HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1905-03-16, Page 8•, ur; b.A E1ER TI b. MARCH i6th t905
We are told by the ladies that have been around and know
\yllcr,_o( thty speak, that our showing of New Dress
Goods is by far the nicest in town. This is indeed gratifying to us
to know that our selections meet as ith such general favor. !lave
you set 11 O1,r New Dress Goods ? If not, there is a sure treat it
store for y•ni Rcln.mbcr you are attyays welcome at Stewarts
Cotyle in anti stu..'y tire new style, you are undo r no obligation to
buy Cmne and bring your friends with you.
$7."9 the .1:_`r : e" f, r v••►'y s\x•e !l , WALLPAPERS
Bilk •311[1 w•• ,E ileitis with s:u•aI) silk
over : p •t, all t ile I,. tt' ehade8. mom, ? Of course everybody has the tiggeet
hest and cheapest stock. We show
are 1 i•,•1 I,• :.',1 les. '..
you avoverl' +;1 patterns to pick from,
lrt.i).) the dress end fur the neW ►:p yrs the r(►11 to 23c. We show a full
to -date bot it l.ubtres, ILI gueetlo.Mai laris lint• of ('11![11 Mcitrtitute Double Pro -
blues and greys. Small neat figures teas papers. A full line of the 111c•nr.ie
and tit rile.,.. New American Ideas. and we are. siole
:.+)t•. tl,e var•l fur •s. -:at shot LiiAres 1agents in Exeter for the fatuous -Ben-
in gi4e.i ...,at 1►i,tr et[.-rts, th••t are tun[ lulu Heath" :New York papers.
of st y l.. t
:.'k Ow ';.1'.1 t,,r vet!: pest[ y Shot \`'e, have shout fifty odd lets of
Twed, for eh,rt a•,ais+t sluts. these are i puper•e, 5 10 15 rolls of a pal.ern, rsntu►+
great values. i with holders watched, and Howe with -
$1.25 the yarn for our hetet. l,l;acit out borders. '!'brae are on sale at less
Pesrl V•til-, Isom wtu•I, Very bright than half actual value, in some cases
finish with hill lit black p:•art ll:;ure. pu,t quarter of regular value.
50e, the v•r•1 f.'s.►a great line of newttiny your %V,a11 Paper from •I'4 ande"'' •.• "%Li . i . . _-•
'• j . ':'►1'" '!,,,.i..!'
with In :t•.'r over f1gitrei4. 'they are LINOLEUMS
swell We buy them by the ton, that its
«'e have :t furl line of the new check oily we do the big trade. They come
Silks for 1V•airrts or Shirt %Vaist Suits. ( direct from the mills to ourselves. No
every Irew Shade IS in th:- tuidti': pt•uiit.
We want your Farre Produce
its jug a, go ,d as cash.1 J. A. STEWART
grew reading matter appears in rhlh 6pace each week.)
We Want to
Benefit You
and we can do it if you only start to save reg u-
Iarly. Drop in at any of our branches and con -
sult with its. We want the relations [existing he -
tween this Hank and its customers to be of such a close nature that it will be
a real 'demure to extend us their patronage.
Interest paid from date of deposit and added to the principal and corn
pounded FOUR 11 MES a year, at the best rates.
We loan money at the most reasonable
rates and terms to FARMERS for the
purchase of seed, grain, horses, cattle, etc. No trouble, red tape, or delay.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood H,ensall Zurich Clinton
Manager, Exeter,Bratic•h
Mr. Itonthron, .of Toronto, \vas •1
guest of his sisters, Mrs. 11. 11. Col-
t@ copy for changes must be left ! tit's, :Ind Miss JJouthron, this week.
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual l Mrs. Mary Anders, of t ll( 5th
advestisementp accepted up to noon ' con., titrpht'n, having rented her
Wednesday of each week. farm \gill trove to Exeter t
4 spring
THURSDAY \1A1tell 16th, 1905. j`Just recei%ed a fresh supply of Ilu
i Ju Kidney Pill,. Did you get a-9ant-
I pie? See windo« display. Howev's
Drug Store.
The attention of our readers is
•directed to a large advertisernen
►.t,..... 1 or the Ontario sugar Co., of 1
lin, in another column.
