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Exeter Times, 1905-03-16, Page 5
To Cure a Cold in one Day . Taw Laxative Brom( Quinine Tablets. `; f °n evi'y atwN sake bens am ill psse la mow. This /rera '!,� box. 343 THE EXE1 ti R TIME S, MARCH lt;tll i:)U:►, -�' • The dose is Olic, j Of:e pill The Exeter Times ers amit ldbedtime, erI�1ZSugar-coated, , C. Ther cure •furttst A\ \1AIW II 16t1,, 1905, constipation. if,•.•A►1,•Imw' Wast your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE beautiful brows or rich black? Use tart tax ala awes= east masa ea. muss NA I AtKD1CAL General Manager McNichol, of the W. _iROwNINo. M. D., M. (1. CP. it.. denies that the company • 1111.. t.ra(tuate Victoria Uni• l'• ', any intention of acpuiring :any varsity. (ghee and ree(deuence. Laboratory, k:rlt•r. Locals Friday March 17th St. Pat rick'' Day. The children of Mr. It. S. Lerig :ire now convalescing. Mr. A. L. Vanstone, litvultford was Ayes.1 It guest of Lie brother-St-1.4w Dominion lines in Michigan as reported, but 1)r. Antos on Thursday. admits That it is planniu._ to build \lies Edith Sanders pleasantly en - e lin, from Londontbrouell Petrol- 1, tiaiucd a few friends to progres- sive whist on Friday cvcnine, last. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vu1. \'ale. of Elitnville. fell off n chair beet king her arra near the clt:.ow. Mr. Thos. Russell offers iiia very commodious brick dwelling on And- rew street for trate. Bee lel in an - other column. Mise Vera Ifewkshaw and :Mies Huston deft Alonday ,nlorniu a for their respective places of Iusin -se ,, milliners the former to Duileentien the latter to elcorefiel.l. Mr. \\-u►. Ford. of llsLor►le, w Ito last week received buck a s_vere shock from the effects of a fall from off n load of bay is now rest - DENTAL fA. KINCMAN, L. D.8. AND Dat, A. R. KINSMAN. L. 1). S. I). D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. 7e.etb extsac'od without p(p or bad atter efeets. OnIn Facen• ,uu - ol•w•k. West side of Mein Most. Exeter D.A. A9iOIRSON• (o. D. 8. leo.:. r-. L•T.T sirIC'T Honor Urethrae, of the Toronto Uulversity RoyeJ t allege of Dental Surgeons of . with honors Also Postgraduate of o s, n.1 (f I'ro.thetic Dentistry (with y�peshie mrntiou. �erythiud known w the Dental Profession ta this office. Bridge work. crowns, al• l um, gold and vuleautto plates all done in Deafest rn.uner possible. A perfectly Gee aoar..thrtIc used for painless extrac- ea to Sarnia for the purpose of securing the local business of that territory. A bill now before Par- liament is practically for the pur- pose of acquiring hueli (t charter, Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and implements \ir James Jones has received in• structions from Mr. Wrn. T. Cray• ford to sell by Public Auction at lot 11, N. E. 11., 1. sbornt, one mile north of Farquhar P. 0. on, TUESDAY. MARCH 21st, 1905 nue door -oath of Carling Bro'estore at ono o'clock p. nt., the following ing easier. no bones, Os was supposed Kieter.0,1! valuable property. - at first, beim; broken. HORSES -1 Leavy draught marc, Mrs. Jory, aged 87 years. who re - Northwest and Manitoba 10 year old, in foal to Cannongate; sides with her daughter, Mrs. \)'m. 1 heavy draught Filly, rising 2 years Penhalc lies in a precarious condi- Lands for Salo old, sired by Clan McGregor; 1 heavy tion having received _t paralytic Valuable Lands along different Linea of !Pittway. In Sections or up to I0,(C4 acres near, PRINCE ALBERT YOYKTON, HANLEY DAVILS(rs, and other important points. For particulars apply to ERNEST 1 LL10T. A ent for the i a• karchee an Valley and Man- itoba Laud ( elevauy, MON LY TO LOAN MON We ,:..... ,.:.,d ;insists funds for invest sat a ar.; ..r vplia,ru property at 'owes ales 01 • Ktie►N R CARLING Exeter. riO N t I t) LOAN. We c..