Exeter Times, 1905-03-16, Page 6.................
There is no woman who does not,
am -roily or avowedly, desire to be
beautiful, to proservo what good
looks she may possess and, if pos-
sible, to enhance I'er charms by
WWII adventitious aids as may con-
duce to the desired (mi. \'et, sin u-
larly enough, not one woman in ten
goes to work the right way about it.
Pretty new clothes, cosmetics and
the lite, are but too frequently re-
lied upon to do the work.
• 'A few simple rules are laid (town,
which every woman would do well
to lay to heart. '►'hey are called
beauty's seven nurses.
Don't forget that the nurses of a
woman's beauty aro seven -fresh air,
sun-hine, warmth. rest, sleep, food.
and whatever stirs the blood. be it
exercise or enthusiasm.
Don't neglect sleep. You can sleep
yourself into good looks. A long
nap and n hot bath will make any
woman more attractive, and lift
years from her shoulders.
Don't eat when tared, and don't
work whon tired. It is a mistake to
work when not. in lit conditio►tr--bad
for the work and worse for you.
Don't miss your 'beauty sleep.' It
is a rnistako to go to bed late at
flight, rise at daybreak, and imagine
that every hour Luken from sleep is
an hour gained.
Dora give unnecessary time to a
certalit established routine of house-
work, when it could bo much more
profitably spent in rest and recrea-
Don't sit down to table as soon
as you come in from work. or n
round of social duties. Lie down,
or sit down, for ten minutes, waiting
until you can partake of your dinner
with tho physical machinery rested
and refreshed.
'Don't bathe in hard water. Soften
it with a little powdered borax, or
a handful of oatmeal.
Don't bathe the face while it is
very warm or very colts.
• Don't wash the face while travel-
ling, unless it is with a little alco-
hol and water, or a little cold cream.
Don't attempt to remove dust with
cold water. Give the face a hot
bath with soap anA then rinse thor-
oughly with clear tepid or cold
Don't rub the face with too coarse
a towel. Treat It as you would the
finest porcelain. tenderly' and dell-
Dent be afraid of sunshine and
fresh air. They offer you bloom an(
Don't forget that hearty laughter
is a source of relaxation. So are
al! high thounhts, as those of hope,
beauty, trust and love.
Don't, forget that beauty is a pow-
er. 'There is nothing more potent.
It is to a woman :what, capital is to
a merchant. Its absence is a mis-
fortune; ita culture wise and proper.
Depend Upon Rich, Red Blood -
Poor Blood Means Weak Lungs
and Fatal Consumption.
1:very drop of blood in the body
must go through the lungs. 'I'!tt is
why the lungs are helped, lief healed
and strengthened with the great
blood -builder, Dr. Williams' Pink
l'ills. They lilt the veins wit h pure.
rich red blood that gites health and
vigor to wear: lungs. That is the
way Dr. Williams' flak Pills brace
the lungs to throw off bronchitis and
heavy colds. That is the way Dr.
Williams' Pink fills build up the
:tangs after an attack of la grippe
or pme'i, nonia. '►'hat is the way Dr.
11'illianis' Pink Pills nate saved hun-
dreds in Canada front consumptives'
graves. No other medicine does this
work so speedily and so well. Mrs.
.lane A. Kenealy, Douglastown,
Que., says: ---"'Aly sister, a young anti
delicate girl, took a severe cold
when about seventeen years old. No-
thing we did for her seemed to do
any good, and we feared she was
going into consumption. Often alter
a bad night 1 would get up early to
see if sho had spit blood during the
night. A friend strongly urged mo
to give her lir. 11'illiaiis' Pink Pills,
and within n month Prone the tints
she had begun their use. she had al-
most recovered her Malls. Under
the contiti
t use tie of the I Illsbl • 1
is now well and strong."
1)r, Williams' fink Pills not only
make weak lungs strong, but they
cure all troubles arising from a
poor or deficient blood supply, such
as anaemia. indigestion, rheumatism,
neerrnb ia, general weakness. St.
Vitus dance, headaches and back-
aches. hiihwy troubles, palpitation
of the heart. and the special secret
ailments of young girls and woolen.
