev Hamburg in the said County of Waterloo uith a branch line in and through tIt Township f South East so the 1116 e oho to I $ of Tavistock in the said county of Perth, with pother ; (1) To make payments in pail up stock or bonds for rights of %vase. material plant, rolling stock or services to the Co►npany, or in furthering the un- dertaking; (2) to receive assistance from Municipalities or individuals by way of subsidies ,bonuses or oth- erwise: (3) To manufaotuc e, sell or lease electricity or electric !sower to auy person or corporation or cor- poration along the line of t he rail- way or any of its branches, and (4) for other proper •Ind necessary in- cidental lowers. Dated at Stratford this 23rd day of March, A. 1). 1905. ,iAMES SFE:ELE, Solicitor for the Applicant. Valuable Lands along different Linea of Beltway. In Sections or up to MHO acres near. PRINCE ALBERT, YOYKTON, HANLEY DAVIDSON, and other important points. e. For particulars apply to EItNEbT ELLIOT. .Agent for the Fa,katchewnn Valley and Man- itoba Land Company. MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for hayed. ant upon farm or village property a1 !owes ales of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. ibliONEY TO LOAN. We have a largo amount of private funds to Sl On farm and village properties attowratee � laterals.ULADMAN & STANBU11Y Barristers Solicitors. Main SG Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, SIJ 13ORTLIORN DURHAM BULLS Barristers Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, for sale -Tho undersigned has for Commissioners. Solicitors for theSfot.sone sale a number of up-to-date thor- Bank, Eto. ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They Il[oaey to Loan at lowest rates of interest. are of the low set, thick blocky typo OFFICE:-IIAIN STREET, EXETER. and choice breeding. Will bo sold r.H.DICYBOM reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- 11,sCARLING 13. IL. ply on lit 16, con. 2, !lay, or John Elder, Hensel!, 1'. O. Tile Usborne and tttbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS President: -T. RYAN, DUBLI NP. 0, Vice -Pres.:- J. A. ? oRRISj FARQUH ARP.O. F. MORLEY, WHALEN P. 0. r, W. H. x ASSMOIIE, CROMARTY P. 0. Wal. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0. J. L. RUSSELL, RUSSELDALE P. 0. AG ENTS. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFPA. ONT. A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. Wn.eoN, FVLLARTON, ONT. J. S. 0iLFILL AN, LUCAS, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.-Treasc Farquhar. +444.4.4.444.++.3-4.4-1-1-++-1-1-3- +-Hee+ fNotiee: To Farmers and the Public in General Y As the spring is coming on now gather up all your old ' truck such as Rags, Rubbers, •I• Wool Pickings, horse Hair, 'L 1 Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, Brass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take them down to -- + -1• MIJACKSON & SON Main -St. Exeter. One door south of the L Metropolitan Hotel. "That's ;e• J where you will get the high- est cash price for thein 't'1•vE'1i'•t'•F•1•'tt'i'•t"I'•h't'•h•F•1'•!•'1'•ir;-•1•-3' s---- - 4 FOIL SALE -8 acres on lot 20. (Thames Road, Exeter north, On tile property is :► good frame house with cellar and good stable and barn, first class garden and fruit of all kinds. For further per. oculars apply at Exeter Nort li 1'. 0. F►t! SAI.1: Olt TO RENT.- Tho s ty on 1)insley terrace, a Clinton, known as the Currie pro- perty, and consisting of 8 acres of find, With t ight-roomed house, is of- fered for site or to rent. All kinds of bearing froot 1 reel. Just 4 he place for a retired fanner or market gar- dener. Will be sold cheap or rent - el on reasottnble terms. Fifteen or 1 w ent y minutes walk from Clinton Lost office. Apply to 1). K. Prior. Clint on. 11111, Fon SALE:. -Residence and 8 lots with good amble. everything in goo+! repair. Residence reocntly re- Iraintee ; ;also n first -claw well proal orchard, and ornamental trees on the prenniees. The property most be sold es the undersigned is leaving towe/1E0r particular. and term' of vale :apply to It. S. Ling. Exeter. Executors' sale of Valuable Farm rronorti In Usborne Township There will be offered for sale by Public Auction Oil SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. 1905 alt 2 o'clock p. nt. at t he COJIMEILCIAL HOTEL EXETER That excellent farm property late- ly owned by Benj. I. Higgins, Esq., deceased, and described as Lot 13, Con. 2, Usborne Township, contain- ing 100 acres of choice land. This farm is only 1 1-2 miles from Exeter is in good state of cultivation, well fenced and drained and very fertile. On the •remises is a comfortable brick house, frame barns. and .good bearing orchard. 