• • . ,..•.,,,t of private funds to San on 1.., .n .n•r rion,(' properties at lowratee a: LA UM A' & STANBURY Rarr,ster• rwlielwre. Main St. Exeter DiCKeiON 4z ( ARLING, isarrle-er.. -o :c,tor .ie,arteS.0 nte]ancMolson Oommt..•1• nen $.suit. Et.:. Mosey tO Lean *1 ,ov.a+t' atwi of interest. orric)C:- A1? STREET, EXETER. gaxt.rr.o a. A. LEL DICKSON Tisa Usborne and Hibbert armor's Mutual Fire insur- ance Gompanu t Head Offlue, Farquhar, Ont. f 1 DIRECTORS President: -'I'. RYAN. DCnLI NP, 0. Vice -Pres.:- J. A. NFARISCII AItP.O. F. MORLEY, WIIALEN P. 0. W. H. PAsSMORE, CROMARTY P. U. WM. BUY. B0RNII0I.M 1'. 0. J. L. RCBSEI.L, Int 88EL1)Af.E P.O. Ali 1:N 1'8. J. CARMICHAEL, STAFFA. ONT. A. DUNCAN FARQUHAR, ONT. J. WILsuN. I' CLLARTON, ONT. J. 8. GILFiLLAN, LCCA\, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. {..l..y,l.}•¢•I-?s :'•t•$•i-•1••1••1•-}•1•i- i• -:-i••1•++ Notice= To Farmers and the Public in General As the spring is coining on now gather up all your (old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, * - Wool Pickings, Horse Ifair, + Old Rope, Bones, all kinds of old Iron, I3rass, Copper, Lead and Zinc, and take thein down to M.JACKSON 11 SON Maim -St. Exeter. One door south of the Metropolitan l hotel. That's where you will get the high- I est cash price for them :� lt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +:•8c•+++ :s i�11"' lAiRNi FOR SALE.- 1..9 acres, un the 'Hanle' Road adjoining Exe- ter. Ploughing is done ; t. beat in : 1a1 acres good chance to eef ccu Osla conven- ntly sit efliP'I and W ell -improved id. 1f interested more quickly.- .: it If. Harvey. Exeter P. 0., prop. SIIORTRO1t' DURHAM BULLS A7 for sale -The undersigned has for t. silo a number of up-to-date thor- ough bred Short Horn Bulla. They are of the low set, thick blocky be sold ano d choice breeding. roasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply on lit 16, con. 2, flay, or John Elder, Hensel!, P. 0. Olt S:\LE._Itesidence and A lots ..iib good stable, everything in r d replir. itesidence recently re- nted ; also n first-class well good bard,�ed ornamental tre' otpremia"• The property must Ire as the undrsiencd ien. F rlrticula1`letr, 11 mr of apply to draught Filly. rising 1 year old, sir- ed by Gallant Column ; ono heavy draught oolt, rising 1 year, sired by Pride of Glasnick ; 1 driving mare 11 years old ; 1 driving marc 7 years old. CATTLE. -2 cows with calf : one stroke on Wednesday morning from which she has not. rallied. Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnwell enter• tained ithe choir of the Presbyteri- an church to on oyster supper Thursday. A very pleasant even - farrow cow ; 3 steers rising 2 years in:. wee spent and aha thanks of old: 3 Ib -iters rising 2 years old; the choir are due Mr. .and Mrs. Sa 4 steers rising 1 year old. ►nwell for their kindness. 110G8.-1 brood sow with pig ; 10 The 'lays of March so far have youn'r pigs. alt been sunshiny- .but llicks proph- IMI'LEMENTS.-1 mower : 1 rake ; e.sics a cold wave will suddenly slip send drill. new; 1 cultivatdr ;, new : in from the northwest from about 1 single plow s(lt sleiggangltplol' cul troller odthe .ta Ih to ( give way e avlisuldcnlyut ie ex cit your druggist h;-an't it send 50e in came • stamps and it a t►1 I e o• •. arc••: . ore 1 scuffles, note; 1 set iron harrows; 1 f•annin:; mill; 1 pulper ; 1 hay and a Mrs. Ilugh Oho and .Mr. J1)y I'::r s Medi in'. n' 170'170' S.. LoutsJs. Dawkins, of Csbornc, ryas in London on Tuesday visiting Mr. A. Oke, of Seaforth, w•110 is still in t hospital Zurich in that city. Mrs. Oke reports her t Mr. :int M .3. \\'inklt- wetter, son as doing nicely, the progress of alae have '.:teen visiting relatives the disease. blood -poisoning, having I her. murine the past few months, to all appear••nee, been overcome. t left •fer f heir !