Itexd 1'ol►plestow, &. Gardiner S' nd. found.—In i;xetc•r rn Nund.,y, a
['a;e 5. i small ,~:um Of money (silver'). Ow -
1). Hart kilt makes a specialty oft nor can have .1•'lm„ by paying: 10,-
w ate))
orwatch repairin t his not ic4 . Apply sit '1 his office.
(',11 on, It. 11i2ks for Silvt•roare • Mrs. Geor'••e Holm.,n, oloo 111
Ind Jewelery, prices .away do\\n. i been visiting relatives in London for
11,,,,,1 Water \\• bit e Coal oil, retz. i t he past t o u weeks r''4 urnc',l hurt, •
1,1r price 20e. ,t Stewart 's only ltc., 011 Sal urd:Iv 1:191-
84 a boo t hr' Sovereign Bank rat
benefit y on. in it heir aid last page
\I is Roberta Itu.•ell left on S;it
1I.IF1 for 4 fi'o- 44(ek'4 4i"it in Toronto
Have 3'011 got ,t h1• i.'rippe. '1'11rn1'
it off «it14 iIo\v1'y's ('11r1,.:, -('01d r4)•-
rltnproyetl English Stork 1'0011 i'4
'+tic best and cheat K' •i in t he tn.1rk •1
1 also excellent for chickens. Sold l•v
C. 1,111 1, (0111 1*.,1 11i u;! St or e, Exeter.
\. 1'opleston1' 44.1.• is, 111'it'r:111
.11 \\* V11114'1.11415' :ICtim! 34 1111.1.E:4) (rt
t s• t'ek ..recent 14 how! it y Mr
Kul.. ' \\stn. ('nok from t I,•• It. I'irk , rd ('
it lliek'• is ,r'cdltring his stock at The Odd I'ellol\ s ',MIL; 1.. 14f i':\• i
rttiucrri rite,, 14044 is, the 4lire to sp. 113s
er. inereast I it- membership ►o
cure 1) 1t'4!.lins.
101. 411111 I' (111.« ship. i. ht 1411.11_: 311
Rev. .las. Snell, and lit 1 le son, of uv,'r 1 he• proyinee. The \\ or{Ii'.
Mayfield spent 'Tuesday 14 rt 11 Iit4 ii,''1,1hr'1''Ilip 'i^ nl',. r'ly 11'. it million..
father, Mt.. ,I Is. Snell. TO CURE; A COLD IN ()NE DAY
Miss May .`'hell .1'111 been t1ija11ci1 'lake Laxative Bronlo Quinine 'fah -
as milliner \+ it 1, it firm in Ini- rrsoll. lets. A11 druggi.ts refund the mon-
:N1 is. Thom .Dearing ,+till continues er if it fails 10 cure. E. W. Grove's
very ill with little huller' of her re- Flt" 4tore is on (•:1(114 140x. ;255.
eo4en, Ed. Lamb! (ink i- le lviiur J44 4
'fir. fu r4 11 4 h'• f'n10U!1 Chadwick t «eek for I'ii i \\ :Lyn 111 11 In:1,
t rill, .41 ('I;'v• 13141, lot °Milli in a ver-; where he I, .• 14et I,ted :► 1 ,,�iti0n in
dict if guilt\ t the hirPe••1 pl •14, ,1.h -1 u11:o •'4
I I leo rill +.
\lis•+ Laurer t a I,:in,l►rnuk is vial -'
,n•! \1i.• •),t«'•in. .'f i1(,n4:111, this I)r. 1141414'), L(.rtden, \\ill lite at 11.,
4"1'rk Central hot(l, Exeter, In 7 t►urs••Iay
Mr. .1. .\ .111.11, lot inerly loll ter • .April lit l', 19(1:, 111 day
a4aker 44 it 11 qtr. .\. l?. 1k►hier, lett for Eye, I•: ir, Norte and 'f hi oat con-
.ultation, barer 1(4slw1 :414(1 g1assrli
):1s1 «eek for c he `ort 114% est 4unt,le,l•
,l rte. \1,,v handers of 1 he 51 h con.
of Stephen has rent'e'd hi., r 11.111 :Mil Thereto tin\\ (i1 Dist vitt 11"oil•
:111. 1 11S if 114('4 ill (1111 .111(1. 'i•11t' nte'l11'
14 ill i11114'.• i 41 h.xctcr ¶ hist spring. hrrs),ip f,rr 19111 «.l. 6.2g7. and the
\11. 11•ntond \\'a11kr'r. of the iitncs+ rl►in,tn, 4f !limes rert•ived for 19I6
.t ,tf hast Ina 14 nrriou•+ly- 1i1,11,- 1c1 on is considerably ^re'lter 1 ban 1 he
dttrin 11.'
p two 44('4k$. sal n), period 1.•t hear.