'There is also about 7 acres of hard wood bush, contain- ing valuable timber. The property is convenient to market, churches and schools. TE:RM$.-Ten per cent of pur- chase money on (Lay of sale. The payment of the balance will be are range:I with purchaser. For conditions of sale and partic- ulars apply to 101(N GILL, Auct. GLAf)MAN & STANBURY, Exeter, Onf., Soliri,ors for Executors. el,,rrll _Viet, 11th:,. Railway System Special one Wa'J Excursions From Exeter TI) 13'11 I \1 r , r.n $34.75 HOARD OF TRADE, A special meeting of the board of trade w•as held last Thursday even- ing dor the •transaction of special business. It was proposed that a meeting .in furthura.nce of the in- terests of 4 he proposed railroad be held in the Town }tall, Monday, April 3rd, at 3 o'clock p. in. and that t he Councils of Stephen and Usborne, and delegates from Credi- ton, Winchelsea, Elimville (end Kirk - ton be invited to attend. The three schemes outlined by Wootin & Son to unite the knitting and woollen interests into a joint stock company with the aid of a loan of not more than $3,000, under the condition.: suggested in their report, received the preference of .the board. The next sweeting of the board will be the annual meeting. This firm having 1:0111- years ego abandoned formal opening days make no special display but herein will be found all the latest reproductions of t le 'millinery art, and a visit to th • stere of this %sell -known dry goods house will amply repay the most fastidious. The hats of famous ntilliaers have exact duplicates as well an the wonderful adaptions of the f on'e milliner. There is the small hat and the large hat, the tur ban, find the !tat banked high with flowers at the hack and drooping slightly over the face. The various shades and colorings ere here dis- played and there seems a hat for everybody. Market Report.-Ths following is the report of Exeter markets, •vr•- r cted up to March 30th. 1905. Wheat 95c to :1.02 per bushel Oats 36 to 37 cents per bushel Barley 38 to 40c per bushel. Peas 60 to 62 cents per bushel. Bran $15 to $16 per ton. Shorts $20 per ton. Family Flour $2.85 per ewt. WOMAN'S GREATEST ENEMY Feed Flour, $1.25 per cwt. flutter 18 cents per. pound. Eggs 14 cents per dozen. Pork. live weight. $5.65 per cwt. Pork. dressed, $7.50 per cwt. Hay 7 to 8 per ton. Potatoes $1 a bug. l'SHORNE On Monday afternoon as the 1 wo little daughters of Mr. anti Mrs. ing but temporary relief. One per- John Cann was playing around the Ma of cotslig:alion is followed by an- ly'Ird. lit le Miss Stella met with a other, and it's physic, physic, physic Painful accident. Another sister year in and year out. till life becomes Rita, was drawing her around in a a burden. cart when it upset throwing the lit - There 49 now a sure cure for this t 11: one out, breaking her left arm condition and a cure that does 1:ot above the elbow. The injured mem- have to be repeated. It i•s Dr. Lcun_ ber teas ntlendcd to by Dr. Ilrown- hardt's Anti -fill. inti and the ,child is getting along Or. Lconbardt, of Lincoln, Neb. i. »'cel).• the author of this prescription. tier T used it for years with wonderful su- Mr. H. Hooper hag returned home tees in his own large practise as a froin Renault where he has been man - remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness:,n,) ager in the gt'nersl stare of The R. constipation. Pickard Co , for the Haat five years. Many ladies who have suffered for Mr, Hooper has, during the pest years are now enjoying good health twenty yearn been closely engaged in and a i,erfect freedom from the old mercantile work, and now expecte to constipation through the use of leave on a trip to the northwest conl- Anti-Pill. lining business with pleasure. in re - Mrs. Tabh,287 Emerald St. North, tiring from the Heneall store Mr, Ilnmilton, Ont., says! Hooper bespeaks for his successors ('oloradn s tin s. Denver. "I am no longer troubled with con- Messrs Bandon k Cook the same Helena, ButteKJ)nnt.. ()let/0 • 75 stipation. 