••••t;: in Dakota 341 The snow and iso have considcrab-,Tuesday. Mrs. l:.atlrine ilill UC- ly melted avvay during t he past t coulpanied ihem and will remain week and Street Commissioner Ilis- with ghee* for some months. sett, wit11 his able assistants, has , Leath of ,Mr. .hacob !tattier. -On been busily engaged in openin_C up 'Tuesday, March 7th. another pio- thc main sewers, and cutting; a way neer of Hay township phased away through the snow and ice In order i►1 ti ales person et Jacob Heftier. sr., to allow- 'the surface water ao drain ' at the nae of 85 years 7 months off our streets. an 1 10 day.'. The deceased had been Mr. Jas. Armstrong of Crystal in failing health roe '.eine time be- CiUi, who has been on •a three • fore his death t be r .use of deaf lI be - mon ths' visit wit h friends here lea- i tug a general breaking up of the yes on friday morning for his hone • system. Ilehad !nide his home wilt i ers One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectora \I:.stt.r Johnny uu:l Ella Williams are en the sick List, ev hope for t heir speedy recovery. 31r. Alfred Williams intend le 'vet: tar II. • \Vest shortly. Tt1E VETERANS LAND BRANT Last \i'ednesd.Iy 1'rer„icr Whitney wag waited u}►ot► by the second big deputation deco he has t:ikon over the reins of Governmont. It was composed of 200 tnen who served on the frontier in 186'I. 1870, or in the Scali. A frl,,..0 Th.,.. ceeee to ask for the tuiti e it ion of some of the difficulties they had encountered 11 9 I in local lee- .their e1 situs ail l far some ztit :' . in Ilk' .el. S., wl•1I pisses- 1 • ••, •.• , 1.~V wi.l. 111 • -1 r tii:hi.oreetr,l t I IA)... f tit: first -llinis,er that they doctor's medicine for fl:{ f,...queiety t;u,r, int., a I,IIU and BE(-�A1..tsL--("elio 11C:krthllt' &Co., -.itatitrt'ai have a. affections of the throat, breis- a 1 It ,the buil<linr cheering for con )!t't( Chemical 1, tl)ratur on 111 most a ,fru\ ('d -1 It nti- chial tubes, and lungs, Sck. h I *I F. Whitney and his eovernment. ! ' I 1 for over 60 years. in his i.-piy Premier \\'hit:cy said BC htS15, operated by ennip'teltt. chemist-; iluiN1(•t't' we "t have used Ayer'• Cherry Pectoral I: I he hail begird little from the depute- know the colors are i)lll't', of the 1)e3[ quality, and thoroughly famllvforetrhtysnn. 71,erebm•thme-, I tion from which II: could disagree. to 1t for coughs and c•Jds, eapreian! for . , wi,il:• sires," -110). W. II. BUT MLA. 81414.A,, 4 tie had ,no desire to say any- correct. 1' unkit•d of n he policy of t hose 15c.. Me.. COO. ,. ^.sr: "^ 1 , �� A,i druggists. I-owett. • , 1 ,. ea hall pr..:t,.icti lav eOUltl, EL't,.�L �I-+,- i�li tel i1.1\ -l; a l.'011il)ii:C a;li1 tllul'i :: �;1)ly for -"] 1 tcit,' propriety, he thought, reiterate „ , t! equipped Roller Cutting shop, sup( intended l,y' their Vice_ � 1) -. t :. h., t hu dacl-a red in t ►ra 11 Ouse t ha t N i lit 0 U i! Ai J,..,..g„..,..,,,,,,,„1::,......7. deal of bad jud}-mens, 10 per cent off on all goods except Groceries We Buy from the llost Complete Wall Paper Factory in Canada t;lkc pica=t in ::;f; ...,.g'.cu ;,' . r..L' Ell buy Wall Papers flout ns. , THREE REASONS �y NY. ■e n great any rat President and maimed h\ tapable pltttel-Ii make; s; therefore c, hal hacn sh:wil in 101:11(1 the patterns are I)"1tel't and 11)t'. 