M \\'i14. 11,44kins trail sister. Miss \irsl, iinv'iilt 'end t1' \lig-.'st 1114r-
1I:1\1kins, of L'. %tars, 10o's, a1'41 at !zit hi- of Ccnt,•alit, avert' t he guests
1,r,,e 1' visitint! relatives 111 howl!. of her brothel', M1. 8. Parris, .1111'-
\) i•- billy hlliot t. of Cent ralia, i, 5 t h:' past ,44,...k 1e lying 4 '' 11'4,1-
,I,r n t t lie forepart of this week 1 )tC ►te•*1ay Iliornitt•r for n hr i r n• \4 I:14n1i
g111'4t ...f \lis. Cora I'ow'el1. .t Edrttontoil, N. \\'. T.
Miss Carrie Dyer left this week
for 11u\+ n, tn\ ills where eh- his been
en;�a�►4;1 , • 10illiner ler t he present
i -'u you know •t Twat 1,1••.1.) nl•,,to
front ,4'I':\1t [lour :always Iris 1 hr
*its • u1114.l In '!t o•1 quality and de-
licious flavor. Harvey Bros.
1.e',ttt•14 Servicl's.—til.('ci:rI . ', \ it
ore hold in t 111• 'I'I I•vit 1 11 to.it i.,l
rhurell ,•ve, '1'llurs.t.,\ 4411 ;,.t
c•i•:11! o'clock. '1'14.• r 1t Ili sl ••.,k
this • vetting on "Avarice•." A child -
,service is h' 111(2 bel,I
',11,11,13\' (If 1:'r1111011 at 1.15.
Not dllese int etesla •I i,I .1
t 4% -to foul l li of Ms .11'11 .9. bit t b-
.. 1 t • 1, Or.tl i.*14 are klttttly asked to
•1•.:•!.. lit► t lie Ton 11 11 .11, 11(-n1lay,
M.irc1, 20i h. at R o'clock. Let it he
,1 41 ••1.' 4.(44114.:1141! and :til help. The
old .4ut,ilt,c commit tea' ..re specially
asked to attend.
Four (;,•)►' t.11 it►1►s.--In the Lou•1o11
Fr -e l'r mss .11f Tuesday last :a very
inte•restin;l 1•. J t► :t)lt)1•.:lr' of :t Lim -
ily comprised of four generations,
\i�:—`.1►s. S. Cold cdick, .of Ex. ter,
J. J. Stewart son, Luc.:tr1, Mrs. 11. 1)e-
Gout'sey, and .\laster 11. Sh:tic De-
(' -ours •y. of London.
++++++++.:.+++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Watch this space Every Week. •;•
it is CONCEDED by AL1. that, this
Products of the Purity Manufacturing Co.
('ann*,t hr surpas,•ed in Q1'.\LITY 1'NIFu1111iTY.tiESEItAI.
h;\('E L1,ES(!E. People who use the lines therefore find Unit
their interests are best considered by the satisfactory reettlt-sa fol-
lowing their 4144e.
HAN(luince awl almond t mate 44 a0 ex,auilitc and 1t:,degienciblo "tree.
+tory to the toilet. Delicately t•• :fumed. Pre%cnt. and allay, chat!
tag, remove. tan •'nd unpleasant Wert. of March lvindie. t'scd after
•t,nring It teat•'. the skin soft and smooth. t: frrr frcotn arsenic and any in,iur
lost. inrr;rc*ilrnt, Large bottle
A '
C1 I1? T11 W A N T 'RI 13 Inv -12 ZY aN ill )O1 R in too•u and, aunty. Write for Purity Mfg. Co. Exeter, Ont.
infornl.t on
A 'Tonic for the \\' inter- t\ earied.
—To 1,.t am►o's', t}i+s fruit and flowers
of rho beautiful r-outhet•it resorts for
a few weeks is u hurt' cure for those
run down in health or who c moot
•►1114 a ).c-•. cold, o inter \stat her,
hurl ::,1tforn)at40,1 anti 1ickcts tea!' ho New carpets
obtained on applieation 40 'ley
Grand Trunk anent.