Insist upon the genuine with t ho full
name ''I)r. Williams' fink ►'Ills for
Pale People" on the wrapper nrhund
each box. Sold by medicine deal-
ers everywhere, or by mail at 50
cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50,
by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Good -morning, Lucy dear!" said
the gushing Miss Relworn. "flow
strange I should meet you -and on
my birthday, too!" "Ts it really
your birthday, dear?" said her
charming friend. "Why, how old are
you now?" "Twenty-five, dear."
Lucy drew on her stock of recollec-
tions for a moment. "Isn't it. won-
derful how slowly time passes?" sho
"I would advise mothers to stop
1 dosing their little ones with nause-
ous castor oil and soothing stuffs,
and use only Baby's Own 'Pahlets."
This is the advice of Mrs. Joseph
E. Marley, of Worthington, Ont.,
who has proved the. 'Tablets the best
medicine in the toot Id for the trou-
bles that afflict young children. Mrs.
Morley adds: -"My Pttle one had
no other medicine but the 'Tablets
since she was two montes old, and
they have kept her the picture of
good health." '►'hese. 'Tablets are
good for children of every Cage, and
speedily cure all stomach and bowel
troubles, break up colds, prevent
croup, expel worms and allay Cho
Irritation of teething. And you
have a solemn guarantee that there
is not a particle of opiate or harm-
ful drug in this medicine. Sold by
all dealers or sent by retail nt '25
rents a box by writing The Dr, Wil-
liams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
HJ''ALTI[ 11:IN'1:S.
Toothache is often relieved by rins-
ing the tootli and gums with warm
strong saltand water.
Swollen face as the result of a
cold or decayed tooth, should be
fermented with hot water, or milk -
and milk -and -water,
Pale People sho'lid not nlways re-
o-sort to Iron preparations as at rem-
edy. The system needs to be pre -
pre ed before that drug can bo ab-
Colic is a painful spasmodic con-
traction of the muscles of the stom-
a( h. Hot foreentations. freely
sl rinkled with laudanum, give great
This cures hysteria. -To remove
the tendency of hysteria. plenty of
active exercise should bo taken. Raise
early, take regular meals, have
nourishing food, variety of scene,
and cheerful company,
That sinking sensation is due to
the effects of indigestion. grief, or
nervous depression from 901110 cause
or other acting upon the Targe, sym-
pathetic nerves. Stimulants should
be avoided, and great care exercleed
as to diet.
{Viten baby screams it Is tnvnri-
attl' an Indication that the child is
suffering front pain !n some particu-
lar organ of the body. it 19 gener-
ally tt•accaple to some digestive dis-
turt►ance, rind is the effect of dyspep-
Slight colds, common at this sea-
son of the year, sho+ild be promptly
dealt with, in order to avoid more
serious trouble. Put the feet in hot
water, take ten grains of Dover's
powder, n large cupful of hot gruel,
and go straight to led. If these
treasures ate insufficient, remain In
bed noxt day, and take fifteen to
twenty drops of spirit of camphor on
a lump ot•sugnr every four hours.
Mothers should know that. convul-
sions in children are usually the re-
o-sult of brain Irritation, caused by
teething, by indigestible food, or by
fright, anger, and grief. The child
sh,•uld be imanereed in warns tenth
up to its neck, and kept there for n
quarter of nn hour, with cold clot ha
applied to its head, then wrapp(d in
a wnnnied blanket and put to bed. A
tenspounfill of castor-oil should be
given is soon as the child can swal-
Of European nations the Norwe-
gians and Swedish are the longest
lived, the Spaniards the shortest.\o-
cordis to f
tt a foreign stntisticnl re-
turn recently issued, the average
duration of life Is as follows'Nwah.rt
and Norway, fifty years: England,
forty -ave years and three months;
llk'IR'ium, forty-four years and oleten
months; fiwiteerinnd, forty-four yearn
and four months: France. Rorty -throe
years and sax months; Austria, thir-
ty-nine years nod eight months;
Prussia and Italy, thirty-nine years,
Bavaria, thirty-six years: and Spain,
tttlrty-two yearn and four months.