1 cannot praise Anti-J'ilI liberal patronage accorded the late too highly." • firm. den, Salt. Lake ('its, (-rah. • A month's treatment for 50c. A11 -4, Nelsen, Rossland, 13. ('., $40 25 druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co. I-'Oit AN IMPAIIIEU APPETITE: lipoknne, Warh.... . .. • Limiters, Nilgera Falls, Ont. Sole Toss of appetite always results Portland. Ore., Scat ti,', Agents for Canada. from faulty digestion. All that is Wash. Vancouver. Vile ,t1t\1 Itt ItEVI Lot First FOR is a few doves of l 1 hnt Chamber 13. ('..... .... $42.75 F cone: -.;on 1'sbosne, loll needed E3tomach and Liver Tablets. acre,. They will invigorate the stomach, Sun ¥tat1biren, (al.. ... $43 20 It�,s% all in grass, also store with Hay strengthen the digestion and give I . O. in connection to II ha when goods tire disposred of. 1 Ivive now you an appetite like a wolf, There } roportionntely lnty rates 10 other on hand a quantity of clothing, con- Ili points sifting of reselTablets also act as t gentle laxative y' aslo suits, over- Tickets on Sale From MarchFor sale . • ill Exeter by \V. S. 1(ow- cotts etc. which I .1m now offering ey. _ at cent. Good American oil 16 cents 1 St to May 16th, 1 005. _�__ t gi1 a i. 1'o much work fur nay �7Al�TOA=A.. Special Settlers 'Trains to am bomn•( to set out of the TM Kind You Hare Alsalt BOutht Nor h West t.tt-inc's'. Apply to 1,. McTAGl1:\RT. Esarstke II > I' r►.. Bigaatare Special train with Colonist Sleeper will leave Toronto et 9 p .nt., every OUSE ANIS LOTS FOR BALE- of _ __ Tuesday during March :and April Iced brick louse and four lois A SAFF. COtiGll MEDICINE FOR Manitoba Land North West. on Andrew street. All modern im' CHILDRENPassengers travelling a it flout Live provements. On the premises ie n -- Stock should take the Pacific Ex• new brick stable. Apply 4o THOS.In huyin(s a coughmedicinefor press Leaving Throttle et 1.15 P. M. RUSSELL, EXETER. tion, or nddroas .1. le, McDonald, Uis- H ............�..,.�.r-.-. �..,.a. w.••._••• q.,.,..childrennever be afraid to buy Ask your stents for full infor►n:t- out*: ANI) LOT FOR SALE.- i. no danger from it and relict is t rict f'•assenrer Agent, Toronto. frame house of sere n rc>Jms, chgain's Cough Remedy. There with summer kitchen at teller!, nn always sure to follow. It is espee• For tickets call on Carling street opposite the park, los tette w,aluahle for colds, croup and .1. .1. KNIGHT. particulars apply In 0. K. Won n, whooping cough. For sale in Ex• Depot ticket a;ent, Exeter. Exeter t tier by %V. S. Howey. Constipation the Cause of most Women's Troubles -An easy way to Permanently Cure this i'ainful Condition. There are few women indeed who 1 do not suffer with chronic consti- pation. Nearly all are slaves to some kind of medicine to correct this trouble, and yet they get noth- L To Cure a Cold in One Day marelleva_ cram: Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. �' �4 • ser Seven Minton loxes sold in post 12 months. This Pres /Yale - 'I he meeting tot tt utucn :uta girl.. held by Mrs. Mo\air Tuesday after- noon at 3 p. au. was a eery blessed and inspiring one. The address on "desire, the ntuue high over all" touched till hearts, Mi t. McNair sass.: a beautiful solo entitled "The Ileloved." She vv ill addre ss the W. M. S. Auxiliary o fthe church this tt eek. At a htii 1uct of t 1, • Stet 'waist Social Union, Rev. Dr. I'ot Is, Edu- cational Secretary, made to i111port- :int announcement that the Victoria College endowment fund would he increased from $500,000 to $850,000 Several subscriptions I tit nlrcul: been received. A GUARANTEED CUItE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, I3leeding or pro- f ruling, Piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment f ails to any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plication gives ease and rest. 50c. It your druggist hasn't it send 50o in stamps and it a. ill be forwarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Communication fele,' r S Times: -From 7.75 to S13 I. Sir. -1 -I have been sick with Curtain Department Curtain News cannot come too soon. It cannot come too o ften. In our weekly store netts it is our aim to interest, to advise to please. We Want Your Opinion on our Lace Curtains Take a long look through our Big Range from 25 cents a pair to $7.oO. 10 PER CENT. OFF these prices FOR CASH Men's Rain Coats The Very best Vulcanized goods in the country, sewn xtith silk I and linen thread, scams bound, lined with Italian lining. Just see our Rain Coats for men. r1,.-umatism for three weeks there- for.. ,have not been able to follow my course. Well, on being notified of the Council's intention of puling down n cement walk along the front of any lots, I did not make any ap- peal .against their agoing so on the cocain ions eel fort 11 in t be not ice. Mat r is�r c 40 e cent.basis ► itper ).tats 1 I ;lid not wish 4o frustrate t heir II.