1Pgisti'ati(,1( tut11111andS ... ,. thin question. 1.,. lain (,otcrn- Keep the bowels open ti..,. coo 7,1 Arlen Pills at bedtime, Just ono. last goo ni - s eevcrnl persons came forward to -i.e dh'�rnseelves to Christ and d1):' chri:;ti•prts ore rising to a larger faith. Next Sabbath Mr. 11oNair will ,..Ida:•ss a meeting for mon -only at four o'clock. He will also .hold a half hour evangelistic service in connection with iso Sab- bath school , A GUARANTEED CUB 1'O:: PILES Itching, Blind. Illeedina or pro- truding, Pilc:, 1'rugglsta refund money if 1'tzo Ointment fails o any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plir':tien r•iv's ease and real, -0.:. I. stock rack combined ; .4 cut box ; 1 lop buggy, new ; 1 open buggy ; 1 water trough : I large water tank ; 1 rope, slings :old trip chain, new ; 1 wheelbarrow ; 1 pig trough ;1 gravel box.' 1 crosscut saw ; 1 set pea guards 1 s"l team harness; 2 set single har- ness, ono new : 1 cream separator: 3 or 4 tons good timothy hay ; 500 bus- hels turnips; 160 bushels mnngolda ; a quantity of green and dry hard- wood, beach and maple. Tho above stock are all in good condition and will positively be sold without reserve as the proprietor is goine west. 'TERMS -All sums of $10 and un- der. cash ; over that amount 7 mon- ths' credit will be given on approved joint notes, 5 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts. in the West. Ile will bo accompanied his son,Jos.•p), for a number of J:\*1E5 JONES. Auctioneer. i>Y his cousin, Miss S. J. Armstrong, years. Ito '. as a kind neighbor and Por Co. Huron and Perth. vvlio expects to visit friends in \\•in- respects 1 by all who knew him. A \V\f. 'r. CRAIFOitD, Prop. nips; and .afterwards foo far lu.r ►tallier of grown-up 40114 a rill west into Manitoba , F3(1 BALE OR TO IIENT.- The Market Report. -The following is property on Dinslcy terrace. tato report of Exeter markets, cor- Clinton, known as the Currie pro- meted up to .Thursday, March 1611). perry, and consisting of 8 acres of Wheat 95c •to $1.0.2 per bushel land, with eight -roomed house. is of- Oats 36 to d7 cents per buslei fered for sale or to rent. M1 kinds Barley t8 to 40o per bushel. of bearing froot trees. .rust the place Peas 60 to 02 cents per hustle'. for a retired farmer or market gar- Bran $15 to $16 per ton. dencr. \V ill be sold cheap or rent- Shorts $20 per ton. e(1 o►1 reasonable terms. Fifteen or Family Flour $2.85 per cwt. twenty minute's walk front Clinton Feed flour, $1.25 per cwt. post office. Apply to D. K. Prior, Butter 20 cents per pound Clinton. Eggs 18 cents per doz Pork live weight, A5.65 per cwt. I'ork, dressed, $7.00 .per cwt. Hay 7 to 8 per ton. Potatoes $1 a bag. Farmers' Association. -On Tucsiay a very well -attended meeting of the fanners was hcl,l in the town hall under the auspices of 1 he Far - FOR SALE -8 acres on lot 20, Thames Road, Exeter Borth, On the property is a good frame house with cellar and good stable and barn, first class garden and fruit of all kinds. For further par- ticulars apply at Exeter North P. 0. H (11 SE AND LOTS FOR SALE - The .\ssocialion of South Iluron. It'd brick (rouse and four lots The epeakcrs were Mr, W. L. Smith, on Andrew street. All modern im. Smith, of 'Toronto, It. 11. McLe:ul provemeots. On •the premises is a and It. McMurdie, of Kipper). M.It- new brick stable. ,apply do THOS, tern eperialmng to 11. farmer':. hest • daughters mourn his loss. Mr. Samuel Dietz reports pros- pects in the building line very brightafar the coming season. Ile has n ready secured six big jobs and expects .a nutnber more. He has seemed :l,c .,.,,.I.