D11, OVENS, London, Surgeon,
Glasses properly. Office, Commer •
cia! Hotel, Exeter,. Next visit Sat-
urday, 41:trcll 18th.
11(44'. Wm. I:et t 1(441.11, of St, Thorel •
14, tl: li'�1►tcd larg • c.t,lr,!t•4''(.
Sunday tarsi in 1t he :Main ht, M:•t 11•
enlist church, t he ()erasion of t lie
Missionary s411140ns. Itis addresses
were along t he lines of 1114' mission
work, dwellin more •'s))eci:r1ty o-1
t he 'r1'0 in,' 111 4(114 ()lg. tui:;s:,)ns in
Dur 0440 Northwest. The collections
and subscriptions Mere up to 1110 av-
erage. Itev. Mr. Godt'111 t ook Mr.
1:el le well's o ork i11 5t, Tho)na".
FOR OVR'kat X'ry 1 F' ll;ss
AN Orn a. n \VvLL THttrr• 111vMxny.—Mr14
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for
over sixty years by millions of mothers tor their
children while teethine.. with nerfeotanooe+F.
11' soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain cures wind cone.. ,:ud is the best remedy
pain, 1► 1. pleasant to the taste. t40Id
by dru rtllis In every part of the world. 213
omits abot.tle. Its value le incalculable. Be
01110 and talk.. Mr. Winslow'• Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
\1r, Barry Link, •.1 formor resi•lc'nt
of Exoter Nort h, and now of New
Ontario, ham) be misfortune last
vcck to los,' his ,i t.ellirn.r and p:lrt
of 111. content t by fire. Mrs Link
44,1s item only 011:. home ;1t the time
?Intl in trying to wive some ofthefur-
anrl in trying 't n ;t:44'(' some of the
furniture \4:1v badly 101rned. Their
fr'i•'nds herr• 4\ ill Sy,npa41li?.0 wit It
t item in t heir iltisiort tine.
EW GOODSINew tin ress Goods
ARRIVED Silk Eoliennes Voiles
In IJlscks, t�
Nav , Browns, Pale In Blacks. Navys, Hlowns, Light
(seen, Pale Blue, Grey, Champagne. Blues and Green.
New Dress Goods
New Silks
New Waistings
Ne* Trimmings
New Prints
New Ginghams
New Muslins
New Dress Linens
New Embroiderys
New Laces
New Lace Curtains
New Wall Papers
The t t4 a ,realest circus proprie-
1 urs i11 t 111' s nrld, Barnum (i Bailey
:mil •)tine ling Tiros., 1►:,vc' decided
t1►at 4t his )1,1r a hey "4 ill =pend 110
)))(.(4t'% co 1(411-1)11:rt1 advertising.
'They claim the riewsp:)•t•rst, going as
, •ems[ int ,/ t 1,c' 1to111(•s of 414'mp10, i11
t 1111 t1/e"1 a•lvert ising znedium, and
t 1, y int 411:l hencefort 11 Ito Fpend the
looney [ley have put into a•xl.c••n-
si\•e lit ho;,ral►Ily and largo hills in-
to 1014ltpaprr publicity.
:1 a10I14S-Irm( 1111,11 of it )lo different
untl:44 schools of Exeter 44 as
el:) in 11'• J:imes sumo[ Methodist
lurch on Sunday last at 2.30 p.m.
user 1 he :1uspir44 of t h(• \\'.C.7'.1'.
1't►t Ies.r►ll 44 a. ro 4d by NIT. 11.
Il us, on arid <itldr(sse•+ «erg given by
s1r. 1'. 1'rayne an,1 Mr. McNair. A
number of choruses \Sere r(•ndorcd
1.y "ctu)I:lrs of 1 h primary classes
under I h•• supervision of )11 S. .1.