His Luck, His Power and His
In a recent number of The Paris
Figaro utero found collated some
characteristic Russian proverbs that
regard the Czar and his position, and
find much current application:
"When the Ctar spite into a dish,
it breaks into pieces for very pride."
"Tho crown does not protect tho
Czar from headache."
"Elven the lungs of the Czar can-
not blow out the sun."
('tar's back, too, woivld
bleed if it were gashed with the
'The Czar even covered with boils
is declare.) to be in good health."
"When the Crar rides behind a tired
horse every step is charged as a
"The Czar may he a raisin of
God, but ills brother he Is not."
Czar's arm is long, but it
cannot reach to heaven."
"Neither can the Czar's vinegar
make anything sweet."
"The lee hand of the tzar, too, has
only live lingers."
"The voice of the Czar has an
echo even when there are nu moun-
tains; in the vicinity."
"The troika (team of three horses
abreast) of the Czar leave a deep
trace behind It."
"It Is no more difficult for Death
to carry n fat Czar than to carry a
leen beggar."
"The tear in the eye of the ('gar
costs his country many, many a
"When the ('ver writes verses -woo
he to trio poet!"
"When the Crar plays, his Mink -
erg sato only one eye and the coup'
tryinen are blind."
"What the ('gar cannot accomplish
time can do."
"T'h'en the C',ar's cow cannot bring
anything elso into the world but a
-When the ('lar has the Nrnalipor
his country bears the scars."
"'Ilio edge on n razor," said the
gnrryluus bnrher, "improvers by lay-
ing it nwny for a time." "'Phot be-
ing the case," rejoined the victim in
the chair. "I'd ad Ise you to lay
the one yoil are u•.ir, (way for about
two thousand years,"
"Are you fond of (het moustache
you aro wearing?" "Well, 1 didn't
like It eery well at first; but it's the
sort of tiring that grows on ono, you
A joy unshared is always short
Meking,a life is greater than mak-
ing a lit ing.
Peace on earth waits for the peace
from heaven.
There will he good will in all when
God's t'111 is over all.
you vanouttouch wren as long as
you think of thecal as masses.
The noun who suspects everybody
is surely u suspicious character.
Itunnirog in old ruts only be more
risky than blazing new trail..
The tuan who sows nothing always
reaps something a good deal worse.
Von cunt expect a nickle's hurts
of religion to last you over Monday.
The flowers on the streets of heav-
en are the transplaeted sorroes of
It is easy 10 preach on the benefits
of walking when you aro in the band
They who really pray for the poor
find thenis.'lvee saying Amen at their
There's something wrong about a
man's piety when it provokes others
to profanity.
When n man thinks ho has a cinch
on sin be is apt to lind that the hal-
ter is on him.
You never know how niuch religion
you have until some ono treads on
your best corn.
Our biggest, blackest troubles aro
often only the locomotive drawing
our richest treasure tr
It till take a lot of nerve for sumo
Christians to stand up and look over
their lives at, last and hear the judge
say: "Well (lone, good and faithful
TIEF. OPEN -Alit 'l'itEA'1'MENT.
The advantages of the open-air
t.reatnu'nt for consumptives may bo
thus briefly summarised: The patient
exposed cont.inuoasly to fresh air
gains in appetite, assimilates his
food better, sl_eps more soundly and
awakens more refreshed, writes Dr.
II. W. (1, Mackenzie. I''ree exposure
to air is tho best antipyrotic. Sweat-
ing at night, formerly so common a
syutptom, usually causes. Colds aro
practically unknown among patients
leading an open-air life. Secondary
infect' . un account of the compara-
tive freedom of the air from micro-
organisms, is much less likely to oc-
cur. Tolerance of outside air is very
quickly established, and no one who
has tried the open-air life will wil-
lingly go back to the former condi-
tions of stultiness. I have never
seen any one made -r; nese by •exposure
to fresh air. liven during a thick
London fug patients get on better
lying In bed on a balcony or in
rooms with windows wide open and
a good lire burning than whoa at-
tempts are mode to shut out the fog
by keeping the windows shut.