•t:.uae of .1 num- ber of skill.•) workmen, and Sam prolnis(s first class work to all his customers arucefleld Court Ilrucefield I. O. F., nee on Tuesday evening last in the Forres- ter's -hall. The meeting took the foram of a f:trewell tendered to Mr. Frank O'Brien, rt much respected member of the order, who is leaving This vicinity, On \\-.•.In: slay list at the house of the bail•'- another, London Road. a vary pretty wcddin r .. 1s solemnized, when Miss Mary Emnt'i lturdrre be- came the bride of Uoug:ald Fothc•r- inglintn, a well known and popular young farmer of Tuckersmith. ]rev. N:. 11. hewers performed the cerc- itl'SS1'.LI„ }:l"I?'r}:1;. interest were discussed and (t term- mony in the presence of the rela- her of valuable suggestle►114 n1. •e tires of the eon! reeling t.Irlies. of vital import ince as to their :ur- The members of ,Bruccfield lodge independent Order of Oddfcllowa, with numerous visiting brethren, celebrated 4 h twenty-seventh an- niversary of the organization of their dod;e by it supper in their lodge room last Friday evening• THROW MEDICINES TO TltE. 1)005 URAND IRUNK Railway System Special One Wap Excursions From Exeter Cher organization and 4 heir adv:,,. - ment in legislation and of herr. i :. There Wan considerable interest manifested. The evntlaelistir. meet logs in .I:unes ct root Met hodist church in which t1).• pastor is being assisted by Evangeli..ts Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Nair. e- being •well attended and are Increasinat in intcn•st, 1 he Sab- bath ncrvices being 191CCially inter- n.)esling ani helpful. The tweeting Billings, Mont........ $34 75 for women and girls, Tuesday, eun• • ducted by Mrs. McNair was well attended on.l was very Inspiring and profitable, a similar merging Will be held! next T'ueday -at 3 r,', -lock. A Nelson, Boasland 13. (l., meeting for all masses will le con - Nelson, $40'25 ducted by Mr. and Mrs. 31cNair �/ Tlntrsday :at 3 o'clock, Subject t 1,,• Portland. Orr., Seattle, "!Leiter Life." In the ntenlings t h $42 75 `�" Wash.. Vancouver, �'ic- tonin, 13. l; • 1(ORN Cal., .. $3.20 iI•)Itti(:1 -In Biddulpll, on klatch 4 San 1'raneieco, (al., Mr. ani Mrs. ,terry Dorsey, a t .n,rhtor. Proportionately low rates to other ('1►ItNIS11.-0n 'Friday Marcl. Inch paints t • Mr. and Mrseluhn Cornish, of SI Adieu n r•nn . 11OIIFRTS-1n Lond(.n Tp., un Feb. 18th t p Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ilob- Special Settlers Trains to (•rt-• •I daughter. Nor: h West MARItIEn O'NEIL-NI'.i1. - On Werinesdsy, *larch Iat, be- Rev. .1. M. Sutcliff,', Mr. M. lent O'Neil, of London, Tp. In Miss Men he Neil, of \chilli• retry . BAf$T-1CIIA\VNZ-At C'.olborne on Fel. 22nd, by Rev. A. 1), Giechler, Mr. Christian Heist, of Crcditoa, to eines Lydia, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Michael Schwann, of Colborne. 1)IE11 COt'RSEY-t, itiddulph "on Weil - .1. 3. KNIGHT, nesday, Mtr. h 821), Mary Courcy Depot ticket agent, Exeter. aged 01 years. ('olornda s1•rings. Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont.. 0g-$39.75 den, Salt Lake ('ity, Ptah. Spokane, \Yash...... ... Tickets on Sal© From March 1st to May 15th, 1905. Special t rrin w it h Coleni"! SI, crier will leave Toronto 0t 9 p .11).. every Tuesday during M %rel. and April for Manitoba and North Wcst. 1'is_aengers travelling without Live Stock should take the Pacific Ex- press Leaving Toronto at L45 P. M. Ask your agents for full informa- tion, or address 3. 