131:Itch40r'd. A reading 1►y- Miss Gott -
,4 in and n kilo by Mrs. McNair 44 :is
also rendered.
ltrukr Iris le4!.— M r. E. It- t;« ..1 t _,
r►f ' 1lie British \1441'[ it.* 11 !bite', :,t
(io.lericll, While engaged in aI fr'ionrl-
ly gau1'• of Hockey, fell on the ice
breaking his leg in 11.ree. places.
small hone Dein[! broken Imre
and the• lart!er .one 40Ise. '1'hc' 11 ac-
t tires all Nein(.; ., fes% inches above
1 lo' :ankle. The f r,rel tiles are ser-
ious uric` 3,11.1 it 44 ill be alloy 444':
before \tr. .ti v:tt'ts 44 ill 1o' 1round
:14.4:lig. The young 11,:111 is n broth-
er .of �1rs+. \V, C. ltU.tt►n, «hu is
a l 'present vi'it inc;in (:uaericll.
bib. r:41 C,n.ery:,[lye Meet ill;:.—Al
a general meeting of the i,iberal Con-
.rrvatice Association li ells in 1 he
1o44n 'hall on Monti 1Y ryrnin(: 13 a1
t here \\ aS :i •!t►nd :11 1 en)d:ince. A num-
ber .f important items of Itl•ine.s
\\ 1.1'1' 111 :1111" lei VI :11141 .% he follow In;:
of firer44 r' 3pp0inl4d.—I'resid, nt,
1)1. itullins : 1-t Vice -President, I..
11. Dickson : 411.1 Vice-I'resid••mt, \\'.
1;, Iti•-et t Tr1 •(s., JOS. 14 ►\'i': ; tiers.,
l'. 11. San 1••i' . '1')r• rh lit 1111.11 :414 •
I.1.int I 'for each is ►rd were as fo)-
100'., \0. 1 \1'3rd. W. .1. (::IrliII
\o. I'ert V,ik•' ' No. :3, Est. M ►"uitt•
\ 0. 1, John Taylor.
r. 1•:(1. Hooper is in Tot I hi. -
eek :41.1''n•llll)_' 1 )1 ' (it 111.1 1,0'1)•,• (If
' h^ A. O. . W. 41 hic11 is hol'lin.' it.
mem %.5('% '01 II .*thiWI ince 1 in,: in
that city. '11111:• are over five hun'1
1 d ,Ic'Iel:lte� I.Irwenr. Th• nI 1t ter
it11r': 141"d 111-11: 111.1' ):*I('1 I. twin!
discos:: l 111 «ell ..s of her 111 tt t -r,
(If interest e', 1 hi. bulla,•. An 1111e1-
(''(1 111'! ((.11 111'• of 1 )H• 1114t'l inn «.1•
initiation of 1i4 1.1,ly i-present:►tice•
I n It 11:` (;rind Lodge degree. 'This
is •t tt ' first occasion 111 11 ltlrlt 1 Ilk.
11.14-' 11kill part in tledeliberi1ions,
tut ..s 1 hey rot in a '`1 run, emit ill:2.-
1,11 of 1111 unlet t heir claims fit
rept'•s.•nt at ion cool I 1101 .be 11i •'' -
'111 • ('..n 1111 114 foul r i-4 lt1'vil•« , 'i(, •
1 o►11n, Ont., i`+ 11101 in it
011(1 •! row's in imUportlnr1, int4res:t
.1 lid ,sirs with 0ft- h y1.1f. Prof. A.
G. Gilbert, 1►f Olt :►44 4, s1 ill conducts
1 iv. d1pnrt trn! ' l'i let hal Poultry"
and all other 1,4lne14(M of 1 ht' 1►it'ti-
firM, 14r4 41'e11 looked otter. 111,v. .1.
N. \Villilnly tells each stunt h 1\ halt
is Froin): On in 1':nglanli. Th, .lan -
n;try and February moues) eac1, 0011•
1.i1t T14 large pages of •10161 wilt et
11,1 illustrations, and this «itbout
4ny 1d\•:nee in price, which i4 but
:►tic. 3 year. Readers of this paper
can get it for three sear' for ?1.O()
A s:ltttl'le o i11 be sent free for t h'
asking if the Exeter 'lime's is men •
tinned in teque't.
Our stock is now complete, never have we shown such a
magnificent display of General Merchall(iis0 as wo have ,just
opened up. Colne in, have a look through, compare prices
and quality, we know we can save you money.
The New Furniture Store
Everything complete. Better than
ever. New goods for spring coming
Call and see the New Shop. One
door south of Spackman's Store.
Sicilians i Tweeds
Of Plain and Spots in Red, Blue, Nice mixed Tweeds of Dark Mediu
Brown andG rey. and Light. Every piece es s.•It,sr.
These are q of our leaders for spring. We have marry other
kinds at different prices and many colorings. lie sure to
see our
Targe range before making your purchases.