Probably one of the oddest claims
ever made on n (rank is recorded as
having been made against the Na- contain no opiate or poisonous
tional Bank of ilelgium. An old se:othing stuff. These 'Tablets cure
peasant woman had laid on the Colic, indigestion, constipation, (1i -
grass a jacket containing bank -notes arrhoea, simple fever, and teething
of small denomination fur $240 In troubles. They break up refits, pre -
the pocket, and while she was at vent eretip, and bring natural sleep.
work her pet nanny-goat,ltad got at \11s. Mary hair, Escott, Ont., says:
the notes, which it had eaten. The "I have used Baby's Own Tablets
animal was killed, and the chewed with the very best results, and would
paper recovered front the stomach not be without them in tate bonne."
was submitted in support of a claim Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
for compensation, which the hank; by nail at 25 cents a box by writ -
paid after verifying the facts by ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
chemical analysis and other inquiry.' Brockville, Ont.
!THE POSTMASTER ^~ t Results from common soaps:
TELLS HIS SECRET eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years
Younger Thr His Seventy -Six
Years and He Gives the Credit
to the Great Canadian Kidney
'l'abuciutac, Cumberland Co., N.B.,
March 13 -(Special) Iloratio J.
Lee, postmaster here, is v in his
seventy-sixth year, but so bright and
healthy dues he look and so ener-
getic is lie in his movements that ho
would easily pass for ten years
"Ilow do I keep young looking,"
the postmaster says. "Well I at-
tribute it largely to my good health
and my health is mainly due to the
use of Dodd's Kidney ►'ills.
"1 first learned tho value of this
Kidney Itoutedy 801110 years ago. I
was then suffering from Kidney 'Dis-
ease. My feet and legs swelled and
1 had to rise eight cr ten times in
tate night because of urinary nary trou
bles. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills restored my health at that tine.
and I have used them at intervals
"To anyone afflicted with Kidney
Trouble I soy 'Dodd's Kidney Pills
aro all right."Try them and you
will be sure to find a benefit."
Ilelinda Brook's bashful beau, Bil-
ly Bateman, brought Belinda bright
blossomis, beautifully blended. Be-
linda blushed bewitchingly behind
Billy's bouquet. hilly being beloved
by Belinda, but being backward, Bo-
linda's burly bachelor brother Bob
bantered Billy.
Billy becoming bolder, Bob bliss-
fully beheld Beiinda's betrothal, be-
o-stowing benign brotherly blessings.
Blazing bonfires beautified llelinda's
bridal. But betimes bitter blow be-
o-tel Belinda. Relieving burglars be-_
low, Belinda bade hilly beware; but
Billy blundered. Burglars, brandish-
ing bludgeons, brutally belabored
Billy. Belinda beheld dilly's bruised,
bleeding body. Belinda, bewidowed,
bewailed beloved Billy's burial.
The little troubles that afflict chil-
dren como nithout warning, and the
careful mother should keep at hand a
medicine to relieve and cure the ail-
ments of childhood. There is no
medicine does this so speedily and
thoroughly as Ilaby's Own 'Tablets
and the another knows this me(licin
is safe, because it is guaranteed to
risk free the Oetafes Sae
The French telephone service has
just accorded to the public one of
those little amenities of civilization
which might, with ebviolts advant-
age, be extended throughout the
world. In every public office there
will henceforth be hung a white
linen handkerchief, treated with a
chemical solution, with which every
person can cleanse and disinfect the
plate or tube before using it. 'l'I►ese
handkerchiefs aro renewed daily.
Via the Chicago and North Western
Ry. every day from March lat tot
May 13th, 19G1, settlers one-way
fecond-class tickets at very low
rates from Chicago
topoints in
(Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore-
gon, Washington, California, also to
Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin-
ster, Roseland and other points in
the Kootenay District. Correspond-
ingly low rates from all points in
Canada. Write for full particulars
and folders to B. II. Bennett, Gener-
al Agent, 2 KIng St. East, Toronto,
Dr. Pillsbury -"I don't like that
cough of yours." Mr. Kiddor-'2'm
sorry, doctor; but it's the best one
I've got!"