•si;n in coming to the corner, al- though tt he walk in front of my place would have done 3 or 4 years longer with little repair. Now be- fore the work began Iwent t o the Council with two requests. First I said. 'Novt• gen1lemen,ns 1 have to pay -10 per cont. of the new•walk I think it would be only fair that 1 should h:tvzi 40 per cent of 1 he. old plank, they solid no." That was drop- ped without met her word. Next I sail I want 40 .pay my 40 per cent. as %aeon as 4h:' work is completed, They said you can. 1 tvanted to pay it for I did not like the idea of my place :being under inortgage for telt years for a side -walk. • Flom that time to 4 he 14th October things moved along* quite smoothly, the work being done,the contractor gone I Inade enquiry for my hill, the Reeve d.old me it wasn't quite ready yet, but soon after, i was going down tttreet, I saw .t he Reeve and Clerk about the Benue time, both told me that my account was ready, I asked where will I get it, they said at Mr. Dickson's office. so I went right up. Mr. Dickson was t her: anti received ane very kindly, and pre- sented the hill, his figures on the cement walk sPlerer. were near cor- rect, but 4 h cltargn on the expenses looked very big, I said surely the expenst's ar'nt that much, ire said oh yesl oh yes! that's right, and Mr. C. came forward and said the same, Well on their word I went tient to the, treasurer nerd paid it, believing at the same time that if there was a :mistake it would be made right without any bother. Well, after I paid it and went home, I began t o think it over, the more I looked at it !the snore ridiculous it looked. and by investigation I found I had been charged double of whet I should have been. I lost no time before no- tifying the Council of the error, but got no reply, but saw on the Coun- cil minutes received and put on file Nov.• 1 had no doubt but I wag do- ing what any honest person would de under the same circumstances. 11 reminds me of an incident that happened good many years ago, u dear little boy about three or four years old wandered off a few rods from the door step. It was a waren summer slay and in a hollow `log be- side a stump he sew a nest of snakes. 1(e thoight they were pretty things ; ..Jin had n short stick in his hand, and Ire gave thein a touch up now and ngnin, and they would txtist and twine around each other, and he .was delighted with t heir grand appearance, but 4 he dear lit 1 Ie fel- low didn't know that there was poi- son in their anouthe Now i say when I notified the Council 11131 the account was not correct, I say 1 win just os innocent as that child, 14Iv:melt that t he Council woe corn- ' posed of honorable mien and hadn't • the least suspicion t lsa 1 there were Itwis(era among •them. Then they `ey too, that the amount is so small. 1 say it's just 1110 right size to prove men's integriry. f will let the Bible answer, he that is unjui't in 4h:1t which is tenet is also unjust in that which is much. Now we are nt 1he stage this thing should have been settled, that is, the Council of 1903, after being notified 1 wice. were responsible and verily remiss in not fulfilling •n duty se incumbent, but it apps, re 4 ha t t his Council was on- ly a nominal one, for two of its foremost members told Inc that they paid for their figuring and think- ing. iso according to that the Coun- cil WAS run by hirelings, the Bible says that at hiroline caret la not for the sheep. Now Mr. Editor 1 visit eel the Council chamber once more, this gime the iteeve invited rue. As :s matter of course he gave me a nice tlittlt' drilling, and then made a mournful confession. He said "we can't 410 anything, go to Mr. I. ck• ston. That opened my eyes to the whole situation. Iiere were five men tt•bo were elected by 1 he rat epay- ers to transact the business of the corporation, and these mime men of • feted (themselves of c.enrlidatr. for the office. They were not ',reefed in and gcet they acted like children playing glide -and -go -seek, for when i .applied to 4 h Council, they said, to Ito the solicitor, Mr. Dickson. ,and when 1 saw Mr. T)ickson, he aaid 1 am not responsible for the Council's ttoings,"go and sue them," rind nt the Pante eine., as far as i can learn, 11e watt the man that drew up the By- law end ale° the notice which T Rare 4n my rest Teter, but they moneyed by each party shifting their rresponsibility