1). McDonald, Dis- trict 1'aaeonzer Agent, Toronto. For ticket!• cull on At best 1 hey are unpleasant, often useless. I -on have same disuse of the nose, throat or lungs. Doctors would call it bronchitis, net lima, or cntirrli. The common root of these disease,' is germ or microbic irrita- tion,-Catarrbozone not only de- stroys sliseasc germ, it does more, it heals diseased and inflammed tissue The disease is not only cured lint its return et forever prevented by using Cat:trrhor.one which is apleni- itl also for colds, coughs cold irri- table rri- tabl • rtiro lt. ite1ntzn er you inhale Cat trrhozone-Nature's own cure - uao no other but Cat.Irrhozone-it's the beet catarrh euro ni le. (Joshes Line, Stephen A number frotn here attended t1)• party at M. Amey's tho other night all -report a goof time. Mr. Eli Lawson intends starting for the West shortly. A shooting maptCh was hold at David ML•.whinn'y's on Friday, score Wan. Mawhinney A, Wm. Pearly 5, Rob. Macyhinn vy Geo. Mawhinney n. A'number of young people gather ed at the loam(' ofMr. Martyn one evening Hast week when quite a pleasant time was spent in playing games, etc. Mr. John Kcy: has disposed of hi' 'carting colt �to Mr. Charlie F,ilber, of Crediton, trot .i hindsome aunt . to 0)0111, having decided in the• ex's- praise from all judges. cis of their duty •to do somethinE Goods , for the veterans, should have done BECAUSE. -1111 the are made by the Complete :thir•g ,that would have been dif- 1)GUl11e Process, therefore SCCU1'lllg a perfection of t i -o llld- ferent from a worrydand n dcluern. In and topcolor printingnot obtainable in any other \\'ll \\'h.lo he believed the old govern - gent y y meat 1)34(1 the best intenli..ns in re- g•tr.t to the mat tor, himself and oth- ers had told them time and time again that they were not giving tho veterans anything but a shadow of a cleint to any 160 acres of land Speaking as a veteran he t bought it would bo a grand thing for. the vet - mine if the present government encel;t find a way by which they might bo able 4o give those entitled to it. their land clear. As a Min- ister of the Crown he hoped that i le- Government might Ir able to see its way to do that. There might he some obstacles, but they would not be obstacles of desire, ,.s far as tine Government was concerned. CHAMPION LINIMENT FOR it1IE11\IATISM Chas. 'Drake. a mail carrier at ChapinvilIe. Conn., says ; "Cha►nber- lain'n fain Balm is tiro ch'•m!•ion of all liniments. Tho past year I was troubled a great (teal with rheuma- tism in 0)y ahouldcr, After trying several cures the storek''eper hero recommended this remedy and it completely cured In'." There is no use of anyone suffering from this p:i:ttut ailment when this liniment can bo obtained for a small sum One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will proluce a permanent cure. I'or sale in Exeter. by \\'. S. Howey. Stephen Council The council of the Township of Stephen, convened in alto Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, March 6 t1), 1905, at one ,p. m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ad- opted. Finkbeiner-Anderson - That the Auditors' report be accepted. -Car - tied. Yearly -Webb -That By -Law No. 4 o' '.' ; to appoint Drainage View- ers, having (:cen reel the arc[ time he ptassed sand signed by the Reeve ar►:1 Clerk and the seal of the Cor- poration nit ached there. to. -Carried. Tho following orders were grant- ed: -Chester Prouty, gratuily,$25,00 Sun Insurance Office, insurance of hall, $11.50; Express Co., express on '1'p. surplice. 55c; Cranston Novelty Co., rubber stamps. 