HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-30, Page 1f
`i •••••••N♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦••••• ♦♦♦N♦♦♦N♦♦N♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦•
Call and Examine Our Stock of Seeds i
We have sollle fancy 2
Late and Early
Lucerne and .:llsike
Educational Clauses of the Autonomy Bill.
As First Drafted As Amended
Clau.,e 816 of the autonomy hill. in
its original (oro, tori as follows:–
(1) The provisions of section 93 of
the 11. N. A. Act, 1867, shall apply
to eh.) said Province es if, atlhedate
to ithe said Province as if, at 1 he
date upon which this net cotues in-
ter force, the territory compsiset
therein,u were already a Province, 1 he
expression ssion "the union" in t he said
section being taken to mesal the said
(2) Subject to t he provisions of
the said section 93, and in continu-
a1nce of the principles beretofora
sanctioned under the N. W. Terri-
tories Act, it is enacted that the
Legislature of the said Province
shall a• all glass 4 necessary laths in re-
spect of education. end that it shall
• therein always be provided (a) that
a majority of the ratepayers of any
district or portion of the said l'rov-
ince, or of any less portion or sub-
division .thereof, by whatever nacre
it is known. may establish such
schools therein as 4 hey think fit and
make the necessary assessments and
collection of rates 4herefor, end (b)
that the minority of the ratepayers
therein, whether Protestant or Ro-
man Catholic, may establish separate
schools therein. and stake the neces-
sary amassment and collection of
rates therefor, and (c) that in such
case the ratepayers establishing such
Protestant or Roman Catholic sepa-
rate schools shall be liable only to
assessment AD such rates as they in -
pose upon themselves teeth respect
(3) In the appropriation of public
18011035 by the Legislature in aid of
education, and in the distribution of
C ����� (3) is Where the expression 'by
any .moneys paid to the Gevernmeni
law" is employed in sub -section
of the said Province arising front
3 of the Said section !)3, it shall
the school fund established by the be !}told i0 311088 the law as set
Dominion Lands Act, there )31x811 be out in the Paid chapters '9 and
}0, and where the expression ( no discrimination between 4 he pup- "at MiRlls tic schools and the alt ale schools, the union" is employed in said
and such moneys shall be applied to a it shall be held to
I the support of the public and sepal.- mean the date at which this act
sub -section
ate schools in equitable shares or comes into force.
Just arrived 1 Car load of Spring Coil
It will be to your advantage to examine and get I
our prices on Spring Coil, Barb, No. 12 and No. 1:3 =
Cleveland Wire before purchasing elsewhere T
You are Suit buyers. We make the
utter -you wear them out. We make
them as well as we can, so that. they
Will not wear out sooner than they
ought. Because, if they do, you'll
liitely go somewhere else for your
Oezt suit. And no one could blame
701. So much money ought to buy
en much Suit worth. And Suit worth
L fashionableness of fabric–style in
Cut–fit–finish–looks – dressyness —
and length of service.
As good a place as there is within
Miles to get all this and not pay too
Much is W. Johns.
Elegant Black anti Blue
Suitings for $15.oO
and $i8.00.
• W. a moles
Merchant Tailor
For the next month we will
•offer special inducements in Sew-
ing Machines.
The makes wc carry in stock
are the finest that the market
produces, and we invite you to
•call and ask for prices. They
are very attractive.
Our Pianos
and Organs
Are the best our country pro-
duces and wc sell them at easy
prices and on easy terms.
Small Musical instriments of all
kinds kept in stock.
The ,proposed amendment is .as
follows :–
Section 93 of the 11. N. A. Act,
1867, shall apply to the said Prov-
ince. with a substitution for sub-
section 1 of said section 93 of t he
following sub -section :
(I) Nothing in any such law
shall prejudicially effect any
right or privilege with wit h re-
spect Au separate 501io01.) which
any class of persons have at t he
date of the ,sassing of this act,
under else terms of chapters 29
and 30 of the ordinances of the
Northwest Territories, passed in
the year 1901.
(2) In the appropriation by t he
Legislature or distribution by the
Government of the Province of
any stoney for the support of
schools organized and carried 011
in accordance With said chapter 29
or thereof t passed
orit substitio,i therefor,
there sh.i11 be no discrimination
against schools of any class de-
scribed in the said chapter 29,
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
CREDITON –1'1►e grippe is at1ackiug quite
TO INTENDING PURCHASERS a number of our people. Our doc-
OE 8EED.–We have for sale a stock fur 15 kepi busy attending to their
of specially selected Red Clover. Al- needs and so for their illness hasn'(
been dangerous.