on 8o the other, for t here w -as only :!bout t wo months 10 run 40 .)1• end of the year, end they got out of the re - 10 per cent off these prices for CASH Men's Waterproof Coats JobLines e 2 $7.00 Man's Waterproof Coat, for $5.00 This is a Bargain if we have one to fit you. The seams are sewn and gulmanized, every scant covered. They are made by the Premier Manufacturing Co. Only $5 00 $10 Man's Waterproof Coat for $8.00 The Premier Manufacturing Co's Best Coat, perk( t seams perfect sowings, perfect gumming. On'y a fete left at only $4.00 10 per cent. of these prices for CASH Don't forget us in Dress Goods, especially whites, creams and blacks from 25c a yard to $i . 50. We have the late colors, makes and nobby goods, Don' forget our to per cent. discount Poplestone & Gardiner oovered with foliage, very green, but on close examination you could find nothing but leaves, .theme was ryot any fruit 4o be found and the place they got landed teas very sanely soil and on this s.1,nd they t rigid to buil l a wall of defence, and the best ma- terial tthey had to build with was, why bad'nt you appealed to the Court of Revision. With t his poor material built on nand it keeps fal- ling down. In my next I shall deal with 'the council of 1904. R. BLATCIIFORD. Woman's Kidney Troubles Lydia E. Pinliham's Vegetable Compound is Espor cially Successful In Curing This Fate Disease. Of all the diseases known. with Mrs. Samuel Frako, of Prospect which women are afflicted, kidney dis- Plains, N. J., writes : case is the most fatal. In fact, unless early and correct treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives. Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pink - ham, early in her career, gave exhaust- ive study to the subject, and in pro- ducing her great remedy for woman's ills- Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound--- was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in har- mony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while there are many so called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia E. ('inkham's \'egtc- table Compound is the only one espe- cially prepared for women, and thou- sands have been cured of serious kidney derangements by it. Derangements of the feminine organs quickly affect the kidneys, and when a woman has such symptoms as pain or weight in the loins, backache, bearing down pains. urine too frequent, scanty or high col- ored, producing scalding or burning, or deposits like brick dust in it: un- usual thirst. swelling of heuds and fept, swelling under the eyes or sharp pains in the back running down the inside of her groin, she may be sure her kid- neys are affected and should lose no Dear Mrs. Pinkham:- I cannot thank you enough for what Lydia E. Pinkhanes Vegetable Compound has door for me. {Leben 1 first wrote to you I bad suf- fered for years with what the doctor called kidney trouble and congestion of the womb. Myback ached dreadfully all the time, and I suered .n with that hearing -down feeling I could hardly walk across the Toone I did not get any better, to decided to stop doctoring with my physician and take Lydia E.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and I am thank- ful to say it has entirely cured mo. I do all my own work, have no morn backache and all the loot symptoms have disappeared. i cannot praise your medicine enough, and would tuft 1'.' all women suffering with kidney trouble to try it Mrs. J. W. Lang. of 626 Third Ave- nue, New York, writes: Dear Mre 1'inkbane- i have been a great sufferer with trouble. My bark ached all the time= wa+ dfu ouraged 1 heard that Lydia E. Pinkhanes V.1044046 Compound would rues kidney lir-ase, and i began to take it; and It has cured me when everything else had felled. 1 have recommended it to lots of people and they all praise it very highly. Mrs. Plnkham's Standing In- vitation. Women suffering from kidney trouble:. or any form of female weak• nets are invited to promptly communi- cate with Mrs i'inkham, at Lyng, time in combating the disease with Mass. Out of the great volume of et• Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin- perience which she has to draw from, pound, the woman's remedy for wo a in more than likely she has the very man's ills. knowledge that will help your Cagf. The following letters show how icer advice is free and always he p- marfelously successful it is. ful. r1c11 leokine well and flourishin':. II,ydd jE, Pink•a Ve etable Cs dt a W a's be* hr KMIm's a p,