Ns ems, Dyspepsia. Indigestion
and kindred ailments, take wings be-
fore the healing qualities of South
American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins,
of Durham, Ont., took his preacher's
advice, followed directions and was
cured permanently of the worst form
of Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia.
Ho has recommended it to others with
bratifying results. It's a great nerve
uilder. -13
Happiness is tho harvest of helpful-
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Worry never made anything -but
Lever's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is a boon to any
bome. Itedlslnfecta anti cleans at
the same time.
Mrs. De Bride -"George, do you
e really think that distance lends en-
chantment?" Mr. De Bride -"Look
here, ►Minnie, I thought we agreed
no• to speak of your mother again?"
Coffee Plays on Some.
It hardly pays to laugh before you
are certain of facts, for it lig 8011)0-
At an auction recently, when an
article was knocked down to the
higl e -t bidder, the clerk called out,
"What name, please'?" And a small
man with a small voice answered,
tinges humiliating to think of after- "It's ane."
wards. "I know it's you, but will you
"When I was a young girl I was oblige ate with your name?" said the
a lover of corer, but was sick so
Hauch the doctor told me to quit,
and I did, but after my marriage
my husband begged n,o to drink it
again, as by did not think 1t was
the coffee caused the troubles.
"So I commenced it again and
continued about six months until
my stomach commenced acting bad
and choking tut if 1 had swallowed
something tho size of an egg. One
doctor said it was neuralgia and
"Ono day l took a drive with my
husband three 1111109 in the country,
and 1 drank a cup of coffee for din-
ner. 1 thought sure I would die
before 1 got hack to town to n doc-
tor. I was drawn double in the bug-
gy, and when my husband hitched
the florae to get inn out into the
doctor's office. misery raino up In
my throat and seemed to shut guy
breath off entirely, then left all in n
flush and went to my heart. The
duct or pronounced it nervous heart
trouble, and when 1 got home I was
so weak 1 could not sit. up.
"Aly husband brought my supper
to my bedside with a nice cup of
hot coffee, but i said: 'Take that
track, dear, 1 will never drink nn -
other cup of coffee If you gave me
everything you nro worth, for it is
just killing ate.' ile end the others
laughed at me and said:
" 'The idea of ('UITeo kinin; any-
" 'Well,' 1 Paid, 'it is molting else
but coffee that is doing it.'
"in the grocery one dot' lily hits -
bend was par•ut,ded to buy it box of
Postural, with h he l,roetght li ,ne rind
idt ►
f tor ,
and :c
1 , both
t.honght hots good It was, but sail
nothing to the hired men and they
thought they hail drank 1),e until
we laughed and told them. \►'ell we
kept on with 1'ostunh and 11 was not
long before the color came bock to
Ins cheeks:, and i got stout and felt
as good as 1 ever did in niy life. 1
have no Inure stomach trouble, 'and 1
know 1 Owe It all to Poston in
pince of coffee.
"Ate hoar)• no lies goin. it gond
health nn Post 'wt. as well aea baby
and 1. and we nil thank nothing Is
loo good to any about it." Name
given by Poston% Co., Rattle Creek,
The same answer come hack in the
Parse apologizing tones, "It's tic."
(letting angry, the young roan with
the book shouted, "Supposing you
are a foundling, surely in a Christi -
nn country they called you some-
thing -Street, Brown, .Jones, Robin -
sone -we can't wait -hurry up!"
Mill the weak voice replied, "It's
At lest the auctioneer remonstrat-
ed: "Are you deaf or mad, my good
limn? 1f you can't give us your
name tho article you bought must
be put up again,"
"lined luck," was tho meek reply,
"Just because my father wasn't call-
ed Jones I Hurst lotto a table. I'll
spell uiy oriole: maybe It is a bit
misleading and personal -Mee. Me."
And the laugh was turned against
the smart auctioneer and his itnpa-
tlent clerk,
If had just eaten her home-made
bread for the first time, and was
"Darling," asked the bride, with a
joyous ensile, "of what were you
"1 was thinking," ho said slowly,
"of Santrnoa."