The concert given in the Town
Hall on Monday evening by the Lit-
erary Society was a great success.
The stage was decorated to repre-
sent a drawing room. Mr. Claude
Iilucl1 acted as chairman. The hal/
twie well filled and all tt-ere highly
pleased Wi:i. the program, triad'
was rndere 1 exclusively by aha
members of the society. The Most
important facture of the evening's
program:i:c teas the debate, "Re-
solved that Country Life is MoLe
Desireabic Than City Life". Tfre
affirmative side was taken by Jars.
Illuel1, Ira. Mown and Alvin Amos
awhile Ilse negative dehalris were
Miss Salter, llerb Eilber and Rout.
Walker, good points were brought
outn both ,alp sides and the decision
was given in favor of the country
side by the judges, Rev. Damm. -Mr.
C. %wicker and Dr, Hoist, who acted
a very manner.
Throughout t he prou am teas very
pleasing and interesting to those
present and we must congratulate
the members of t he society upon
their efforts in snaking t he onter-
laittment such a decidefd success.
We ale about to lose tWo of our
lri,fhly esteemed neighbors in th.
pet sons of Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown.
They intend moving to St ra hroy
e het u Mr. !frown has accepted a
position as butter -maker in one of
the large factories.
–Mr. C. God bolt, has been engaged
Mr. Meade to work in the creamery
–A very pleasant event took place
at 1Ise home of Mr. and Mrs. 1).
(o .orta 1' .•
t t on 1.1 Oven1n n
g hell
If t celebrated t he 201 h anniversary
of their wedding. About 70 gueat s
were present and about six o'clock
the gUPN(5 were treated to 3 ..until
tions dinner. After dinner n pen•
,grant Was rendered, consisting of
speeches, songs, gramophone and
violin selections. The presents were
numerous and cost ly, among 1 hent
!will,! a fstndsome dinner srl pre-
sented by 1114' neighbors, and :also a
Ica -sal t he eat of '1rs. Somerville
and Mrs. Morrison. Mrs .Cow alel' +
asters, The many ft ileitis or Mr.
Mrs. Coe aril join in (1'hintt 1hena
:r IOI1ft and prosperous life.
–O! Monday night two fine hay
slacks belonging to Mr. Turnbull
Nike, Timothy, Alfaitl. Kentucky
tisfaction in flour since re- Blue Grass, Millett and Hungarian
seed which we offer at reasonable
modelling our mill. prices. We have the highest grades
obtainable.–C. %\NICKER. Merchant.
H. Sweitzer
–Mrs. (Dr.) Ilaist returned home
from Toronto on Saturday cvenin
where she had been visiting.
– Miss Vivian Beaver is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Harry Dyer, in De-
- .— ttoil.
– Mrs. Abe Walker has been con-
fined to the house for a few days
with :an ;attack of La Grippe.
'rite Rev. W. H. Cooper occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church both
morning and evening en Sunday last
)lis sermons throughout were both
inlet entitle and profitable and twos.
welt received by the large congre-
atiofN present. tcv. Mr. Hender-
took Mr. Cooper's work at
–Ilisse( t–Iledilcn–.i quiet wvd-
1 took at tl►o Methodist hod t
t 1parson-
. rso -
age�on Wednesday, March 22n i 1905
when Miss Lily Redden daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Vrn. Redden was unit-
ed in marriage by the Rev. Mr.
Henderson, to Mr. Hilton Bisset 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilissett will take up
their residence on the farts t ire
groan, recently purchascil on the 4tli
concession of Stephen, amidst t be
hearty !rood wishes of :a host of
–Miss Susan Pet inert on, of lien -
miller is visiting M r. and al rs.
Christian Hoist.
–The water in t be Aux Sable riv-
er is very high. The ice carried tit'
In•idas aw•1y ou Mr. John Brown's
farm. otherwise 1 he ice didn't do
any dimage.
–Mi. Samuel Brown lain moved
u stet •
1 s �•t,ot1 into
nl, , t he 0 1(t
1 h lineman
Iin 1 hevil-
latae 1 uo•s,l ty eh:miring t he machine.
Muskrats arc quite plentiful, one
was killed 1111 in t he villa,;e on Tues-
day- at least a mile from the river,
w Inch i.14 something unusual.
'The board i1 health Have po::1cd
to :a notice at the bridge warning
people nct to 1brow their garbage
on the river hank. as several com-
plaints h:,vc heen made on nceman!
of the 51 elle h.