95C.: Merchant's Ilatlk, Com. on county rate draft, • $1.10; llenry Doyle, Auditor, $9.00; Jno ,llrokenshire. Auditor, $9.00 ;I'ol • line Booths, re•I'rovincial elections, $21.00;Ezra Heist. shovelling snow on C. road, $2.00 :1). \Vestman, con- crete dile account to date $189.95; \\'in. 'Walker, lumber, $10.8'2; J. Brown. rock -elm lumber, $171.06: yeses Gratton, error in dog tax $1.00 ; Thos. Mawhinney, rep. C. road, $9.00; D. Grigg, gravel contract. $1.80; qt. Adare, Itep. culvert, 18th con., $1.00; Advocate Printing Co-, account, $112.31. The Council adjourned to sleet attain in the Town Hall, Crediton, On April 3rd, 1905, at one p.m. when I'ath-m:asters for the different di- visions .throughout 4 h Township will he appointed. HENRY EMBER. Clerk. clay Council The Council of aim Township of limy met in the Town 11.,11 onMon- dey, March 601., All the members tt ere present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap- proved , Tito following were appointed I'ath►nasters for the year 1905:- 1 A. Cava, 2 John C::se, 1 L. Wal - per, 4 J. M. Bell. 5 A. Johnston, 611 Thompson, 7 Ily. Reynolds, 8 J. Campbell, 9 3. O'Brien, 10 M. Ed- wards, 10:t A. Ingram, 11 Cohn 12 Oliver Petty, 12: ply ivixon, 1:3 R. Cole. 14 A. \Vilfong, 15 \V. Arm- strong, 16 W. Carlisle. 17 W. Mull - holland, 18 1. Berry, lAa J. Stacey. 19 M. Gardiner, 21 E. Dimness 21a ily Deters, 22, Geo. Reichert, 23 Si• mon Stacey, 25 \Vat. Kyle, 26 Geo. Grata, 27 John Forest, 28 Thos. Farquhar, 29 Jos. \Vilfong, 30 Ch. liey, 61 I). Whit[err, 32 Isaac \Vis• ►ner. 33 11y Mauer, :31 Jac. Recker, 35 Ily. Treumner, :16 F. Krauskopf, 37 3. Koehler, A8L. \Vurm, :39 Chris. If:•chler, 40 H. Jacobi, 41 G. Oust - richer. 42 Hy. !locker, 43 Geo. Gabel, 41 C. Oswald, 45 IL Ging(?rich, 46 J. Erb, 47 J. Kuntz, 48 Wm. Roeder, 49 B. Sunnis, 49a D. Surerua, 50 J. Gasoho, 51 L. Kipper, 52 W. Dawson. 53 J. Platt, 54 J .Howald, 54a Ily. Kalbfioisch, 55 A. Brisson, 56 E. Denomie, 57 Jas. Overholt, 58 W. Jennison, 59 A. Hendrick, 60 1'h. Schad.•+, 61 And. Turnbull, 63 Jas. Cochrane. 61 Clue. Troyer, 67 John Thompson, 68 John Loalie, 69 11y. Holtz, 70 A. Hooper, 72 Wm. 1'Iaff, 73 Seth Brown, 71 John Snell, 77 Bich Baker, if+ John Willett. 79 Con. \Valper, 79.1 \V. E .Turnbnil. Road Commissioners -1. (*ongo; Road -.la-. Green J. Geiger, Casper ltochrig. 2. -North Boundary - C Troyer, 1'eter Meeker. 3. - South Beun•15ry-J. Ilrod:reek, ,1. Hchroe• tier . LASTLY. -ANI Wail tapers, Ceilings and Bordet ings are direct from the factory to our pigeon hole. NO MIDDLE MANS PROFIT Wall Papers from 3 cents single roll to our very best, 25c. a single roll. 10 per cent off on all goods except Groceries Nairn's Lir.e!ei. ars and ':! troths 1 yard wide 25c, 2 yards wide 50c and $1 a yard, 4 yards wide, Nairn's nest quality $2.25. CARPETS! CARPETS! Best hemp Carpets 20 and 2.w. a yard. Best 'I'apestrvs, 50. 40. 75c, $1.00. Best Wools and Cltiul)S 30.3,) 40, :,0, i:,, :):►l: at yd. Don' forget our to per cent. discount Popiestone & Gardiller Silver Coupons are good and are given to 31Lt Mardi. round Keepers. -J. Patterson It. Thompson, J. Decher, J. I'. Rau, A. Thompson, I). Spencer, T. Turnbull Wm. Snell, W. Beaver . Fence \'hewers. -Wm. Russell, w. Chapman, \Vm. Caldwill, 11. S. Phil- lips, Jas. Cochrane, J. Haberer, J. lacy, 1). Sararas, Geo. Edighoffer, W. Ruby. Wm. Snider and W. Roeder, and that -a By -Law be passed con- firming the several appointments.. A number of accounts were order- ed to be paid . The Council adjourned to meet again at dile call of the Hee ve. F. HESS, Sr., Clerk. Health of Canadian Women A Subject Much Discussed