"it must tae n beautiful place," she
said, "but why Samoa?"
There was a far -away look in his
eyes as lie murmured:
"i read grows on trees there."
iNS'I'F:,1D 1)1.' mom'.
Housewives in Florida c v
b their
floors with oranges. in almost any
town In the orange -growing districts
women nifty be seen using the kelt
exactly ns we use soup. 'they cut
the oranges in halves, and rub tho
flat, exposed pulp on the floor. The
aril in tho oranges does the cleans-
ing, and does it well, for the boards
are as white as slow after the ap-
Dolle -"When I refused .rack, he
vowed that he would d', something
despernte." \folly -"Nonsense'. ito
prop/melt 10 me lest. night'" Dolly -
"Goodness! i hail mo idea he meant
what he said!"
• ll
(:enticmen,-'1'iteotlore Dora is, a
customer of mine, was completely
cured of rheumatism after live years
of suffering, by the judicious use of
The above facts can be verified by
writing to him, to the Parish Priest
or any of his neighbem's.
A. Coll•:, Merchant.
St. Isadore, Que., 12th May, 'Off.
Iiighre-"Do you consider it more
blessed to give than to receive?"
Wyb}-"It depends on what you
11rs. 1Vlnslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers for
their children while teething. it soothes
the child. suftens the gums, allays pain,
tures whndcollc, regulates rho stomach
and bowels, and Is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. 'Twenty -ave cents a bottle.
Sold by druggists throughout the
world. Re sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22-04
Snacks -"Did your wife's mother
treat you with silent scorn?" Jacks --
"No such luck -she just treated mo
with scorn."•
Kidney Duty. - 1t is the particular
function of the kidneys to alter out
potions which pass through them Into
the blood. 1Vhon the kldneye are dis-
eased they cannot (10 their whole duty.
and ehnuld have the help and strength
that South American Kidney Cure will
alTord in any and all forms of kidney
disorder. it relieves in 0 hours. -14
Dr. Mc\ah, of the Manchester
Royal Eye Hospital. has (Useovered
hitherto undreamt. -of perils in the
humble pipe. (living evidence in a
compensation case at the local
county court, he said he considered
the defective vision of a plaintiff was
caused, not by a blmn from a brick,
but. by "tobacco blindness." He said
that one and a half ounces of to -1
bacco a week were quite sufficientto
impair the eyesight, and he nail
known a case where a man of mid-
dle age was a sufferer from the ef-
fects of half an ounce a week.
N.e ` e \ , t
I) O IM'S 11/1
IDIi. �� SES
;Res R �K I D NAY ere i gl'01 1
wti t. jr-414,
HT S DISAorTrs ..�Cf� r(�h Ai 0 isE.
The , Refreshing Fragrance
is the comfort
w men
who have tried it.
The Flavor Is Most Delicious.
Made big enough for a big
man to work in with comfort.
Has more material in it than
any other brand of shirt in
Canada. Made on the
M.B.K. scale it requires 39%
to 42 Wards per dozen, whereas
common shirts have only 32
to 33 yards.
That's the reason why the
H.B.K. " Big" Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
tight at the neck or wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and wears
hach shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole history
of the " Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
declaration that the H.B.K.
" Big " Shirt contains 39'z
to 42 yards of material per
Sold at all dealers but only
with this brand:—
Moutreal Wianipeg Dawso■
"Let me see, a cynic is a man who
is tired of the world, is he not?"
the young student of language asked.
"No, no my child," replied the know-
ing tutor. "A cynic is a man of
whom the World is tired!"
Minard's liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Ile who dot's not glvo does not
Thalia worrying Plles 1 - One appli-
cation of I)r. Agnew's Ointment will
give you comfort. Applied every night
for three to rix nights and a curo is
effected in tho most stubborn cases of
Blind. !Reeding. or Itching files. ler.