–ND. Charles Kenzie is (riving his
hints remodted and will concert
t he t tt,u int o one.
–Our people are busy cleaning up
1. heir }Aird s While the siring -like
tt' 11 her lasts.
–The roads are drying up rapidly (veno destroyed by fire. The roes'
1 and if t his twat her cont iters 1110 of 1 he fire is at present ens irely
f,an,••ee will be able to do their sink 1/01111.
.+111 ill • sc (91111 yr in a few weeks. __ —�
IIL;tl) OFFICE, MONTREAL. • t'Itt)J1.ut'I'1
•` ':;AI' •I'AI. ,:all paid up) , • . • $6,000,000 i Gran tale for last weak.)
1 Catalrh t —1'bc society el Chosen Etients
RESERVI'..... $3,200,000 ' held 11 heir annual concert and o •
.SURI'I.1S PROI'1TS • .. - , , , . , . , „ , 1 sler supper in the Town 11311 .Jt
18,959 Mtaff:a on Mon(tsy events¢.,
t?E05.:}'YSIIF. K. Y. iIERDEN. la a constitutional disease –31 r. \Vi11 MCI,:,ten, tho leis Int ra
oenerei Meneger Superintendent of Branches • t_•,, 4 i, . in blood : very' sick of late, is now- improving
e)5 Branches in Canada nn(t••r the care stint 1 real meat of
"' ,t: 11:•11 d„c1or, Ili'. Gemmel.
treatment —Miss Allies Park, wit.) hos been
`e--- I visiting her sister of Niatgara has re.
sad g the i turned home.
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings it: radical –A el:•ighlond Prem Chiselhurst
flank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. (troy'. over to \ir. A. Robertson'. in
cure. � � % 11� 1 ht village, our c yemnpr
– Wood bees are the order of the
day, and great quantities of wood
are being stored away for next win-
–Mr. John Ford accompanied by
Mrs. Ford and two children have
gone do Detroit to visit their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Anderson cf. ! hat place.
–Mr. and Mrs. John Isaac ars
visiting friends in Alsi•t Craig.
–Miss Nancy Smith received a
telegram from Buffalo stating that
her sister, Mrs. Turner, wait dead.
She left for t hat place Monday
– Miss Maud Issaac is at Lucan
waiting on her sister, Mrs. George
Bowden, who has had a severe at-
tack of heart disease.
–Mr. Nelson Stanlake, Who has
spent ;the past few months in Lon-
don Las returns (theme.
Put a Thin Child
And see bon soon the "little
one" begins to pick up– to
take on flesh–to get color
in the pale cheeks–to look
bet ter, feel het ter, crit het -
ter, sleep better.
S.Martin.Howey's Drug i On Door South of Post ORlce.
erchants Bank of Canada
–qtr. 1VilJiant Ede at•ds tics en
gaged with Gilford Cot,elatt�l for the t
coming summer.
–\1r. Phos. Johnston has moved
down on ilio (:sift with hitt brother 1
–Mr. James t1ce:hest has moved
into \Mrs, i'egIat's house which has
been vacated by Thos. Johnston.
–Mr. Harry Edwards left on Mon-
day for Toronto where he is going
to spend t he week.
he flrcat North - Wct
General Selling Agent.
—Mr. A. E. Copeland left on T'ue.,• t Cal:a Uee Pacific IZailway Cos. Lands, Canadian North West
day Last week for lila home in 11:1►•
a stir
itoba. Cos. I,ar.,:. , Saskatchewan V a" �� and Manitoba Cos. Lands a
running again at -
The saw still is r af-
ter being slut down for a fete days, a number of other improved and n•tiinorovedNorthWest farm lands.
–Mr. William Wilson was in Exe-
ter on Monday on business.
.50 per Acre All the shut t• bands are being offered to purchasers
with–Harry Edwards has contracts 1 $3
itIt George Murphy
for the un. W
111er . from $3.50 and upwards.
SHARON REAR IN MIND we have fsrm lands to sell it, alt parte of Manitoba
–Miss Chiti.,\lartine has return-,Assinahota, easkatchewan end Alberta.
ed ,home after :an enjoyable tuonths'
vacates with relatives in Detroit
and Windsor.
–Mr. John ltee0 :and son Chester
of Scxsmith paid our burg a flying
visit on Wednesday last. We give Speculators 6 years in which to pay for lands. We
—;fir. and Mrs. Albert Kin,; of give Actual Settlers to years in which to pad- for lands.