at Women's Clubs The Future of a Country Depends on Health of Its Women. At alarge StateAasembly of Mothers a prominent New York doctor told the 500tvomen present that healthy Cana- dian women were so rare as to be almost extinct. This scents to be a seceping• state- ment of the condition of Canadian women. Yet how many do you know who are perfectl7 well and do not have some trouble arising from a derange- ment of the female organism which manifests itself in headaches, back- aches, nervousness, that bearing -down feeling, painful or irregular menstrua- tion, leucorrh,ra, displacement of the uterus, ovarian trouble, indigestion or sleeplessness ? There is a tried and true remedy for all these ailments. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound has restored more Canadian women to health than all other tome- struation, weakness, leucorrhtea, dial, dies in the world. it regulates, placement or ulceration of the womb, atrengthens and cures diseases of the that bearing•dnwn feeling, lnflamma+ tion of t1'41 ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatulency). general debility. indi- gestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptorns as dizziness faintness, lassitude, excitability, irrll tability, nervousness sleepleeaness, melancholy, "all-gouc" and "wanteto- be-left-alone" feelings, blues, and hopE- lessness, they should remember thr. e is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. i'inkhnrree Vegetable Compound. A light heart. a cheerful conntenanee, and all the charms of grace and besot are dependent upou proper action of tb bodily orient,. You cannot look wel entree you fee' .sell Mrs.l'iuklia)n invites all sink women to write her for advice, Her advice and medicine have restored thousands (6 health. Address. Lynn, Maas. Lyda E. Plekbases Veletalis Cslltbtaad &nods Mars Mitten Pall so much better that I kept on the treatment and it male mo a strong and well woman. The few dollars I spent for the medicine can- not hcgin to pay what it was worth to me." Miss Helena McKinnon of Sand Bay, Ont., writes: Dear Mrs. Ph l am:- " I consider ydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetabl}e� Compound the best medicine in the world for a woman sick and weak from exhaustion. Irregularities and overwork. 1 have found from personal experience that it is all and more than it is recommended to t.e. I only wish that every sick woman would try it, for it cured me of suppre3ee.t menstruation and Irregularity, and has cured many of my friends of the same difficulty, in fart an wlvo have toed it have nothing but goo! to say of (ts efficacy. Plea,te swept 0 8rateful woman's thanks for all it hissrrromphshe.l in my case.' \\'hen women aro troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful men - female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been curing the worst form; of female com- plaints. Such testimony as the following should be convincing. Mrs. Anna McKay of 326 Spadins Avenue, Toronto, Ont.. writes: Phar Mrs. Pinkham:- Being a soother of Ave children, I bad bad experience with the general troubles of my sees. i was iacersted when one of my children was born, and from that hour I date all of my aMi-tions I found that within a few months my health was impaire.l, i had female weakness and serious inflammation and frequent flooding. I became weak and dizzy, but kept on my feet, dragging through my work without life or plenum,. A neigh- bor et hbor who had bean baked by taking Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound Insisted that I take at least one bottle. I did mo and felt •