Agnew': (Hutment cures Ec,ema and all
itching end horning skin diseases. It
acts like nlegic. 83 cents -15
Ireland's bogs contain the equiva-
lent of 5,000,000,000 torts of coal,
according to the estimate of Sir
Richard Sanhel.
Minard's Liniment for rile ever fevers
women needs the ballot to en -
her rights; she can do it with
and a handkerchief.
■To prows to yon Mae tea
Chase's Ointment is a certain
l lei and absolute euro for ear,
and every form of Itehina
binedingar d protruding piles,
he msnuraetur0" face <tnnrrntee y1. Aecres.
Imnninls in thodaily Im'ssand utak yournei3M
tory what they think of it, Yon can nee it and
fit s oar teener Tack If not cured. lino a box, a)
ell dealers or EOM A9eoN,RATMs & ('O.,Tornnto
Or. Chase's Ointment
It is twenty dears since Germany
began to build up a colonial empire,
and the not result is that, after
spending nearly $100,000,000, sho
has aoqulred more than a million
square miles of territory, with a
sparsely scattered German popula-
tion of between five and six thou-
sand souls--m,'n, women, and chil-
dren. Of the adult male population
a third are oiitolals or soldiers.
"1 manage to keep my paying -
guests longer than yon do, at any
rater/ said the firs` landlady. "oh,
1 don't know," replied the other.
"You keep them so thin that they
look longer than they really aryl'!
Dinner Sets Free
A Mer•h.tut in your oe ghb od 1,
i+ upprevirtaon of “.h trade by
giving absolutely free, the,u DINNER
11 you do not know this M:rcbant, write
0t and we will not only tell yvu who be is,
but forward you • hrnd►oma souvenir F,tEE
Tho British Canadlaa crockery Co,, Ltd.
Billings, Mont., Coleraclgy
Springs, Denver, Helen
Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt
Lake City, Utah, Nelson,
Rossland, B. C., Spokane,
Wash., Portland, Ore., Se-
attle, Wash,, Vancouver,
B. C., San Francisco, Cal.
Rates $34.25 to $44,00
Tickets on sale March 1st to
May 15th.
U_ Prime OILWhite
No real need to buy the more expensive
oils if GOOD BURNER is, used
if you want a Bio LiGIIT-T,IREE OR
The Choicest Oil Made is
For Sale by Dealers.
Dyeing Z a„Cleaning !
far Um very as rose work to the
Look too moat la yen, lame, or coed spell.
tdostrsal,Toropto, Ottawa, Quanta"
Only a , vouman is capable of arriv-
ing at a conclusion without using'
either reason or judgment.
Dr, Agnew's Cure for t ho Heart
acts directly an,t quickly, stimulates the
heart'; action, stops most acute pain,
dispels all signs of weakness. fluttering,
;inking, smothering, or palpitation.
This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship
which carries the hoart-sick patient into
the haven of radiant and perfect health
(lives relief In ure:4 acute forms of
heart disease In 80 minutes -11
"Look at Mallet Casht'r's diamonds
mother! i wonder however Fho
manages to afford such Jewellery!"
"My dear, haven't you heard that
glass has just gone down in price?"
Minard's liniment Reliever Neuralgia
Don't expectyour friends to be
Muck on your jokes if they are point-
Skin Diseases relieved in a few minutes
by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment relieves inf.tanti y, and circa
Teller, Salt Rheum. Scold Bead, f•;cze-
rnn. Ulcera, itlotchess, and sill Eruptions
of the Skin It is soothing and quiet-
ing and acts like magic In all linhy
Rumors. Irritation of the Scalp or
Rashes during teething time. as cents
a box. -7
-Mien Bragley starts tnl':ing to
the It nittgt-s makes the thirsty,"
"You mean because tae's so dry?"
"Well, no; I think it's beouuse 40
many of the statements he make.,
have to bo taken with a grain of
I The harder lou cough, the worse
the cough t ots
CureThsto t.ufla
is guaranteed to euro, If it
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
will give you youti money back.
Prices: A ('. Wafts t Co. 109
flee IOc. 11 LeRoy, N. Y.,'1 oroato, Can.
i$SuE YO. 10-05 —1`'