Crediton South, were the guests of
JI r. and Mrs. Joseplt Daunccy on
Thursday ,lost.
–Wo are glad to see Mr. Thos.
Amey, sr., out ag:tin after his regent
011 vet'y easy term of payment and prices range
N ow is the Time to PURCHASE
Prices are Bound to Advance
–Mrs. John Schrader had a quilt -
in; bee last friday afternoon.
sir. and 11rs. John Young and
1 •.' ►•
Lulu, visited \1 r. and \t:�. Robert E. Pickard intends taking out a large party of land
Nelson Kestle, en•' day East week, seekers to the North-West about the 1st of April next. Anyper-
-Master Cecil Rowe w•1Lo has been p I
visiting Itis uncle aunt, Mr. and Mrs. son t': fishing to join this party, should call on Mr Pickard at an
John Pedlar, h.,5 returned to 11:; early date. :111 parts of the North-West will be visited, and spec -
m in Scasnuth.
7.00 down secures 32i) acres, (half section) of choice wheat land.
This would be a great investment for YOIJ.
The above investment is without any settlement duties whatever.
Special Notice to Intending Purchasers
—Miss Clara 3f:utennic who ),:,.. ial railway, hotel, and livery rates are being arranged for. This
been visiting her sisters in Det roil Will be a splendid opportunity to see the North-West thoroughly
for the past month, returned to her and economically.
homy 011 'Thursday hist.
—Mr. and Mrs. Josiah I were cele- $383 40 Secures 3'�) acres (half section) choice wheat land to an actual
heated .their fifteenth anniversary of • settler. No other payment required for two year's.
their nodding day on Saturday last-
The (evening w•a5 pleasantly ?IWpt R. E. PICKARD -
in music and games until a re
able ,hour when all left for their •
heresies wishing them many more --_--
years of w-edde 1 life.
Robert Wilcox. of Stratford, i
visiting ills parents :it Elintville.
Rev. \Vn,. Godwin will preach mis-
sionary sermons bot), mornin= and
evening next Sunday. Ile will
preach at Sunshine also at 3.30 p.
in. Rev. \V .11. Cowper will take the
work at \lain stroot, Exeter, next
i••F'f"A+++++ ++++t�}�••+d+.0.1• :-
E. .1. 81ack man's millinery f
openings promises to be one of 3
the coming events of the set -
son. Miss Ii:ernes, who w -a -
with us one year ago, ha- J
charge this season. Every - -�
body- welcome.
Mouse Cleaning time seems a long way AtF yet, ill. real-
ity it is only a few weeks distant, you will need,
Paint, Alabastine, Whiting, Gillets Lye, Soaps
of all Kinds,Pearline, Ammonia, Paint Brushes
White Wash Brushes, and Scrub Brushes
and in fact all the necessaries for (11.1 spring cleaning. 'then we have that
piece of floor oilcloth or Japanese Matting you promised yourself foe the
•r spring.
d'i"1'''1f''1'•:2I7____I-'ll"l"i1"1•%�'•3"p'�}•• Eequi•:ite face Curtains 5( inches wide and 3j yards lung.
–Miss Janet Italian(yne spent
._. 11 I1,7•
1, nt ,
! m .t•hrre
at +(.taYfurd loaded a car for
he West last Sat urday and left 011
Monday for Weyburn, Ass,.
–'171e elnott is 'welly well t►,elt:•:1
off ,the roads .and he wheels are
now able to run.
A number hav0
ing maple syrup.
–Chas Itacktit•' sol,)
in'r ,horse last week.
Boars flu The KAnd You Hare Always BcucF1
commenced utak-
:1 fine
Ing next spring rail and see our new Page
fence and at reduced price. We 'are in the
fence business thln oar. E. 1'. A v :
1I P t t.t. , Ilap1,
ware Stoves, and Tlnantithing.
–1,1r. Samuel Stv:Izt'y has left the
employ of E. 1'. Paulin and has se-
cured a position with Mr. McArth-
ur, s
, o[ tic . al
n I Sam w teas :a
r n indus-
felons •oun titan and will ! 6 s l no doubt
make his mark in t he world.
–Mrs. Sickle (formerly Mrs. Mol-
ter) has sold her place for the good
sura of $1200.00. 11 r. Restynter of
1 he 111 h W.,s the pvrchaaer, fleet,
scents to 1e• no dalirulty of dispos-
ing properly in Dashwood.