Wash Shirt Waist Suitings
We have a very large assortment of these goods to select from
in all the popular colors.
Nice Champagne, grey or blue, with white spots only, 101: a yd.
Nice Geeen, Brown and Blue, with white dash only, 124e a years.
Nice, Self Lined, Greens, with Black Fringe, .... only 15c a putt.
Beautiful Cotton Voiles with spots only 20c a yard.
Funeral Director.
11r'. ,lohtt 11a4y1t1+h:1\\• ::;":nt ;-"4---
(..ly .„__„,..,„,.
Mr. Edgar Westcott \•ingh m
spent !'Tuesday in 401411.
Mrs. WillBrickwood ret outwit
home from Thoctford lat+t «c'('k. • •
Miss Minnie Taylor, of Exeter iS,uccessnr to Ross l Taylor
North is confined to her lied
t llrOug)t 11111ecs.
We thank our numerous customers
`•list' T.iyinl!stun4 is vit.-it it►t: het I for their patronage during the past
parents in Myth 14\1 int_ t 14 : 11e ;4j. ' years, and wish to announce that
netts of her father. we are still on the same prewises,with
} a larger and better stock than ever,
qtr. Geon!' 11e.14111:411 14114 s'cltrerl and consequently in a better position
111" c0111 rale[ fur he 111:l4on «'r)1'k, than ever to quote prices that will in -
etc fol' the new brick parh0n:l:,1' at tercet intending purchasers of every
l:irktolt• kind of building materials.
Miss 11, !Whin -ton loft on Monday
for Tilsonburg,, where she has Leen
engaged :,S 1rinitler nn the .:11th es;-
t:,hlisittnr»t :is Miss 11:1t tie White CASII PAID
:111.1 Mises Lot Ifvwliit In :,Il (f Ex- 1
eter . a=for =
'i'h 1 iu,t 4 office• h,.s jus. received i
i �pletdid lot of business stationery.
hose in need0f bill held:, lot t -1
heads, t11ik�is hearts, business caul., in-
vit,ttlott"if tilt kinds, can have their
44:)nty supplied promptly rn.1 14
reasonable prices, 4 Of every description
Mr. John T. West cot t oil Sat ur'l 'y I We do Custom 4xwing
last was arrest t'd acid sakes before Buildings contracted for and tttis-
�t rat 1ta 1•:. 13. limit 11, of Ailsa f faetil►n guaranteed.
Craig on a 'charge of bl:ckn►:til to
«Hieb he [,leaded 4rUilty. The c), lege
'41 .(1, t 11', t West r1)1 I 1111-••:1 en0•1
cut ion ' f 4114 •, .141h1, Wil'.11: 1,1 Mc-
Gillivray tON\n'3hip. int' 1.44ing `o).1
3 ,lisratsed 05044 In :1 1.011411,11 10\441,111p
butcher. A no11. of $f,: was 1 bete -
upon handed to Mr. West cot 1, \\iso
admitted 1 hat h(' had kept itin his
Pocket. 1t is said t hat the but cher
[oho 1)tlrr11:1S1'c1 1 ho C'1 i 1 le 11-144 i hrc'a -
t(lied in a sitllilar 10*!44)'0, i'll!'-Cast'' .r..ammunrimismaionsa
e:*111r 11)► ft,r• hr' Hill' before Squire
tinlit t. of London, ort l'u •dal' and Or •!an 11 cit 11 •11111 Sic red ('on -
Wall Papers
2000 Roll of the Choicest Paper ever shown in Exeter. We
can supply everybody. 2 c a Roll to 20c per Koll.
Cedar Posts
:A consignment of No. t
Cedar Posts just to hand.
The Ross -Taylor
Company Ltd.
Mi. \\'estic(44 44 ill ('0I11t 1141 ,4t
b'rida\ for senteieo r n t•l*.• rll:,r_o t0
01 114111 110 113s already 11lead r'uili Y.
CPI t. -;t rr1' 11:4S lilt 14' .room for
disappointment 01 tomtit 11111 in 1 ha
• 1cre,I r'.r)tlrt•I I 114(4 (1115:,11 1'('rll.ib ,iiv-
I.1► in i h1• \I lin sl us l Viet hndist
Nev. S:\\ \lilt.—Should volt \ ;sit
Church ..n tilt1n11,iy ,•41 tin;l la.t. The
I It" pi Penises of 41 • !toss, 'Taylor Co. pi inrip.rl r 1 ist. \t r•re \1 r. 1\ 11.