–Messrs Hamilton .Yc Nel:uul have
dissolved partnership. Mr. 11 unit-
bit continuos the business. The f.'r
tory' iN its full se lila :alt tin 11it 11 ,
complete staff, we leAirs 1ho1 11
11$059001m are e0ed for a busy se
–Wax►ol been and quiltings are the
I I order el the day in our neighbor -
leo 1. Monday last a large 8(111)
her of friends were very busy 'OW -
in;r and Split tinu wood at \I r. C.
himkhinrrs while the Indite. ger:‘
lease Wit ter 1 be guilt 5 inside.
–Mr. John %Vinkeetpader 1. id a
woad Lao 'Tuesday ;Ina there a nun)..
1101' of others er•raneed for on'the
–Monthly "('visite/ last t he young
peoples' Alliance held there Immo lily
butanes!, and Literary 1114061ot, 1 he
basement of Ilse church wos romfor•-
t:rbte fined. The business 7.100111) r
lasted about 311 minutes and was of
last rttr:t11 interest, 1 be manner of the
reports show cd 1ha1 the young pc0•
pie are taking an .,dive interest in
t bis wood 11 ork. The programme
w Lich followed 1 he busiltt n. w•:1.
1/11101 enjoyed by those present. It
consisted of itest ttiwent atm, duet,
readings, grr1niof') setae Iion. and
intprc,mpt0 sic. dies by five stem•
–Miss Quint, of Exeter .trtived
i1) the viltaer to take charge of Mr.
lee1Ir'rn,an's millinery department.
–The Halo 1 as1 week at Mr. lir un- i
414161011_1111,s1• very successful sale its) feet k. Ora) Was ,a clay
The day WAS 114
• i Ilrruks intends tetirin r tr 1 he itt0., Kole day and 41 very large crowd
1 Yee• Ilsedimollslse/ 41�taA fans, anal has I.ou,tht a hr+nae m 1( is prevent. \Vhilc the .air twni in
1 amid �' M� tk!lrafort b. .nrl int ends mov inn 1 herr ti1 "'! rev% 501111' 10'f di°coVcrCif 1 w o
G �dl�� err �� M� shnrtly. 1,1115, fall old rider, t•. bleb wee soon ap•
last week
Special attention given to the business of Farmers arid Cattle- • :end mien( ,1 very enjoyable evening
Hood's �rS,�pa in .Inncin r. gimes cies
men, to tt'110111 loans are made on approved names, –Jar, ,I. A. Not ris all 11111,1 I lie
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the Nas.lend other **atoms °Cement funeral oif his 'mere, Mr. Clemens,
*Old. • are ralived••Y Ctae'rktfi. int \\'inelietsca tin 1f,mday fast.
.VY Irdinnanaenn and ill ta• 1 - Mr. Ilrooks, a ho disposed or 1,114
.'A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED i •. farm au 11r. David Chappel, belt a
W, S. CHISHOLM, Manager.
We have a large and elegant lot of Walt Papers which our lady cust,otn .
ers say are most beautiful and artistic. Do not pass 113 for this line, a- we
hang only our own papers.
\\ hen in need of Ilott•►e Cleaning Requisites, link
thi- store.
thoughts with
BEAVERS BROS., Farquhar.
Strictly One Price. Iligt,. t! 111 for Pros Iuee.
preprinted by a goodly uutnbcr nitIt
the iesutt that then and boys were
i c L ..ren about three sheets to the
%% hid. tt Lich was considerably more
til-tlt:+n they could carry.
–The school boys have organized
1►..ae hall club with the io1liswe e
I'tesi(tent, Albert Welt in: Vice -fres,
Otto Messer : Stec., Len. Kellerman :
Commit Ise, Chester 1) 1ise1, Roy
Davis, i. , L .O :dosser. No ,longi E. I .
will do the handsome for the boys
when they present their subscription
list considering ills hn,nrr t hey have
riven n 1
–31r. :and Mrs. Sickle are laatitt;r
1 heir household goods teamed to lien -
sal) preplratory 4o shipping l o Hick-
Exeter Sbrehouse
This is nlu' h cheaper feed
than oats
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••...•••••••N•••••••
Galvanized Sap I';tn., nettle :in) desired (;iie.
Bring in your old Pails & Pals for repair
A !mintier of ser.,tel hand wool cooks for 98'.0 t it.• ,p
••••♦1••••••••••♦••••♦•♦•• ♦•••••••••♦t••.♦•••••••1 74