I'd you 4%ill find everywhere a ll, «h 1,, organist, (4) Ilan►illOn, and
.0 'll4 of 3l 1 411 y, ii 141- 1011tp:I Il t' Ila y"
At 1I,111• Gat ho lite, 4rasso, 1►f London
in r nuac in •,Irrr3tinn t1 it h '1111 ‘‘441.11:
14 re ,(forth,) 1'1
1 1 icl►
11 4141n�! 11.111 ..n,l Iiinihl•r y:(l'1. 't nett ulu•Ir.':1111.111.1111.r111 , the prr►11r(01 hei114!!
\\t II /g11i1ii('l s.3« mill. t I, m•• : Feet etl e,,t h 1111' .)!14•.111••1 1'111 11[1+i-
, ).t, : ry' f''r 1t hirh \y3s im'-1 ,11'•d b4 .1-111 fent, tI, .lir'.[ l0 1 hr• I3'-, 1111111-
1:ell X (,'r. 14f Iti* 1(111'141. •hh'' tit'•. I,rr. 11 r. III «tele 1114 t,r41811ist 411'0-
111'5 «311 s•u«''1 ('1 'hh41r-d:13' 1:1141 ♦e•: 101)1-:1f 1,111::.1o11-rh 0►3s101' 4:441.41,14.1:2,
:In(l 0 14:'11 in (4111 1,4,' r 11 inn 1 111 y 44 :101 ' in�1 runll nt. ti•rllr. :111'1
I.e 34,1;' t 1► ,,,,f11:41.1
a\4 IN t «4t'll . so
t n of t he rhoiCO"1 r01n11o•i! inn. 0f
len th011-err( feet pet' day. , o rotll- hatch, tirhuht•rl. \1'(143', '1111 01 ht r
pit !, i• t hr' Ill 4('I*inr'ry rr;,t►;r''•I ell:.ter• «ere t'et.rutlitee11 «it 11 1 hi,
111 11 \1 it li t h„ I lamina of v;,Ivo •kill of , 11'110. al'l iso , t )11 (1111)1 i1)11.
1101 :1 Int.tut'nt is IO.t in •t;11'i ins• of 1 I. list(not's. being st It rr41 1,► :,
t h1' • n'lin4 for e;1 het' far! 01 0r 514\4 ,:,,114(111 de,~•rlc' 144 I ht' Ina.[ :•rly
I 1e1 .ri-e is (011:tally 'I
milt. 'ThI n 1
I• e
11 1
1o14r1h'• 4 (44411 3h «ell v i) 11i(' I . (x11 o( t Irt' 1
,:oud fig- , 1111 lets \it-. (;:,rlh\\:1411',
t.4tn,e 1' \\ 1411li t. 1,1:444to hr1I 1 41,.-:► "1"'" ,.f 3.1,1)•1/,11, pl)St' 44'14 ;1
for 441►i'li 11•' (.,0 obtain, \1)111• of 1 ("11 101 144 1'.. 114'
111'1', o(' to intone 11,hntin4 custom 1 il►u4 «it11
•.144 in'! .''')►1•. The firm having seine 4 %%
It "nil :: (list ince Our:rliz:rt inn
%%writ .re d1•li.rhtfol. In his: ren
11 'tint rhe solo, tit%ift., 'l' i(1): 1):iv-
l't'• 1, 4111•'114" 14 4' -..1112 1'1 44)1(•4'
.110 V..) ;treat 1 :n;.r of r0111passt 11 lid
1 (1111', :Ire «ell :1• 1.i. 110 1.0r t1I)1111N'rM
' l4H,I11111 f 1 of lwrs o11 I lie !` rounds.
`1 r. I:lien.t:11►er•, of I),,-lt" ('•11) 111'l
tern 0(1,11 V011 1- sawyer besides
1 here ;Ire :11.18 (.411(1(' 15 t o 17 n►e11
('1))1,1(%%4' 1 :111 1114• 40.14 round. The
firm ..spec1 I1. I. rte different kinds
of 14i'' pi•e''ri.'•,' :I1 141. «1111'11 «err
cordially ('11(1(111.1 to 44 hint 1,'• most
of li'1111 «(x(4 1 for ',II(' :Ind .,rl. 111)1\
Lrar•“"1slc Iccecdrd. A 'pleasing 11 ..-
full\ pr'•Ir:r: d I., 4111 'ill k '•'I'1 of Dire of t11e evenings entertainment
s.ro in r 4 4e. Thi., , i,* rpt ,..f ,1.041i'1 «3� t 11e 1 e 1,1i11,1 by Mi.., mod, ,,i1
rt`N`14•` 1 {10 )):)l 10)1) 1 it .I' �+ + 4•'•. (;o.14% 111, out 1,11 i1 1.1n(•,lt i(►1(1•4, 11 111) i4
�'— -14:,*lily 1111ki1114 her \t,tc to 1111' 10p
:3,.,,, 1401 pt 0fes.lt))l. 'I h'' )'iann 14'-4 1
CASTOR 1 A •the r(c..hi0tl « I.4T.1:4;
I h' relebl:►ted
Iiiltrinl14n. 1414111 •I y 1 Mar-
For Infants and Children. 1 in, •1.110 !vague, under 4% hose :ins•
Tlu Kind Yon Has Always Divehi ►: :ins-
titconcert‘,1.„„ t 4r ore
,ue14 'r lin, emicert in Exeter. •
Bears the
Signature of
Ite4. Irl Ilick's Forecast 4. - It
) 4l1•:t 1,e reutemhrrt••l this the 411 -
r ►1 '•quinttelial period extend, 1'r( r
tr.: ,4010
az ...v.
Q '' 1905 g7.:4—
y r�li1! OA's'
I ��
Cir C,:
for ,Stool: feeding and is given to beet growers in propor-
tion to amount of Beets delivered.
in Berlin foo' pulp, to any grower t\•lt() ,hoes not \\ i'lt his
pulp for his own use for stock feeding. -�
for growers ,111[1 will 1)c sent to the grower's shipping
all .this month. and 111a4 storm rn11-
diriOtl14 may Arise al :11111ost 1111y tittle
even outside of -1 he 041111 :1 sat nrnl
period. A high barometer and
\1.1relt cold 44 Iv, 04:y sudden!) slip
in f l ora t h'' 0(111 h1+ ('94 (roan 141
11,c lith t o 1 hr 19411, 4,411 j'
;rive \133' as ,.u,ldenly as it cat►e. :mud
the most 411•ner:'1 :,toll violent storm
conditions1 ,of 1h'' 111011 1, Will appsr
ritlrinlr •t 111' sl 0rtn period in,nlydiat +'
13' tollo\vini'. T11i1/4 ,tont period Is
from t he 19( H rte the _11 11 being at
.center on : to. '-'1-4 Ow cent rat
diy of E;:irt 11'•r t • mall l-gllitlnet i.tl
I,'•riotl, \villi the o014 *4 1II' fa,
1111 [1141 cele i'i:rl 1.1)1�11 i1 or ,nd in p41'll-
i4;ee. This is :1 storm period I I.al
t.% et 4 e't "lien' reasonably familiar
«ith nor forec:'t1 44i11 watch with
twirl, int er(•s•t. The indications 1114'
t h3► tropical storms and hurt ic:*11 .
44 ill 1-eaC11 1 he CV r('tltr pill 14 of 1)11
•o111I, count 1,!, .411411• he 19th to
2211r1, not .tbly 1 n ,nti i( elting 1;4
2l t, and t hitt t,iist and high \yind4,
1111 ulna' 1 tr -Iwo and very cold for
he season, o ill meet 1 he t ropical,
egll:1ori:ll '+1(1171 from i h' north -
«1s1. ,\ severe March blizzard over
touch of 1 h ' ('uunr r} Harr 11\4:Ir•),
:,Mutt.` 111'• 4•rohal)ilitICS .11 t 11i9 per -
1401. Expo1r'I regions along the
•-nut11 anti Gul[ cost «ill do \,�sr'ly
to ,vetch haromet tic and of Lev
storm indications at this time. Vol-
canic (►11.1 seismic dial urbanee•% Wilt
reach ':1 Iu:IXir11Un1 I41'It II Of eveira(ion
neer t( nrally 1t 'n
Lours of six t'. nl. on 1lo' 20th.
Beers the _A 1'' P 'd Hi.6
ilign ae ere
N♦v+eHN.N•♦♦NN+•.N••e•.•.e•e.ese• •mese♦�
2 All Druggists and Dealers. TAKI MO OTHERS.